Belgazprombank loan quick money. Loans for consumer needs at Belgazprombank

Belgazprombank is one of the commercial banks of the Republic of Belarus, the main stake of which belongs to the Russian Gazprom and Gazprombank. You can get loans for consumer needs from Belgazprombank using one of three programs.

What are the features of each proposal, and what requirements must the applicant satisfy?

Loans for consumer needs for Belgazprombank clients

Three programs - three different proposals and packages of documents.

Let's look at each of them.

To participate in the program it is not necessary to be a citizen of the Republic of Belarus - it is enough to have a residence permit. Borrowers' age ranges from 21 to 60 years. To receive borrowed funds, a mandatory condition is to have more than 3 months of work experience at your current place of work.

Using this loan, you can borrow an amount of over 40 million Belarusian rubles for a period of up to 4 years. The maximum possible amount will be calculated based on the financial capabilities of the borrower. The loan rate is: Refinancing rate (22.5%) + 20.

In order to take out a more impressive loan, you can provide the bank with a car manufactured after 2004 as collateral, or secure the loan with the help of a third party guarantee.

The name speaks for itself: the loan amount is small and amounts to 30-90 million Belarusian rubles. The rate is one percentage point higher than for the previous program, calculated using the formula: Refinancing rate +21. You can take “Pocket Money” for no more than three years. The bank considers only a guarantee as collateral.

To obtain a loan for consumer needs, the Belarusian Belgaprombank imposes certain requirements on its borrowers: age 21-60 years, citizenship of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in Belarus, work experience at the last place of work of more than 3 months, availability of guarantors.

If you need money urgently, you can get it in just an hour, but the conditions will be the least favorable in comparison with other loans for consumer needs offered by Belgaprombank.

The loan offer looks like this:

— amount up to 30 million rubles;

— term - no more than two years.

Upon receipt of an “Express loan”, the bank will issue a plastic card, which can be used as a discount in the “ALMI” chain of stores.

To receive a loan, you must be a citizen of the Republic or have a residence permit in Belarus, have a work experience of at least 3 months and an income of 1.7 million Belarusian rubles. The client's age should not exceed 21-60 years.

For Russians who want to get a loan on interesting terms, we have prepared the article Consumer loan at Narodny Bank.

In 2020, Russian banks are issuing physical to individuals a consumer loan in Moscow in cash or non-cash form. All offers and conditions of financial institutions can be studied on our website. To determine where it is more profitable to apply for a loan, use the online calculator.

Conditions for obtaining loans from MSK

Loans for consumer needs in Moscow are issued under certain conditions. The agreement is drawn up upon the provision of reliable information and some documents provided for by the selected credit program.

Loan programs and conditions for individuals. persons:

  • according to 2 documents for a small amount;
  • targeted loans for the purchase of cars, real estate and other expensive items by providing a full set of documentation with confirmation of a stable income;
  • loans secured by property;
  • refinancing (to pay off other debts);
  • consumer loan in MSC for pensioners, students, salary clients, etc.

Requirements and documents

Each consumer lending program provides certain conditions for the execution of an agreement. A client who wants to quickly borrow money for any purpose needs to write an application, indicate personal data and provide the bank with the original documents according to the list.

Basic requirements of creditors:

  • passport with registration;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • borrower's age – from 18-23 to 80 years inclusive;
  • client's solvency.

Consumer loans from Moscow banks

  1. select a bank and click the “apply” button;
  2. the system will take you to a new page where you need to carefully study the lender’s terms and conditions and fill out an electronic form following simple prompts;
  3. Next, we send the completed application in one click and wait for the bank’s decision.

Money can be received in cash or by bank transfer on the day of application.

Where else can I get a loan from MSC?

Clients who have received a refusal from the bank, as well as citizens with a bad credit history, can take out a loan from MFO MSC on very simple conditions. You can study all the offers of microfinance companies and apply online for a loan in Moscow right now on our website!

The prospect of obtaining a loan in the shortest possible time always attracts the attention of borrowers, and banks, in turn, try to offer the most profitable loan product for them, which can be obtained literally in a matter of minutes. In general, in fact, consumer loans are always in good demand, for the simple reason that funds can be used to fulfill personal needs, without having to report to the bank for the funds spent. Belgazprombank occupies not the last place in the ranking of Belarusian banks; loans for consumer needs can be issued here in a short time, let’s see under what conditions.

Fast money

This is the most attractive loan product for borrowers, because the name of the financial offer speaks for itself. You can get a loan in a short time; on average, a decision on your application is made within the next 24 hours. According to the terms of this offer, the maximum loan amount reaches 10,000 Belarusian rubles, the loan term is up to 36 months, the annual interest rate is 18.2%.

The peculiarity of a consumer loan is that it is issued to a bank card account in the form of a revolving credit line. No collateral or guarantee will be required for the loan program. The bank offers clients a penalty as collateral. For each borrower, the bank individually determines the maximum loan amount, depending on its creditworthiness.

As part of this loan program, the borrower will be required to provide a complete list of documents, in particular, there are a number of requirements for him: age - from 18 to 64 years, salary certificate for the last three months, permanent registration in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The borrower can be an individual entrepreneur whose period of activity is at least 6 months.

Please note that a Quick Money loan from Belgazprombank is not currently available.

Consumer loan to a bank card

Indeed, a Bystrodengi loan is a rather advantageous offer for a potential borrower, but the problem is that the bank does not currently issue the card. But here there is an alternative offer - this is a Purchase Card, in fact, here a consumer loan is issued to a bank card account with a revolving credit line; borrowed funds can only be used to pay for goods and services.

A shopping card provides the opportunity to pay for goods and services from bank partners and not pay interest. That is, in essence, the client receives installments for a period of 1 to 18 months when paying for any goods. Its cost is divided into equal parts for a certain period and is included in the amount of the monthly payment. The following conditions apply to this card:

  • the maximum limit is calculated individually for each client, but not more than 10,000 rubles;
  • overpayment on the loan, as well as a down payment from the client will not be required;
  • Using the card you can pay for goods and services from bank partners;
  • there is no fee for releasing plastic;
  • free annual service;
  • in case of violation of the terms of the installment plan, the annual interest is 69% per year.

Documents from the borrower will require a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus and a salary certificate, but only if he is a salary client of the bank and the card limit exceeds 2,000 Belarusian rubles. No guarantee or other security is required. To get a card, just fill out an online application on the bank’s website at

Please note that you cannot withdraw cash from this card at Belarusbank ATMs according to the terms of service.


An overdraft is a special type of loan that is provided at a time for a short period. The service is connected to a bank debit card account. Belgazprombank offers its salary clients an overdraft service, insofar as only participants in the salary project can use it; therefore, they will not be required to provide a certificate confirming solvency.

The terms of service for this service are individual and depend on many factors, including the client’s salary. That is, the maximum overdraft amount does not exceed 3 monthly salaries, the maximum overdraft amount is 10,000 Belarusian rubles. The interest rate is equal to the refinancing rate + 4%, the maximum loan period is 360 days.

Please note that the bank writes off the overdraft payment at a time when the salary is credited to the salary card account.

Finally, it should be noted that you can only take out a consumer loan from Belgazprombank using a plastic card account. That is, the bank does not provide cash loans at the moment. However, the most advantageous offer is also the Shopping Card, which allows you to pay for goods and not pay interest; the card will be profitable only if the user follows the terms of the agreement as much as possible and does not violate payment deadlines.

Thanks to Belgazprombank, loans for consumer needs have become much more accessible to different categories of citizens. Using the services of this financial and credit organization, you can get a cash loan in the shortest possible time and without certificates. This is especially important in emergency situations.

Main programs

Belgazprombank is one of the three most reliable financial institutions in Belarus, serving not only individuals, but also corporate clients who pay salaries to an entire staff of employees. Currently, this credit institution provides the following services:

  • consumer loans for various needs;
  • development of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • salary projects for any enterprise, regardless of the size of their staff and form of ownership;
  • Berlio electronic payment service;
  • non-cash transfers almost all over the world;
  • storage of interest-bearing deposits of individuals and legal entities;
  • acquiring;
  • factoring.

One of the most popular services provided by Belgazprombank is consumer lending. It can be used not only for the acquisition of movable and immovable property, but also for many other purposes, which is very convenient.

Unlike many other financial organizations, Belgazprombank provides loans not only in national, but also in foreign currency at different interest rates. Clients can make loans or keep their savings on deposit in Belarusian and Russian rubles, as well as in US dollars and euros.

To obtain a consumer loan from Belgazprombank, you must provide the following list of documents:

  • passport confirming citizenship of the Republic of Belarus;
  • residence permit, if citizens of other countries have to contact the bank;
  • a certificate of income for the last three months before applying to a banking institution, if this condition is provided for by the selected lending program.

The borrower himself, in addition to having citizenship and permanent registration on the territory of the state, is also subject to certain requirements that are not particularly stringent. We are talking about such eligibility criteria as age from 18 to 64 years (the last limit takes into account the loan repayment period), as well as confirmed entrepreneurial activity lasting at least six months.

That is, not only individuals and legal entities, but also individual entrepreneurs can take out loans from the bank.

Another undoubted advantage is that it is possible to take out a loan from Belgazprombank without certificates or guarantors. This is especially true for unofficially employed persons or borrowers who, according to their papers, receive the minimum wage. Naturally, this will be reflected in the repayment period of the loan and its size, because in order to receive a large amount, the bank client will have to prove his solvency. The greater his official income, the better lending option the bank can offer him.

The situation could be corrected by the presence of solvent guarantors who are ready to take responsibility for repaying the loan if the borrower's insolvency is confirmed, but Belgazprombank provides another form of security - a penalty. Alternatively, you can apply for a salary card at a bank, becoming its client even before applying for a loan. In this case, the client is provided with more privileges, including increasing the loan limit or repayment period without providing proof of income.

Regardless of the program chosen, the client will not have to pay a down payment for the interest-bearing loan used. As for the programs themselves, Belgazprombank currently provides the following packages of lending services:

  • Consumer package “ON-credit”. The peculiarity of this type of service is small loans for short periods at 16.1% per annum. At the same time, funds are issued in Belarusian rubles for a period of 3 months to 3 years in the range from 100 to 10 thousand rubles.
  • Car loan. There are three programs in place for the purchase of vehicles from manufacturers such as Nissan, Skoda and Volvo. In the first two cases, you can take from 200 to 70 thousand Belarusian rubles (the loan is provided only in national currency) for a period of 3 months to one and a half years at 0.00001% per annum. When purchasing a Volvo car, the same conditions remain, except for the lower loan limit, which is 100 rubles. In this case, the vehicle itself, taken on credit, will be used as collateral.
  • Housing lending program “Soon housewarming”. It involves not only the purchase of real estate in apartment buildings, but also the refinancing of previously taken mortgages. This loan is also provided in national currency at 16.1% per annum for a period from 3 months to 20 years. It is noteworthy that the minimum loan amount is 1000 rubles, while its upper limit is determined individually, corresponding to 80% of the total value of the collateral, which is the housing property itself. There is an option to take out a mortgage without collateral for the apartment, but in this case the borrower must provide at least two solvent guarantors.
  • For the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

The last type of loan includes as many as 7 programs, and some of them involve issuance not only in Belarusian rubles, but also in other currencies when interest rates change. We are talking about the following lending programs:

  • The “Successful Start” package for beginners, which is provided in 4 currencies, including the national one. Thus, a loan in Belarusian rubles (BYN) ranges from 1,000 to 500,000 for a period of 3 months to 5 years at 10.5% per annum, in US dollars (USD) - from 1,000 to 251,000 at 6.5%, in euros ( EUR) - from 1000 to 213,000 at 6% and in Russian rubles (RUB) - from 100,000 to 15 million at 10.5%.
  • “Express loan” for a smaller amount, but subject to issuance as soon as possible. Loan size: BYN - from 100 to 49,000 from 3 months to 3 years with 15%, USD - 5,000 to 25,000 with 11.4%, EUR - from 4,200 to 21,000 with 10.9% and RUB - from 1 ruble up to 1.5 million at 15.5%.
  • “Faster than Fast” is a program that requires the provision of guarantors (no more than two). BYN - from 10,000 to 50,000 and 15%, USD - from 500 to 5,000 and 11.4%, EUR - 420 to 4,200 and 10.9% and RUB - from 308,000 to 540,000 and 14.9%.
  • “Faster than fast” for individual entrepreneurs (does not require a guarantee). BYN - from 1 to 10 thousand, USD - from 100 to 500 thousand, EUR - from 100 to 420 thousand and RUB - from 30 to 308 thousand.
  • Renewal of a loan in order to update working capital on a personal account. BYN - from 100 rubles to a million at 10.5%, USD - from 100 to 500 thousand at 6.5%, EUR - from 100 to 420 thousand at 6% and RUB - from 100 rubles to 30 million at 10, 5%.
  • Cash for updating working capital and purchasing fixed assets. BYN - from 1000 rubles for a period of 3 months to 10 years at 11.5%, USD - from 100 at 7.5%, EUR - from 100 at 7% and RUB - from 100 at 11.5%.
  • Online lending used exclusively for bank clients. Issued only in national currency in amounts from 1 to 50 thousand rubles, for a period of 2 months at 15% per annum.

The given limits are conditional in nature, since they are not constant values ​​due to the floating exchange rate. It is worth noting that to apply for any of the listed loan packages, it is not at all necessary to contact the nearest bank branch.

You can apply directly on the official page of the institution, providing some personal information. The processing time for such an application can range from several minutes to three days, depending on the requested loan amount.

Additional services

“ON-loan” can be issued within 5 minutes without visiting a Belgazprombank branch. This financial institution also provides several more convenient express self-service services.

For example, by registering his personal account on the bank’s website, a client can apply for a “Shopping Card” for small consumer needs with a limit of 10 thousand rubles. You can pay for goods with such a card without additional fees or interest payments, which is very profitable.

In addition, loans can be repaid within two years, making payments in equal shares. Interest on the use of funds on the card begins to be calculated only when the loan is overdue. The card replenishment itself is carried out either at a bank office or at the Belposhta post office. To avoid delays, the client will receive a monthly notification reminding them to repay the loan.

If you wish, you can apply for such a card at the bank itself, providing a passport or residence permit, as well as a certificate of income, if the borrower does not have a Belgazprombank salary card valid for at least 3 months.

The last requirement may be another reason to apply for a bank salary card and receive a lot of privileges. This service is called “Online Overdraft”.

If a client wants to control his loan and payments on it, then he should connect to the Belgazprombank Delay service. Early repayment, recalculation and checking of the loan balance, as well as the amount required to be deposited into the credit account for the current month - all this can be found out in a matter of seconds when you connect the Delay function. In addition, it can be used to make monthly payments according to the loan agreement.

Using an online calculator

There is another way to calculate a loan from Belgazprombank for consumer needs - an online calculator that will help you instantly select the optimal loan program for a potential borrower. We are talking about a special automated application that is capable of analyzing the entered data and providing all the necessary information about a suitable package of services, including a list of documents, interest rate and loan repayment terms.

So, you just need to enter the required amount, the desired percentage of the annual rate, currency and billing period in the empty fields so that the program can offer the corresponding or as close as possible to them lending conditions. In addition, automatic real-time calculation helps calculate the balance and monthly payments in case of partial early repayment. It also shows the client the ratio of overpayment and loan principal as a percentage.

Belgazprombank issues loans in all main areas: consumer lending, loans for the purchase of housing and cars, as well as credit cards. These areas of activity are a priority for the bank, so offers vary in terms of terms, rates, and loan amounts.

Consumer loans

Belgazprombank issues loans for consumer needs for a period of up to ten years.

In addition to regular cash loans, you can apply for an overdraft on a salary card.

The client gets access to an additional amount of funds of up to 10 thousand Belarusians. rubles, and you will pay interest (refinancing rate + 4%) only on the amount actually spent.

As for consumer lending in its pure form, it is represented by the ON-credit service. You can take up to 3 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles without certificates and guarantors.

Provided that the client receives a salary on a Belgazprombank card for at least three full months, his credit limit increases to 10 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles

Loan terms
  1. Amount of credit:
    — up to 3,000 bel. rubles - without collateral and guarantors, without income certificate;
    — up to 10,000 BYN. rubles - when receiving wages on a Belgazprombank card for at least the last 3 full months.
  2. Interest rate: refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus* + 5.95 percentage points.
  3. The credit line is valid until the expiration date of the payment card;
  4. The repayment period for each part of the loan is 36 months;
  5. Possibility of early repayment.
Minimum design requirements: ON-loan can be provided to you if:
  • You are a resident of the Republic of Belarus aged 18 to 64 years inclusive;
  • constant income from employment over the last 3 months (minus payments on existing loans) is at least 200 Belarusian rubles;
  • Your payment card must be issued at least 30 days ago.

The interest rate for both salary clients and ordinary borrowers will be the same - the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, increased by 5.95%. Since February 14, 2018 it has been 10.5%. Consequently, clients who come to apply for a loan now will receive it at an interest rate of 16.4%.

The National Bank may change the refinancing rate as a measure of influence on monetary policy, therefore, before taking out a loan from Belgazprombank, it is necessary to clarify the current refinancing rate.

Loan for home purchase

Belgazprombank issues loans for the purchase of housing under the “Housewarming Soon” program, which involves concluding agreements for the purchase or construction of apartments carried out by a limited list of developers. The list of developers is provided on the bank's official website.

The loan is issued exclusively for the purchase of new real estate and only for apartments in the houses of those developers who are partners of the bank.

A distinctive feature of this loan product from other mortgage loans is that not only the mortgage of an apartment is allowed as collateral, as is always the case with a mortgage, but also a guarantee from individuals, subject to solvency.

It is difficult to give specific figures for this loan program, since everything will be determined individually for each client. However, it is known for sure that you can only lend up to 80% of the purchased property, and the remaining 20% ​​will have to be paid in cash from your own funds as a down payment. The loan can be repaid for a total of 20 years.

Fast money

The “Fast Money” loan was especially popular at Belgazprombank, which was a consumer express loan in the amount of up to 10 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles The amount was allowed to be used for up to three years, repaying the principal debt in equal installments, and interest was paid on the balance of the principal debt. Up to 3 thousand Belarusians. The bank issued rubles without confirmation of income, and for large amounts it was necessary to confirm the level of earnings.

The loan was not issued in cash, but was transferred exclusively to the card, but money was withdrawn from ATMs without commissions.

Currently, this loan offer has been assigned archival status; new agreements on it are no longer concluded.

Requirements and documents

To receive any of the above loans, the potential borrower must be between 18 and 64 years of age and have citizenship of the Republic of Belarus.

Lending to foreign citizens who have a residence permit in Belarus is allowed.

If the borrower is an individual entrepreneur, then the minimum work experience is 6 months. Income for the last 3 months must total at least 2000 Belarusian rubles. rubles, excluding payments on other loans, if any.

From the documents you will need:

  • passport with photocopies of 31–33 pages;
  • loan application, which is filled out with the manager at the bank;
  • income certificate, if required under the terms of the loan program;
  • additional documents, a complete list of which can be found at number 120.

For example, when applying for mortgage lending, you must provide the original purchase and sale agreement or participation in shared construction if the construction of an apartment building has not yet been completed.