Remote channels of banking services (on the example of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"). DBO - remote banking service of Sberbank

In the age of high technology, a person has a great opportunity to manage funds on his account without leaving his office or home. All the necessary information can also be obtained online. For such performance of such actions, Sberbank has developed a number of systems that serve customers remotely. At the same time, the user feels as protected as possible, knows that his account cannot be hacked or personal information obtained.

Today, remote service is relevant not only for individuals, but also for corporate clients. Entrepreneurs know that all electronic payments made within the system will be confidential. Automation allows you to perform operations almost instantly.

Varieties of remote banking systems

Sberbank today offers several types of remote services:

  1. The Sberbank Business Online system itself, which allows you to prepare payments in any of the browsers and send them to the recipient. Other transactions are also possible.
  2. Special mobile application for corporate clients. It can be used by individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. At the same time, business planning, cost control and other changes in the system, and operations with your finances are available in just a couple of clicks.
  3. e-invoicing. This universal system is designed for electronic document management. It will help you to solve tasks in any place. At the same time, the size and type of activity are absolutely unimportant.
  4. Sberbank Business System. To work in it, you need to download the appropriate application to your computer.
  5. Sberbank client system that can be used to create and transfer payment orders. It allows you to find out how much money is in the account. The user can instruct Sberbank to transfer money to their deposits or accounts of other individuals and legal entities, including payroll projects. In this system, you can perform actions with foreign currency and securities. Organized the ability to communicate with Sberbank, view the archive.
  6. Voice service system. The point is to receive timely information by phone or fax 24 hours a day. At the same time, you can find out about the funds available on the accounts, the timing of loan payments and other data.

How to connect to remote banking systems?

The connection should be made by visiting the branch of Sberbank in which the cash settlement organization or individual entrepreneur takes place. Having declared your desire, it is necessary to conclude an agreement, after which the service will be provided to the client.

What are the advantages of remote systems?

The huge popularity of remote banking systems is due to a number of significant advantages over other forms of service. The most significant are the following factors:

  • a serious reduction in the funds required for the processing and further storage of documentation in paper form, due to the transfer to electronic form;
  • you can work with payment documents (their preparation, preparation and sending) in any browser when connected to the RBS;
  • without leaving your own office or even at home, work with payment documents, including receiving information about incoming payments, studying data on the status of the organization's current accounts;
  • constant access within 24 days, 7 days a week, regardless of the location of the client;
  • reduced tariffs for transactions in remote banking systems, rather than with the usual service of Sberbank of Russia;
  • a simple, understandable and structured system interface that allows you to study incoming and outgoing documentation;
  • transactions without visiting a branch of Sberbank;
  • access to a personal account in the system can have several people at once;
  • quick access not only to your personal account, but also to the reference data necessary to carry out work within the system.

Sberbank is constantly improving its systems. At the same time, special attention is paid to the convenience of customer service. Today corporate clients can:

  • send payment documents electronically to your counterparties at any time of the day;
  • to purchase currencies on more favorable terms (there is a list of offers for certain currencies);
  • perform operations on payment documents for which the operating time has ended.

Convenience of subsystem Checkout Online

Today, another interesting offer of Sberbank was the receipt of account statements through the Online Statement system. These operations can be performed in real time. This subsystem is an additional option for RBS by the Business Client system.

This system works without holidays, weekends, lunches, which is a definite plus. At the same time, statements from the personal account can be received in real time within a few seconds, after pressing just a few buttons.

The undoubted advantage is that at the same time access can be provided not only to the head of the organization, but also to a number of employees. At the same time, the owner of the company decides who to give such a right to. As a rule, accountants and personnel officers are trusted to receive such information. Some of them can become an active participant in the system and make transactions with accounts.

To enter the remote service system, you need a login and password, which are issued by the bank.

Users can easily view reports for a specific period of time, after setting the parameters. The necessary information can not only be displayed on the screen, but also printed out to be used in the work.

Features of Internet banking and mobile banking: functions, advantages, disadvantages, regulatory support. Evaluation of the functioning mechanism of remote banking in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia", a description of ongoing operations in this area.

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Remote banking channels

(on the example of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia")


1.3 Regulatory support in the field of remote

banking service

2.2 The mechanism of functioning of remote banking in PJSC

"Sberbank of Russia"

2.3 Characteristics of operations conducted by Sberbank of Russia PJSC in

remote banking system


Application list


In the process of passing the practice, it becomes possible to visually analyze a certain range of indicators of the practice base. This allows not only to consider the topic of educational practice from a theoretical point of view, but also provides an opportunity to get acquainted with practical material that relates to the chosen topic. Thus, the passage of educational practices is an important component of training.

The development of information technology has had an impact on all spheres of human life. They have also found their wide application in remote banking systems. The active introduction of remote banking systems makes banking transactions less costly for financial institutions, and banking services become easier and more accessible for the clients of these institutions.

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is the largest domestic financial institution that actively provides its customers not only with traditional banking services, but also strives to use the most modern information technologies in its service, including in the field of remote banking services.

The purpose of the study practice report is to study remote banking service channels (on the example of PJSC Sberbank of Russia);

To achieve the goal, which is set in the report on educational practice, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the concept and types of remote banking services;

Describe the features of Internet banking and mobile banking, determine their functions, advantages and disadvantages;

Consider regulatory and legal support in the field of remote banking services;

Give a general description of PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

Describe the mechanism of functioning of remote banking in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia";

Describe the operations carried out by Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the remote banking system.

The study practice report consists of an introduction, two chapters, which are divided into subparagraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The introduction provides general information, as well as the goals and objectives of the practice report.

The first chapter of the practice report is theoretical. It reveals the main aspects related to remote banking services, types of RBS, as well as legal regulation of this area of ​​banking activity.

The second chapter examines and analyzes the organization and indicators of remote banking services in PJSC Sberbank of Russia.

At the end of the practice report, the main conclusions are drawn from the results of the training practice.

The list of references contains the main legal acts and other sources that were used in writing the practice report.

The appendices contain material that is related to the issues of remote banking services at Sberbank of Russia PJSC and its indicators.

1. Theoretical aspects of remote banking

1.1 Concept and types of remote banking services

internet mobile remote banking

At the present stage of development of banking systems in various countries of the world, uninterrupted and fast processing of cash and information flows is one of the main tasks of credit organizations. In the conditions of fierce competition in the banking market, the need for the introduction of new information technologies becomes obvious. Today, a large number of commercial banks in the Russian Federation pay their attention to improving the quality of customer service while reducing costs. Currently, various types of remote banking services (RBS) are becoming more widespread among such technologies of banking services of commercial banks of the Russian Federation.

In general, RBS means the following concept: “a system for providing banking services on the basis of orders transmitted by the client remotely (that is, without a direct visit to the bank’s office), most often using computer or telephone networks.” Krivoruchko SV, Lopatin VA National payment system: structure, technologies, regulation. International experience, Russian practice. M.: KNORUS, 2013. S. 267.

RBS is based on the principle of information exchange between a bank and its client, provided that the bank provides a high level of security and confidentiality. Properly implementing and developing RBS systems, the bank improves the efficiency of its activities and expands its activities by increasing the level of sales of banking products, as well as attracting new customers by offering them new and more convenient service conditions. Also, thanks to the development of remote banking systems, credit institutions can provide their customers not only with traditional banking services sold in any bank branch, but also with new products and services that allow meeting the financial, social and other needs of customers at a completely different level.

The main direction in the development of the modern banking system is the introduction and development of RBS systems based on electronic banking (e-Banking) technologies used throughout the world. Thanks to the differentiation of financial information transfer methods, it became possible to develop a variety of technical solutions for using various communication channels in banking, in order to improve the quality and level of banking customer service, as well as minimize financial and time costs. Valentseva N. I. Banking system in the modern economy: textbook / ed. O. I. Lavrushina. M.: Yurayt, 2012. P.187.

The main possibilities of RBS are various strategies of retail business, which are based on the concept of remote banking self-service for clients. This concept lies in the fact that it is enough for a client to visit a bank branch once to conclude an agreement. Subsequently, the client has the opportunity to use the services of the bank and purchase new banking products remotely, that is, without visiting the bank's office. This process allows banks to make their products not only convenient, but also accessible to a larger number of customers, regardless of the coincidence of the geography of their location and the opening hours of bank branches.

By service subjects (client base), RBS is usually divided into two groups:

a) systems serving the corporate sector (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);

b) systems used by natural (private) persons;

Depending on the chosen communication channel by the bank client, it is customary to distinguish the following types of RBS:

a) PC-banking (PC-banking) or the "Client-Bank" system, which involves the installation of special software on the client's personal computer;

b) Internet-banking (Internet-banking), which involves the use of a Web browser installed on the client's personal computer to access banking operations;

c) Telephone banking (Phone-banking), in which the capabilities of telephones with the function of tone dialing and fax are used to manage the account;

d) Mobile banking (Mobile-banking), which involves the exchange of information between the client and the bank using either a mobile device (phone, tablet computer) via SMS messages or via mobile Internet (SMS-banking, WAP-banking, GPRS-banking);

e) Banking services through ATMs (ATM-banking) and self-service terminals.

1.2 Features of Internet banking and mobile banking: functions, advantages, disadvantages

Internet banking systems are systems designed to provide banking services to customers, providing the ability to perform all standard banking transactions via the Internet, with the exception of cash transactions. Zhukov E. F., Eriashvili N. D. Banking / 4th ed. M.: UNITI-DANA, 2014. P.659

Using the Internet banking system provides a number of advantages:

a) the client of the bank has the opportunity to control his own accounts 24 hours a day (receipt and withdrawal of funds from the account);

b) the ability to track transactions performed using the client's plastic cards;

c) fast and secure access to the services of online stores;

d) no need to install bulk software on the client's personal computer, that is, the availability of the system for the client, since there is no binding to a specific personal computer and the bank client has the opportunity to work from any device with Internet access.

From the point of view of costs for the use and operation of Internet banking systems, they are also significantly cheaper than classic Client-Bank systems, since customers do not have to have experience with special programs and do not need to have the skills to install and operate such programs, and banks are relieved of maintaining the client part of the software of remote banking systems, since technical support for Web browsers is carried out by their developers. Internet banking systems, together with their wide functionality, allow them to gain increasing popularity not only among private users, but also among small and medium-sized businesses.

Interest in Internet banking is due to the fact that this banking product has developed e-commerce. With this service, you can perform the following operations:

Make statements on your accounts, find out about the state of funds on the card, get information on deposits;

Get up-to-date information on banking products;

Apply for opening or blocking deposits, bank cards, obtaining loans, etc.

Make internal transfers to bank accounts or to accounts of other banks;

To convert funds (currency exchange);

Create templates according to which regular transfers will be carried out with maximum speed and at the time specified by the client (automatic payments).

These features associated with the use of Internet banking are common to most banks. Some financial institutions offer other options for this service. Internet banking options are expanding every year depending on the needs of customers for a particular online transaction.

Internet banking is one of the most popular services used by Internet users in Russia. Studies show that this service is more in demand among individuals, because it greatly simplifies daily transactions, and is also very convenient in its use. With its help, about 76% of users made at least one payment transaction per month.
Unfortunately, with the growing popularity of Internet banking systems, they are increasingly susceptible to misuse by intruders, which requires a constant and significant increase in the cost of banks to ensure their security. In particular, it has become more difficult for banks to control the situation on the client side, since the use of Internet banking systems is not limited to the location (location) of the client, and he, in turn, can violate the security rules for using such a system, allowing unauthorized access to his personal data by another person. Krivoruchko SV, Lopatin VA National payment system: structure, technologies, regulation. International experience, Russian practice. M.: KNORUS, 2013. P.291.

Mobile banking is the implementation by the client of managing his bank account using a mobile phone or tablet computer. As a rule, for this, a special application must be downloaded and installed on a mobile device.

In most cases, banking transactions require an Internet channel, less often transactions are carried out by sending SMS messages. It should be noted that earlier, before smartphones became widespread, it was SMS-banking that was considered the main type of Mobile banking. Currently, Mobile Banking applications are applications for Internet banking with reduced functionality, adapted to small screens of smartphones and operating systems installed in mobile devices.

Modern mobile banking is Internet banking, but with the difference that it requires a special application on a telecommunications device (mobile device), while Internet banking requires an Internet browser on a laptop or laptop. In both cases, an Internet connection is required, although some experts write that mobile banking requires a telephone connection and then SMS banking will be part of mobile banking, but at the moment of the development of electronic systems, it can be distinguished into a separate form of remote banking service - telephone banking or CMC banking. More often, Internet banking allows you to make more transactions than a mobile application, which is more of an information service. But also some banks provide customers with the opportunity to make payments and money transfers using a mobile application. Unlike Internet banking, some information can be obtained offline in mobile banking.

The US Federal Reserve defines mobile banking as something with which you can access a bank or your account. This feature is implemented on a mobile phone when a user accesses the bank's web page through an Internet browser, performs transactions via text messages, or uses a special application downloaded to a mobile device.

Modern mobile banking develops from telephone banking and emerges in 2010 based on the Apple operating system (iOS), then Google (Android) and Microsoft (Windows Mobile). It has received the greatest distribution among users in South Korea and the People's Republic of China.

The modern mobile banking service includes a wide range of services, including:

Making money transfers between your accounts, to the accounts of your bank and another bank;

Payment for various services (for example, housing and communal services, services of a mobile operator, and others);

Viewing information about the state of the account, its balance, detailing information on the movement of funds on accounts, as well as information on loans and deposits;

Ability to view information about the exchange rate, the location of ATMs, etc.

1.3 Legal and regulatory support in the field of remote banking services

The regulatory framework governing the introduction of the use of remote banking systems (RBS) in Russia is represented by the following documents:

Table 1

Legal regulation of remote banking services



Approval date, number

Key points

Legislative level

Federal Law "On the national payment


dated 06/27/2011 N 161-FZ (as amended on 07/03/2016)

Establishes the legal and organizational framework of the national payment system, regulates the procedure for the provision of payment services, including the transfer of funds, the use of electronic means of payment, the activities of the subjects of the national payment system, and also determines the requirements for the organization and functioning of payment systems, the procedure for supervision and supervision in the national payment system.

Federal Law "On Electronic Signature"

dated 04/06/2011 N 63-FZ (as amended on 07/08/2016)

Regulates relations in the field of the use of electronic signatures in civil law transactions, the provision of state and municipal services, the performance of state and municipal functions, in the performance of other legally significant actions, including in cases established by other federal laws.

Regulatory level

Regulations of the Bank of Russia “On Interregional Electronic Settlements Through the Settlement Network of the Bank of Russia”

approved Bank of Russia 06/23/1998 N 36-P) (as amended on 12/13/2001)

determines the procedure for making, accounting for and controlling interregional electronic settlements (MED) in the Bank of Russia system, as well as the main rules and conditions for including credit institutions and other legal entities that are not credit institutions (hereinafter referred to as Bank of Russia clients) serviced by the Bank of Russia settlement network units as users of the Bank of Russia interregional electronic settlements system.

Methodological level

Letter from the Bank of Russia “On the implementation of the Federal Law “On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in terms of identifying customers served using remote banking technologies (including Internet banking)”

dated 30.08.2006 N 115-T

Explains the issues of compliance with the law in terms of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in terms of identifying customers served using remote banking technologies (including Internet banking) in connection with the development of payments via the Internet.

Letter from the Bank of Russia “On the Peculiarities of Servicing Clients by Credit Institutions Using the Technology of Remote Access to a Client’s Bank Account (Including Internet Banking)”

dated 04/27/2007 N 60-T (as amended on 04/13/2016)

Explains to commercial banks the specifics of servicing clients by credit institutions using the technology of remote access to the client's bank account (including Internet banking)

Letter from the Bank of Russia “On risks in remote banking”

dated 07.12.2007 N 197-T

Recommends commercial banks to ensure that measures are taken to minimize the risks associated with possible fraud and other abuses that are possible when banks provide remote banking services to customers

2. Application of RBS on the example of Sberbank of Russia PJSC

2.1 General characteristics of PJSC Sberbank of Russia

Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" (hereinafter - Sberbank) is one of the largest banks in the country and occupies leading positions in the credit system in terms of a number of economic indicators. Today it has no equal among commercial banks in terms of the number of territorial banks, branches and agencies.

The mission of Sberbank is to meet the needs of every client, including private, corporate and public ones throughout Russia, in banking services of high quality and reliability, ensuring the stable functioning of the Russian banking system, saving household deposits and investing them in the real sector, contributing to the development of the Russian economy. Official website of PJSC Sberbank of Russia:

The share of Sberbank in the total assets of the Russian banking sector was 28.7% as of January 1, 2016; in the market of private deposits - 46%; the loan portfolio corresponded to 38.7% of all loans issued to the population.

The governing bodies of Sberbank are:

General Meeting of Shareholders;

Supervisory Board;

Bank Board.

The Management Board has been headed by the President and Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank German Gref since November 2007.

The bank's branch network includes 16 territorial banks and 17,493 divisions throughout Russia. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, and Germany.

Sberbank carries out the following banking operations:

Attraction of funds of individuals and legal entities in deposits (on demand, for a certain period);

Placement of attracted funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

Opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;

Making settlements on behalf of clients, including correspondent banks;

Collection of funds, bills of exchange, payment and settlement documents;

Cash services for individuals and legal entities;

Purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

Attracting deposits and placement of precious metals;

Issuance of bank guarantees;

Money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (except for postal orders).

Sberbank offers retail clients a wide range of banking products and services, including:


Various types of lending (consumer loans, car loans and mortgages);

bank cards;

Money transfers;

Bank insurance;

Brokerage services Belozerov S.A., Motovilov O.V. Banking: textbook, 2016. - M.: 2016. - p. 59..

Sberbank of Russia serves all groups of corporate clients. Small and medium-sized companies account for more than 32.7% of the corporate loan portfolio. The bank also offers deposits, settlement services, project, trade and export finance, cash management services and other core banking products.

Sberbank is also actively developing its Mobile Bank and Sberbank OnL@yn applications with an impressive client base of more than 25 million active users.

According to the bank's new development strategy until 2018, Sberbank plans to increase its net profit in 2018 by more than 1.8 times compared to the results of 2013 (RUB 362 billion), while the previous strategy set the goal of doubling profit. The bank also plans to increase its assets by 1.8 times, the bank plans to increase fee and commission income by 2.3 times by 2018. Return on equity (ROE) in 2018 should be 18%, cost-to-income ratio - less than 40%. Sberbank's new strategy also assumes a shift in focus to the retail segment. Thus, the bank plans to more aggressively increase its share in the retail lending market - from 38% to 42.8% by the end of 2018. In the retail deposit market, up to 46% by the end of 2018 (now it is 45.1%), Sberbank plans to reduce the number of branches from 16.5 thousand to 13-15 thousand. Sberbank's plans in the corporate lending segment, on the contrary, have become more modest. The share of the corporate lending market, according to the new version of the strategy, should increase from 32.5% to 33.2% over three years (in the previous strategy - 39.7%), and decrease from 24.7% to 24.2% in the deposit market.

Thus, today PJSC Sberbank of Russia has not only confirmed its reputation as the most reliable bank in the country, having overcome the crisis with a minimum level of losses, but also provided access to banking services to a significant number of new customers. By 2016, the bank significantly strengthened its position in priority market segments, maintaining its leading position in the retail banking market, with a share of more than 80% in the total ruble deposits of the population. The bank's position in servicing corporate clients has significantly strengthened: Sberbank's market share is about 30%, and more than 1 million legal entities are the bank's clients. Sberbank also continues to work actively on the market for internal and external government obligations and corporate securities.

In 2016, in addition to classic lending, Sberbank can offer its customers a full range of banking services. Sberbank deposit rates remain among the most profitable, while the depositors themselves are maximally protected from the theoretical loss of funds, since the financial organization of deposits is controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and has the highest degree of reliability. The most popular deposits include term, special and settlement deposits.

2.2 The mechanism of functioning of remote banking in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

Sberbank continues to improve remote service channels. During the year, the network of self-service devices, in accordance with the Strategy of Sberbank, decreased by 4,000 devices and amounted to 52,000 self-service devices with a cash withdrawal function, 34,000 without a cash withdrawal function.

The network of self-service devices has expanded with new software that provides customers with a single space to complete transactions. In these devices (more than 53,000 pieces), the client sees his transactions carried out in the Sberbank Online Internet bank, can print a confirmation check on them and repeat the payment according to the template created earlier in the Internet bank. Customer device availability increased from 93.2% to 95.1%.

The change in the number of active users of the web version of the Sberbank Online Internet Bank in general for Sberbank of Russia PJSC is presented in Appendix 5

Sberbank has released a new, market-unique version of the Sberbank Online mobile application for the Android platform. The version has a built-in protection package with anti-virus software that protects not only the application, but also the phone itself. This made it possible to provide customers with a new functionality for payments and transfers. Significant changes have been made to the design, which is built on the principles of Material Design: three-dimensional surfaces, realistic animation when touched. Focusing on the design concept from Google, Sberbank has made an application that matches the graphic style familiar to Android users.

The Sberbank Online mobile app for iPhone took first place in the ease of use rating of mobile banking apps for iPhone published by UsabilityLab.

Sberbank has updated Sberbank Online mobile applications for all platforms: iOS, Android and WinPhone. Now, to register in the application, you do not need an ATM or a web version of the Internet bank - just enter the card number and confirm authorization using the code from the SMS message. In the new version of the mobile application, you can quickly transfer money not only to a Sberbank client, but also to Visa and MasterCard cards of other Russian banks. For an instant transfer, it is enough to indicate the recipient's card number. In the expense analysis service, you can create your own expense categories and transfer completed transactions to them, which allows you to better control your daily expenses.

The change in the number of active users of the remote service system in the Yaroslavl region is presented in table 2

table 2

Number of active clients - RBS users of PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl region for 2013-2015, people

It should be noted that active clients - users of RBS systems of Sberbank of Russia PJSC are users who have made at least one transaction within a month using one or another RBS system. Clients who are actually users of RBS systems, but for some reason do not use them in these calculations are not taken into account.

Let us calculate the dynamics indicators using the example of the increase in active users of the Mobile Bank (MB) in PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl Region.

Chain absolute growth is calculated by the formula:

Changes in 2014 were:

Changes in 2015:

Calculate the chain type of growth using the formula:

Where - the value of the indicator in the current year;

The value of the indicator of the previous year.

Let us calculate the dynamics indicators using the example of the increase in active users of the Sberbank Online Internet Bank (SBOL) in PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl Region:

Conclusion: the number of active clients - users of SBOL PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" in the Yaroslavl region increased by 88,542 people. in 2014 and for 52,157 people. in 2015, which amounted to 100.19% and 29.48%, respectively.

Such a sharp increase in users over the past couple of years is characterized by the fact that SBOL began to enjoy great confidence among customers. And since 2014, there has been an expansion of the functionality for the operations performed, which allows the holders of bank cards of PJSC Sberbank of Russia to manage their deposits and cards, make transfers via the Internet, and pay for mobile communications without commission. Users have the opportunity to independently register in the system and choose a login and password to enter. To pay for services in SBOL, there are reduced commissions, when opening online deposits - increased interest rates. With the help of SBOL, you can pay for housing and communal services, the Internet, taxes (in total - more than 60 thousand service providers). Let us calculate the dynamics indicators using the example of the increase in active users of the Sberbank Online (MP) Mobile Application in PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl Region:

Conclusion: the number of active clients - users of the Sberbank Online mobile application in the Yaroslavl region increased by 27,175 people. in 2014 and by 31,762 people. in 2015, which amounted to 141.69% and 68.52% respectively.

Thus, we see that all types of RBS are gaining popularity. The population has become more trusting in this kind of service. PJSC Sberbank of Russia is rapidly developing this area of ​​activity, developing and implementing new technologies in RBS, and offering various products and services, as well as service packages optimized for a specific user.

The Sberbank Online mobile application is developing most actively, since the mobility of the RBS system is important for most users. Many clients practically stop using SBOL, moving to the Mobile application. This is due to the fact that it is much more convenient for them to use tablet computers or mobile phones with an application installed on them than to be tied to a specific personal computer.

2.3 Characteristics of operations conducted by Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the remote banking system

Operations performed through the RBS systems of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl Region are presented in Table 3

Table 3

Operations performed through the RBS systems of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl Region in 2013-2015, thousand units

Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for completed transactions through the SBOL services of Sberbank of Russia PJSC:

Conclusion: the number of transactions through the SBOL of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl region increased by 1,736 thousand units. in 2014 and 1471 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 23.45% and 15.85% respectively. Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for completed transactions through self-service devices (OS) of Sberbank of Russia PJSC:

Conclusion: the number of transactions through self-service devices of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl region increased by 213 thousand units. in 2014 and 85 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 5.95% and 2.24% respectively.

Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for completed transactions through the Sberbank Online mobile application:

Conclusion: the number of transactions through the Sberbank Online mobile application of PJSC Sberbank of Russia in the Yaroslavl region increased by 554 thousand units. in 2014 and 1212 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 41.65% and 64.33% respectively. In a separate category of transactions can be identified, transactions performed through the service auto payment (AP). Let's calculate the dynamics indicators for the AP service provided to its customers by Sberbank of Russia PJSC:

Conclusion: the number of AP transactions in PJSC Sberbank of Russia increased by 210 thousand units. in 2014 and 189 thousand units. in 2015, which amounted to 96.77% and 44.26% respectively.

Let's calculate the share of operations performed through the RBS services of Sberbank of Russia PJSC for 2015:

Graphically, these results are presented in Appendix 4

We will conduct a study on the most popular remote banking system in PJSC Sberbank of Russia. Table 6 reflects the number of transactions performed by clients - SBOL users, every month, as well as the amounts of money attributable to these types of transactions, that is, the turnover of funds from transactions performed using RBS.

Table 4

The number of transactions made through SBOL in 2015, indicating the amount of cash turnover on them

Operation share

Payment for services (TV, mobile communications, etc.)

Educational services

Payments to budgetary and non-budgetary funds

Qty. PC

Sum. thousand roubles.

Qty. PC

Sum. thousand roubles.

Qty. PC

Sum. thousand roubles.

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles


Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Quantity, pcs

Amount, thousand rubles

Let's calculate the average amount of money for 2015 attributable to each type of operations performed using SBOL.

From the calculation results, we can conclude that the most popular services in the field of Internet banking of Sberbank of Russia PJSC are payment for housing and communal services and payment for other services (mobile communications, TV, Internet, etc.). Also, the largest cash flows are made when making payments through the SBOL for housing and communal services.

However, it is worth noting that the “other transactions” category accounts for the largest amount of cash per transaction. It can be assumed that such operations include transfers of clients from their own account to the accounts of other SBOL clients. Then such an indicator is quite reasonable and reliable.


In conclusion of the study practice report, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Today, a large number of commercial banks in the Russian Federation pay their attention to improving the quality of customer service while reducing costs. Currently, various types of remote banking services (RBS) are becoming more widespread among such technologies of banking services of commercial banks of the Russian Federation.

The concept of RBS can be considered from different points of view: from such a narrow concept as the provision of specific banking services by a credit institution using software and hardware to a wide segment of the banking market.

In general, RBS means the following concept: “a system for providing banking services on the basis of orders transmitted by the client remotely (that is, without a direct visit to the bank’s office), most often using computer or telephone networks.”

Remote types of banking services are actively developing from year to year. First of all, this is due to the development of the Internet, in which there are more and more active users.

The most popular types of remote banking services, for which the rates are growing every year, are Internet banking and mobile banking.

The practice report also examined the regulatory framework on the basis of which remote banking in the Russian Federation is regulated.

The basis for the practice report was Sberbank of Russia PJSC. This financial institution in all respects is the leading financial institution in the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the bank is large and has long earned the trust of its customers, it is actively introducing new services for the population. The bank also assigns an important role in the direction of its development to the expansion of remote types of banking services.

For example, Sberbank recently updated the Sberbank Online mobile applications for all platforms: iOS, Android and WinPhone. Now, to register in the application, you do not need an ATM or a web version of the Internet bank - just enter the card number and confirm authorization using the code from the SMS message. In the new version of the mobile application, you can quickly transfer money not only to a Sberbank client, but also to Visa and MasterCard cards of other Russian banks. For an instant transfer, it is enough to indicate the recipient's card number. In the expense analysis service, you can create your own expense categories and transfer completed transactions to them, which allows you to better control your daily expenses.

The most popular services in the field of Internet banking of Sberbank of Russia PJSC are payment for housing and communal services and payment for other services (mobile communications, TV, Internet, etc.). Also, the largest cash flows are made when making payments through the SBOL for housing and communal services.

At the moment, this industry is very well developed in Sberbank of Russia PJSC. Many SBOL users connect AP, that is, they do not even have to submit a monthly application for payment for a particular service. The banking system itself reads the data left by the user in the SBOL and sends an application for payment within the specified time. The user can both confirm this request and reject it. The Bank is not entitled to debit funds from the client's account without his confirmation (consent).

List of used literature

I. Normative legal acts

1. Federal Law "On the National Payment System" dated June 27, 2011 N 161-FZ (current version, 2016)

2. Federal Law "On Electronic Signature" dated April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ (current version, 2016)

3. "Regulations on interregional electronic settlements carried out through the settlement network of the Bank of Russia" (approved by the Bank of Russia on June 23, 1998 N 36-P) (as amended on December 13, 2001)

4. Letter of the Bank of Russia No. 115-T dated August 30, 2006 "On the Implementation of the Federal Law "On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism" in Part of the Identification of Clients Serviced Using Remote Banking Technologies (including Internet Banking)"

5. Bank of Russia Letter No. 60-T dated April 27, 2007 (as amended on April 13, 2016) "On the Peculiarities of Servicing Clients by Credit Institutions Using the Technology of Remote Access to a Client's Bank Account (Including Internet Banking)"

6. Letter of the Bank of Russia No. 197-T dated 07.12.2007 "On Risks in Remote Banking Services"

II. Special literature

7. Belozerov S.A., Motovilov O.V. Banking: textbook, 2016. - M.: 2016.

8. Valentseva N. I. Banking system in the modern economy: textbook / ed. O. I. Lavrushina. Moscow: Yurayt, 2012.

9. Zhukov E. F., Eriashvili N. D. Banking / 4th ed. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2014.

10. Zabrodskaya K.A. Fundamentals of the development of remote banking / K. A. Zabrodskaya // Finance, - 2012. - No. 7. - P. 59-64.

11. Ilyina T. G. Types and methods of financial and monetary regulation of the economy in modern conditions / T. G. Ilyina // Problems of accounting and finance, - 2015. - No. 1. P. 43-49 41.

12. Karpov A. V. Analysis of the policy pursued by the Bank of Russia in the framework of the development of the payment system of the Russian Federation / A. V. Karpov, E. V. Mazikova. // Young scientist, - 2014. - No. 20. - P. 282-284.

13. Krivoruchko S. V., Lopatin V. A. National payment system: structure, technology, regulation. International experience, Russian practice. M.: KNORUS, 2013.

14. Sologubov A. S. Banking activity: services / A. S. Sologubov // Banking services, - 2014. - No. 9. - P. 25-27

III. Electronic media

15. Official website of PJSC Sberbank of Russia:

Annex 1

Limits on transactions in Sberbank Online mobile applications

Operations performed in mobile applications of the Sberbank Online system without confirmation in the Sberbank Contact Center, as well as within templates not confirmed in the Sberbank Contact Center

Limit size

Payments to beneficiaries (except for those indicated in group 2), transfers to accounts of other clients, as well as transfers from bank card accounts of a client to bank card accounts of Sberbank of Russia PJSC of other clients

no more than 100,000 rubles.

Payments to beneficiaries:

Tele2 and payment for any other mobile phones


Intellect Money>

Money Mail and payment of any other electronic wallets

Transfers to cards of other banks by card number

Payments to beneficiaries, transfers to the accounts of other clients, and transfers from the client’s bank card accounts to the bank card accounts of Sberbank of Russia PJSC of other clients, made in any of the Sberbank Online channels (web version, mobile app, social media application, and access to your personal account through self-service devices) with confirmation in the Sberbank Contact Center, as well as within the templates previously confirmed in the Sberbank Contact Center (daily cumulative protective limit).

no more than 500,000 rubles.

Annex 2

Limits on operations in the Sberbank Online system

Operations performed in the Sberbank Online system with beta confirmation in the Sberbank Contact Center, as well as within templates not confirmed in the Sberbank Contact Center

Limit temp.

Payments to beneficiaries (with the exception of those specified in group 2), transfers to accounts of other clients, as well as transfers from bank card accounts of a client to bank card accounts of Sberbank of Russia PJSC of other clients.

no more than 100,000 rubles.

Payments to beneficiaries:

a) Beeline;

b) Megaphone;

d) Tele2 and payment for any other mobile phones;

e) Yandex.Money;

i) Intellect Money;

k) MoneyMail and payment of any other electronic wallets; l) Transfers to cards of other banks by card number.

no more than 10,000 rubles.

Group 3 (contribution - social card)

Transfers from client deposits to bank social cards of a client of Sberbank of Russia PJSC.

1000 000 rub.

no more than 2 operations

Group 4 (conversion transactions)

Transfers from the client's accounts, as well as transfers from the accounts of the client's bank cards to their accounts and the accounts of other clients of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in different currencies of Russia" in foreign currencies.

no more than 100 operations*

Payments to beneficiaries, transfers to the accounts of other clients, and transfers from the client’s bank card accounts to the bank card accounts of Sberbank of Russia of other clients, made in any of the Sberbank Online channels (web version, mobile application, social media application, and access to your personal account through self-service devices) with confirmation in the Sberbank Contact Center, as well as within the templates previously confirmed in the Sberbank Contact Center (daily cumulative gradient limit).

no more than 500,000 rubles.

Operations performed in the Sberbank Online system without confirmation in the Sberbank Contact Center, as well as within templates not confirmed in the Sberbank Contact Center

Limit size

Transactions made in the Sberbank Online system and confirmed by an SMS password without verification for changing the client's SIM card (limit for IMSI).

no more than 80,000 rubles

For operations confirmed by a one-time password received through a self-service device (check password).

no more than 3,000 rubles.

Annex 3

Limits on operations in Mobile Banking

the name of the operation

Limit size

Payment for a phone registered in your "Mobile Bank"

No more than 3,000 rubles. per day

Payment for arbitrary mobile phone numbers (beta SMS templates)

No more than 1,500 rubles. per day

Transfer of funds to the beneficiary's bank card account, identified by the phone number registered in the Mobile Bank (without SMS templates)

No more than 8,000 rubles. per day

No more than 10 transactions per day

Payment for the benefit of any organization within the framework of the "Mobile Bank" service

At least 10 rubles. one payment

No more than 10,000 rubles. per day for each organization

Transfer between the Bank's cards within the framework of the "Mobile Bank" service

No more than 100,000 rubles / 4,000 US dollars / 3,000 euros per day

Appendix 4

The structure of operations performed through the RBS systems of Sberbank of Russia PJSC in the Yaroslavl Region as of January 1, 2016

Appendix 5

Number of active users of the Sberbank Online web version

Hosted on

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More and more customers are using various bank services. Few people thought that most of them can be obtained without leaving home. Sberbank RBS will provide timely payment of regular monthly payments, money transfers to any accounts, as well as other popular products in just one click.

Remote banking service in Sberbank

To appreciate all the possibilities and advantages of remote banking services, you need to become a client of Sberbank.

System characteristic

Any money transfers can be received on the issued account - salary, pension payments, or you can make any amounts yourself. To gain access to the system, you must register. You can do this at any branch of Sberbank. With the help of DBO, you can perform the following operations:

The listed services are the most popular. No commission is charged for paying utility bills. For money transfers, a commission is charged depending on the size of the transfer.

RBS features

The remote maintenance service is provided free of charge. Any financial transactions are completely safe. For each operation, a one-time password is generated, which is sent to the client's associated mobile phone number.

Additional options for using the RBS system are listed below.

  • For maximum ease of use, you can use the Mobile Bank service, where all the necessary actions are carried out directly from your smartphone or tablet. To avoid unforeseen situations, it is not recommended to leave the gadget unattended.
  • Each completed operation (withdrawal, replenishment, transfer, etc.) is duplicated in the form of an SMS message indicating the time, place and amount of the operation. For the activated SMS notification service, a commission is charged monthly, at least 30 rubles.
  • Using RBS, customers can apply for a loan and arrange it on preferential terms, with a minimum package of documents and terms for consideration of the application. There are also preferential conditions for opening a deposit online in the form of an increased interest rate. Making a deposit is quite simple - you need to select a deposit program and transfer the desired amount.

Favorable tariffs for services in the RBS system are provided both for organizations and legal entities, as well as for private clients.

Benefits of online services

Remote banking service allows you to quickly perform almost any financial transaction without visiting the bank and filling out payment orders.

Using the Personal Account, you can make any payment by confirming the details and indicating the amount of the payment. Funds are credited to the account instantly, and you can make an operation at any time - the service is available around the clock.

Provided remote service for small and medium businesses. The advantage is that you no longer need to prepare and store documents in paper form. The system automatically generates and sends the necessary payment orders.

In addition, on RBS, Sberbank for business is much lower than with standard banking services. Round-the-clock access to the service and the possibility of its use by several users at once eliminate the need to visit the bank.

Online banking systems for business

RBS for business is available after a contract for such service is concluded. Currently, there is no need to sign a lot of documents for this. It is enough to conclude a Design Agreement between a legal entity and Sberbank.

Sberbank Business

RBS on the Sberbank business system can occur by installing a special application on the client side.

There is round-the-clock support for those customers who use this system for the first time. Therefore, the installation of the system is no inconvenience, but on the contrary, it will make the system of settlements and doing business easier.

The RBS system for business has introduced a new feature for use. Now you can check your counterparties before making a deal directly through the remote system. With this check, you can always install if necessary:

  • General information about the company in question;
  • At what level are its financial indicators;
  • Are there any obligations resolved by the Arbitration Proceedings;
  • Does the organization have a license and is it bankrupt.

It is important that before performing any action, you can be consulted by a specialist via chat. Issues are resolved online with the technical capability of your mobile device.


E-invoicing is a special system that simplifies the transfer of documents between the bank and counterparties with your participation. Employees can send documents remotely.

Documents sent through the system remotely may have a signature that you are entitled to receive when using this system. The electronic form of the signature can be in the form of:

  • USB token;
  • cloud signature.

Electronic reporting can be sent to organizations such as the Pension Fund, the Federal Tax Service, the FSS, Rosstat.

For documents sent to you by your partners, verification of the reliability of the data provided is also available. An electronic signature, which is used when working with documents through this system, is issued free of charge.

Remote service for individuals

For private clients, Sberbank offers to use online remote banking services that will greatly simplify your life in terms of competent distribution and management of finances. Sberbank Online and Mobile Bank are always at hand. It is enough to enter your login and password to enter your Personal Account, which accumulates all information on your deposits, accounts, loans. Let's note the most important features of the remote banking system for individuals.

Sberbank Online

Initial registration in the system occurs by indicating the number of your valid Sberbank card. If you have not previously concluded an agreement for remote banking at a bank branch, then you can independently expand the functionality of the system. In your Personal Account, you can save templates for regular and recurring payments, as well as be aware of financial information related to the exchange rate.

The remote banking system for individuals involves the provision of information about the bank's pre-approved offers for existing customers. You can see this data in the corresponding tab, for example, Credits.

All transactions made in Sberbank Online are carried out only after you personally confirm it by indicating a five-digit security code from an SMS message.

Mobile bank

The phone can be not only a means of entertainment, but also a financial assistant. In addition, Sberbank offers to install an Internet banking mobile application with a special Financial Assistant service. It will help you save up for a vacation or purchase a purchase in such a way that your family budget is not ruined.

What can Mobile Banking help you do:

  • Become a contributor. The account can be opened without visiting the bank directly by the client.
  • Get a loan. The pre-approved offers will be reflected on your screen, you will only have to fill out an application.
  • Transfer money between your own accounts, one bank or to a card or account in another bank.
  • Top up the phone, knowing only its number.

It is important that with the connected Mobile Bank you will be constantly aware of the movement of your funds. Money receipts, debits, payment for services, entrance to Sberbank Online - your every step will be duplicated by sending an SMS message from number 900.

All transactions are confirmed only by SMS messages that come from a well-known bank number 900.


Sberbank RBS is a convenient service for making all the necessary financial transactions anywhere at any time. A clear interface, a wide range of banking services with attractive rates make its use as comfortable and profitable as possible.

One of the steps to start a successful company is opening a current account. For these purposes, it is better to choose a reliable bank with a good reputation. In Russia, about a quarter of all registered enterprises and individual entrepreneurs have a current account with Sberbank.

Sberbank services for legal entities - client bank

Clients who have opened a current account with Sberbank have a number of privileges:

  • obtaining loans at preferential rates and in a short time;
  • conclusion of an additional contract for a salary project on preferential terms;
  • obtaining a corporate card;
  • placement of free funds at high interest on deposit accounts;
  • connecting the Sberbank business client bank remote service service, which allows you to make payments from your workplace, without visiting a bank branch.

Sberbank remote service is represented by two systems:

  1. Client bank of Sberbank of Russia(BCSB);
  2. Internet client bank Sberbank online(SBBOL)

The functionality of the programs is the same: the formation and sending of payment orders and the receipt of information from the bank in the form of letters and statements from the current account.

At the same time, the main difference between the programs is the binding of the first system to the user's workplace. Customers using the Sberbank Business Online system can control the cash flows of their current account around the world. The main thing is to have at hand a computer with Internet access, a flash drive and a mobile phone - to receive security codes via SMS.

The system of remote management of the settlement account of organizations has a number of advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Round-the-clock remote access and the ability to check the status of the current account.
  2. Preparation of payment orders takes a short time. It is possible to save standard templates of payment orders.
  3. Convenient and quick search for the desired document: by amount, counterparty name, time interval. Orders can be sorted in ascending order (from a smaller amount to a larger one) and vice versa.
  4. Sending and receiving any documents from the bank: certificates, copies of collection orders and others.
  5. Account balance control using a mobile phone.
  6. The Sberbank Business Online system has the ability to automatically upload to the accounting program 1C: Enterprise


  1. The Sberbank client program only works with a good Internet speed. In places with low speed, the ability to generate and send a payment to the bank tends to zero.
  2. The mobile phone indicated as the main one when connecting the SBBOL system must always be available. When making payment transactions, messages with secret codes are sent to it. If there is no cellular signal, the payment will not work.
  3. The SBBOL system does not work adequately with all Internet browsers.

Connecting the Sberbank system online 9443 client bank

To connect the Sberbank client bank system, you need to follow a few simple steps:

Generation of payment documents and current account statements in the Sberbank business online client bank system

To generate and send a payment order in the Client Bank system, you must:

After debiting funds from the account, the status of the order will change to "Executed".

Payment orders for paying invoices to regular suppliers do not need to be filled out anew each time. To repeat the payment, you need to select the line with the transfer of funds to this supplier in the list and click the "copy" icon. The copied order will already be filled in with the details of the recipient, and for sending it will only be necessary to enter the amount and the new purpose of the payment.

To generate a current account statement in the Sberbank Internet client bank system, you need to perform the following steps:

Sberbank client bank for corporate clients - reviews

Elena, IP 37 years old, Voronezh:

« A good system, understandable, a couple of days after the start of work, it completely figured out, especially since the bank client Sberbank received very detailed instructions. You can send multiple"payments» simultaneously.»

Igor, chief accountant, 42 years old. Saint Petersburg:

« In my opinion, they went too far with SMS passwords, which arrive with a delay, and sometimes do not arrive at all. Periodically, the system "thinks", and you have to restart it again. In general, Sberbank client bank online needs to be improved. »

Andrey, 28 years old, director:

« Payments» with a bank mark come quickly, convenient, understandable statement. And the attitude towards customers at Sberbank has recently changed for the better. Tech support is good. Many times they helped to solve the problems that arose while working with the program. I am satisfied with the work of DBO.»