What is a sketch of a credit history? How to check your credit history

Loans have become a part of the life of modern people. However, in some cases, when applying for a loan from a financial institution, a citizen receives a negative answer. In this case, the bank has the right to refuse to explain the reasons for the refusal. Among the most common, three can be identified:

  • the potential borrower has an insufficiently high level of income;
  • the citizen has a bad credit history;
  • The bank itself has temporary restrictions on work under the selected credit program.

Whatever the reason, the problem can always be solved. However, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings between a potential borrower and financial institutions, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the data contained in the citizen’s credit history.

Why is it necessary to check your credit history?

As a rule, if a person does not encounter any problems when applying for a loan from a bank, then he is not interested in checking his credit history. It is worth paying close attention to the information contained in it, even if you receive a one-time loan refusal.

There is a possibility that the citizen simply does not know about the existence of facts of late repayment of loans or fraudulent activities. It may happen that as a result of erroneous actions by bank employees or a software failure, negative information appears in a citizen’s credit history (and it may not be true).

In order to promptly identify the presence of such facts and try to correct them, you should periodically check your credit history. It should be borne in mind that once a year any citizen can obtain a credit report absolutely free of charge.

Currently, the list of the largest bank accounts in Russia, which store more than 80% of all credit histories of Russians, is as follows:

  • National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI). Most Russian banks transmit information to this bureau.
  • Equifax. Just like NBCI, it is the most popular bureau in the country.
  • United Credit Bureau (UCB). This is a subsidiary bureau of Sberbank and therefore if you need to check your credit history specifically for Sberbank loans, it is better to contact this bureau first.
  • BKI "Russian Standard". Subsidiary bureau of Russian Standard Bank. All information on Russian Standard loans can be guaranteed to be checked in this BKI. For loans from some other banks, information may not be available.

TOP 5 ways to find out your credit history

There are different ways to obtain a credit report. When choosing the best option, it is worth considering the fact that information about the same citizen can be stored in several credit history bureaus at the same time. However, the data in each of them may be different.

Therefore, for a citizen who has previously taken out loans, it is advisable to first find out which bureau stores information about him. To do this, you will need to go to the central directory of the credit history bureau, which can be done through the website of the Central Bank. Here, in addition to your passport data, you must indicate the code of the subject of your credit history, which was assigned when you first applied for a loan. If such a code is unknown to the citizen, you can update the code or install it again by writing an application to the bank where you currently have a loan or where you previously had one.

There are 5 best ways to check your credit history. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1. Contact the Credit Bureau directly

If you know where the information is stored, it is best to contact the relevant bureau directly. You can do this in several ways:

  • personal visit to the office;
  • sending a telegram to the bureau address;
  • online, if BKI provides such an opportunity. One of the world's largest bookmakers, Equifax, provides the opportunity register a personal account on the website. After this, you can check your credit history online for the first time for free.

The credit history bureau collects, stores and processes information about borrowers. It also generates and provides credit reports at the request of individuals or financial institutions.

BKI can offer citizens the following range of services:

  1. providing reporting on the client's credit history. According to statistics, this is the most popular service, which is requested by both citizens who want to familiarize themselves with their credit report, and legal entities in order to determine the reliability and reputation of a potential borrower;
  2. if inaccuracies or erroneous information in your credit history are identified, you can challenge your credit rating;
  3. preparation of a certificate with detailed information about all bureaus that have data on the client’s credit history. It may be required if it turns out that information about a citizen’s credit history is available in several databases at the same time. Moreover, one of them may contain negative information, which does not guarantee the presence of corresponding data in all the others;
  4. Bureau employees can also assign or change a credit history number (when making such a request, you will need to provide passport data and their confirmation).

2. At the offices of BKI agent banks

You can also view your credit report through one of the banks - agents of the Credit History Bureau. These include, in particular, the following large banks: Pochta Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank, B&N Bank, VTB Bank of Moscow, and some regional banks. It is better to ask about the availability of such a service directly at the bank’s offices.

In order to obtain your credit history data, you must contact the agent bank office and submit the appropriate application. Typically, preparing a document does not take more than a quarter of an hour. Unlike BKI, representatives of agents charge a fee for preparing a story - as a rule, it is approximately 800-1300 rubles. In this case, there is no need to notarize the request.

3. In online banks

How to check your credit history online without leaving home? Many people think that it is difficult, and they are wrong. For an online check, it is enough to use the service of ordering a credit report through the Internet banks of well-known credit institutions.

Among the agent banks that provide the opportunity to order a credit report directly in the Internet bank are Sberbank and B&N Bank. For example, to check your credit history in Sberbank Online, you simply need to log in to the system and in the “Other” section, select “Credit History” and click the “Check Credit History” button. The cost of the service is 580 rubles and will be debited from your Sberbank card account.

In the personal account of B&N Bank, as in other banks, the procedure for ordering a credit report is approximately the same.

It is important to know that banks cooperate with different bank accounts. So, in Sberbank you can get information from the OKB bureau, and in B&N Bank from the NBKI.

4. Order a credit report from Euroset stores

Recently, you can check your credit history using your passport at the Euroset company. To receive such a service, a citizen needs to come to any of the salons and contact the seller. You will not need any documents other than your passport. The provision of this service is paid - the cost is 990 rubles.

In addition to providing a credit history, the company also offers a service called the Ideal Borrower. With its help, you can determine a course of action that will help improve your credit history (if it turns out to be negative). Recommendations can be generated based on the time frame within which the client needs to increase his rating and the scoring score indicated in the credit history report. For such a service you will have to pay 490 rubles.

5. AKRIN service (credit report from NBKI)

Where to find out your credit history online? You can also order the required information through a special service of the Credit Information Agency, which is the largest official representative of NBKI.

The following services can be obtained through a credit information agency:

  • Get a certificate from the Central Catalog of Credit History.
  • Set the credit history subject code.
  • Generate an express statement from NBCH.
  • Order a credit report from NBCI
  • Order a credit report from the Russian Standard credit history bureau (BRS).
  • Find out your credit and borrower scoring.
  • Dispute your credit history data with NBKI.
  • Connect SMS notifications for every change in your credit history.
  • Find out information about pledged cars.

The credit history presented in your personal account is available only to the account owner. If necessary, you can seek advice from specialists from the Credit Information Agency either via email or by phone.

The AKRIN service is ideal for those who regularly update the data contained in their credit history. Here you can subscribe to several reports at a significant discount, and also order a short extract from the NBCH, which costs only 60 rubles.

To use the services of the service, you will need to go through the stage of registration and identity confirmation once. You can pay for services in various ways, including electronic money (Webmoney, Yandex.Money) and with a bank card online.

6. Credit history assessment services

Recently, services for assessing the credit history of individuals have become especially popular. These services will literally help you get a kind of mini-statement on your credit history in just a few minutes. It contains your borrower rating and important information from your credit history (For example, are there any overdue payments, during what period were they overdue, etc.). But you won’t be able to see more detailed information, for example, which bank you have a loan from or where the overdue payments were.

The advantage of this service is its ease of obtaining and cost, which is 2-3 times lower than the cost of ordering a full credit report from BKI (approximately 300 rubles).

The most popular services are MoneyMan, My Rating, 3BKI.


Many also ask and search on the Internet how they can check their credit history by last name. The answer here is simple - it is impossible to check your credit history using your last name alone. Access to the borrower's credit history information is possible only with passport data and proof of identity.

Experts recommend periodically checking your credit score at least once a year. In this case, if inconsistencies are detected, it is possible to correct the data in a timely manner. If you need a loan for a significant amount, but there is simply no credit history, it is advisable to first create a positive history, and only after that apply to a financial institution for a loan.

By law, each bank is required to provide information about the actions of the borrower to the credit history bureau (BKI), while credit organizations are not limited in their choice and can cooperate with different bureaus. The list of information transmitted by banks to BKI is regulated by Art. 4 “Content of credit history” Federal Law No. 218-FZ. So, according to the points of this article, any credit history (CI) consists of 3 parts:

1. Title part. It contains identification data about the borrower - full name, date and place of birth, passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number, Pension Fund insurance number.

2. Main part. This part reflects all the obligations of the borrower, namely, each credit history entry contains:

  • the amount and term of the loan issued in accordance with the terms of the agreement;
  • information about all additions and changes to the loan agreement;
  • date and amount of actual repayment of the loan in full or in part;
  • data on loan repayment using collateral in the event of failure by the borrower to fulfill its obligations;
  • facts of consideration of the borrower’s case by the court and the content of the operative parts of court decisions that have entered into force:
  • any additional information regarding the loan repayment process.

In addition to the history of the occurrence and repayment of obligations, the main part also indicates the place of registration and actual place of residence of the borrower and information about state registration as an individual entrepreneur (if any).

3. Additional (closed) part contains:

  • the name of the legal entity - the source of the credit history (the bank from which the borrower received loans), its unified state registration number, OKPO code;
  • name of the legal entity or full name of the individual entrepreneur - credit history users (banks and other entities requesting your credit history), their single state registration number, INN, OKPO code, for individual entrepreneurs - passport data;
  • date of submission of the request.

You must understand that the requirements established by law set only the general structure of the information transmitted to the credit reporting agency, and the detailed composition of the credit report is developed by each bureau independently. However, from the contents of the credit history it is clear that all the most important information is reflected in its main part. It is there that data on the borrower’s existing and repaid loans, payment schedules and deviations from them (late payments) are recorded. The additional part stores the history of requests for information about the borrower, i.e. who was interested in the data from the main part of the CI and when.

Please note that in accordance with clause 13 of Article 6 “Provision of a credit report” of Federal Law No. 218-FZ, banks are not provided with an additional (closed) part of the credit history. Only the borrower, representatives of the court and the prosecutor's office can receive it.

The use of credit histories has become an integral part of the activities of lenders when monitoring the reliability of the borrower. You should know how this system works. Especially when there are many myths among those receiving credit.

1. A unified register of unreliable borrowers is maintained

One of the main misconceptions. Firstly, the totality of credit histories should not be considered a “black” list. Data on the successful completion of loans must also be stored, since a positive credit history contributes to obtaining a loan. Even the reasons for refusals to issue money accumulate. But if the bank decided to provide the necessary funds, and you did not take advantage of this opportunity, then such information will not be taken into account.

Secondly, a single register does not physically exist.

The system works as follows:

  • The lender transmits information to one of the credit history bureaus with which it has a cooperation agreement. The lender can work with several bureaus at the same time.
  • Next, some of the information goes to the Central Catalog. A corresponding structural unit exists in Cetrobank. Only an indication is transmitted that the bureau has opened a history for a specific person being credited. The composition of his relationship with the lender is not included in the catalogue.
  • If it is necessary to obtain information about a potential loan recipient, a request is made to the Central Catalog. It provides information about credit history bureaus (hereinafter referred to as BKI), in which the required information is stored in full. And from them come stories.

2. Credit history is periodically reset

Nominally this is not a myth. If within 15 years the BKI has not received new information about the borrower’s credit activity, then the bureau’s data about him is canceled. The Central Catalog receives a corresponding notification.

But you should understand:

  • Information in all other BKIs will be saved. A loan with a bad credit history will still be more difficult to obtain.
  • The period of 15 years was approved by law for a reason. There is no point in refusing the borrower for so long. If you have a bad credit history, getting a loan will be difficult, but possible. It is better to correct it with a combination of successfully repaid loans.

3. You can agree with BKI to correct the composition of your credit history

Theoretically, you can find a common language in private with anyone. In practice, this is a criminal offense. Technically, this is difficult to implement, since all BKIs are required to have a license to protect information.

If the subject of a story does not agree with its composition, then he can officially challenge it. For this purpose, the legislation provides for an appropriate procedure.

4. BKI is a division of the bank

Based on this myth, it is concluded that the bureau influences the decision to grant a loan.

BKIs must be independent legal entities. The Bank of Russia maintains their register, forms and verifies requirements for reliability and reputation. In particular, it makes sure that not one of the founders (directly or through persons affiliated with him) is unable to concentrate more than 50% of the authorized capital around himself. This also applies to state founders.

This ensures the independence of BKI from the bank.

This is not only a myth, but also complacency for those who have a bad credit history. The bureau receives information about absolutely all loans.

If the lender decides to take the borrower’s credit history, it will contain complete information about consumer loans. Regardless of the amount and term, as well as which lenders issued them - banks, microfinance organizations, etc.

6. The contents of the credit history are not available to the borrower

An obvious myth. The borrower has the right to obtain his credit history unlimited amount during a period of any length. The received data will also contain information about those who generated it and requested for review.

But the borrower will be able to take a credit history for free only once a year. You need to know that data must be provided without explanation.

7. Information is available only to those banks from which the borrower previously took out a loan

A typical misconception. Those wishing to get a loan with a bad credit history by changing banks should not hope that the previous flaws will no longer be available.

The credit history system was created precisely so that lenders have the opportunity to assess the discipline of clients applying for the first time.

8. BKIs store information about income

They don't store it. The composition of the current legislation clearly defines the set of data to be recorded. No income information is mentioned.

But next year banks will have official access to Federal Tax Service data. Moreover, the issue of access to information about the income of guarantors is currently being discussed.

And this is not an encroachment on personal data, but a systematic movement towards the formation of a sustainable credit system. The objectivity of income certificates leaves much to be desired, the number of defaults is growing - the borrowing market reacts to these phenomena.

9. You won’t be able to get a loan with a bad credit history.

There are no hopeless situations. Take targeted loans (for specific expenses controlled by the bank), provide borrowing with real guarantees and collateral, “bargain” with regional banks (they can rely more on a personal approach).

Continue to borrow correctly. A qualified banker is not interested in a bad credit history in the fairly distant past. The indicator is a series of correctly processed loans recently. Credit history allows him to obtain information about this.

10. Elimination of arrears entails the removal of mention of it in the credit history

Delays should not be allowed. Especially long-term ones. Information about 2 or more non-payments in a row within 120 calendar days is critical. Don't get your hopes up. Another myth. If such an approach were implemented, the credit history system would become ineffective.

  • Familiarize yourself with the composition of the Law “On Credit Histories” in the original (No. 218-FZ).
  • Be prepared for the fact that court and investigative authorities will have access to the history of your credit activity. The law allows this and regulates the procedure for accessing data.
  • Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to receive your own history once a year for free. By monitoring its content, you will be able to promptly challenge the information contained in it.

A credit history is a kind of business card for potential bank clients. It shows the responsibility and integrity of borrowers who want to cooperate with a credit institution.

The term “credit bureau” refers to a general database collected by bank security services to identify and reduce the risk of non-payment, or as they call it, default rate. The information collected includes past minor delinquencies, outstanding debts at the time the application was opened, and indications of a positive lending experience.

In order to get a loan from a bank, as it may seem, not much is required: a few documents and a little patience. However, sometimes the bank refuses to issue funds to a person. There may be several reasons for this. Insufficient income, existing loans and factors such as bad credit history. If everything is clear with your income level and other loans, then with your credit history it’s not entirely clear.

Credit history structure

When receiving the first loan from a credit institution, an individual or legal entity begins to build their own credit history. It is constantly replenished and supplemented.

In your credit history you can find important information such as:

  • Number of closed loans;
  • Number of existing loans;
  • Amounts of previous loans;
  • Availability of late payments;
  • Availability of facts of early repayment of the loan;
  • The length of terms on previous loans and other information.

The document must contain three parts:

  1. Title;
  2. Main;
  3. Closed (additional) part.

The title section displays information about a person or organization. For an individual, this is passport data, INN, SNILS. Information about a legal entity includes full and abbreviated name, TIN, OGRN, and other data. This information allows each borrower to be identified. Title parts have special non-repeating codes. They are called codes of the subject of the credit history - the borrower.

The main part is a detailed report of all loans that were received by a legal entity or individual. This part indicates the amount of loans received, accrued interest, and the payment procedure. It demonstrates how the borrower repaid his debts, all available timely or late payments. The main part is constantly replenished in the presence of outstanding loans. Any new event in credit life is immediately reflected in it.

The closed part contains information about credit institutions that provided loans. Data about those persons or organizations that requested this credit history and were familiarized with it is also stored here.

The title and main parts are open. The borrower himself can obtain information from them. They can also be requested by bank employees when a subject of credit history receives a new loan. Data is transmitted through special closed channels via the Internet and is maximally protected from access by third parties.

The additional part is closed for viewing. A limited number of people may receive permission to view it:

  • The borrower himself is the subject of credit history;
  • Court (judge) upon special request;
  • Preliminary investigation authorities (in some cases).

Credit history is the totality of all information about the borrower located in the credit history bureau (BKI).

The credit history also includes information about legal disputes regarding loans. In a word, absolutely everything that concerns the borrower’s relationship with his financial obligations. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that from March 1, 2015, data began to be entered into the credit history not only on credit obligations, but also data on overdue rent, alimony, cellular communications, etc.

Banking methods

The Credit History Bureau is an information base of payers of individual banking structures. Specifically, individual ones, since not all financial organizations share such information with their competitors, and there are those that rely only on the experience of their own history.

Some financial institutions use a scoring program to analyze client profiles. – this is an automatic review of the borrower’s data within a few minutes, and sometimes even instantly. Organizations that use such a system usually use only their credit history. If this is not enough, scoring redirects the request to a security department employee, who can check the history on his own and make several calls to the contacts provided by the borrower. This method is most often practiced in. Some banks are known among credit experts due to their “black list”. An emergency means a damaged credit history with this company. This tool helps loan specialists avoid making mistakes when checking the applicant's solvency during the registration of a banking product.

However, checking credit histories is aimed not only at identifying unscrupulous borrowers, but also at approving a loan and even determining the limit on a card or when issuing cash. If the client has paid all payments to a third-party bank on time, then this is a trust factor for cooperation with him.

Accessibility for everyone

To check the history, a citizen should send requests immediately to all BKIs. But since the number of such bureaus throughout the federation amounts to several dozen, Russians quite often do not know where exactly to turn.

To simplify the task, you can make a request to the Central Catalog of Credit History (CCHI), which allows you to send an application to all operating bureaus and receive complete and reliable information about your credit history.

After a citizen who has sent a request to the Central Catalog receives a response, he can find out information about all existing history bureaus. After familiarizing yourself with the list, the borrower receives information about the location of the BKI and can begin sending requests for a report on the loan history to each of them. After reviewing the request, the bureau sends a credit report to its sender, after analyzing which it is possible to determine whether the history is damaged or not.

Currently, the information base of borrowers has become available not only to banking employees. Services have appeared on the Internet that are ready to provide information about any payer based on his passport data. They can help both financial firms that do not have their own base or access to a common bureau, as well as any individual planning to lend money against a receipt.

Credit history analysis has become an integral part of any lending. Especially when it comes to such large credit transactions as or, which most of the average population of the country faces. Therefore, timely payment of one’s obligations has become not only compliance with what was signed, but also a guarantee of increasing financial opportunities in the future.

The importance of credit history

To the average person, this innovation may seem unnecessary and complicates the process of taking out a loan. But if you think about it, you can find some advantages.

  1. Firstly, entering such a wide range of data in some way disciplines borrowers. That is, a person tries to make all payments on time, thus reducing the likelihood of accumulating debts.
  2. Secondly, it is likely that this will affect interest rates in the near future and reduce them. This can happen for the reason that it will be easier for the bank to identify the borrower as bona fide or dishonest.

BKI does not use or reflect in the credit history any information about the purposes for which certain loans were taken. Information about a person’s property (movable and immovable) is not reflected there either.

Damaged credit history

Your credit history may be damaged for various reasons and life circumstances. There are also situations when the information about the borrower in the BKI may not correspond to reality. This could be the result of someone else's mistake, or the result of criminal interference in the database. The borrower can always send a request to the BKI and thus track where, when and by whom his credit history was damaged. If a mistake was made by a bank employee, you can send a request to the bank where the incorrect information was submitted. They will have to review your credit history and, if necessary, make changes.

But even if the borrower himself failed to fulfill his obligations, the situation can still be corrected. This will take some time and a revision of your attitude towards finance.

First of all, you need to pay off absolutely all existing debts. Then you should remember a simple rule: the fewer loans you have, the more likely it is that you will be given a new one. That is, of course, you can have, for example, both a mortgage loan and a credit card. But You should not take out a large number of different loans from different banks. This creates the impression of carelessness and illegibility. It is unlikely that 10 thousand rubles withdrawn from one credit card and 15 from another, in addition to a mortgage and a car loan, will create an impression on the bank of you as a person capable of planning your budget.

If all your debts have already been closed, but they still won’t give you a large loan, then you can try to take out a loan for a small amount and a short period and repay it regularly. An open account, which will be periodically replenished with at least small amounts, also characterizes the borrower positively. Thus, you can add a kind of positive note to your credit history.

Errors in credit histories

There are situations when a borrower who has never been late or in arrears, and does not have additional onerous loans, with a stable level of income, is refused when trying to get another loan. What is the reason?

First of all, the cause of the problem should be looked for in your credit history. In general, such a thing as a financial dossier needs to be closely monitored and interested in its condition. But if you have unexpected problems with obtaining loans, then you should immediately contact your credit history.

Your credit history contains information about all your relationships with the bank. Namely: what kind of loans you took out and for what amount, whether you were late or in arrears in repayment, when you paid off the loan, etc. With the client's consent, the bank transmits this information to the credit history bureau.

At the bureau, data is received and entered by ordinary people, so the possibility of human error cannot be completely ruled out. So someone may have an extra note about the loan being overdue, or a loan that was paid off long ago may be listed as outstanding.

To correct such a technical error, the borrower just needs to write a claim to the credit history bureau. By law, the bureau has 30 days to check the information, after which adjustments will be made to the documents if the presence of an error is indeed confirmed.

Some unscrupulous borrowers do not want to correct errors in their credit history, but simply change some data that casts a shadow on them. In this case, they receive a firm refusal.

Those who disagree with the actions of the bureau can turn to the court for help, but there it will be necessary to present evidence. For example, if you are trying to challenge the number of delays, then you must submit all relevant payment documents for the loan.

What do the statistics say?

As the long-term practice of employees of various banking institutions shows, today the so-called trade loans are in the lead in terms of the amount of erroneous information in credit histories.

This is not surprising, since such cash lending programs are the most popular and widespread.

Quite expensive lending programs are not so problematic in this regard today. This is primarily due to the fact that they are issued much less frequently than, for example, a trade loan, and more attention is paid to these cash loans both from the commercial bank and from the borrower.

According to existing reports from various financial experts, errors that may occur in a credit history very often occur from the so-called “human factor”. For example, some bank employee, due to various factors or reasons, was unable to correctly and timely transfer certain data to the BKI. It also happens that personal data on the credit history was transferred, but the Bureau employee himself was unable to correct it on time and correctly. As practice has shown, in various credit histories of many consumers, one of the common mistakes is the presence of incorrect data on previously taken loans and debts.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Credit history is information about how many loans a citizen has and how conscientiously he repays the money.

Bank specialists use this data to decide whether to issue a loan to a client and on what terms. A good credit history gives you the right to qualify for a lower interest rate on the loan, since the bank assumes that you will pay off on time. If you have a bad financial record, your loan may not be approved.

Why do you need a credit history check?

Knowing your credit history is useful in three cases:

  1. You are about to take out a loan and want to assess your chances of getting it.
  2. You are denied a loan or for unknown reasons, and you suspect that the problem is in your credit history.
  3. You are afraid that scammers may have taken out a loan in your name.

Find out which credit bureau maintains your financial file

Information about borrowers is stored in credit history bureaus, a complete list of which is on the Central Bank website. Credit institutions cooperate with different bureaus, so information about you may appear in any of them or even in several. To find out where exactly, send a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories of the Central Bank in one of the following ways:

  1. Through any bank or microfinance organization during a personal visit (take it with you).
  2. Through any credit history bureau during a personal visit.
  3. , certified by a postal employee and sent to the address 107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12, TsKKI. It must contain the last name, first name, patronymic, full passport data, email address to which the requested information will be sent (the @ symbol in the address is replaced by (a), the “_” sign is recommended to be written with the words “underscore”).
  4. Through a notary.
  5. On the website of the Central Bank. To do this, you will need a credit history subject code. You should have come up with a special combination of alphabetic and numeric characters to access the online database of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories at the time of applying for the loan.
  6. Through “State Services” they promise to send the data within 24 hours, but in reality the answer to the request may arrive in a few minutes.

Personal data will be entered automatically. If not, enter them manually.

Soon you will have access to a document that you can download or send by email.

It lists the organizations where your credit history is stored.

If for some reason the credit history subject code was not generated (for example, you received your last loan before 2006, when such identifiers did not yet exist) or you have forgotten it, contact any bank. To receive an identification code, you only need your passport. The second option is a visit to any credit history bureau.

If you don't have the code, contact your bank or credit bureau. This way, you will immediately receive information about where your financial file is stored and a code that will be useful to you in the future for similar operations.

Send a request to the credit bureaus

If your credit history is stored in several bureaus, you will have to contact each one. Twice a year you can obtain information free of charge in each of the BKIs. For the third and subsequent requests you will need to pay an average of 300–500 rubles. There are several ways to apply for a credit history:

  1. During a personal visit to the office of the bureau or its regional partners.
  2. Send to the postal address of the bureau, which must be certified by a postal employee.
  3. Send a request by letter. In this case, the applicant’s personal signature must be certified by a notary.
  4. Submit an online request if the credit bureau provides such an option. Thus, Equifax Credit Services LLC has a “Credit History Online” service. You can submit an application to the Eastern European Credit History Bureau on the official website.
  5. Order a credit report online through your bank, if it provides such a service. However, organizations can only cooperate with selected credit bureaus. You can get a credit history at Sberbank, B&N Bank, Tinkoff Bank and others. You will have to pay for mediation.
  6. Use the services of commercial history assessment services: “My Rating”, and similar ones. For a fee, they will not only collect your financial file, but also create a credit score based on it. It shows the customer’s level of creditworthiness and predicts the chances of receiving a loan.
  7. On the BKI website using your State Services account. This feature is now available from most organizations that store credit histories.

For example, on the website of Equifax Credit Services LLC, you first need to register in the standard way, indicate personal data, confirm your email and phone number. After this, it will become possible to obtain a credit history using your State Services account.

In a few minutes, your credit history will be available for download.