Delay loan credit europa bank. Reviews of real customers credit europa bank

I was recently contacted by a bank borrower who constantly receives calls from Credit Europe Bank and they just called him every single day that he asked me to help him with tears in his eyes, because he no longer wanted to just live and he was afraid of every call from KEB collectors ( Credit Europe Bank).

The person had a debt of about 30,000 rubles and a crazy amount of interest accrued, but no one from the collection department was interested in why such an amount came up and simply simply demanded to repay the amount in full and did not delve into the essence of the problems of the bank client.

Having discussed with the borrower all possible options for resolving the issue and in a legal way, we got in touch with the collectors of Credit Europe Bank and, to my surprise, not super lawyers work in the collection department, but more often ambitious students who call poor clients. Seeing a student of Credit Europe Bank, who apparently was a collector making calls to a bank client, I was just very, very happy to meet, as they are not just involved in collection, but put pressure on a person’s psychology and nothing more. After all, the collector did not know that I was a lawyer and followed the whole situation so that the rights of the borrower were not violated and, as a result, the goal was set to write off the interest on the loan in full with the payment of the principal debt and, of course, a full refusal followed, since supposedly the client does not have legal grounds. The negotiations lasted and people came out to us who allegedly have a higher position and asked to sign a pre-trial claim with a notice of the deadline for paying the debt within 5 days.

Leaving the building of Credit Europe Bank, I outlined in simple words the whole situation for the client of the bank, who completely wilted and thought that it was a failure and we came to the bank in vain, but after two minutes of talking, I presented a plan for resolving the issue with Credit Europe Bank and debt, as well as interest. We have come to the conclusion that we will write off the interest in a judicial and legal manner, and after the write-off, the principal will be paid.

The client of the bank (borrower) completely calmed down and asked me to make him required documents and he is full of optimism to fight the bank's collectors went to court, where he won on his own over the written-off interest on the loan. As the borrower (bank client) told me, that everything went smoothly in court and he is very pleased with the lawsuit drawn up in court and now he knows how to independently defend his rights in such cases.

As I always tell my clients that there is no need to be afraid of collectors and you need to defend your rights, and not hide.
The case is written only with the collectors of Credit Evrpopa Bank, but each bank has its own collection department, which consists of a staff and they all work according to the same rule and do not deviate from it, but if the client does not agree with their requirements, then you can always prove your correctness successfully in court, which we did.

Eltsova Margarita Anatolievna Consumer loans Rating: No

Hello. Since April 2018 I have been a client of this bank. Worse than this bank I have not met. Not satisfied with work schedule. Until 19-00 I do not have time, and on weekends they do not work. I have no idea how to get to them. I just want to know the balance of my loan. It is impossible to call them. Only answering machine answers. Or if, God forbid, you get through, they will definitely answer that they do not deal with this issue.

People are completely incompetent. I had to take a day off from work to go to the bank. There they barked at me, I had to explain for 40 minutes that it was me, and not Pushkin, who came to pay off my loan. Do you see them...
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Bank division
Credit and cash office No. 12 St. Petersburg, Komendantsky prospekt, 11, lit. IN

Maksim Consumer loans Rating: 1

The worst bank I have ever worked with. I do not want to describe all the horror that happened to me, just a short admonition: do not have anything to do with this bank. You will be smiled at, your ass will be licked, but that's all until you close the deal.

Just listen - Credit Europe Bank is a scam, one big scam

Svetlana Consumer loans Rating: No

I think that this is an unreliable bank. To apply for a loan at IKEA, she sent an application to the bank. They called three times. We filled out a questionnaire. Received three sms that the loan was approved. Moreover, they called back, clarified on what day we are going to make purchases.

On the appointed day, we hired a nanny (we have five children), left them at home, and went with my husband to IKEA (Novosibirsk, three hours away). At the loan processing desk, we said that it was necessary to clarify and issue a card, as we had previously said in a conversation with bank representatives. But we were told that you received a refusal. That's all. No explanation.

We have good credit histories, we work and...
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Galina Nikolaeva Consumer loans Rating: 1

Europe Bank works unscrupulously with the bank's customers. Customer credit history deteriorates. Consultants do not work well on early repayment of the loan. In my case, when early repayment after 4 months, SMS comes to the phone with the amount of debt, although before repaying it ahead of schedule, the amount was calculated by the bank on my call and paid on the same day.

Now it turns out that I did not make an application for early repayment of the loan. When paying the final amount of the loan named by the bank, I made a call to the bank and the amount was received by the bank. No claims were made to me. The loan was closed.

This is how your bank sucks money from customers. I'm sorry that I...
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Svetlana Consumer loans Score: 3

I, Soroka Svetlana Vladimirovna, on March 22 issued a loan in your bank. I didn’t receive any money in my hands, they were transferred to the account at the Bryansk Medical Center at 69 Duki Street. Can I terminate the contract since the medical center was closed and I didn’t receive treatment.

I just applied for a loan, I come to the procedure, and law enforcement agencies are working there

Bank division
Head Office/Olimpiyskiy Prospekt Branch Moscow, Olympic prospect, 14

Extremely complicated system of using banking services. Huge percentage rates. They take money for everything they can. When paying off their own loan, at their own cash desk, they take a commission.

Eve Consumer loans Rating: 1

Never do business with this bank. Disrespectful attitude towards customers. Extremely complicated system of using banking services. Huge interest rates. They take money for everything they can. When paying off their own loan, at their own cash desk, they take a commission.

Loan approved but never received. Then pay insurance 16,800 plus some 5,250% of the transfer. And now another 12,252 rubles. for the delivery of documents via DHL

Anonymously Consumer loans Rating: No

The bank is bad. Loan approved but never received. Then pay insurance 16,800 plus 5,250 some interest on the transfer. And now they want me to pay another 12,252 rubles. for the delivery of documents via DHL. When I called DHL, they answered that there were no deliveries to my name and there weren't any. Divorce.

Katerina Consumer loans Rating: 1

First of all, I am not satisfied with the lack of a clear and simple system of early repayment of the loan, there is no network of branches, with the exception of large cities.

Providing additional insurance. Including in case of early repayment, life insurance is not returned. Think 1000 times before contacting this bank and read carefully the loan agreement and the life insurance agreement. Yekaterinburg city

Vladimir Consumer loans Rating: No

I took a car loan from Credit Europe Bank. A year ago, in 2016, I closed the loan and paid off the bank in full. In December last year, I went to the online bank (I still had a card from this bank) and saw there that I had a debt of several hundred thousand. I immediately called the bank and they assured me that this was a mistake, that the bank had no complaints, since I took a certificate when closing the contract. They promised to fix everything.

I recently decided to take out a mortgage and the banks began to refuse me. It turned out that the same debt hangs in the bureau credit histories. As a result, he came to the bank branch and wrote a statement about ...
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Svetlana Consumer loans Rating: 1

In September 2015, I took out a loan and immediately paid it off. It's been 1.5 years. Suddenly, in July 2017, calls and SMS began to "pay back the debt" 1600 rubles. Looks like the impoverishment of this bank has reached the limit, they decided to improve their affairs at someone else's expense. Are there many people who owe the bank 1,600 rubles and have not received a call in a year and a half? They choke for 2 kopecks, exhaust them with calls and SMS. And then they were silent, endured .... Like the lambs of God ....
Pure scam.

Sergey Consumer loans Rating: No

At the moment, the bank wants to take away my car, which I bought in 2011. Today is actually 2016! The car was mortgaged in 2011. Maybe the bank would have come to its senses in general in 20 years. an initial fee, in our case, 460 thousand rubles) in the bank, and I suspect that this did not happen without the participation of bank employees.

In a short time, the car was sold ... a classic scheme. I have a lot of questions for the bank:
1) why the bank caught on, after so much time;
2) why the bank did not check the seal of the individual entrepreneur of the car loan borrower ...

Good afternoon.

I have been a client of the bank for many years, somewhere since 2008. In the spring of 2015, I lost my main job, paid all the payments until August, but the problems worsened and accumulated... disappear for 12-14 hours driving a taxi to earn money... But at a certain point, the resources turned out to be insufficient, and overdue payments appeared... He paid different amounts, sometimes in installments...

Of course, calls from bank employees began, many times a day, sometimes regardless of the previous conversation and agreements! And at some point, calling me, the bank employees apparently didn’t seem enough, and they decided to call the address where I hadn’t lived for a long time, about which the bank was notified, came to the branch, said that the address of residence had changed, provided supporting documents! During calls to the previous address, the employees, not paying attention to the fact that they were told that I did not live there, repeatedly violated clause 2 of article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation! They also illegally called me a fraudster, clause 3 of Art. 128.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Residents at this address as a result were forced to turn off the landline phone! Bank employees claim that I will not be able to prove this offense, and openly declare that the court will consider the testimony of the residents affected by their actions as products of conspiracy!

By the way, at that time I asked a question about the restructuring of credit products, in response to which I heard a lot of unflattering and extremely negative statements addressed to me!

But of course, the development of events did not end there, the calls did not stop ringing, threats and insults continued to pour in. As a result, I began to record all our communication with bank employees, especially since all our conversations are recorded anyway, now just not one-sidedly, but to fix what was said! But the boom of calls came in December, arrogant, boorish for the most part, with a lot of violations!

Here is a summary of some:
12/05/2015 Sergey, Surname is illegible. They will come and disgrace the whole entrance, they will go to the neighbors. Judgment the bank does not need, they are ready to come to collect themselves. I am convinced that all my relatives will be disgraced. In the end, saying that the collectors will come, he wants to take care of himself.

16.12.2015 K-in Alexander Anatolevich. He will personally sell my debt to some Chechen or Caucasian "authorities", and I will have to sell all the property, he is also the guarantor of the bank, confirms that those to whom he sells the debt can kill, beat, anything, he is ready to come to the prosecutor's office, if I have a desire to apply to this body to establish justice, to meet in person and infringe on my rights! Threatens resources. Asserts that one violation entails subsequent ones. Claims that they are suing those who are afraid. Then he intimidates the former security forces, saying that they will buy the debt and deal with me at the moment. And many such performances!

In November, they proposed restructuring, of course, I took this proposal with responsibility, because there was hope that our problem was beginning to be resolved! I arrived at the bank branch, they gave me 3 receipts to pay, I had to pay with a mandatory commission for payment!

They printed out the offer, in all three it is indicated that this is a request from the borrower to the bank, and not an addition to the contract, on two cards everything is close to honest, I sign, they give me copies WITHOUT SIGNATURES, SEAL! According to the consumer, an amount appears that they could not explain from what it was formed, and of course, significantly exceeding the amount of the principal debt! Yes, the main one, because in the process of negotiations, this was exactly what was in the conditions of our agreements. Plus, one percent was stipulated, others were indicated in the petition! On the phone, an employee who introduced himself as my personal manager named Vladimir Vladimirovich is extremely tactless in communication, impudent. Of course I refuse to sign it. For the two signed ones, they informed me of the time frame in which a decision would be made, after which I would be notified and informed how I would be able to make payments. For the rest of the product, again calls, in which insults, impudence, rudeness! Some of these calls say that the restructuring will not be approved. Suddenly, a call in which an employee who introduced himself as Semyon Mikhailovich politely communicates, discussed the problems, said that he would try to revise the proposal for the remaining product and adjust it to what was originally agreed upon. I come to the bank, again the amount, which is inexplicable, but I corrected the interest, and the message, we even do the restructuring for you for free, obviously forgetting about the 3000 rubles paid some time earlier! By the way, if at the time of the appeal you do not sign the petition, but ask to provide it for review for a while, the employees will begin to try to prevent this by all means, even there was an assumption about the number of violations against the client that there may be!

Interestingly, the bank does not hesitate to send short messages to the phone containing direct violations of the laws of the Russian Federation!

After the New Year (01/21/2016) a short message came to the phone: *********, Credit Europe Bank offers you to resolve the issue of debt. Complete your contract by paying only *****rub. Call (phone number) (toll-free). I'm calling:
Bank officer (CO) - Yes
I - Excuse me, I probably didn’t get into the bank?
CO - to the bank
Am I Credit Europe Bank?
CO - yes
Me - are you an employee? It's strange, don't imagine..
CO - (mumbled something incomprehensible)
Sorry, I must have got the wrong number...
I hang up.

I call the bank number from the site, pressing numbers, a little waiting. A female voice answers, correctly reporting the information (bank, full name). I introduce myself, clarify the information received, the relevance of the proposal received. Everything is in force. I take the money, I come to the bank branch. The bank reports that I came to them on Saturday in vain, since my curator works Mon-Fri from and to. I say that according to the proposal received, I brought the indicated amount and am ready to pay it, and close this issue. What I get denied. The next trip was made on Tuesday, they refused to take money from me again, saying that I need to bring a third person who will redeem my debt. But gentlemen, I took the money from you, and brought it to you, according to your offer!

Most bank employees directly state that there will be no trial with me, they will simply sell it to 3rd parties. Although on 12/14/2015 there was a message that my case would be taken to court. And even more than that, they believe that they have the right to come to me (for an inventory of property), my relatives, neighbors in order to organize debt collection. WITHOUT A COURT DECISION AND THE PRESENCE OF Bailiffs! By saying this, they directly put themselves above the Court!

In general, at the moment I am writing statements about all offenses to the appropriate authorities, for legal solution the current situation, since the bank refuses to make civilized contact ... It's a pity ... I do not recommend anyone to contact given bank under no pretext!

If possible, close the loan, you need to know the exact amount to pay. Often people confuse two concepts: the balance of the principal debt and the full amount to be repaid.

The difference between the balance of the loan and the total amount to be repaid

Remaining principal- This is the amount to be repaid, excluding accrued interest. It can be seen in the payment schedule.

Full amount to be repaid- this is the unpaid principal, taking into account interest for the actual time of use, minus the interest paid earlier.

For example, the date of the monthly payment is every 25th day of the month. Borrower contributed last payment November 25, and December 10 decided to repay the loan in full. In addition to the balance of the principal debt, he must also pay interest for 30 days of November and 10 days of December, since when writing off a monthly payment, interest accrued for the full previous month is taken into account, unless otherwise specified by the conditions loan agreement.

How to get information about the loan balance

There are several ways to find out the balance of the debt:

  1. At a bank branch in person (only upon presentation of the borrower's passport).
  2. At ATMs of Credit Europe Bank or its partners, if you have a card for payments.
  3. Via internet banking Personal Area).
  4. Through the service mobile bank(when logging into your personal account from your phone).
  5. By phone hotline.

Credit Europe Bank offers to get all the necessary information on loans in the SmartIVR automated telephone service, which allows you to recognize the client and not make him wait for the operator's response. The SmartIVR service is available if the call is made from the number registered when applying for a loan. With SmartIVR, you can find out the following data:

  • number and date of the loan agreement;
  • date and amount of monthly payment;
  • current debt;
  • date of last payment.

Loan payment methods in Credit Europe Bank

For the convenience of customers, Credit Europe Bank offers various loan payment options.

  1. At any branch of the bank. You can find out the opening hours and location of branches on the official website or by calling the customer support service. When making cash payments through the cash desk, a commission is charged - 200 rubles per operation.
  2. ATMs. To pay for loans through ATMs with the function of depositing money, Credit Europe Bank offers borrowers instant issue cards with free annual service. When you select an action in the device menu, you must make a payment to the current account specified in the loan agreement. Otherwise, the money may remain on the card account and not be debited on the due date of the payment, which will lead to a delay. No transfer fee is charged. Enrollment occurs instantly.
  3. Internet bank. You can transfer money from a Credit Europe Bank card for a loan online through your personal account, registration in which is carried out without visiting the bank's office. There is no commission, the transfer of funds is carried out instantly.
  4. Automatic redemption. To apply for an auto payment on a loan from a bank card without a commission, you must write an application at the nearest bank branch. The transfer is made on the date specified in the client's order.

For partial or full repayment, it is necessary to draw up a corresponding application at the bank office or execute it in the Internet bank. In the "Credits" section, select:

  • repayment type: partial or full;
  • method of recalculating the debt: reducing the term or amount of the monthly payment.

After verifying the data and confirming one-time password sent in the form of an SMS message, the money will be debited from the account on the next repayment date.

How can I pay off a loan in third-party organizations

It is possible to pay the loan in other ways convenient for the client. The difference lies in the commission and terms of the transfer.

List of organizationsTransfer feeEnrollment term
QIWI payment service1.6% of transfers (minimum 100 rubles)Next business day
Payment service Eleksnet0% -2% (no commission charged on co-branded cards at eligible merchants)
Reception points of NPO Rapida network1% of the transfer (minimum 50 rubles)
Salons "Svyaznoy"1% of transfers (minimum 50 rubles)
CyberPlat networkAt the rates of the paying agentNo later than the next business day
Electronic payment system"Platform"0.8% of the payment (minimum 50 rubles)
Post office2% (minimum 40 rubles) for FSUE Russian PostUp to 5 working days
1.9% (minimum 50 rubles) for NPO "Rapida"No later than the next calendar day
At any other bankAt the rates of the transferring bankUp to 3 working days

When paying, you must present an identity document, the borrower's account number, creditor data and other information at the request of the organization making the payment.

Important steps after paying off the loan

When there is no need to use bank card it can be closed by writing card account closing application and clarifying information about the balance and the absence of debt.

In the event of an agreement voluntary insurance borrower and payment insurance policy for the entire period of lending, the return of part of the insurance premium is possible if full repayment in the event that this is stipulated by the terms of the loan agreement or the rules of the insurance company providing the policy.

Credit Europe Bank offers its customers a number of opportunities to obtain information about the current loan and how to pay it. To promptly resolve any issues, a free round-the-clock phone 8 800 700 7757 is available, where operators are ready to provide full information support to the bank's customers.