How to fill out an application for a loan for a legal entity. How to fill out a Sberbank application form for a loan Application for a cash loan form

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Bank loan application

An application for a loan from a bank is a request from a potential borrower to provide a certain amount Money in debt addressed to a credit institution and drawn up in writing. In other words, we can say that this is a questionnaire containing information about the personal data of the applicant.

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For bank employees, an application for a loan makes it possible to determine the possibility of issuing an amount to the applicant loan funds specified in it. The document does not have a unified form and is developed by the employees of each individual credit institution, based on its needs. You can fill out an application for a loan at a bank branch or use the online form on its website. Application for credit card carried out in the same way. In most cases, the application form contains the following information:

  • full name of the applicant;
  • his bank account number (if any);
  • type of loan;
  • amount and currency of credit funds;
  • the term of the loan and the purpose for which they will be used;
  • the optimal amount of the monthly payment for the borrower;
  • the amount of income received by the applicant on a monthly basis, net of taxes and fees;
  • applicant's contact details.

Usually, an application for a loan is considered by the bank within a few days, after which a decision is made on its issuance. If the applicant has a good credit history, in most cases, the decision is made in favor of the applicant and a loan agreement is concluded, if it is bad, the application may be considered for a longer period or the loan may be denied. In case of refusal, the applicant is advised to look for banks that are more loyal and fill out a similar application with them.

Application for a loan

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An application for a loan is called official address several persons or one citizen to an official, in government agency, the administration of the institution or the local government in relation to the production. The application, unlike the complaint, is not related to the violation of his legitimate interests and rights and does not contain a request to eliminate such a violation, but is aimed solely at realizing the interests and rights of the applicant or eliminating any shortcomings in the work of enterprises, organizations, institutions. Applications can be submitted both orally and in writing. The procedure for their consideration is similar to how complaints are considered.

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Sample application for a loan

A loan application is a document that contains a request to a bank for a loan. It is drawn up on a special form, which each bank may have its own.

The loan application has the following details:

The heading of the document indicates to whom the application is addressed: position, name of the organization, surname and initials of the head (in the dative case), and also from whom the application comes: position, surname and initials of the originator (in the genitive case).

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Following is the main text of the application for a loan. It must contain a request for a loan;

Below is the date of the application, as well as the signature of the originator.

Another 24+ ready-made sample applications, examples, free for download, from 215 documents:

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How to write an application for loan restructuring: sample filling

Often, payers credit debts faced with difficult life circumstances (dismissal from work, illness, force majeure, etc.), they cannot fully maintain their loans and fulfill their obligations on them. Non-payment situations are especially common mortgage loan, and such incidents have become more and more frequent lately. However, even from such circumstances, there are ways out. And one of them is to apply to the bank for debt restructuring.

From this article you will learn:

The essence of restructuring

This compound word in fact, it means a simple measure that a bank can take in relation to a borrower who cannot pay his debts in the usual way. In other words, the terms of the loan are changing to facilitate its maintenance.

There are 3 possible solutions to the problem:

  1. reduction of the monthly payment or increase in its term;
  2. writing off some share of the debt;
  3. payment of part of the debt with property.

Most banks go towards a conscientious borrower and may revise the terms of the contract. Usually they do not advertise these opportunities, but in any case, you need to try to apply for a loan restructuring. Therefore, in difficult circumstances, you should not shy away from payments. Be prepared to apply for a loan restructuring.

Can the bank offer this service

Oddly enough, but almost as often as debtors, banks themselves offer to restructure the debt. The reason is simple. The bank loses its money if the borrower does not repay the debt. And in the case of new conditions, he will be able to convince the payer to meet his obligations.

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You need to understand that if you have a bad debt in your credit institution and you were offered, then this is already an extreme measure, and the next step is to recover the delay in court. Do not delay the case and miss the opportunity offered.

On the other hand, banks most often do not rush to the last step with such a step as a complaint to the court, because usually the judiciary reduces fines for claims. Naturally, it is more profitable for the bank to return its interest using such a method as a voluntary form of interaction.

What are the conditions for restructuring

Most often, the requirements of a credit institution will be individual, depending on the specific situation. Even the packages of required documents, terms, price of the issue and other circumstances may differ. Usually, the bank restructuring your debts will require the following documents:

  • original passport;
  • 2-NDFL or a certificate based on the form of the bank;
  • identification code.

As for the cost of this service, there are also different options:

  • requirement to pay part of the principal debt;
  • small price (like a commission).

Or maybe there is such an option that they will not take anything from you at all. Most often this is exactly what happens, but not all banks take this step.

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If you are applying for a loan restructuring, please note that this application is sent to the bank where you took out the loan. Do not confuse with the refinancing service - when another bank buys your debts from the old bank on its own terms. Essentially, this means taking new loan with a more attractive offer to pay off the old one.

What does the law say

The law, which allows the payer to apply to the bank with a request to change the terms of payment, allows Article 105 of the Budget Code. There is a clear definition of the concept of restructuring. At the same time, it is envisaged that the main option for resolving the situation is to write off part of the principal debt, and this is usually the case in real practice.

At the same time, it is this opportunity that is most beneficial to the payer, since options with an increase in the loan term will cost more than the original conditions under the contract. This is especially true for mortgages, the payments for which are significantly higher than for consumer loans.

Video about debt restructuring

Application for restructuring

To write an application to the bank for debt restructuring, you must first familiarize yourself with the rules for its execution. To do this, you can see an example of a template on the bank's website or take the form directly at the branch (usually there is a ready-made sample).

A sample application for restructuring is given below. It consists of two parts - information and petition. The first one includes:

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  1. initial loan amount;
  2. date of the loan agreement;
  3. how the loan was repaid at a time when there were no delays, and how much was left for full payment;
  4. the date from which the debtor did not begin to repay the debt in the previous mode;
  5. a detailed description of the reasons for the impossibility of fulfilling obligations in the previous regime;
  6. the monthly amount that the payer can pay under the new conditions.

Particular attention should be paid to the evidence of your complex financial position. For example, these can be certificates from the hospital, documents on the birth of a child, certificates of loss of a breadwinner. notice of dismissal, etc. .

The pleading part contains a request for a temporary pause in the calculation of interest on the loan and writing off a certain amount or extending the contract on more favorable terms.

The application is written in 2 identical copies and sent to the bank. You can also send it by mail, but then it is important that the letter be certified to exclude the possibility of losing it. Together with this document, you must provide all the papers confirming your difficult financial situation.

Consider how to correctly fill out a sample application for restructuring.

Download Sample Applications

We offer to download a sample application for debt restructuring according to loan agreement- for convenience, the file is presented in two formats - PDF and DOC.

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Issuance of loans to employees. Sample provision for the issuance of loans

Issuance of loans to employees must be properly executed. We bring to your attention a sample provision on the issuance of loans to employees of the organization. We also published an employee's statement on the issuance of a loan

I ask you to provide me with a loan for the purchase of an apartment in the amount of Rs. until July 1, 2018 with monthly payments.

In case of dismissal, I undertake to repay the amount of the debt in full on the date of termination employment contract.


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full name of the organization, identification codes (TIN, KPP, OKPO)

on the issuance of loans to employees of the organization

Moscow 26.06.2014


1.1. This provision regulates the procedure for granting loans to Alfa CJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) individuals(hereinafter referred to as the employee), who are in labor relations with the Company as of the date of granting the loan.

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2.1. The loan may be granted to an employee of the Company if the Company has free own funds.

2.2. When granting a loan to an employee, the length of service and his contribution to the Company's activities are taken into account.

2.3. A loan can be issued to an employee who has worked in the organization for at least one year.

2.4. Loan is not available:

- employees hired during the absence of the main employee, including during the vacation of the main employee to care for the child;

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– employees who have deductions from wages in the aggregate of more than 50 percent (including the loan amount);

- Employees with an outstanding disciplinary sanction.

2.5. Depending on the length of service of the employee, the Company sets the deadline for repayment of the loan and interest on it:

– for employees with less than five years of work experience, a loan is provided for a period not exceeding two years from interest rate 6 percent per annum;

– for employees with more than five years of work experience, a loan is provided for a period of not more than five years with an interest rate of 0 percent per annum.

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2.6. The deadline for repayment of the loan may be changed by the decision of the head of the Company.

2.7. The amount of the loan provided to the employee depends on his annual earnings. For an employee with up to five years of work experience in the Company, the loan amount should not exceed the amount of one and a half times earnings for the last year of work with the condition of repaying the loan within two years.

For an employee with more than five years of work experience, the amount of the loan should not exceed the amount of twice the earnings for the last year of work with the condition of repaying the loan within five years.

2.8. By the decision of the head of the Company, the amount of the loan issued to the employee may be more than the amount established in clause 2.7.

2.9. In some cases, a loan can be issued to an employee of the Company only if security is provided for the fulfillment of obligations to repay the loan amount provided for by the current legislation of Russia (including secured by real estate, guarantee from third parties, etc.).


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3.1. A loan to the head of the Company is issued on the basis of a decision general meeting shareholders of the Company. The conditions for issuing a loan, its amount and repayment period are determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. The loan agreement with the head of the Company on behalf of the Company is signed by a person authorized by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.

3.2. The issue of granting a loan to an employee who is an affiliate of the Company is decided by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the Company.


4.2. An application for a loan must contain marks from the personnel service and accounting department that there are no reasons for refusal, provided for in paragraph 2.4 of this provision.

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4.3. Where necessary, the application shall be accompanied by documents substantiating the need for a loan and the amount of the loan.

4.4. If the head of the Company makes a decision to issue a loan:

- get acquainted with the current situation;

– concludes a loan agreement with the Company.

4.4.2. The Company shall issue the loan amount to the Borrower within the period stipulated by the loan agreement.

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4.5. In the case of issuing a loan secured by a security, the parties draw up a pledge agreement between the Borrower and the Company. The pledge agreement is subject to state registration in cases provided for by law.

4.6. If a loan is issued against a suretyship, then a suretyship agreement is drawn up between the guarantors and the Company in accordance with the current legislation of Russia simultaneously with the signing of the loan agreement.

4.7. If the loan is issued against any other security, the parties will have to be guided by the current legislation of Russia. The amount of collateral must be at least 100 percent of the loan amount.


5.1. The Borrower is obliged to repay the Company the loan amount and interest on it on time and in the manner provided for by this provision, the loan agreement.

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5.2. The loan amount provided to the Borrower shall be repaid in equal installments no later than the 20th day of each month, unless otherwise provided by the loan agreement, annexes or additions to the loan agreement. The loan agreement may stipulate that the loan amount is repaid by deducting the required agreed amount from the employee's salary.

5.3. The loan amount or the corresponding part shall be considered returned by the Borrower at the moment of depositing it into the cash desk of the Company or at the moment of transferring the corresponding amount to the Company's bank account. Write-off of funds from the Borrower's bank account does not release him from liability for repayment of the loan amount, if these funds have not been credited to the Company's account.

5.4. The borrower can repay the loan amount ahead of schedule.

5.5. In exceptional cases (severe financial situation employee, his state of health or other exceptional circumstances) based on the decision of the general meeting of the Company's participants, the loan can be repaid from the profit remaining at the disposal of the Company.

5.6. The accounting department of the Company exercises control over the repayment of loans.

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6.1. In case of non-repayment of the loan amount or part thereof within the period specified in the loan agreement, the Borrower shall pay a penalty in the amount of 10 percent of the outstanding loan amount. Moreover, if the loan was issued with collateral, the Company is entitled to satisfy its claims in full at the expense of the property serving as collateral for the Borrower's obligations, in accordance with the legislation of Russia.

6.2. The borrower is obliged to repay the loan amount ahead of schedule, subject to termination of the employment contract with the Company on the following grounds:

- at the initiative of the employee (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- in case of repeated non-fulfillment by an employee without good reason of labor duties, if he has a disciplinary sanction (clause 5, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- absenteeism, including absence from work for more than four hours during a working day without good reason (subparagraph “a”, paragraph 6, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- appearing at work in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages, using narcotic drugs or toxic substances during working hours or at the place of work (subparagraph “b”, paragraph 6 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- committing at the place of work the theft of the property of the employer, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a decision of the body whose competence includes the imposition of an administrative penalty (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 6 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- a violation by the employee of labor protection requirements established by the labor protection commission or the labor protection commissioner, if this violation entailed serious consequences (accident at work, accident, catastrophe) or knowingly created a real threat of such consequences (subparagraph "e" p 6 article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

6.3. The loan must be repaid within 10 working days from the date of termination of the employee's employment contract with the Company on the grounds listed in paragraph 6.2 of this provision.

Some lenders require their potential borrowers to write an application - usually to determine the applicant's ability to pay. First of all, applying for a loan can increase your chances of being approved. An example of compiling a template form and a sample of filling out a loan application form are given below.

How to write an application for a bank loan

If a lender is requesting a loan application, they most likely want to know exactly what the loan will be used for. Lenders also want to be sure that the bank's money will not be used for illegal purposes. The goal should be in the first part of the application. First of all, specify exactly how much the goods or services that you require will cost. Be specific in your language and remember to account for every dollar of a personal loan.

In the standard application, be sure to indicate when you expect to repay the loan. To find out, calculate your average monthly income - after taxes - and subtract all monthly expenses.

The loan application must also contain personal information. However, do not go into details, but provide positive characteristics of your employment. For example, a positive CI, a long period of work in one company.

When drawing up an application for a loan from Sberbank or Alfa Bank, stick to business style. Keep a copy of the application you send to the lender.

A financial and credit organization (in this case, Sberbank), when applying for a loan under any lending program, has the right to require the client to provide comprehensive information about himself. Sberbank loan application form: sample applications and forms containing personal data, characteristics and other conditions are available for study below.

The procedure for filling out a form for a loan at Sberbank

This form is a six-page application that allows you to submit a loan application form. Only applications with correctly entered and correct data are reviewed and approved (or not) by the credit committee. The form can be filled in by any person related to the application: a bank manager, a guarantor, a lawyer, the client himself. The application itself can be made in written or printed form. The main thing is to enter all the information without missing a single section. It is advisable to write correctly right away, and if corrections are made, they must be accompanied by the signatures of the borrower or the one who fills out the form.
Sberbank has whole line credit programs. Before applying, you should choose your loan option. But regardless of the choice (consumer loan, mortgage, car loan), the form that is issued at the branch or downloaded to the computer from the official website is the same. On the five pages of the questionnaire, you should give comprehensive information about yourself, and only on the last page select loan program, indicate the amount of the loan. The sixth page includes the following columns:
  • loan amount;
  • currency;
  • maturity;
  • purpose of the loan: for consumer needs, for the purchase of real estate or a vehicle;
  • additional loan options: standard option, secured, with a guarantee. You should also write detailed information about the housing or car being purchased: cost, year of construction or production, etc .;
  • checking account for a loan.

Sberbank questionnaire for obtaining a loan: sample applications and forms

It is best to fill out the questionnaire according to a single model, signing in the right places:
  • after filling out the pages with personal information;
  • after choosing a lending program;
  • a signature confirming the relevance of the specified information.
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What documents are needed to apply for a loan?

An application form for a loan can be obtained at a bank branch or through Internet banking. Everyone will be able to understand the Sberbank questionnaire for obtaining a loan: samples of applications and forms are presented in an accessible way. To provide information about yourself, you will need a whole package of documents:
  • identity document;
  • employment contract and book, any certificates from work;
  • personal income tax form-2;
  • documents for the right to own real estate, if a secured loan is taken;
  • statements from salary and pension accounts, if any.
If it is difficult to fill out the questionnaire, it is best to contact the bank manager, taking the above package of documents with you.

The procedure for filling out the questionnaire

The following fields should be filled in:
  • on whose behalf the application comes: from the borrower, trustee, guarantor.
  • personal information (passport data). When changing personal information, be sure to note this, indicating the reason;
  • communication: phone numbers: home, cell, work, etc. You can enter the contacts of authorized persons, co-borrowers, guarantors. The more information, the faster the application will be analyzed and considered;
  • education;
  • family information. The husband / wife must be indicated, since he / she is a co-borrower. If you wish, you can tell about other relatives. If one of the relatives works at Sberbank, this must also be indicated;
  • place of work, position, length of service, employer data. Wanting to get a loan under the program for individual entrepreneurs, the corresponding item should be marked;
  • salary, additional sources of income, family budget, regular expenses (repayment of other loans, alimony, rent, etc.);
  • information about any property or vehicles owned. If the house or car belongs only to, for example, the father, it is not necessary to indicate it;
  • if there are salary or pension cards Sberbank, indicate this.
After filling in all the points, the information must be carefully double-checked. The client is responsible for providing false data to Sberbank.

Internet banking of Sberbank

Sberbank can offer a loan for individual conditions if Internet banking services have been used for a long time. It is enough just to download the form and fill it out according to a single sample, if the offer received from the bank is of interest. But specify a different type of loan - "Individual offer". Along with the project, the bank also provides a key, which must also be entered in the application form. The completed form is sent through the feedback form of the service.

You can download a sample loan application form here.

If you decide that you need a loan, what additional funds received now can improve the quality of your life - you apply to credit organization most likely it will be a bank. The first thing you will face is filling out a loan application.

Try to fill out the questionnaire correctly, without blots. If you indicated something incorrectly and corrected it, your signature will be required next to the correction. It is best, of course, to do without corrections, which may be the reason for a more thorough check of the information you specified.

Knowing what you are doing, filling out the various items of the questionnaire, you will significantly increase the likelihood of approval of your loan application. The loan application form is the main tool for collecting information about you. The bank, with the help of its security service, checks whether the information from your questionnaire is true.

Having familiarized yourself in advance with the nuances related to filling out the questionnaire, you will save your time at the bank and will be well prepared for the questions of the manager. This, in turn, will give the bank employee the right impression of you. There is an online form filling service, in any case, you need to know what to write.

How to fill out a loan application?

When filling out a loan application form, you will need to provide your personal data

  • standard according to the passport;
  • the actual address where you live;
  • your mobile;
  • Mandatory home phone;
  • In addition, you will need to provide information about contact persons;
  • Do not confuse this information with information about your guarantors.

In order to find out about your reputation, the bank calls up those whom you indicate in this section and asks them questions about you.

  • your marital status;
  • the presence of children;
  • place of work;
  • job title;
  • salary of all working family members.

The bank manager will ask you to provide this information. The ratio of the number of working people to dependents allows the bank to get an idea of ​​how much income is on average for each family member. This directly affects the bank's decision to grant a loan.

The bank will definitely take an interest in what exactly you want to receive. You will be asked to indicate the amount of the loan you want to receive and for what purpose you need it. Or it will be some specific purchase for which the bank pays, and you are required to provide a contract of sale to the seller (what is called target loan, For example ).

Or just the amount in cash, and more often on bank card- it is untargeted consumer credit. is issued on the security of real estate, and can be either targeted (you mortgage the apartment you are buying) or non-targeted (you mortgage your existing housing and receive the loan amount).

Before going to the bank, check by phone with a list of all that you may need. This will save you time.

Read about business loans at.