Correct statement from the client's bank in 1s. Accounting info

How to set up loading bank statements in 1C, as well as unloading, and how to make a statement in 1C 8.3?

Let's start by creating a payment order:

  • Based on the receipt of goods and services, invoices, etc.;
  • Through the creation of a new payment order/PP.

In the block "Bank and cash desk - PP".


In the window that opens, a journal with payments will appear, where you can filter by setting the appropriate selection Required documents, for example, display a list for a specific organization, bank account, date or counterparty.


Filling in the main fields here begins with the “Type of operation”. Depending on the selected one, the structure of the document will change, as well as the fields of the required dimensions.

Having filled in the main, we hold and close the document with the button "Post and close".


The payment does not make any postings in 1C 8.3, they are generated by the "Write-off from the account", which can also be created on the basis of the payment order we have generated, or manually, by creating a new write-off.

Creation of receipt/withdrawal from the current account

The first option is to create it manually through the "Bank and cash desk - Bank statements" block.


The displayed log shows all receipts and debits from the account. To make it more convenient to work with, you can set filters:


To make the document we need, click on "Receipt" or "Write-off", depending on what we need.


Here we fill in the main fields in the same way as filling out a payment order:


After filling in all the fields, we check the correctness of the filled details and click "Record - Post".

In the documents "Receipt to the current account" and "Write-off from the current account" we look at the postings and check the correctness of their display through the "DtKt" button. Postings will be displayed in the opened window "Document movements".


After checking the correctness of the postings, click "Post and close."


The second way to create "Receipt to the current account" and "Debit from the current account" by uploading a bank statement

Let's move on to sending documents to the bank. Being in the journal "Bank statements", click "MORE - Exchange with the bank."


In the "Exchange with the bank" window that opens, to upload documents to the client-bank, select the "Sending to the bank" tab:

  • Choose a company for which we will upload documents;
  • Specify a bank account;
  • We select the period for which we need to upload a bank statement;
  • Choose a location to upload the file.


The tabular part here will be filled with payments that need to be paid.

Opposite each payment that we want to pay, put down the "Flag" and click on the "Unload" button. This will open the "Check for virus attacks" window, where we click "Check".


A file will be generated in the “1c_to_kl.txt” format, which must be uploaded to the client bank.

In the "Exchange with the bank" window, you can see a report on the uploaded payment documents, for which we click "Upload Report". The resulting report will display the payments that were uploaded to a file for uploading to the "client bank". It can be saved in any format or printed.


Downloading an extract in 1C 8.3

The first option is from the "Download bank statement" tab.



  • organization
  • Bank account
  • Download file

Click on the "Update from statement" button.

The tabular part will be filled with data from the file, while the lines highlighted in red mean that the program did not find data in the directories (r / account, counterparty by matching TIN and KPP), to which receipts or write-offs from the account should be distributed. Correctly distributed documents are highlighted in black.

Opposite each document that we want to upload, put down the "Flag". At the bottom of the window, information will be given on the number of documents to be uploaded, as well as "Total Receipts / Write-offs for the amount." Click "Download".


If the bank statement in 1C 8.3 was partially uploaded, the system will display this information in the tabular part of the "Exchange with the bank" window. Not uploaded documents will be displayed with the value "Not uploaded" in the "Document" column, for the uploaded documents, the information "Debit from the current account or Receipt to the current account", the number assigned to it and the date will be displayed.


You can view a report on downloaded documents. To do this, click on the "Upload Report" button.


Consider the second option, how to upload statements to 1C 8.3.

In the journal "Bank statements" click "Download".


Here we are looking for the statement download file and click "Open".


The program will automatically load and post the documents from the statement and display the number of loaded documents, as well as the total receipt amount and the total write-off amount.


Documents in the "Bank statement" journal, marked with a green flag, are posted and posted.


You will need to post and post the statement yourself if it is not marked with a green checkmark: open an unposted document, fill in the main required fields for posting the document, check the correctness of the filled details, click on the "Post" button, then "Post and close".


Document posted and distributed.

If you want to display the opening balances at the beginning and end of the day, as well as the total amounts received and debited for a given date in the bank statement journal, click "MORE - Show/Hide totals".


At the bottom of the journal, the initial balances at the beginning and end of the day, as well as the total amounts received and written off on the date, will be displayed.

In this article I will tell you how to use the functionality in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 bank statements and exchange with the client bank:

  • where in the program interface are bank documents;
  • how to create a new outgoing payment order;
  • how to upload payment orders for payment to the client-bank;
  • how to download a statement from a client-bank and post them;
  • how to upload confirmations of successful payment of outgoing payments.

The general scheme of work for a single day with statements in 1C is as follows:

  1. We load from the client-bank into 1C: receipts for yesterday and confirmation of yesterday's outgoing payments (+ commissions).
  2. We create payment orders that need to be paid today.
  3. (or use the Direct Bank system).

And so every day or any other period.

In the interface, the journal of bank statements is located in the "Bank and Cash Desk" section:

How to create a new outgoing payment order

A payment order is a document for sending it to a bank; it can be printed using a standard banking form. Entered on the basis of the Invoice, Receipt of goods and services and other documents. Be careful document doesn't do any wiring. for accounting! Postings are made by the next document in the chain 1C 8.3 - “Debit from the current account”.

To create a new document, go to the "Payment order" journal of the above section and click the "Create" button. A new document form will open.

The first thing to start with is choosing the type of operation. The choice of future analytics depends on this:

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For example, let's choose "Payment to the supplier". Among the required fields for this type of payment:

  • Organization and organization account - details of our organization.
  • Recipient, contract and account - details of our counterparty-recipient.
  • Amount, VAT rate, purpose of payment.

After filling in all the fields, check the correctness of the details.

Our video about bank statements in 1C:

Uploading payment orders from 1C to the client-bank

The next stage is the transfer of data on new payments to the bank. Usually in organizations it looks like this: for the whole day, accountants create a lot of documents, and at a certain time the responsible person uploads payments to the banking program. Unloading occurs through a special file - 1c_to_kl.txt.

To unload, go to the journal of payment orders and click the "Unload" button. A special processing will open in which you need to specify the Organization and its account. Then specify the dates for which you want to unload, and where to save the resulting file 1c_to_kl.txt:

Click "Upload", we get a file with the following content:

It must be uploaded to the client-bank.

Our video on setting up, loading and unloading payments:

Almost any bank client supports uploading a KL_TO_1C.txt file. It contains all data on incoming and outgoing payments for the selected period. To download it, go to the "Bank statements" journal and click the "Download" button.

In the processing that opens, select the organization, its account and the location of the file (which you uploaded from the client-bank). Click "Update from Statement":

We will see a list of documents 1s 8.3 “receipt to the current account” and “debits from the current account”: both incoming and outgoing (including for). After checking, just click the "Download" button - the system will automatically generate required documents according to the list with the necessary accounting entries.

  • If the system did not find the TIN and KPP in the 1C directory, it will create a new one. Be careful, there may be a counterparty in the database, but with excellent details.
  • If you use, be sure to fill them in the list.
  • If there are no accounting accounts in the created documents, fill them in the information register "Accounts of settlements with counterparties". They can be set both for the counterparty or the contract, and for all documents.

In the process of work, in each organization, there is interaction with other companies (organizations). For the debt of goods, works, services, taxes and other payments, payment must be made. Currently, this process takes place through the Client-Bank system. This program is installed by bank employees on the computer of an employee of the company, for making payments and loading payment orders into the program in which the maintenance is carried out. accounting. Let's look at how bank statements are loaded into 1C.

Downloading statements from the Client-Bank program

In order to download an extract from the Client-Bank program, you must:

  • Generate a statement for the required period;
  • Export it to a text file for data transfer.

Export occurs when you click on the "Export", "Export" or something similar button, in different Client-Bank programs this button is called differently. The generated file is uploaded for export to the desired folder, according to a predetermined path.

In front of the tabular part of the document in the right corner we find the “More” button, click on it, a window appears with a list of functions, select the “Exchange with the bank” position in it.

  • Organization for which payment orders will be loaded;
  • Organization bank account.

We click at the bottom of the document "Download" and after that in the tabular part all statements from the bank will be loaded into the "1C: Accounting" program. After that, we view the report on the uploaded file and proceed to the execution of payment orders.

You can set up automatic payment documents on receipt and withdrawal. To do this, you need to configure.

You can select the document “Settings with the Client-Bank”:

  • By clicking the "Settings" button at the bottom of the "Exchange with a bank" document;

  • In the journal "Bank statements" select the item "Set up exchange with the bank" from the list by clicking on the "More" button.

In the settings, fill in the fields:

  • Specify the bank account from which statements will be downloaded;
  • The name of the program is selected from the list laid down by the developers - this is the program with which you are working. After that, the fields “Upload file from 1C Accounting” and “Download file from 1C Accounting” open. “Upload file from 1C Accounting” only if outgoing payment orders are generated in the 1C database and then uploaded to the Client-Bank;

The condition that must be met is the name of the download file in 1C, it must match the name of the download file from the Client-Bank program.

  • In the lower part of the settings, two fields open, in the left part data on unloading are indicated, in the right part data on loading.

In the field “Automatically post after loading”, it is advisable to indicate two checkboxes for the items “Receipt to the current account” and “Debit from the current account”, while payment orders will be automatically posted, which in the future only need to be rechecked without going into each of them.

After loading payment orders, you should carefully check the "Type of operation" and the created accounting entries and make corrections if errors are found.

Uploading statements from the banking program to 1C is a very convenient procedure that greatly facilitates the work of the accounting service, significantly saving employees' time.

It’s the 21st century outside and I’m surprised to learn that some accountants still fill in bank statements in 1C: Accounting manually, although in all programs of the 1C family (starting from the seven) this process is automated.

And if in 1C 7.7 there were still complaints about it, then the mechanism for loading bank statements for 1C: Accounting 8.3 (version 3.0) truly deserves all praise.

I will tell you step by step how to download statements from your bank client (for example iBank systems as the most common now) in 1C: Accounting 8.3.

1. Launch the client bank. From the main menu, select "Settings" - "General".

2. In the settings that open, go to the "Export" tab. Check the box in section 1C and uncheck all other sections. As an exchange file in section 1C, enter any path to a file with the ".txt" extension. Click the "Save" button.

3. Now get statements for the desired number, select them all (key combination Ctrl+A) and select the down arrow next to the button in the panel. Out. From the drop-down list of commands, select "Export to 1C ...".

4. Half the battle is done! Statements were uploaded to the same file that we specified in the settings of the client bank.

5. Now run 1C and go to the "Bank and cash desk" section. And then select "Bank statements" in the panel on the left.

6. In the statement journal that opens, click the "More" button and select the "Exchange with bank" item from the drop-down list:

7. The exchange window with the bank has opened. Select the "Download from bank" tab.
Specify the bank account and the file to which the statements from the client-bank were uploaded:

8. In the bottom panel, click the "Download" button. And all extracts from the file will be loaded into 1C.

9. Done! It remains only to view the "Upload Report".

Usually, work with bank statements is set up automatically through the client-bank system, but the possibility of integrating client-bank and 1C is not always available. In this case, the work with the bank will have to be done manually. Consider how the necessary documents are formed.

Creating a payment order

In order to transfer money from the organization's current account to pay suppliers, pay taxes and other contributions, you need to create a payment order. On the tab "Bank and cash desk" select the item "Payment orders":

A list of payment orders opens. In the upper left part of the document, click the "Create" button, a form for a new payment order opens. The following fields are filled in:

  • Type of operation - selected from the proposed drop-down list according to the type of payment made;
  • Recipient - the required counterparty is selected from the directory of counterparties, the recipient's account and the contract are filled in automatically from the counterparty's details;
  • Amount of payment;
  • VAT - by default, it is set from the counterparty's data;
  • VAT amount – calculated automatically;
  • Purpose of payment.

It is important to correctly specify the type of operation, since depending on the selected operation, the details of the document will change.

For example, when choosing the type of operation “Payment of tax”, you will need to fill in the “Type of obligation” field, you can change the CCC and the OKTMO code (they are filled with up-to-date data by default). The order to pay the supplier looks like this:

After completing the completed order for payment to the supplier, no postings are generated in 1C, this is just an information document that fixes the need to generate a similar payment order in the client-bank system (recall, we are talking about manual work).

Another way to generate a payment order manually is through the "Pay" button, which, like the "Create" button, is located above the list of payment orders. Clicking opens a list from which you can choose desired view payment: "Assessed taxes and contributions" or "Goods and services":

When choosing one of the items, it will analyze the debt of the organization itself and form a list of documents for which payment is required:

To create payment orders for several creditors at once, you can mark the necessary documents in the list and click the "Create payment orders" button.

New payments will be reflected in the list. They are in bold and not posted because they need to be verified. After checking the correctness of filling and the correctness of the amounts, the order is executed. In this case, you also need to duplicate the order in the client-bank system.

As soon as the bank has confirmed that this payment has been transferred to the recipient, the movement of funds on the accounts must be reflected in 1C and debited from the organization's current account.

You can write off the current account from the same payment order. In it, you need to set the status to "Paid" and click on the hyperlink "Enter a debit document from the current account."

The document "Debit from the current account", unlike the payment order, generates postings in 1C.

You can see the postings by clicking the "Show Postings" button:

Everything was filled in correctly: funds were transferred from the organization's settlement account to the supplier's settlement account, which is reflected in the posting Dt60.01 - Kt51. In the list of payment orders, a checkmark appears in the first column opposite the paid documents:

Receiving payments from buyers

To reflect receipt Money to the settlement account of the organization, use the "Bank statements" item in the "Bank and cash desk" section:

When this item is selected, a journal opens, which reflects all receipts and debits from the current account:

To enter information about the receipt, use the "Receipts" button. The document “Receipts to the current account” opens, in which the fields are filled in:

    Type of operation - in our case, "Payment from the buyer" is set;

    Payer - the counterparty from which the money came is selected from the directory;

  • The VAT rate, the contract and the article of the movement of the DS are filled in from the previously established values.

After filling in all the data, the document is held:

After conducting, you can check the wiring:

Posting Dt51 - Kt62.02 shows that money has been received from the buyer to our account.

The list of bank statements shows up-to-date information on the status of the current account for the current day:

Information is provided on the amount at the beginning of the day, on receipts and write-offs for the day, the balance at the end of the day.

If you need to clarify information for any other day, you can use the calendar to select the desired date:

A list will be generated for the selected day, which will also show all information about the account status.

Register of documents

To get summary information on operations on a bank account, use the "Register of Documents" report, the button of the same name for its creation is located in the bank statements journal. After clicking on the button, a document is generated for printing:

An already completed document is created, it remains only to carry out after verification:

The debt of the counterparty for this implementation is extinguished, the receipt automatically falls into the subordination structure of the implementation:

Similarly, payment orders are issued based on purchases and receipts of services.

Checking the status of the current account

You can check the status of the current account both in the journal of bank statements, and through the "Home Page" on the main page of 1C:

Also, to check the account, you can use the balance sheet for the account (on 51 accounts - for ruble transactions, 52 - for currency transactions).