Operation shaft type code. Currency operation code when transferring salary to a non-resident

Digital code currency transaction V payment order is filled in when compiling settlement documentation for payments in foreign currency. Why exactly do you need to provide such information and what legislative acts are regulated by the CVVO - more on that later.

In what cases is the currency transaction code filled in

On the basis of sub. 3.1-3.4 Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 138-I dated June 4, 2012, the processing of payment orders for foreign currency settlements requires the correct indication of the KVVO (code of the type of foreign exchange transaction). A five-digit indicator is entered in the line "Purpose of payment" at the beginning of the text sentence and has the following structure:

(VO******), while ***** is the designation of the type of foreign exchange transaction.

Note! The presence of spaces in the data inside curly braces is prohibited. Full list approved CVO is contained in Appendix 2 to the Instruction.

What cash settlements are recognized as currency payments according to the norms of Law No. 173-FZ of December 10, 2003:

  • Write-off of ruble funds or their receipt in favor of / from a non-resident of the Russian Federation.
  • Write-off of foreign currency funds or their receipt from / to the relevant currency bank accounts of residents, as well as non-residents.
  • Write-off of any funds or their receipt from accounts (to accounts) in banking institutions recognized as non-residents.

Code of the type of currency transaction in the payment order - the mechanism of action

Each of the existing digital CVVO is theoretically divided into 2 interdependent sub-parts. The first consists of two digits and implies the group of the currency transaction being performed; the second includes three digits explaining the type of VO.

For example, KVVO 01030 is used to indicate the acquisition by a Russian enterprise of foreign currency for rubles by debiting finance from an account:

  • 01 – monetary transactions non-cash nature between participants-residents of the Russian Federation.
  • 030 - purchase of any foreign currency for rubles.

Code of the type of currency transaction in the payment order - basic values

For a better understanding of the essence of the topic, let's consider commonly used values ​​​​of CVVO. One of the most demanded indicators is the code of the currency transaction on wages to a non-resident. The specified coding is affixed when the employer-resident of the Russian Federation transfers wages and other charges (with the exception of those related to code 70125) for the performance of labor duties to employees recognized as non-residents of our country.

  • Currency transaction code 10100 - is valid for mutual settlements between non-residents and residents as part of the transfer of prepayment for foreign economic activity when exporting products / goods outside Russian border, incl. on agency transactions, on execution of orders/commissions. In addition to gr. 22.
  • Currency transaction code 10800 - used for mutual settlements between residents and Russian non-residents as part of the transfer of previously received cash surplus for the export of products outside the Russian Federation. Except KVVO 22800.
  • Currency transaction code 11200 - indicates such payments by residents, the implementation of which takes into account the deferral provided by the non-resident party, including payment for intermediary relations. In addition to gr. 23.
  • Currency transaction code 13010 - valid for mutual settlements between non-residents and Russian residents for products sold at home. Except KVVO 22300, 22210, 22110.
  • Currency transaction code 20200 - is valid for mutual settlements between non-residents and Russian residents for various types of work performed by the resident party, including the provided information and products of intellectual activity. In addition to KVVO 20400, gr. 22, gr. 58.
  • Currency transaction code 21100 - decryption implies the transfer of an advance by a resident to a non-resident. In addition to KVVO 21400, gr. 23, gr. 58.
  • Currency transaction type code 21200 - valid for mutual settlements for the services of a non-resident by a Russian resident. In addition to KVVO 21400, gr. 23, gr. 58.
  • Currency transaction code 61100 - shows the transit movement (transfer) of foreign currency between the foreign currency bank accounts of the resident.
  • Currency transaction code 70060 - used when making non-trade settlements, or rather, when a resident company pays a salary to a non-resident specialist. This also includes the issuance of other similar amounts. Except code 70125.
  • Currency transaction code 99020 - used when returning funds to a non-resident in case of erroneous debiting or crediting.

Note! The full index of the KVVO is located in Appendix No. 2 No. 138-I.

The procedure for processing settlement documents is determined by the Bank of Russia. If we are talking about the transfer of funds in favor of non-residents, then in the field "Purpose of payment" you must specify the currency transaction code. How not to make a mistake in this, read in this article.

Codes for the types of currency transactions (KVVO) are contained in Appendix 2 to instructions of the Bank of Russia dated 04.06.2012 No. 138-I. They need to be indicated in settlement documents in some strictly defined cases:

  1. When filling out a certificate of foreign exchange transactions.
  2. When filling out a payment order for transfer in the currency of the Russian Federation, as well as in any foreign currency, if the operation is a currency transaction, when:
  • the payer is a Russian organization, and the recipient Money- a foreign company or citizen;
  • the payer is a resident - when making transfers to their own accounts or to the accounts of another resident opened with a bank outside of Russia;
  • the payer is a foreign organization or citizen;
  • the payer is a financial agent (factor), the recipient is also a Russian company (and vice versa), in the case of settlements under a financing agreement concluded between them against the assignment of a monetary claim (factoring) and (or) an agreement on the subsequent assignment of a monetary claim.

What is a currency transaction type code?

The code of the type of currency transaction in the payment order must be indicated before the text part in the "Purpose of payment" variable. There is even a special format for this important prop:

(VO<код вида валютных операций>}

You need to specify it exactly like this, without indents or spaces inside curly braces. Its place is before the text part of the payment purpose. The designation VO is capital Latin letters that do not change, after which the digital code itself must be. In the payment order, it always has five characters. Each KVVO is conditionally divided into two parts:

  • the first two digits indicate the group into which similar transfers are combined;
  • the last three digits indicate the number specifying the transfer being made in accordance with the currency legislation.

How to decipher KVVO

There is a table with which you can easily decipher the first two digits of any KVVO.

Conversion currency payments made by individuals or Russian companies by bank transfer

Conversion currency non-cash transfers conducted by foreign citizens or firms

Code for settlements between companies from the Russian Federation with foreign companies when conducting foreign trade activities related to the export of goods from the territory of Russia

Currency code when transferring companies from the Russian Federation to foreign firms or individuals when conducting foreign trade activities related to the import of goods into the territory of Russia

Transfers of domestic organizations for trade transactions without importing goods to Russia

Payment by foreigners to domestic companies when selling goods directly in Russia

Currency code indicated when paying residents to non-residents when conducting foreign trade activities related to the fulfillment of contractual obligations by domestic firms (works, services, transfer of information, intellectual and exclusive rights)

Payment by organizations from the Russian Federation to foreign companies when conducting foreign trade activities related to the fulfillment of contractual obligations by foreigners (works, services, transfer of information, intellectual and exclusive rights)

Mutual settlements of residents with non-residents in the transfer of goods (performance of works/services) by domestic firms or individual entrepreneurs

Payment of residents to non-residents upon transfer of goods (performance of works/services) by foreign firms or citizens

Transfers of Russian companies and individual entrepreneurs to foreigners for purchased real estate

Payment of residents to foreigners under contracts for the assignment of the right to claim (transfer of debt)

Code of transfers of residents with non-residents for other foreign trade operations

Payments for the provision of a cash loan by a Russian company to a foreigner or a foreign company

Code of payments for providing a cash loan to a foreign company from the Russian Federation

Payments upon fulfillment by Russian firms of credit obligations

Settlements in the performance of credit obligations by foreign firms

Payouts on investment (capital investment)

Transfers when foreigners purchase securities from residents of the Russian Federation

Transfers when Russian companies purchase securities from non-residents

Payments upon fulfillment of obligations under securities

Mutual settlements of Russians and foreigners on forward transactions

Payment for transactions related to trust management of assets

Brokerage payouts

Payment transactions carried out by foreign companies and citizens on their accounts in Russian rubles in cash

Payments made by Russian companies in foreign currency in cash

Transactions not related to trading

Settlements between a bank authorized to carry out foreign exchange transactions and a non-resident in Russian rubles, as well as between a bank and a resident in foreign currency

Settlements for other foreign exchange transactions that were not mentioned above

Let's try to decrypt the operation code 10100.

From the table above, we immediately see that it is related to the export of goods. This code usually denotes an advance payment to a resident for goods exported from Russia. This will tell us the numbers "100" at the end. In a similar way, you can decrypt any type of currency transaction in a payment order. But in order to simplify the work, the Central Bank has developed a special table that contains all the necessary values. You can download it at the end of this article.

A sample of filling out a payment order to a non-resident (in Russian rubles)

The payment order is filled in for the transfer of rubles of the Russian Federation, therefore, its usual filling procedure is preserved in accordance with the documents and details of the counterparty, except for the currency transaction code, which must be indicated in the final field of the payment order. To do this, before the text in the "Purpose of payment" field, you need to write VO in capital Latin letters, and then a five-digit transaction code from the table below. The code must be enclosed in curly braces.

Suppose that the Russian organization VESNA LLC needs to pay wages to its employee who works remotely from Kazakhstan and is not a resident of the Russian Federation. In this case, you need to fill out the payment form as usual, and write in the appropriate field:

(VO70060) Wage Abdurakhmanov Ilyas Karimovich for July 2017.

This entry in the payment will look something like this.

The currency transaction type code is a 5-digit number in which the essence of the transaction being carried out is encrypted. banking operation. These codes (or KVVO) are affixed in special certificates and payment orders. Let's consider where CVVOs are used, what is the procedure for their application, as well as the main codes of currency transactions in the material below.

Where are CVVOs used?

Codes for the types of currency transactions (KVVO) are used by payers when filling out settlement documents in rubles in situations where one of the parties is a non-resident (whether the payer himself, the recipient of money, or a non-resident bank where another resident person's account is opened).

Codes of types of currency transactions are necessary to ensure control, monitoring and analysis of information on payment transactions between residents / non-residents.

The currency transaction code is indicated in the certificate filled out by the resident:

  • when crediting/withdrawing money (in Russian rubles) from/in favor of a non-resident;
  • when crediting foreign currency to a transit account or debiting funds in foreign currency from a current account.

Also, KKVO are needed to conduct foreign exchange transactions in the form of debiting the currency of the Russian Federation from the bank account of a resident / non-resident. In this case, in authorized bank payment order is provided.

The list of codes for the types of currency transactions is given in Appendix 2 to Instruction No. 138-I dated 04.06.2012 of the Bank of Russia. From 03/01/2018, this instruction loses its force and a new instruction of a similar content (dated 08/16/2017 No. 181-I) comes into effect. The new instruction also contains a list of codes (Appendix 1), but they are named differently: codes for the types of operations of residents and non-residents. The structure of the code directory, the principle of their formation and numbering are preserved. Added to the new reference book was a group of codes number 59 assigned to transactions under clearing agreements.

How to use the KVVO

The currency transaction type code is entered in the same column of the settlement document where the text of the purpose of the payment is entered, and is entered immediately before the text component. Before the 5-digit number indicating the required operation code, 2 Latin letters must be indicated without a space - V and O.

All alphanumeric code must be enclosed in curly braces. The entry should look like this:

where ххххх is the code corresponding to the currency transaction.

Any KVVO is conditionally divided into 2 parts, where the first 2 digits indicate the group into which similar currency transactions are combined, and the remaining 3 digits are the number that specifies the operation being performed within the specified group.

Deciphering the digital values ​​​​of the groups (taking into account the changes that come into force on 03/01/2018):

Conversion currency transactions conducted by resident persons by bank transfer

The above transactions conducted by non-residents

РР/Н when carrying out foreign trade activities related to the importation of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation

PP/N for trade operations without import of goods to Russia

PP/N when selling goods in Russia

РР/Н when conducting foreign trade activities that are related to the fulfillment of contractual obligations by residents (works, services, transfer of information, intellectual and exclusive rights)

РР/Н when conducting foreign trade activities that are related to the fulfillment of contractual obligations by non-residents (works, services, transfer of information, intellectual and exclusive rights)

PP/N upon transfer of goods (performance of works/services) by residents

РР/Н in case of transfer of goods (performance of works/services) by non-residents

PP/N when purchasing real estate

РР/Н within the framework of contracts for the assignment of the right to claim (transfer of debt)

РР/Н for other foreign trade transactions not mentioned above

Settlements for the provision of a cash loan by residents to non-residents

Settlements for the provision of a cash loan by non-residents to residents

Settlements when residents fulfill credit obligations

Settlements when non-residents fulfill credit obligations

Calculations when investing (capital investments)

Settlements in case of acquisition by non-residents of the Central Bank from residents

Settlements when residents purchase securities from non-residents

Settlements when fulfilling obligations under the Central Bank

РР/Н for futures transactions

Settlements on transactions related to trust management of assets

Settlements for brokerage operations

Settlements under clearing agreements

Payment transactions carried out by non-residents on their accounts in Russian rubles in cash

Payment transactions carried out by residents in foreign currency in cash

Operations not related to trade

Settlements between a bank authorized to carry out foreign exchange transactions and a non-resident in Russian rubles, as well as between a bank and a resident in foreign currency

Settlements for other foreign exchange transactions that were not mentioned above

Features of the currency operation code "Salary to a non-resident"

If a resident pays a salary to an employee who is listed in the bank as a non-resident (has a different citizenship), then when issuing a payment order, the KVVO must be indicated. If this is not done, the bank will not accept the payment order for execution, since it violates the currency legislation.

When transferring wages to such foreign citizen code 70060 should be indicated. At the same time, it is important not to forget to simultaneously issue a payment for payment of personal income tax and insurance premiums so as not to violate tax laws.

About timing transfers of personal income tax to the budget when paying salaries, read our article “When to transfer income tax from a salary?” .

Currency transaction code 10100

Currency transaction code 10100 is used in settlement transactions of non-residents for prepayment to a resident for goods exported from Russia.

Currency transaction code 10200

Currency transaction type code 10200 indicates settlements made by a non-resident to a resident in the event of a deferred payment for products exported from the Russian Federation.

Currency transaction code 11100

Currency transaction type code 11100 - these are settlement transactions of a resident on an advance payment to a non-resident for goods imported into Russia.

Currency operation code 11200

11200 - code of the type of currency transaction, which indicates the settlement of the resident, if the non-resident is given a deferred payment for products imported into Russia.

12060 - currency transaction code

This operation is the fact of payment by a resident to a non-resident for goods sold abroad without their import into Russia.

13010 - currency transaction code

Payment by a non-resident to a resident for products sold in Russia.

Currency transaction type code 20100

20100 is a currency transaction code indicating that a non-resident makes an advance payment for services/works rendered by a resident, etc.

Currency transaction code 20200

Currency transaction type code 20200 in payment document indicates that the non-resident pays for the work/services performed by the resident, etc.

20400 - currency transaction code

This code marks the transaction for settlements under commission agreements (orders, provision of guarantees) from a non-resident (principal, principal or committent) in favor of a resident (attorney, agent, commission agent).

Currency operation code 20500

This is how settlements are noted within the framework of the implementation of commission agreements (orders, provision of guarantees) from a resident (attorney, agent, commission agent) to a non-resident (principal, principal or committent).

Currency operation code 21100: interpretation

The currency transaction type code 21100 in the settlement document (certificate) indicates that a resident has made an advance payment in favor of a non-resident - the contractor of works (services).

Currency operation code 21200: decryption

Currency transaction type code 21200 is a resident's fee for services performed by a non-resident.

Currency operation code 35030

This code is set if a payment is made by a non-resident to a resident for other foreign trade operations.

Currency operation code 35040

Settlements made by a resident in favor of a non-resident for other foreign trade operations.

Currency transaction code 41030

This CVVO means that settlements are being made for the transfer of funds on credit by a non-resident in favor of a resident.

42015 - currency transaction code

This code marks transactions carried out by a resident in connection with the repayment of the principal debt to a non-resident as part of the fulfillment of credit obligations.

Currency operation code 61100

Such a code marks currency transactions for the movement of foreign currency from one transit account of a resident to another.

Currency transaction code 61135

This is a transfer of foreign currency from a resident's account opened in one bank to a similar account opened in another bank.

Currency transaction code 70060

This code indicates the payment of wages by a resident to a non-resident.

Currency transaction code 70205

Other settlements carried out by a resident to a non-resident on transactions that are not trading.

99090 - currency transaction code

All other foreign exchange transactions that were not mentioned under all other codes.


Codes for the types of currency transactions (since March 1, 2018, acquiring the name “Code for the types of transactions of residents and non-residents”) are used when processing payment documents for such transactions and certificates about them submitted to banks. The 5-digit digit of the code encodes the number of the group consisting of 2 digits into which the operation directory is divided, and the 3-digit number of the operation of a particular type included in this group.

The reference book is an appendix to the instruction of the Bank of Russia. Until 03/01/2018, instruction No. 138-I dated 06/04/2012 is valid, containing a list of codes in Appendix 2. From 03/01/2018 it is replaced by instruction No. 181-I dated 08/16/2017, in which the guide is given in Appendix 1. The updated guide under the number 59 contains an additional group of codes.

Currency transaction code in the payment order is filled in when carrying out some transactions with currency. In this article, we will consider how to fill in this requisite and learn about the regulatory documents governing this situation.

Type of currency transaction in the payment order

Which business transactions fall under the definition of "currency", defined in paragraph 9 of Art. 1 federal law"ABOUT currency regulation and currency control” dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ.

Among foreign exchange transactions, there are those that are associated with the transfer of rubles. It is for them that the code for the type of operation in the payment order is filled in. All types of such transactions are described and systematized in Appendix No. 2 to Instruction No. 138-I of the Bank of Russia dated June 4, 2012. Each type is assigned a specific code consisting of numbers.

In which field of the payment order do I need to fill in the code?

The form of the payment order is approved by the regulation of the Bank of Russia dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P. But in this form there is no explicit field for putting down the operation type code. Therefore, it is put down in the field "Purpose of payment", and there are clear instructions about this in paragraph 3.2 of Chapter 3 of Instruction No. 138-I, both for residents and non-residents.

Filling order

Before the text in the "Purpose of payment" field, we write VO in Latin letters, followed by the transaction code from Appendix 2 of Instruction No. 138-I, and we enclose all this in curly brackets.

Example. { VO01030) is the purchase by a resident of foreign currency for rubles.

Important! Latin letters - only capital letters, spaces inside brackets cannot be put.

You will find codes for types of operations in the material.

Incorrectly selected and filled code - what to do?

If during the preparation of the payment the code of the type of currency transaction was incorrectly indicated, then the bank will return such a document. And he will be right, as he must control the submitted documents (Chapter 18 of Instruction No. 138-I). In this case, the organization has only one way out - to redo the payment order.

But there are a number of cases when it is generally possible not to draw up settlement documents. And if they are compiled, then you can not prescribe the code. And this should not be the basis for returning the document from the bank. Such situations are described in paragraph 3.3 and paragraph 3.4 of Ch. 3 instructions No. 138-I.

Another option, when an organization can be sure that the bank will accept its documents, is to include clauses in the agreement with the bank that the bank will draw up payment orders for foreign exchange transactions on the basis of the documents that the organization will provide.


The transaction type code in the payment order must be filled in for those transactions that are currency transactions from the point of view of the Law "On Currency Regulation" dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ and are carried out in rubles.

The code is written in the field "Purpose of payment" before the text: (VOХХХХХ), where ХХХХХ are the numbers from Appendix 2 of Instruction No. 138-I.

If the indicator is filled incorrectly, the bank will return such documents.

A guarantee that the documents will be accepted by the bank is the conditions specified in the service agreement that the bank itself draws up payment orders. Such an opportunity is provided by clause 3.6 of instruction No. 138-I.

Making settlements with non-residents and between residents in foreign currency is subject to special control by banks. The task of the latter is to clarify all the terms of the transaction and identify its compliance with current legislation. Depending on the details of the situation credit organisation requests various documents and data. For example, the currency transaction code 70060 means that the client will be asked to provide papers confirming that individual is his employee, for KVVO 11100, 21200 and others, a foreign trade contract and (or) invoices issued by the counterparty will be required.

Currency control is a system of supervision over foreign exchange transactions, a list of which is given in 173-FZ. The functions of monitoring transactions and operations in the field are performed by agents - banks operating on the basis of a license issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Operations between residents and non-residents are mediated by a foreign exchange contract - the main document that fixes the terms of the transaction, the price of the contract, the mutual rights and obligations of the parties. Full requirements for its content are set out in the letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 300 of 1996.

For purposes currency control residents are recognized legal entities created in accordance Russian legislation and located in the Russian Federation or outside the country. Companies formed under the laws of other states and located abroad are considered non-residents.

Banks performing the functions of currency controllers have the right to demand from clients who carry out currency transactions to submit information and documents that shed light on the details of cooperation with a non-resident. The specified papers are presented on purpose, in the form of originals or certified copies, or by client-bank.

According to the amendments made in 2012 to 173-FZ, banks are required to provide the following information:

  • The date no later than which payment is expected to be received from a non-resident for goods shipped, services rendered or work performed.
  • Dates when a non-resident fulfills obligations (commodity or non-commodity nature) for which he received an advance payment from a Russian company.

According to Art. 19 173-FZ, the obligation of Russian companies cooperating with non-residents is to ensure the repatriation of funds to the Russian Federation. This is the receipt of full payment for goods exported outside the country, or a refund for products that a foreign supplier could not ship to a domestic buyer in a timely manner.

Failure to comply with the provision on the repatriation of funds entails the imposition of monetary sanctions on the Russian company. The amount of the fine can reach ¾ of the revenue not received from abroad. This measure turned out to be necessary to stop the outflow of capital abroad that existed in the early 2000s. Russian companies entered into “vague” contracts with foreign contractors that did not contain information about delivery times, shipping methods, and other details. Funds were paid to foreign accounts, and the contracts were terminated.

Today, in order to perform the function of currency agents, banks perform the following functions:

  • take into account currency transactions and control their implementation;
  • request from customers the necessary documents and information regarding the transaction;
  • open transaction passports.

The current legislation leaves banks the right to refuse a client to conduct a currency transaction if there are doubts about its legality and validity. The reason for the negative decision of the agent may be incorrect filling in the details of the payment order (application for transfer), errors in the certificate of foreign exchange transactions, failure to submit required documents, incorrect drafting of the contract, etc.

What is CVVO?

A currency transaction code is a five-digit number that reflects the nature of the transaction. The selected set of characters must correspond to the purpose of the payment and the content of the documents submitted to the currency controller of the bank. In case of discrepancies, the payment will be refused.

A complete list of currency transaction codes is given in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 138-I, which has been in force since 2012. KVVO is the following combination of characters:

If the accountant prepares a ruble payment order, the specified set of characters precedes the rest of the text of the payment purpose. In other banking documents, the selected code is entered in a specially designated field.

Spaces and any extraneous characters are not allowed between the alphabetic and numeric parts.

Conventionally, each KVVO can be divided into two parts, the first of which (two characters) refers it to a certain class of transactions, and the second (the remaining three digits) characterizes the economic essence of a particular transaction.

10 - a group of numbers indicating that the transaction is related to the import of goods into the Russian territory.

100 - indicates that the delivery is made on a prepaid basis.

It turns out that the currency transaction code 10100 means the shipment of goods to the territory of the Russian Federation on the terms of an advance payment to a foreigner.

Purchase of goods from a foreign counterparty, but on the terms of payment upon delivery.

It depends on the chosen CVVO from the above two options which fields the accountant will fill in the certificate of foreign exchange transactions and which documents will be submitted to the bank. If an advance payment is chosen, it is necessary to prescribe the expected delivery and return of the advance. If the currency operation code is 11200, these two fields are not filled in, but it is necessary to send a document to the currency controller confirming that the goods have crossed state border RF.

(VO20100) and (VO20200)

These codes belong to one group of operations - the provision of services in the field of international cooperation, including under agency contracts. The choice of a specific combination of symbols depends on the conditions under which the transaction is concluded. If we are talking about prepayment, the first option is suitable, the accountant will prescribe the terms for the provision of services and the return of the advance.

If the parties have agreed on a partnership on a post-paid basis, the currency transaction code 20200 will be appropriate. You must also submit to the bank a document confirming that the work has been completed, the services have been provided, for example, an act signed by both parties.

Currency operation code 61100 consists of two parts:

  • 61 - indicates that we are talking about settlements made by residents;
  • 100 - describes the nature of the operation being performed.

This code is used in a situation where a resident company "transfers" funds from one account to another opened in another bank. Supporting documents (contract, invoices, etc.) are not required for the specified transaction. The money is credited to the transit account and transferred to the current account with the help of CBO.

Choosing the right QVVO is not an easy task for an accountant or economist who is taking his first steps in the field of foreign exchange control. The instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is extensive, and many explanations are difficult to understand. To reduce the probability of error to zero, before making a currency transfer, it is recommended to consult with the specialists of the servicing bank.

When is the KVVO indicated?

The currency transaction code must be entered under the following circumstances:

  • making a payment in foreign currency by a resident of Russia in favor of a non-resident;
  • receipt of funds in rubles from a foreigner;
  • write-off of currency to the address of a resident or a foreigner;
  • receipt of currency from residents or non-residents;
  • making settlements with a non-resident bank.

Companies and individual entrepreneurs must choose a code when filling out bank documents: transfer applications (if funds are transferred in foreign currency), payment orders (if payments are made in rubles) and certificates of foreign exchange transactions.

Choice of CVVO for commodity transactions

The simplest situation is the purchase from a foreign supplier of goods that are physically located abroad and will be delivered to the Russian Federation on the terms specified in the foreign trade contract. Depending on the time of payment in relation to the fact of shipment, two variations of the CVVO are possible:

  • 10100 - if the transaction is carried out on an advance payment;
  • 10200 - if there is a post-payment.

What should an accountant do if a foreigner sells goods to a Russian company that are physically located on the territory of the Russian Federation? To indicate this situation, the currency transaction code 13010 is used. Its use must be confirmed by the text of the documents submitted to the bank: the invoices must indicate the address in Russia where goods and materials are located.

The use of 13010 is not allowed for fuel and other products necessary for the direct operation of vehicles. In this case, you need to use one of two CVVOs: 22110 (for prepaid transactions) or 22210 (for postpaid transactions).

How to choose the right KVVO for services: practical recommendations

There is no "universal recipe" for choosing a code. When making a decision, you need to build on the existing reference book presented in the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and economic essence operations.

In practice, it happens that in order to fill out bank documents for a specific operation, one code is not enough, and the payment amount in the CBO must be divided into two lines.

The Russian company is engaged in chartering and orders the services of an agent company at the port of arrival of the vessel. On behalf of the principal, she buys provisions for the crew, her help costs 10 thousand dollars, of which:

  • $ 9,500 - the cost of the purchased provisions;
  • $500 - agency fee.

Imagine that cooperation with an agent is conducted on a post-paid basis.

To make the payment correctly, the accountant needs to divide the amount into two lines for two KVVOs in the SVO and the application for transfer:

  • USD 500 - currency transaction type code 21200. The firm pays the specified amount for services (in a particular case, for assistance in organizing the purchase) provided by the agent.
  • $9,500 - CVVO 21,400. This is not a fee for services, but a reimbursement of the expenses of a representative in the port, who spent money on purchasing provisions from third parties under an agency agreement.

Combining the indicated amounts in one line will be incorrect from the point of view of currency control, the bank will not miss such a payment.

Important! Since counterparties from different countries work on a postpaid basis, it is not enough to provide an invoice to the bank, a certificate is required confirming that the services have been provided.

Based on the interpretation of the currency transaction code 21100, it is obvious that it will be applicable to reflect the amount of the agency fee in a situation where the port representative and the company cooperate on an advance payment. An act to the bank is not required, but it will be necessary to indicate in the SVO the delivery time calculated based on the terms of the contract.

If the services provided by a non-resident of a Russian company consist in the provision of rental property or movable property, a special CVVO is used - (VO20300) regardless of how the cooperation is built: prepaid or postpaid.

A Russian railroad company leases wagons from a Kazakh partner. For the use of property, she monthly transfers a fixed amount in tenge. What currency transaction type code in a payment order would be appropriate in a particular case?

The calculations are related to the provision of property for rent, so the accountant needs to select the code (VO20300). If the monthly rental rate is indicated in the contract concluded with the Kazakh partner, it will be sufficient to attach only the contract. If this amount is not specified, the currency control of the bank will require you to provide acts confirming the amount of the payment being made.

A special case is settlements for services between two residents in foreign currency. 173-FZ leaves Russian companies the right to pay each other in foreign currency for transportation by any mode of transport, at least part of which passes outside the country.

What foreign exchange transaction code will be chosen by a domestic company that plans to pay its Russian partner for rail transportation carried out through the territory of Kazakhstan?

For settlements between residents in foreign currency, a special code is used - 61070. The company that put it down must submit to the bank documents confirming that the transportation was wholly or partially carried out outside the Russian Federation.

Salary to a non-resident: currency transaction code

In practice, situations are not uncommon when domestic firms hire foreign specialists to perform certain functions. From the point of view of currency control, a non-resident is a citizen of any other country, regardless of the length of stay in Russia. This banking interpretation differs from the understanding of residency proposed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Important! The employee remains a non-resident until he receives a Russian passport.

Currency transaction code 70060 is used when a resident company makes payments in favor of an employee who is a citizen of another country. Simultaneously with the payment order, an employment contract is submitted to the bank; a copy of the non-resident's passport may be required.

As in the case of settlements with Russian employees, payment to a foreigner implies the need for timely payment of personal income tax and insurance premiums.

Practice shows that settlements between Russian employers and foreign specialists are not limited to the payment of salaries. Other operation codes are also used:

  • 70200 - payments under the advance report (travel and business expenses);
  • 70030 - transfer of social payments (for example, material assistance);
  • 70120 - making payments to a non-resident employee (present or former) by a court decision.

In all of the above cases, the bank has the right to require the paying company to submit employment contract with a foreigner and other documents describing the essence of the situation (for example, in the case of an advance report of a business trip order).

The right choice of CVVO is not a "whim" of the bank, but the obligation of the company that makes the settlements, dictated by the current legislation. According to these values, the credit institution subsequently generates reports submitted to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

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