Why is vacation in January unprofitable? Is it profitable to take an annual vacation in January: how to count the days if your vacation falls on the New Year holidays? Vacation falls on holidays

Quite often you can hear the statement that taking vacations during the holiday months is unprofitable. We propose to put an end to this issue once and for all and decide: is it worth taking a vacation in January or not? In most cases, resting in the first month of the year is really not very good due to the rise in the cost of a working day during those periods in which there are more non-working days than usual. However, the disadvantage will only affect if the vacation days fall on the working days of such a month.

If you take vacations that fall mainly on holidays and weekends, on the contrary, you will be able to earn a little money, but at the same time you will spend rest days during which you could have rested anyway. For a better understanding, consider specific examples calculations.

Vacation falls on holidays

For example, lawyer Krendelkov receives a monthly salary of 100,000 rubles. In January 2014, he was sent on vacation from the 1st to the 12th. To simplify the calculation, we turn a blind eye to the fact that leave is granted starting from a holiday (in practice this is almost never done), plus we consider that our lawyer received 100,000 rubles a month in all 12 months preceding the leave (that is, his earnings for the calculated period amounted to 1,200,000 rubles). Next, we calculate the average daily earnings to calculate vacation pay. To do this, we divide the total earnings for the billing period by 12 months of the year and by 29.4 - the average calendar number of days.

Since vacation is paid in calendar days, we divide the amount not by working days, but by the average calendar value. It turns out that the average daily salary for vacation is 3,401 rubles. Although citizen Krendelkov will actually have 12 days of vacation, only 4 days will be included in the number of vacation days (dates from 1 to 8 are subject to exclusion as holidays).

As a result, the amount of vacation pay will be 13,604 rubles (3,401 rubles * 4 days). What about our working days? For days of work, we no longer receive payment on calendar days, but on working days. There are a total of 17 working days in January, of which Krendelkov will work 15. The cost of one day of work is 5,882 rubles (100,000 rubles / 17 days). That is, for the days of actual work, Krendelkov will receive 88,230 rubles (5,882 rubles * 15 days). In total, our vacationer will receive not 100,000 rubles per month, but even a little more - 101,834 (88,230 + 13,604) rubles.

This is due to the fact that the vacation covers few working days, and it turns out that Krendelkov worked both almost all working days according to the norm (that is, he received almost the full salary) and paid weekends (at the expense of vacation pay, which provides for payment of all calendar days, including weekends).

Vacation falls on working days

Now let's look at another example, when vacation falls not on holidays, but on working days. Let's say the vacation will be the same 4 days, but from January 27th to 30th. In this case, the amount of vacation pay will not change and will be the same 13,604 rubles. But we will recalculate the days worked. In fact, the lawyer will have been working for 13 days, so he will receive a salary of 76,466 rubles. We add up the amounts and get: 13,604 + 76,466 = 90,070 rubles. This is almost 10% less than usual monthly payment at 100,000 rubles. And we also took the example of a short vacation. If an employee decides to take the entire month off and goes on vacation, say, from January 9 to January 31, then for the entire month he will receive only vacation pay in the amount of 78,223 rubles.

To do this, we multiplied the number of vacation days (23) by average earnings for calculating vacation pay (3,401 rubles), and this is already more than 20% (!) less than usual monthly income. This difference is explained by the fact that by taking vacation in months with holidays (IMPORTANT: vacation days fall on working days), we are actually replacing the cost of an “expensive” working day, obtained by dividing our usual earnings by the number of working days (in our example this is 5 882 rubles), for the cost of a day paid on average, based on calendar days (3,401 rubles).

Yes, in this case, days off paid according to the average are added, but, alas, this will not help either, and the second figure will always be not in favor of the employee. If we convert vacation pay to working days, we get that each working day falling on vacation will no longer be 5,882 rubles, but only 4,601 rubles (78,223 rubles / 17 working days falling on vacation period).

Hence the difference and the indignation that the monthly payment is significantly lower. If an employee uses vacation in a regular month, not a holiday, then there is not such a big difference in the cost of a working day and a pseudo-working day, that is, the balance of the monthly income is maintained, and vacation pay does not hit the pocket.

If you take a vacation in January and artificially increase the New Year holidays, you may miss 10 to 20 percent of your income, depending on its duration, according to experts from the Head Hunter portal. They also published a ranking of the highest salaries in December.

The vacancy of a financial director of a foreign company topped the rating. Applicants are offered a salary of $20,000 or more. In addition to financial mechanisms, the applicant must speak English - the requirements for it are described in great detail in English.

A similar picture with the vacancy for the position of vice president corporate business- good knowledge of a foreign language and the profession itself - and a salary of 650,000 - 800,000 rubles is guaranteed.

The top three “salary” leaders are closed by the vacancy of a financial director in Saratov (the previous two were located in Moscow). The proposed salary is from 500 thousand rubles. The employer, as noted in the recruitment advertisement, is ready to hire a specialist from another region. At least housing rental compensation is included in the “bonus” system for whoever takes this position.

As for salaries and vacation pay for the New Year holidays, the portal’s experts made simple mathematical calculations, from which it is clear that artificially extending the holidays is not so profitable from a financial point of view.

They explained: vacation pay is calculated on the basis of average daily earnings: for this, earnings for the year (12 salaries plus all payments) are divided by 12 months and by 29.4 - the average calendar number of days.

For example: your salary is 100,000 per month for a year, you didn’t receive bonuses, didn’t get sick and didn’t go on business trips. You have decided to take a week's vacation from January 9 to January 15 inclusive. We calculate vacation pay using the formula: RUB 1,200,000. divide by 12 and 29.4, it turns out 3,401 rubles. for each calendar day. This means that your vacation pay for 7 days will be 23,807 rubles.

Now let's calculate the salary for January. For days of work, we no longer receive payment on calendar days, but on working days: 100,000 (salary) divided by 17 (working days in January), we get 5,882 rubles. per day at work. Due to vacation, you will spend only 11 days out of 17 in the office. This means your salary for January: 5,882 rubles. x 11 = 64,702 rub. Total income for January will be: 64,702 (salary) + 23,807 (vacation pay) = 88,509 instead of 100,000.

There is another study from the portal - how employees feel on the eve of the New Year, whether there are any fears associated with losing their jobs. And it turned out that at the end of 2013 the level of anxiety in society was higher than in 2012.

So, when asked whether there is a threat of dismissal at your current place of work, 7 percent answered that there definitely is (in 2012, 4 percent of respondents thought so). Another 14 percent think that it is more likely yes than no (a year earlier - 11 percent). 40 percent are confident that there is no such threat (but at the end of 2012, 47 percent thought so).

But among those who are now looking for a job, only 7 percent are not sure that they will find one in the near future - the same percentage were unsure a year earlier. The vast majority look to the future with optimism.

How is vacation considered if it falls on the New Year holidays? First of all, we need to figure out what the duration of the vacation will be if he is on a long holiday. According to Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, unless otherwise indicated, all article numbers will refer specifically to this code), if non-working holidays occur during the employee’s annual rest period, then they are not taken into account.

Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Calculation of the duration of annual paid leave

The duration of the annual main and additional paid leaves of employees is calculated in calendar days and is not limited to a maximum limit. Non-working holidays falling during the period of annual main or annual additional paid leave are not included in the number of calendar days of leave.

When calculating the total duration of annual paid leave, additional paid leave is summed up with the annual main paid leave.

Thus, if an employee’s vacation falls during the New Year holidays, then his vacation can be extended - or it turns out that he did not complete his legal time off, and will have the right to:

  • demand that he be given additional rest at another time;
  • add the balance to the next vacation.

By law, an employee has the right to demand leave that completely coincides with holidays. But since they are not included in the calculation, you will then have to write in the order: “Duration – 0 days.” Therefore, it is recommended to persuade the employee to take at least one more working day or day off before or after the holidays.

When can I leave?

The question often arises: is it possible to indicate in the vacation schedule January 1 as the beginning of the annual vacation? The legislation does not establish a direct ban on this. However, you need to take into account: in this case, the countdown actually begins for the employee after the end of the holidays (in 2018 - from January 9). This must be kept in mind when calculating the duration.

How does registration work?

How to write an application correctly?

Vacation may be granted according to a schedule - and in this case, the employer’s concern is to calculate it so as not to violate the employee’s rights. However There are some categories of workers who have the right to go whenever they want. In addition, management can meet the employee halfway and, upon his application, provide vacation exactly at the time specified in the application. How to make such a statement correctly?

The employee has two options for applying:

  1. Specifying specific dates(for example: “I ask you to grant me leave from December 30, 2017 to January 17, 2018”). In this case, he will apparently receive what he is entitled to under Art. 114 28 days - but in reality, 8 days of vacation will not be used, and they will have to be transferred and used at another time.
  2. Specifying the duration in days(“I request you to provide 28 calendar days of leave from December 30”). In this case, vacations will not be taken into account, and in reality the employee will go to work not on the 17th, but on the 25th of December.

The first option is not prohibited, since Art. 125 allows vacation to be divided into parts if both the employee and the employer do not object. However, it is better to use the second one: with it, the employee’s rights will definitely not be violated.

Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Dividing annual paid leave into parts. Review from vacation

By agreement between the employee and the employer, annual paid leave can be divided into parts. Moreover, at least one part of this leave must be at least 14 calendar days.

Recall of an employee from vacation is permitted only with his consent. The part of the vacation unused in this regard must be provided at the employee’s choice at a time convenient for him during the current working year or added to the vacation for the next working year.

Employees under the age of eighteen, pregnant women and employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions are not allowed to be recalled from vacation.

How is it renewed?

The number of days by which leave that falls during the holidays must be extended depends on which calendar is approved for the year. Every year, the Government of the Russian Federation officially establishes which rest days are transferred and where. In particular, in 2017 it was established that for 2018:

  • holiday on Saturday, January 6 is postponed to Friday, March 9;
  • rest on Sunday, January 7 – on Wednesday, May 2.

Thus, the number of vacation days for which an employee’s vacation must be extended is calculated individually for each year.

Calculation system

Now let’s see what kind of vacation pay an employee who goes on vacation during the New Year holidays will receive.

How many days will be paid?

What data is needed for calculations to understand how payment is structured on holidays? An employee who goes on vacation in January will be paid vacation pay for all days established by law. But, as was said, vacations are not included in vacation - and, accordingly, are not paid. Therefore, even if the employee actually rested longer, he will only be paid for 28 days, if for him, according to Art. 115 no longer duration specified.

Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Duration of annual basic paid leave

Annual basic paid leave is provided to employees for 28 calendar days.

Annual basic paid leave of more than 28 calendar days (extended basic leave) is provided to employees in accordance with this Code and other federal laws.


SZ x 28,

  • SZ – average daily earnings;
  • 28 – vacation days.

In turn, average earnings are calculated based on the previous 12 months. To do this, all salaries and bonuses are summed up and divided first by 12 (the number of months), and then by 29.3 - the average number of days in a month.

When are funds paid?

Another difficulty is related to when exactly vacation pay should be paid if the employee goes on vacation immediately after the end of the New Year holidays (in 2018 - from January 9). What does the law say?

Art. 136 indicates that payment must be made no later than 3 days before the vacation begins. However, the Code does not indicate that days must necessarily be working days. Letter of Rostrud dated July 30, 2014 No. 1693-6-1 directly emphasizes that these days are calendar days.

Therefore, even if the accounting department does not work on holidays, and there is no one to make the transfer or issue cash, this is the problem of the employer, not the employee. He must have the money no later than January 6, and how this will be done is up to the company management.

A reasonable way out of this situation is to pay before the New Year holidays: Art. 136 sets a deadline, but does not prohibit paying vacation pay earlier.

Why is it unprofitable to take a vacation during this period?

Is it possible to take a vacation in January and how advisable is this? We must take into account: vacations falling in January are not only not always convenient, but also unprofitable for the employee financially. This is due to the fact that too many holidays are excluded from the 31 calendar days of this month, and as a result, instead of 21 working days, there are 17 in 2018.

Due to the small number of working days with the same monthly salary, the average daily earnings in January are higher. However, the salary will be paid based on the days actually worked - and it turns out that missing each of them will cost the employee more.

Vacation pay is paid at the price of one calendar day for the entire billing period, excluding holidays - and, as a result, the employee’s total salary and vacation pay for January will be less than if he had not taken a vacation this month.


So it's easy to see that January is a special month in terms of vacations, when too many days have a special status. As a result, whether or not to take an annual vacation at this time is up to the employee to decide, but the result may not be very profitable in terms of money, although it is profitable in terms of time.

Employers must draw up a vacation schedule for 2014 by December 17, 2013. And on the same day, a number of lucky ones will receive notification of the start of their vacation in January. Only such happiness can be doubtful. Why? Let's try to figure it out!

Quite often you can hear the statement that going on vacation during the holiday months is unprofitable. And when asked why, they just wave their hands. I propose to put an end to this issue once and for all and make a final decision - is it worth taking a vacation in January or not?

I’ll say right away that in most cases it’s really unprofitable to take a vacation in the first month of the year. And this is due to the rise in cost of a working day in those months in which there are more non-working days than usual.

However, the disadvantage will only affect if the vacation days fall on the working days of such a month. If you take a vacation, which falls mainly on holidays and weekends, then on the contrary you can earn a little money, but at the same time you will spend rest days during which you could have rested anyway.

For a better understanding, let's look at specific examples of calculations.

Vacation falls on holidays

Example 1

For example, lawyer Krendelkov receives a monthly salary of 100,000 rubles. In January 2014, Krendelkov was sent on vacation from the 1st to the 12th. To simplify the calculation, we turn a blind eye to the fact that vacation is granted starting from a holiday (in practice, this is almost never done) plus we assume that our lawyer received 100,000 rubles a month in the 12 months preceding the vacation. That is, earnings for the billing period (12 months) amounted to 1,200,000 rubles. Next, we calculate the average daily earnings to calculate vacation pay. To do this, we divide the total earnings for the billing period by 12 months of the year and by 29.4 - the average calendar number of days. Since vacation is paid in calendar days, we divide the amount not by working days, but by the calendar average. We find that the average daily salary for vacation is 3,401 rubles. Although our gentleman will actually rest for 12 days, only 4 days will be included in the number of vacation days (numbers 1 to 8, being holidays, are subject to exclusion). As a result, the amount of vacation pay will be 13,604 rubles. (3,401 rubles * 4 days.)

What about our working days? For days of work, we no longer receive payment on calendar days, but on working days. There are a total of 17 working days in January, of which Krendelkov will work 15. The cost of one day of work is 5,882 rubles (100,000 rubles/17 days). That is, for the days of actual work, Krendelkov will receive 88,230 rubles. (RUB 5,882 *15 days). In total, our vacationer will receive not 100,000 rubles per month, but even a little more: 101,834 rubles (88,230+13,604). This is due to the fact that the vacation covers few working days, and it turns out that Krendelkov worked almost all working days according to the norm (that is, she received almost the full salary) and paid weekends (at the expense of vacation pay, which provides for payment of all calendar days , including weekends).

Vacation falls on working days

Example 2

Now let’s look at another example, when vacation falls not on holidays, but on working days. Let's say the vacation will be the same 4 days, but from January 27 to 30. In this case, the amount of vacation pay will not change and will be the same 13,604 rubles. But we will recalculate the days worked. In fact, the personnel officer will have been working for 13 days and will therefore receive a salary of 76,466 rubles. We add up the amounts and get: 13,604+76,466=90,070 rubles. That is, almost 10% less than the usual monthly payment of 100,000 rubles. And we also took the example of a short vacation. If an employee decides to take a full month off, and for example goes on vacation from January 9 to January 31, then for the entire month he will receive only vacation pay in the amount of 78,223 rubles. To do this, we multiplied the number of vacation days (23 days) by average earnings to calculate vacation pay (RUB 3,401). And this is already more than 20% (!) less than the usual monthly income.

This difference is explained by the fact that by taking vacation in months with holidays (provided that the vacation days fall on working days), we are actually replacing the cost of an “expensive” working day, obtained by dividing our usual earnings by the number of working days (in our example this is 5,882 rubles), for the cost of a day paid on average, based on calendar days (3,401 rubles). Yes, in this case, days off paid according to the average are added, but, alas, this will not save, and the second figure will always be not in favor of the employee. If we convert vacation pay to working days, we find that each working day falling on vacation will no longer be 5,882 rubles, but only 4,601 rubles (78,223 rubles/17 working days falling on the vacation period). Hence the difference and the indignation that the monthly payment is significantly lower.

If an employee uses vacation in a regular non-holiday month, then there is not such a strong difference in the cost of a working day and a pseudo-working day during vacation. This means that the balance of monthly income is maintained, and vacation pay does not hit your pocket.

Holiday schedule in 2019. Russians will have the most vacation in January. Many people prefer to increase their holidays at the expense of vacations - this allows them to rest longer, but at the end of the month they will accrue less money. The Village has calculated how much you could lose if you decide to extend your holidays.

When is it profitable to go on vacation?

According to the Labor Code, wages are calculated based on the number of working days in a month, and vacation pay is calculated based on the number of calendar days. More precisely, to calculate them, the average daily earnings are used (salary for the year divided by 12 and 29.3). Since there are fewer working days in a month, they cost more. In months with many holidays, this difference becomes especially noticeable.

The Village has already written in detail about this. Let us remind you that the most profitable months for vacation are those with many working days. In 2019 these are April, July, August and October. To get more vacation pay, you should take vacation for a full week, and not just on working days - then they will be accrued on weekends as well.

How much are you losing by extending the holidays?

We took as a basis a salary of 80 thousand rubles. According to the latest, this is what Muscovites receive on average. We assume that the person has worked for at least a year and his salary has not changed. Then the average daily earnings will be 2,730 rubles; vacation pay is calculated from this figure based on the number of days of rest. We calculate how much you can lose on vacation during the months with holidays:


There are 17 working days in January, which means that one day of an employee with a salary of 80 thousand will cost 4,705 rubles.

To rest for a full two weeks, you need to add three days of vacation - January 9–11. The income will be as follows: 65,870 (salary) + 8,190 (vacation pay) = 74,060 rubles.

You will lose 5,940 rubles.

To rest throughout January, you need to take 23 days of vacation - you will receive 62,790 rubles in vacation pay.

As a result, you will lose 17,210 rubles per month without work.


Falling on Saturday February 23rd, Russians will have a holiday in May. Women's Day falls on Friday and is a day off. There are 20 working days in March, which means that one day of an employee with a salary of 80 thousand will cost 4 thousand rubles.

To take a week off, you need to take four days off. Then for March you will receive: 64,000 (salary) +10,920 (vacation pay) = 74,920 rubles.

You will lose 5,080 rubles.

There are 18 working days in May, and one day of an employee with a salary of 80 thousand will cost 4,444 rubles.

In order not to go to work between holidays, you need to take three days of vacation. In this case, for May you will receive: 66,660 (salary) + 8,190 (vacation pay) = 74,850 rubles.

You will lose 5,150 rubles.

To rest a little more than two weeks, you need to take two more days in April. It has 22 working days, one day costs 3,636 rubles. You will be charged for April: 72,720 (salary) + 5,160 (vacation pay) = 78,180 rubles. In April you will lose 1,820 rubles plus May 5,150.

In total, you will receive less than 6,970 rubles.


There are 19 working days in June, and one day of an employee with a salary of 80 thousand will cost 4,211 rubles.

In order not to go to work until the end of the week, you need to take two days of vacation. Total you will receive: 71,587 (salary) + 5,160 (vacation pay) = 76,747 rubles.

You will lose 3,253 rubles.

If you take a vacation for the whole week at once: 50,532 (salary) + 19,110 (vacation pay) = 69,642 rubles.

Then you will lose 10,358 rubles.


There are 20 working days in November, which means that one day of an employee with a salary of 80 thousand will cost 4 thousand rubles.

You can take four days off to rest for nine days in a row. Then you will receive: 64,000 (salary) + 10,920 (vacation pay) = 74,920 rubles.

You will lose 5,080 rubles.