Favorable mortgage interest rates. Mortgages with the lowest interest rates (16 banks)

Good afternoon, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! Today we’ll talk about a profitable mortgage loan (cheap mortgage).

From this article you will learn:

  • What mortgage loan terms can be considered favorable;
  • Who has the opportunity to get a preferential mortgage;
  • What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a profitable one? mortgage;
  • Where (in which bank) is it more profitable to take out a mortgage?
  • Who can help you get the best mortgage?

At the end of the publication are answers to frequently asked questions about mortgages.

The information presented will be useful to those who are planning to buy a home with a mortgage loan and are looking for the best conditions. If you belong to this category, don’t waste time, read our article right now!

This publication is about profitable/cheap mortgages: how to choose one, where it is more profitable to get one, in which bank you can apply for low percentage

In our country mortgage has become the only option that allows you to move into your own home today without wasting time and effort on saving money equal to the cost of the apartment. On our website there is a separate article about how to become the owner of your own home on your own.

Mortgages secured by real estate have been popular throughout the world as a method of purchasing a home for many years. In our country, this option of buying an apartment began to develop only 15 years ago.

However, enough is already a large number of Russian citizens managed to take advantage of the mortgage. Moreover, many have even been able to successfully repay such loans.


Main features of loans secured by real estate

  1. The main characteristics of a mortgage are: Target character. That is, funds received for a mortgage can only be spent on real estate purchase . They are issued much less frequently.
  2. construction The property remains pledged to the bank,
  3. despite the fact that upon purchase it becomes the property of the borrower. That is, until the mortgage loan is fully repaid, it will be impossible to sell or donate the property without notifying the bank. Often, even to register relatives here, a separate permit is required. Long term. Most often, the mortgage is issued at a minimum for 5 years 30 . The maximum period may exceed

. It all largely depends on the age of the borrower.

  • high speed of receiving money and buying an apartment, especially when it comes to registration through professionals, the so-called brokers;
  • a large number of programs on the market, the choice of which depends on the specific situation;
  • a profitable investment option.

Choosing between rent And mortgage, it should be understood that apartments almost never fall in price over time. Moreover, rent payments often increase, while mortgage payments often remain unchanged.

It turns out that in the long run, renting is usually more expensive than paying off a loan for your own home.

Naturally, in addition to benefits at mortgage loans there is also flaws. The main ones are the consequences that occur if it is impossible to pay off a mortgage loan. In other words, in such situations The credit institution has the right to take back the collateral .

Do not forget that getting a loan is not so easy. To do this, you must meet certain requirements of credit institutions that apply to mortgage borrowers.

The basic requirements for a borrower in most credit institutions are the same:

  • minimum age 21 year, maximum - approximately 40 -45 ;
  • high-quality credit reputation;
  • stable place of work;
  • sufficient monthly income.

Only if all of them are executed simultaneously necessary conditions the applicant can count on a positive decision on the mortgage.

In a separate article, we also wrote how to do it without refusal and which banks are ready to give a loan in this case.


What kind of mortgage can be considered profitable? Everyone knows that with a mortgage you have to live in debt for a long period. The result is significant amount of overpayment . That is why those who want to buy an apartment on credit react very sharply to the phrase .

favorable mortgage The mortgage loan amount is usually quite large. Combined with a solid loan term, as well as various commissions and insurance payments, this gives huge overpayment , which is usually the minimum 2 times

exceeds the original loan amount.

The main goal when choosing a lending program in such conditions is to find the most profitable mortgage program possible. It's important to understand , that not always the most profitable mortgage can be called the one for which minimum bid . Very rarely does a bank agree to reduce profits. Therefore, most often the losses associated with a reduction in the rate are compensated by the credit institution by charging various.

Many people consider this option beneficial for themselves. On the one hand, there is no need to wait and save. But don't forget what to pay this sum of money will have to anyway.

Moreover, since it will be included in the loan issued, interest will also be charged on it. Ultimately, the overpayment will be much greater than when making a down payment.

Professional financiers agree that . That is why those who want to buy an apartment on credit react very sharply to the phrase– a relative concept. Its parameters are determined by the personal opinion of the borrower, as well as the financial circumstances prevailing in this moment.

In fact, if you carefully study the characteristics of mortgage programs, most of the advantages cease to be so. At the same time, those conditions that seem inconvenient, as well as the least profitable, actually turn out to be the most suitable and best in specific conditions.

More often than not, those who benefit the most from a mortgage are those who make certain sacrifices to gain seemingly minor benefits.

2. Who has the right to get a mortgage on preferential terms? 📑

If we still consider a mortgage from the point of view of benefits, it can be obtained by those who have the right to obtain a loan for preferential terms .

Traditionally, the following categories of benefits are distinguished:

  • reduced mortgage rate;
  • no need to make a down payment;
  • credit holidays - upon the occurrence of certain events (for example, the birth of a child), the borrower is allowed not to repay the loan for 1 -3 years.

The purpose of obtaining mortgage loans on preferential terms is the opportunity to purchase housing low-income citizens.

Who can get a mortgage on preferential terms - the main categories of citizens

Preferential loans are provided to the following categories of borrowers:

  1. Young families - both spouses are underage 35 years;
  2. Young professionals;
  3. Persons performing military service;
  4. Young teachers;
  5. Families with more than one child have the right to maternity capital.

By the way, military personnel a mortgage of 2,4 million rubles which they don't pay for. All payments for them are made by the Ministry of Defense.

Thus, benefit programs mortgage lending have whole line benefits . However, there are also flaws, among which are primarily called lack of opportunity to purchase any housing .

Typically, beneficiaries have to choose from apartments from a specific developer, which are being built in promising but unpopular areas. However, it is often possible to buy only real estate with equity participation . Read more about military personnel and other public sector workers in one of our previous articles.

What you need to consider when looking for a profitable mortgage loan - the most important factors influencing the “profitability” of a mortgage

3. How to choose a profitable mortgage loan - 6 main conditions that you need to pay special attention to 📊

To understand which mortgage is the most profitable, it is important to analyze and compare existing offers on the market.

It should be remembered that mortgage loan agreement requires the borrower maximum attention. You should carefully study all the text, especially the so-called small print.

  • loan currency;
  • the amount of the down payment;
  • interest rate;
  • availability of insurance and the amount of payments for it;
  • amount of commissions;
  • features of early cancellation.

Condition 1. Loan currency

Banks often try to lure clients into taking out a mortgage in foreign currency, reducing interest rates on such loans. Specialists Not recommend give in to such temptation.

The term of mortgage loans is very long, during which time the national currency may depreciate so much that the amount of winnings on bets will be insignificant . Moreover, in our country the rate foreign currencies often changes unpredictably. The result is Difficulty paying off your mortgage.

However, in some situations it is still more profitable to take out a mortgage in foreign currency. This is typical for those cases when the main income is calculated in this monetary unit.

Condition 2. Down payment amount

Most often, a mortgage is issued with down payment. This indicator reflects information about how much the borrower must pay as soon as the contract is signed.

Traditionally, the down payment amount is calculated in the range from 10 to 30% from total cost apartments.

IN in monetary terms the amount turns out to be quite large. For some, accumulating it can be difficult. However, in essence, it demonstrates to the credit institution that the borrower’s intentions are the most serious. Anyone who managed to raise money for a down payment will certainly be able to pay off the amount of mortgage debt in the future.

Some borrowers waste time searching credit programs with a minimal or even zero down payment. At the same time, they forget that such loans are often issued with less favorable other conditions.

Moreover, this amount will have to be paid in any case. Only taking into account the accrued interest it will be much higher.

Condition 3. Interest rate

Despite the fact that experts do not recommend putting the interest rate at the forefront, most borrowers pay attention to it first. However, this parameter is not always the most significant.

Most credit institutions are excellent at playing on the psychology of the borrower. To attract his attention, banks set minimum bid . At the same time, it is quite natural that not a single credit institution will worry about the savings of clients more than its own benefit.

Therefore, you should not be bribed by the promise of a low interest rate. It is quite possible that with further study of all the parameters of the mortgage program it will become clear that this is just a trick to attract more clients.

Moreover, it would be useful to know that at the moment in Russia the average mortgage rate is 12-15 percent per annum. If you promise a lower percentage, you should study other conditions even more carefully.

Condition 4. Availability of insurance and the amount of payments for it

Some borrowers forget about availability insurance when taking out mortgage loans. Meanwhile, this parameter has a significant impact on the size of future overpayment.

It is legally established that insurance is mandatory loan payments . The borrower has the right to refuse all other types of insurance programs.

Note! Often it is the client’s consent to voluntary insurance affects the mortgage rate.

It is important for credit institutions that the risk of issuing a loan is as low as possible. To protect themselves, they all possible ways try to convince clients to insure not only payments, but also health, performance, as well as himself real estate object.

In these circumstances, the borrower should carefully consider the benefit of agreeing to certain insurances.

Condition 5. Amount of other commissions

Often, borrowers do not pay due attention to the presence of fees when applying for a mortgage. Meanwhile, there are different kinds additional payments, which affect the interest rate, as well as overpayments on the mortgage.

Often the first fee a borrower faces is payment for registration and issuance of a mortgage . Some banks have several lending programs that differ in the size of this payment (usually from 1 to 4% from the loan amount). Wherein the higher the commission, the lower the interest rate .

Not everyone can immediately understand which option is more profitable. To determine this, you will have to compare commission size With overpayment for the entire loan term. Only after this can you make the right choice.

The commission for issuing a mortgage is far from the only one. For each loan program, you should find out whether additional payments and carefully analyze their impact on payments.

Thus, borrowers often forget about the existence account maintenance fees . Meanwhile, they are charged monthly. As a result, the benefit from lower interest rates is often insignificant or non-existent.

To avoid that there are unexpected overpayments on your mortgage, you should carefully study all the terms of the agreement. BEFORE its signing.

Often, information about additional payments is indicated in the middle of an impressive volume of agreements. As a result, it can be difficult to notice.

It is also important to carefully consider how often you will have to pay a particular payment - once a year or monthly.

Condition 6. Features of early repayment

An equally important mortgage parameter is possibility to repay it early . Many borrowers make every effort to relieve themselves of the burden of payments as quickly as possible. However, for banks it is Not is beneficial, because they are deprived of making a profit from the issued loan in the future.

This state of affairs leads to the fact that some credit institutions are trying to limit the ability to repay a mortgage early. They appoint commissions for such actions, and also do not allow them for a certain period of time.

However, most banks offer clients the opportunity to pay off their mortgage early. There are 2 options:

  1. Pay off the remaining amount of the debt;
  2. Contribute only part.

Both of these methods allow you to gradually reduce the amount of overpayment on your mortgage. That's why the opportunity early repayment can be regarded as a sign of a profitable mortgage loan.

Thus, there are a number of parameters that have a significant impact on the profitability of mortgage programs. They should be analyzed comprehensively . This is the only way to determine which option is preferable.

4. Nuances of a profitable mortgage + professional opinion on whether it is profitable to take out a mortgage now 🔔

If we talk about whether it is profitable to take out a mortgage now, when the economic situation in Russia and in the world is extremely unstable, then under these conditions financiers do not at all discourage people from drawing up mortgage agreements. But they emphasize to citizens that the lending program should be chosen as carefully as possible. . In principle, this rule is relevant in any time period.

A huge number of Russians have fallen into a trap. They were seduced by tempting rates and took out a loan to purchase a home in foreign currency.

At the same time, the difference in the annual rate is not so big - about 2 -3 % . It would seem that in terms of a large loan in rubles, the overpayment would be significant. But no one is immune from exchange rate fluctuations with foreign currency mortgages.

So, in 2016 year in Russia the value of foreign currencies increased by approximately , which is usually the minimum. As a result, those who took out a mortgage in rubles continue to pay a fixed monthly payment. At the same time, for those who took out a loan in foreign currency, it increased in proportion to the exchange rate, that is, by 2 times.

Similar situations were repeated more than once. The result is an extremely difficult situation for the borrower, when it becomes impossible to pay the mortgage.

Experts also name others that banks use to lure clients. They look very attractive, but in practice they do not bring real benefits to borrowers. Below we describe the most common of them.

1) Floating interest rate

Bank employees often try to convince their clients that floating interest rate on a mortgage loan is an incredibly advantageous option for the borrower, since it guarantees a change in the size of payments depending on the market situation. In practice, all risks from changes in the economic situation fall on the shoulders of borrowers.

Note! Some experts compare the degree of risk of a mortgage with a floating rate with one that is issued in foreign currency.

In addition, analysts claim that improvements in the near future economic indicators, to which the rate is tied, is not expected.

In addition, experts predict a further increase in the inflation rate. For borrowers this will turn out to be height floating rate. It should be borne in mind that such an increase is not limited by absolutely anything, so as a result, for the debtor this may result in a situation where it will be impossible to pay the loan.

There is an opinion that a floating interest rate is beneficial when taking out a mortgage for a short period. That is, if you pay the loan within 5 years, this does not threaten trouble. Moreover, you will be able to save on the amount of overpayment.

But history says otherwise. Many borrowers who 2006 year, we took out a mortgage with a variable rate and intended to pay it off as quickly as possible. However, in 2008 the year has come economic crisis which led to significant rising rates for such loans. As a result, hopes were not justified, and the payment increased significantly.

2) Reduced mortgage interest rates in the future

Recently, programs have appeared on the mortgage lending market that promise borrowers for a certain commission interest rate reduction in the future.

In practice, you have to pay huge sums for this opportunity. Typically the commission is 2 -7 % of the total amount received for the mortgage.

Banks provide calculations that convince clients that the savings from such rate cuts will be significant.

In practice, most borrowers strive to pay off their mortgage as quickly as possible. In this case, saving makes no sense. Therefore, professionals do not recommend overpaying extra money for such conditions.

3) Mortgage refinancing

Currently, more and more credit institutions are offering mortgages with combined rate. In this case, the loan is initially issued according to reduced rate, and after a certain period will be carried out.

On the one hand, for the borrower there is a certain benefit of refinancing, which consists in getting more profitable conditions. As a result, when applying for a mortgage, the client hopes that at the first stage he will benefit from a low rate, and subsequently refinance the loan at average market interest rates.

In practice, banks, if their benefits decrease, are reluctant to provide refinancing. As a result, in most cases, borrowers are not given the opportunity to exercise this right.

More often than not, borrowers are not given better mortgage terms, they simply receive floating rate loan.

It should be taken into account that at first only interest is always paid on a mortgage, while the amount of the principal remains practically untouched. As a result, the level of overpayment is practically no different from a traditional loan, and the promise of savings remains nothing more than a publicity stunt.

Thus, when applying for a mortgage, the borrower must thoroughly select its conditions. Today, the market offers a huge number of different programs, most of which lure customers with a non-existent opportunity to save money.

You should not take such promises at their word. It is better to study the opinions of professionals regarding certain proposals.

5. Which bank has the most profitable mortgage - review of the TOP 5 banks where it is more profitable to get a mortgage 💸

Today, a mortgage can be obtained from almost any bank. At the same time, you can find many interesting and quite profitable programs on the lending market.

It can be difficult to choose the best one on your own. Therefore, it is best to use ratings compiled by experts.

The table shows banks with the most favorable lending conditions:

Credit organisation Name of the loan program Maximum loan amount Maximum term Bid
1. Credit Bank of Moscow Mortgage with state support 8 million rubles 20 years 7-12%
2. Primsotsbank Set your bet 20 million rubles 27 years 10%
3. Sberbank Purchasing ready-made housing for young families 8 million rubles 30 years 11%
4. VTB 24 More meters – lower rate (purchase of large apartments) 60 million rubles 30 years 11,5%
5. Rosselkhozbank For reliable clients 20 million rubles 30 years 12,5%

It should be kept in mind that you can count on the minimum rate when applying for a mortgage with government support.

6. Who to turn to for help in obtaining profitable mortgage loans - mortgage brokers will help 📃

Not everyone can understand all the features of mortgage programs. Many people spend a huge amount of time on such an analysis.

However, there is no guarantee that after spending days and weeks searching for the most favorable conditions, you will be able to obtain the most suitable option with a minimum overpayment.

To prevent paying off your mortgage from becoming torture, you should seek help professionals.

They analyze existing offers on the market, as well as select the ideal program for specific conditions. mortgage brokers .

Popular Moscow mortgage brokers are: “Credit Laboratory”, “ABC of Housing”, “Service Credit Solutions", "Flash Credit"

In megacities, similar functions are performed by entire specialized organizations. But even in small towns you can find a mortgage broker. Most often they work in popular real estate agencies.

7. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) 📢

The topic of mortgage lending is vast and multifaceted, so often those who are looking for the best program, a huge number of questions arise.

It is not always possible to spend time searching for answers on the Internet. To make life easier for our readers, we provide answers to the most common questions.

Question 1. How profitable is it to take out a mortgage for a home?

To obtain a mortgage loan as profitably as possible, you will first need to conduct a thorough analysis of the programs offered in the city of residence of the future borrower. More details about whether to buy an apartment, a house or land plot, we already talked about in the previous article.

In this case, you should pay attention to a number of indicators, the main ones being:

  • loan amount;
  • the period for which it is planned to issue a mortgage;
  • interest rate.

Don't forget about the various commissions, and insurance.

When looking for a profitable mortgage, you should first pay attention to programs in banks where the future borrower is already client . This may be a credit institution, on whose card the applicant receives wages, or where another loan was issued and successfully repaid.

Credit institutions usually treat these categories of clients more loyally. Besides, it is in these cases that you can count on more favorable conditions, for example, interest rate reduction.

Those who have a significant amount for down payment. If the borrower has 50 % the cost of the apartment, the bank will offer him minimum bet.

Conversely, if there is no or insignificant down payment, the loan rate will be maximum . This rule allows credit institutions to insure the risks of non-repayment of funds, as well as the onset of a collapse in the economy.

Another indicator that has a significant impact on the profitability of a mortgage is loan term . On the one hand, obtaining a mortgage loan for maximum the term leads to the fact that the monthly payment will be small. As a result, it will be much easier for the borrower to fulfill obligations.

The fight for clients forces banks to come up with new bonuses. We talk about life hacks for users of VTB services.

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    The problem of providing housing for everyone is still acute in the state. New housing of different price categories and classes is constantly being built. However, the income of most Russians does not allow them to purchase square meters in a short time, so they must turn to credit institutions for help. In which bank it is better to take out a mortgage in Moscow, everyone decides for themselves after carefully studying the information on interest rates and terms of housing loans.

    How to choose the right bank for mortgage lending

    To begin with, it should be said that uniform conditions does not exist for housing loans, so precise information should be checked with each banking organization separately. Mortgage is a type of lending, the essence of which is to pledge the acquired residential property as collateral. The “legal purity” of the property will definitely be checked, because housing loans are issued for the purchase of square meters not only in new buildings, but also on the secondary market.

    Before deciding which bank is best to take out a mortgage from, it is worth finding out whether it cooperates with any construction organizations, because then the buyer is provided with additional discounts and bonuses. Promotions may concern a reduction in the prime interest rate or an increase in the payment term, or maybe even a minimum down payment. It would be nice if you could include a co-borrower in your total income.

    Mortgage rates

    Interest on home loans depends on the loan term, the amount of the down payment and the value of the property. In addition, attention is paid to the currency of the loan, although recently they have been trying to issue only ruble loans due to the high risks of non-repayment due to the rise in foreign exchange rates. All mortgage rates can be roughly divided into three types.

    Fixed rate loans are the most common, and for good reason. Firstly, the borrower always knows how much he needs to repay, and secondly, the interest does not depend in any way on the economic situation in the country. Loans with a floating value are set in relation to a specific parameter, for example, the key (base) rate. They have not become widespread in Russian mortgage lending, since there is uncertainty about the cost of the loan in the long term.

    Mixed rate mortgages are widespread. Its essence lies in the fact that the banking organization charges for the use home loan percentage, part of which is constant, and the second depends on certain indicators. For example, this could be a course national currency, inflation rate or weighted average rate on bank loans.

    Insurance of the loan object and additional commissions

    Additional security in the form of insurance of the purchased property and/or life of the borrower is of great importance for the bank when issuing mortgage products. Thanks to this, he can be confident of reimbursement of expenses incurred in a force majeure situation. For the insured borrower there is a bonus in the form of a reduced interest rate.

    Down payment amount

    Each bank has different requirements for the borrower's own funds. As a rule, a minimum threshold is set, but the maximum value is not specified. There are offers on the market with a zero down payment requirement, but this occurs only under special lending programs. According to experts, in the current situation, payment above 30% is considered optimal, and preferably 50% for a loan term of up to 10 years. Based on the final overpayment, this approach is considered the most effective.

    Submission deadline

    The period for providing a housing loan is what distinguishes a mortgage from another type consumer lending, such as Loko Bank, where you can take out a loan for any purpose, including buying a home, for 5–7 years. Most mortgage offers are limited to an average of 20–25 years, but this limit directly depends on the age of the borrower, who must pay the last installment before he turns a certain number of years. It is important to know that the longer the term, the greater the amount of overpayment, but the monthly payments themselves are less.

    Interest calculation scheme

    You will have to pay money to use the loan. When concluding an agreement, bank employees must provide the borrower with a payment schedule. There are two ways to pay interest. The first of these is annuity payments. They are calculated using a special formula. Thanks to this, the monthly payment is a fixed figure. Another type of payment of remuneration is the calculation of interest on the balance of the debt. The disadvantage of this system is the large amount of initial contributions, which is unprofitable for long-term loans and large amounts of borrowing.

    Where is the best place to get a mortgage?

    Mortgage lending gives citizens the opportunity to purchase housing in the secondary and primary markets. At the stage of deciding which bank is better to take out a mortgage, it makes sense to analyze the offers construction companies and realtors, because sometimes you can buy a nice small apartment in a developed area for the price of housing in a new building on the outskirts of the city. Do not forget that the borrower must have a source of regular income, otherwise the loan may be refused.

    To purchase housing on the primary market

    A number of organizations offer clients the purchase of apartments in new buildings at various stages of completion. When choosing, you need to understand that the cost of an apartment at the “pit” stage is cheaper than the price of a square in a house ready for occupancy. To make it easier to decide which bank to take out a mortgage from, you can pay attention to the following suggestions:

    • “New building with government support” from B&N Bank. Residents of Moscow and the region can receive 300,000–20,000,000 rubles. Rates are available and start from 9.50%. Using maternity capital The minimum down payment will be 10%, in all other cases – 20%. The term of the mortgage is 3–30 years. Documents are reviewed within 1–3 business days.
    • “Purchasing housing on the primary market” from VTB24. You can purchase real estate under construction at a rate of 10.7%, with the loan amount ranging from 600,000 to 60,000,000 rubles. The maximum period for providing money is 30 years, and the down payment is only 10% of the cost of the primary home. Required condition is comprehensive insurance.
    • Uralsib "Mortgage lending for the purchase of housing under construction." It is proposed to take from 300,000 to 50,000,000 rubles as security for real estate for a period of up to 25 years. The rate is from 10.4% with own participation from 10%.

    For secondary housing

    If you don’t have time to wait for a house to be built, but you really want to have real estate in a certain area, a mortgage on the secondary market will come to the rescue, with which you can buy not only apartments, but also ready-made houses. Here are some current offers on the credit market:

    • Sberbank "Purchase of finished housing." Up to 80% of the appraised value of the purchased home is credited. The loan can be taken out at an interest rate of 9.5% for up to 30 years. A mandatory condition is additional insurance of the purchased property. Sberbank offers loans to all categories of the population.
    • “Loan for purchasing an apartment on the secondary market” from Rosselkhozbank. The minimum down payment depends on the type of property and ranges from 15–30%. The maximum amount is 3,000,000 rubles with a rate of 9.50% up to 30 years.
    • Raiffeisenbank "Apartment on the secondary market." It is proposed to take out a mortgage for persons with a good credit history of up to 26,000,000 at a rate of 10.99%. The minimum down payment is 15%, and maximum term lending – 25 years.

    Which bank is better to get a mortgage from?

    When choosing where it is better to get a mortgage, it is important to pay attention to the offers banking structures for certain categories of borrowers. By taking advantage of special offers, such as the “New Building” mortgage with state support from Gazprombank, you can save a lot. It is important to understand that every percentage you can reduce your rate by can ultimately turn into a larger amount.

    For a young family

    The state fully supports young families in their desire to acquire their own square meters, providing subsidies and offering favorable conditions in cooperation with banks. Below you can see proposals for this category of citizens:

    With government support

    Housing built with government programs, as a rule, has consumer qualities, so its cost is affordable for many. It is being built with the help of the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML), which acts as an intermediary between those in need and banks, making loans more accessible. You can take a closer look at the rating below:

    For social categories of citizens

    For certain categories of citizens, banking institutions offer relatively cheap mortgage– at reduced interest rates. This applies to public sector workers - doctors, teachers, young and low-income families, elderly people. Young professionals and scientists can also take out such a loan. There are for them Special offers:


    There is a separate category of banks that provide loans for the purchase of real estate for military personnel. Lending is carried out thanks to a special savings account, where the state contributes a certain amount monthly. Financial institutions They are willing to lend to this category of citizens, since the state is the guarantor of repayment. Here are some banking organizations and interest rates at which you can take out a military mortgage:

    Bank opening




    For payroll clients

    When receiving wages and equivalent payments at a certain banking institution, the client has the right to count on preferential offers, which include mortgage lending. The table below shows some of the banks' offers for their regular customers:

    Which banks offer the lowest interest rates?

    If we compare it with abroad, where you can get housing loans at less than 3%, then in Moscow, and throughout Russia, according to statistics from 2016-2017. The interest rates are not so favorable, although among the entire list you can find very interesting offers with a relatively low rate. However, in addition to this value, you should consider whether the bank has additional commissions and payments. Below is the rating of banks by the lowest nominal rate:

    With a minimum down payment

    When choosing which bank is easier to get a mortgage from, it is important to pay attention to the initial deposit. The interest rate may directly depend on the amount of your own money, but, on the other hand, you can always find a bank with the help of which you can become a home owner, having in your hands minimum amount. Here is a list of banking organizations that issue mortgages for small own funds:

    The most profitable mortgage loan in Moscow

    Those wishing to purchase housing in the capital, including New Moscow, have plenty to choose from. They offer apartments in multi-storey buildings, penthouses and apartments. Affordable mortgages in Moscow banks are not a myth, but quite a reality. The main thing is to take time to study offers from banks, calculate upcoming payments using a loan calculator and choose the appropriate option. Here are some worthy offers to consider:

    1. “Mortgage is calling!” from Unicredit Bank helps you buy an apartment on the secondary real estate market at a rate of 10.20% per annum with down payment from 15%. Suitable for anyone who wants to improve their living conditions. Pros – you can get a loan at a profit without additional fees. Disadvantage: obligatory assessment of the apartment.
    2. Promsvyazbank "Novostroika". Up to 30,000,000 rubles can be borrowed at an interest rate of 10.9% per annum. The loan term reaches 25 years with a down payment of 10%. Mortgage is suitable for everyone who wants to build new apartment, including for owners of maternity capital. The main advantage is that the rate is fixed for the period of the loan.

    1. Tinkoff. The online bank offers to take out loans not directly, but from the Housing Finance Bank, AK BARS Bank, Uralsib and other partner banks. Offer rates start at 8.75%. To obtain a loan, you need to fill out an application on the website on the Internet, after which the client will be selected the optimal product, and maximum amount limited by the borrower's solvency. The loan is suitable for all categories of the population. One of the advantages is a personal manager who cooperates with the client throughout the entire process of applying for a mortgage.
    2. Rosgosstrakh “Own apartment+”. At 11.75%, you can take out a loan from a banking organization from 1,000,000 to 20,000,000 rubles. The borrowing period is up to 20 years. Down payment from 10%. Among the obvious advantages, it is worth highlighting the possibility of obtaining a decision on two documents (passport and SNILS).
    3. Mortgage from Gazprombank. At a rate of 10% per annum they offer to purchase an apartment, apartment, or townhouse on the primary market. The loan is issued for a period of up to 30 years with an initial payment of 10%. The advantage of issuing a loan is that the application is processed in one day. Disadvantages - increased rate for non-salary clients and the need to provide a certificate.

    Hello, friends!

    Are you thinking about improving your living conditions? This is a serious step, by taking which you will take greater responsibility not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. Therefore, it is very important to carry out an analysis at the decision-making stage possible options, your financial capabilities and make the right choice.

    Mortgage remains the main tool for solving the housing problem. The question of which bank is better to take out a mortgage is relevant for most potential borrowers.

    In the Russian Federation, the problem of providing citizens with affordable housing remains acute to this day. Just some 20 years ago, we just began to develop mechanisms for solving it. At that time, it was not banks that were the main players in the market, but regional and city administrations. It was on their initiative that mortgages began to be developed. regional programs. And only a few years later banks joined the process and almost completely captured the mortgage lending market.

    Today, profitable bank offers dazzle the eyes, but experienced borrowers also have plenty of horror stories. How to choose the most favorable conditions in order to feel the joy of your own home and not experience all the hardships of a miserable existence for the next 10 - 20 years? Only through serious analysis of mortgage offers. This is what we will do.

    What parameters should you pay special attention to when choosing a bank and mortgage program:

      Bank reliability

    To assess reliability, you can look at the financial rating on the Banki.ru portal. It is based on the organization’s reporting data, which is published on the Bank of Russia website. For the selected time interval, the rate of development or decline is clearly visible. For example, over the past year, FC Otkritie Bank has seriously fallen in the ranking from the top ten. His assets fell by 35%.

    Another way to remove untrustworthy banks from the list for obtaining a mortgage is a deposit insurance system. On the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency there are lists of banks that are undergoing rehabilitation or in the process of liquidation. Mortgages are not taken out for 1 year, so you should still choose a reliable bank.

      Type of housing purchased

    Banks offer different conditions for housing under construction, new buildings ( primary market), secondary market, country houses.

      Loan interest rate

    She may be:

    • fixed – not to change until the end of the contract;
    • variable - depend on the economic situation and are regularly reviewed.

    In addition, mortgage payments may be:

    • annuity – the same amount for the entire duration of the contract;
    • differentiated - at the beginning of the term the payment is larger and decreases with each month.
      An initial fee

    The more you pay the bank at the beginning, the lower your overpayment and monthly mortgage payment will be. It's clear. But not everyone has even 10% of the cost of a future apartment. Let’s say if it costs 2 million rubles, then the contribution will be at least 200 thousand rubles. The amount is not small. For such borrowers, some banks are ready to offer a mortgage without a down payment. But keep in mind that the interest on the loan will be higher.

      Loan terms

    Today it is up to 30 years. It seems that the longer the loan term, the less payment on mortgage. This is true, but only partly. In this case, you lose by the total amount of overpayment. Let's look at a specific example.

    In the first case, I took out a loan of 2 million rubles. at 10% per annum for 20 years. I used an online calculator and got these results.

    In the second case, I will take out a loan of 2 million rubles at 10% per annum, but for 30 years.

    In the second case, the payment became less by only 1,749 rubles. And the overpayment increased by 1,686,411 rubles.


    A mortgage is a lending under which the state obliges the borrower to insure the collateral, i.e., the purchased housing. All other types of insurance (health, job loss, etc.) are optional. You can refuse them before signing the contract or after within 14 days.

    If you refuse voluntary insurance, in most cases the mortgage rate will be increased. Banks warn about this in advance.

      Benefits and special conditions

    First of all, when choosing a mortgage program, you should study the rates and conditions in your salary bank. They may be more profitable than other offers. In addition, study the currently available government programs to support certain categories of citizens:

    • young families,
    • families with 2 or more children,
    • state employees,
    • military personnel,
    • large families,
    • single mothers.

    If you fall into one of these categories, it makes sense to take a closer look at mortgage programs. Not all banks offer them, but there will definitely be a choice from several.

      Additional fees and expenses

    Unfortunately, you can’t do without them when applying for a mortgage. Here is a sample list of expenses.


    I put this point in last place because you need to navigate it with great care and a seriously tuned internal filter. Often people, due to their carelessness or illiteracy, sign contracts with strict lending conditions, and then look for those to blame and abandon sites negative reviews. But also useful information there is a lot to be learned.

    Comparative analysis of mortgage programs

    We will conduct an analysis of apartments in new buildings.

    As you can see, the conditions are 10 largest players in the mortgage market are almost identical. Therefore, additional parameters need to be analyzed. For example, at Rosselkhozbank you can choose a loan repayment method: annuity or differentiated. And at FC Otkritie Bank the interest rate will increase if you do not have time to close the deal within 30 days after the loan is approved.

    The procedure for obtaining a mortgage in all banks is standard:

    1. Filling out an application (processing period from 1 to 8 working days).
    2. Receiving a decision on a loan, which will be valid for 3 months, at VTB - 4 months.
    3. Searching for a suitable apartment and completing the final package of documents for obtaining a mortgage.
    4. Making a deal.

    When I talked about it in previous articles, I repeatedly drew attention to the voluntary nature of this procedure. The only exception is mortgage lending. The borrower is obliged to insure the collateral.

    Despite the voluntary nature of personal insurance (for example, disability), all banks warn that the interest rate will be increased if you refuse it. Sometimes the increase is up to 2%.

    Most of the banks in the table participate in the state program to support families with 2 or more children. In this case, the loan rate is 6%. There are also programs for the military, state employees and young families. For participants in salary projects, conditions are more favorable in all banks.

    I propose to consider the programs of 5 banks, which, as of June 2018, issued the most mortgage loans. Among them is DeltaCredit Bank, which occupies only 44th place in the overall rating. But I decided to include it in the review because it is in 5th place in terms of the number and volume of loans issued.

    State company DOM.RF

    Before you analyze mortgage programs in banks, go to the DOM.RF company website. Previously it was called AHML. It began its work back in 1997 with the aim of implementing government programs in the field housing construction.

    After filling out the form on the website, an employee will contact you and help you choose best option mortgages, including state support. Client support is provided by VTB Bank.

    The company has developed several mortgage programs for different categories of citizens and under different conditions. Their rates are lower than most banks. For example, I calculated payments on a loan of 1.2 million rubles. for 15 years with an initial payment of 20%. I got the following results.

    Mortgage programs of top 5 banks


    The bank has a number of adjustment factors to the interest rate.

    Electronic registration, refusal of which leads to an increase in the rate by 0.1%, is not a free service. Its cost varies from 5,550 to 10,250 rubles. Depends on the type of housing and region.

    Sberbank has special programs for young families, as well as by agreement with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the bank is a partner of the DOM.RF company, which implements government initiatives in the field of housing construction. In particular, there is now a program for families in which the 2nd or 3rd child was born. The rate for them is from 6%.


    Lending terms:

    1. For workers in some industries, for example, education, healthcare, customs and a number of others, the rate is 0.4% lower.
    2. In case of refusal of life and health insurance, the rate increases by 1%.
    3. If you want to apply for a mortgage using 2 documents (passport and SNILS or INN), i.e., without proof of income, then get ready to repay the loan at a rate higher by 0.7%.

    When purchasing an apartment with an area of ​​65 sq. m there is a reduced interest rate (by 0.7%). To take advantage of the promotion, you must take out comprehensive insurance.


    A special feature of a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank is the ability to choose a loan repayment method:

    • annuity payments, i.e. the same throughout the entire loan term;
    • differentiated, which decrease every month.

    Lending terms:

    1. In case of refusal of life and health insurance, the rate increases by 1%.
    2. For public sector employees, the rate is reduced by 0.4%.

    For citizens receiving income from running personal subsidiary farming, – more loyal conditions.


    Offers 2 loan repayment schemes: annuity or differentiated. The minimum rate of 9.2% applies when purchasing personal insurance.

    • 8.7% for a loan amount of 12 million rubles. in Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region;
    • 8.7% when purchasing apartments in other regions of the Russian Federation and the loan amount is from 4 million rubles;
    • 9% for all borrowers, but for apartments purchased from bank partners.

    Promotions are valid only with comprehensive insurance.


    A bank that specializes in issuing mortgage loans. Lending terms:

    1. Interest rate from 8.5%.
    2. Duration – up to 25 years.
    3. Down payment – ​​from 15%.
    4. If you refuse personal insurance - plus 1% to the rate.
    5. Co-borrowers – maximum 3 people.
    6. The loan is issued to employees, individual entrepreneurs and business owners.

    It is possible to use instead of the base rate:

    • Optima – minus 0.5% (this service costs 1% of the loan amount);
    • Media – minus 1% (this service costs 2.5% of the loan amount);
    • Ultra – minus 1.5% (this service costs 4% of the loan amount).

    The bank provides the “Mortgage Holiday” service. In the first 1 – 2 years you can only pay 50% of the monthly premium. Naturally, the underpaid amount is added to the amounts of further payments after the grace period expires.

    When you pay the loan once every 14 days (the payment is divided into 2 parts), you shorten the loan term and reduce the amount of interest payments. I'll show you with an example how it works. I took out a loan in the amount of 1.6 million rubles. for 20 years, the down payment was 20% or 400 thousand rubles.

    When repaying once a month and 2 times a month, the picture is as follows.

    Thus, the loan term is reduced by more than 4 years with the same monthly payment amount.


    Where is the best mortgage? If you think that now I will recommend a bank to you, then you are mistaken. Too much individual conditions must be taken into account. Have you given birth to your 2nd or 3rd child? Then please go to DOM.RF for a mortgage at a rate of 6%. Or maybe you are a budget employee? Then there are several offers to choose from.

    But 5 banks that are today leaders in issuing mortgage loans should definitely interest you first. So start with yours salary bank, and then move on to the top 5. By and large, the conditions in them differ slightly.

    And let's not forget one more thing. Once in a lifetime, each borrower can submit documents for reimbursement income tax when purchasing housing. The amount can be impressive.

    Many people dream of buying an apartment, but not everyone can afford to spend such a significant amount of money at once. There is often only one way out in such a situation - to take out a mortgage loan. Many cannot decide to take such a responsible step, realizing that such a loan will have to be repaid for a very long time. However, if you follow a few rules, as well as carefully choosing a bank, you can move into your own apartment without significant problems.

    How to take out a mortgage loan correctly and profitably

    The decision to buy an apartment with a mortgage becomes the most important decision in life for many. At the same time, I really want the loan to be as profitable as possible and not become bondage.

    How to take out a mortgage loan? This question inevitably arises among potential borrowers. In fact, there are several important rules, the observance of which will help make buying an apartment a joyful event and will not allow the registration of a mortgage to ruin the life of the borrower.

    1. Before you apply for a mortgage, you should evaluate your options. It is advisable that monthly payments do not exceed one third family budget. If you don't follow this rule, it can be very difficult to pay off your mortgage.
    2. It is best to improve your living conditions gradually. In this case, the payment amount will be lower. In addition, you will be able to pay off your mortgage faster, and if you want to buy a larger apartment in the future, you will be able to get a loan under more favorable conditions.
    3. It is not enough to simply take out a mortgage loan from a bank. You must make your monthly payments on time. Maximum savings on the family budget will help create a safety net. Ideally, it should be around three monthly payments. This will help you pay your mortgage even in case of temporary difficulties. When the “stash” is created, partial early repayments can begin. This will help you save on interest payments.

    The minimum overpayment can be achieved not only when the best conditions for a mortgage loan are selected. It is important to buy an apartment when the market is falling. Is it worth taking out a mortgage this year? Read our special review.

    The best banks for a mortgage loan

    There is no need to rush into getting a mortgage. Even before making a decision, you should carefully read the offers of various credit institutions. To understand where it is better to get a mortgage loan. In this case, you should take into account not only the interest rate, but also other conditions:

    • Availability of additional commissions, insurance and payments.
    • Conditions for early repayment (including partial).
    • Down payment amount. Let’s say right away that it is quite difficult to get a mortgage loan without a down payment in 2019, because these are big risks for the bank. As a rule, the down payment on such loans starts from 10 percent. If you do not have a down payment to purchase an apartment on credit, pay attention to banks where you can arrange consumer loan for any purpose. The money received can be used for a down payment on a mortgage.

    A large number of offers on the market often leads to potential borrowers becoming confused and confused. A huge number of tempting advertising slogans can be completely misleading. Therefore, it would be useful to use the TOP 5 best banks for a mortgage loan, compiled by specialists, when choosing.

    Online mortgage on favorable terms at Otkritie Bank

    When deciding which bank to apply for a mortgage loan from, you should not ignore Otkritie Bank. Terms and Conditions mortgage lending They're pretty loyal here. The client is offered several interesting programs to choose from, depending on the needs of the borrower.

    Types of mortgage programs at Otkritie Bank

    1. Buying an apartment in a new building.
    2. Buying an apartment on the secondary market.
    3. Refinancing mortgage loans from other banks.
    4. Military mortgage.
    5. Real estate for maternity capital.
    6. Mortgage lending for the purchase of large apartments.

    The interest rate at Otkritie Bank is determined by the mortgage program under which the loan was issued. On minimum percentage– 8.9% can be calculated when purchasing an apartment in a new building or a military mortgage. Other features include a down payment of 10% and a maximum term of 30 years. The mortgage application process takes place online.

    Advantageous mortgage loan online through the Tinkoff-Mortgage service

    The Tinkoff Bank service offers to consider offers from several banks for loans to purchase an apartment. At the same time, you can leave behind the frightening thought of having to run around the offices of various credit institutions. Online application for a mortgage through the Tinkoff website allows you to transfer all the problems of sending documents to the bank to your personal manager.

    After filling out the form on the Tinkoff Bank website, your application will be considered by several partner banks at once. After approval, all you have to do is choose best bank for a mortgage from the proposed list. Moreover, when applying for a loan through Tinkoff, you can get a discount on the interest rate of up to 1.5%. Considering the large amount and term of the loan, this is quite a significant saving.

    Currently, the minimum mortgage rate for an apartment in a new building starts at only 6% per annum. The maximum term is 25 years and the loan amount is up to 100 million rubles. It is very important that not only company employees, but also individual entrepreneurs can apply for a mortgage loan through the service.

    Mortgage loan with bad credit history from BZhF bank

    Anyone can apply for a mortgage loan at the Housing Finance Bank. Moreover, as the bank states, even borrowers with a bad credit history in the past can get a loan. The main thing is that at the time of submitting the application there are no current overdue payments on loans from other banks. This is one of the few banks where you can get a mortgage loan without refusal due to bad credit history in the past. BJF statistics show that the bank approves 82% of mortgage applications submitted. This is a very high figure!

    Conditions of a mortgage loan at the Housing Finance Bank

    • Mortgage on 2 documents (passport and second document - SNILS, TIN, driver's license).
    • There is a mortgage program that allows you to get a loan without certificates on the day you apply.
    • Official proof of income reduces the interest rate and increases the loan limit.
    • The transaction and apartment are completed in no more than 3 days.
    • A mortgage loan is issued directly from the bank, without the participation of agents, intermediaries and commissions.
    • Important! Residents of the following cities can apply for a mortgage loan online: Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Omsk.

    Mortgage loan is profitable with government support from VTB Bank

    • The interest rate here starts at 10.2%.
    • The down payment is less than in many other banks - 10%.
    • Possibility of registration without an advance payment for maternity capital.

    In addition, this bank operates the “Mortgage Loan with State Support” program. The program implies preferential lending families whose second or third child was born on January 1, 2018. Set for a certain period preferential rate 6% with a down payment of 20%. Do you agree that this is beneficial?

    There is also an interesting program “More meters - lower rate” when purchasing an apartment from 65 sq. m. meters. That is, the larger the apartment, the lower the interest rate.

    Mortgage lending for the construction or purchase of a country house from Sberbank

    Most big bank countries - Sberbank is also very active in the mortgage lending market. The bank willingly lends to both the developers themselves and borrowers who want an apartment on a mortgage. Moreover, even pensioners can take out a mortgage loan, but provided that the loan is repaid until the borrower is 75 years old.

    Like other banks, it offers a mortgage loan with state support for families with children; mortgages for new buildings and secondary housing; military mortgage programs; mortgage using maternal capital. There are also programs that are not always found in other banks. This is a mortgage loan for the construction of a residential building, as well as a mortgage loan for the purchase or construction of country real estate ( a private house, garden plot etc).

    Experts say that interest in mortgage lending will not decrease in 2019. Most likely, it will only grow. With the right attitude towards such loans, a mortgage will only bring the joy of moving to a new home. However, you should not take out a loan from the first bank you come across. It is important to figure out where it is more profitable to take out a mortgage loan. This will help save the lion's share of the family budget.

    P/S before taking out a mortgage, be sure to look at “5 Rules for a Comfortable Mortgage”