Types and forms of insurance. Key parameters of various types of insurance Insurance purpose of insurance types of insurance

Under an insurance contract, one party (the policyholder) pays to the other party (the insurer) the payment stipulated by the contract (insurance premium), and the insurer undertakes, upon the occurrence of an event stipulated by the contract (insured event), to pay the policyholder or other person in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded, insurance compensation or insurance amount.

The insurance contract is compensatory, since the policyholder pays the insurance premium, and the insurer bears the risk of an insured event and, if it occurs, makes an insurance payment.

The insurance contract is reciprocal in nature and is one of the risk ones, in which the emergence, change or termination of certain rights and obligations depends on objective, random obligations (events) for the parties themselves.

The main types of insurance are:

    Property insurance;

    Personal insurance;

    Special types of insurance, for example, insurance of foreign investments against non-commercial risks, marine insurance, insurance of bank deposits, insurance of pensions;

Forms of insurance:

    Voluntary insurance which is carried out at the will of the parties;

    Compulsory insurance provided by law;

11) Insurance obligation. Insurance contract.

Insurance is implemented primarily through an insurance obligation, regulated primarily by civil law. The procedure for establishing an insurance obligation differs depending on whether we are talking about voluntary or compulsory insurance. An insurance obligation arises both from an insurance contract concluded in writing between the parties on the basis of free will, and under duress, that is, from the requirements of laws on certain types of compulsory insurance.

Despite the fact that Russian legislation does not contain a definition of an insurance obligation, it can nevertheless, according to the generally accepted position, be defined as a relative legal relationship, by virtue of which one party (the insurer), for a certain fee (insurance premium), undertakes to pay insurance coverage (indemnity) the other party (the policyholder) or another person provided for by the contract or law (the beneficiary), upon the occurrence of an event stipulated by the contract or law (insured event).

The parties (participants) in an insurance legal relationship, bound by mutual rights and obligations, are: the insurer, the policyholder, the beneficiary and the insured person.

Insurer- this is a legal entity that has permission (license) from the insurance supervisory authority to carry out insurance of the corresponding type, reinsurance, mutual insurance, and which assumes the responsibility for insurance payment under certain conditions. As a general rule, insurance is carried out by commercial organizations created in one of the legal forms provided for by law. Non-profit organizations, for example, mutual insurance societies (hereinafter referred to as OVS), can also act as insurers.

Insured is recognized as a party to an insurance legal relationship that undertakes to pay the insurer the established insurance premium (insurance premiums), in exchange for which it acquires the right to demand payment of insurance compensation (security). This right of claim may belong to the beneficiary if the insurance was carried out in favor of a third party. Insurers can be legal entities and capable individuals.

Along with the insurer and the policyholder, another subject becomes a participant in some legal relations - beneficiary. The beneficiary is the person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded and who receives the insurance payment.

An insurance liability, in general, is characterized by the fact that it mutual And remunerative nature. As a general rule, an insurance contract is recognized real, that is, comes into force from the moment of payment of the insurance premium or its first installment, unless otherwise provided by the contract itself.

The insurance contract is classified as risk (aleatory), that is, those in which the emergence, change or termination of certain rights and obligations depends on the occurrence of circumstances (events) that are objectively random for the parties themselves.

The insurance contract often contains a subrogation clause.

Insurance is a special type of economic relationship designed to provide insurance protection for people (or organizations) and their interests from various types of dangers.

Insurance is a system (method) for protecting the material (property) interests of subjects of the insurance market (individuals and legal entities), the threat of which always exists, but is not mandatory.

The term “insurance” is primarily associated in the human mind with the word “fear” (fear for the safety of one’s property, for one’s health, life, etc.). It was the fear of incurring material losses and the need to compensate for them that gave rise to insurance.

Insurance in the narrow sense is a relationship (between the policyholder and the insurer) to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities (policyholders) upon the occurrence of certain events (insured events) at the expense of monetary funds (insurance funds), formed from the insurance premiums they pay (insurance premium ).


Almost any area of ​​economic activity is risky, since there is always the possibility of incurring financial losses caused by adverse events or their consequences. A possible danger perceived by a person is expressed in the concept of “risk”. In a society in which commodity-money relations operate, risk from an everyday concept becomes an economic category.

Typically, the concept of risk (riskiness of a situation) is associated with possible future negative consequences of the event. Risk is a future probable event with negative economic consequences of unknown magnitude. The actual unfavorable outcome of the risk is expressed through damage, which is subject to a specific material measurement. The factor of risk and the need to compensate for possible damage requires the organization to have a mechanism to protect against accidents.

Society uses various measures that make it possible to predict with some reliability the likelihood of a risk occurring, which makes it possible to reduce its negative consequences. One of the ways to manage risk is the insurance system. The essence of insurance lies in the emergence of monetary redistribution relations between policyholders and insurers. These relations are carried out through insurance reserves (money funds) specially created from the money of policyholders.

Thus, the essence of insurance is the creation of insurance funds through contributions from parties interested in insurance and intended to compensate for damage. The essence of insurance is realized through special functions.


The economic essence of insurance is embodied in functions that reflect in reality the social purpose of this category.

Insurance creates nothing. It only distributes the created social product, closing interruptions in production, distribution, exchange and consumption that have arisen due to natural disasters and other reasons.

Thus, insurance, through its inherent distribution function, contributes to the continuity of social reproduction at all its stages.

The main distribution function of insurance is implemented through auxiliary specific functions characteristic only of insurance: risk, preventive and savings.

The risk function of insurance provides insurance protection against various types of random events leading to losses. As part of this function, monetary resources are redistributed between all insurance participants in accordance with the current insurance contract, after which insurance premiums (cash) are not returned to the policyholder. This function reflects the main purpose of insurance - protection against risks. There is a risk - there is potential for insurance with all its attributes, its manifestations.

The preventive function of insurance is implemented in reducing the degree of risk and the destructive consequences of an insured event. It is carried out through financing from the insurance fund of various measures to prevent, localize and limit the negative consequences of disasters, accidents, and accidents. In order to implement this function, a special monetary fund is formed.

In addition to the specific functions mentioned above, insurance performs investment, credit and control functions.
The investment function of insurance makes it possible for temporarily free funds of the insurance fund to participate in the investment activities of insurance organizations and to replenish state budget revenues from a portion of the profits from insurance and other business operations.
The credit function of insurance is the repayment of insurance premiums.
The control function is organically connected with the credit side of the essence of insurance. The insurer receives money from policyholders as a loan. Insurance reserves (funds), formed from a large part of the money (contributions) of policyholders, are their property. The control function of insurance is the strictly targeted formation and use of insurance fund funds. Implementation is carried out through financial control over the legal conduct of insurance operations.

Principles of insurance

Insurance activity is based on the principles of equivalence and chance.

The principle of equivalence expresses the requirement of balance between the income of an insurance organization and its expenses. Many people are at risk, but only a few are actually affected by insurance claims. Payments for insured events are covered by contributions from many policyholders who avoided this risk.

The principle of randomness is that only events that have signs of probability and randomness of their occurrence can be insured. Intentionally carried out actions are not insured, since they lack the principle of chance.

Basic principles of insurance:
- insurance activities are based on the principles of equivalence and randomness;
- the principle of equivalence expresses the requirement of balance between the income of the insurance company and its expenses;
- presence of insurable interest;
- payment of insurance compensation only if an insured event occurs;
- only certain risk damage is insured, which is subject to monetary assessment.

Signs of insurance:
- emergency, which connects insurance with a certain protection of social production;
- isolation, when the breakdown of damage between policyholders is based on the fact that the number of victims is always less than the total number of insured;
- indemnity of damage, in which the more territory and the number of insured objects are covered by the insurer, the more effective the redistribution of funds (payment of maximum damage for minimal contributions);
- repayment of payments made in the specified territory is on average 5 years.


In accordance with the law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation,” the entire set of insurance relations can be divided into several types of insurance. The division of insurance into types is based on differences in the objects of insurance.

A type of insurance is the insurance of specific homogeneous objects in a certain amount of insurance liability at appropriate tariff rates. Insurance relations between the insurer and the policyholder are carried out by type of insurance. Let's look at the most common types of insurance.

The legislation provides for four main types of insurance: personal, property, liability insurance, and business risk insurance.

The main difference between these types is what the insurance contract is aimed at. When insuring the property of individuals and legal entities, the object of insurance is certain material assets belonging to them. In relation to life insurance, the subject of insurance is the health, life and working capacity of the insured person. In the case of liability insurance, the subject of insurance is the liability of the policyholder to third parties. In this case, the insurer compensates third parties for damage caused by the actions or inaction of the policyholder.

The law also lists types of insurance that cannot be insured: those related to illegal actions, gambling-related expenses, expenses that a person is forced to pay in order to free hostages.

Personal insurance

In this type of insurance, the object is property interests related to the life, health, ability to work and pension provision of the policyholder or the insured person. Personal insurance includes: life insurance, accident and illness insurance, and medical insurance.

In personal insurance, the insurer undertakes the obligation to pay the amount stipulated by the contract in the event that the occurrence of an insured event entails damage to the health of the policyholder (insured person) or his death. Payment of the insurance amount can be made at a time or periodically. All types of insurance in personal insurance are tied to an independent object and a list of insurance risks provided for in each specific insurance product.

The following types of personal insurance for citizens can be mentioned:
- mixed life insurance;
- accident insurance;
- insurance in case of death and disability;
- insurance for children;
- health insurance;
- additional pension insurance;
- other types of personal insurance.

Property insurance

In property insurance, the object of insurance is property interests associated with the ownership, use and disposal of property.

The type of property insurance is divided into insurance of property of individuals and property of legal entities. This includes insurance for buildings, household contents, animals, vehicles and much more. A property insurance contract stipulates the insurer's obligations to compensate the policyholder or beneficiary for material damage to the insured property in the event of an insured event. In this case, the payment of compensation is limited to the amount specified in the contract for this type of insurance.

When insuring property, there are the following risks against which insurance protection is provided.
The first is insurance against fire, flood and other natural disasters, in this case the object of insurance can be buildings, structures, equipment, goods, household movable and immovable property and much more.
The second risk is damage to property by water from central heating systems, water supply systems, as well as sewerage and other things.
The third type of risk is deliberate damage to property by third parties. This can include hooliganism and so on.
The fourth type of insured peril may be theft of property as a result of illegal entry, robbery or seizure.

This type of insurance has spawned many insurance products. You can insure financial risks related to loss of income due to a stoppage of the production process as a result of the occurrence of an insured event. Property insurance can be a way out in the event of bankruptcy of counterparties or their failure to fulfill their obligations, as well as in a number of other cases. Property insurance includes:
- insurance of ground transport;
- insurance of water transport;
- insurance of air transport;
- cargo insurance;
- insurance of other types of property, except those listed above;
- business insurance;
- insurance of financial risks.

Types of property insurance are also:
- property fire insurance;
- hurricane property insurance;
- property insurance against flooding;
- insurance against losses due to production interruption;
- many other types of property insurance.

Liability Insurance

This type of insurance provides as the object of insurance liability to third parties (citizens or enterprises) who could potentially suffer damage due to any actions (inaction) of the insured. A liability insurance contract shifts responsibility for possible damage to the insurance company, which undertakes to compensate the insured for the amounts that he must pay to third parties as compensation for the damage caused. This type of insurance protects the property of the insured and insures his liability for potential harm to the health and property of citizens and legal entities.

Civil liability insurance is one of the most numerous types of insurance, with a large number of varieties. There are also many insurance products based on it. Liability insurance includes:
- insurance of civil liability of enterprises - sources of increased danger;
- insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners;
- carrier's civil liability insurance;
- insurance of liability for failure to fulfill obligations;
- professional liability insurance;
- insurance of other types of civil liability.

Types of liability insurance are also:
- insurance of employer's liability in case of harm to employee's health;
- motor vehicle liability insurance (vehicle owner, CASCO, MTPL);
- shipowners' liability insurance;
- insurance of personal liability to third parties due to the negligence of the policyholder or his family members;
- insurance of liability of the manufacturer of the goods (intermediary or seller) to consumers and others for harm, illness or loss (damage) arising as a result of the supply of goods;
- professional liability insurance (for example, lawyer, notary, doctor and other specialists);
- other types of liability insurance.

Entrepreneurial risk insurance (business)

With this type of insurance, the object of insurance is property interests associated with compensation to the entrepreneur for losses, as well as lost income from business activities, provided that his counterparties violate their obligations or other changes in the conditions of activity due to circumstances beyond the control of the entrepreneur.

In business activities, insurance is used quite often - in cases where possible losses are significant and critical for the financial condition of the insured person and their occurrence cannot be predicted. This type of insurance reduces the necessary reserves for unexpected expenses and helps protect the business from too large one-time losses.

Types of business risk insurance are:
- insurance against business interruption due to loss or damage to property as a result of fires, explosions, accidents and other events;
- insurance of investments against political and commercial risks;
- non-payment risk insurance;
- deposit insurance;
- insurance of financial guarantees;
- export credit insurance, etc.

Insurance can be state or non-state. State insurance is a form of insurance organization in which the insurer is a government organization. Currently, state insurance is carried out under conditions of a partial monopoly of the state on certain types of insurance.

Non-state (joint stock and mutual) insurance - non-state legal entities of any organizational and legal form provided for by Russian legislation can act as insurers.

Insurance can be carried out in voluntary and compulsory forms.
Voluntary insurance is insurance based on an agreement between the policyholder and the insurer. Insurance rules are established by the insurer.
Compulsory insurance - insurance by force of law. The types, conditions and procedure for compulsory insurance are determined by the relevant laws of Russia.

As a rule, the following types of insurance are mandatory:
- health insurance;
- passenger insurance;
- state personal insurance of civil servants;
- personal insurance at the expense of the employer of citizens engaged in life-threatening activities;
- life and health insurance of aircraft crew members;
- liability insurance for damage caused during construction;
- fire insurance.

Insurance funds

Insurance, being a category of distribution, expresses certain production relations arising in connection with the formation and use of the insurance fund.

The insurance fund is a reserve of cash or material resources, formed from contributions from policyholders and under the operational and organizational management of the insurer.

There are three main forms of organizing an insurance fund.

Centralized insurance (reserve) funds created at the expense of budgetary and other government funds. The formation of these funds is carried out both in kind and in cash. State insurance (reserve) funds are at the disposal of the government. Their task is to compensate for damage caused by natural disasters and large-scale accidents.

Self-insurance as a system for the creation and use of insurance funds by business entities and people. These decentralized insurance funds are created in kind and in cash. They are designed to overcome temporary difficulties in the activities of a specific commodity producer or person. The main source of formation of decentralized insurance funds is the income of an enterprise or an individual.

Insurance itself as a system for creating and using funds of insurance organizations at the expense of insurance premiums from parties interested in insurance. The formation of the fund occurs in a decentralized manner, since insurance premiums are paid by each policyholder separately. It has only monetary form. The funds from these funds are used to compensate for damage incurred in accordance with the terms and conditions of insurance.

Legal basis of insurance

In the insurance market of the Russian Federation, there are insurers with various organizational and legal forms (joint stock company, limited liability company, etc.).

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish any exceptions regarding the organizational and legal forms of commercial insurance organizations. The only requirement is that only a legal entity can act as an insurer.

The founders of an insurance company can be both individuals and legal entities, including foreign ones.

The system of government regulation measures includes the following:
1. Licensing - registration of insurance organizations and issuance of licenses to them for insurance activities and for carrying out certain types of insurance. A license to conduct insurance activities is issued in accordance with the conditions for licensing insurance activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.
2. Control over ensuring the financial stability of insurers.
3. Development of forms and procedures for statistical reporting, control over the timely submission of financial statements of insurance organizations.
4. Taxation of insurers and policyholders.
5. Other measures of state regulation of insurance activities, including control over compliance with the procedure for paying insurance compensation.

The legal basis for insurance is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation No. 4015-I of November 27, 1992 “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” (as amended on December 31, 1997, November 20, 1999, March 21, April 25, 2002, 8 , December 10, 2003, June 21, July 20, 2004) and other regulatory documents.

Insurance is a very complex field.

Theoretically, you can insure anything against any risk: there is even exotic insurance against alien abduction or elevator breakdown on the way to work.

But in practice, more practical types of insurance are much more often used for basic property and other risks that can cause significant damage to the insured person, which will greatly worsen the financial situation of the insured or, in principle, will be an unbearable burden for him.

In this article we will try to talk as simply as possible about the classification and individual types of insurance.

General division of insurance systems

When an insured event occurs, the policy owner is compensated stipulated by agreement parties amount.

Based on how the amount of compensation is determined, in world practice there are:

  • first risk system. The policyholder is compensated for all damage caused, but within the insurance limit. That is, if the policy specifies a maximum compensation of 10 million rubles, they are paid in full for damage of 20 million rubles. and partially - with damage of 5 million rubles;
  • proportional reimbursement system. In this case, part of the damage is compensated in the proportion agreed upon by the parties. Most often, along with this condition, the contract states franchise condition– damages the amount of which is below the minimum established in the contract are not compensated.

Both of these systems are actively used in Russian and world practice. Prorated indemnity policy much cheaper A full indemnity policy, so it is often used when the cost of regular insurance is too high.

Insurance payments can be:

Insurance can also be:

  • individual;
  • group – issued for a group of people.

An insurance contract most often has limited period, after which it can be extended, but it also occurs life insurance, for example, in the case of death or disability insurance.

Most insurance contracts with a significant amount of compensation are concluded for a limited period.

Damage caused both on the territory of the Russian Federation and in another country can be insured - such insurance includes all types travel insurance acquired compulsorily or voluntarily.

Types of insurance by law

Dedicated to insurance Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The legislation provides for four main types of insurance:

  • personal;
  • property;
  • liability Insurance;
  • business risk insurance.

The Civil Code also determines that insurance can be either voluntary, so compulsory, including mandatory state ones, without specifying the risks against which an individual or legal entity can be insured.

But the law provides a list of risks that cannot be insured:

All other risks can be included in the insurance contract.

According to the amount of compensation, the law distinguishes full, partial and additional property insurance, providing that the amount of compensation may be equal to or less than the amount of damage, and one risk can be partially insured by several insurers.

Personal insurance

In personal insurance, property interests associated with a person are insured - life, health, and ability to work.

There are many types of personal insurance, the most commonly used are:

  • life insurance. The insured event will be the death of the policyholder at a young age or due to old age. Beneficiary can be any person, for example, when obtaining a mortgage, banks often require that the borrower’s life be insured in their favor;
  • health insurance. Its main purpose is to allow the policyholder to pay expensive medical expenses in the event of illness. Modern medicine can be extremely expensive even for a wealthy person, this makes this type of insurance a very popular type of voluntary insurance;
  • accident and illness insurance. The contract may provide for either full or partial reimbursement of expenses related to the occurrence of an insured event, or payment of an agreed amount;
  • pension insurance aimed at ensuring a certain standard of living upon reaching retirement age, this is part of the compulsory social insurance system;
  • endowment insurance similar to life insurance. But in this case, payment is made not only upon death, but also upon the insured person’s survival to a certain age;
  • accident insurance for tourists also isolated as a separate species. Insurance most often includes search and rescue work, evacuation from the scene of an accident, transportation to your home country, medical expenses abroad, travel absence and related expenses. The policy may include individual risks; their list is determined by the specifics and country of the trip.

Property insurance is aimed at protecting property interests of the individual, therefore, insured events are damage or loss of property or property damage received in any other way.


  • transport insurance (land, air, water);
  • real estate insurance;
  • cargo insurance is widely used in commercial activities;
  • insurance of business and possible losses in the process of conducting commercial activities;
  • insurance of any kind of financial risks;
  • other property insurance.

The contract can provide for insurance of any property against almost any risk, for example, an increase in fuel prices and losses incurred for this reason by an individual or legal entity.

But the most common insurance cases include:

  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • natural and man-made disasters;
  • other unforeseen circumstances causing damage.

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance used in many areas where professional error can cause significant damage - in medicine, among carriers, businessmen.

Liability insurance includes:

  • driver liability insurance;
  • carrier liability insurance;
  • insurance of the employer against harm to the health of employees;
  • professional liability insurance for medical workers, lawyers, notaries and representatives of other professions. Erroneous actions that lead to damage to clients and third parties are insured. Professional responsibility in Some industries are required to be insured;
  • insurance of goods manufacturers. In this case, any damage caused by goods produced by the insured person can be insured;
  • insurance of enterprises whose activities are associated with increased danger to the environment or people;
  • other types of liability insurance (civil liability insurance for homeowners, animal owners, hunters and other persons).

Under a liability insurance agreement, compensation may include both damage caused to the property of third parties, as well as treatment costs, moral damages, and various expenses of persons not directly affected - for example, for the loss of a breadwinner.

Only damage caused unintentionally or damage that could have been foreseen and excluded can be insured.

Business insurance

A separate species can be called business insurance and associated risks. The insured event under the contract can be almost anything.

In general, all risks under business insurance contracts can be divided into:

  • associated with a stop or disruption of the production process;
  • related to market conditions and the behavior of counterparties.

Most often, damage that can be caused in the following situations is insured:

In business activities, insurance is used quite often - in cases where possible losses are significant and critical for the financial condition of the insured person and their occurrence cannot be predicted.

Insurance reduces the necessary reserves for unexpected expenses and helps protect the business from too large one-time losses.

The insurance contract may include any conditions not contrary to law, therefore, in practice, by agreement of the parties, a person can be protected from almost any risk that could cause material damage.

It is important for the policyholder to determine the main parameters of the contract:

  • object of insurance: property risks associated with personality, tangible and intangible property, professional activity;
  • the amount of insurance compensation;
  • whether the damage will be compensated in whole or in part;
  • whether minor damage that will not significantly impact the insured person’s regular budget is subject to compensation;
  • the procedure for paying compensation: lump sum or in installments over a certain period;
  • beneficiary.

How higher probability occurrence of any risk and the greater the amount of compensation, the more expensive the insurance will be, regardless of the insurance system and the terms of the contract.

Video about unusual types of insurance

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    They can’t think of anything they can think of now to get money out of people... you can insure anything, there are a lot of different types of insurance... I would really like to insure my house against accidents (we have floods very often), but I’m afraid that the promised money I can't wait. Has anyone insured the house? What can you tell me in this situation?

    I would like to insure my life, but I am interested in several questions: 1. Which bank is more profitable to do this in? Are there any more favorable rates, for example, that would allow me to get more money than in many others? 2. If I have a mortgage, am I required by any code or article to insure my life in their favor? They very persistently ask and recommend doing this, but I really don’t want to insure in their favor, is it possible to avoid this?

    • Life and health insurance for a mortgage is carried out not by the bank issuing the mortgage loan, but by an insurance organization. Typically, a bank has contractual relationships with several insurers. You can select an insurer from the proposed list. A larger insurance payment always implies a higher insurance premium (that is, you will pay the insurance company annually until the end of the mortgage at an increased rate). Mortgage life insurance is voluntary! That is, you can refuse insurance altogether; whether the bank will cooperate with you is another matter. And of course the beneficiary in this case will be the bank. Otherwise, what's the point? Will your heirs receive both the insurance payment and the apartment? When an insured event occurs, the bank receives insurance and repays the loan, and the heirs receive an apartment. Another option is to insure your life with different insurance companies. Double insurance in personal insurance is not prohibited by law. Those. You are insured with an insurance company offered by the bank, where it is the beneficiary. And at the same time you enter into an agreement with another insurance company, in which you are the beneficiary (in case of loss of ability to work) or your heirs “in the very opposite case.”

    We voluntarily and compulsorily used the services of an insurance company when obtaining a mortgage. What I was most pleased with was that there was title insurance. Yes, this significantly increased the annual payments, but the main thing is that you can sleep peacefully. Thank you, the bank suggested that after 3 years you can refuse this clause (due to the statute of limitations). And the payment became much smaller. But the insurance company didn’t say a word about it...

    Recognition of the invalidity of a transaction on the basis of which the Insured acquired ownership of real estate is given in Articles 168-179 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Transactions are divided into two types: void and voidable. Indeed, currently the statute of limitations for void transactions is 3 years (previously it was 10 years). For voidable transactions - 1 year from the date of discovery. The moment of discovery may happen in, say, 15 years. Therefore, the “title” risk remains after 3 years.
    The terms of insurance are determined by the bank. And if he said that title insurance can be terminated after 3 years (without changing the interest rate), you can do so. Mandatory by law for a mortgage is to insure only the collateral, i.e. real estate. Life and title insurance is voluntary. But the presence of such insurance affects the mortgage rate. If you have insurance, it is lower, and it is safer for yourself and your heirs. Otherwise, the risks remain with the borrower. The price of insurance is usually comparable to the increase in interest rate without additional insurance. It's up to you to decide what is more profitable. The mortgage is taken out for a long period (10 – 25 years), so our “maybe, maybe it will work out somehow” is inappropriate here.

The essence of insurance is that a person has the opportunity to obtain the prospects of a kind of protection from negative factors of the financial plan. For example, if a person is hospitalized, he has to independently raise funds for treatment. If a person has an insurance policy - a document that clearly defines the availability of insurance, payments are made by the insurance company, which provokes financial security.

The legislator of our country clearly oversees insurance issues. At the moment, quite a few legislative acts have been developed that clearly define all the nuances of registering an insurance company, forming the insurance process, as well as the features of payments. Also, within the framework of the law, it is determined that the insurance company does not have the right to waive its liability upon the occurrence of an insured event. Mandatory types of insurance are described. Thus, in our country, legislative acts have been formed that clearly define the need to insure civil liability against road accidents.

The process of cooperation with an insurance company is that you sign an agreement under which you will make certain payments of money for insurance. If an unpleasant incident occurs, the company is obliged to make the necessary financial payments. That is, a certain division is being formed into compulsory and voluntary insurance. In the first case, a person certainly carries out insurance actions regardless of his individual preferences and desires. Compulsory insurance allows you to obtain prospects for protecting the subject and society. As for voluntary insurance, it is carried out solely at the request of a person, but at the same time, it is precisely such insurance that can become an indisputable basis for competent protection of a person from a risk perspective.

Insurance has a number of basic functions. The risk function assumes that a kind of redistribution of risks is being formed between participants in the insurance structure. In other words, based on the payments, a fund is formed, which is subsequently used to pay off risks. Investment activity assumes that temporarily free funds of such a fund can be invested in certain values ​​in order to obtain more significant profits. Part of the funds is spent on preventing risks. For example, various measures are being carried out that are aimed at reducing the level of floods or fires. This activity is called preventive. Well, and of course, there is a savings function. In this case, part of the financial resources is accumulated in special funds on the basis of a previously signed agreement.

Choosing an insurance company is the most important element of insurance. It is necessary to evaluate the period of operation of the company, be sure to study reviews of clients who have already collaborated with it, evaluate the conditions, make a comparison process with other offers, etc. Based on the information received, you can make an informed choice. Try to choose not on the basis of more significant payments, but on the basis of stability.

What is insurance

Human life is associated with the formation of various, and regular, risks. Every day situations arise that can become the basis for risk with property (movable and immovable), health, funds, and other valuables. Many people have to suffer losses. However, it must be taken into account that only a few can restore the normal balance of their existence after such incidents. Not everyone has a kind of reserve in their account, with the help of which it would be possible to eliminate the troubles that have arisen. It is for this reason that insurance has become very relevant, since it is precisely this that allows one to obtain the prospects of security from a financial position.

In fact, in this case, a process of joint compensation is taking place through the work of specialized insurance companies, of which a fairly significant number has now appeared.

A certain form of protection, which is based on cooperation with legal entities on the basis of specialized agreements. When events occur, it becomes possible to receive payments from the fund, which is formed on the basis of insurance premiums. In other words, a person takes out insurance with clearly defined conditions, which are necessarily reflected in the cooperation agreement. It is very important here that you study this contract completely and comprehensively, so that you understand exactly what responsibility the insurance company assumes and what responsibilities must be fulfilled by you. You also need to draw your attention to the fact that you will need to make specialized contributions - payments, in accordance with the terms of the previously signed agreement.

If an insured event occurs for which payments are expected, they are made within the established requirements. That is, all the conditions of the previously signed agreement are fulfilled.

We will certainly say that the threat of damage inherently always exists. People don’t always think about it. Insurance allows you to avoid certain troubles that may arise as a result of unplanned actions. These services have gained very significant popularity today, especially in the field of medicine. We will certainly say that the legislator determines the obligation of citizens to carry out the process of civil liability insurance, that is, it creates the need to provide automobile insurance.

You should also be covered by a health plan to prevent the possibility of running out of funds for critical health problems that may arise.

The legislative framework fully oversees the issue of registration of insurance. It is clearly indicated which types exist, which must be formalized, and which are considered voluntary. The law also clearly states all the responsibilities that are assigned to insurance companies.

It is quite obvious that not all companies strictly comply with the established requirements for cooperation, therefore, the legislation also provides for articles that determine the ability of the policyholder to obtain recovery through legal proceedings.

Insurance concepts:

  • Insurer- a concept that defines a private or public company that carries out the insurance process on the basis of clearly developed and prescribed legislative norms;
  • Policyholder- a person who insures his liability by signing a contract. This person makes the appropriate payments;
  • Object of insurance- this is exactly the element that is insured. At its core, it can be movable or immovable property, money, health or life. Depending on the type of insurance, the cost of premiums is calculated;
  • Policy- a document that is the main element of confirmation of the availability of insurance;
  • Insurance cases- the occurrence of actions that provoke the possibility of receiving payments from the insurance company;
  • Refund- the amount that the company pays if an insured event occurs.

Thus, it becomes clear that insurance inherently involves a certain element of protecting a person, his interests and his civil liability. At the moment, a significant number of companies have appeared that are able to provide you with insurance services. To make the right choice, you need to study all the offers in detail, analyze them and view the rating of the most current offers.

Main types of insurance

There are many different types of insurance, each of which has its own characteristics and nuances.

  • Type 1. Medical type insurance

This form of protection creates the opportunity to obtain unique guarantees in the event that a person is admitted to a hospital or is forced to provide treatment. Payments are aimed at compensating expenses that arose as a result of the need to receive medical care. Costs related to processes related to improving health are also compensated. For example, payment of funds spent on the rehabilitation period.

The following expenses are paid:

  1. Payment for doctor visits and examinations;
  2. Purchasing medications necessary for treatment. But it will be necessary to provide documents confirming that the drugs were prescribed by a doctor based on the examination results;
  3. Payment of expenses that arose as a result of the patient’s hospital stay;
  4. Expenses of dental nature and preventive measures.

In case of loss of health, the possibility of payments is formed in the amount of full earnings during temporary disability, but not more than four months. That is, this type of insurance actually allows you to obtain the prospects of certain security.

  • Type 2. From accidents

The main purpose of this type of insurance is to provide the client with the opportunity to receive payments in the event of critical health problems. As a rule, this type of insurance is used compulsorily at industrial enterprises; passengers of water transport, railway transport, etc. are also insured. Legal norms determine that there are three main cases of this nature - disability, long-term disability, death. In each case, payments are triggered within the framework of the previously signed terms of the contract.

  • Type 3. Property insurance

A fairly relevant view that allows you to obtain prospects for protecting property interests. The object is property, which creates the need for a clear description in the contract of both the insurance object and the nuances that may cause the process to intensify. The insured amount in such a situation cannot exceed the value of the property at the current time. You can insure production equipment, personal belongings, cargo, buildings, etc.

  • Type 4. Car insurance

Quite a modern look that provides unique elements of vehicle protection. The point is that restoration and repair procedures can be carried out at the expense of insurance payments. In this case, payments are made in case of an accident, theft, theft, as well as damage caused by third parties. For this aspect, there is compulsory insurance, which motorists must take out directly when purchasing a car. In this case, civil liability is also formed.

  • Type 5. Business protection

It is quite obvious that a business generates various losses; in order to prevent a critical situation, many entrepreneurs use the insurance option. The contract contains a description of all losses for which compensation payments can be received - losses associated with downtime, caused by loss of investments, etc. In this situation, it is very important to correctly evaluate all the terms of the contract in order to be sure that payments will be made to you on time. moment.

  • Type 6. Life insurance

This type is very relevant abroad. In our country, it is only gaining momentum in its relevance. In fact, payments are made only if a death occurs. It is important to correctly evaluate all the features of the contract and the conditions for making payments. The person who takes out insurance independently selects the person who will be entitled to receive payments.

  • Type 7. Cumulative insurance

It assumes that when a certain age or certain events occur, payments will begin to be made. A condition for concluding an agreement is the presence of a permanent income, which will become the basis for systematic deductions. Subsequently, the insurance is triggered and the person begins to receive payments within the period determined by the terms of the contract. This period can range from five to forty years.

  • Type 8. Travel insurance

Traveling has become an integral element of human life, few people think about the fact that it is very risky, and if something happens in a foreign country, a critical moment may come. You can insure life, health, finances, and other valuables. It is very important that you understand the entire structure of the triggering of insurance payments, which in the future will help you take advantage of the benefits received in a timely manner.

  • Type 9. Deposit insurance

This is a government way of maximizing the protection of bank deposits. The state, as well as the legal entity, form contractual relationships that imply that citizens can receive compensation from the state in the event that the bank ceases its activities. In essence, this insurance provides the opportunity to return deposits in critical situations.

  • Type 10. Real estate

Another quite relevant insurance option, which allows you to be sure that you can receive additional payments from the company if clearly defined situations arise. For example, in case of fires, floods or illegal actions. It should be noted that it will be possible to insure not only the premises itself, but also the decoration, household appliances, repairs, furniture, etc.

As you can see, there are many different types of insurance. Each person can independently determine the important points of the contract and can choose the company in which he will perform these actions. Even compulsory insurance assumes that the choice of company is yours.

Factors influencing the cost of insurance

At the moment, insurance companies are developing specialized rules on the basis of which the procedure for further calculation of the cost of insurance is carried out, or rather, the amount that citizens will have to pay under an insurance policy is formed. The bet size is not static. It varies depending on certain factors:

  • Assessment of the occupation of the insured. In this situation, companies adhere to the basic rule: the more dangerous the work, the higher the level of risk. Accordingly, in this case, the company understands perfectly well that there is a high probability that payments will have to be made under such an agreement. It is the increased risks that provoke an increase in the cost of insurance. Moreover, there are even entire lists of professions that will be insured at an increased rate. So, before you go to sign the contract, check this information and ask that you be provided with all the necessary calculations;
  • Floor. Statistics show that men are at greater risk than women. It is for this reason that insurance expects women to pay lower rates. This aspect is clearly visible in bank lending. The same loan, the same conditions, but if the borrower is a woman, insurance is much cheaper;
  • Age criteria. As you understand, the younger the policyholder, the more favorable conditions the insurance company provides him. The thing is that young people are less susceptible to various diseases;
  • Volume of risks. This factor is also significant. The thing is that the contract clearly states all the cases in which the company will be obliged to make the necessary payments. The more cases indicated in the document, the more significant the payment parameters will be.
  • Health status. This parameter is also important, since the worse the person’s health, the more significant are the parameters of the probability of necessary payments. Accordingly, for the insurance company this is a certain risk, and in general, in order to avoid it, there is a need to increase the amount of the contribution to insurance, especially if it is medical.

How does insurance work?

It is imperative that you carefully approach the choice of an insurance company, assessing all the advantages and important points. Today there are many ratings that relate to these companies, and on the basis of which you can make a competent and thoughtful choice of cooperation options that will be beneficial and reasonable for you. You can ask your friends about who was insured and with which company. Naturally, such information can help you objectively evaluate certain features of proposals;

  • Definition of the subject. Each contract contains a detailed description of the risks of the insurance format. The final cost of insurance will directly depend on these parameters precisely for this reason; it is very important to correctly select the list of situations so as not to pay more than necessary. Remember that a few specific cases that are realistic in your particular situation are normal. In this case, your payments will be minimal. If the contract includes all kinds of risks recommended by the insurance company, then in this case the cost can be extremely significant;
  • Preparation of documents. Insurance companies try to do everything possible to ensure that the registration procedure takes the minimum amount of time. This means that the package of documents will be minimal. You will need a passport, as well as all documents for real estate, a car, etc. A complete list of documents can be obtained directly from the company, depending on what type of insurance you are taking out.
  • Payment for the policy. Actions are carried out in various ways, as companies strive to ensure that the client receives maximum comfort parameters. Contributions can be one-time or regular. The form of payment is agreed upon when signing the contract;
  • Conclusion of an agreement. The most important stage. You must definitely study all the nuances. It is recommended to carefully study all applications, notes and those items that are written in fine print. The whole point is that it is here that there may be conditions that will be extremely unfavorable for you. If you yourself cannot understand all the nuances of the contract, you can ask for a form and contact a lawyer to study it.

Basic rules for choosing an insurance company

The range of offers is incredibly significant, it is for this reason that you will have to evaluate all companies extremely carefully, check the conditions, and also evaluate important points. First of all, pay attention to your experience. The longer a company operates on the market, the more reliable it is. Check for financial stability. This factor is influenced by the size of the authorized capital, the total amount of payments made, etc. Be sure to pay attention to the ratings of independent agencies, and also evaluate the range of services offered. Also check the availability of clients and the relevance of the company. This can be done by visiting specialized forums where the topic of insurance is discussed up and down.

There are a lot of companies that already have high relevance ratings and are considered the most reliable partners. It is cooperation with them that can become an indisputable basis for you to gain reliability and confidence.

What types of insurance are there? What are the basic rules for online insurance? What features does pension insurance have?

Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the HeatherBeaver online magazine. Insurance expert Denis Kuderin is in touch.

We are starting a series of articles on the topic “Insurance”. The publication you will read today is of an overview nature and is devoted to the basic concepts, rules and types of modern insurance.

The material will be of interest to everyone who is concerned about their own safety and the safety of personal property.

So let's get started!

1. What is insurance?

The social and personal life of every citizen is constantly associated with certain risks. Every day we risk our health, money, movable and immovable property, and even life itself. From time to time you have to suffer losses.

Not everyone can compensate for losses at their own expense: this requires additional financial reserves. This fact formed the basis of the idea of ​​joint compensation for property and non-property damage - this is how insurance arose.

Let us give a legal definition to this concept.

– a form of protection of property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of certain events at the expense of funds generated by insurance premiums.

The threat of damage always exists, but is not obligatory. Insuring yourself means protecting yourself and your property from unforeseen circumstances - accidents, illnesses, natural disasters, bankruptcy and other unpleasant things.

Basic concepts in the topic of insurance:

  • Insurer – a private or public organization that provides insurance.
  • Policyholder – the person who signed the insurance contract and pays insurance premiums.
  • Objects of insurance – property, health, life, finances, ability to work, etc.
  • Insurance policy – a document confirming the fact of insurance.
  • Insurance case – a situation that results in the payment of the insured amount.
  • Insurance compensation – the amount that is paid to the policyholder in the event of an insured event.

Insurance happens compulsory And voluntary. In the first case, a citizen or legal entity is insured regardless of their wishes. Compulsory insurance falls within the competence of government agencies: the interests of not only the subject, but also society are taken into account.

Voluntary insurance is carried out, as is clear from the term itself, on a voluntary basis. The specific conditions and rules of such insurance are determined by the insurer.

Insurance has certain functions:

  • Risky – redistribution of risks between participants in the insurance process;
  • Investment – temporarily free insurance funds are invested in the economy, shares, real estate in order to preserve and increase funds;
  • Precautionary – part of the insurance savings is spent on preventing the occurrence of insured events (for example, measures are taken to reduce damage from fires and floods);
  • Savings (survival insurance) – part of the finances is accumulated in insurance funds according to the contract.

In civilized countries, insurance is used for social protection of citizens in the event of disability, illness and the occurrence of circumstances associated with old age.

The articles “” and “” reveal the topic in more detail.

2. What kind of insurance is there - TOP 11 main types

Let's consider the main types of insurance, their features, functions and essence.

Type 1.

This is a form of protecting the interests of citizens in the event of loss of health. Insurance payments are aimed at compensating the costs of receiving medical care and other costs associated with improving health.

This includes expenses:

  • to visit doctors and undergo medical procedures;
  • for the purchase of medicines;
  • for hospital stay;
  • to receive dental care;
  • for preventive measures.

In the event of loss of health, workers and employees with insurance have the right to count on cash payments in the amount of full earnings for a period of incapacity for up to 4 months.

Health insurance can be compulsory or voluntary. In the first case, employers make regular contributions to an insurance fund managed by the state.

Voluntary health insurance reserves can be formed through contributions from the salaries of the employees themselves. Participants in such programs have the right to expect higher levels of medical care.


Persons with voluntary insurance, upon the occurrence of insured events, have the right to treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions or private medical organizations.

See articles - "" and "".

Type 2. Accident insurance

The purpose of such insurance is to compensate for damage caused by serious health problems. Employees of industrial enterprises, passengers of railway, water and air transport, military personnel and other categories of citizens are insured against accidents.

In a legal sense, there are three main types of accidents - death, long-term disability, disability (permanent disability). A typical example is a work injury caused by faulty equipment.

Type 3. Property insurance

The object of insurance here is property interest. You can insure both private property of citizens and state property. Insurers are legal entities and individuals.

The insured amount cannot exceed the actual value of the property. Personal belongings, cargo, production equipment, buildings, animals and other types of property are insured against damage, loss, breakdown, and theft.

See articles "" and "".

Type 4. Car insurance

Insurance protection of vehicles. Protects the interests of citizens related to the repair and restoration of cars. Insured events are considered: accident, breakdown, theft, theft and damage caused by third parties during operation.

In the Russian Federation, two types of car insurance are practiced - compulsory state with uniform tariffs for everyone (OSAGO) and private (CASCO). In the second case, rates are set by private insurance companies.

More details in the publications "", "" and "".

Type 5. Business insurance

Entrepreneurial activity is inevitably associated with high risks. In times of economic instability, the likelihood of unexpected expenses and financial losses increases many times over.

Business insurance is, first of all, protecting the enterprise from various types of losses.

An insurance contract will help compensate for:

  • losses associated with forced downtime;
  • losses caused by lost investments;
  • expenses arising from outstanding loans;
  • expenses for lost profits.

The objects of insurance are the finances of the enterprise, material resources and other attributes of entrepreneurial activity.

Type 6. Life insurance

Every person, regardless of his social status, income and age, risks his life every day. Insurance, of course, does not reduce risks and does not guarantee the preservation of life, but it helps to accumulate funds in case of an insured event.

This type of insurance is aimed at protecting the financial interests of the insured person or his relatives. When survival(legal term) of the policyholder until a certain period (for example, until retirement), he has the right to receive at his disposal the amount accumulated as a result of the capitalization of his insurance premiums.

Read a detailed article on this topic - "".

Type 7. Endowment insurance

A type of social insurance that provides payments to the client if he reaches a certain age or the occurrence of any event.

The condition for concluding a contract is the presence of a regular income. Regular contributions go to the insurance fund, which invests finances in order to multiply them.

The duration of insurance is determined on an individual basis. This may be the policyholder reaching a pension or an arbitrary period from 5 to 40 years.

View 8.

Travel insurance protects policyholders in the event of unforeseen circumstances that arise during travel or a business trip. Often such insurance is already included in the travel package, but if tourists travel independently, the document must be prepared themselves.

Objects of insurance – health, property, finances of the tourist. There is also protection against failure to leave, loss of luggage, and damage caused by third parties in the host country.

Read separate publications about, as well as about and.

Type 9. Deposit insurance

Method of state protection of bank deposits. Citizens and legal entities who have such a document can receive compensation in the event of termination of the activities of a financial institution.

In other words, if the bank goes bankrupt or its license is revoked, insured depositors will get their money back.

The deposit insurance system supports the stable operation of the banking system in the country and solves macroeconomic problems.

Type 10. Real estate insurance

A type of property insurance that guarantees protection of real estate of citizens and legal entities in the event of fires, flooding, natural disasters, explosions, and illegal actions.

You can protect not only the house itself, but also the decoration of the premises, engineering equipment, furniture, plumbing and household appliances.

All the nuances and details are in the articles “” and “”.

Type 11. Civil liability insurance

Compensation under such insurance is paid in the event that the policyholder causes property damage to a third party.


Due to a broken faucet or a burst pipe in your apartment, material damage was caused to your neighbors. Insurance will help compensate for damage caused by your fault.

More detailed material on this topic is in the publication "".

3. Features of online insurance

Modern information technologies allow you to insure yourself without leaving your apartment. In particular, cars, health, and property are insured via the Internet.

It is clear that you can only insure yourself online through the official websites of insurance organizations. The client is required to fill out the form in accordance with all the rules and pay for the service. It is advisable to print the document and save it on your hard drive and external memory media.

For the convenience of citizens, the “Unified Insurance Center” has been created: with its help, you can carry out almost all types of property and health insurance.

When choosing private companies, beware of scammers: pay attention to the company’s reputation and the design of the web resource. Legitimate organizations have a corresponding website, positive online reviews and long-term experience.

4. What determines the cost of insurance - 5 main factors

Any insurance involves purchasing a policy and making contributions. Amounts vary depending on objective and individual circumstances.

Let's consider the main factors influencing the cost of insurance.

Factor 1. Occupation of the insured person

The more dangerous the work, the higher the likelihood of an insured event. This means that rates increase proportionally.

Professional military personnel, police officers, vehicle drivers, firefighters, rescuers, high-altitude installers, and doctors, who daily risk contracting dangerous infections, have increased risks.

Factor 2. Gender

According to statistics, men after reaching 40 years of age are exposed to greater risks than women of the same age.

This is partly due to the increased predisposition of representatives of the stronger half of humanity to dangerous bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

In addition, men more often work in hazardous industries and choose professions that are directly related to daily risk.

Factor 3. Age

The younger the policyholder, the lower the cost of the policy. This is natural, since healthy young people are less at risk of dangerous diseases.

The above does not apply to children under 18 years of age, for whom special insurance conditions are provided.

Factor 4. The volume of risks covered by the insurance package

The more insurance cases the policy provides for, the higher its cost.

It’s one thing to insure against illness, another thing to include additional risks in the document (robbery, terrorist attacks, injuries received during sports).

Factor 5. Health status

Your current health status directly affects the cost of your policy. If a person already has illnesses that are fraught with dangerous complications, the risk of an insured situation inevitably increases, and therefore, the price of insurance also increases.

5. Who offers the best insurance conditions - TOP 5 companies providing services

We present the five best insurance companies in the Russian Federation.

The largest Russian insurance company, operating since 1947. Works with individuals and legal entities. Provides dozens of types of insurance, including health, life, property, transport, cargo, business risks.

The company's clients can receive a special card that provides special privileges - discounts on medical care, special banking services.

2) AlfaStrakhovanie

A company with a universal portfolio of insurance services. Protects the interests of businesses and individuals. Offers customers about 100 products. It operates not only in the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring countries.

The organization has 270 regional offices. The services are used by about 28 million private clients and 435 thousand companies.

3) Tinkoff Insurance

A subsidiary of Tinkoff Bank. Protection of real estate, personal property, transport, travel, health and life. You can insure almost everything here - a country house with a bathhouse, a vacation in New Zealand, a new car.

Despite its youth (founded in 2013), the company enjoys stable success due to its reliability and large selection of products.

4) Renaissance Insurance

Division of Renaissance Bank. CASCO and OSAGO insurance, protection of real estate, travel, health and finances. Offers insurance to citizens purchasing apartments with a mortgage. Compensation under such a policy is received by clients who have stopped paying loans as a result of disability, dismissal or other force majeure circumstances.