Bank opening loans to salary clients. Salary card of the bank "Otkrytie" Bonuses for managers under the salary project

    Good advice

    Criteria for choosing the optimal loan

    The variety of types of consumer loans can be confusing for borrowers. In such a situation, many are attracted to the most understandable and simple options. However, in practice they are not always beneficial.

    Underwater rocks

    When should you not take out a consumer loan? Reasons and alternatives

    When obtaining a loan, many borrowers underestimate their strength, which subsequently leads to problems with loan repayment. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow simple recommendations.

    Good advice

    Loan without leaving home

    Today, banks are actively implementing remote services. The right tools can save potential borrowers time. What exactly do financiers offer in this area?


    If the bank employee is wrong

    If a bank employee refuses to admit and correct his or her mistakes, formal action may be required. The client has various action algorithms at his disposal, the choice of which depends on the situation.


    Does a bank have the right to force a client to take out insurance?

    Insurance has long been an integral part of the lending system. Bankers are trying to protect their investments, so they rarely lend money without taking out insurance. Is such a requirement always in accordance with the law, and how to avoid insurance when obtaining a loan?

  • What problems arise when paying off a loan?

    Borrowers often underestimate the importance of loan repayment conditions. Debt servicing sometimes requires additional time and money. In addition, it is worth checking the bank’s requirements for legality.

  • Underwater rocks

    Sanctions for overdue loans are regulated by law. However, the negative consequences in this case go beyond financial responsibility. At the same time, sometimes troubles can be avoided completely.


    Refinancing, restructuring and other ways to pay back unsustainable debt

    Many borrowers experience difficulties with loan repayment. There are various ways out of such situations. Understanding the available options increases the chances of a positive solution to the problem.


    Why banks refuse loans and what to do

    Being denied a necessary loan is unpleasant, especially when the motive for such a decision remains a secret to the client. In this article we will reveal the main reasons for the rejection of loan applications. This will help you avoid annoying mistakes and increase the likelihood of approval.

  • Credit history

    Credit history is information about accepted loan obligations, as well as the quality of their execution. Let's take a closer look at how to find out your credit history, what a credit report consists of, and whether it is possible to correct a bad history.

  • Types of consumer loans

    Consumer lending is a broad concept that includes various types of loans provided to individuals for consumer needs. How not to make a mistake with your choice and get a loan on the most favorable terms?

  • Hilarious cases from bank employees. It's only funny in real life

    Banking is serious, but not always. Sometimes clients become the main characters in funny stories and incidents that can amuse and make you laugh.

  • Good advice

    Loan for a startup or how to borrow 3 million from a bank for a business

    What are the current offers of banks for lending to new business projects?

    Good advice

    Payment order - what is it?

    Funds transfers are carried out in different forms: letters of credit, collection orders, checks. And the first place in the volume of documents on the basis of which these operations are carried out is occupied by payment orders (payments).


    How do debt collectors work with debtors?

    The development of the banking system in Russia led to the emergence of structures, the existence of which no one had previously guessed, except for a narrow circle of initiates. One of these structures are collectors (collection agencies), specializing in extrajudicial debt collection.

    Good advice

    How to get your consumer credit insurance back

    The provision of a consumer loan is often accompanied by an offer to the borrower from the bank to draw up a voluntary insurance agreement. Sometimes this happens in a more sophisticated form, when the relevant clauses are included in the text of the loan agreement, and the insurance premium is included in the body of the loan.

    Good advice

    How to delight bankers or 7 steps to an ideal credit history

    “Why don’t banks give me a loan?” - this question torments many failed borrowers. Let's look at the situation through the eyes of credit institutions and find out how they evaluate clients. With this information, you will not conquer the world, but you will be able to get a loan on favorable terms.

    Good advice

    Overdue loans. Instructions for survival in conditions of financial difficulties.

    The unexpected can happen in the life of any person. Loss of a job, injury, illness, loss of loved ones. In such cases, hands give up, and the fulfillment of debt obligations is relegated to the background. This article will be useful to those who have outstanding loans. We wish that you never need this information, but if problems arise, you know where to find it.


    Refinancing fashion. What % rates are trending now.

    Underwater rocks

    Installment plan 0-0-12: what's the catch?

    “Favorable installment plan 0-0-24”, “Superloan without overpayments”, “Smart installment plan” - such advertisements are seen by every visitor to electronics stores. Is this a marketing ploy or an honest offer? Let us tell you what is actually hidden behind the 0-0-12 installment plan.

    Good advice

    How to refuse credit insurance without consequences: step-by-step instructions

    According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, this year Russian residents have already borrowed more than 1.5 trillion rubles. The debt of individuals to banks exceeded 12 trillion rubles. It is not surprising that lending institutions need guarantees that the money will be returned on time. Insurance is an effective and at the same time profitable way to reduce the number of non-returns.


    “Sign here where the check mark is,” says the bank employee, handing over sheets of paper. I don’t have time to read the contract, and I don’t want to strain my eyes. Obediently print out the signature and take a copy for yourself. Sound familiar? Now let's figure out what you need to pay attention to before signing the contract.

  • Investment life insurance: benefits and risks

    Investment life insurance is becoming increasingly popular in the insurance market. People are attracted by the opportunity to make money on investments and at the same time secure the future of their loved ones. But this tool has both pros and cons. Let's see for whom ILI is suitable.

  • Topical

    3 ways to reduce your loan payment

    The monthly payment date is approaching, but there is no money. There is no need to panic and hide from the bank. This is fraught with fines and damaged credit history. Next, we will tell you how you can legally reduce the amount of your loan payment using the example of the largest banks.

    Good advice

    Bank in your pocket. Advanced gadgets for banking clients

    The digital revolution has not bypassed the banking sector: today we can top up our accounts or make contactless payments using small but functional devices. We talk about the most useful of them and how the process of introducing such innovations is going in Russia.


    Is it possible to dump someone else's cargo or a guarantee agreement in action?

    Let's imagine a situation: a friend takes out a loan and asks to become a guarantor. The bank guarantees a lower rate if the loan is secured. Most people listen to a friend's promises and agree. After transferring a couple of payments, a friend mysteriously disappears somewhere in Goa. The bank stands at the door and demands your money back. Let's figure out where to look for a way out of the situation.

    Good advice

    Mistrust index. Are Russian banks ready to give loans to foreigners?

    It will take a foreigner at least 8 years to obtain Russian citizenship in the general manner. Is it possible to get a loan at this time or is it better to wait for the coveted passport? Read our article.

  • Loan secured by real estate: a profitable offer or an unjustified risk

    A loan secured by existing real estate is not the most popular financial product. Which is not surprising, since on one side of the scale there is a low interest rate, and on the other there is the risk of losing your only home. Let’s figure out who should take out such a loan and why.

  • Good advice

    White or black. The whole truth about credit brokers

    Received an advance and never picked up the phone again - this is a typical response from a victim of a black credit broker. Read about how to avoid getting into such a situation and choose an honest and competent financial advisor in this article.

    For legal entities

    The entrepreneur's path: 7 banks providing loans to small and medium-sized businesses

    In recent years, the government has been focusing on supporting entrepreneurs. Business incubators, support funds, state and regional programs are being launched. We tell you whether banks adhere to this course and on what conditions they lend to business clients.

  • What kind of “beast” is a PDA and is it worth investing money there?

    Consumer credit cooperatives are often confused with microfinance organizations, and therefore they are not trusted. Only participants can open a deposit or receive a loan in the CPC, even children have the right to join. Next, we will tell you how cooperatives work and how to distinguish a bona fide organization from a financial pyramid.

  • Topical

    My bank is being sanitized. What does this mean and what to do

    Experts from the DIA say that the situation with bank rehabilitation in Russia is improving: today there are only 5 projects launched (for comparison, in 2015 there were 18). But after last year’s high-profile stories with Binbank and Otkrytie Bank, clients are concerned. We tell you why reorganization is not so scary for depositors and what to do if the bank is “recovered.”


    I'm a freelancer. Can my card be blocked?

    Lately there has been a lot of talk about blocking bank cards. This issue is especially relevant for freelancers, whose financial transactions often look “suspicious.” Let's figure out what can lead to a card being blocked and what to do if it does happen.


    My bank's license was revoked. What to do?

    The “purge” of the banking sector has subsided, but, as experience shows, the revocation of a license can affect any bank. For clients, this news is unpleasant and unexpected. Questions immediately arise: do I need to repay the loan, will the money be lost, and where should I go? We answer frequently asked questions that bank clients face in this situation.

  • Individual loan rate: which borrower, so the percentage

    “Is it possible to lend even a penny to a person who has debts worth three hundred thousand francs, and not a centime to his name?” - exclaims the moneylender Gobsek from Balzac’s story and denies the count a loan. Banks, like Gobsek, want to make money, not go bankrupt. We tell you how an individual rate helps them with this and what the personal percentage depends on.

  • Age is not a barrier: loans for pensioners

    Most people perceive retirement without enthusiasm. A decrease in income by at least half and health problems do not add optimism. Banks are urged not to reduce personal and social activity through loans. We understand the conditions and choose.

  • Underwater rocks

    Which bank to choose - public or private

    You have some extra money that makes sense to put into a deposit. Or vice versa, there was a desire to buy something on credit. Then you will probably have to think about which bank to contact - public or private. In this article we will tell you what the difference is between them and what to consider when choosing.

    Good advice

    Unallocated metal accounts: how easy it is to invest in precious metals

    Against the backdrop of economic instability, gold and other precious metals seem to be a safe haven. But storing gold bars at home is not very safe. For such cases, banks offer impersonal metal accounts. We tell you how to become an investor in precious metals without even touching them.

    Good advice

    Is it possible to make money on a savings account?

    Imagine that you have 30 thousand rubles available, set aside for vacation. The trip is scheduled in 2 months and the idea arises to “find” your money. The first thought is a deposit, but you will have to say goodbye to your savings for at least a quarter. A savings account will help you make your money work without restrictions on its use.

  • Wedding on credit. Show off or a once-in-a-lifetime celebration

    A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every person. And I want to spend it in such a way that bright and warm memories remain in my memory. But often newlyweds and their parents do not have enough money to organize the holiday of their dreams. In such situations, wedding loans come to the rescue.

  • Good advice

    How to increase your salary using an individual salary project

    Slavery in Russia was abolished in 1861, and “wage slavery” in 2015. What has changed since then and how do banks attract salary clients who have gone free? We'll tell you about the most interesting offers: interest on the balance, cashback, preferential loans and VIP privileges.


    Mobile banking versus online banking: which is safer?

    Digitalization of the banking sector is in full swing: more and more people are mastering mobile and Internet banking. We find out which of these services is more reliable, and tell you how to secure your data.

  • “Dear you are our person,” or what is Private Banking

    Just a few years ago, the Russian market for financial VIP services was a pale imitation of the European one. But now our banks have moved from simple service in a separate room with expensive furniture to really interesting offers. First of all, this is a guarantee of anonymity, asset protection and personal conditions for the client.

  • Underwater rocks

    Foreign bank account. What kind of reporting to submit?

    More and more Russians are opening accounts abroad. This is convenient for those who live abroad permanently or for a long time, and for those who travel frequently. But an account in a foreign bank is not only new opportunities, but also new responsibilities. Let's talk about them.

    Underwater rocks

    Marketing tricks of bankers

    If you are going to place your free money in a deposit or take out a mortgage, then first of all you are looking for the most profitable programs. Financial institutions, of course, respond to these signals and throw tempting offers onto the market. In this article we will talk about what tricks banks resort to to retain and expand their circle of clients.

    Good advice

    From point A to point B: how to transfer money within the Russian Federation

    Probably every person at least once faced the need to send money to another city. Previously, to do this you had to go to a post office or bank and wait in line. Now there are many more ways available: through terminals, ATMs or mobile phones. We talk about all the options in terms of benefits and speed.

  • Far Eastern hectare: develop and build

    More than 100 thousand people have applied for a “Far Eastern hectare”, and 40 thousand plots have already been provided for free use. Their owners plan to build houses, conduct agricultural and other activities. We will tell you in this article what kind of support they can count on.

  • Good advice

    Save and increase: where to invest dollars

    For those who have accumulated a stock of US dollars, the question is whether it is possible to “place” them in our country and make money on it. Let's talk about several ways to invest American currency that can bring income.

  • What is SMS credit

    Today, to apply for a loan, process it and receive money, you do not need to visit a bank branch or microfinance organization. This can be done remotely – by phone, through an online form on the financial institution’s website, in your personal account, and even via SMS. In this article we will talk about how and where you can get an SMS loan and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

  • Good advice

    Having to stand in line to see a credit manager is annoying and time-consuming, especially if you have to visit the bank office several times. In this article we will talk about how to avoid queues and save nerve cells when applying for a loan.

    Good advice

    Country question. Loans for suburban construction

    Living outside the city has obvious advantages: fresh air, silence and starry skies at night. If, after reading these words, you decide to scour the Internet in search of advertisements for the sale of country real estate, this article is for you. We tell you how to turn your dreams into reality with the help of a loan.


    Features of national crowdfunding or how to chip in correctly for a startup

    If you had bought $1 worth of Apple shares twenty years ago, you would have earned approximately $22,300 today. Read about whether there is a chance to invest your hard-earned money just as successfully in 2020 in this article.

    Good advice

    6 ways to get a loan for a freelancer if you don’t have an individual entrepreneur

    Fictitious job, credit broker and bank deposit. We evaluate extreme and standard loan methods.


    5 ways to overcome the financial crisis

    I would like to think that a financial crisis is something that happens to others. In reality, anyone can find themselves in a situation of debt due to difficult life circumstances or a simple inability to use credit products. We have collected 5 practical ways to help you get out of a financial crisis.

    Good advice

    Where can a student get money?

    The minimum scholarship for bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees in Russia is 1,340 rubles. If you study well, you can count on 5-7 thousand rubles, but in any case it is impossible to live on that kind of money. We tell you where students are given loans on favorable terms and what to pay attention to so as not to create problems for yourself and your parents.

  • Top ten. Features of targeted consumer loans

    Many people take out regular cash loans and don’t even realize that they can find a targeted loan for their needs. As a rule, targeted needs have lower rates. But there are nuances. We tell you for what purposes and at what interest rates you can borrow from banks.

  • Is it possible to get a loan from a foreign bank?

    Consumer loans in Europe will be provided at 7-10% per annum. In our country, rates start at 12-13%. If you want to take out a loan from a foreign bank, there are two options: submit an application directly to a foreign institution or contact a “subsidiary” operating in the Russian Federation. In the second case, you should prepare for the same rates as in Russian banks.

  • Topical

    The bank demands to repay a loan that I did not take out. What to do?

    A letter from an unknown sender or a call from an unfamiliar number usually does not bode well. At best, they will load you with advertising, or even give you an unpleasant surprise. Such a surprise may be the bank’s demand to repay a loan that the person did not take out. We will tell you how to behave in such situations in this article.


    Taxable income when writing off a loan debt

    Imagine the situation: a bank client took out a loan, but was unable to pay it off. Neither the bank nor the collectors were able to collect the debt, and after some time the borrower receives a notification that his debt has been written off. But it’s too early to rejoice: you will have to pay tax on the income received.

    Good advice

    Education in debt: features of student loans

    Some people consider paid education a social evil, but for many it is the only chance to gain knowledge in their chosen profession. The cost of educational services varies widely, depending on the university and specialty. Therefore, it is often possible to pay for training only with the use of credit funds.


    Do anti-collectors help debtors?

    The lending market gave birth to collectors, and then the opposite force to them - anti-collectors. Borrowers who have fallen into a debt trap turn to the latter. In despair, a person cannot correctly assess the situation and clutches at straws. Whether “debtor’s defenders” will bring benefit or harm depends on the situation.

    Underwater rocks

    Increasing the loan rate: legal or not

    Loan interest is a sore subject, but borrowers are even more concerned about the issue of changing it. Concerns are most often unfounded, and the bank will not unilaterally increase the interest rate on the loan. But there are exceptions to every rule.


    The statute of limitations is a period the completion of which frees the borrower from the prospect of prosecution by the bank. The theory is based on legislation, namely, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In practice, questions arise about the methodology for calculating the deadline. Often the loan has to be repaid even after the cherished 3 years.

    Good advice

    What to do with the debt to the bank if you are drafted to serve in the army

    Defending the Motherland is a sacred thing, but not always rewarding. Men liable for military service risk finding themselves in a situation where they find themselves in debt not only to the country, but also to the bank. Taking out a loan before the age of 27 is not a problem, but how can you repay it if you have to march past a bank branch for a whole year?

  • What's in my name: a list of bank names

    According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as of June 26, 2018, there are 898 credit institutions in Russia. Of these, 62 are non-banking. Not every one of the remaining 836 banks was imaginative when choosing a name. With which banks everything is clear from the first word, and which names make you think – we’ll tell you in the article.

  • Good advice

    How to lend money correctly

    Situations when someone asks to borrow money are not uncommon. If there is an opportunity to help, people help. But when we are talking about a large sum, it is worth borrowing wisely, without neglecting the rules of the law. This approach will help guarantee a return.

    Good advice

    How to interact with collectors correctly

    The practice of obtaining loans in Russia has been actively developing since the beginning of 2000. In parallel with this, the number of collection agencies collecting debts from would-be borrowers is growing. This year, collectors plan to return 14 billion rubles, which means that the risk of becoming their “client”, even without a debt, is rapidly increasing.

  • Numismatics: how to make money on coins

    Numismatics is an interesting hobby and a way to earn money. If you have a ten-ruble note “Chechen Republic” from the “Russian Federation” series lying around, consider that your budget has been replenished by 10 thousand rubles. Of course, about 95% of coins are already concentrated among enterprising collectors, but there is a chance that your profit is hidden among the remaining 5%.

  • Underwater rocks

    Currency transfers abroad

    When transferring money abroad, pay attention to the commission, the term for crediting funds and security guarantees. There are three main ways: through a bank, using electronic payment systems or international fast transfer systems. Next, we'll talk about the pros and cons of these options.

  • Concierge service: as a personal assistant

    The life of business and simply active people is filled with interesting and important events. And sometimes they have neither the desire nor the ability to engage in routine or spend time searching for the necessary information. In such cases, assistants, secretaries and concierge services come to the rescue. We'll talk about it in this article.

  • How to pay for a purchase in a store without money or a card

    Apple, Google and Samsung Pay are no longer perceived as dirty words. Most people with a smartphone and a superficial understanding of banking products have heard about these contactless payment systems for purchases. We will tell you how to gain access to technologies in this article.

  • What is an individual pension plan

    The average insurance pension of a non-working pensioner as of January 1, 2020 is 16,500 rubles. Agree - the money is more than modest. One way to increase the level of income for a future retiree is to sign up for an individual pension plan (IPP).

  • 5 ways to transfer money without commission

    Money transfers are one of the most popular financial services. There is a fee for such transactions. However, this is not a general rule. There are several ways to transfer money without commission, and we will talk about them in this article.

  • Good advice

    10 life hacks for Alfa-Bank clients

    When applying for a deposit, card or loan, many Alfa-Bank clients do not have a complete understanding of the capabilities and limitations of a particular product. In this article we will talk about how to get the most out of what the bank offers, avoiding pitfalls.


    Where, besides insurance companies, can they impose insurance on you?

    Insurance companies are in a fierce battle for customers, using a variety of marketing techniques. One of them is the promotion of insurance products through partners. You can take out a policy without even knowing it. We found 5 insurance traps that everyone risks falling into.

  • SMS notification: peace of mind for free and for money

    When choosing a banking product, SMS service, as a rule, is not one of the priority factors influencing the decision. However, in-depth knowledge about this service will be useful. In this article we present the results of a study of the cost and functionality of SMS information offered by Russian banks.

  • I received money by mistake. What to do?

    Money comes to us in different ways, and, as a rule, people have no questions about where it comes from and why. A salary, a lottery win, or an inheritance are all expected, or at least understandable, receipts. But sometimes money falls out of the blue - it is unknown from whom or in a larger amount than expected. What to do in this case?

  • How to take money on a trip

    In a neighboring city or at the mouth of the Amazon, losing a bank card can significantly ruin your vacation. Instead of photographing caimans and walking through unfamiliar forests, you will have to deal with an empty wallet. It's easy to avoid this if you prepare and store your money correctly.

  • Underwater rocks

    Vacation: save or take out a loan

    Travel has always been a luxury. Thanks to trains and planes, they have become more accessible, but not everyone can still walk around exotic countries. You need money: for flights, accommodation, food, excursions. Is it worth saving up, or is it better to take out a loan right away? We are exploring both options.

    Good advice

    How to check the authenticity of new 200 and 2000 rubles

    In 2017, Russians voted to feature Crimea and Vladivostok on new 200 and 2,000 ruble banknotes. The banknotes are already in circulation and are noticeably different in design from conventional money. Cash is equipped with special signs of authenticity, which are verified through the Banknotes 2017 mobile application.

  • What to choose: annuity or differentiated payments

    The loan can be repaid in different ways: in equal parts or divided into payments of different sizes. It is based on two types of debt repayment – ​​annuity and differentiated.

  • Topical

    Creative commercials for banks: hype, banter and 18+

    Are you tired of reading yet? Take a break and enjoy a selection of funny and creative videos from Russian banks. You definitely won't want to miss this ad.

    Good advice

    The state is behind us: loans for state employees

    Getting a loan for employees of state and municipal institutions is not a problem. Both state and commercial banks will welcome such clients. But this does not always mean that the loan will be issued on favorable terms. Where and how state employees can get a loan at the lowest interest rate, read this article.

    Good advice

    11 Tinkoff hacks for users of the largest online bank

    Underwater rocks

    Inheritance loan

    Who among us has not secretly dreamed of a sudden multimillion-dollar inheritance from an unknown relative? Feels like winning the lottery. The other side of the coin is an inheritance loan. Is it worth paying it off and what are the pitfalls? Let’s talk about everything in order.


    Biometrics to the masses: how banks will identify your identity

    The Unified System of Biometric Identification and Authentication (USIA) of clients has been operating in Russia since July 1. According to representatives of the Bank of Russia, by the end of 2018, 20% of bank branches will be connected to it, and the process will be completed next year. We tell you what this means for clients.

    Good advice

    How to return an erroneous payment

    It’s hard to say how much money Russians regularly transfer to other people’s accounts by mistake. But this situation is familiar to everyone: make a mistake with one number in the details or write the wrong letter in the name of the organization, and the money will go “nowhere”. But it is possible to return lost funds. And it is necessary.

  • Financial literacy is the correct management of money, in which the risk of losing it is minimal. We decided to make a series of articles in which we will tell you how to protect yourself from mistakes, as well as how to use banking products correctly. Today we’ll talk about what not to do.

  • Topical

    "Star" advertising: celebrities who promote banks

  • Not only real estate: what other types of collateral are there?

    Today, Russians have borrowed 12 trillion rubles from banks. A popular type of collateral is real estate: credit institutions willingly issue loans against square meters. But this is far from the only option. We tell you which collateral to choose for individuals and legal entities.

  • Underwater rocks

    Loan for a friend: what to do if you suddenly become a debtor

    When you agree to take out a loan for another person in your name, you become a loan donor. This is a risk - a friend or relative may not make payments or abscond. Sooner or later the bank will call and ask you to pay the debt. We are considering various options for the development of events.

  • What to do with torn rubles

    A banknote with stains, scuffs and painted faces may not be accepted in a supermarket or bus. But you shouldn’t throw it away - the bill is considered solvent.

  • Underwater rocks

    5 unforgivable mistakes when repaying a loan early

    Since 2011, amendments to Art. 809 and 810 part 2 of the Civil Code prohibited creditors from imposing fines for early repayment of loans. But the number of troubles faced by bank clients is not decreasing. Let's figure out what mistakes when repaying a loan ahead of schedule will cost inattentive borrowers dearly.


    Tinkoff Mobile vs “Let's Talk” Sberbank

    At the end of 2017, the first virtual telecom operators, or MVNO - mobile virtual network operator, appeared in Russia. The pioneers were Sberbank and Tinkoff. Both companies use Tele2 resources. What are the features of their offers and is it worth changing your operator to a virtual one? Read on.

    Underwater rocks

    Loans with the possibility of rate reduction: advantages and risks

    When choosing a suitable loan, you never cease to be amazed at the imagination of bank marketers. Trying to retain existing clients and attract new ones, financial institutions are bringing offers to the market with amazing conditions. An example of these are loans with the possibility of reducing the rate for the “good behavior” of the borrower. We'll tell you about them.

    Good advice

    Where is it cheaper: 10 apps for saving on purchases

    To keep abreast of promotions and find out about discounts, you don’t have to surf the Internet or run to stores and collect catalogs. All you have to do is install the application on your smartphone – the developer has already done all the dusty work. We found 10 mobile apps that can help you buy common things cheaper. Choose, download and save.


    Bot invasion: how banks use instant messengers

    Banks are constantly looking for new ways of communication to communicate with clients, advertise and organize remote management of personal finances. One of these developing areas is the use of chatbots in popular instant messengers. We will talk about them in this article.

    Good advice

    Autopayment: no more routine when paying for services

    Many services that are provided to us on an ongoing basis can be paid for without going to a bank branch, to an ATM, and even without clicking on buttons in Internet banking. Automatic payments are used for this, which we will discuss in this article.

Single consent for remote registration of a product or service on the website of PJSC Bank FC Otkritie

Consent for remote registration of a product or service on the website of PJSC Bank FC Otkritie is given by me to PJSC Bank FC Otkritie, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 4, General license for banking operations No. 2209 (hereinafter also referred to as the Bank) (hereinafter referred to as the Consent).

I agree to the Bank receiving information about me from any credit history bureaus(one or more) contained in the main part of my credit history, in the volume and manner provided for by the Federal Law of December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”. Consent for PJSC Bank FC Otkritie to receive a credit report was provided for the purpose of verifying the information provided by me to the Bank when applying for banking services and in the process of providing me with banking services, as well as for the purpose of the Bank forming offers for me on credit and other banking products. The right to choose a credit history bureau is granted by me to the Bank at its discretion and no additional approval is required from me.

I express my consent to the processing by PJSC Bank FC Otkritie, location: Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 4 of my personal data (performing any actions using automation tools and/or without, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border transfer, depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. Personal data specified in this electronic application, including: last name, first name, patronymic and other information provided by me to enter into an agreement with the Bank or during the period of its validity, contained in applications, letters, agreements and other documents (also received by the Bank electronically ), including information about me as a subscriber received from telecom operators (if I provide consent for the Bank to receive information from telecom operators), is provided for the purposes of:

  • obtaining a loan and executing a loan agreement/agreement on the provision and use of bank cards of the Bank;
  • insurance of my property interests and the property interests of the Bank associated with the risk of its losses as a result of non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of contractual obligations by me;
  • obtaining information about the loan agreement/agreement on the provision and use of Bank cards by the persons** specified in this Agreement;
  • settlement of overdue debts to the Bank in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations by me;
  • concluding and executing an agreement for the assignment (or pledge) of rights (claims) under a loan agreement/agreement on the provision and use of bank cards of the Bank with any third parties (unless prohibited in the agreement concluded with me);
  • obtain information about other products and services;
  • receiving information from telecom operators about me as a subscriber, which became known to telecom operators due to their execution of contracts for the provision of communication services concluded with me (if I provide consent for the Bank to receive information from telecom operators);
  • assessments of my solvency;

For these purposes, the Bank may transfer my personal data to the extent necessary for these purposes to the following persons** on the basis of agreements concluded with them.
Consent to the processing of personal data is valid until the Bank receives a written application from the client to withdraw this consent. Termination of the loan agreement/agreement on the provision and use of bank cards does not terminate the consent. I am aware that this consent can be revoked by me by submitting an application to the Bank in simple written form.

When receiving a loan from the Bank (including a mortgage loan), I instruct the Bank to transfer my personal data and information about the terms of the loan, incl. about the term, amount, interest rate, amount of monthly payment, and amount of debt to the Bank to the following persons** regarding information:

  • an insurance company chosen by me, for the purpose of concluding, prolonging insurance contracts (policies) and paying insurance compensation, as well as receiving a response from the Bank and/or a conclusion from the insurance organization on the possibility of accepting risks for insurance, containing information about me;
  • to a developer/investor, realtor or real estate agency indicated by me, in order to confirm the Bank’s intention to provide a loan/confirm the Bank’s provision of a loan;
  • a registration company or an individual for the purpose of representing my interests and/or the interests of the Bank in the body that carries out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it;
  • in relation to any information relating to me directly or indirectly, including last name, first name, patronymic, identity document details, year, month, date and place of birth, citizenship, address, family, social, property status, education, profession , income, contact numbers, postal addresses, email addresses and other information provided by me for the Bank to make a decision on concluding a civil agreement(s) or during the period of its validity, contained in applications, letters , agreements and other documents (also received by the Bank in electronic form), including information about the subscriber and the communication services provided to me under a service agreement with a telecom operator;
  • for the purposes of obtaining a loan, as well as obtaining additional information about the Client when issuing loans, executing a loan agreement, servicing a loan and collecting debt in the event of transfer of functions and (or) powers for servicing a loan and collecting debt to any third parties, assignment, pledge to any third parties or otherwise encumbering in whole or in part the rights of claim under the loan agreement;
  • for the purpose of providing information to shareholders, members of management bodies authorized (by law, agreement or any other way) to conduct inspections and/or analysis of the Bank’s activities, as well as to exercise other forms of control over the Bank’s activities, for the purpose of carrying out these actions;
  • for the purpose of conducting marketing research of the banking services market;
  • both to the Bank and to any third parties specified in the List**, who, as a result of the processing of personal data, assignment, sale, pledge or otherwise encumbering the rights of claim under the loan agreement, in full or in part, received the Client’s personal data, became copyright holders in relation to the specified rights, agents and authorized persons of the Bank and specified third parties, companies (including last name, first name, patronymic, addresses and telephone numbers) that carry out mailing at the request of the Bank, as well as companies providing communication services to the Client.

The list of persons is specified in the List of Third Parties of this Consent. The right to select the specified companies/persons is granted by me to the Bank and no additional approval is required from me.

I agree with the Bank sending me commercial proposals: to receive information about products and services, commercial offers of the Bank/Bank Group Companies**, including through postal communication and telecommunication networks (telephone, fax, mobile radiotelephone, etc.) at the address of permanent registration, address of actual residence, email address , to contact phone numbers.

**Bank group companiesare indicated in the List of Third Parties of this Consent.
List of third parties in respect of whom I consent to the processing of personal data in order to promote the Bank’s services, joint services of the Bank and third parties, products (goods, works, services) of third parties, mailings at the Bank’s request, as well as loan servicing ( including Bank group companies):
Open Joint Stock Company "Otkritie Holding", location 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 4; Limited Liability Company "Debt Center "OTKRITIE", location 105064, Moscow, Yakovoapostolsky lane, 12, building 1; Closed joint-stock company "ACCORD POST", location 113452, Moscow, st. Azovskaya, 31; FSUE Russian Post, location 131000, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 37; Closed Joint Stock Company JSCB "RUSSLAVBANK", location 119049, Moscow, st. Donskaya, 14, building 2; Limited Liability Company "LAVTEC.RU", location 119071, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 29, building 2 (last name, first name, patronymic; gender; participant number of the "Club MNOGO.RU" program; address place of residence (registration); contact mobile phone number and email address) (according to cards issued as part of a joint project of the Bank and LLC "LAVTEC.RU"); Limited Liability Company "Spartak Stadium", location 109028, Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 3, building 1 (last name, first name, patronymic; series and passport number; contact phone number; email address; date birth; address of place of residence (registration); confirmation of consent to transfer data to Spartak Stadium LLC; card type); Joint Stock Company “Football Club “Spartak-Moscow”, location 105066, st. Novoryazanskaya, 31/7, building 24 (last name, first name, patronymic; passport series and number; contact phone number; email address; date of birth; address of place of residence (registration); confirmation of consent to transfer data to the Joint Stock Company Society "Football Club "Spartak-Moscow", card type) (based on cards issued within the framework of a joint project of the Bank and the Joint Stock Company "Football Club "Spartak-Moscow"); Limited Liability Company "MigCredit", location 127018 Moscow, Sushchevsky Val, 5, building 3; Public Joint Stock Company "Megafon", location 115035, Moscow, Kadashevskaya embankment, 30, Limited Liability Company Non-banking credit organization "Rapida", location 125315, Moscow, st. Usievicha, 20, building 2; Limited Liability Company "LIKARD", location 400131, Volgograd region, Volgograd, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 13a (last name, first name, patronymic; gender and date of birth; contact phone number and email address; address of place of residence (registration), number and code word of the loyalty card, passport details) (according to cards issued under joint project of the Bank and PJSC LUKOIL), LLC National Legal Service, location 115054, Moscow, Bolshoy Strochenovsky lane, 22/25, office. 300, Public Joint Stock Company "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines", location 119002, Moscow, Arbat street, 10 "(last name, first name, patronymic (if available); date of birth; series and passport number; contact(s) telephone number(s) and email address; address of place of residence (actual); address of place of work; participant number of the Aeroflot Bonus program) (according to cards issued as part of a joint project of the Bank and PJSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines). Limited Liability Company "OSK", location 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 10, building 1. , Public joint stock company Bank "Trust", location 105066, Moscow, st. Spartakovskaya, house 5, building 1; Limited Liability Company "M.B.A. Finance", location 115191, Moscow, B. Starodanilovsky lane, 2, building 7; Limited Liability Company "Creditexpress Finance", location 127055, Moscow, st. Butyrsky Val 68/70, building 1; Closed joint-stock company “Personal Claimant”, location 125167, Moscow, 8 March 1st st., building No. 3; Limited Liability Company "Sentinel Credit Management", location 129085, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 91, building 2; Limited Liability Company "VostokFinance", location 127055, Moscow, Novoslobodskaya st., 24 building 1; Joint Stock Company "SEQUOIA CREDIT CONSOLIDATION", location 127473, Moscow, st. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, building 2; Closed joint-stock company "Financial Agency for Collection of Payments", location 109044 Moscow, st. Krutitsky Val, 14; Limited Liability Company "Credit Finance Agency", location 127576, Moscow, st. Ilimskaya, 5 building 2; Limited Liability Company "National Collection Service", location 117393, Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya 56; Limited Liability Company "Credit Security Bureau "RUSSKOLLECTOR", location 129515, Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva, 13, building 1; Limited Liability Company "Filbert", location 196210, St. Petersburg, st. Startovaya, 8, Lit. A; Limited Liability Company "Center-Profi", location 196210, St. Petersburg, st. Startovaya, 8, Lit. A; Limited Liability Company "Judicial Recovery Agency", location 191123, St. Petersburg, st. Zakharyevskaya, d. 21, lit. A; Limited Liability Company "EOS", location 125009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 12, building 9; Non-public joint stock company “First Collection Bureau”, location 117393 Moscow, Profsoyuznaya St., 56; Limited Liability Company "Credit Inkaso Rus", location 129226, Moscow, st. Dokukina, 8, building 2; Limited Liability Company "Stolichnoe AVD", location 115533, Moscow, prosp. Andropova, 22; Limited Liability Company "Debt Recovery Agency", location 115533, Moscow, prosp. Andropova, 22; Limited Liability Company "Active Business Collection", location 117997, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 19; Limited Liability Company "Morgan", location 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, 14; Limited Liability Company "Morgan and Stout", location 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, 14; Limited Liability Company "Kraft Telecom", location 123007, Moscow, st. 4th Magistralnaya, 11, building 2, Joint Stock Company "Internet Project", location: 197022, St. Petersburg, st. Professora Popova, 23, letter D, room. 28N, Closed Joint Stock Company “Assist 24, Delta Consulting Group” (including last name, first name, patronymic, gender, contact mobile phone number, first six digits of the card number), location: 129226, Moscow, Russia, st. Dokukina, 16, building 1, Limited Liability Company "Quintessentially Nova" (including last name, first name, patronymic, gender, contact mobile phone number, first six digits of the card number), location: 123022, Moscow, Rochdelskaya st., 15, building 32., Public joint-stock company "UTair Airlines", location 628012, Khanty-Mansiysk, Airport (last name, first name, patronymic (if available); date of birth; series and passport number; contact telephone number(s) and email address; address of place of residence (actual); address of place of work; UTair card number - participation code in the UTair program) (for cards issued as part of a joint project of the Bank and PJSC "UTair Airlines"); Limited Liability Company "Erenday Group" (R&I), location: 127015, Moscow, st. B. Novodmitrovskaya, 36/2 (last name, first name, patronymic; gender; fan number; address of residence (registration); contact mobile phone number and email address) (according to Gladiator Cards issued as part of the joint project of the Bank and the Joint Stock Company "Football Club "Spartak-Moscow")); Limited Liability Company "Everest", location 115035, Moscow, Pyatnitskaya st., 6/1, building 8; Joint Stock Company "Federal Passenger Company" (JSC "FPK"), location: 107078, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Masha Poryvaeva, 34 (last name, first name, patronymic (if available); date of birth; citizenship; passport series and number; contact telephone number(s) and email address; address of place of stay (actual); address place of work; participant number of the Russian Railways Bonus Program - Russian Railways Bonus Code) (for cards issued as part of a joint project of the Bank and JSC FPC)); Open joint-stock company "Capital Insurance" (JSC "Capital Insurance"), location: 628486, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Kogalym, st. Molodezhnaya, 10; Limited Liability Company "IDigital", location: 197110, St. Petersburg, Lodeynopolskaya street, building No. 5, letter A; Joint Stock Company "National Insurance Company TATARSTAN", location 420094, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Marshala Chuikova, 2, block B; Joint Stock Company "Insurance Company Opora" location 390000, Ryazan, st. Pravo-Lybidskaya, 27; Limited Liability Company "Capital-Life", location 121059, Moscow, st. Kyiv, 7; Limited Liability Company "SARG-IT", location 105082, Moscow, Bolshaya Pochtovaya St., 7, building 1; PJSC VimpelCom, location: Moscow, st. Eighth March, 10, p. 14; MTS PJSC, location: Moscow, st. Marxistskaya, 4; OSK LLC, location: Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 10, building 1; LLC "", location: Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 39, building 79. Bank group companies: Joint Stock Company "Otkritie Broker", location 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 2, building 4; Limited Liability Company "Management Company "OTKRITIE", location 115114, Moscow, st. Letnikovskaya, 10, building 4; Otkritie Factoring LLC, 115432, Moscow, Andropov Avenue, 18, building 6, room 4-07; Open Joint Stock Company "Non-State Pension Fund "RGS" (JSC "NPF RGS"), location: 121059, Moscow, st. Kyiv, 7; Public joint stock company Insurance Company "Rosgosstrakh" (PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh"), location: 140002, Moscow region, Lyubertsy, st. Parkovaya, 3.; Point of PJSC Bank "FC Otkritie", location: 117216, Moscow, st. Starokachalovskaya 1, building 2; Public Joint Stock Company "Rosgosstrakh Bank", 107078, Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya 43, building 2.

Today, most financial transactions are carried out non-cash, which significantly reduces document flow. Therefore, open salary project beneficial to all stakeholders. Let's talk about the main features.

What a favor

Most credit institutions provide legal entities (IP) with a special service. It makes it possible to transfer wages from the company account to the individual bank account of each employee. This is about salary project, the essence which is in the benefits derived by each of the parties.

The service in question is usually provided to enterprises with a staff of 10 or more people and officially employed. It involves the conclusion of an appropriate agreement between the bank and the company. What happens next is:

  1. all employees are entered into the database;
  2. open individual current accounts for each of them;
  3. issue salary plastic cards.

Financial institutions are always as part of the salary project provide for interaction with well-known and most popular payment systems. Some programs also include an overdraft with optimal interest rates (this is the ability to make a payment in excess of the remaining amount).

Benefits for businesses

The procedure for calculating employee salaries through a bank gives companies the following advantages:

  • reduction of the commission for the payment of funds (the tariff allows you to reduce the costs of storing and transferring money, as well as paying for the services of a cashier and collectors);
  • employees are not cut off from the work process when they receive salary on the card according to the salary project;
  • complete confidentiality of information, allowing the organization to further stimulate employees (accumulation of bonuses and other bonuses);
  • exemption from paperwork.

In addition, the company will be able to accrue travel or social benefits to a separately opened current account.

Convenience for staff

Benefits for employees to receive salaries according to the salary project are as follows:

  • timely receipt of money even if you are absent from work on the day of accrual;
  • security (banks guarantee the safety of earnings and allow you to control the movement of finances using SMS services);
  • the ability to withdraw funds at any time of the day;
  • no commission for cash withdrawal;
  • preferential rates on various types of loans;
  • access to a salary card outside the borders of the Russian Federation.

Read also You no longer need to compile a certificate of average earnings for the last 3 months

The bank can charge interest on the balance of funds, which ultimately brings in some income. Another important advantage is the ease of paying for various services and making transfers.

For what salary project needed banks

Financial institutions benefit economically because businesses pay them a certain percentage. The mechanism may be this: salaries have already fallen onto the cards of employees, but during the first hours they still cannot dispose of them, since the bank continues to benefit from these temporarily free funds as part of the salary project.

The risks associated with concluding many other transactions through “your” bank disappear. Thus, by offering services to small and large enterprises, banks significantly expand their clientele at minimal cost.

Peculiarities registration of salary project

The initiator of the transaction is usually the company. To implement the payment of funds to employees through a bank, you will need to go through three simple steps (see table).

Stage What's happening
1 PreparatoryProvides for collecting the necessary documents for signing the agreement. Then the head of the organization contacts any bank branch.
2 Concluding an agreement with a financial institution on opening of a salary project and card servicingBank employees provide detailed information about tariffs and negotiate financial conditions
3 Issue and issuance of international cardsMay occur on the organization's premises. The type and type of cards depends on individual preferences.

If desired, employees can activate additional services using the issued card. They will simplify its operation and guarantee safe use: automatic payments, notification of actions taken via SMS, etc.

The story begins with the fact that the Customer wants to pay remuneration to the Performers, among whom I am, not by everyone’s favorite method in cash in an envelope, but through official employment to him and crediting money to salary cards.

I don’t know for what reasons, but it was convenient for the Customer to give us cards from Otkritie Bank. Although it seemed to me that since I wanted to transfer money to cards, I could use the ones we already had.

The process of obtaining the card was very simple. They, along with envelopes with a PIN code, were distributed by the General Director in exchange for signatures on bank documents.

It was a credit-debit card (Gold, Master Card) with the Comfort-plus tariff plan (with a positive balance, withdrawals and transfers of funds from it without commission).

Otkritie Bank will outdo Sberbank here, which issues two cards (debit and credit) and does not have 2-in-1 cards in its portfolio.

Since this is a salary card, its annual maintenance is naturally free.

I liked that it is valid for 4 years (Sberbank cards last 3 years).

The interest rate for the use of credit funds is 18.9%, which is much lower than for credit cards of Sberbank salary clients (25.9%).

However, after activating the card (entering the PIN code at the ATM), I saw that the credit limit on it was 0 rubles, i.e. The bank is not particularly keen for people to start using its funds right away. Perhaps this is even for the better - I won’t be able to accidentally go into the red.

Since I went to the ATM at the bank branch, which is located on the way home, I also saw that there was no electronic queue (there was a small queue of people) and there was no consultant in the bank hall.

Let's go back to the conditions on the map.

I didn’t like that re-issuing a card due to the fault (or at the request) of the client would cost 1,800 rubles. (but many banks reissue cards completely free of charge).

But there is one more thing that I liked - the connection to Internet banking. Having a mobile phone and card number, I register myself (literally I just come up with my username and password), confirm with a one-time password from SMS and can use it. That is, it’s very cool that before you start using Internet banking you don’t need to visit an ATM with a card or a branch with a passport.

I connected to Internet banking for one purpose, one might say - to disable paid SMS notifications (59 rubles per month), which is enabled by default on the card.

At the same time, I looked at what you can do in Internet banking. I didn’t see anything unusual for myself. I purposefully looked for the possibility of replenishing the Podorozhnik transport card, but it was not there (although replenishing the Troika does exist).

After receiving and starting to use this card, I clearly realized how convenient it was to receive my salary in cash. You don’t need to store the card, you don’t need to carefully read the terms and conditions of the card, you don’t need to disable paid services that are enabled by default, and you don’t need to go to an ATM to withdraw money (although there are a lot of Otkritie Bank ATMs in the city, but not on every corner as at Sberbank).

Otkritie Bank gives holders of salary cards the opportunity to obtain a loan on favorable terms - low interest rate, a minimum package of documents and quick consideration of the application. Russian citizens aged 21 to 68 years living in the region where the bank operates can take advantage of the offer. Other requirements include:

  • Availability of a salary project at Otkritie Bank.
  • Work experience at the last place for more than 4 months.
  • Total experience - at least 1 year.
  • Constant income from 15 thousand rubles per month.

For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as the city of St. Petersburg, proof of income of at least 25,000 rubles is required.

Tariffs and service

As part of the loan program, the bank offers to issue loans to salary clients in the amount of 50 thousand to 5 million in national currency. The loan term ranges from 1 to 5 years. The interest rate ranges from 9.9% to 21.9% per annum (you can find out the more accurate commission value after submitting your application). After signing the agreement, it is worth connecting the Internet bank and the Otkritie Bank mobile application. Using these services, it is convenient to control expenses and loan payments.

How to apply

There is no online application process for this plan. Salary card holders can personally contact the nearest branch of a financial institution or call the phone number 8 800 700-48-44.

Debt repayment

Otkritie Bank borrowers can take advantage of ample opportunities to repay the loan amount and pay interest. Among the main repayment methods:

  • Internet banking - payments are made without commission, crediting is instant.
  • Transfer from a bank card using the details with confirmation via SMS code to your mobile phone.
  • At the cash desk or through an ATM of your local bank.
  • Through Eleksnet and QIWI terminals.
  • Using payment systems Rapida, Zolotaya Korona.
  • In the network of Svyaznoy and MTS salons.
  • Yandex electronic money.
  • At Eldorado and Telepay outlets

When repaying through third-party services, take into account the transfer fee so that your bank account receives the entire required amount.