How to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank for private farms. Loan for clients running private farms

You can get a loan from Rosselkhozbank for private household plots, provided that it is issued to pay expenses for the implementation of the business idea of ​​a potential entrepreneur. The financial organization will provide the applicant with a loan only after the credit commission has reviewed the business plan of the business entity, which should reflect the types of costs necessary to implement the idea. They must meet the established requirements of the bank, which will make a positive decision on issuing money only if it is classified as a need:

  • acquisition of young or adult animals for rearing or breeding;
  • purchase of fuel and lubricants;
  • payment for electricity, rent for land and premises that are necessary to implement the idea of ​​entrepreneurship;
  • purchase of building materials;
  • purchase of mineral fertilizers and protective drugs against pests and diseases of agricultural plants;
  • seasonal costs.

Loan terms

The standard banking program is designed for lending to business entities for a period of from 3 months to 2 years. However, when planning large expenses for expensive events, the need for which is reflected in the business plan, it is possible to take out a loan for 5 years. In this case, the bank can finance the following operations:

  • purchase of movable and immovable property;
  • carrying out construction and repair work of premises and pens for livestock farming;
  • acquisition of equipment to support production.

Loan amounts

Business entities can count on bank credit assistance in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. For regular clients of financial institutions who have a positive credit history and a stable income that meets the bank’s requirements, the loan amount can be increased by 500,000 rubles.

If you need to lend a larger amount of money, you can get it using additional options:

  • sureties;
  • pledge of property.

A guarantor can be any individual or legal entity with a stable income, who is ready, in the event of a borrower’s failure to pay the obligatory loan payment, to pay it instead.

When taking out a loan secured by property, the loan agreement is drawn up only after notarization that the property has been assigned collateral status. If there are no payments on the loan within the period established by the contractual relationship, the property registered as collateral is confiscated in the manner prescribed by the court and sold at public auction or auction. In this case, part of the funds is returned to the financial institution as compensation for the debt on the loan, interest, fines and penalties, and the rest is returned to the debtor.

When applying for private household plot loans from Rosselkhozbank, it is worth considering that a financial institution can use a combination of several loan security conditions at its discretion.

How to apply

Loans to individuals running personal subsidiary plots are issued only if they meet the following requirements:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age from 23 years;
  • The age of the borrower is no more than 75, and the guarantor is no more than 65 years old at the time of full mutual settlement with the bank, in accordance with the terms stipulated in the agreement.

In order to apply for an agricultural loan at Rosselkhozbank, a potential client of a financial institution must have a developed business plan for the implementation and promotion of its activities.

A prerequisite for consideration of a loan application is competent determination of the purpose of loan funds for the appropriate category of expenses. Two guarantors are required to complete the transaction.

Special requirements are put forward to the borrower, implying the period of maintaining personal subsidiary farming for 12 months before contacting the bank, about which there must be a corresponding entry in the business ledger, which is maintained by local governments.

After deciding on the need to lend to their business activity, the potential borrower must provide the banking institution with a set of documentation confirming:

  • personality - passport and identification code;
  • conducting individual entrepreneurship in the field of personal subsidiary farming for 12 months - certificate issued by local authorities;
  • conducting activities as an individual entrepreneur – individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • income for 12 months - reports from the Tax Service.

After completing the application form, to which the necessary documents should be attached, the bank evaluates the compliance of the client’s characteristics with the requirements and makes a decision within five working days. Having received approval of the application, The borrower has the right to apply for a loan within 45 days.

Having made a purchase using credit funds, you must submit documentation confirming this event to the financial institution within the established time frame.

Terms of cooperation

Credit funds are transferred to an account opened by the client, from which he has the right to withdraw money for the needs specified in the agreement or make a non-cash payment for purchased products or services provided. The business entity must deposit the amount of money agreed with the bank on a monthly basis to the same account.

Payments may be of the following nature:

  • differentiated;
  • annuity

The financial institution provides the opportunity to repay the loan in amounts exceeding the monthly obligation. Early repayment of debt does not involve the accrual of additional penalties.

The terms of a loan for private household plots at Rosselkhozbank provide for different interest rates on the amount of debt, depending on the circumstances:

  1. When concluding a contractual relationship for a period of up to 12 months, the interest rate will correspond to 16.5%. For the category of borrowers whom the bank classifies as reliable clients, the rate is reduced to 14.9%.
  2. Loan from 12 to 60 months provides an interest rate of 16.5% for new clients, and 15.5% for regular clients.
  3. In case of violation of the conditions, defining the target cost criteria specified in the contractual agreement, the rate will be increased by 2.5%.
  4. In case of refusal to obtain life and health insurance, the borrower will have to automatically increase the rate by 5%.

When fulfilling obligations as planned, the increase in its size, due to an increase in the rate due to the refusal of insurance services, is less than the total amount of monthly mandatory and insurance payments.

It is worth noting that when planning to repay a loan ahead of schedule, it will be more profitable to take out insurance, since after full settlement with the bank, the client has the right to compensation for the funds invested in the insurance company.

Consumer loan Security required No commissions Any borrower For pensioners

  • Rate from 10 to 12%

Conditions for obtaining a consumer loan “For the development of private household plots” from Rosselkhozbank - interest rates from 10% to 12%, amount up to 1,500,000 ₽, for construction, development of personal subsidiary plots, gasification. A pledge of real estate or a car is required, to an account (non-cash), it is possible to issue a 2-NDFL without a certificate of income, including to pensioners. Information updated on October 9, 2019 from the official website of Rosselkhozbank.

1 Clients with positive CI, incl. and in another Bank

Bid Notes

Full loan cost: from 6.25 to 21.03%

Rate increase

  • +4.5% without personal insurance of the borrower
  • +2.5% without confirmation of intended use
  • +5% if the borrower is 65 years or older on the date of application

Loan calculator

Using the calculator for the loan “For the development of private household plots” from Rosselkhozbank, calculate the amount of the monthly payment and the amount of the overpayment. By default, the average loan rate is 17%, the term is 12 months, the amount is 100,000 ₽.

Requirements for the borrower

Age at the time of receipt From 23 years Age at the time of return Up to 75 years Experience at the current place

  • From 6 months
  • From 3 months for salary clients/clients with a positive credit history at Rosselkhozbank
  • From 12 months for citizens running private household plots
Payment discipline Positive credit history: preferably Citizenship of the Russian Federation Required Registration mark in passport
  • Permanent registration at the borrower’s place of residence

Required documents


  • Application form
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • The second document is required
More documents Possible options:
  • Copy of work book
  • Copy of the employment contract
  • Pensioner's ID
  • Identification
  • Military ID (for borrowers under 27 years of age)
  • Marriage certificate (death of spouse, divorce)
  • Marriage contract (if available)
  • Certificate of ownership

  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur


  • Lawyer ID


  • Copy of activity license
  • Copy of the appointment order
  • Certificate from the notary chamber

How to confirm income Possible options:

  • Help on bank form
  • Help 2-NDFL
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • Tax return
  • Deposit statement
  • Debit account statement
  • Statement of salary account
  • Certificate of service
  • Property rental agreement
  • Help from the financial department

Individual entrepreneurs

  • Tax return 3-NDFL (with acceptance mark)
  • Current account statements


  • Certificate of income in form 2-NDFL (employment)
  • Lawyer bank account statements


  • Copy of tax return 3-NDFL
  • Notary account statements

For information, documents confirming purpose of the loan

Do you need to develop a personal subsidiary plot (LPH), but there is no free cash for investment? It is not necessary to take “expensive” cash loans - there are bank lending options, moreover, designed specifically for owners of private household plots.

The fact is that the state, through specialized banks, is implementing measures of state support for this industry. In this article we will talk about a special product of Rosselkhozbank, which is called “Loan for the development of personal subsidiary plots”

Basic goals

A loan with government support can be obtained for a period of up to two or up to five years - it all depends on the purpose of raising funds.

Loans for up to two years are provided for current activities, while the duration of the technological cycle for the production of specific types of agricultural products is necessarily assessed. The list of creditable activities under this subprogram consists of 7 points, which list the options in sufficient detail.

For example:

Purchase of fuel and other materials for agricultural machinery, as well as spare parts, payment for routine repairs;

Purchase of seeds, seedlings, fertilizers, young livestock;

Purchase of agricultural implements, containers;

Purchase of materials for the construction, reconstruction and repair of fences and fences;

Current expenses of a seasonal nature.

Longer-term loans - for a period of up to five years - are provided for investment purposes, the list of which is also described in sufficient detail in 24 points, including:

Acquisition of buildings, structures, as well as their major repairs;

Purchase of agricultural machinery and units with engine power from 100 horsepower (or weighing from 3.5 tons), including costs for delivery, installation, commissioning, insurance;

Purchase of gas equipment with payment for relevant design and connection services;

Other expenses that may be classified as capital expenses.

Non-standard goals

It turns out that funds can be obtained not only for “purely” agricultural needs, but also for purposes not directly related to work on the land. This includes the development of tourism and folk crafts, the organization of trade and cultural services for residents of agricultural areas.

If, however, your goals do not coincide with those listed above, then Rosselkhozbank suggests considering specialized loans “Gardener” and “Engineering Communications”. The latest program allows you to receive money for laying water supply, gas pipelines, sewerage, telephone, Internet and other networks. The rate on such a loan is quite affordable - from 21% per annum.

For the development of the economy

The first notable feature of this loan is the opportunity to get so-called holidays, that is, a deferment for repayment of the principal debt. For loans granted for two years, you can only pay interest for the first year, and only then start paying off the principal. For investment loans (for a period of up to five years), you can get a deferment of payment of the principal debt for up to two years.

The interest rate on the loan is subsidized by the state and starts from 14.9% per annum (for reliable clients) and from 16.5% in other cases, and the life and health of the borrower are necessarily insured. If you refuse this, you will be charged the same rate as for a simple cash loan.

If, when comparing loan terms, we focus only on the rate, then under the program for the development of private household plots in Rosselkhozbank, one of the minimum rates on the market applies. So, rates start at 15.5% per annum. At Sberbank, simple consumption without collateral is issued at a rate of 15.9% per annum, and with a guarantee from individuals - from 14.9% per annum. At VTB24, the rate for similar products is 17% per annum.

A specialized loan more or less similar to the Rosselkhozbank product is offered by Sberbank. We are talking about “Loans to individuals running private farms.” The interest rate on it is clearly 21% per annum, but the maximum loan amount is limited to 700,000 rubles.

The maximum loan amount is calculated individually for each borrower and is limited, in fact, only by the client’s solvency and the collateral that he can provide. For a loan amount of up to 300,000 rubles, a guarantee from at least one individual is required. And for the desired loan from 300,000 to 700,000, the guarantee of two people is required. Although it is also possible to pledge the property of private household plots (equipment, structures, land plots, etc.).

Requirements for borrowers

A loan for the development of private household plots from Rosselkhozbank is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 65 (at the end of the contract). An additional “softening” of this requirement is the involvement of a co-borrower under the age of 60.

The second mandatory condition is that the loan is provided only to the owner of a personal subsidiary plot, which must be confirmed by relevant documents.

So, in order to receive the necessary funds, in addition to a passport, you must have a certificate of ownership of the land plot, as well as an extract from the household register.

A profitable program - a loan for private household plots from Rosselkhozbank, conditions and interest rate in 2019 is the best option for citizens who are engaged in running individual households. It is for such clients that profitable offers with reduced rates are intended.

Loans of this type are given for an average period of two to five years. The main purposes of obtaining funds are different. This is the purchase of fuel and lubricants and materials, various fertilizers, and farm animals. The funds are used to build from scratch and repair modern livestock buildings.

Quite often, a targeted loan for private household plots from Rosselkhozbank in 2019 with a subsidy turns out to be useful for the purchase of cars, various equipment for the creation and processing of agricultural products. Funds to achieve all of the above goals can be issued under the following conditions:

  1. The loan currency is rubles.
  2. The minimum lending time is at least 3 months.
  3. The maximum reaches 1 million rubles, for regular customers the loan amount is 1.5 million.
  4. There is no additional fee for applying for a loan.

The processing time for a loan application is on average 5 days. After preliminary approval, funds can be received within 45 days. The procedure for transferring money looks like a one-time transfer of the amount of the issued loan. The received loan is repaid monthly through differentiated or annuity payments.

Loan collateral deserves special attention. As a rule, a guarantee of at least one person is required; a legal entity can also act as a guarantor. Liquid personal valuable property is accepted as collateral. In the process of lending for machinery or various equipment, the purchase itself can be used as collateral.

Interest rates

Loans aimed at agriculture can be issued on fairly attractive interest rates. The exact percentage depends largely on the loan term:

Up to 12 months From 13%
From 12 to 60 months from 15.5%

These are approximate percentages, since the exact charges are determined by considering each individual case. Approximately 2% more can be obtained if the client violates the terms of the documents provided. If the applicant refuses to take out insurance, the percentage may be increased by 6 units. The interest rate is reduced by one unit when servicing regular bank borrowers with an ideal lending history.


The financial institution has established certain requirements. A loan for the development of your own agricultural business on profitable terms can be obtained if you meet the following requirements:

  • The minimum age of the borrower is 23 years, the maximum is 65 years;
  • Russian citizenship is required;
  • Registration in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis is important;
  • Employees pay special attention to their work experience over the last 5 years. For ordinary individuals - at least six months, for pensioners or salary clients - cooperation with the bank for at least one year. The household ledger is also taken into account - official entries in it must be made for at least a year.

When applying for a loan, when determining the amount, the bank will take into account the profit from the main activity, from the profit received in the process of engaging in private profitable practice, the availability of pension payments and other options for generating income.


In the process of applying for a loan for the development of general and private agricultural business or individual entrepreneurship, it is worth providing not only personal documents - passport, SNILS and certificates confirming income, but also special documents for the equipment or construction activities being processed. This may include papers and certificates such as:

  • Accounts;
  • Different textures;
  • Payments and invoices;
  • Standard sales receipts;
  • Cash receipts received in stores;
  • Receipts from sellers and acts of acceptance and transfer of personal or acquired property;
  • Acts of acceptance of transfer of equipment or machinery;
  • Official certificates of ownership of housing or real estate, as well as a mark in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

All of the above papers and certificates for a loan for the development of private household plots in Rosselkhozbank must be provided exclusively in the original. As for the exact list, it directly depends on each individual case separately. Bank employees review the situation, the intended purpose of the funds, the documents provided, as well as the requirements that the applicant meets.

How to get a loan?

You can apply for a loan for private household plots at Rosselkhozbank in 2019 using different methods. To do this, you can visit one of the bank’s offices or apply for a loan online. When registering, fill out an application in the form of a questionnaire and provide the necessary documents.

Employees of the organization make decisions on issuing a loan and interest rates quite quickly. If a positive decision was made during the registration process, the client is provided with a scheme with the amount of payments and the frequency of their payment.

After the loan is issued, the applicant will be required to repay the debt as promptly and strictly as possible. You can make payments using different methods. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. Depositing money directly into the office branch cash desk.
  2. Using cards that were previously attached to the company’s client account.
  3. Crediting funds at the cash desk without using a card, but indicating the details of the main payment documents.
  4. Non-cash options for transferring funds from another client account previously opened with the institution.

You can always repay the contribution using accounts of other financial organizations. It should be remembered that when making such transfers a certain commission may be charged, which will make Rosselkhozbank’s programs for private household plots not very profitable; the official website in this case provides complete information.


For incompetent fulfillment of the assigned obligations under a loan issued for the development of personal subsidiary plots at the Russian Agricultural Bank, related to the repayment of the loan. For missed payments, borrowers are charged a penalty. A penalty is charged for each day of delay. If the borrower does not repay the loan and does not pay the penalty, the case of violation of obligations is referred to the court and is considered in strict accordance with established modern legislation.

Summing up

At the Russian Agricultural Bank it is possible to obtain a loan for agriculture with state support. On the website you can study the conditions of such lending with a subsidy, and you can find out how to get preferential services.

If you are interested in the interest rate for individuals and legal entities, you should use a special calculator. With its help, you can calculate the amount, grace period, and then apply for a loan.