Civil servants in Russia - legal status. How government salaries changed

There are certain statistics that indicate in what year the average monthly and average annual earnings of a Russian were in the national and foreign most popular currencies. Such statistical data are needed in order to track the growth of the country’s economy and development dynamics.

There is data on the average salary in Russia by year, starting from the times of the Soviet Union and ending with the current year. Such statistics are of interest, first of all, to historians who study chronological aspects in the field of economics, economists themselves, and potential migrants who plan to earn money in the Russian Federation in the future.

To study this issue in detail, you should take an interest in historical statistics on salaries over the past decades and past centuries. And also such data will help employees approximately calculate pension accruals for the Pension Fund. There are calculation schemes by which you can find out your profit based on accruals in the future.

To correctly calculate the average monthly income ratio, you need to calculate the ratio of payment for a specific period of time, for example, for 2001 and 2002 or the last 5 years before January 1, 2002, to the average monthly wage in Russia for the selected period on years. From the above, it becomes clear that the coefficient of average wages for 30 days is equal to a person’s wages divided by the average monthly wage.

Formula: KSZ=ZR/ZP.

The resulting figure is used to calculate the estimated pension, a portion of the amount of future payments that were earned for the entire 2002. The estimated pension is equal to the SK, multiplied by the KSZ and again multiplied by 1671 - 450. So, it is clear that the higher the average salary coefficient, the greater the cash settlement indicators.

For the majority of Russian residents for the periods 2000 and 2001, the average payment is listed in the Pension Fund data, and there is no need to prove this in documentary form. When choosing to calculate the coefficient of average wages per month for 2000-2001, the KSZ is calculated by dividing the average wages of employees for this entire time period by 1,495 rubles - this is the average wage in Russia for the specified number of years.

Formula: KZS=ZR/ZP=ZR/1495.

Another example, we choose a period of time not for 2000 and 2001, but take an earlier period, in total for the last 5 years (60 months). In this case, a number of computational actions should be carried out:

  • You must first find out the average wages for a specific period;
  • find statistical data (will be given below) for the specified period on average wages;
  • then we calculate the GLC value;
  • During the period of registration of a pension, you must submit salary data for the last 5 years to the pension fund department.

Tables of salaries in the country by year

Tables of average monthly salaries that were established by the Russian government for the purpose of converting pension rights to calculate the correct pension capital.

Average wage data from 1960 to 1990
datePayment in rublesdatePayment in rublesdatePayment in rublesdatePayment in rubles
1960 74,0 1968 111,8 1976 152,1 1984 192,1
1961 76,0 1969 114,7 1977 158,0 1985 198,3
1962 81,8 1970 120,1 1978 165,3 1986 205,2
1963 83,5 1971 124,5 1979 169,3 1987 213,6
1964 87 1972 131,3 1980 173 1988 232,7
1965 93,0 1973 135,1 1981 176,4 1989 261
1966 95,1 1974 142,1 1982 183 1990 305
1967 100,4 1975 147,8 1983 189,4
Average statistical data from 1991 to 1997
Periods (by month)Dates
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Wages in rubles
January305 1425 15,0 133,6 300,5 634,7 809,1
February293 2000 19,3 145,9 317 675,3 837,1
March336 2700 23,6 162,5 358,4 768 900,5
April368 3049 30,9 170,3 383,1 743,4 900,8
May429 3684 37,1 180,2 427,7 774,2 906,4
June491 5099 47,7 205,9 468,4 829,1 962,1
July539 5423 59 230 487,4 826,5 1000
August568 5893 65,3 236,4 518,5 837 980
September620 7356 80,8 249,1 558,4 856,0 1038
October700 8823 94 270 590,4 839,2 750
November827 10496 100,1 281,6 608,5 817,9 764
December1180 16154 140,8 357,1 729,2 1027 770
Average statistics from 1998 to 2001
1998 1999 2000 2001
MonthWages in rubles
January750 923 1194 1523
February762 795 1300 1517
March768 800 1281 1517
April763 843 1290 1700
May770 855 1295 1691
June772 860 1300 1658
July775 900 1400 1800
August777 750 1407 1500
September780 1000 1315 1512
October783 1132 1500 1675
November786 1295 1428 1680
December790 1042 1563 1690

Some notes:

  1. There are restrictive amendments that the Pension Fund created at the legislative level - the value of the average income coefficient cannot be more than 1. 2.
  2. For example, presumably the average salary of an individual in the period from 2000 to 2001 is two and a half thousand rubles, and the employee did not work in the working conditions of the Far North until the beginning of 2002. Then, if you calculate it using the formula, you get – GLC = ZR/ZP = 2500 /1495 = 1.67. Taking into account the fact that a person does not have any benefits, the coefficient will automatically drop to the maximum possible value – 1.2.
  3. The second example is based on coefficient calculation, below the indicator 1.2: if you carry out such calculations, but with an average salary of 1 thousand rubles, it turns out that the coefficient will be equal to 0.67. In this case, the numerical calculations do not change anywhere, but are taken as a basis.
  4. Exceptions to the maximum possible coefficient limit are only for workers residing in the Far North. Depending on the specific area, the maximum value ranges from 1.4 – 1.9.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation proposed to increase wages for state civil servants in 2018. The level of wage growth may be 4 percent from January 1. The official document of this bill was published on the portal of the government of the Russian Federation.

Every year, citizens working in public services turn to the government of the Russian Federation. They are demanding an increase in salaries, since the last indexation of their payments took place four years ago. The government has decided to prepare a new bill to increase wages for civil servants.

Employees of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation reported that the level of wage increases will directly depend on inflation in 2018. An increase in wages at this level will affect citizens who are employed in a state organization. If the law is approved, civil servants' salaries will increase by 1.04 times.

Government representatives note that the issue of increasing salaries for civil servants has been put up for consideration, since their payments have not been indexed since 2013. Representatives of the Ministry of Financial Development prepared a project to increase salaries for civil servants at the end of 2016, but consideration will begin at the end of 2017. Last year, the Ministry of Finance proposed completely abandoning the indexation of wages for government employees, judges, military and police officers. This decision is caused by the level of inflation.

The Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Maxim Topilin, gave his comment on the decision to increase wages for civil servants in 2018. He believes that a 4 percent salary increase for public sector employees is appropriate relative to the current economic situation in the country. Topilin is confident that this level will be significant for kindergarten nannies, lawyers, accountants and other government employees, since their payments for work have not increased since 2013.

Representatives of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation claim that salary increases from January 1, 2018 await employees in the engineering and technical industry, as well as support workers who maintain buildings and equipment of Russian organizations. These included citizens with professions: programmer, technician, electrician, mechanic, cleaner and plumber.

The Ministry of Labor reports that bills are already being prepared to increase the salaries of civil servants for 2019 and 2020. The level of wage growth for this period is expected to be at the same level as next year. However, the plans do not take into account the level of inflation, which could radically change the focus of the project to index salaries for government employees.

From January 1, 2018, the salary level for civil servants of the Russian Federation will be at the level of 9,489 rubles. Accordingly, such payments for work will be available to employees who, under an employment contract, work 40 hours a week. In 2019, according to representatives of the Ministry of Labor, the salaries of employees of government organizations will be at the subsistence level.

“From January 1, 2018, the minimum wage increases to 80% of the subsistence level, and from January 1, 2019 - to 100%. The necessary resources at the federal level, and, accordingly, support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are also taken into account in the budget.”

Civil servant - concept

The concept of “civil servant” is enshrined in the relevant Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service”.

Civil servant is a citizen of the Russian Federation who has undertaken the obligation to perform civil service. A civil servant carries out professional official activities in civil service positions in accordance with the act of appointment to the position and with the service contract and receives salary from the federal budget or the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, depending on the organization in which the civil servant serves, there are two types of civil servants in Russia:

  • federal government employees- these include employees who carry out their activities in positions of the federal public service and receive salaries from the federal budget.
  • state civil servants of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation- employees carrying out professional official activities in positions of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, receiving monetary allowances from the budget of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

An interesting fact is that, for example, in Europe there is no difference between civil servants and public sector employees (doctors, teachers, etc.). There, all civil servants, as well as state employees, receive salaries from the budget and have the same benefits.

In Russia, by law, these categories of workers are separated and sometimes a teacher’s salary is several times lower than the salary of an ordinary civil servant. In addition, civil servants are provided with pension benefits (25 years of service is enough to qualify), additional medical care, and additional leave.

Restrictions when performing civil service

Pursuing civil service is associated with certain restrictions.

For example, civil servants are prohibited from engaging in entrepreneurial activities. They must report information about their income and expenses, and since 2017, also information about accounts on forums and social networks on the Internet.

Rights of civil servants in Russia

The basic rights of civil servants are enshrined in the law “On the State Civil Service”.

A civil servant has the right to:

  • ensuring proper organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties;
  • familiarization with the official regulations and other documents defining his rights and responsibilities for the position being filled in the civil service, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the performance of official duties, performance indicators of professional performance and conditions for job growth;
  • rest provided by establishing the normal length of service time, providing days off and non-working holidays, as well as annual paid basic and additional leaves;
  • wages and other payments in accordance with this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and with the service contract;
  • receiving, in the prescribed manner, information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as making proposals for improving the activities of the state body;
  • access, in accordance with the established procedure, to information constituting a state secret, if the performance of official duties involves the use of such information;
  • access in accordance with the established procedure in connection with the performance of official duties to state bodies, local governments, public associations and other organizations;
  • familiarization with reviews of his professional performance and other documents before adding them to his personal file, materials of the personal file, as well as to attach his written explanations and other documents and materials to the personal file;
  • protection of information about a civil servant;
  • job promotion on a competitive basis;
  • medical insurance in accordance with this Federal Law and the Federal Law on Medical Insurance of Civil Servants of the Russian Federation;
  • state protection of his life and health, the life and health of his family members, as well as property belonging to him;
  • state pension provision in accordance with federal law.

A civil servant has the right, with prior notification of the employer's representative, to perform other paid work, unless this entails a conflict of interest.

Salaries of civil servants in Russia

More details on RBC:

One of the guarantees for civil servants is financial security.

In accordance with the legislation, remuneration is understood as monetary support, which is the main means of material support for a civil servant and stimulation of his professional performance in the position he fills in the civil service.

Civil servant salary structure. The salary of a civil servant consists of official salary, salary for class rank, as well as monthly and other additional payments.

According to official data from Rosstat, the average monthly accrued salary of civil servants is 40 thousand rubles.

As you know, the salaries of civil servants in Russia exceeded the average monthly salary in the country as a whole.

The problem of officials' income exceeding the salary of the general population was studied by RBC analysts. Thus, in 2013, the salary of officials reached 39.1 thousand rubles, which was 31% more than the average earnings of Russians (29.8 thousand rubles). For comparison: the salary of civil servants in the RSFSR in 1985 was 12% lower than the average salary in the country; the average monthly salary of officials at all levels in the United States in 2013 was about 4,000 US dollars, which is 3% lower than the average salary.

Another wave of jokes and indignation among ordinary people begins to flare up in the Internet environment. The reason for this is the news about an increase in the salaries of officials. Crazy amounts of income are circulating online, although they do not reflect the true state of affairs. The salaries of civil servants will indeed increase in 2019, but not at all in the way that most ordinary people think.

Conflicting information about indexing

An unusual situation has developed around the indexation of officials' salaries. On the one hand, a decision was made to temporarily deny indexation to civil servants. On the other hand, their salaries are still increasing, although not at the same pace as before. From 2003 to 2013 inclusive, the salaries of officials increased 6 times, but now, compared to such data, the rate of increase is tiny.

In 2016, information appeared online about the indexation of officials’ salaries by 38%. In 2017, rumors became more active, but they turned out to be misinformation. The government press service informed about the unreliability of the data, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation also indicated that there had been no orders for such an increase. At the same time, the increase in officials' salaries and their size are already causing outrage among citizens, especially among budget workers who have very modest incomes.

Frightening numbers! The refusal to index the unit of account in the Leningrad region alone led to savings of almost 1 billion rubles. On a national scale, refusing to index the salaries of officials throughout the country will save huge amounts of money.

It is for this reason that the next indexation planned for 2018 remains in limbo. At the same time, the salaries of civil servants are expected to increase by 4 percent in 2019. Also, a similar measure is planned for October 2019 in the same amount. The third indexation of 4% will occur in 2020. Moreover, we are talking only about trying to catch up with the inflation rate.

Salary in units of account

The Ministry of Labor has more than once expressed the opinion that the system of remuneration for civil servants requires a review as a whole, and not a simple increase in income through indexation and other payments. We need a full-fledged reform of the payment structure itself, changing the principle of calculating salaries and all types of increases in the salaries of officials.

The Federal Law on the Civil Service of the Russian Federation is rather vague for ordinary citizens in explaining the actual salaries of officials. We can consider them in more detail using the example of government workers from St. Petersburg. Civil servants of different levels receive different amounts of payment units, i.e., even without additional payments, their income is already different. If we add to this increases for length of service, rank, categories and a number of other increasing points, then even one position in similar departments can give a different salary.

For example, you can observe the gap in the number of units of account:

  1. Junior specialist - 17-19 r. e.
  2. Ordinary deputy - 33 rubles. e.
  3. Chairman of the city administration - 35 rubles. e.
  4. Governor - 60 rub. e.

Since 2013, the size of the unit of account is 1,300 rubles. With simple manipulations it is easy to calculate the minimum salary. Interest surcharges are already added to it. After a year of service, 10% is added to the salary, after five years, 15%, and if an employee works under special conditions, he can receive up to 200 percent of the minimum pay. This also includes an additional payment for rank, regional coefficient and other increases.

Number of employees, salary and real wages

The state policy, aimed at increasing citizens’ interest in public service, calls a decent level of salaries one of the components of the program. At the same time, it is necessary to outline the range of expenses, especially in conditions of budget deficit. The planned increase in salaries is associated with a decrease in the total number of officials. This fact alone will increase the income of the remaining civil servants without additional burden on the budget.

Lyubov Eltsova, Deputy Minister of Labor, says that the salary of civil servants was last increased in 2013. Taking into account the rate of inflation, the salary has long required an increase. This will lead to an increase in the guaranteed part of the salary, which is not based on categories, length of service and other nuances.

Interesting! Existing proposals to increase the salary portion of civil servants' salaries cause negativity among ordinary citizens. Many ordinary people have already said that this is an attempt to win more with each indexation.

It is worth remembering that the average data on the salaries of officials is the same as determining the weather in Russia based on the addition and subsequent division of the temperatures of Kuban and Norilsk. Local officials without status, awards or other bonuses receive rather modest salaries. First of all, the salary increase will benefit the lowest officials. For now, it is known for sure that the salaries of civil servants in 2019 will simply be indexed in order to somehow reduce the impact of inflation.

Impressive salary figures of 150-200 thousand rubles are not as widespread a phenomenon as it might seem. The highest incomes are observed among individuals from the presidential administration and actually reach 200 thousand. State Duma officials receive about 140 thousand rubles. In the Ministry of Labor, the average salary is 109 thousand rubles, and employees of Rosmolodezh have an income of about 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, we should not forget about the most junior civil servants; their salaries were not supplemented with bonuses and additional payments. There are also many such officials, and their salaries range from 23-35 thousand rubles, which is quite modest by the standards of even salespeople and ordinary managers.

For every working person, the issue of wages has always been important. There is such a thing as the average salary in the country, with the help of this indicator the cost of labor and the income of ordinary citizens are determined. I wonder what indicators await us in 2013.

Recently it became known that average salary in the capital 2013 will be about sixty thousand rubles. Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy A.V. spoke about this. Sharonov. In the period from January to August 2012, according to official data, analysts estimated the average salary at forty-six thousand rubles, and by the end of the year the amount will increase to 52 thousand rubles.

This average wage is twice as high as in Russia. This indicates a fairly high standard of living in the capital, but at the same time shows that this is commensurate with the high cost of certain services.

According to Rosstat (federal state statistics service), the minimum monthly payment at the beginning of 2011 was 10,400 rubles, and since September it has increased by 500 rubles. For July of this year, the average monthly nominal accrued salary in Moscow was more than forty-seven thousand rubles. For residents of other regions, the same figure was lower and was equal to 26,700 rubles.

According to current data, Moscow workers, for example, receive an average salary of about 54 thousand rubles, and healthcare workers sometimes receive more than 60 thousand rubles. In general, the situation on the labor market can be described as positive.

At a meeting of the Moscow tripartite commission on the regulation of social and labor relations held a few days ago, a draft agreement was approved, which will be signed by the Moscow government, the association of employers and the Moscow association of trade unions.

It states that from July 1, 2013, the minimum wage in Moscow will increase, its amount will be equal to 12,200 rubles. according to Sergei Sobyanin average salary in the city is four times the minimum size. In addition, since July of this year, the minimum wage has been 11,700 rubles, and no increase should be expected in the first half of next year.

Our government does not forget about pensioners; according to the current deputy mayor of Moscow, the government intends to increase pension payments. This will happen by sending additional targeted payments from the general city budget for each pensioner.

In August of this year, the so-called “residence qualification” was already introduced for retired elderly people. From the beginning of 2013, each of the non-working pensioners who have lived in the capital for at least ten years will be able to receive an additional amount to their pensions.

Of course, here we are mostly talking about the main capital of Russia, and as for the regions and their cities, the situation is gradually improving in 2013. average salary will definitely increase. The only question is by how much.