How to buy a cottage with a mortgage and do it profitably. How to get a mortgage for a private house: conditions and requirements of banks Mortgage for a country house

Now mortgages are returning to the country market, but it is not necessary to borrow the entire amount to buy a house in. More often it is used as a tool for additional payment, for example, when the difference in cost between a site without a contract and a site with a contract is measured in several million, but it saves the buyer from many of the problems associated with self-construction. A mortgage can be taken out for the final stage, finishing of an already built and paid for house, or arrangement of a local area. Depending on whether you are ready, one or another lending scheme will be used: either secured by the property being purchased, or by already owning housing, for example, or a city apartment.

From a technical point of view, transactions in the secondary and suburban real estate markets do not differ. For a country property, the same package of documents is required as for an apartment, adjusted for what is included in the transaction and for which documents are collected separately. The standard borrower underwriting procedure is carried out equally for all clients.

Some banks have the opportunity to consider the total income of up to three co-borrowers, and this may include close relatives and spouses (including common-law spouses). The down payment varies from 15 to 30%. Many banks are ready to lend to suburban properties and even land plots, and also hold promotions for INCOM clients; it is possible to provide preferential conditions.

Against the backdrop of the ever-increasing interest of buyers in suburban real estate, today more and more banks are beginning to provide loans that help buy with mortgage m. This article will help you understand the features of such a banking service and get acquainted with its basic conditions.

It must be said that until recently banks were not very interested in lending for the purchase of individual houses: the negative attitude of creditors towards this type of service that developed after the 2008 crisis was due to a sharp decrease in the liquidity of residential buildings and a simultaneous increase in the number of debt defaults. But the financial situation in the country is gradually stabilizing: the number of people not only wanting to purchase a house with a mortgage is increasing, but also those who have the opportunity to do so; lending risks are reduced - and banks are beginning to intensively develop this area, offering flexible programs and easing mortgage conditions.

Differences between “apartment” mortgage and “country” mortgage

An apartment, like an individual residential building, is a piece of real estate. So why do banks give loans for the purchase of an apartment with pleasure, but even today they do not always give a loan for the purchase of a house?

To answer this question, you need to understand and understand: what is the goal for the bank? Of course, making a profit. It is very important for the bank that the client pays correctly. But if the borrower cannot return the money, then the lender resorts to securing the fulfillment of the obligation - taking the collateral. And the higher the liquidity of the collateral, the faster the bank will return the money. As a result, a major influence on the attractiveness of a particular type of real estate lending is the liquidity of the collateral, which, in most cases, is the mortgaged property.

The current conditions in the real estate market make it possible to sell an apartment within the city much faster than a country house. This is due not only to its “urban” location, but also to the individual characteristics inherent in a private house: the apartment is “universal”, and the house has its own architectural and engineering features, created at the request of the owner.

It is quite natural that what one person likes is not always to the taste of another. Therefore, if the bank has to sell the property, it may take quite a long time until a new owner of the house is found - someone who will like it. And the bank will not only not be able to quickly return the money, but will also incur costs for maintaining this asset.

Another difference between a house and an apartment is the presence of land on which it is built. In most cases, when buying a house, the buyer also purchases a plot of land, which is a separate piece of real estate. The purchase of land is regulated by its own legislative acts, and the procedure itself is still quite lengthy and has a number of difficulties.

The problem of obtaining a mortgage for a country house is also the difficulties associated with its assessment: in this case, not only the value of the building itself is analyzed, but also the land plot. The following are taken into account: distance from the city, direction, prestige of the place, availability of communications and access roads, reservoirs and infrastructure and many, many other characteristics.

The difficulty of assessment also lies in the fact that each house is individual, and therefore it is impossible to find “correct” analogues for such objects. If the property being assessed is located in a cottage community, then it is easier to establish its market value. But a small house located somewhere in the wilderness will cause a lot of difficulties for the appraiser. Difficulties with the assessment and its subjectivity, in turn, will not please the bank, since doubts will arise about the reliability of the value of the object. The bank has doubts - it is more difficult to get a mortgage.

Another problem with mortgages on country houses is the considerable additional costs of insuring them: after all, if the house being purchased is collateral, it must be insured, and this will increase the already considerable cost of purchasing country property. By the way, the borrower’s refusal to insure real estate may not be an obstacle to obtaining a loan, but it will definitely increase the risk of the transaction for the bank, and therefore will entail an increase in the interest rate on it - it will be about 16-20%. In addition to home insurance, the bank will most likely require insurance for the borrower's life and disability. You need to be prepared for this.

Houses with a mortgage

The bank agrees to finance the purchase of not every residential building:

  • The materials from which this house is built are of great importance, and this is not surprising - the properties of the material of a particular structure directly affect the durability of the house. Preference is given to brick and stone houses with a poured foundation, but wooden houses practically do not inspire confidence among lenders.
  • The condition of the house is taken into account: whether it needs major repairs or minor cosmetic improvements. It is clear that no one will immediately move into a dilapidated, long-abandoned house; first, they will need to invest additional funds in it.
  • Buildings located in cottage villages are easier to credit than houses in remote villages. And what matters here is not only the access roads, but also the prestige of the area: no one can guarantee that if the bank is forced to sell this property, there will quickly be someone else who wants to retire hundreds of kilometers from civilization, where you can only get there by an SUV passing everywhere.
  • The presence of centralized communications or at least the possibility of connecting to them is taken into account. The majority of people are still attracted by the benefits of civilization: few people want to carry water in buckets from a common well and look at a flashing light bulb connected to a generator. If water, electricity and gas cannot yet be brought to the house, then it is desirable to have a modern replacement for a centralized connection.

This is why you should not make a down payment on a house until you have received the bank's consent to purchase it. And, even if it seems to you that all the conditions are ideal for both parties, there is no absolute guarantee that the bank will agree to purchase this particular house. It is quite possible that the bank will be satisfied with your candidacy as a borrower, but you will have to look for another house.

Who can get a mortgage

The main requirement for a candidate to obtain a mortgage for a country house is his solvency. And since the amount given is very considerable, the salary in this case should be quite high. When considering the possibility of issuing a loan, banks take into account not only official income, but also the prospects of the borrower at his place of work, as well as the reputation of the employer himself.

Don't know your rights?

The most successful age for applying for a mortgage is considered to be from 35 to 45 years. At this age, a person already has a certain stability, he achieves certain successes at work, and proves himself to be a specialist who, even if he loses one job, can easily find another. And retirement is still a long way off.

If your own income is not enough, you can attract co-borrowers, whose income will also be taken into account by the bank when deciding whether to issue a loan. Let us remind you that spouses, by law, become co-borrowers and co-owners of the purchased real estate automatically (unless the marriage contract indicates otherwise). Co-borrowers can be not only relatives and individuals, but also any other citizens, as well as organizations (for example, an employer).

Loan collateral

A mortgage on a country house is impossible without collateral, to which the bank imposes the main condition: its estimated value should be slightly more (10-15 percent) than the amount of loan funds received. Very often, people expect to take out a mortgage on the security of the property that is being purchased with it. However, the bank may not agree to this if the house seems low-liquidity to it. In such cases, the borrower can pledge other property - for example, an apartment within the city.

The property pledged must be free of any “problems” or encumbrances. According to the Law “On Registration of Rights to Real Estate” (Federal Law No. 122 of July 21, 1997), any changes in rights to real estate, information about transactions with it are entered into a special Unified State Register. From it you can find out about all the rights holders to the house, as well as about the possible presence of restrictions. The procedure for obtaining a mortgage may be delayed due to a meticulous check of all title documents if the house for sale has had several previous owners.

As additional measures to ensure the fulfillment of loan obligations, the bank may impose a requirement on the borrower to attract a guarantor. For what? If the borrower becomes insolvent, the remainder of the loan will be paid by the guarantor instead. However, in the future the guarantor may make a recourse claim to the borrower for reimbursement of his expenses. But if the latter does not have the money to repay the debt to the bank, then it is unlikely that they will suddenly appear to pay off the guarantor. If the mortgage amount is large, you can involve several guarantors and share the responsibility between them jointly and severally.

Land and mortgage

A country house stands on land, therefore, along with the rights to the house, the rights to the land must also be transferred. Since in this case there are actually two real estate objects, the procedure for checking documents and registering the transfer of rights becomes longer and more complicated. As we have already said, land registration today has not yet become a problem-free process. The relatively recently entered into force law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” (Federal Law No. 221 of July 24, 2007) has not yet made it possible to develop a clear mechanism of action in this area of ​​legal relations: paperwork and bureaucratic delays make the process of registering a land plot a long procedure with a lot of difficulties and surprises.

In addition, the plot of land is not always owned by the seller of the house - he can also rent it, and this will entail the renewal of the lease agreement to the new owner of the house. However, there are no guarantees that such re-registration will take place.

Land in general can be common property: in some settlements all objects are built on a single plot, and no division is made for each house. However, banks have an extremely negative attitude towards the situation of common ownership of land. The reason is the same numerous difficulties in selling the property in case of non-repayment of the mortgage loan.

Such different conditions

The cost of an individual home can reach several million rubles or even tens. Let us say right away that it is unlikely that any bank will issue a mortgage for the purchase of a cottage, townhouse or other type of country house without a down payment. The size of the first investment in different banks varies significantly - depending on the policy of the bank itself and the period for which the loan is taken. If we talk about average figures, initially it is necessary to contribute from 10 to 40% of the cost of the property.

For small houses, a number of banks allow the use of maternity capital as a down payment, one of the intended purposes of which is precisely to improve living conditions through the purchase of real estate.

Mortgage conditions in each bank also vary greatly: the lending scheme for the purchase of a country house is quite flexible. Loan rates depend (average - about 15%), mainly on the term of the mortgage and the size of the down payment. The presence of guarantors can also affect the amount of interest. As for the terms for which such loans are issued, it is 15-20 years, but some banks agree to “wait” up to 30 years.

Rate in rubles *

An initial fee

Credit term

We offer a wide selection of lending programs in rubles for purchasing a country house on favorable terms with a mortgage. It could be:

  • residential building with land;
  • townhouse with land;
  • part of a house with land.

The land plot can be either owned or long-term leased. A mortgage loan for the purchase of a house is provided by the bank on attractive terms, secured by purchased or existing real estate. Parents of adult children can purchase housing with a mortgage, the sole owner of which will be their child. At the same time, the terms of lending and insurance remain unchanged.

A loan to purchase a house can be provided against the security of an existing apartment in an apartment building.

When purchasing a private home with a mortgage, you can use the “Loan on one document” program.

To apply for a loan, you just need to present your passport and fill out an application form.

You can confirm your income with a certificate from the State Services portal. The certificate is generated in just one click and sent to the bank’s email address. In this case, there is no need to provide 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book. You can find out more details from the bank manager.

List of documents

By client:

  • Copy of passport (all pages);
  • Documents confirming income:
    • for users of the State Services portal - you can confirm your income with a certificate from the State Services portal. The certificate is generated in just one click and sent to the bank’s email address. In this case, there is no need to provide 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book. If you are not registered on the State Services portal, our manager will help you register quickly. If the certificate does not indicate the borrower’s full income, you will additionally need to provide proof of income using the Bank’s form
    • certificate in form 2-NDFL or certificate in bank form
    • for business owners and individual entrepreneurs - tax returns, depending on the taxation system established by law, and management reporting
    • a copy of the work book, certified by the employer (all pages completed), for military personnel - a certificate in the prescribed form

For real estate:

  • Title documents for real estate
  • Technical documents for real estate: cadastral/technical passport
  • Copies of passports (birth certificates) of real estate sellers

Borrower information

Nationality: does not matter

Age: 20 years at the time of applying for a loan and not older than 64 years at the time of full repayment of the loan

Employment: loans are provided to both employees, founders and co-founders of companies and individual entrepreneurs

Co-borrowers/guarantors: co-borrowers can be up to 3 people, both relatives and any third parties

Military ID: not needed

Real estate information

When pledging an existing/purchased house/part of a residential building/apartment with a plot of land (townhouse):

  • The house must be suitable for year-round living: the presence of an access road, electricity supply, central/local sewerage, provided with heating systems (including autonomous ones)
  • Wall material: stone/brick/panel/monolithic/concrete/combined/wooden
  • Floor material: metal/wood/concrete/mixed
  • The house should not have unregistered extensions/superstructures, as a result of which the external boundaries of the residential building have changed
  • The land plot must have a intended purpose: land of settlements (settlements) / land for agricultural purposes and permitted use: for individual housing construction / for dacha construction / for running personal subsidiary plots
  • Permissible encumbrances/restrictions on the land plot: laying and operation of power lines, communications, pipelines (gas, water, sewerage)/water protection zone
  • The house should not be located on lands of specially protected natural areas

When pledging an existing apartment:

  • The building in which the apartment is located should not be registered for major repairs, demolition or reconstruction with eviction
  • The apartment must have a separate kitchen and bathroom

The final decision on whether the collateral meets the requirements is made by the bank.

Mortgages for the purchase of a residential building outside the city are becoming increasingly popular

Mortgages for private houses outside the city - not yet the most popular product in the banking market, but actively gaining popularity. This is explained by the growing popularity of private suburban buildings as a type of real estate and mortgages as a way of acquiring this real estate.

A mortgage loan for the purchase of a private home is a good solution for those who:

  • tired of the city bustle and ready to change place of residence (for example, buy a cottage with a mortgage and move from Moscow to the Moscow region);
  • plans to take out a mortgage loan for housing in order to take care of the comfort of living of elderly parents;
  • plans to have children and increase living space in this regard;
  • I would like to have a comfortable summer cottage in nature, etc.

What kind of country house can you buy with a mortgage?

In order to take out a loan to purchase a house, you must have at least 40% of its total cost. Housing must meet the requirements:

  • suitability for living at any time of the year;
  • there is a standard communication system;
  • location with access;
  • built on a plot registered for residential purposes.

Before issuing a mortgage on a home, the bank will conduct appraisals to confirm its compliance with the necessary requirements and determine the cost of the upcoming purchase. As related services, DeltaCredit arranges insurance of the client’s property against the risk of loss of property rights, collapse or structural defects.

Advantageous home mortgage options at DeltaCredit Bank

In addition to the specified service, DeltaCredit has programs through which you can:

  • apply for a loan for the construction of private housing;
  • obtain a mortgage loan to purchase a plot for construction.

The collateral for the first type of contract will be your existing living space. You can buy a house in the Moscow region or another region with a mortgage, or you can also buy a plot of land using an apartment as collateral.

We have made every effort to ensure that our clients have the opportunity to choose when accessing banking services. There are many programs compatible with a home loan (mortgage) that will adjust the terms of the agreement in your interests.

If you want to know more about this, take out a mortgage on private housing in the Moscow region or also outside the city, but in another region, fill out the feedback form or call us. We work throughout Russia, and it is quite possible that the mortgage program for a private house from DeltaCredit today will allow you to celebrate your long-awaited housewarming in the near future.

More details

* Lending conditions affecting the full cost of the loan (as of 02/01/2019): rates 11%-12.25%, subject to the purchase of country real estate on the secondary market with an initial payment of 50% of its market value, making a payment for reduction of the interest rate in the amount of 4% of the loan amount, life and health insurance, property and the risk of loss (restriction) of ownership rights to it (the borrower has the right not to insure these risks), and depending on the credit history, loan term (3-25 years), work activity, level of education, number of parties to the transaction, location of the collateral, type of income and ratio of income to expenses. Loan size from RUB 600,000. for Moscow and the Moscow region, from RUB 300,000. for other regions. Costs for appraisal and insurance – in accordance with the tariffs of appraisal and insurance companies. DeltaCredit reserves the right to change any part of this message without prior notice.

Check out the Bank's loan product

And possible options for lending to suburban housing is a complex issue that many Russian banks do not work with, realtors say. At the moment, the share of suburban borrowers in the mortgage portfolios of large banks does not exceed 3-4%, as calculated by the real estate agency Inkom-Nedvizhimost at the request of CIAN magazine.

Only certain banks agree to provide loans for the purchase of suburban housing.

“Banks don’t believe in suburban real estate,” stated Alexey Senchuk, head of one of the Inkom-Real Estate offices. “The market capacity here is smaller, there is no such protection from the state as in the case of urban housing, state programs do not work.”

The fact is that banks consider country houses, cottages and townhouses an opaque asset. “In fact, these are two objects: a building and a site. And each of them is not typical when compared with standard city apartments,” explained Sergei Kolosnitsyn, director of the residential real estate department at Penny Lane Realty. “It’s difficult for banks to calculate value, assess liquidity and take into account all the risks.”

How to choose a country house

To obtain bank approval, a plot of land and a country house must meet many conditions - from a short distance from the city to the material of the walls and foundation. “Issuing funds for such a purchase is a big risk,” says Alexey Podvigin, head of the marketing department of DeltaCredit Bank. - There are a number of factors that can negatively affect liquidity: a nearby noisy road, proximity to high-voltage power lines, proximity to industrial and livestock enterprises. In other words, everything that disturbs the silence and privacy of country life. If a house has any flaws, it may sit on the market for years, and even a significant discount will not make it interesting in the eyes of potential buyers.”

The list of factors that may cause a mortgage refusal includes the technical characteristics and level of wear and tear of the building, the materials from which the house is built, as well as the intended purpose of the land plot. In addition, lenders are ready to consider only houses registered in the cadastral register, which excludes illegal buildings and unauthorized construction from the list.

basic requirements of banks for purchased real estate

  1. Ready-made capital structure. Very few banks issue mortgages for unfinished buildings.
  2. The house must be suitable for year-round use.
  3. A cottage or townhouse should not be dilapidated or dilapidated housing.
  4. Brick, concrete or stone foundation.
  5. Stone, brick, panel, monolithic or block walls. The decision on wooden and frame houses is made depending on the year of construction.
  6. Convenient access to the house and land.
  7. Power supply from an external source.
  8. Availability of heating, sewerage and a bathroom with built-in equipment.
  9. No more than three floors in the house.
  10. Location within 100 km from a major city.
  11. Mandatory insurance against fire, flood, and natural disasters.
  12. Mortgage payment is on average 25%.
  13. Mortgages are not issued for houses located in military camps and closed administrative-territorial entities (ZATO).

According to Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB, DeltaCredit Bank and UniCreditBank

Higher the rate, higher the contribution

A large down payment is another hurdle for borrowers. Banks are increasing the size of the down payment on a mortgage to 25-30% due to the fact that, in comparison with apartments in metropolitan areas, country houses are less liquid and more susceptible to natural wear and tear, managing director of the real estate agency Metrium Group Ilya Menzhunov told CIAN magazine.

According to Alexey Podvigin from DeltaCredit, the size of the down payment for townhouses and cottages exceeds apartment rates by 10-15%, and the loan rate is 1-1.5% higher. It is impossible in principle to obtain a mortgage without a down payment on the country market, says Alexander Moskatov, managing director of the brokerage department of the Miel company.

According to Ilya Menzhunov from Metrium Group, the rate on a loan for the purchase of a country house in Sberbank starts at 9.5%, in Rosselkhozbank - from 11.45%. On average, market rates start at 11-12% per annum, Alexander Moskatov from the Miel agency is convinced.

documents for obtaining a mortgage

  1. passport;
  2. certificate 2-NDFL (document on income for the last six months);
  3. a copy of the work record book certified by the employer;
  4. spouse's consent;
  5. Marriage certificate.

State support programs for buying a home - maternity capital and certificates - are also valid in the suburban market. For example, with the help of maternity capital you can pay off part of the down payment. The same rules apply here as in the city: you will need a certificate stating how much money is left in the maternity capital account, as well as the certificate itself. After full repayment of the loan, borrowers will be required to allocate a share in the purchased house to their children.

Requirements of banks for borrowers

In the suburban housing market, banks’ requirements for borrowers differ significantly from city programs, realtors warned. Often, even a client with a high level of solvency can receive a negative decision on a loan application. “According to our estimates, about a third of all potential buyers of cottages, dachas and other suburban properties are rejected by banks,” said Ilya Menzhunov.

As usual, banks do not explain the reasons for refusing a mortgage. One of the reasons could theoretically be the reluctance of potential borrowers to disclose details of their financial condition, realtors suggested. In most cases, the borrower's credit history serves as the main parameter according to which banks decide whether to issue a mortgage loan to a person or not.

To obtain a mortgage, a country property must be located on settlement lands, and the house must have a clean legal history

It is important to remember that banks require not only the house as collateral, but also the land on which the house is built. “Buyers usually do not agree to a double deposit for fear of losing both the cottage and the plot. Banks cannot take only the building as collateral, since if the asset is seized (if it comes to that), it will be impossible to sell the house - after all, a third party owns the land,” explained Metrium Group.

Finally, even if the object meets all the requirements, there is also such a parameter as the distance to the city. “As a rule, banks do not consider houses at a great distance from Moscow as collateral assets. For some banks it is 30 km, for others it is 100 km. The indicator depends on the presence or, conversely, absence of branches in relative accessibility from the collateral,” concluded Ilya Menzhunov.

Banks, in turn, say that if all necessary requirements are met, there should be no special obstacles to issuing loans for the purchase of country real estate. “If the object complies with the established parameters, then there will be no difficulties in approving the transaction. Upon completion of each stage, the bank manager gives extended comments - for example, how to select an appraisal or insurance company, etc.,” notes Pavel Telezhnikov, commercial director of the Moscow North region of UniCredit Bank.

The conditions for purchasing housing in the city and for purchasing suburban real estate, according to Rosselkhozbank, are similar. “Although, there are certain nuances. Thus, the building must have a brick, concrete or stone foundation and must have a constant power supply from an external source,” the credit institution’s press service clarified.

In this case, the transaction is usually carried out according to the standard purchase and sale scheme. “The algorithm of actions is no different from buying an apartment. In this case, the loan is issued for the purchase of a house and a plot at the same time - both objects are registered as collateral,” added their colleagues from Sberbank.

In 2018, leading banks developed several programs for the purchase of such real estate. The terms of a mortgage on a private home have some nuances that you definitely need to know about.

Which private house is suitable for a mortgage?

Banks are willing to lend for the purchase of real estate on the primary market, take it as collateral, since its liquidity is quite high, and there are practically no problems with the sale in case of refusal to repay the loan. The liquidity of private houses is slightly lower, and the risks of banks when issuing such a loan are higher. The standard interest rate for a mortgage on private real estate is higher than on housing in a new building, but there are a number of programs that allow you to significantly save on payments to the bank.

To secure the loan, you can offer the banking organization other housing, the cost of which is commensurate with the cost of the purchased one.

Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank and other leading financial institutions issue mortgages for the purchase of a house, putting forward the following conditions:

  • the value of private real estate is not less than the amount of borrowed funds;
  • the house must be free of encumbrances;
  • the seller must have ownership of the land under the housing;
  • the buyer must provide a real estate appraisal;
  • The land plot must be intended for individual construction.

It is much more realistic to obtain borrowed funds for a new brick house with connected communications within the city than for an old wooden house on the outskirts. When issuing a mortgage and calculating its size, banks take into account many factors: the estimated value of private property, location, distance from large settlements or the city center, and the development of infrastructure in the area of ​​construction. The maximum mortgage size for a private house is limited to 70-85% of its value.

Lenders have the following requirements for an individual residential building as a collateral:

  • It is not allowed for the building to be in a state of disrepair, and it cannot be included in the plans for major repairs or demolition;
  • the roof, doors and windows must be in good working order;
  • Only those houses that stand on reinforced concrete, concrete, brick or stone foundations are accepted;
  • physical wear – within 40-50%. These figures can be clarified in the technical passport of the building, as well as in the BTI;
  • Communication is important. They do not have to be central, but heating, electricity and water supply, as well as sewerage, even if individual, are the necessary minimum.

The easiest way to arrange the purchase of a detached house. Acquiring shares with a mortgage is possible if the owner of the remaining part of the building is the client himself. On the other hand, banks have mastered the mechanism for implementing mortgage transactions for the purchase of townhouses.

It is important that the land is surveyed. It allows you to unambiguously establish the actual boundaries of the allotment. The bank needs them to be highlighted not only on the plan, but also physically, on the ground.

Applications for areas with the following purpose are accepted for consideration:

  • “for individual housing construction or individual housing construction”;
  • “for running personal farming” and the like;
  • with some restrictions - agricultural land.

In such transactions, not only homeownership is pledged, but also a plot of land or the right to lease it.

Requirements of banks for borrowers

For clients - citizens of the Russian Federation who want to borrow money to buy a private house, banks put forward the following requirements:

  • by age: not younger than 21 years old at the date of registration of the mortgage and not older than 65-75 at the time of its closure;
  • by availability of work: the borrower must be employed;
  • by registration: temporary or permanent registration in the region where the loan was issued is required;
  • It is possible to attract co-borrowers whose total income will allow you to repay monthly payments.

How to get a mortgage on a house

A mortgage to buy a house is implemented as follows:

  • a credit institution and program are selected;
  • A package of documents for the client is generated. Standardly needed:
  1. passport;
  2. confirmation of earnings (card account statement for participants in salary projects, certificates in the form of a creditor or 2-NDFL);
  3. work book (copy or extract) and so on;
  • papers are transferred to the bank. At the same time, fill out the form. You will be given a form when you visit the office;
  • Banking services evaluate the client's candidacy. This takes 2-5 working days;
  • if the application is approved, you can conclude a preliminary purchase and sale agreement and transfer an advance or deposit to the seller;
  • an assessment of the house and plot is ordered;
  • Documents on the selected object are provided to the bank. The assessment takes up to 10 working days;
  • if the papers do not raise any complaints, they conclude the main purchase and sale agreement, transfer part of the cost of the object, which represents the borrowers’ own funds;
  • the transaction is registered;
  • after completing the purchase, a loan is issued and the funds received are transferred to the seller;
  • insurance contracts are concluded;
  • The bank receives confirmation of the transfer of ownership of the house and land, as well as issued insurance.

When buying a house, the building is insured, but the land is not. Life and title insurance contracts are voluntary. The presence of such policies usually allows you to reduce the interest rate on the loan.

Lenders usually provide a small discount on the interest rate to participants in their salary projects.

Many banks set a limit on the validity period of approval for an application. For example, in Sberbank it is 90 days.

For a mortgage, it is more practical to choose houses for which the package of documents is as complete as possible, for example, land surveying has been carried out, redevelopment and extensions have been legalized.

If the transaction is not concluded within the established time frame for one reason or another, you need to reapply for a mortgage.

Mortgage for the purchase of a house with land: documents

A mortgage loan for a home requires the provision of the following documentation:

  • certificates of ownership or extended extracts from the Unified State Register;
  • fresh (up to 30 days) extracts from the Unified State Register;
  • documents certifying the basis for the emergence of property rights (donation agreements, purchase and sale agreements, exchange, etc.);
  • cadastral passport;
  • floor plan and explication. These documents can be provided as part of the registration certificate.

A house and land assessment report is also provided.

If ownership rights arose during the seller’s marriage, but his spouse is not the owner of the property, consent to the transaction is obtained from the notary. When the owner of the house concludes a marriage contract, this document is presented to the bank. A marriage certificate will also be required.

If necessary, consent to the sale of guardianship authorities is obtained.

The given list of documentation is open. Taking into account the specifics of the transaction, additional papers may be requested.

Which banks give a mortgage for a house?

The largest banks offer loans for the purchase of real estate under several programs, including those subsidized from the federal and municipal budgets. Therefore, you should not worry whether a mortgage for a private house is given to young families or other preferential categories of citizens. The answer is clear - they do. You need to study the proposed conditions and choose the most acceptable ones. You can find out more about how.

You can get money to buy a private house in:

  1. VTB 24;
  2. Sberbank;
  3. "Moscow Credit Bank";
  4. Rosselkhozbank;
  5. Alfa Bank;
  6. "Energotransbank";
  7. "Kuban Credit";
  8. "SKB-bank";
  9. TransCapitalBank;
  10. "Zenith";
  11. "Rosbank".

Mortgage for a private house in Sberbank

Sberbank has developed several products designed to assist in the purchase of home ownership:

  • Promotion for young families (rate from 8.6%);
  • Purchase of finished housing;
  • for families with children. The offer is available to those families where the second or third child was born or will be born between 01/01/2018 and 12/31/2022. Rate – from 6%;
  • Country estate;
  • Military mortgage.


At Sberbank, a mortgage for the purchase of a house is:

  • interest rate – from 9.4%. 9.1% for the “Showcase” promotion, when housing is selected on the Mortgage website with state support. All offers are available in your personal account. Login - through Sberbank Online;
  • own funds – from 15%;
  • minimum amount – 300,000 rubles;
  • the largest loan amount will not exceed 85% of the value of the property;
  • term – 30 years.

Applicants are subject to the following requirements:

  • age – 21-75 years (by the date of debt settlement);
  • citizenship – Russian Federation;
  • length of service - at least 6 months at the last enterprise with a total length of service of at least 1 year over the last five years.

It is possible to obtain a loan using two documents, that is, without confirming financial solvency. The rate will be from 9.6% for young families and from 10.1% for other clients.

Requirements for a house under a Sberbank mortgage

The following requirements apply to a house purchased with a Sberbank mortgage:

  • condition – satisfactory, residential;
  • it is not being prepared for demolition;
  • reliable foundation (brick, concrete, stone, reinforced concrete);
  • availability of communications (central or individual);
  • the building must be well-maintained and stand-alone.

Sberbank accepts houses with a wear rate of up to 40% as collateral.

The land plot must:

  • undergo land surveying;
  • have an appropriate purpose (under individual railways).

In addition to technical claims, the bank pays special attention to the area where the house is located. It is important that there are transport interchanges and socially significant infrastructure nearby.

Special conditions are provided for clients receiving salaries on a Sberbank card and employees of client companies.

For convenience, you can use .

As part of this program, borrowers can obtain a non-personalized credit card with a limit of up to 150 thousand rubles. or personalized with a limit of up to 200 thousand rubles. A mandatory condition is to insure the collateral housing in favor of the bank for the full term of the mortgage.

Mortgage for a private house in VTB24

A cottage can be purchased with a mortgage from VTB24 with the following data:

  • rate – from 8.9%;
  • amount – 600,000 – 60,000,000 rubles;
  • term – up to 30 years;
  • share of own funds – from 10%;
  • comprehensive insurance (protection of real estate, life and health of the client and title rights).

The following programs are offered:

  • Mortgage for secondary housing (consideration of the initial application – 1-5 days);
  • Victory over formalities, when a loan is given without proof of income using only 2 documents, but the maximum amount is limited to 30,000,000 rubles, and your own money must be at least 30%. The period for reviewing the application is 24 hours.

Borrowers must have Russian citizenship and be employed either in Russia or in foreign branches of domestic companies.

The so-called “People of Action” (public sector workers) can count on some easing of loan terms.


Rosselkhozbank will offer to become a homeowner in the following way:

  • rate – from 9.5%;
  • term – up to 30 years;
  • client funds – 25%;
  • amount – 100,000 – 20,000,000 rubles;

Borrowers must:

  • be aged 21-75 years;
  • have 6 months of experience at the last place of employment and at least 1 year in 5 years;
  • have Russian citizenship.

"Credit Bank of Moscow"

Moscow Credit Bank will provide a mortgage for suburban real estate with the following data:

  • rate – from 11.99%;
  • loan amount – 700,000 – 30,000,000 rubles;
  • term – from 1 year to 30 years;
  • personal funds of clients – 20%;
  • comprehensive insurance is provided.

The application may be sent to:

  • citizens of the country;
  • age - from 18 years or less upon registration of emancipation or upon marriage;
  • residents of Moscow and the region;
  • working at enterprises in these regions.

"Alfa Bank"

At Alfa Bank, a mortgage for the purchase of a house or townhouse will be provided with the following data:

  • base rate – 8.99%;
  • amount – up to 50,000,000 rubles;
  • term – 30 years;
  • your funds – from 15%.

Applicants must meet the following parameters:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation or another state;
  • age – from 21 years;
  • length of service – 4 months with a total length of service of at least 1 year.

It is possible to obtain a loan using only 2 documents.


Energotransbank will provide a mortgage for the purchase of a house, including a cottage or townhouse, under the following conditions:

  • rate – from 10%;
  • term – up to 25 years;
  • minimum amount – 500,000 rubles;
  • share of your money – from 10%.

The applicant must be:

  • aged 23-70 years;
  • citizen of the country;
  • employed by the last employer for at least 6 months;
  • registered and residing in the region where the bank operates.

A mortgage is allowed if the physical wear and tear of the house is up to 60%, but the minimum number of floors is 2 floors.

"Kuban Credit"

CB "Kuban Credit" provides mortgages for the purchase of real estate in specific villages:

  • in the “Cherry Orchard” in Krasnodar;
  • at the “Cottage” in Gulkevichi.

The conditions are:

  • interest rate from 9.49%;
  • own money - from 10%;
  • loan amount - without restrictions.

The applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • age – 18-65 years;
  • citizenship and registration – Russian Federation;
  • length of service – 6 months with a total work experience of at least 1 year.


At SKB-Bank they provide loans for the purchase of a house as follows:

  • the rate during the first three years of the contract increases either from 12% to 14% with the payment of a special commission, or without it - from 14% to 16%;
  • minimum loan amount – 350,000 rubles;
  • share of own funds – 20%;
  • loan term – 12 years, 20 years or 30 years.

This bank provides loans for the purchase of houses, cottages and townhouses even if the land is under long-term lease and not owned.

Requirements for applicants:

  • age – 23-65 years;
  • citizenship – Russian Federation;
  • registration - in the regions where the bank branch is present;
  • experience – from 3 months.


TransCapitalBank provides loans for the purchase of residential buildings under the following transaction parameters:

  • rate – from 8.7%;
  • term – 25 years;
  • amount – from 300,000 rubles;
  • down payment – ​​5% when using maternity capital funds.

The loan object is a residential building or townhouse. It is possible that the land plot will be under long-term lease.

Lending to individuals, individual entrepreneurs, and company owners is allowed. They must meet the following criteria:

  • age – 21-75 years;
  • the total length of service is at least 1 year, and in the last place - from 3 months.


At Zenit Bank, mortgages are provided under the following parameters:

  • rate – from 11.2%;
  • term – 30 years;
  • amount – from 500,000 to 20,000,000 rubles for Moscow and the region and from 300,000 to 15,000,000 rubles for other entities;
  • own funds – from 30%.

Requirements for applicants:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • employment in Russia.


Rosbank will provide a mortgage for a house under the following contract parameters:

  • rate from 9.75%;
  • term – 25 years;
  • client funds – 40%.

Lending is carried out through DeltaCredit Bank.

Requirements for a candidate:

  • age – 20-64 years;
  • citizenship – does not matter;
  • availability of employment. Lending to business owners is allowed.

The purchased house, part of it or a townhouse can also be located on a rented plot.

Special cases

Mortgage for a private house without a down payment

It is currently impossible to obtain a mortgage on an individual railway without your own funds: this type of real estate is considered low-liquidity.

To solve the problem of lack of own funds when buying real estate, you can use one of the methods proposed in this.

Mortgage on an old house

It is possible to take out a mortgage on an old house. Much is determined by the specifics of the region, for example, for St. Petersburg, houses built more than 100 years ago are the norm, as well as by the physical condition of the structure. Difficulties are possible with those buildings that are classified as architectural monuments.

When resolving complex issues relating to the age of the house and its condition, an important point affecting the admissibility of a mortgage is the willingness of insurers to enter into an insurance contract.

There may also be problems with valuation, especially if there are no analogues of the property being purchased in the region.

Mortgage for a wooden house

Mortgages on wooden houses are a reality. The main complaints regarding the structure of the house are made to the foundation. If it meets the requirements described above, then there should be no problems.

Buildings made of timber, adobe, and panel boards are also accepted as collateral. The main difficulty lies in the degree of wear of the structure.

Banks lend to wooden houses if they are no more than 10-15 years old.

Most likely, a loan will be refused if there is a gas water heater in a wooden house, since it is believed that there is a very high risk of fire here.

Mortgage for building a house

Features of a mortgage for building a house are as follows:

  • high level of down payment – ​​from 25%;
  • construction is carried out on the basis of an individual project;
  • Documentary evidence of all expenses is required;
  • a contract is concluded and an estimate is drawn up;
  • money will be provided in tranches, parts, at the request of the borrower;
  • Before registering ownership of a house under construction, other security will be required - a guarantee from individuals or a pledge of other real estate.

Refinancing a mortgage on a private home

Refinancing of a mortgage received for the purchase of a private home is, as a rule, carried out by the same banks that provide loans for this type of real estate. The procedure for this type of collateral is no different from that implemented under mortgage agreements issued for the purchase of apartments.