Sberbank - early repayment of mortgage. When repaying a mortgage early, errors occur. The procedure for early repayment of a mortgage at Sberbank

Let's say you win the lottery. Either they received a big bonus, or they sold something unnecessary. And you decided to use this money to pay off your mortgage ahead of schedule. Let's look at how to do this using a Sberbank loan as an example.

Most often, the procedure is standard, simple and quick. But there are situations when nuances arise. We will consider them separately at the end of the article.

Why pay off your mortgage early?

It is clear that the sooner the debt is paid, the better. But more specifically, there are three goals:

1. Quickly remove the encumbrance from real estate and fully dispose of it.

2. Remove the financial burden. You've probably already figured out how to spend the freed money.

3. Save money. If they convince you that you will still pay the bank all the interest, do not believe it. This is wrong. Interest depends on the balance of the debt and the length of time the loan is used. At the same time, if you repay the loan ahead of schedule not in full, but partially, then you can choose one of two options: shorten the mortgage term or reduce the monthly payment.

What is more profitable: shortening the term or reducing the payment?

In July 2018, Katya took out a loan of 1,000,000 rubles from Sberbank for 5 years at 7.2%. If she pays 19,896 rubles per month according to the original schedule, then over 5 years she will pay 193,839 rubles in interest to the bank.

At the same time, Katya has a deposit of 500,000 rubles, but she will be able to close it only in a year. That is, in July 2019, Katya will be able to make an early payment of half a million.

Option 1. Reduce the period

Katya decided to quickly close the loan. Now she will pay off the mortgage in December 2020, 2 years and 7 months ahead of schedule. At the same time, she will pay 88,101 rubles in interest to the bank. And you will save 105,738 rubles.

Option 2. Reduce payment

Katya decided to reduce her financial burden and chose to reduce her payment. As a result, over 5 years she will pay 118,443 rubles in interest. Savings - 75,396 rubles.

Obviously, it is more profitable to reduce the loan term. But there is another option: choose to reduce your payment, but continue to pay the same amount each month as in the beginning. In Katya’s case, she will continue to pay 19,896 rubles per month, and not 7,655 under the new schedule.

To regularly contribute more, it's not enough to simply transfer more money into your mortgage account. The amount will still be debited from him according to the schedule. Therefore, every month you will have to submit an application for early repayment. But this option has its advantages:

  • You will still close the loan much earlier. Simply because the debt balance will decrease much faster.
  • You will pay about the same interest as if you shortened the term.
  • You will feel calmer. If your income drops sharply, or unplanned expenses occur, you can simply pay the amount according to the recalculated schedule.

Calculate mortgage payments and any early repayment scenario using the DomClick calculator

Fill in the loan information. Click on the top right “View payment schedule” and then “How to pay off early?” Add payments and choose what to reduce: term or amount.

What if there is a military mortgage?

In a military mortgage, only the term for early repayment is reduced. Which is logical, because Rosvoenipoteka pays - there is no need to reduce the payment. It is beneficial to repay the loan ahead of time in order to quickly remove the encumbrance and register ownership of the property.

How to apply for early repayment?

Method number 1. Through Sberbank Online

It takes only a few minutes. Go to your personal account, select a loan and open the “Early repayment” tab. There, click “Repay the loan in full” or “Partially repay the loan.”

Partial repayment

1. Select the account from which the loan will be repaid.

2. Select the payment date in the calendar. In this case, you can select the date of early payment within the next 2 days, including the date of filing the application. That is today or tomorrow.

3. Enter the amount. There is a minimum limit - no less than 99% of the next monthly payment amount. It will be reflected below.

5. When you receive a message, make sure that the transaction details in the SMS match. Only then enter the password and click “Confirm”. Do not tell it to anyone, not even bank employees.

Full repayment

With full early repayment, the process will be almost the same. But there are important nuances:

1. If you make a full early repayment on the day of submitting the application, then you just need to indicate (and accordingly deposit into the credit account) the amount indicated below the field to fill out.

2. If you want to choose repayment the next day, you will have to calculate the amount with interest for another day yourself. Below you will see the amount for the current day only!

The amount for full early repayment for tomorrow can be clarified by calling the support service at 900.

You can view your history of early repayments on the “Early repayment” tab in the “History of early repayments” information block, as well as in the “History of Sberbank Online operations” section in the personal menu.

Early repayment through Sberbank Online is very convenient, but has some limitations

  • If you repay online early, you can only reduce the amount of payments; you cannot shorten the term.
  • As already mentioned, for partial repayment there is a minimum limit - no less than 99% of the amount of the next monthly payment.
  • You must deposit money into your account before 21:00 on the payment day.

If you want to reduce the loan term or make an amount less than the monthly payment, you will need to apply for early repayment at a bank branch.

Method number 2. At a bank branch

You can fill out an application at any bank branch in the city in which you were issued a loan. For this you will need a passport. You can make a payment on the same day or within 3 days.

If you are in another city, you must first transfer the loan to where you are. To do this, submit an application for transfer either in the region of your new place of residence or where the loan was issued. This is only possible if you have permanent or temporary registration at your new place of residence. You need to come with your passport and a copy of the loan agreement.

Or you can issue a notarized power of attorney for early repayment. You need to write in it:

  • Full name, address and passport details of the principal and authorized representative.
  • Number and date of the loan agreement.
  • Name of the bank.
  • That a power of attorney is issued to submit an application for early repayment of the loan indicating the account and to write off funds from the co-borrower’s account.

A mortgage is a loan issued by a credit institution for the purchase of real estate. The maximum is 30 years. Bank employees will select a more advantageous offer for you based on your wishes and income.

Buying real estate has become a great luxury if you do not have large funds. But there is a way out; mortgage lending allows people with different income levels to purchase real estate. Sberbank is a leader among other banks in issuing mortgage loans, thanks to its low interest rate.

Mortgage in Sberbank allows all citizens of the Russian Federation to improve their living conditions.

If you are a regular user of the services Sberbank, This will be an advantage when applying for a mortgage. Special bonuses and offers are available for clients of this bank.

Mortgage lending has become one of the ways for Russians to purchase housing. When purchasing real estate on credit for a long term, many try to repay his ahead of schedule. Monthly payments involuntarily suggest that it is time to pay off the bank. It is of course beneficial for the bank if you make payments throughout the entire term, because the overpayment amount is quite large. But is this beneficial to the borrower? Of course not. Therefore, you decide for yourself what time frame you want to repay debt, it is not necessary to pay the entire term.

The bank evenly calculates and distributes the interest rate on overpayment across all payments; when a large amount is deposited, the interest rate on overpayment is reduced, and further payments become smaller. Obtain a new payment schedule from the bank operator; due to changes in the total amount, the monthly payment is revised.

At the initial appearance of mortgage lending , Sberbank established a time frame within which full or partial payment of the loan was possible; several years had to pass and only then could you pay a large amount in full pay off debt. Today there is no such rule, so you can deposit the required amount at any time. Even 30 days after taking out the loan. You only need written notification of what you want in advance to repay all sum.

How to repay the entire amount early

For long-term lending, an agreement between the borrower and the bank is drawn up, which specifies all the points that all parties must comply with. The contract must specify in detail that the borrower has the right to partial and full early repayment mortgages. At early repayment loan the borrower can contact the bank to recalculate interest, but only if this clause is specified in the agreement. Recalculation of interest on the loan significantly reduces the payment amount.

Algorithm of actions for early repayment mortgages at Sberbank, you need:

  • Contact the bank operator to clarify the remaining loan amount;
  • Provide a written statement stating the exact amount contributed by the borrower;
  • Deposit the amount into the account;
  • After paying off the mortgage debt, obtain documentary evidence of the fulfillment of your obligations to the bank;
  • Terminate the mortgage agreement;
  • Close the account to which the loan payment was received;
  • Contact the insurance company for a refund of the insurance policy premium.

It is necessary for the borrower to complete all actions so that new circumstances related to non-payment of the loan are not revealed later.

Step-by-step loan payment

If you have a large amount of money and you decide partially pay off the mortgage, then this is a good idea. Partial payment of debt, reduces the amount of further payment. Before making a payment, you need to write an application and indicate the payment amount. After which the operator must recalculate the remaining amount and issue you with a new payment schedule. Today, many are trying to pay off their debt to the bank within 5 years in order to improve their financial situation.

Full payment of the amount

A one-time mortgage payment saves you from a large overpayment on the loan.

Complete procedure loan repayment is no different from partial, only in that the entire amount is paid. You must fill out the application correctly 30 days before the desired payment. The bank approves this procedure for you, and you deposit funds into your current account. Make sure you enter the correct amount, if the amount is incorrect and insufficient payment is made, late payment interest will apply.

Remember! Under no circumstances can the bank prevent early deposits of loan funds. Early payment is your personal right, which is stated in the contract! By repaying your debt to the bank ahead of schedule, you will relieve yourself of a heavy financial burden.

Payment via Sberbank Online

Today, the online payment system has made life much easier for modern people. No queues, easy access to the system saves our time, nerves and money.

There are several payment methods:

  • Through cash desk;
  • Payments Sberbank Online;
  • Transfer of funds through ATM.

One of the simplest and most convenient methods is payments through a payment Sberbank Online system.

The procedure is quite simple. Every modern person has an application downloaded on their smartphone. Sberbank Online, through which a large number of monetary transactions are carried out, it has significantly simplified the life of a modern person.

Also, through your Sberbank personal account, you can view the amount of the remaining debt and all transactions performed.

If you want to pay your loan debt online early, you must:

  • Login to your personal account Sberbank(enter your username and password that you received when registering the bank online;
  • Open the “Loans” section. Your entire credit history will open; you need to select the one you need.
  • You will see the functions “partial repayment”, “early repayment” of the loan, select the required tab.
  • The system will require you to enter data: the bank card number linked to this loan, the repayment date and the amount.
  • After entering all the data, double-check the information and click “Submit Application” (you can submit an application even if you do not yet have the required amount in your account). Bank employees will review it on the same or the next day.

Funds will be debited from your account exactly on the day you indicated in the application. Therefore, do not worry, the system will automatically withdraw the required amount.

All receipts are saved and you can easily print them out if necessary. Paying online eliminates the need to enter incorrect data; some of your data has already been entered into the system, so what you enter manually will be checked by the support service; if the data is incorrect, you will be asked to enter it again. By using the services of Sberbank, you ensure complete security of your personal information and funds.

Treat this procedure responsibly, save all receipts and receipts for transactions. The most important thing is to get a certificate from the bank that your loan has been repaid, it is an official confirmation that you have paid the bank.

Bottom line

Early payments allow you to save your money. Calculate your budget wisely and remember that it is profitable for the bank to provide long-term loans. Be careful, contact only reliable banks!

To reduce your debt to the bank, it will be enough to pay an amount greater than your monthly mortgage payment. Quite often, people make some mistakes here too. Let's look at the most common scenarios for the development of events during early repayment.

1. You have no thoughts about paying off your mortgage early

There is money. But they lie in an old shoe, hidden on the mezzanine. Let's not argue, perhaps this is the right and necessary decision for you. Just understand one very important mortgage truth: when you pay more on top of your monthly payment, you reduce the amount of interest that applies to your entire loan. The interest becomes less as it is calculated on the balance.

2. You don't keep track of your deductions at all.

This is the situation. You have ninety thousand rubles, and you decide to pay off the debt with THIS amount. You go to the bank, write an application, give the money. You think that your debt balance is now ninety thousand less. Not so! And you forgot about the monthly fee!

Then the following situation occurs. Since you have 90,000 rubles in your account, the bank on a certain day will give you 40,000 rubles. your monthly payment, and 50,000 rub. will remain on the account. Your application states that the early repayment amount is 90,000 rubles, but there are 50,000 in the account! Thus, no early repayment will occur. You will most likely find out about this only next month, when you come to make your next contribution.

3. “First I will save lots and lots of money, and only then will I take it to the bank!”

Time has a colossal influence. It even affects the size of your mortgage! The savings will depend only on how quickly you make the additional contribution. The later, the less you will save. It is better to pay off your debt early.

4. You don’t have a treasured envelope in which you put it “for later”

Such an envelope with money “for later” is called a “financial pillow”. And it is needed in case of force majeure. This could be an unexpected layoff or illness. It is advisable that these be three to six monthly payments.

Do not forget about documents and certificates that confirm that you repaid the debt ahead of schedule or made some other contribution.

We wish you success in resolving all credit issues!

A mortgage loan is beneficial for both parties: the borrower receives his home, the bank, along with the principal amount of the debt, receives interest from the debtor, thus increasing its profit. In the article we will provide instructions on how to pay a mortgage through.

Conditions for partial loan repayment

When using a system of both annuity (when the mortgage debt is paid in equal installments, regardless of the remaining amount of the loan) and differentiated (when the size of the monthly payment constantly decreases with a decrease in the amount of the principal debt) payments, early repayment of the loan is unprofitable for the bank, since it loses its interest . Therefore, this point is always discussed separately under the terms of the loan agreement.

Previously, a Sberbank loan could contain penalties for the client’s early repayment of the principal amount of the debt. This was a kind of insurance against loss of profit. Now this practice is no longer used, and clients can repay their loans early without restrictions. The only thing is that the contract specifies a specific period when the client is prohibited from making payments ahead of schedule (usually, no more than a few months).

Since early repayment has a negative impact on the bank, the client worsens his credit history when using this payment method, thereby increasing the risk of future loan refusal.

Is it possible to pay off a mortgage early? Previously, if the loan was repaid in full, then at least 30 days before making the payment it was necessary to write an application to the bank requesting repayment.

How to partially repay a loan through Sberbank Online?

  • Using a Sberbank card, gain access to your personal account in the Sberbank Online system.
  • Go to the “Credits” tab. The page will display all loans opened in Sberbank in the user’s name.
  • Select the “Early repayment” section and “Partial early repayment” there.
  • On the page that appears, you need to provide basic payment information: the bank card used to repay the loans; desired date of payment; if a weekend is specified, payment will occur on the first working day following the weekend; amount of payment. Please note that the required amount must be in the account on the date of payment. That is, you can fill out the application itself with a zero balance.

Funds are debited automatically on the day selected by the user when placing an application.

By presidential decree in January 2018, certain changes were made to the mortgage lending system. With the support of a housing lending agency, families with two or more children can qualify for subsidies and preferential loan terms. If there are two minor children, families can qualify for mortgage loans at only 6% per annum.

The remaining interest will be repaid by the state. When a third child appears in the family, citizens can apply for AHML payments, which are used to repay the loan product. In both cases, AHML support is not considered early repayment, and the citizen does not report to the bank for it.

How to calculate the early payment date?

Partial early repayment of a loan through Sberbank Online is credited to the loan account not at the time the payment is actually made, but at the time when the next payment must be made according to the schedule drawn up by the bank. The next day after the early repayment of the loan is taken into account, the bank will draw up a new annuity or differentiated schedule with the size and timing of payment.

To calculate, you can use a mortgage loan calculator (or an online car loan calculator, depending on the type of loan), or use the formula: OD*((1+e)^t/(1+e)^t-1, where OD is the amount debt remaining on the loan, e – monthly interest rate on the loan, t – number of days remaining on the loan in accordance with the agreement. This formula is the basis for the calculation of any online calculator.

Thus, partial early repayment reduces the amount of the principal debt and, accordingly, the amount of accrued interest. But the last day to pay the loan remains the same, the bank will only change the size of the monthly payments. At the same time, if you regularly pay off the loan ahead of schedule, the client will end up with a minimum amount of debt that can be paid at one time.

To determine the final repayment date of the loan, calculate the amount of partial early repayment of the mortgage, and each time after making a payment, calculate the remaining amount to be paid using the above formula or through an online calculator. Once the amount you can afford remains in the end, submit an application for full early repayment of the loan.

By agreement with the credit institution, another option is possible, when it is not the size of the payment that is reduced, but the loan term. But such a development of events is even less beneficial for the bank, since it loses a significant part of the interest due to it under the loan agreement.

How to pay a mortgage through Sberbank Online?

Payment of a mortgage through Sberbank Online is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Go to the Sberbank Online website and log in using your username and password. They can be obtained from one of Sberbank’s ATMs or by completing an independent registration procedure in the system. You can also get access by contacting a bank branch. In any case, the client must already have the mobile banking service activated. After entering your login and password, confirmation via SMS is also required. When a message with a code arrives on your phone, you will need to enter it in the field provided for this.
  • The service’s personal account will open the main page, where all the client’s deposits, loans and accounts will be displayed. Here you need to select the loan to be repaid, click the “Operations” tab and select “Transfer funds between my accounts” in the drop-down menu.
  • On the page that appears, you need to indicate the account from which the funds will be debited and the loan to which they will be transferred. You can pay a loan through Sberbank Online using only a bank card. Payment by credit card will not be accepted. Here you will need to indicate the amount of the payment being made and click “Confirm”.
  • A password confirmation of the funds transfer will be sent to your phone. It must be entered in the field provided for this and click “Confirm” again.
  • A receipt with the stamp “Completed” will appear on the screen. Also, the system will prompt the user to add a payment template to their Sberbank Online personal account or enter loan repayment into autopayments.

After saving, the template will be located in the special “My Templates” menu.

  • Also, Sberbank Online allows you to pay someone else’s loan. To do this you need:
  • Log in to your Sberbank Online personal account using your login and password.
  • Select the “Payments and transfers” tab and then “Banking operations: transfers/loans from another bank.”
  • Find the desired bank by name or BIC number in the search bar and select it.
  • You can continue the operation by filling out all the necessary fields: loan agreement number, insurance agreement number (if there was no insurance agreement, you do not need to indicate it).
  • Next, indicate the payment amount and the account for debiting the funds. Online payment is only possible when using a bank card.
  • After completing these actions, the payment is confirmed by a one-time password received via SMS, and the co-borrower pays the loan to another bank. In this case, it is possible to charge a certain commission percentage (depending on the bank in whose favor the payment is made).

You can pay off someone else’s loan at Sberbank only if the loan agreement initially indicated the possibility of making payment by third parties. Otherwise, the payment will be blocked by the recipient bank.

How to repay a loan early through Sberbank Online?

At Sberbank online, both partial and full loan repayment can be made. How to pay off your mortgage early?

  • Go to the website, enter your username and passwords and click the “Login” button.
  • In the main menu of the Sberbank Online system, select the “Loans” tab (fifth from the left, after the “Cards” tab).
  • The page will display all outstanding loans by the user. Select the one you want to top up.
  • The new page will have 3 tabs at once: payment schedule, partial early repayment and full early repayment. By clicking on the first one, you can find out the recommended amount of monthly payments and the deadline for making them. After each early payment is taken into account, the information in this column will change. Since we need early repayment of the loan, we select one of the other two tabs.
  • In the next line you need to select the source of funds for the transaction, indicate the amount of the contribution and select the desired date for making the payment. More often, Sberbank sets a certain minimum partial repayment amount for loans with annuity payments, which depends on the size of the loan. The limitation is caused by the fact that after each early repayment the bank is forced to recalculate the payment schedule, which causes certain difficulties.
  • After filling out all the fields, you need to click “Submit Application”. It will be reviewed by bank employees on the same day or the next business day. The payment itself will be made on the day specified by the client. If it is a weekend (holiday), payment will be made on the first working day following the weekend, provided that there is a sufficient amount of funds on the card for this.

After receiving a mortgage from Sberbank, it is automatically linked to the user’s personal account and can be paid through Sberbank Online services.

There are different ways to pay for mortgage loans: at a bank cash desk, through a self-service terminal, through an ATM, through the Internet banking system. The best option is to pay the loan through the Sberbank application on the Internet. So, the user does not need to go anywhere, he can make payments from any place where there is access to the Internet; Payment can be added to templates or to automatic payments, then making a loan payment will take only a few seconds. If necessary, the user can even deposit money into another bank account.

The only drawback of online banking is that payments are made only from a bank card. Therefore, the user must calculate his budget in such a way that he has enough funds to pay the loan fee.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 2 Published 08/18/2018

Most Russians who want to purchase residential real estate resort to the services of Sberbank. The most powerful and reliable financial institution in Russia offers a variety of mortgage lending programs for consideration; for many citizens of the Russian Federation, participation in a housing loan occurs on preferential terms with minimal annual interest rates.

Thanks to a flexible, individual approach, some lenders have the opportunity to repay mortgage obligations early. But not all citizens know how early repayment of a Sberbank mortgage is processed, the conditions of which have a number of nuances.

Banks are prohibited from preventing borrowers from repaying their mortgages early.

Early repayment of a mortgage: a review of opinions

There are two options for canceling an existing real estate loan:

  1. Full repayment.
  2. Partial payment of debt.

When the debt is paid in full, the bank client usually uses personal cash savings or arranges additional lending. And partial repayment is based on a systematic increase in regular payments in order to quickly pay off the mortgage and close it completely. But it is worth knowing that the apparent simplicity of the procedure for early cancellation of a mortgage loan at first glance has many nuances.

What the law says

Just a few decades ago, closing a mortgage at Sberbank early and completely was prohibited. This condition was separately stated in the contract. But some financial organizations met the wishes of borrowers and offered their own conditions for such a step, sometimes extremely unfavorable for payers and accompanied by the imposition of penalties.

In 2011, Federal Law No. 284 was introduced, prohibiting banking organizations from interfering with payers who want to repay loans early.

This rule also applies in modern times. But it is worth knowing that if you want to repay the loan unscheduled, you must notify the bank about this. Moreover, notify the financial structure no earlier than a month before the expected procedure for full repayment of the debt. This condition can be avoided if there are bilateral agreements (borrower bank).

If you repay a loan early, you should make sure that the required amount is available in your account.

Bank position

You need to understand that loan obligations, and especially long-term ones, as in the case of mortgage lending, are an important source of profitability for a bank. Taking into account the time and work spent on drawing up these contracts, it can be understood that when repaying a housing loan early, Sber loses part of the planned profit, and the source of financing does not justify itself.

Therefore, often, if a client wishes to pay off a loan prematurely (and the bank cannot refuse him to do so), negative marks appear in the payer’s credit history. To avoid this, you should know how to properly pay off your mortgage early with Sberbank.

Is there any benefit for the borrower?

If the owner is interested in how to repay a mortgage early at Sberbank, he should learn about some of the features of this procedure. In particular:

  1. If the housing loan is based on an annuity payment scheme (payment of equal shares of the cost), then the feasibility of early repayment decreases. After all, at the first time of payment, the payer repays only the interest, and not the body of the loan itself without interest.
  2. It makes no sense to repay your mortgage early even when rates are high and inflation is rising. In this situation, it is more appropriate to use the available financial resources to purchase long-term assets. And the mortgage loan will soon become worthless.
  3. According to experts, early partial repayment of a mortgage becomes most profitable when the loan payment period is reduced, rather than by recalculating the annual interest rate. In this case, the mortgage overpayment will be less.

At Sberbank, in case of early repayment of a housing loan, there are no penalties.

How to calculate early repayment of a home loan

Before finding out whether it is possible to repay your mortgage early at Sberbank, you should pay attention to which mortgage offer the loan was issued for. Not all lending programs allow this procedure. For example, a military mortgage prohibits early repayment. It is also worth considering that in the event of an unplanned partial repayment of the current mortgage debt, Sberbank is only allowed to recalculate the annual payment, but not to reduce the payment period.

You can check the amount of the last payment in the Sberbank-Online account

To partially repay the loan early, you must notify the banking structure at least one day before depositing funds. Only after such actions have been agreed upon, money is allowed to be deposited. Moreover, the minimum amount in this case should be from 15,000 rubles. After the payment has been made, bank employees will recalculate and update the schedule. The client will need to review and sign it.

Sberbank requirements

For Sberbank, as for other financial organizations, it is unprofitable when a borrower repays debt on a long-term loan prematurely. But, unlike other banks, Sberbank does not interfere with such a desire of the borrower. But clients who want to know how to quickly pay off a mortgage at Sberbank need to know a number of requirements put forward by the bank:

  1. The term of contractual obligations does not change. With early repayment, you can only reduce the total amount of debt, but not change the number of payments provided for in the payment schedule.
  2. Receipt of funds from the borrower will be made only on the next banking day from the date of payment.
  3. The payer will be able to close the mortgage loan ahead of schedule only one month after the execution of the mortgage agreement.

How the procedure works

If a client wishes to partially repay the loan, the client should take care in advance to ensure that the savings account linked to the loan agreement has sufficient funds to pay off the funds. Enrollment itself can be done in several ways:

  • in person at the cash register;
  • via terminal/ATM;
  • from the Sberbank-Online account.

As soon as the funds arrive in the account, the payer needs to contact Sberbank to recalculate the principal debt and draw up a new payment schedule. This procedure (if the loan is partially repaid) will have to be carried out monthly. If it is decided to completely cancel the housing loan, the payer must contact bank employees to agree on the decision and clarify the remaining balance of the debt.

There are two options for early repayment of zama: full and partial

Then make the payment and issue the necessary paperwork from Sber confirming the absence of debt and bank claims. Next, the borrower will have to complete the procedures of closing the account, obtaining a mortgage and fully registering the property.

Early repayment terms

In principle, the entire procedure for early repayment of a housing loan at Sberbank is quite simple. But the borrower also needs to take into account the existing nuances that relate to the timing of payments. To do this, you should carefully study the loan agreement again. The document contains a clause stating the deadline, if it is not reached, premature closure of the mortgage is not allowed. More often this period is 1 or 4 months and depends on the total loan amount.

Minimum amounts

In case of partial early repayment, the bank determines the minimum amount allowed for payment (it is calculated taking into account the proportionality of all subsequent payments and the total loan). Sber has no restrictions on the maximum amount.

Recalculation of annual interest

According to current legislation (Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the bank is obliged to calculate and collect interest only for the actual time of using the loan. In case of early repayment of the loan and closure of mortgage obligations, Sberbank employees require the interest rate to be recalculated and the excess amount taken to be returned to the borrower. Since almost all mortgage loans are issued against annuity payments, with early repayment, banking organizations receive increased profits.

After all, the fee is taken into account and taken by the bank in this case for the time that was not used by the payer. Therefore, recalculation of the annual interest rate and return of excessively overpaid money is mandatory by Sberbank in the event of premature closure of the mortgage.

Early payment via Sberbank-Online

If the borrower has a Sber plastic card and is registered in Internet banking, the procedure for early repayment of a housing loan can also be carried out through Sberbank Online. This system allows you to manage accounts and cards in real time, without visiting Sber branches.

To calculate excess interest, you can use an online calculator

Calculation of the required payment

The exact amount of the remaining payment can be calculated using the built-in online calculator. Or turn to bank specialists for help. You can also clarify the required amount by calling the technical support service.

Application Form

To repay a housing loan early through Sberbank-Online, you must first draw up a certain application. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to the system by entering your login/password and then confirming your login by entering a captcha. The code is sent via SMS message.
  2. From my main website, go to the “Loans” subsection, then click on the “Early repayment” option.
  3. In the tab that opens, you should indicate all the details and data on the mortgage loan. And also mark the account from which the funds will be debited. Don't forget to indicate the date of payment.

You should know that completing and registering an application for early repayment of a mortgage loan through Sberbank Online is only allowed on business days.

Making payment

The amount required for early cancellation of the loan is entered during the application process in the “Amount” field. If there are restrictions, the minimum amount allowed for partial/full repayment of the debt will automatically appear just below this field. Then you need to double-check all the data, make sure that the money required for payment is available in the specified account and click the “Fill out an application” option. The operation is confirmed by the code received via SMS.

Should you close your mortgage prematurely?

To determine for yourself whether it is profitable to arrange early repayments of a mortgage loan or to slowly make payments according to the existing payment schedule, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. Much depends on the loan amount, income and mortgage terms. Therefore, it is worth predicting expenses in advance. Let’s say that if there is a need for repairs in the purchased housing, then it would be more profitable to use the available funds to update the apartment.

It is worth taking into account possible inflation. These sad processes play into the hands of those with mortgage debt. After all, with inflation, a payment that seems significant can turn into a “penny” payment. Moreover, funds are constantly depreciating, but the cost of the apartment under the contract remains the same.


Analyzing feedback from payers about such a procedure as early repayment of a mortgage loan, one can notice different opinions. Many payers are happy with the low APR and have no problem making monthly payments. Others strive to get rid of their mortgage obligations as soon as possible. Sberbank does not interfere with this decision. But experts still recommend preliminary analysis of the situation, taking into account future moments and possible life changes. And only then make the final decision.