Preferential car loan: conditions for obtaining. Preferential state loan for cars: conditions, interest rates, list of car brands Preferential car loan

Car loans were popular among Russians in 2014, but is it worth taking them in 2015, given the changing trends in the country’s financial market? According to statistics, every fourth citizen of Russia has his own personal car. The remaining three-quarters, for some reason, are unable to purchase their own four-wheeler. Most often, this reason is the lack of the full amount of money to buy a car. In this situation, people turn to car lending services. Before deciding to take this step, it is worth learning as much as possible about this area of ​​lending and the conditions that developed in 2014-2015.

What is a car loan and under what conditions is it issued?

A car loan involves a certain amount of money that is borrowed from a bank to purchase a car (new or used). Unlike a conventional loan, the purchased car itself serves as collateral.

Large banks such as Sberbank of Russia, Gazprombank, VTB 24, etc. are involved. There are many options for car loans and conditions for executing this agreement, but they have basic common features:

  1. Almost all banks require a down payment; it can range from 15 to 40% of the total cost of the car.
  2. In accordance with the terms of the loan, in case of violation of the agreed rules, the bank can take the car at its disposal.
  3. In most cases, the bank requires car insurance.
  4. The borrower does not act as a manager of the money received on credit; it is transferred directly from the bank to the car seller.
  5. As a rule, car loans are issued to a private person for the purchase of vehicles for non-commercial use.

In addition to the established rules for car loans, banks often offer their own nuances and special terms of cooperation:

  1. An express loan allows you to get a car for use on the same day the application is submitted.
  2. Factoring is a way of purchasing a car, without having to pay interest, in installments (usually related to new foreign-made cars).
  3. Applying for a car loan without a down payment, but in this case the bank puts forward stricter requirements for the borrower to repay the loan and increases interest rates.
  4. Banks may not require insurance if the collateral for the loan is property other than a car.

Requirements for the borrower

Not everyone can get a car loan. Banks put forward a number of requirements that the borrower must meet. The standard list includes working age (21 - 60 years), citizenship of the Russian Federation, registration in the region of the bank in which registration takes place. A certificate from the last place of work is required stating that the borrower had at least 3-6 months of experience there. A prerequisite is a constant income, on the basis of which the buyer will be able to repay the loan on time.

Package of documents for obtaining a car loan

The standard package of documents required by the bank when applying for a car loan includes:

  1. Application form. Information about the vehicle, complete personal data (marital status, education, income, information about property, etc.) will be indicated here.
  2. A copy of your passport, driver's license, foreign passport, military ID (the bank offers a choice).

The list is small, but do not forget that different banks have different requirements for their clients. They may require a copy of your work record book and a certificate from your place of work. Possible additional documents may include copies of a higher education diploma, a spouse’s permission to apply for a loan, or a pension document.

Car loan prospects for 2015 or why you should hurry?

2014 was one of the difficult periods for Russian citizens, this was especially felt by people with loans. What should we expect in 2015 in the car lending industry?

Large banks still offer a loan for a personal car at 13-14% per annum. These conditions are quite favorable even in comparison with conventional cash loans. In the coming years, there is a risk of increasing requirements for borrowers, for this reason, if you decide to take out a loan for a car, it is better to do it now.

Many are afraid that their bank will be closed. In this situation, there are two options: firstly, it is better to give preference to large banks - with them there is less chance of unforeseen situations arising; secondly, if the bank in which the loan was issued is closed for a while, the debt with the same conditions will be transferred to another bank.

Due to the unstable political situation, there is a risk of a ban on the import of foreign cars into Russia. For this reason, if you want to buy a good foreign-made car, it is better to hurry.

A separate topic is the rapid increase in prices for cars, especially for foreign-made cars.

Preferential lending

Many of those who want to get a car loan are waiting for the return of preferential conditions that were curtailed in 2013. At the moment, as in 2014, the budget does not allocate an amount for preferential car loans. As an alternative, there are captive banking offers. They are available from financial companies that are part of the car manufacturing concern.

A car is, first and foremost, an investment. If it is a necessity or part of a business, then its acquisition is more than justified. In this case, the investment will generate income. In the opposite situation, it is worth thinking about whether the car is really needed and whether there is confidence in the full payment of its cost without damaging the personal budget.

Find the lowest price for your desired vehicle. Visiting various car dealerships and checking out special offers and promotions will help with this. The end of the year is the most profitable time to purchase a car. Salons are chasing plans and trying to sell the largest number of cars. Moreover, next year the car will become “last year’s” and its value will fall, so they are trying to sell it.

It is better to issue a loan in national currency. In 2014, the topic of currency became particularly relevant. The rise of the dollar and euro had a painful impact on borrowers who decided to give preference to foreign currencies.

Loans in rubles guarantee some stability in case of serious problems in the economic field or the foreign exchange market.

If you take out a car loan, then it’s for the car of your dreams. This statement sounds beautiful, but is fundamentally incorrect and will subsequently turn into a “snowball” of problems for the borrower. Experts say that the purchase price should not be more than four times the annual profit. And the monthly contribution should not exceed 25% of monthly income. This refers to the amount from which payments for utilities, payments on third-party loans, training and other monthly expenses are deducted. If you calculate, the amount of net monthly income is much less than your salary. The resulting figure must be multiplied by 0.25, and the result will be a barrier beyond which the monthly car loan payment should not go.

Oddly enough, the crisis situation in the country contributes to favorable conditions for car loans. Banks are trying to attract borrowers and create attractive offers. The situation can be considered using the example of several banks.

  1. When applying for a loan in rubles, Gazprombank offers a rate of 24% for a period of 7 years, and the down payment is 10%.
  2. VTB 24, regardless of currency, issues at 14 - 25%. The minimum contribution starts from 15%.
  3. RBR offers a car loan for a period of 3 years with an interest rate of 14% per annum for commercial vehicles.
  4. UralSib issues loans for new cars, setting a rate of 25%, and the payment period is up to 5 years.

Applying for a car loan in 2014-2015 is a risky business, but as a result of a possible deterioration in the financial situation, such a chance may not arise over the next few years. If you need to take out a car loan, then it is better to give preference to large banks with the most favorable conditions. It is worth taking into account your payment capabilities and likely changes in the country’s economic sphere. The safest currency when applying for a loan is the national one.

Selection of a loan by parameters

So, we waited... It became possible to get a preferential car loan with government subsidies. In July 2013, the preferential car loan program was renewed for 2013 - 2014. Now almost anyone can purchase a domestically produced car. How does this happen and under what conditions? This is what we will deal with now.

Preferential program of state subsidies for car loans 2013-2014. Basic principles.

This program is being implemented on the basis of the current decree of our government No. 1171, published on December 28, 2010 - it was thanks to it that funds were allocated to the budget of our state to pay off the bank interest rate. Thus, the government of the Russian Federation supports domestic producers, providing additional jobs.

The main essence of this type of lending is a reduction in the interest rate by 2/3 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective on the date the loan was issued. For example, at the beginning of October 2013 it was 8.25%.

Therefore, by choosing a car loan from a bank that participates in the preferential car loan program, you can get a loan at the rate of the bank’s main programs minus 2/3 of 8.25, i.e. minus 5.52% per annum.

Which changes? Conditions for participation in the program

Not everyone who wants to participate in this lending program can expect to purchase a car on preferential terms. Both banks and the state put forward considerable demands to their borrowers.

    preferential car loans are provided exclusively in rubles and only to individuals who have a permanent place of registration.
    the purchased car should not cost more than RUB 750,000. The total weight should not exceed 3.5 tons.
    You won’t be able to buy any car you like. You can only purchase a car that is on the list approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. By the way, not only OKA or, for example, VAZ or GAZ fall under the category of domestic cars - a foreign car assembled in the vast Russian expanses is also considered a domestic car.
    You can only buy a new car. Thus, it will not be possible to get a car loan for a used car...

More specifically about preferential car loans with government subsidies

To understand this government bait in more detail, let’s consider the conditions and interest rates provided under this program by Sberbank of Russia.

Lending terms

    1. Car loan currency is exclusively rubles.
    2. Interest rate on the loan – from 8%.
    3. Down payment - 15%
    4. The minimum amount of the loan issued under these conditions is RUB 45,000.
    5. The maximum loan amount is no more than 637.5 rubles.
    6. The term of preferential lending is from 3 to 36 months.
    7. There is no commission for issuing a car loan with government subsidies.
    8. Collateral for the loan – the purchased car.
    9. The need to take out insurance - the car is insured against loss, damage or theft in favor of a banking institution. It should be understood that the cost of such insurance is not included in the preferential car loan.

Requirements for borrowers put forward by the bank and the state

    1. Only citizens of the Russian Federation can receive such a loan.
    2. The borrower's age must not be less than 21 years.
    3. At the time of full repayment of the loan, the borrower must not be more than 75 years old.
    4. The loan is issued exclusively to working citizens whose work experience is at least 6 months in one place and at least 1 year of total work experience.

Required documents

    1. Application for a loan.
    2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a permanent place of registration.
    3. Documents confirming the borrower’s employment and financial condition. As a rule, we are talking about a certificate of income and a copy of the work book or certificate of employment.

In general, if we are talking about the package of documents for obtaining such a loan, it is better not to limit yourself to the required minimum. Banks give preference to those borrowers who provide the most complete information about their financial situation and employment. The rule here is simple - the more guarantees you provide to the bank, the higher the chances of getting a preferential car loan.

By the way... You can easily get a car loan without an income certificate from Sberbank. Only the down payment will have to be 45%.

Which car can be purchased on credit under the terms of the state subsidy program for 2013-2014

Today, the list of cars covered by the government-subsidized lending program is quite impressive. Citizens of the Russian Federation can purchase cars of the following brands:

    1. Chevrolet Niva and Chevrolet Cruze as standard.
    2. Chevrolet Aveo and Cobalt.
    3. Citroen C4 with basic equipment and Citroen C-Elysee.
    4. Daewoo Nexia and Matiz.
    5. Ford Focus as standard.
    6. Hyundai Solaris.
    7. KIA Rio and Cee’d as standard.
    8. LADA Granta, Kalina, Priora, Largus, LADA 4×4 and Samara.
    9. Mazda3 in basic assembly.
    10. Mitsubishi Lancer as standard.
    11. Nissan Note, Almera and Tiida (initial configurations).
    12. Opel Astra (initial configurations).
    13. Peugeot 408 in basic equipment and Peugeot 301.
    14. Renault Duster, Logan and Sandero.
    15. Skoda Octavia with initial configuration and Skoda Fabia.
    16. Toyota Corolla.
    17. Volkswagen Polo.

Where to get?

In a good way, of course, you need to post a list of banks participating in this lending program, but it is large and contains more than 120 items. We will limit ourselves exclusively to the main and most well-known institutions - these are VTB 24, KB Europlan, Sberbank of Russia, Raiffeisenbank, Moscow Credit Bank, Rosenergobank, Bank Vozrozhdenie, Rosbank and many others.

Commercial banks offer many options for car loans, the terms of which are not always clearly beneficial to borrowers. Each lender strives to increase its profits and sets high interest rates, charges additional commissions and fees.

But automakers don’t need to make money on interest rates - the main thing for them is to increase sales of their products. That's why they strive to make vehicles more affordable. Hence the more favorable terms of loans issued through affiliate programs at car dealerships. What kind of preferential car loans can you count on in 2014?

There are three options for the main conditions of partner car loans in 2014, namely:

Minimum interest rate – from 0% and provision of installment plans for purchases;

Reducing the price of the car and providing additional services from the automaker and the dealership;

Loyal borrowing parameters – small down payment, long loan term, etc.

Previously, we looked at the terms of a car loan from VTB-24 and how to get a car loan for a used car.

Domestic cars in installments

A Chevrolet Niva car can be purchased on credit with a zero interest rate from all representatives of this domestic manufacturer - in dealer showrooms under joint programs. In a number of banks you can borrow up to 5 million rubles for the purchase of new Chevrolet Niva models for a year with an initial payment of 40% of the price of the car from your own funds.

Discount on car

The AvtoVAZ concern offers all borrowers a discount on any new cars of this brand. Due to this, clients can save money when purchasing vehicles using borrowed funds. And the rest of the terms of such a transaction are acceptable for any wallet.

Favorable conditions for purchasing a car

Lada Corporation cars can be purchased at many car dealerships across the country. The borrowing conditions are slightly different from the standard parameters of car loans - a Lada can be purchased on credit at 12-16% per annum for a period of 3-7 years. The down payment for such products is minimal - it can reach only 10-15% of the cost of the purchased car.

It is possible to find a suitable offer for preferential car loans in 2014 both in sales showrooms and in bank branches. The main limitation in this case is the need to purchase a new car without mileage of a specific make and model from an official representative, and not directly.

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New details about the state car loan program

In July 2013, a new preferential car loan program was launched, designed to stimulate sales of new passenger and commercial vehicles. It is worth noting that despite statements by officials that subsidized loans for the purchase of cars can be obtained from July, in fact this is not the case. At this stage, we are still working on various issues related to the registration, issuance and rate of car loans.

Background of the state car loan program

For the first time, such programs were launched in a number of Western European countries, including Germany. Their main task was to support car manufacturers and related industries by stimulating demand for cars. A similar path was followed in our country, when at the height of the crisis, under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, a program of preferential car loans was launched. It was thanks to her that, in fact, it was possible to save AVTOVAZ and find serious investors for the plant in the person of the Renault concern and the Nissan company. In addition, in difficult times, this program turned out to be a “lifesaver” for other car manufacturers whose models were included in the special list.

Let us briefly recall the main provisions of the previous loan program:

1. Russian citizens could count on receiving profitable car loans from state and commercial banks. Part of the cost of repaying them was compensated by the state, which made purchasing cars significantly cheaper.

2. It was possible to buy only cars assembled on Russian territory with a price of up to 600 thousand dollars. There was a serious struggle over inclusion in this list, but in the end they practically entered it.

3. To participate in the program and receive a preferential car loan, you had to make a down payment of 15% of the total cost of the new car.

Details about the new government benefit program. car loans for 2013-2014

Recently, a meeting was held under the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin, at which he strongly recommended that Russian banks reduce interest rates on mortgages, consumer and car loans, as well as on loans issued to businesses. Such a measure should, without any doubt, stimulate the growth of the Russian economy. Apparently, a new program of preferential lending for buyers of cars of the budget level and mid-price category.

As of mid-July, the following is known about preferential car loans of the 2013-2014 version:

1. The program will cover not only Russian-made cars, but also foreign cars, which will make government-subsidized loans even more attractive. Officials report this in informal conversations.

2. The down payment will be at 15% and will not be issued.

3. Most large and stable banks will be able to participate in the new program, including the market leader - Sberbank of Russia, as well as VTB24, Gazprombank, etc.

4. At the expense of the state, it is expected that borrowers or banks that issued preferential car loan with government subsidies, they will compensate the amount in the amount of 2/3 of the Central Bank refinancing rate. Currently it is 8.25%, so we can talk about compensation of approximately 5.5% of the regular rate.

At the moment, there is no exact information about all the parameters of the government loan program, but as soon as they appear, we will definitely inform our readers.

The first part of the material on this topic is, and the continuation of publications about preferential car loans, as well as an approximate list of cars that can be bought on credit -

Keywords: ,

The portal has prepared a rating of car loan banks based on the results of 2014. As part of the study, the volumes of banks' car loan portfolios, the level of delinquency on them, as well as the volumes of issues and the number of issued car loans in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions were examined.

The total portfolio of auto loans of the rating participants as of January 1, 2015 amounted to 720.9 billion rubles.

In terms of the volume of the car loan portfolio, the leader is the Sberbank of Russia group, which includes Sberbank itself and Cetelem Bank - the group’s portfolio totals 144.5 billion rubles. In second place is VTB 24 (117.6 billion rubles), in third place is Rusfinance Bank (84.5 billion rubles).

The top five banks with the largest portfolio of car loans also include Unicredit Bank (over 73 billion rubles) and Rosbank (59.4 billion rubles).

Over the past year, Svyaz-Bank showed the best dynamics in terms of growth in the portfolio of car loans to individuals from the represented credit institutions (plus 147.08%). Cetelem Bank also showed good dynamics (plus 120.82%).

The largest drop was noted by Pervomaisky Bank (minus 72.43%), and among banks with a portfolio of more than a billion rubles – by Credit Europe Bank (minus 25.75%).

The majority of rating participants reduced the share of car loans in their retail portfolio in the second half of 2014. The largest reduction is noticeable at Europlan Bank (from 99.06% as of July 2014 to 87.12% as of January 2015). UniCredit Bank also stood out (share drop from 53.22% to 46.54%) and Credit Europe Bank (from 44.86% to 39.81%).

Banks that have increased their share of car loans stand out noticeably against the general background. These include Plus Bank (growth in the second half of 2014 by 14.39 percentage points to 90.46%), AiMoneyBank (growth by 11.06 percentage points to 70.88%), Pervobank (growth by 4 .51 percentage points to 51.33%) and Cetelem Bank (share increase by 3.56 percentage points to 81.38%).

You can find expert forecasts regarding the car loan market in.

Registration number

Portfolio of car loans to individuals as of 01/01/15, thousand rubles

Share of car loans in the retail loan portfolio as of 01/01/15, %

Portfolio of car loans to individuals as of July 1, 2014, thousand rubles

Share of car loans in the retail loan portfolio as of 07/01/14, %

Portfolio of car loans to individuals as of 01/01/14, thousand rubles

Share of car loans in the retail loan portfolio as of 01/01/14, %

Dynamics of the car loan portfolio for the year, %

Sberbank Group of Russia

including Cetelem Bank

Rusfinance Bank

UniCredit Bank

Toyota Bank

Credit Europe Bank

Metcombank (Cherepovets)*




Credit Bank of Moscow

Plus Bank


Europlan Bank


Bank "Saint-Petersburg"


Khanty-Mansiysk Bank**

Russian Capital

Asia-Pacific Bank



Alfa Bank




Nordea Bank



Bank Rosgosstrah




Baltic Bank






Solidarity (Samara)



45 banks agreed to talk about their overdue car loans. Of these, Surgutneftegazbank has the smallest overdue amount – 0.10%. Also, the minimum level of overdue debt is at the Moscow Industrial Bank (0.51%) and at Toyota Bank (0.54%).

Registration number

Share of overdue debt in the car loan portfolio as of 01/01/15, %

Volume of overdue debt in the portfolio of car loans to individuals as of 01/01/15, thousand rubles

Share of overdue debt in the car loan portfolio as of July 1, 2014, %

Volume of overdue debt in the portfolio of car loans to individuals as of July 1, 2014, thousand rubles

Share of overdue debt in the car loan portfolio as of 01/01/14, %

Volume of overdue debt in the portfolio of car loans to individuals as of 01/01/14, thousand rubles


Moscow Industrial Bank

Toyota Bank



Russian Capital



Europlan Bank

Bank "Saint-Petersburg"


Plus Bank






Credit Bank of Moscow

Asia-Pacific Bank



Rusfinance Bank





Metcombank (Cherepovets)*


Solidarity (Samara)



Nordea Bank


Alfa Bank

Bank Rosgosstrah

Baltic Bank



*The bank provided updated data for one or more previous reporting periods

At the end of 2014, 46 banks that took part in the rating and shared data on the volume and number of loans issued, collectively issued car loans to individuals for 398.8 billion rubles.

The largest number of car loans was issued by the Sberbank of Russia group (over 84 billion rubles, including 71.8 billion rubles issued by Cetelem Bank). In second place is VTB 24 (60.9 billion rubles), and in third place is Rusfinance Bank (51.6 billion rubles).

These same credit institutions are leaders in the number of loans provided. Thus, over the 12 months of 2014, the Sberbank of Russia group issued 150.5 thousand car loans (of which 128.2 thousand were issued by Cetelem Bank). VTB 24 accounts for 114.6 thousand, and Rusfinance Bank – 107.1 thousand.

Let us pay special attention to the fact that Alfa-Bank and Rosavtobank provided data on the volume and number of issued car loans only for the second half of 2014 and therefore were not ranked by these indicators for the entire 2014.

Registration number

Volume of car loans provided in 2014, thousand rubles

Volume of car loans provided to individuals in the second half of 2014, thousand rubles

Volume of car loans provided to individuals in the first half of 2014, thousand rubles

Volume of car loans provided to individuals in the second half of 2013, thousand rubles

In Moscow and Moscow region

In other regions

In Moscow and Moscow region

In other regions

In Moscow and Moscow region

In other regions

Sberbank Group of Russia

including Cetelem Bank

Rusfinance Bank

UniCredit Bank

Toyota Bank


Metcombank (Cherepovets)

Credit Europe Bank

Plus Bank




Europlan Bank


Credit Bank of Moscow


Russian Capital

Bank "Saint-Petersburg"

Asia-Pacific Bank

Khanty-Mansiysk Bank**









Nordea Bank


Moscow Industrial Bank






Baltic Bank

Bank Rosgosstrah

Alfa Bank


*The bank provided updated data for one or more previous reporting periods

**Until November 2014, the bank existed as a separate legal entity, but since November, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Otkritie Bank and Novosibirsk Municipal Bank were transformed into a new legal entity during the reorganization - Khanty-Mansiysk Otkritie Bank

Registration number

Number of car loans provided in 2014, pcs.

Number of car loans provided to individuals in the second half of 2014

Number of car loans provided to individuals in the first half of 2014

Number of car loans provided to individuals in the second half of 2013

In Moscow and Moscow region

In other regions

In Moscow and Moscow region

In other regions

In Moscow and Moscow region

In other regions

Sberbank Group of Russia

including Cetelem Bank

Rusfinance Bank

UniCredit Bank

Toyota Bank


Metcombank (Cherepovets)

Credit Europe Bank


Plus Bank




Europlan Bank


Asia-Pacific Bank


Russian Capital


Credit Bank of Moscow

Bank "Saint-Petersburg"


Khanty-Mansiysk Bank**






Nordea Bank





Moscow Industrial Bank



Baltic Bank

Bank Rosgosstrah

Alfa Bank


*The bank provided updated data for one or more previous reporting periods

**Until November 2014, the bank existed as a separate legal entity, but since November, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Otkritie Bank and Novosibirsk Municipal Bank were transformed into a new legal entity during the reorganization - Khanty-Mansiysk Otkritie Bank