Fixed or floating interest rate? What is a "variable" and "fixed" mortgage interest rate? Fixed and floating interest rate.

From nominal value bonds, which the issuer is obliged to pay to the owner of the bond.

Economic dictionary. 2010 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .

See what "FIXED PERCENTAGE" is in other dictionaries:

    fixed percentage- the percentage of the nominal value of the bond that the issuer is obliged to pay to the owner of the bond... Dictionary of economic terms

    Swap- (Swap) Swap is an agreement between two counterparties to exchange future payments in accordance with the terms of the Swap contract: currency swap, swap transaction, credit swap, interest rate swap, credit default swap, swap operations,... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    Coupon- (Coupon) Concepts of coupon, types of bonds, bond market Information about the concept of coupon, types of bonds, bond market Contents Contents Types of bonds bonds general characteristics and classification of bonds Corporate bonds… … Investor Encyclopedia

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    BOND- BONDAn interest-bearing certificate of debt, one of a series constituting a loan to a government or business corporation or official. a promise by a borrower to pay a specified amount of money to a lender on a specified future date, with or without a guarantee, signed and... Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance

    - (investment of capital), the acquisition of assets from which it is expected to generate income in excess of costs. Individuals invest savings in order to increase them and accumulate funds that can be spent on consumption in the future or... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    Derivative- (Derivative) A derivative is a security based on one or more underlying assets. A derivative is a derivative. financial instrument, types and classification of securities, derivatives market in the world and Russia Contents >>>>>>> ... Investor Encyclopedia

    An obligation that does not give the creditor the right to fixed percentage. In this case, the debtor recognizes a floating interest depending on the results economic activity your company. Dictionary of financial terms. Conditional interest rate Conditional... ... Financial Dictionary

    - (fixed interest security) A type of security (security) for which an announced fixed interest is paid once twice a year. Such securities include first-class securities (gilt edges securities), bonds (bonds), ... ... Financial Dictionary

Fixed interest rate

Fixed interest rate - a constant interest rate set for a certain period and not dependent on market conditions.

See also: Fixed interest rates Interest rates Securities with fixed interest rates

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what “Fixed interest rate” is in other dictionaries:

    Constant interest rate on Bank loan, established for a certain period, for a certain calendar period. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 p.. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    A constant interest rate on a bank loan, established for a certain calendar period...

    fixed interest rate- a constant interest rate on a bank loan, established for a certain period, for a certain calendar period... Dictionary of economic terms

    Fixed interest rate on a mortgage loan- – percentage determined once upon conclusion and for the entire duration of the contract. This rate, unlike a floating one, is not subject to revision. A fixed rate can be beneficial to both the lender and the borrower because it allows... ... Banking Encyclopedia

    - (English interest rate) is an amount indicated as a percentage of the loan amount that the recipient of the loan pays for using it for a certain period (month, quarter, year). From the perspective of the theory of money, interest rate... ... Wikipedia

    Interest rate- (Interest rate) Interest rate is the percentage of monetary profit that the borrower pays to the lender for the loan money capital Determination of interest rate, types of interest rates on loans, real and nominal interest... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    - (see FIXED INTEREST RATE) … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    See Fixed interest rate Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    INTEREST RATE- (English rate of interest) – the relative amount of interest payments on loan capital for a certain period, usually a year. Calculated as the ratio of absolute. the amount of interest payments for the year to the amount of loan capital. There are P.s... Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary

    Interest rate is an amount indicated as a percentage of the loan amount that the recipient of the loan pays for using it for a certain period (month, quarter, year). From the perspective of the theory of money, interest rate... ... Wikipedia

We study the terms of loans with the lowest fixed interest rates to date

Ten loans with fixed rates

Metallinvestbank is holding an autumn promotion with reduced loan rates. The borrower can take out a consumer loan for an amount of at least 100 thousand rubles. for a period of 6 months, from 7 to 12 months. and from 13 to 24 months. Depending on the term, the fixed interest rate also increases: 17%, 18% and 18.5%, provided that the borrower takes part in the voluntary collective insurance program. IN otherwise the rate will be 19%, 20% and 20.5% respectively. We remind you that the amount of insurance may be commensurate with the reduced interest on the loan, so you need to carefully calculate your benefit.

Unsecured consumer loan that does not require a guarantee individuals, is available for any purpose at VTB24 Bank. From 100 thousand to 3 million rubles. can be obtained for a period of 6 months. up to 3 years at a rate of 17% per annum. To receive a loan, you must provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a certificate in form 2-NDFL and insurance certificate state pension insurance(SNILS). To receive a loan for an amount exceeding 400 thousand rubles, you must provide a copy of your work record book or employment contract, certified by the HR department at the place of work.

You can always find these and other loans, compare conditions and choose a financial product that is right for you. The table below shows the best consumer loans with fixed rates.

TOP 10 fixed rate loans

Bid Sum
100 12 -
VTB 24/
17% 100 -
3 million
6 - 36 -
100 -
7 - 12;
13 - 24
without personal
fear +2%
Center-Invest /
10 -
3 - 6;
6 - 60
help on
bank form
+ 1–2%
17,9% 15 -
6 - 12 without personal
fear +2%
Deal-Bank /
20% 50 -
up to 24 -
RTS-Bank /
23% 10 -
up to 36 without personal
fear +2%
50 -
6 - 18;
19 - 36;
37 - 60
without personal
fear +2%

Russia is discussing the issue of reviving mortgages with a floating rate

In Russia, they are discussing the issue of reviving mortgages with a floating rate. At the end of last year, the leadership of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML). At the end of October, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov instructed the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Construction, together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, AHML and a number of leading Russian banks, to prepare proposals for state subsidies variable rate mortgages linked to key rate Central Bank or inflation.

The Ministry of Construction is considering the possibility of introducing a floating interest rate on mortgages from 2016 to maintain the volume of loans issued. However, already in November, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Aleksey Moiseev stated that “a floating mortgage rate with state support, if introduced, should not be tied to inflation.” “If it is tied to inflation, it is destructive for all participants in the process, including banks,” Moiseev emphasized.

What is a variable rate

Floating/variable interest rate is a loan rate, the amount of which is not fixed, but is calculated according to a formula determined by the agreement. As a rule, it is tied to rates on the interbank market, for example to MosPrime - the indicative rate for providing ruble loans on the Moscow money market.

To this rate the bank also adds its own fixed percentage. Depending on the terms of the contract, the rate may be revised both daily and at other agreed times, for example monthly. The time intervals through which the bank revises the floating rate are called interest periods.

Meanwhile, a variable rate for the mortgage lending market in Russia is not an innovation - in some banking products it was laid before. “It was and is used by many banks, although in 2014-2015 it was much less common,” recalls Irina Pavlova, head of the internal control service of DeltaCredit Bank. DeltaCredit previously had products with a floating rate, but they were not in great demand and were closed. “They were not in high demand, since they were only available for loans in foreign currency and were initially one of the riskiest types of lending,” says Kristina Shulgina, head of the mortgage and loans department at NDV-Real Estate.

Experts believe that floating rate proposals are unlikely to provide significant competition standard offers On the market. “The fact is that the borrower who has chosen credit program with a fixed rate, knows how much he has to pay the bank every month. This means that you can clearly plan your mortgage expenses, which is especially important during periods of economic instability,” explains Kristina Shulgina.

The benefit of a mortgage loan does not depend on the type of lending: fixed rate or floating. “The benefit no longer depends on the type, but on the size of the interest rate. But in general, a fixed rate gives a clear understanding of the size of the monthly payment for the entire loan term. With a floating rate, it is almost impossible to predict the dynamics of the index to which it is tied. This complicates the assessment of a client’s solvency for the bank and budget planning for the clients themselves,” says Irina Pavlova.

According to experts, a person who takes out a mortgage may face unpredictable expenses. “This is due to the fact that such a rate consists of two parts - a fixed base interest and a floating index (most likely, we will be talking about the ruble MosPrime), which is always in dynamics. For comparison, at the beginning of this year the index was 23.52%, in June - 13.42%, in November - already 11.82% (within 6-10% a few years earlier). That is, borrowers who take out such a mortgage run the risk of receiving unpredictable and higher-than-expected payments, and this is a direct path to late payments. mortgage debts", explains Kristina Shulgina.

However, there are combination mortgage products on the market. The difference between combined rates is that the rate is not fixed for a year, as with floating rates, and not for the entire loan period, as with fixed rates. So, according to Irina Pavlova, DeltaCredit Bank now has a product with a combined rate - the first five years the rate is fixed, then the remaining period - from 7.75% + Mosprime 3M. “This product was in great demand among our clients in 2008-2014, in 2015 clients prefer fixed rate", she reports.

Sergey Velesevich; photo Alexander Ryumin (TASS)

When applying for a mortgage loan, some banks offer borrowers two types of interest rates, namely fixed and floating interest rates. They were invented by banks to diversify the offer of products for borrowers and give them the opportunity to choose the most interesting option. And, as practice shows, each has its own application.

Fixed interest rate- this is a system of calculating interest, when throughout the entire loan period, loan payments are calculated based on the same percentage for using the loan amount.

Floating interest rate- this is a system of calculating interest, which is “tied” to some market indicator. The size of the floating interest rate consists of two parts - the base part and the floating index, which affects the increase or decrease in the rate. Most borrowers are afraid to take out a loan with a floating interest rate because they are afraid of a sharp increase in the index, which affects the interest rate, however, almost all banks are ready to support the interests of their clients and, in the event of a significant increase in the index, set maximum size interest rate above which it cannot rise.

To issue loans for Russian market Most often, two indices are used: LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate, or London Interbank Offered Rate) for loans in foreign currency and MosPrime (MosPrime Rate - Moscow Prime Offered Rate) for ruble loans.

LIBOR is an internationally recognized indicator of value financial resources. At this rate, the largest banks in the world are ready to lend to others large banks loans on the London Interbank Exchange. The abbreviation LIBOR stands for London InterBank Offer Rate.

MosPrime(Moscow Prime Offered Rate) is an indicative rate for providing ruble loans (deposits) on the Moscow market. This rate is formed by the National Monetary Association (NMA) based on the rates for placing ruble loans (deposits) announced by the leading participants in the Russian money market first class financial institutions. The rates announced by banks to form the indicative MosPrime Rate are purely indicative information; at the same time, the announced rates must reflect the level of interest rates at which participating banks at the time of the announcement of quotes will be ready to provide loans issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to first-class financial institutions carrying out operations on the Moscow money market.

How does the floating interest rate change?

The LIBOR rate can be fixed for various periods from several days to 12 months. IN mortgage lending LIBOR 6 months (LIBOR 6m) is often used. Typically, when lending with a floating rate, the interest rate changes 2 times a year, i.e. every 6 months the floating part changes, depending on the value of a certain market indicator. Other options are possible, for example, the index may be revised every 3 or 12 months. Frequent changes in interest rates are not convenient for the loan recipients themselves, therefore credit organizations They try to stick to a period of 6 months. In each new period, the borrower will repay the loan taking into account the new index value.

How does the “fixed” interest rate change?

The fixed interest rate can only change in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement or by agreement of the parties. Russian legislation does not provide other grounds for changing the interest rate. Therefore, if loan agreement not otherwise provided, the interest rate can only be changed upon signature by the borrower additional document, changing the terms of the loan agreement.

The main advantage of a fixed interest rate is stability, in which the borrower always knows how much he must pay and does not need regular conclusions additional agreements with a bank, however, when receiving a loan with a floating interest rate, there is always a chance to save a little, because even 0.5-1% of the difference can result in a very noticeable family budget amounts. In the event of a noticeable increase in the floating interest rate, as a last resort, you can always contact the bank to refinance the loan, i.e. providing a new loan to repay the existing one. Wherein new loan worth borrowing at a fixed interest rate.