Is it possible to take out a mortgage on non-residential premises? Is it possible to get a mortgage for a garden plot with a house, under what conditions and in which banks? Rented land will be approved for a mortgage on a house.

Many citizens like to spend weekends away from the noisy city, at their summer cottage. However, not everyone can afford to buy a garden plot with a house for cash. What can you do to make your dreams of owning your own country house with a plot of land come true? In this case, you can take out a mortgage for a garden plot with a house.

Features of the sites

Not every plot of land can be taken out on a mortgage. It is not allowed to buy land that is owned by shares or belongs to the state. The borrower will receive a loan refusal if he decides to purchase land on credit that has been withdrawn from circulation.

If there is any structure on the land, for example, a house, then the mortgage will apply to it. The principle of indivisibility has been approved at the legislative level. When all the paperwork is completed, the conditions for both the land plot and the country house will be specified.

You can purchase a garden plot with a house on a mortgage solely for personal purposes. While the plot with the house is under mortgage, it cannot be rented out. Also, additional buildings cannot be erected without prior approval from the lender. All changes must be agreed with the bank in writing.

It is worth taking into account that not every plot of land can be purchased on credit. There are no standards approved at the legislative level, but banks can introduce their own restrictions.

Home mortgage

Before lending the borrower the desired amount, a bank appraiser will carefully examine the property and determine its market value. In most cases, financial companies are ready to provide loans for stone, brick and mixed houses. Wooden buildings may receive a refusal.

As an exception, some banks issue mortgages for wooden house. The interest rate on such a product will be inflated, from 15% per annum. As part of this program, the bank requires property to be insured against fire for the entire loan term. Thanks to the insurance contract, the lender minimizes risks.

What do banks offer?

Savings Bank has captured a colossal market share mortgage lending. Large bank country offers to apply for a loan for a garden plot with a house. To apply for a loan, you will need to provide a minimum number of documents: passport, income certificate and documents for land plot.

Before applying for a loan, the bank checks its borrower for existing loans and carefully studies credit history. Only citizens with a good credit dossier will be able to get a mortgage.

If a client has been receiving for several years wages to a savings bank card, you can count on special conditions and a reduced loan rate.

On the official website of the company, for the convenience of citizens, credit calculator, thanks to which you can independently calculate the loan amount and the amount of the monthly payment.

You can get money to purchase land with a house from Rosselkhozbank. The bank is ready to provide a loan based on two documents. to corporative clients and holders salary cards the bank is also ready to offer individual conditions lending.

The loan product, thanks to which you can get a loan for both a plot of land and a house, is called “Country Real Estate”. The loan provides for an initial payment of 25% of the cost of the purchased land plot with a house. The interest rate is set personally for each client and ranges from 12% per annum. The desired amount can be obtained for up to 30 years.

You can get a loan either on the security of the purchased property or on a guarantee. You will need to take out a fire, flood and burglary insurance policy for your home. The land plot is not subject to insurance.

The loan is available to citizens from 21 to 75 years of age. The savings bank is ready to issue a mortgage loan only to officially employed citizens whose work experience in their last place is at least 6 months.

You can apply for a loan from a bank using two documents. Mortgage loans are available from 100 thousand rubles to 8 million. The mortgage is issued for a period of up to 25 years.

As part of the mortgage product, the borrower must pay a down payment equal to 50% of the value of the purchased property.

An insurance contract will need to be drawn up not only for the property, but also for the borrower. The property will be insured in case of fire and illegal actions by third parties. The borrower will receive an accident insurance policy.

To apply for a loan, you will need a passport and a second personal document. A mortgage application is reviewed within 10 working days.

Officially employed citizens aged 21 to 65 can receive the desired amount. The interest rate is set individually for each client and ranges from 13.40 to 16% per annum.

Getting a mortgage through a broker

To save time, you can ask for help from credit broker, which will tell you about lending conditions from all leading banks. Qualified employees of the brokerage company will help you fill out the application and select the best conditions mortgage loan on a plot of land with a house.

Welcome! So, today we have a land mortgage. You will learn the features of land mortgages: benefits and alternatives. Among city residents, the trend is gaining momentum to buy suburban plots and build houses there to suit their taste. Let’s figure out whether it’s profitable to take out a mortgage on a plot of land, even if you really want to.

Land mortgages in Russia are of two types:

  • Mortgage for the purchase of land;
  • And for the acquisition of land for the purpose of building a cottage, house, summer house, and so on.

The bank’s requirements for the actual land being acquired depend on the purposes for obtaining a mortgage on land plots.

Today, few banks offer such a service as a land mortgage. Given the high cost of land suitable for housing, any bank becomes interested only in liquid options. In other words, the bank is more likely to approve a mortgage on land in a building under construction cottage village than in a wild field on the bank of an unknown river, for example. Therefore, the bank will even be interested in what kind of house you are going to build - garden, country house, residential...

Before you finally decide on the choice of site, you must first understand why you need it. The final choice of mortgage program will depend on this. So, if you are planning to buy a dacha, then it is worth considering, if it is a cottage, then read our post about it, but if it is, then there will be completely different conditions.

Features of land mortgages: a number of important nuances:

The main difference between a land mortgage and a regular one is the inverted procedure. If you are planning to buy an apartment, then before going to the bank, you will look at several options for living space that are suitable for you, and only then go to submit an application. But if you are planning to purchase a plot of land on credit, it would be wiser to first choose a bank, familiarize yourself with its requirements, and only then select land that meets these conditions. This method of searching for land will help you reduce the purchase time.

The second important difference from a mortgage on an apartment or a finished house is the ability to build anything on the purchased plot without the bank’s permission, if this is not specified in the loan agreement.

There are also a number of other features of a mortgage secured by land:

  • When mortgaging a land plot, the right of pledge remains with the bank. That is, not only the borrower can build whatever he wants on the collateral land plot: the bank also retains this right. Moreover, in order to build a building on a plot of land, the bank does not even need the permission of the owner - in some cases.
  • The borrower, after signing the loan agreement, will have rights to all buildings erected on his site.
  • If in a standard mortgage the collateral can be a share in an apartment, then the share of a land plot is not collateral for such a loan. If the earth is in shared ownership, it can only be mortgaged if the borrower has the consent of all other owners of such a plot. The same rule applies when applying for this type of lending, such as a mortgage of the right to lease a land plot.
  • Interest rates are usually significantly higher than in a classic mortgage. This is easily explained: an apartment as collateral is recognized by the bank as much more liquid than land.
  • A leased land plot can be taken out with a mortgage if its lease term exceeds the loan term.

Mortgaging a plot of land is quite popular today: plots of land are actively being purchased in garden and dacha cooperatives, cottage and other suburban settlements. The number of offers for such mortgages from Russian banks is increasing.

A mortgage for the purchase of land has a number of significant advantages:

  • First of all, after all interest rate mortgages on land are lower than the interest rate on a secured consumer loan.
  • Secondly, the loan repayment period remains long - some banks offer such a loan for up to 30 years.
  • Thirdly, you can build without regard to the bank's construction requirements.


The bank recognizes the land plot as profitable and will issue a mortgage on it if its requirements are satisfied. These may vary from bank to bank, but we will provide a list of standard characteristics of land for a mortgage.

Requirements for a land plot purchased with a mortgage:

  1. Location of the land plot: how far is it from the nearest populated areas, towns, large cities, etc.
  2. Availability of transport interchanges and communications nearby
  3. Well developed infrastructure.
  4. The land belongs to the territory settlement with permission to use it for construction? It’s good if the option you choose is located within the city: Russian banks really don’t like agricultural land.
  5. Should not be located near environmentally hazardous enterprises.
  6. The bank will not issue a mortgage on a land plot that is located in an environmental or reserve zone.
  7. It is advisable that the land you choose is located near the branch of the bank that issued your mortgage. Many banks even indicate the maximum distance at which the site can be located - usually it does not exceed 70 km from the locality where the bank branch is located.
  8. Banks are very fond of land plots that can be easily accessed by car, so the presence of a road next to the land offered as collateral will only be a plus.
  9. The area of ​​land must be no less than that established by the bank in its requirements.
  10. The land plot must have clearly defined boundaries.
  11. The land must already be registered in the cadastral register.
  12. There should be no obligations on the land plot you have chosen: arrest, lease or mortgage already issued on it.
  13. The seller must be the owner of the land plot.

The most popular land plots are now considered to be plots in cottage villages, so banks always give preference to them.

There is an unequivocal ban established by Russian legislation only on the acquisition of two types of land using a mortgage:

  • Lands owned by municipal or state bodies;
  • And the land area is too small.

If you like a certain plot of land, but you don’t know whether everything is in order with it, from a legal point of view, or you need to change the category of the land plot or its intended purpose, then please sign up for a free consultation with our online lawyer in the special form below. He will help you promptly.

Who is more likely to be approved?

You can enter into a mortgage loan agreement with a bank only if you:

  • Citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • An adult, but not of retirement age;
  • You have a residence permit in the locality where you are going to apply for a mortgage;
  • You have stable employment and can confirm this;
  • You have sufficient regular income to repay the loan;
  • And if you have a good credit history.

How to apply

A mortgage on a plot of land can be issued in a few simple steps:

  1. Selecting the bank branch where you are going to take out a mortgage and familiarizing yourself with the bank’s requirements for the land plot.
  2. Selecting a plot of land (or better yet, several) that satisfies all the bank’s requirements.
  3. Submission of an application and approval by the bank of the land plot and the mortgage application in general.
  4. Preparation and collection of documents for the land plot, verification by the bank.
  5. If the documents do not cause any complaints from the bank, obtain loan funds and purchase a land plot.

Basic documents you will need to obtain a mortgage on land:

  • Certificate of ownership of the land plot;
  • Land plan (it must contain: cadastral number, information about the location of the plot, price, area, type of use, category);
  • Permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities - only if the land plot is in shared or full ownership of the minor;
  • Consent of all co-owners of the land plot (for example, both spouses);
  • Expert report on the land plot;
  • A certificate confirming the absence of any buildings on the land plot.

Offers from banks


  • Amount – from 300,000 rubles;
  • Down payment – ​​from 25%;
  • Repayment period – up to 30 years;
  • Interest rate – from 12 to 14%;
  • Conditions of the pledge: pledge of the purchased property,

Sberbank issues the largest amount due to accounting additional income without document confirmation. Lends to pensioners and can issue a loan until the borrower turns 75 years old. Fairly loyal to borrowers.

Rosselkhoz Bank

  • Amount – from 100,000 to 20,000,000 rubles;
  • Down payment – ​​from 15%;
  • Repayment period – from 1 month to 30 years
  • Interest rate – from 12.9% to 17.5%;
  • Conditions of collateral: purchased property.

Reliable state bank. There is a “Young Family” program, which allows you to reduce the rate and PV by up to 10%. It is allowed to use maternity capital as a down payment.

Only these two state banks provide a classic mortgage for the purchase of a land plot, in which it is used as collateral. Other bank offers involve a mortgage secured by property.

Alternative options

Despite the seemingly numerous advantages (the ability to quickly acquire land, a long loan repayment period, large amounts secured by the bank), a land mortgage is not the most profitable option for acquiring land. The point here is that a plot of land is a non-standard collateral object, and it is quite likely that it is also illiquid. It is simply unprofitable for any financial institution to issue a lump sum to the borrower, given that the bank may not recoup this investment for itself. Therefore, a fairly common outcome of any attempt to contact a bank with a request to issue a mortgage loan for an illiquid plot of land will be that the mortgage amount is too small.

To protect themselves, banks use an increased coefficient to determine the loan amount: you may not have enough money to purchase land, which you will have to obtain without the help of the bank. Here you will have only three ways to get out of the situation:

  1. Offer the bank additional collateral, for example an apartment.
  2. Design consumer loan.
  3. Take out a loan secured by existing real estate.

For any bank, the most profitable option will be option number one - they will willingly accept an apartment as collateral. But this will only make sense if credit funds cover not only the purchase of land, but also the construction of a house on it.

It will be a real salvation in a situation where the plot of land you have chosen does not meet the bank’s requirements, the cost of such land is relatively small, and you can easily repay the loan debt within up to 5 years. Then you will not only not overpay, but will also save yourself from the need to bother with documents for collateral.

It can help if the bank has not approved the land plot, and there are not enough consumer loan funds to purchase land and build a house on it. Of course, the interest rate on such a mortgage will be higher than for a mortgage secured by the purchased property, but even in general, the overpayment and the rate will be lower or equal to what is offered by the bank in the event that the land is not suitable or does not quite meet the established requirements .

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Many people dream of having their own home outside the city. This is especially true for residents of megacities who suffer from the bustle and gas pollution of a large settlement. In this case, building a house outside the city limits becomes the best option resolving the issue. However, there is one problem. A wide selection of land offers is faced with a lack of sufficient money to make the dream come true. Many simply cannot afford such luxury. A mortgage on a land plot can help out in this situation.

This kind financial services has not yet become widespread, although its popularity is steadily growing. The peculiarities of land mortgages include the greater complexity of the registration process when compared with classic options for such a loan. This is also due to the “novelty” of the service provided. This type of mortgage appeared in our country only a few years ago. Therefore, it is not an easy task to find a suitable loan program.

Among the financial institutions issuing such a loan in 2019, one can note Sberbank, RosEvrobank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB 24, etc. Many of specified organizations provide loans for the purchase of land only from their partner companies.

Sberbank has the most favorable conditions for obtaining a mortgage on land. The interest rate here is minimal, while an initial fee must be 50% or more of the value of the property with a loan term of ten years. There are other possible options. The longer the loan term and the smaller the down payment amount, the higher the interest rate on the loan issued.

Conditions for granting a mortgage on a land plot

Whether it is possible to take out a mortgage on a plot of land is decided by the bank. It is he who sets the conditions for issuing a loan for the acquisition of land. To increase your chances of success, you should pay increased attention to certain aspects of the issue.

Requirements for the collateral

Loan security is an important point. In this case, the purchased plot of land serves as collateral. At the same time, its liquidity should be taken into account. The estimated value of an allotment is determined by a number of factors.

Land is a very specific type of collateral. For this reason, financial institutions set fairly stringent requirements for it.

A mortgage for the purchase of a land plot can be issued provided that the property meets the following requirements:

  • The allotment must be included in the list of lands of the settlement that can be used for private housing construction. With other types of land plots banking organizations they do not like to work due to the difficulty of tracking the legality of their rejection. A mortgage on a plot of land for individual housing construction is the best option.
  • The location of the land is also of great importance. Financial institutions clearly record the maximum permissible distance of an allotment from the city - within 100 kilometers. Some banks have an even lower bar - about 30 kilometers.
  • The site should not be located in a reserve, environmental protection zone, otherwise you risk not getting a loan.
  • A serious advantage will be the availability of utilities on the territory: sewerage, electricity, gas and water.
  • It is desirable that the plot area be at least 6 acres and there is a road along which you can get to the plot throughout the year. Don't count on borrowed funds, if you plan to purchase a plot of more than 50 acres. Good transport links will be an additional advantage when applying for a loan.

Procedure for obtaining a loan

When deciding to take out a mortgage to purchase a plot of land without a building, you need to follow a certain pattern. Some people mistakenly believe that they first need to choose a suitable plot option, and only then contact a financial institution to apply for a loan. In practice, things are different.

It is necessary to take into account that each of the banking institutions offers its own conditions and has some peculiarities in the execution of agreements for this type of mortgage. First you need to make a choice financial organization, and only then proceed to selecting a suitable plot of land, taking into account established by the bank criteria for allotment. This approach will save you a lot of time and effort.

A land mortgage is issued after the borrower provides a whole package of documents. The list is identical for all banking institutions, the differences are insignificant. This set includes:

  • Document on state registration of rights - its copy certified by a notary
  • Cadastral extract for the plot in the original
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for land, etc.

You will also need to attach documents that can serve as confirmation that the borrower is working, has a sufficient level of income, etc.

All collected papers are sent for verification to specialists in the analytical department of the banking institution. If necessary, additional requests may be submitted to owners, borrowers and notaries. Only after a thorough analysis of the documents provided does the financial institution issue a verdict regarding the possibility of a particular borrower obtaining a land mortgage. Usually a decision is made within 3-5 days.

On the agreed day, the mortgage agreement, purchase and sale agreement and insurance agreement are signed. The borrower then needs to transfer the down payment and borrowed funds to a safe deposit box at the lending institution. The final stage is registration of ownership rights to the newly acquired plot.

Specifics of the agreement

The land pledge agreement has some features that must be taken into account. This stipulates the borrower’s right to carry out construction on the building site at his own request, without coordinating the actions with the lender. Regarding the form and content of the above agreement, the following points should be noted.

All significant conditions must be recorded in the document. The conclusion of the agreement is carried out in writing and certified by a notary. Also, in accordance with current legislation, it is necessary to register a land mortgage. It is necessary to specify in detail the data on a specific land plot, including its cadastral number, location, shape, size, purpose and other features.

Underwater rocks

It must be taken into account that the applicant will need to have a higher income than in the case of obtaining a loan for an apartment.
Loan terms do not differ particularly from standard ones and range from 10 to 25 years. Typically, the borrower needs to immediately deposit at least 20% of the cost of the purchased plot.

As collateral banking institution may require any additional real estate. Reinsurance from outside credit organization due to the high risk of debt non-repayment and the specifics credit product. The land plot is very difficult to evaluate adequately. Therefore, conducting such transactions is an order of magnitude more difficult task than selling a city apartment. The cost of land is formed under the influence of many factors. A currently profitable deal may lose its value after several years.

An example is the fact of the organization of hazardous production in a selected picturesque place. In this case, the land plot, which was of great value, loses its liquidity. If such a need arises, the lender will not be able to sell it at an adequate cost. Therefore, banking structures are not too fond of taking risks by providing a mortgage loan for the purchase of a plot of land. To insure itself, a financial institution has to tighten requirements for borrowers and impose significant overpayments on the loan.

The land market in our country has not yet fully formed - the process is just underway. Financial institutions classify land as a low-liquid asset, the value of which is quite difficult to establish. In this regard, so far a small number of banks are ready to offer their clients profitable programs lending secured by land.

It is difficult to meet a person who would not dream of his own country house, because outdoor recreation is one of the best.

However, due to the lack of financial opportunity, few succeed in turning this idea into reality.

A good solution to this problem is a mortgage for the purchase of a house with land. This is exactly what will be discussed below.

The vast majority of Russian banks are accustomed to issuing loans for the purchase of apartments. For this reason, almost everyone is “rigged” to buy them.

Main differences country house in this matter are:

It should also be noted that you can count on getting a mortgage to buy a house with a plot of land only if it is housing belongs to the category “Residential”. That is, it must contain all communications necessary for normal life: electricity, water and gas.

The peculiarity of the presented mortgage is that this financial assistance can only be provided if there is at least one permanent structure. In other words, at the time of applying to the bank, a potential borrower must at least begin construction of a house or prove his intention to build it in the future. Otherwise, he will be denied a mortgage, since the execution of loan agreements in relation to “bare land” is currently not allowed.

Mortgage loan terms

The conditions for a bank to provide financial assistance for the purchase of a house with land can vary greatly. They depend on the lending program.

For a clearer understanding of this issue, let's talk about the options that are available today Sberbank offers.

Currently there are three of them:

Among the mandatory requirements of Sberbank, as in the vast majority of Russian banks, is the execution of an agreement, as well as. If you disagree, draw up the first of the above agreements interest rate increases– by 1 point. Also, the cost of the loan increases if the client does not receive wages into his Sberbank account (by half a percent).

List of basic requirements for the borrower and guarantors

Under each of the above programs, the borrower is required to provide his package of documents. Its exact list can be obtained from a Sberbank employee at the nearest branch.

Let's give general list for a mortgage for the purchase of a house with land, which will need to be prepared in any case. So:

It should be noted that if a person is married, his spouse is automatically considered a co-borrower. It doesn’t matter how old this person is, where he works and what salary he receives. Sberbank provides the opportunity to attract up to three people as co-borrowers. Their incomes will be added together and based on this resulting number, maximum amount monthly payment.

As for directly borrower, then it must meet the following criteria:

  • reaching 21 years of age;
  • The maximum possible age at the time of repayment of the mortgage varies from 72 to 75 years. If there is no collateral and guarantors, then it should not exceed 65 years;
  • The total length of work experience must be at least one year, and continuous work experience must be six months.

If you are planning to take out a mortgage to buy a house with land, then remember that every month maximum possible payment amount will be equal to approximately half of the family budget.

When calculating it, the following amounts must be deducted:

  • minimum to maintain the normal life of each dependent of the borrower;
  • approximate cost of utilities;
  • expenses for repayment of obligations under other loan agreements, including in other banks;
  • transfers to the state - for example, fines.

Thus, in order to obtain an amount sufficient to purchase the desired house with land, it is necessary to attract as many borrowers as possible, present collateral and documents confirming the presence of an additional source of income.

Registration procedure

Algorithm for obtaining a mortgage for the purchase of a house with land approximately looks like this:

At this point, the process of obtaining a mortgage to purchase a house with land can be considered complete.

The above algorithm may differ: for example, if the land plot is not owned, then it will be necessary to confirm the term of its lease, which must be no less than the term of the mortgage loan agreement.

For information on the rules for applying for a mortgage loan to buy a house, watch the following video: