Mortgage calculator in VTB 24. Mortgage for secondary housing

Mortgage VTB calculator will help you calculate the mortgage amount online, find out the interest rate and mortgage conditions for today. Looking to get a mortgage in 2020? Use the free calculator from the official website to calculate your mortgage!

Today the bank offers the following mortgage programs:

  • with state support,
  • for secondary housing (secondary housing),
  • for construction private house,
  • for a new building,
  • to the site,
  • young family,
  • mortgage with maternity capital,
  • state employees,
  • for pensioners.

Interest rates in 2019

Mortgage for housing in a new building

  • interest rate from 9.1%;
  • down payment of 10% of the cost of purchased housing.

The larger the apartment, the more profitable

  • interest rate from 8.9%;
  • loan term - up to 30 years;
  • the amount provided is from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles;
  • down payment of 20% of the cost of purchased housing;

Lending conditions at VTB 24

  • a fixed interest rate has been established for the entire loan period from - 8.8%;
  • lending currency – Russian rubles;
  • the amount of the loan issued is no more than 80% (according to 2 documents - no more than 50%) of the value of the property being purchased;
  • loan period – up to 30 years (according to 2 documents – maximum up to 20 years);
  • the amount of the loan provided is up to 30 million rubles;
  • There are no fees for applying for a loan;
  • There are no restrictions or penalties for early repayment.

Participants have significant advantages salary projects. Salary clients make a smaller down payment and receive a lower interest rate.

Also, online cost calculation takes into account different mortgage conditions:

You can view, download and print the calculation result with a monthly payment schedule.

We wish you a pleasant settlement and the most favorable conditions.

Mortgage loans for the population are one of the main types of VTB lending. Careful selection of solvent borrowers allows VTB to offer some of the most low rates mortgage lending. This is one of the few banks offering loans with terms of up to 50 years with the possibility of early repayment without penalties or fees.

Welcome! VTB 24, following Sberbank, reduced interest rates on mortgages; we were often asked questions asking us to calculate the payment, so we created a special calculator VTB mortgages 24 for secondary housing in 2020. This calculator allows you to calculate the VTB 24 mortgage for the purchase of secondary housing. The popularity of these programs is gaining popularity and already exceeds the demand for primary products, so this topic deserves special coverage.

Mortgage for secondary housing VTB 24

One of the most popular Russian banks is VTB 24 Bank. This is a subsidiary of VTB Bank, which deals with retail business. In other words this bank provides Financial services individuals and small and medium-sized businesses. Recently, mortgages have become increasingly attractive. VTB 24 Bank is one of the leading financial organizations in this market and actively offers various mortgage programs for the population.

ProgramBid, %First payment, %Note
Housing under construction8,4 10
Ready housing8,4 10 The rate of 8.4% is valid for a down payment of 50%. If the PV is less than 20%, the rate increases by 0.7 percentage points.
Refinancing8,8 10 If the ratio of the loan amount to the cost of housing is more than 80%, the loan rate will increase by 0.7 percentage points.
Non-targeted loans secured by existing housing10,9 50
Mortgage for the military8,8 15 Amount 2840 tr.
Promotion “More meters – less rate”8,6 20
Collateral property9,4 20
Mortgage with state support5 20 If there are several children and at least one of them was born between 01/01/2018 and 12/31/2022 inclusive.

Secondary housing in VTB 24 with a mortgage can be purchased under the following programs:

  • More meters - lower rate (the program is only for finished housing of large dimensions from 100 sq.m. Requires a mandatory down payment of 20%. Which is higher than standard requirements, but allows you to reduce the rate to 8.6%);
  • Buying a home (standard resale program for this moment does not differ from the primary);
  • Victory over formalities (a very cool program that allows even the unemployed and foreigners to buy an apartment under certain conditions, but requires a large down payment of 30%);
  • Mortgage for the military (program for NIS participants):
  • Mortgaged real estate (purchase of real estate as collateral from a bank under the terms of a standard resale program).

A separate point is worth highlighting. It allows you to borrow the required amount of money as collateral for your own home, without being tied to the type of property. This allows you to buy housing in the secondary market that does not meet the bank’s standard requirements for year, material, type of apartment, etc. Read more about this program in our previous post.

Once you have decided on the program and looked at the conditions, you should move on to the calculator.

Calculator functionality

Amount of credit

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated

Interest rate, %

Maternal capital

date of issue

Credit term

0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years old 26 years old 27 years old 28 years old 29 years old 30 years old

0 months 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months

Early repayments

Reducing the term Reducing the amount Monthly reducing the term Monthly reducing the amount


The VTB 24 mortgage calculator for secondary housing allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Find out the total amount that the borrower will overpay;
  • Calculate the total amount for which the property will be purchased;
  • Determine the amount of the loan payment that must be paid monthly;
  • Understand how many months you will have to pay mortgage loan and assess your own credit load;
  • See how the payment will change with early repayment, including when using maternity capital;
  • Create a table that will reflect monthly payments and the remaining debt, which will allow you to plan family budget for the long term.

In order for the calculator to calculate everything correctly, you need to decide in advance on the program, loan terms, size of the down payment and the approximate cost of the apartment. This data will need to be entered into the service dialog boxes. Based on them, the calculator will make the necessary calculations and present the most likely loan servicing schedule.

Remember that you will need additional expenses, for example, for insurance of the property and the health of the borrower, as well as various commissions that, according to the agreement, the bank may charge.

Thus, the mortgage calculator allows you to select the optimal lending program and calculate your own debt load in advance, which will allow you to estimate financial condition and make an informed decision regarding obtaining a mortgage loan.

You can see more details and requirements for the borrower in our separate post.

Also, for your convenience, there are two services on the site: “” - will allow you to compare conditions for secondary housing in other banks and “” - will help you quickly send an application for a mortgage to several banks at once.

We are waiting for your questions about the operation of the calculator and will be grateful for rating the post, liking and reposting.

VTB Bank offers various mortgage lending options based on the calculation of the chosen housing, material capabilities and individual characteristics that increase the bank’s credit confidence in the client. Currently, VTB Bank provides mortgage credit lending only for the purchase of an apartment, while there are no mortgage programs for the purchase or construction of a house (only a regular cash loan program is available). To pre-calculate payments for the selected mortgage program is provided mortgage calculator VTB 24 for online calculation of the selected lending program. More about this in the article below.

Mortgage in VTB 24 and preliminary calculation of the payment program

In 2019 year VTB offers several mortgage lending programs including all individual features:
  • the amount of the requested loan;
  • the period for which the loan is issued;
  • availability of documents confirming income;
  • possibility of using guarantors.
Basically, the interest rate for all programs is approximately the same 9.5 - 11.6%. Most families can use government programs subsidies: “Mortgage at 6% for the second and third child”, “Young family” and “Maternity capital”. All of these assistance programs can only reduce or partially repay the loan amount. The remaining loan amount is set by the bank depending on the financial capabilities of the borrower, in accordance with the amount and payment schedule. At the same time, the procedure for applying for a loan is common to everyone.
In addition, VTB has a simplified mortgage lending program “Victory over formalities”, which allows you to get a loan using two documents.

Calculate your mortgage using a calculator (online)

There is a mortgage calculator on the page of the bank's official website. By setting your parameters and selecting additional conditions, you can find out the exact amount of monthly payments based on interest conditions providing a loan.

Refinancing an existing mortgage with VTB or another bank

If you already have a mortgage with VTB or another bank, then you can recalculate the payment program at a more favorable interest rate. For this, VTB Bank offers a program. The bank considers all applications for mortgage lending individually and, based on your conditions, can offer a more loyal program with a lower interest rate and possibly with a restructuring of the payment schedule.

General conditions of mortgage lending

  • First of all, the bank pays great attention to credit history and the amount of the borrower’s confirmed income;
  • For getting the required amount The loan applicant must pay the first installment on his own. Most VTB-24 programs provide for payment of 10 to 20% of the value of the property. For military, holders salary cards VTB, when choosing a new building - a down payment of 10% of the amount of the apartment;
  • Those wishing to take out a loan according to 2 documents are required to pay a down payment of 40% of the amount of the purchased apartment and 30% when purchasing housing in a new building;
  • Basic conditions at an interest rate of 9.5% per annum. The rest depends on the lending program, client status, and other features;
  • If to receive VTB loan 24 requires providing mortgaged property, then it must be insured. In addition, those who wish to receive money can additionally insure their health and life. Bank employees advise using comprehensive insurance, according to which the bank offers interest reduction and other benefits;
  • The bank allows early repayment debt by the client. At the same time, no additional commission is taken from him. About your desire

For the first half of 2018, VTB issued 244,933 million rubles. for housing lending programs, which is 37% more than last year. In 2018, the Bank took 2nd place in the general ranking of mortgage banks in Russia (according to Expert RA data).

Requirements for the borrower. Both a citizen of the Russian Federation and a citizen/subject of any other state can apply for a housing loan at VTB, but the borrower must be officially employed in the Russian Federation (citizens of the Russian Federation can be employed in foreign branches international companies). The work experience at the current place of work must be more than 1 month after the end of the probationary period, the total work experience must be at least 1 year. If at the time of issuing the mortgage the borrower is in a registered marriage, his spouse becomes the guarantor. The applicant can independently attract guarantors (no more than 4 people) from among his immediate relatives to increase the maximum available loan amount.

Documentation. When providing a mortgage, VTB requests the following documents from the borrower and guarantors:

  • general passport;
  • military ID (for men under 27 years of age);
  • SNILS (if available);
  • a copy of the work book;
  • a document certifying the level of income (certificate 2-NDFL or according to the Bank’s sample, tax return 3-NDFL).

Persons who are holders of salary VTB cards, are exempt from the need to document income. If the applicant is a foreigner, he is additionally required to submit documents certifying the legality of residence and work in the territory of the Russian Federation. You can also apply for a mortgage by submitting a simplified package of documents: passport and SNILS/TIN.

Program conditions. VTB provides home loans for the purchase of residential real estate in new buildings and on the secondary market. There are also programs for military and family mortgages, the purchase of housing on the Bank’s collateral balance sheet and the refinancing of mortgages in other banks. Special programs allow you to purchase on special terms residential real estate, the area of ​​which exceeds 65 sq. m., and also apply for a loan using 2 documents. The maximum loan term for VTB is 30 years (under the program for military personnel - 20 years).

Possible use of funds maternity capital to make a down payment (the use of MSK is not provided within the framework of the mortgage program for 2 documents). Insurance of the mortgaged item against the risks of physical loss or damage is mandatory; personal and title insurance contracts are concluded with the consent of the borrower. Valid preferential rates for public sector employees and VTB salary card holders, as well as when applying for a mortgage with government subsidies. You can also reduce the rate during the lending process, after state registration of ownership of the housing being financed and the mortgage.

How to apply? On the official VTB website there is an opportunity to fill out online application for a mortgage. You can also apply for a loan by visiting a Bank office in the region where the borrower actually works. After receiving all necessary documents The bank reviews the application within 1-5 business days. The final positive decision on the application is valid for 4 months.

    Submit your application

    Select property

    Complete the deal

  1. Submit your application

    Make a preliminary calculation for the mortgage. Our employee will contact you, advise you and make an appointment at one of the mortgage centers at a time convenient for you.

    The approval is valid for 4 months from the date of receipt. You can look for an apartment on your own or with the help of our partners, by selecting an object from among those offered on the site or by contacting our partners.

  2. Select property

    Our manager will advise you on what documents you need to collect for the selected property and help you make an assessment. Provide a package of documents, and the bank will check the legal cleanliness of the apartment.

    In addition, the apartment will be checked Insurance Company to give consent to compulsory insurance housing. Insurance against the risk of loss and damage to the purchased apartment is mandatory. To avoid a 1% interest rate increase, we recommend that you take out life and disability insurance.

  3. Complete the deal

    Sign the purchase and sale agreement and loan agreement with the bank, as well as an insurance agreement. The bank will transfer the money to the property seller.

    The purchased property is immediately registered as your property. Simultaneously with the registration of property rights, a mortgage will be registered in favor of the bank until full repayment loan debt.

Interest rates and mortgage conditions for secondary housing

  • loan amount - from 600 thousand to 60 million rubles;
  • loan rate under the Mortgage program. Ready housing" - from 7.9% with a down payment of 50%;
  • loan term - up to 30 years;
  • down payment - from 10%* of the cost of the purchased property;
  • comprehensive insurance.

To the borrower:

  • permanent registration in the region in which the client applies for a loan is not necessary;
  • various forms of income confirmation are considered (certificates in form 2-NDFL and in the bank form);
  • accounting possible total income up to 3 co-borrowers;
  • It is possible to record income both from the main place of work and from a part-time job.

* if the amount of the down payment is less than 20% of the cost of the purchased property, the loan rate will increase by 1 percentage point. except for cases when the loan is issued with the condition of using maternity capital funds.

Special loan programs for the purchase of secondary housing

Interest rates and terms of residential mortgages

  • loan term - up to 30 years;
  • rates subject to comprehensive insurance:
    — from 8.5% with a down payment of 50%
    — from 9.5% with a down payment of 30%
    — from 9% for down payment from 30% for salary clients VTB;
  • down payment - from 30%, using maternity capital funds from 20%;
  • loan amount - from 500 thousand to 8 million rubles;
  • the location of the residential building from the nearest territorial division of VTB Bank is no more than 30 km;
  • the construction period of the house is no more than 20 years at the time of assessment;
  • a residential building can be purchased in any region with the exception of: the urban district of Norilsk and the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the city of Magadan and the Magadan region.