Which bank gives more interest on deposits? Deposits

A strict savings regime, hard work, an inheritance or a gift can help you have a free amount of money, which can be used in a variety of ways: hide the money in a secret place, invest in a business, buy real estate, etc. Recently, deposits in Moscow have become increasingly popular. They allow you to guarantee the preservation of capital, including through state insurance, as well as receive additional income in the form of interest paid.

Deposit rates in Moscow banks

Since interest on deposits in Moscow largely determines how much of the deposit will be added to the original one, many consider them the most important condition for the deposit and, on this basis, make the choice of program and bank.

Of course, deposit rates have a big impact on the profitability of deposits in Moscow, but not only they can reduce or increase your profits. Thus, the type of deposit itself can greatly affect the profitability of the entire deposit program:

  • time deposits with a strict limitation on the storage period for savings are characterized by the highest interest rates;
  • permanent or short-term deposits are usually accompanied by more low rates on deposits in Moscow banks.

Thus, if you want to open a deposit at high interest rates, then try to plan your budget wisely in order to be prepared to comply with certain restrictions:

  • a ban on closing a bank deposit in Moscow before the deadline;
  • prohibition on partial withdrawal of funds placed on the deposit.

Violation of these rules for deposits in Moscow banks may lead to penalties from the bank and a reduction in the initial rate.

In addition, you can choose the interest payment period. There are several options:

  • daily;
  • once a week;
  • once a month;
  • once a quarter;
  • only at the end of the term.

All interest on deposits is accrued individuals in Moscow daily, but may differ from each other by the presence of capitalization.

Which bank in Moscow is better to open a deposit in?

In 2019, many banks are working with deposits: Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank, Alfa Bank, etc.

To open a deposit in Moscow on the best terms, you will have to spend time studying all current options, making calculations, and consulting with experts.

Quickly get all the necessary information on current deposits The deposit calculator on this page will help you:

  1. Enter your deposit requirements.
  2. Get a complete list of current deposits in Moscow banks updated for today.

After this, you will be able to make an informed choice, as well as immediately submit an online application for the selected deposit program.

Passive income is a nice bonus to your salary. There are many places where people often invest money in hopes of creating: a game on foreign exchange market, investments in cryptocurrencies, investing in company shares and more. But these methods do not guarantee results. When contributing money for any purpose, you should be aware of the risks and be prepared for defeat and loss of finances.

The least risky way to increase profits on an ongoing basis is Bank deposit. An individual provides the bank with his savings, for which the bank pays a certain percentage of the invested amount monthly or annually.

Best interest rates on bank deposits

You should trust finances only to reliable structures. This is one of the main criteria according to which depositors choose a bank. In our time banking crises- Not unusual. It is good to have confidence that your bank will not collapse during the next period of financial difficulties.

The second important parameter is interest rate. This is the money you will receive as net profit from the deposit. It is desirable that there be not only a high interest rate, but also accompanying conditions that are comfortable for the investor. Passively accumulated funds can subsequently be increased by starting.

To combine the bank's reliability and profitability, we have compiled an up-to-date list of the most profitable deposits.

“My income” (Promsvyazbank)


  • currency - rubles;
  • minimum amount - 100,000 rubles;
  • terms and interest:
    • at 91 days - 6.6%;
    • on day 181 - 6.7%;
    • for 367 days - 6.7%.

Among the bank's programs, this deposit has the highest interest rate. If the client wishes to terminate the contract early, preferential terms will make the process quick and with minimal losses. You cannot withdraw part of the money or replenish the deposit amount during its validity.

Interest is paid at the end of the agreed period to the same account in which the original deposit was placed. If you close the deposit after the due date, only half of the accumulated interest will be paid, so be punctual. To open a deposit, contact either your local Promsvyazbank office or PSB-Retail, available online.

“Maximum income” (Moscow Credit Bank)


  • minimum amount - 1000 rubles; US$100; 100 euro;
  • terms and interest for deposits in rubles:
    • for 95 days - 5.75%;
    • for 185 days - 6.25%;
    • for 370 days - 6.75%.
    • for 95 days - 0.75%;
    • for 185 days - 1.10%;
    • for 370 days - 1.45%.
    • for 95 days - 0.01%;
    • for 185 days - 0.20%;
    • for 370 days - 0.55%.

According to the primary agreement, interest is paid at the end of the term. However, the bank has created the ability to connect additional options. Thus, the investor can partially withdraw the invested funds, replenish the account, and also demand interest monthly. To activate one or more of the services described, you must enter into an additional agreement.

If there are additional conditions, additional interest is provided for. If the client has an annual “Service Package” program, 0.25% will be added to deposits in rubles, and 0.15% to deposits in foreign currency. The same amount of premiums is possible if you open a deposit not in a bank office, but in MKB-Online or in the MKB terminal. If you do not close the deposit on time, its validity is extended automatically in ascending order. And after an open year, another 95 days will be added.

"Maximum income" (Sovcombank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 30,000 rubles; US$5,000; 5000 euros;
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit in the office for up to 1 year:
    • upon termination within 31–90 days - 6.6/7.6% (Halva card);
    • upon termination within 91–180 days - 7.0/8.0% (Halva card);
    • upon termination within 181–270 days - 6.6/7.6% (“Halva”);
    • upon termination within 271–365 days - 6.6/7.6% (“Halva”).
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit in the office for up to 3 years:
    • upon termination within 90 days - 6.8/7.8% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 180 days - 7.2/8.2% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 365 days - 6.8/7.8% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 730 days - 6.0/7.0% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 1095 days - 6.0/7.0% (halva card).
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit through Internet banking for a period of up to 1 year:
    • upon termination within 31–90 days - 6.6%;
    • upon termination within 91–180 days - 7.0%;
    • upon termination within 181–270 days - 6.6%;
    • upon termination within 271–365 days - 6.6%.
  • terms and interest when opening foreign currency deposits:
    • in US dollars for 271–365 days - 1.55%;
    • in US dollars for 1095 days - 3.00%;
    • in euros for 271–365 days - 1.00%.

Partial withdrawals are not allowed, but deposits are allowed. The minimum replenishment amounts are 1000 rubles, 100 dollars or euros. Interest is paid after the end of the deposit period.

"Reliable" (Opening)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 50,000 rubles; 1000 US dollars; 1000 euros;
  • terms and interest:
    • for ruble deposits for 91 or 191 days - 6.42–7.30%;
    • in US dollars for 91 or 181 days - 0.20–0.80%;
    • in euros for 91 or 181 days - 0.10%.

The accumulated interest is paid every month. Capitalization is possible: this means that with each new interest accrual, the previous ones are added to the original deposit amount. The rate goes up if you own Pension card of this bank.

"Maximum interest" (Binbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • deposit term - from 3 months to 2 years;
  • minimum amount - 10,000 rubles; US$300; 300 euros;
  • terms and interest for ruble deposits:
    • when opening in a bank branch - 6.10-7.30%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 6.25-7.45%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 6.30-7.50%.
  • terms and interest for deposits in US dollars:
    • when opening in a bank branch - 0.55-1.65%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.55-1.65%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 0.55-1.65%.
  • terms and interest for deposits in euros:
    • when opening at a bank branch - 0.01%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.01%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 0.01%.

During the validity period of the deposit, you cannot replenish it, withdraw part of the money or receive monthly payments. The entire invested amount, together with interest, is returned to the investor after the end of the agreed period.

"Profitable" (Rosselkhozbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • terms for opening a deposit - from 31 to 1460 days;
  • minimum amount - 3000 rubles; US$50;
  • interest rate for ruble deposits - up to 6.70%;
  • The interest rate for deposits in US dollars is up to 2.45%.

Some of the most comfortable conditions. An individual can receive interest even from small deposits for a short period. You cannot replenish and spend funds, but there are several options for operations with interest: capitalization and monthly withdrawal to the account are available.

"Profitable" (VTB 24)


  • currency - rubles;
  • minimum amount:
    • when opening a deposit online - 30,000 rubles;
    • when opening a deposit at a bank branch - 100,000 rubles.
  • terms and interest when opening a deposit at a bank branch:
    • for a period of 3–5 months - 6.20/6.23%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.20/6.28%;
    • for a period of 13–18 months - 5.90/6.15%;
    • for a period of 18–24 months - 5.70/6.02%;
  • terms and interest when opening a deposit online:
    • for a period of 3–5 months - 6.60/6.64%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.60/6.69%;
    • for a period of 6–13 months - 6.15/6.23%;
    • for a period of 13–18 months - 6.10/6.29%;
    • for a period of 18–24 months - 5.90/6.15%;
    • for a period of 24–36 months - 5.70/6.02%;
    • for a period of 36–61 months - 3.10/3.25%.

This deposit has an increased profitability, but if funds are withdrawn before the end of the contract, it is lost. Capitalization possible. If you do not close the deposit on time, its term is automatically extended for the shortest possible time (3 months), but no more than 2 times. If you close your deposit before the due date, you will receive 0.6% of the original rate. But for this, the deposit period must exceed 181 days.

"Pobeda+" (Alfa-Bank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 10,000 rubles; US$500; 500 Euro;
  • interest rates:
    • in rubles - 5.5–6.23%;
    • in US dollars - 0.35–2.38%;
    • in euros - 0.01–0.20%.

You cannot replenish your deposit or partially withdraw money. Accrued interest is capitalized, but the client loses it if the contract is terminated early.

"Savings" (Gazprombank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 15,000 rubles; US$500; 500 Euro;
  • terms - from 3 months to 1097 days;
  • interest rates for ruble deposits:
    • for an amount from 15,000 to 300,000 rubles - 5.6–5.8%;
    • for an amount from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles - 5.8–6.0%;
    • for an amount from 1,000,000 rubles - 6.0–6.4%;
  • interest rates for deposits in US dollars:
    • for amounts from $500 to $10,000 - 0.30–1.40%;
    • for an amount over $10,000 - 0.40–1.50%;
  • interest rates for deposits in euros:
    • for an amount from 500 to 10,000 euros - 0.01%;
    • for an amount from 10,000 euros - 0.01%.

A long term provides for the presence of separate conditions for interest payments. As a consequence, with a deposit period of more than 365 days, interest is paid not at the end of the entire term, but at the end of the calendar year. It is prohibited to replenish your account or withdraw funds. You can extend the deposit period, but not automatically. To do this you will have to visit the bank office.

“Replenish” (Sberbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • minimum amount - 1000 rubles; US$100;
  • terms - from 3 months to 3 years;
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.70/3.71%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.80/3.83%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.60/3.66%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.45/3.63%;
    • for 3 years - 3.45/3.63%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.85/3.86%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.95/3.98%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.75/3.82%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.70/3.83%;
    • for 3 years - 3.60/3.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75/3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75/3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opening in a bank branch (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.45/3.45%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.55/3.58%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.55/3.58%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.30/3.41%;
    • for 3 years - 3.20/3.35%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.60/3.61%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.70/3.73%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.50/3.56%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.45/3.57%;
    • for 3 years - 3.35/3.52%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $100):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.25%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.55%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.85%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.95%;
    • for 3 years - 1.05%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $3,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $10,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $20,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $100,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.20%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.50%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.60%;
    • for 3 years - 0.70%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $3,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.25%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.60%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.70%;
    • for 3 years - 0.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $10,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.30%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.65%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.75%;
    • for 3 years - 0.85%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $20,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $100):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.

For deposits opened by pensioners, the maximum rate is set for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount. The deposit can be freely replenished, but withdrawing money before the expiration date, in whole or in part, is not allowed.

Advice: find out which financial institutions today.

How to calculate the profitability of a deposit?

Calculating interest according to bank terms is not always easy. The standard formula provides for a fixed amount of accrued interest and a deposit amount that does not change throughout the entire period. The calculation is made as follows: deposit amount * duration of the deposit * agreed percentage. For example: deposit amount - 100,000 rubles, time - six months, interest rate - 10% per annum. As a result, we get: 100,000 * 0.5 * 10% = 5,000 rubles of income.

Formula for deposit profitability with capitalization includes several more conditions. After all, now it is necessary to take into account the fact that the size of the deposit and interest increases slightly for each period of their accrual. In this case, you should calculate as follows: N*(1+P*d/D/100)n-N, Where

  • N – initial deposit size;
  • P – interest rate;
  • d – calendar days after which new interest is accrued (usually 30 or 31 days);
  • D – 365 or 366 days a year, depending on the current year;
  • n – how many times interest will be accrued (if the capitalization period is 30-31 days, then this number will be 12).

Common mistakes when choosing a deposit

Typical majority opinions can sometimes lead to unpleasant situations. Banks try to play for maximum benefit from clients, so clients should be careful when choosing favorable conditions for themselves. After all, they are good for the bank and bring profit in any variations provided.

First mistake. The proposal looks noticeable and is better than others in all respects. The interest rate is significantly higher than the market average. This is a signal to take a closer look at the bank itself. A positive scenario: a big holiday is coming up and the bank is attracting new customers with similar promotions. Negative option: the bank is unreliable and could collapse at any moment. His plan of action is based on getting the maximum benefit from clients who want the same - big money in a short time. Then such organizations declare bankruptcy, and investors lose everything.

Advice: check each bank for presence in the Deposit Insurance Agency system. This organization returns citizens' deposits in the event of bank liquidation. Initially, dubious structures, as a rule, are not associated with it. You can also see on the AKB website which banks have already been liquidated or are in the process of being liquidated.

Second mistake. You choose the maximum deposit term because it pays the most interest. The pitfall is that today the ruble exchange rate is not tied to the price of oil. Its fall and rise are impossible to predict. In case of sudden weakening national currency banks will raise new interest rates, leaving existing deposits at the same level of payments. As a result, early termination of the contract will return you significantly less money, and without it it is impossible to transfer to new deposit conditions.

Advice: If you want to take the maximum term, take the average one. Preferably with interest capitalization. The deposit period should not exceed one year.

Third mistake. The terms of the deposit provide a huge number of possibilities: withdrawal and replenishment of the account at any time, capitalization of interest and much more. Please note the bet: it is clearly not the maximum. The presence of some advantages eliminates others.

Advice: Before opening a deposit, set your priorities. Is interest capitalization so important to you? What about monthly withdrawals? Will it really be necessary to withdraw part of the invested funds ahead of schedule? Based on the responses received, choose a bank only with those additional offers that you really need.

Fourth mistake. Ignoring the achievements of civilization. Most large banks are transferring their services to the Internet format. There are even banks that operate entirely on the Internet. As a result, it may turn out that if you open a deposit via the Internet, the interest rate will be significantly higher, and the minimum deposit will be lower than if you open it in the office.

Advice: If you are concerned about the safety of your data, always check the address of the page you are on. At the top there should be either a similar icon with a padlock (see below) or the inscription https in green.

This means that communication channels are encrypted and confidential. Also, two-factor authentication is used in monetary transactions: without an SMS with an access code, you will not be able to deposit or withdraw funds.

Let's sum it up

Bank deposits – for individuals. When choosing terms, you should not always be tempted by a high interest rate. It is best to check the market for such offers and invest in a deposit on conditions that correspond to the highest level of offers. To avoid the risk of losing money, do not trust banks you have never heard of before.

Also, initially decide what you want to get from the deposit. Additional income guarantees capitalization of interest. Choose realistic dates in which you definitely won’t need this money. Early dissolution an agreement with a bank may result in the payment of much less money than was specified in the agreement.


Hello! This article will talk about deposits for individuals in 2018. Today you will learn about the positive and negative aspects of opening bank deposits, how to choose the right deposit that is most convenient for you personally. What deposit rates apply to this moment. In what currency is it more profitable to make a deposit and how to protect your savings.

We have analyzed and prepared for you a rating of the TOP 20 banks with favorable conditions for deposits! The article turned out to be long, so use the content.

What is a bank deposit

Contribution – this is a certain amount of funds that is transferred to the bank at a certain percentage. For any citizen, this is a great way not only to preserve their savings, but also to increase their amount and receive income.

Who are the investors?

Depositors of any bank can be citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of other states and stateless persons. They are completely free to choose any bank that suits their conditions, and can also place their cash in several banks at the same time. Persons who are investors manage their funds, receive income from them and carry out the necessary operations specified in the documents.

Classification of deposits

Conventionally, they are divided into 2 groups:

  • Open for a certain period of time (urgent);
  • Without a specific storage period for funds (until demand).

In turn, time deposits can be divided into savings and accumulative. In addition, there is a third type - universal deposits. Let's look at each type in more detail.

It is a mistake to think that if a deposit belongs to the category of urgent deposits, it implies only short-term storage of funds. It is called urgent only because it is opened for a specific period of time. The depositor places his funds in the bank for a month, for a year, for 3-5 years, the terms of placement may be different. In turn, the bank pays him increased interest.

Of course, you can withdraw the money before the deposit expires, but then the attractive interest rates will be lost.

Some banks offer to make a fixed-term deposit on the condition that interest will be saved when withdrawing money ahead of schedule. This is undoubtedly an advantageous condition if the client experiences some kind of force majeure.

Although banks usually ask their depositors to inform them in advance that the client wants to close the deposit. This is necessary to order money for a specific date.

Savings deposits - usually opened to store funds for a certain period of time. Savings accounts are opened to collect the required amount for a specific goal.

A special type of deposit stands apart from all other categories - metal bill. To open it, the client must purchase a certain amount of precious metals, which will be stored in the bank. The income from such a deposit directly depends on how much the selected metal costs on the market.

This option to accumulate funds is effective only when the storage period is long. And some generally prefer to purchase gold bars, being convinced of the dominance of gold over the world.

It is also worth mentioning separately the so-called universal deposits. These are deposits on a long-term basis, with the ability to make expense transactions on them (pay for housing and communal services, Internet, etc.). Opening such a deposit takes literally a few minutes; in this case, there is no need to collect an extended package of documents.

Currency deposits – these are funds that are placed in a bank in the currencies of other countries. Interest is charged on them in the same way.

In addition to dollars and euros, some banks offer deposits in pounds sterling, yuan, Swiss francs. There is little demand for such offers, so their number is quite limited.

The terms of foreign currency deposits are the same as for ruble deposits: minimum 1 month, maximum 5 years. Also, deposits have some features, for example, the interest rate on them is lower than on ruble deposits. The explanation for this is simple: the ruble is a weaker currency than the euro or dollar, which means the owners of such savings do not lose anything, despite the low yield.

Let's consider another type - multicurrency deposit . Its presence allows you to transfer your funds from one type of currency to another, while maintaining the already accrued interest. Such transfers can be made an unlimited number of times, and this also allows you to earn money.

Interest on this type is usually calculated separately for each currency. You can open a deposit in any ratio of each currency. But there are banks that require that some percentage remain in ruble equivalent.

There are also restrictions on the minimum deposited amount. Usually it is 3000 rubles, 100 euros and 100 dollars. However, it is not always possible to replenish the deposit. And if this is provided for in the contract, then certain deadlines apply. Regarding partial withdrawal Each bank leads its own line.

If you decide to open such a deposit, remember that it is ideal only for those who monitor currency rates and have an understanding of fluctuations in these rates. IN otherwise You won't get high returns.

Specialized deposits – salary, deposits for education, housing, seasonal and so on.

Let's look at each of them in more detail:

  • Salary deposit – You can open it only if your salary is transferred to the bank where you plan to open a deposit. If the salary account is combined with a deposit, interest will be charged on the account balance;
  • Investments for education – accounts in which funds are accumulated for education. They are distinguished by a high rate, and if necessary, more profitable terms on lending;
  • Housing contribution – designed for the process of accumulating funds to improve living conditions. For clients who have opened such deposits, banks often make profitable offer on a mortgage, but the profitability of such deposits is low;
  • Seasonal contribution – open at a specific time of year or for a holiday ( New Year). Interest rates on this type of deposit can be called quite high.

Intermediate output : Specialized deposits are to some extent more profitable than regular ones. By opening them, you can get higher incomes or pleasant bonuses from the bank.

We’ll talk further about what nuances you need to pay attention to before opening a deposit.

How to choose a bank to open a deposit

In order to find the right one for you, you still need to try and spend a lot of free time.

To make this task easier, here are some useful tips:

  1. Look at the bank's ratings. They are most often compiled by Russian rating agencies;
  2. On the official website of the Central Bank you can freely view bank reports on credit operations. The only negative: to fully understand them, you need to be a specialist (accountant or economist);
  3. You can use the help of the Banki.ru portal, where all the information is presented in a language more accessible to non-professionals;
  4. Another indicator of a bank’s reliability is the increase in its assets compared to previous periods;
  5. The size is also important indicator;
  6. Study reviews of bank clients who have already used its services;
  7. Pay attention to the size of the bank, whether it has branches or branches;
  8. Review the media for any negative information about your chosen bank;
  9. Please clarify right away how high are the rates on opened deposits? If they are too high, this should alert a potential client;
  10. How does the bank's work schedule change, or has it remained unchanged since opening. In addition, if a bank reduces staff, this also indirectly confirms that the bank has problems;
  11. Do any problems arise during various operations?
  12. Be sure to check whether the bank belongs to the deposit insurance system. This information is easy to find on the Internet.

To summarize, I would like to say that you need to approach the choice of a bank carefully, slowly and intelligently. But also value your money and time, and do not delay making the final decision.

How to open a deposit

First of all, to enter into an agreement with a bank, you will need a passport. In general, now the process of opening a deposit has been simplified to save time not only for clients, but also for bank employees. If the client has already decided on the type of deposit, he needs to personally visit the branch of the selected bank and inform a specialist of his intention, who will promptly prepare an agreement.

Before signing such an important document, be sure to read it carefully.

Pay special attention to:

  • Deposit rate;
  • Deposit term;
  • Is it possible to replenish it, as well as withdraw money ahead of schedule;
  • Personal data in the contract: check whether it is accurately reflected.

If you are satisfied with all the conditions in the contract, sign the contract and deposit the required amount of funds into the bank’s cash desk. If the deposit is opened in the afternoon, it will be valid from the next day.

Why can they refuse and not open a deposit?

Such failures are not a frequent occurrence, but they are still possible.

The reasons are:

  • If the client cannot present a passport or other identification document;
  • If a foreign citizen who wants to open a deposit cannot confirm his right to be in Russia;
  • If the passport contains marks that are not required;
  • If the person opening the deposit is under 14 years old.

The bank has the right not to voice the reason why a client is refused to open a deposit!

Top 20 banks for deposits in rubles in 2018

In this part of our review, we’ll talk about what conditions for opening deposits are offered by the most famous banks in our country.

Important: All information about opening deposits, conditions and interest rates presented to your attention was obtained from the official portals presented in the review of banks. Conditions may vary if banks make changes!

We propose to consider the banks presented below according to the following characteristics:

  1. Maximum percentage;
  2. Minimum down payment amount;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation;
  4. Method of opening a deposit;
  5. Possibility to replenish the deposit;
  6. Possibility to partially withdraw funds;
  7. Participation in the deposit insurance system;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor.

Deposits in Sberbank for individuals

  1. Maximum percentage – 8.80% (depending on the deposit term);
  2. depends on the type of deposit chosen (from 1 ruble to 30,000 rubles);
  3. from monthly until accrued at the end of the deposit term;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in person, through the Sberbank online system, through self-service devices;
  5. available;
  6. available, but not for all types of deposits;
  7. yes, preferential terms for mortgage and consumer lending.

Intermediate output: The undeniable advantages include the stability and stability of the bank in the market, benefits for depositors when applying for a loan.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Tinkoff Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – 9.83% per annum;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 50,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – can be credited every month to the deposit itself or to the client’s card (at his choice);
  4. Method of opening a deposit – online, via mobile app, computer, tablet;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available, and online;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available, at any time, in any way convenient for the client (you can receive your money by transfer through Russian Post);
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – yes, all deposits up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles are insured by the state;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – Yes, all depositors receive a bank debit card as a gift.

Intermediate output: undeniable advantages include the ability to manage your funds online, closing the deposit at any time without losing accrued interest.

Official website of the bank.

Investments in Renaissance Credit

  1. Maximum percentage – 9.75% (also depends on the type of deposit);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 1000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – in direct dependence on the type of deposit. Provides for monthly accrual and accrual at the end of the term;
  4. Method of opening a deposit –
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – depends on the type of deposit. For example, the Renaissance Profitable deposit cannot be replenished, but others can be replenished in several ways. You can deposit money at the bank’s cash desk, make a transfer through Internet banking, or through a self-service terminal;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available, but not for all types of deposits. It is possible by visiting the bank in person (in cash) or via the Internet (by transfer to another account or bank card). These conditions are valid only for ruble deposits. In addition, if you need to withdraw an amount up to 100,000 rubles, you need to order the amount one day before the withdrawal date, if the withdrawal amount is more than half a million rubles - 3 days before the withdrawal date, if the deposit is in foreign currency - 4 days before the withdrawal date.
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – yes, all deposits up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles are insured by the state;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – not provided.

Intermediate output: it is possible to manage your funds without visiting the bank in person; to open a deposit you only need a passport (if the client is a Russian citizen), but there are also points that will not suit everyone: not all deposits can be replenished; cash for withdrawal must be ordered in advance.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in VTB 24 for individuals. persons

  1. Maximum percentage – 7.85% per annum, but it also depends on the amount that was deposited when opening the deposit;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 100,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly (to the client’s account for use or for capitalization);
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in bank branches, online via the Internet;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – depends on the choice of deposit type (the “Accumulative” and “Comfortable” deposits can be replenished);
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available, on bank terms;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – yes, all deposits up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles are insured by the state;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – yes, when connected via the Internet, also available premium packages services for clients.

Intermediate output: Among the negative aspects: a fairly significant amount for a down payment, the range of deposits is small: there are only three of them (but this can hardly be called a significant disadvantage). At the same time, there are customer loyalty programs and convenient online banking.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Rosselkhozbank

This bank has a fairly wide selection of deposits, or rather, 11 of them.

Having analyzed the selected characteristics, you can see the following picture:

  1. Maximum percentage–10.9% (if the deposit term is more than 1 year);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – depends on the selected type of deposit, from 10 rubles (demand deposit);
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – quarterly, monthly, at the end of the deposit term;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in bank branches, remotely;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available, except for the “Golden” and “Amur Tiger” deposits;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – yes, all deposits up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles are insured by the state;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – Yes, you can get a free Amur Tiger card, the yield of which is 7% per annum.

Intermediate output: affordable down payment amount, deposits are insured by the state, the ability to manage your finances without leaving home.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Binbank

  1. Maximum percentage – 8.4% (on deposit " Monthly income»);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 10,000 rubles (except savings account"Money box");
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – for the “Magnificent Seven” deposit – daily, for the “Monthly Income” deposit – monthly, for the “Multicurrency” deposit – at the end of the term;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – Internet banking, any bank branch;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – yes, except for the product “Investment in the Future”;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – yes, for the “Magnificent Seven” deposit and the “Piggy Bank” savings account;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – the opportunity to use the services of a personal consultant for free.

Intermediate output: when placing, it is possible to receive accrued interest daily, and it is also clear that the amount of the down payment is relatively small.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Gazprombank

  1. Maximum percentage – 8.0% (for the Gazprombank Perspective deposit);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 15,000 rubles for the main line of deposits and from 100 rubles to 50,000 for special deposits;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly, or at the end of the term for basic deposits, every quarter and at the end of the term for special deposits;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in person at a bank branch or branch, through self-service terminals;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – yes, regarding basic and special deposits;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – only for the Gazprombank Dynamic and Gazprombank Pension deposits;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – not provided, available premium service when opening platinum international cards.

Intermediate output: There are deposit options with a minimum down payment, as well as the opportunity to receive advice from a personal manager.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Alfa Bank

The bank is large and has branches in many cities. The bank's clients are about 5 million individuals only, not to mention legal entities. It is worth mentioning that the bank takes a very principled position in relation to non-payers, this explains the negative reviews about its work.

  1. Maximum percentage– 9.8%, for the “Life Line” deposit;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – from 10,000 rubles to 3 million rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – for most deposits - at the end of the term;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – personal office visit, Internet banking;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – depends on the selected type of deposit;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – depends on the type of deposit;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – promotion “The longer the money is in the account, the higher the interest on the deposit” (for those who chose the “Valuable Time” deposit).

Intermediate output: it is possible to get a high income on certain types of deposits, for example, the “Victory” deposit is 10.5%, but the contribution amount is 3 million rubles.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Otkritie Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – up to 9.05% (depending on the amount and duration of the investment);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 50,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly (to the client’s account, or as capitalization);
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in a bank branch or online;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit –
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – provided (depending on the type of deposit);
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – When opening via the Internet, the interest on the deposit is higher.

Intermediate output: You can get a higher percentage by opening a deposit via the Internet; you can replenish your deposit and receive interest on your account.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Promsvyazbank

  1. Maximum percentage – up to 9.5% per annum (for the “Welcome!” deposit);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 10,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly;
  4. Method of opening a deposit –
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available, except for the “Solid Interest” deposit;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – yes, without losing interest (on the “Maximum Opportunities” deposit);
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – for premium clients there is a surcharge on the basic interest - 0.25%.

Intermediate output: It is possible to partially withdraw funds without losing accrued interest.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Sovcombank

  1. Maximum percentage – up to 9% per annum;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 30,000 rubles (and it is permissible to deposit them not immediately, but within 10 days);
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly or at the end of the validity period;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – via the Internet, in person at the bank office;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – provided, but depends on the selected type of deposit;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – increased percentage when opening a deposit via the Internet.

Intermediate output: It is possible to replenish all types of deposits on a monthly basis; a serious plus is the ability to make a down payment several times.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in the Bank of Moscow

  1. Maximum percentage – up to 10% per annum + 0.3% if the deposit is opened in the terminal or via the Internet;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – any (for the Savings Account deposit), from 1 to 100,000 rubles for other deposits;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – every month/capitalization (customer’s choice);
  4. Method of opening a deposit – via Internet banking, at a bank office in person, or through an ATM;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available (on the “Maximum growth” and “Maximum comfort” tabs);
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available (except for the “Maximum Income” and “Seasonal” deposits);
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – increased percentage when opening via the Internet, as well as for salary clients and pensioners.

Intermediate output: This bank offers increased deposit rates for salary card holders and for people of retirement age. It is also possible to open a deposit in favor of another person. To do this, it is necessary, in addition to the client’s passport, to provide the necessary information about the person in whose name the deposit will be opened.

Official website of the bank.

  1. Maximum percentage – 8%;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – from 1000 rubles to 10,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – from every 30 days to every 100 days;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in bank offices and online;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – no restrictions;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – no, except for the “Mobile” deposit;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – for deposits that are opened on the recommendation of an existing depositor, he receives 500 rubles.

Intermediate output: The bank has several lines of deposits for individuals. Also, the amount of the down payment is low, from 1000 rubles.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Home Credit Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – 9.06% (with capitalization);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 1000 rubles for all types of deposits;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – for a number of deposits monthly or at the end of the term;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in person at a bank branch, via online banking;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – yes, across the entire line of deposits;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – not provided;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – only for owners of the “33%” deposit

Intermediate output: There is no possibility of partial withdrawal of funds, but at the same time the entire line of deposits is replenished.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Mosoblbank

  1. Maximum percentage – 9.5% (for the “Pension” deposit);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – from 10,000 to 300,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – every month;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – at bank offices in person, the opportunity to apply for opening via the Internet;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – yes, for all types of deposits;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – yes, except for the “Personal” deposit;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – When opening a “Personal” deposit, you have the opportunity not to lose high interest rates and at the same time receive monthly payments to your account.

Intermediate output: There are 4 types of deposits to choose from, it is possible to receive payments monthly.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Bars Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – 8,5%;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – from 5000 to 1 million rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – daily (for demand deposits);
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in person or through an online system;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit –
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – at any time (for demand deposits);
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – the opportunity to open a deposit in the name of a minor or an incapacitated person.

Intermediate output: Among the obvious advantages are the possibility of replenishing and partially withdrawing funds, as well as opening a deposit in the name of a third party.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Post Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – up to 9% per annum;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – from 5 to 500,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly, quarterly;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – through mobile banking, online banking, in person;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor –+0.25% for opening a deposit for persons of retirement age, or for opening via the Internet, a savings account is also opened free of charge and a Visa card is issued free of charge.

Intermediate output: The bank provides bonuses for depositors, and deposits can also be closed ahead of schedule without losing interest.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Russian Standard Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – 9%;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 10,000 rubles;
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly, quarterly, or upon expiration of the deposit term;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – in person or via online banking;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – information is not reflected.

Intermediate output: The bank has a choice of several types of deposits, and it is possible to replenish the deposit.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Ugra Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – 10.5% (for the “Christmas Gift” deposit);
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 100 rubles (on demand deposit);
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – any bank branch also has an online service;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit – available;
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available;
  7. Participation in the state system insurance – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – information is not reflected.

Intermediate output: available amount for opening a deposit, there is an online service, you can replenish and withdraw funds.

Official website of the bank.

Deposits in Uralsib Bank

  1. Maximum percentage – to 10%;
  2. Minimum down payment amount – 100 rubles (depending on the type of deposit);
  3. Frequency of interest calculation – monthly;
  4. Method of opening a deposit – via the Internet, in person at the bank office;
  5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit –
  6. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds – available (depending on the type of deposit);
  7. Participation in the state insurance system – Yes;
  8. Availability of bonuses from the bank for the depositor – information is not reflected.

Intermediate output: The bank has a fairly wide selection of deposits; it is possible to open a deposit via the Internet.

Official website of the bank.

Comparative analysis of banks

Important: This table is compiled based on data obtained from official resources presented in the banks’ material! Data may change depending on changes in the policy of the banking organization.

Banks are arranged in descending order of maximum interest rate

Bank Max. % on deposits Conditions for obtaining max. % Minimum down payment Bonuses
UBRD 11,0% when opening the “Holiday” deposit 1000-10000 rub. "Bring a friend" campaign
Rosselkhozbank 10,9% when opening a deposit for a period of more than 1 year from 10 rub. free card attached to the deposit
Bank "Ugra 10,5% only for the “Christmas Gift” deposit 100 rub. (for deposit “On demand”) information not reflected
Bank of Moscow 10,3% if the deposit is opened via the Internet 1 ruble – 100,000 rubles. for pensioners and salary clients
Uralsib to 10% depends on the type of deposit 100 rub. (depending on the type of deposit) information not reflected
Bank Tinkoff 9,83% depends on the type of deposit 50,000 rub. debit card as a gift
Alfa Bank 9,8% only for the “Life Line” deposit 10,000–3 million rubles. only for owners of the “Valuable Time” deposit
Renaissance 9,75% when opening the Renaissance Profitable deposit depends on the type of deposit information not reflected
Mosoblbank-Promsvyazbank 9.5% each depends on the type of deposit 10000/10000 rub. For those who have opened a “Personal” deposit/for premium clients +0.25 to the main %
Bank opening" 9,05% depends on the amount and duration of the investment 50,000 rub. when opening via the Internet
Post Bank/Russian Standard/Sovcombank 9.0% each Post Bank only accepts deposits in rubles, not foreign currency. 5000/10000/30000 rub. for pensioners/no/for opening via the Internet
Sberbank 8,8% depends on the type of deposit 1–30,000 rub. mortgage and consumer benefits lending
Bars Bank 8,5% depends on the type of deposit 5000 rub. You can open a deposit in the name of a third party
Binbank 8,4% Only for the “Monthly Income” deposit 10,000 rub. personal manager services
Gazprombank 8,0% Only for the Gazprom Perspective deposit 15,000 – on the main deposit line and from 100 rubles. – on special only for premium clients
VTB 7,85% depends on the amount deposited 100,000 rub. opportunity to receive premium service packages

So, dear readers! What conclusions arise based on all the analyzed information?

Firstly, opening deposits is not only possible, but also necessary. As we see, many banks are ready to provide various benefits and bonuses for opening a deposit with them. In particular, Sberbank is quite loyal to its depositors in terms of approving mortgage and consumer loans.

Secondly, some large and stable banking organizations (VTB, Sberbank) do not provide the most favorable conditions for deposits, in particular, not very high interest rates. In addition, VTB offers to make a fairly large down payment in order to open a deposit. In the current economic situation, not everyone can do this.

Of course, Tinkoff Bank is worth attention, which does not offer the highest interest on deposits, but provides the opportunity to use a debit card, as well as a credit card, which gradually increases the limit (from personal experience).

You can talk a lot, but in any case, everyone will choose the bank that best suits the conditions for him and it is far from a fact that the high deposit rate will be the priority. Everything else is just the subjective opinion of your humble servant.

Now let’s talk about how you can open deposits for socially vulnerable categories of citizens. In particular, we will talk about deposits for pensioners.

Deposits for pensioners

The banking system does not stand still, but is developing quite successfully in our country. Now older people can also afford it, largely thanks to the mass of loyalty programs developed by the largest banks.

All serious and stable banks in Russia (Sberbank, VTB, Bank of Moscow, Sovcombank) accept deposits from pensioners at good interest rates. At the same time, it is possible to use large packages additional services absolutely free.

Let's take a closer look at what conditions apply to pensioners today.


This bank has developed a range of services for elderly people. The most popular are the “Replenish” and “Save” deposits. Interest is charged at the rate of 7.1/7.6 respectively. The minimum contribution is only 100 rubles. For the “Replenish” deposit, you are allowed to make payments every month, as well as use interest at your discretion.


In this bank, the conditions for pensioners are very comfortable. Although there is a minus: quite high minimum contributions for all deposit lines (from 15 to 30 thousand rubles). The interest rate for pensioners is from 4.35% to 8.5%.

Bank of Moscow

I have developed 3 interesting proposals for the category of citizens in question with a minimum contribution from 1 to 10 thousand rubles. For each deposit, replenishment of the amount is allowed. Interest rate from 2.9% to 7.9%.


Preferential categories of citizens (a mandatory condition is age over 60 for men and 55 for women) can open a deposit with a minimum amount of 500 rubles. It is valid for 6 months, and the interest rate is 11% per annum. You can withdraw money once a month or at the end of the deposit period. Replenishment is allowed without restrictions.

Deposits for people of retirement age have recently become very popular among the older generation. They have higher rates and conditions are very flexible.

Deposit: what is it?

Deposit is the amount of money or securities, which are stored in the bank, while the bank uses them in its financial transactions, and the depositor receives interest for this.

There are 3 types of such deposits:

  • Classical;
  • With the ability to replenish;
  • With the opportunity not only to replenish, but also to withdraw some money.

Classic deposit – This is an account that cannot be topped up and money cannot be withdrawn.

Deposit with the ability to replenish – You can deposit funds into this account, but you cannot withdraw them.

With the third type of deposit, everything is simpler: by opening it, the depositor has greater freedom in handling his funds, but he will also receive less interest.

Also, any operation with money and securities contains “pitfalls” that are worth mentioning:

  • If the amount deposited into the account is small, then you will not receive much profit;
  • Opening a deposit for a short period is unprofitable, the profit is insignificant;
  • A tax is charged on deposit interest (agreed upon when concluding the contract).

The advantages are:

  • Ability to manage your account;
  • The deposit can be called at any time;
  • When using a deposit with capitalization, profits increase.

How is interest on a bank deposit calculated?

Interest on deposit is a type of remuneration that a bank pays to a depositor for using its funds.

For a simplified calculation, use the following formula:

S = (P*I*t/K)/100

  • S – amount of accrued %;
  • P – deposited amount;
  • I – interest on deposit for the year;
  • t – accrual period (days);
  • K – number of days in a year.

Example: citizen D. opened a deposit in the amount of 300,000 rubles for 1 year at 10.5% per annum. His income will be: 300,000*10.5*365/365/100=31,500 rubles.

If the deposit is capitalized, interest is calculated as follows:

S = (P*I*j/K)/100

  • S – amount of accrued%;
  • P – the deposited amount, as well as all subsequent amounts increased as a result of capitalization;
  • I – interest on deposit for the year;
  • j – number of days in the period for which capitalization will be carried out.
  • K – number of days in a year.

Example: citizen D. opened a deposit in the amount of 300,000 rubles with capitalization for 3 months at 10.5% per annum. His income will be: (300,000*10.5*30/365)/100=2589 rubles (for one month).

As we can see, there is nothing complicated in the calculation, despite the “threatening” appearance of the mathematical formulas.

What is the risk of a person opening a deposit in a bank?

All risks are divided into several categories. In this part, we’ll look at how to avoid them, or keep losses to a minimum.

So there is the following types risks:

  • Bankruptcy of the banking organization itself;
  • Reinvestment;
  • Collection of tax payments;
  • Increase in rates for deposits opened for a long time.

The first group of risks is minimized simply: money is placed in different banks, in an amount of up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles (deposits up to this amount are insured by the state).

When reinvesting, the situation may turn out like this: the client opened a deposit for 6 months at 9% per annum, and after 6 months the rates fell, he will receive 7%.

Tax payments will be collected if the rate on your deposit becomes higher than the 5% refinancing rate. Then a tax of 35% will be charged on the excess.

The risk when deposit rates increase is as follows: the client opened a deposit for a long time at 11% per annum, and a year later the rates increased to 14%, which means the client will lose 3%.

General advice: To minimize risks, carefully choose a banking organization, as mentioned earlier!

In what currency should deposits be opened for individuals?

In light of the events that are taking place not only in the domestic but also in the global economy, experts advise keeping your savings in several types of currencies: rubles, euros and dollars. In addition, some banks offer to open multi-currency deposits . On the other hand, there are those that accept savings only in ruble equivalent (Pochta Bank).

In general, at the moment we can say that all world currencies are unstable. Therefore, the most correct decision would be: for 60% of the amount, open a ruble deposit, and the rest will be divided equally between foreign currency deposits. We carry out calculations in rubles, so the amount of such a deposit will exceed the rest.

This distribution principle will allow you to save your earned funds as much as possible.

In conclusion of today’s conversation, I would like to note that deposits are a profitable financial instrument. They are safer and more transparent than loans, but before opening a deposit, study all the conditions.

Don’t be afraid to seem like a picky client: ask all the questions you are interested in to the bank employee, read the agreement carefully.

Video about bank deposits

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a useful video:

It is important for every person not only to save, but also to increase their savings. Financial institutions offer Russians various deposit programs. Before choosing an option for profitable investment, it is worth considering the available deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate with different conditions, rates, terms for placing funds and available operations. All deposits differ in currency, presence or absence of capitalization, method of interest payment and other parameters.

Profitable deposits in Moscow banks

In the Russian capital there are more than 50 different financial institutions, offering the population different types of deposits, so choosing the best option for yourself is difficult. To deposit money at the maximum interest rate, you need to determine the important parameters of the future account:

  • currency;
  • possibility of replenishment;
  • the ability to perform expense transactions;
  • reliability of the financial institution.

In addition, the most profitable deposits in Moscow should be selected according to the conditions. For those who would like to quickly accumulate a significant amount, banks develop time deposits for 2, 3 and 6 months. Another investment option is partnership programs with insurance organizations. In this case, the client takes out a life and health insurance policy and receives attractive deposit conditions. Russians can open deposits in Moscow at a high interest rate in banks that service their salary cards. Issuers are constantly preparing for their clients special programs With higher rates

Profitable deposits in rubles

It is worth noting that the rate on ruble deposits is much higher than on foreign exchange programs. If the client plans to spend money in Russia in the future, then choosing dollars or euros for investments would be inappropriate. Financial institutions of the capital offer big choice deposits for individuals. Before you place your money in your account, you should not only read the terms and conditions, but also check. Sometimes high interest rates on deposits are offered by unreliable financial institutions in order to attract capital.

When choosing an organization for storing and increasing savings, it is worth considering that ruble deposits in Moscow banks with rates of more than 11-12% per annum are, as a rule, just a publicity stunt and should raise certain suspicions. Large financial institutions, such as VTB 24, Sberbank of Russia, Alfa Bank, offer rates on ruble accounts of no more than 8.5%.

Check out the profitable deposits in Moscow today in the table:

Bank's name


"Moscow City"


Rate up to 9.25%, monthly capitalization, additional contributions available.

Premier Credit Bank

"Beneficial cooperation"

Rate up to 9.5%, replenishable.

JSCB "Peresvet"


Up to 9.3% per annum, replenishment.


Rate up to 9.25% per annum, without income and expense transactions.



Up to 8.45% per annum, without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal.

"TransCapital Bank"

"Spring hit"

Up to 8.95% per annum, capitalization, replenishment.

Deposits in foreign currency at high interest rates

Modern financial institutions offer a wide range of services and products. Deposit programs provide for the opening of not only ruble accounts, but also foreign currency ones. This investment option is especially relevant for those who plan to spend their money abroad, avoiding unprofitable conversion. Many financial organizations in Moscow offer foreign currency deposits at high interest rates. However, the rate on such programs is significantly lower than on ruble deposits. The table below presents the most attractive offers for residents of the capital:

Maximum deposits in Moscow banks (currency – US dollar)

Bank's name


"UniCredit Bank"

"For life"

Rate 2-3%, monthly capitalization, without replenishment, expense transactions.


"Tradition of Success"

Rate up to 1.05-2%, replenished, with capitalization of interest.

"Gold standard"

Up to 1.5-2.5% per annum, replenishment, capitalization.

High deposits in Moscow banks (currency – €)

Bank's name




Rate 0.55-1.8%, no additional contributions, partial withdrawal.

"Prime Finance"


Rate 0.4-1.6%, no replenishment, partial withdrawal.

"Your savings"

Rate: 0.5-1.8% per annum, replenishment, monthly capitalization.

Pension deposits

Most credit institutions offer special conditions for deposits for pensioners. For this category of the population, maximum interest rates and preferential parameters for early account closure are available. Opens pension deposit with a high percentage only if you have the appropriate ID and passport. If the client receives a pension through a financial institution, then the money can be invested through the issuer’s remote service system.

Before making a final decision, compare the advantageous offers of Moscow banks for this category of citizens. See the table for specific deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate for pensioners:

The best deposits in Moscow banks

Every potential investor is interested, first of all, in the profitability of the deposit. All investments up to 1.4 million rubles are under state protection. However best percentage for deposits in Moscow banks you can find among the offers that are far from the most reliable financial organizations, subsidiaries or franchisees that opened recently and for a short period of time. Rules:

  • Before you start drawing up an agreement with the issuer, you should make sure that it is in the top 10, 20 or 50 best.
  • Placing funds at a higher interest rate guarantees a decent income, and cooperation with a reliable issuer guarantees peace of mind.

Valid for up to a year

For those who plan to receive maximum income in a short time, I exist time deposits. Such products are designed for 3-6 months, after which the investor receives his money along with accruals. Deposits for 6 months at a maximum interest rate are especially convenient when you need to save up for a vacation, purchasing a car or repairs, because they allow you to save and increase your savings.

Look at the table for offers with a period of 6 months:

Bank deposits for a year

Most financial institutions are ready to offer maximum interest rates on bank deposits, subject to long-term placement of funds in accounts. Offers designed for 12-36 months provide high returns and great opportunities. When choosing the optimal option, you can make a comparison by:

  • conditions;
  • minimum amounts;
  • availability of capitalization and other parameters.

Residents of the capital can open a deposit for 1 year using one of the offers from the table below:

Reliable deposits in Moscow banks

All capital banks have their own line of deposits. When considering different offers, some clients pay more attention not to possible income, but to the rating of the issuer company. Choose reliable bank with high interest rates on deposits can be from the list below. All organizations are included in the official top 10, have an impeccable reputation, and a high rating.

Offers from the most reliable banks in Moscow:

  • “Profitable online” from VTB 24 provides income of up to 7.55% per annum. The account is opened for a period of 3 months to 5 years, subject to placement of at least 100 thousand rubles.
  • “Classic” from Rosselkhozbank. The product is designed for different categories of clients, so you can open an account in any currency for a period from 1 month to 7 years. The client must deposit at least 3 thousand rubles into the account. The yield under the program reaches 8.2% per annum.
  • “Promising” from Gazprombank. To open a deposit, the client must deposit an amount of at least 15 thousand rubles into the account. Domestic or foreign opening currency available. The rate is calculated individually, up to 8%. The deposit is valid for up to 3 years.
  • “Memory of Generations” from Sberbank. This product was developed specifically for Victory Day. Clients can grow their savings and help military veterans at the same time. The rate is calculated individually, the maximum available income under the program is 7% per annum. To open a deposit, you need to deposit at least 10 thousand rubles.

Rating of deposits in Moscow banks today

Those who believe that savings should provide additional income should consider the current offers of financial institutions. Maximum rates can be obtained within active shares, seasonal offers. The rating of deposits in Moscow banks is formed on the basis of customer reviews and the conditions offered by issuers. Although it is difficult to combine reliability and maximum profitability, it is important not to neglect the reputation of issuers. Below are the popular offers of Moscow banks with a detailed description of the parameters.

Asia-Pacific Bank – Investment deposit

One of the most attractive offers is the ATB product. The deposit parameters are as follows:

  1. The offer is available to clients who have issued an ILI policy from a bank partner.
  2. The term for placing funds on the account is 6 or 12 months.
  3. The amount is not less than 167 thousand rubles.
  4. The currency is national.
  5. The maximum rate is 10.5%.
  6. There are no outgoing or incoming transactions.
  7. In case of early withdrawal of funds from the account, all accruals are canceled automatically.

Inkarobank – “High Interest” deposit

This offer will be an excellent option for those who plan to accumulate a decent amount over time and increase it. The deposit parameters are as follows:

  1. The account is opened in domestic or foreign currency - your choice.
  2. The down payment must be at least 200 thousand rubles.
  3. Additionally, you can deposit funds with restrictions (at least 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Interest is paid every month to a separate account of the client.
  5. Deposit term: 1-12 months.
  6. Expense transactions on the account are not available.
  7. In case of early withdrawal of cash by the client, the issuer recalculates accruals according to minimum rate.

Krosna-Bank – term deposit

This offer for Moscow residents is different in that bank interest increases along with the amount in the account, so the client can receive a maximum income of up to 9.33%. The conditions are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Placement period: 6-18 months.
  3. Accruals are paid to the client quarterly.
  4. Interest capitalization available.
  5. Replenishment without restrictions, no later than 3 months before the end of the deposit period.
  6. Rate: 8.26-9.33%.

Krylovsky Bank – “Suitable” deposit

This proposal is no longer relevant for Moscow residents. However, those who previously opened a deposit continue to receive income under the following conditions:

  1. Amount: from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Duration of placement of funds: 91-540 days.
  3. Replenishment is available from 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Capitalization of interest is provided.
  5. If an account is closed early, interest is recalculated only for the current quarter.

Bank Standard-Credit – “Term” deposit

For those who are looking for maximum income that grows with the amount deposited in the account, the offer from Standard-Credit Bank will be very tempting. Income transactions are available on the account, regular capitalization of interest and progressive accrual are provided. The main parameters of the product are presented below:

  1. Duration: 1-12 months.
  2. Amount: not less than 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Replenishment is available with restrictions (from 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Available monthly payment interest to a separate account.
  5. The interest rate is constantly growing, the maximum income is 9.93% per annum.
  6. If the account is closed early, interest is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Bank Modern business standards – “Urgent replenishment”

For those who plan to save a substantial amount, this product will be an excellent solution. The deposit provides for incoming transactions, a growing rate, maximum size which is 8.5% per annum and payment of accruals after closing the account. Below are the main conditions for Moscow residents:

  1. Duration: 1-2 years.
  2. Currency: domestic, foreign.
  3. Amount to open an account: at least 15 thousand rubles.
  4. The interest rate depends on the selected currency: 8.25-8.5% (rubles) / 1.45-1.6% (dollars) / 0.55-0.60% (euros).
  5. If the account is closed early, income is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Inbank – “Constructor” deposit with interest payment at the end of the term

This offer is suitable for those Moscow residents who want to constantly receive profit from their savings. Interest is paid every month to the owner's separate account. The main parameters of the program are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 700 thousand rubles.
  2. Deposit validity period: 1-36 months.
  3. Receipt/expenditure transactions are not provided.
  4. Rate: 7.55-9.38%.
  5. If an account is closed early, income is recalculated at a minimum rate of 0.1%.

Bank Round – “Classic” deposit

This offer is suitable for different categories of citizens. The account is opened when placing a small amount and can bring income up to 8.3% per annum to its owner. The advantage of the product is attractive rates on foreign currency accounts. The conditions for the “Classic” deposit are as follows:

  1. Currency: national, foreign (euros, dollars).
  2. The first payment is at least 1100 rubles (or equivalent).
  3. Deposit validity period: from 1 to 36 months.
  4. Additional fees, interest capitalization is not provided for by the program.
  5. Early withdrawals are not available without loss of accruals.
  6. Maximum percentage: 8.3% (rubles), 5% (euros) or 5.5% (dollars).

Bank Our Home – “Profitable” deposit

This offer is universal for different categories of clients. The client can choose the appropriate currency, term and other parameters taking into account his own preferences. For foreign currency accounts, the deposit does not provide for high income, but a ruble deposit brings the owner maximum accruals of up to 9.5% per annum. The program conditions are as follows:

  1. Duration: 1-36 months.
  2. Currency: rubles, dollars, euros.
  3. The minimum deposit to open an account is 100 thousand rubles.
  4. Income: 7-9.5% per annum.
  5. Interest is paid upon account closure.


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Money is not only a tool for making payments. They should not only be preserved, but preferably also. One of effective ways increase the amount of savings are deposits. Many banking organizations offer to open them, of course, under different conditions. Today we will discuss how to choose deposits that are profitable for yourself.

Contribution: concept and essence

A deposit is a certain amount of funds that you transfer to a banking organization in order to receive income in the form of interest. It’s easy to become a depositor: you need to enter into an agreement to place money in rubles or other currencies in a bank account.

Any citizen has the right to place a deposit for individuals, regardless of his social status and financial situation.

TOP 20 banks where you can open a deposit

We will analyze the conditions for opening deposits according to several criteria.

Let us also immediately note important information: all data regarding interest rates and opening conditions were obtained from the official websites of banking organizations. It can change and be supplemented, this is the prerogative of banks.

Tinkoff Bank

  1. Minimum contribution– 50,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period- 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period– 24 months;
  4. Minimum % rate – 5,5%
  5. Maximum % rate – 8,8%;
  6. Accrual %– on a deposit or, at the client’s request, on a card;
  7. Replenishment– regardless of time, via the Internet;
  8. Removal in parts– regardless of the time, as convenient for you.

Summary: ease of opening, the ability to withdraw and top up your account at any time, quite a reasonable deposit amount. The bank participates in the deposit insurance system that we mentioned today. From nice bonuses It can be noted that everyone who opens a deposit becomes the owner debit card jar. It is also possible to open a deposit in different currencies.

  1. Minimum contribution– 1 ruble (depending on the type of deposit being opened);
  2. Minimum placement period– 30 days (deposit “Save”);
  3. Maximum placement period– 36 months;
  4. Minimum % rate – 3%;
  5. Maximum % rate – 7%;
  6. Accrual of % occurs depending on the type of deposit;
  7. Replenishment – Maybe;
  8. Removal in parts- allowed.

Summary: The bank is certainly reliable, stable, and supported by the state. Participates in the deposit insurance system; you can open a deposit without visiting the office in person. At the same time, we note that interest rates leave much to be desired.

VTB 24

  1. Minimum contribution– 200,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period- 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period– 60 months;
  4. Minimum % rate – 4,10%;
  5. Maximum % rate – 7,4%;
  6. Accrual of % - every month;
  7. Replenishment – Maybe;
  8. Removal in parts– possible (deposit “Comfortable”).

Summary: The amount of the first payment is large, not everyone can make it. The number of available deposits is small, but this can hardly be considered a negative side. At the same time, it is possible to withdraw funds ahead of schedule, as well as replenish the deposit.

  1. Minimum contribution– 10 rubles (deposit “On demand”);
  2. Minimum placement period– depends on the type of deposit;
  3. Maximum placement period– depends on the type of deposit;
  4. Minimum % rate – 0,01%
  5. Maximum % rate– 8.75% (investment deposit);
  6. Accrual of % - every month;
  7. Replenishment – yes, for “Managed”, “Savings”, “Pension Income” deposits
  8. Removal in parts– yes, for “Demand” and “Managed” deposits.

Summary: The amount of the down payment is available to everyone; there are no restrictions on the terms of the deposit.

  1. Minimum contribution– 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period- 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period- 2 years;
  4. Minimum % rate – 7,25%
  5. Maximum % rate – 9,0%
  6. Accrual of % - at your choice (every month or capitalization);
  7. Replenishment – Maybe;
  8. Removal in parts– not for all types of deposits.

Summary: Not all deposits are available for replenishment; cash for withdrawal must be ordered several days in advance. Positive aspects: you can manage your deposit without visiting the office.

  1. Minimum contribution– 100 rubles (for the “Pension” deposit);
  2. Minimum placement period- 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period–1095 days;
  4. Minimum % rate – 0.01% (on demand deposit)
  5. Maximum % rate– 7.8% (for the “Vacation” deposit);
  6. Interest is accrued at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts – only for the “Dynamic” deposit.

Summary: The bank is a participant in the deposit insurance system, there is the possibility of personal consulting.

  1. Minimum contribution 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. 2 years;
  4. Minimum % rate 6,5%;
  5. Maximum % rate 7,35%;
  6. Accrual % daily, monthly;
  7. Replenishment – yes, it's possible;
  8. Removal in parts yes, it's possible.

Summary: There is an increase in the rate when opening online, the bank is included in the deposit insurance system, and there is a relatively small minimum contribution.

Bank opening

  1. Minimum contribution 50,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 2 years;
  4. Minimum % rate depends on the type of deposit;
  5. Maximum % rate 8%;
  6. Accrual % 1 time per month (capitalization available);
  7. Replenishment – Maybe;
  8. Removal in parts – perhaps under the “Free Control” deposit.

Summary: There is an opportunity to replenish the deposit amount; online opening is available.

Alfa Bank

  1. Minimum contribution 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 3 months;
  3. Maximum placement period – more than 3 years;
  4. Minimum % rate 4,5%;
  5. Maximum % rate 7.2% on the “Victory +” deposit;
  6. Accrual % every month;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts – Yes.

Summary: there is an opportunity to receive serious income, but for this you need to make a large minimum contribution, up to 3 million rubles.

  1. Minimum contribution 30,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum % rate 5%;
  5. Maximum % rate 8,5%;
  6. Accrual % every month;
  7. Replenishment – yes, according to the “Always at hand” deposit;
  8. Removal in parts Maybe.

Summary: It is possible to make a minimum contribution in several payments, and there is the possibility of monthly replenishment.

  1. Minimum contribution— 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 24 months;
  4. Minimum % rate 6,0%;
  5. Maximum % rate 9%;
  6. Accrual % at the end of the contract;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: for opening a deposit via the Internet, 0.25% is added. It is possible to withdraw money and not lose interest.


  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 4 years;
  4. Minimum % rate 5% (for deposits in gold and silver);
  5. Maximum % rate 9%;
  6. Accrual % every month;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts available.

Summary: small down payment amount, wide choice of deposits.

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum % rate 7,4%;
  5. Maximum % rate 8,3%;
  6. Accrual % – 1 time per month;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: the bank increases the rate on deposits for persons who opened it via the Internet and ATMs (+0.3%). Also the percentage will be higher if you payroll client or a pensioner.

  1. Minimum contribution 10,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 366 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 366 days;
  4. Minimum % rate 6,3%;
  5. Maximum % rate 8,10%;
  6. Accrual % every month;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: We see that the minimum contribution is small, it is possible to withdraw and replenish deposits, and you can also receive % every month.

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum % rate – 7,0%;
  5. Maximum % rate 8.22% (if you deposit 3 million rubles);
  6. Accrual % 1 time per month or at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts No.

Summary: opening in rubles and foreign currency is available; you cannot withdraw money partially, but at the same time you can replenish the entire line.

  1. Minimum contribution 5000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 6 months;
  3. Maximum placement period 1 year;
  4. Minimum % rate 7,5%;
  5. Maximum % rate 8.25% (“Capital”);
  6. Accrual % every month, every quarter;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: The bank’s website contains information that deposits are accepted only in rubles; in addition, you can get an increased percentage if you open a deposit via the Internet. It is permissible to close the deposit early and not lose the accrued interest.

  1. Minimum contribution 5000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 1 month;
  3. Maximum placement period 24 months;
  4. Minimum % rate 6,5%;
  5. Maximum % rate 8,6%;
  6. Accrual % daily (if the “On Demand” deposit is opened);
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: You can replenish open deposits and withdraw some funds.

Bank "Ugra

  1. Minimum contribution 100 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 61 days (for the “Special Client” deposit)
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum % rate 6%;
  5. Maximum % rate 10%;
  6. Accrual % 1 time per month;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: Deposits can be replenished and withdrawn in parts; initially, you can deposit a small amount.

Bank Uralsib

  1. Minimum contribution 1000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 90 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 36 months;
  4. Minimum % rate 6,1%;
  5. Maximum % rate 9,0%;
  6. Accrual % every month;
  7. Replenishment – Yes;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: banking institution offers a wide range of deposits, there is plenty to choose from.

  1. Minimum contribution 30,000 rubles;
  2. Minimum placement period 91 days;
  3. Maximum placement period 720 days;
  4. Minimum % rate 6,5;
  5. Maximum % rate 8,5%;
  6. Accrual % every quarter, at the end of the term;
  7. Replenishment – acceptable;
  8. Removal in parts Yes.

Summary: The bank offers a fairly wide selection; when opening via Internet banking, the percentage is slightly higher.

Comparative table for all banks

Banking institution Maximum on deposit Opening fee Possibility of withdrawal/replenishment
10% 100 rubles Yes Yes
9% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
UBRD 9% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
9% 1000 rubles not for all deposits
Promsvyaz Bank 9% 10,000 rubles Yes Yes
Tinkoff Bank 8,8% 50,000 rubles Yes Yes
8,7% 10 rubles Yes Yes
8,6% 5000 rubles Yes Yes
Russian Standard / Sovcombank 8,5% 30 000 / 30 000 Yes Yes
8,3% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
8,25% 5000 rubles Yes Yes
Home Credit Bank 8,22% 1000 rubles no Yes
8,1% 1000 rubles Yes Yes
Bank opening 8% 50,000 rubles Yes Yes
7,8% 100 rubles Yes Yes
VTB 24 7,4% 200,000 rubles Yes Yes
7,3% 10,000 rubles Yes Yes
Alfa Bank 7,2% 10,000 rubles Yes Yes
7,0% 1 ruble Yes Yes

In the next part of our conversation, we will look at how to correctly compare deposits.

How to compare different deposits

It is clear that most people consider the interest rate to be the most important indicator for comparison. But no less important are the indicators that we have already discussed in the table above: the ability to withdraw money and top up your account.

The level of income you will receive on your deposit primarily depends on the rate. If you open a deposit in foreign currency, you will receive less income if in rubles more. Rates on foreign currency deposits are always lower than on ruble deposits.

Separately, we note that opening deposits without visiting a bank office, online or through an ATM, is currently becoming increasingly popular. Some banks offer a percentage slightly higher than the standard for such an opening. We also already wrote about this in the article.

If you read the recommendations of various experts, they note that you should not give priority when choosing a deposit to such an indicator as the interest rate. It happens that their high level hides a big risk or completely unfavorable conditions. The rate indicated in the advertisement in fact below.

There is another criterion for comparison: the size of the minimum and maximum amount contribution. It cannot be said that it plays a big role, but it is worth paying attention to it, since the minimum contribution is associated with expense transactions. Speaking in simple language, this means that if you withdraw funds partially, this amount must remain in the account.

You cannot withdraw money more than this amount; you will lose everything that was credited. This is especially important for investors who have small amounts funds, invest them in order to withdraw the maximum at any time.

Purposes of placing deposits

It would seem that there is nothing complicated: you open a deposit so as not to lose money, save it, and also increase its quantity. But there are a number of other goals. Let's talk about them.

1. Earn money.

Don't be surprised, this is quite possible. Often banking organizations hold promotions of various types. If circumstances go well, you can get additional income.

2. Get benefits.

As an example, let’s take one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation. It has the following condition: for a person who opens a deposit for a certain amount, preferential conditions will apply mortgage lending. Imagine, there are not so few people willing.

3. Protect your money from inflation.

If you have set such a goal for yourself, then you can choose practically any type of contribution - they will all help with this. Keeping money in a box at home is not the best the best option, sooner or later inflation will eat them up, and no one is safe from thieves.

4. Save up for a major purchase.

We all know that there are people who don’t keep money in their pockets. They say about such people: give him a million, he will spend it in 2 hours. As a result, it turns out that money is needed for something really serious, but it is not there.

In this case, a bank deposit comes to the rescue. Moreover, it would be better if it was impossible to withdraw money ahead of schedule. Then it will work out.

Now let’s talk in more detail about what types of deposits there are and how they are classified.

What types of deposits are there?

In order to attract a large number of clients, banking organizations are constantly expanding their line of deposits, adding more and more new ones. We will now look at the most popular types of deposits for us – ordinary people.

All deposits can be divided into 2 categories: urgent And poste restante. Term deposits are opened for a specific time; demand deposits do not have a specific period.


It is worth noting that the most high stakes specifically for this group. In addition, it is not always possible to withdraw money from such deposits or to deposit funds into the account.


Thanks to the presence of such a deposit, you can control your finances and manage your savings. This type of contribution is also called universal.


Provided for those clients who plan to replenish it throughout the entire term of the deposit. They are most often used by people who save up for expensive purchases.


These are deposits that are offered to certain groups of clients. This includes deposits for students, pensioners, and so on.

By season.

Timed to coincide with a certain time of year. They often have fairly high rates, but there is no rollover option.


Designed for those who want to independently save for a down payment on a mortgage. They can be replenished, but cannot be renewed automatically.

Part of the funds or the entire amount immediately after the end of the contract will be used to pay mortgage payment. Now in the Russian Federation such a deposit is not found in all banking institutions.


This deposit belongs to the category of fixed-term deposits and is tied to changes in the value of an asset. The asset can be the dollar exchange rate, securities, precious metals, etc.


The point of such a deposit is that the funds are stored in various currencies: most often rubles, euros and dollars. There is, of course, the opportunity to store money in more exotic currencies, but this is rare.

The main advantage of this type of deposit is the ability not to lose profitability and transfer funds from one currency to another. This is called conversion. As a rule, they do not charge a commission for it, but the rates here are lower than for other types of deposits.


Opened in the name of a child who is not yet 16 years old. The contribution is targeted.


A person deposits funds into it only in cash. When opening such a deposit, the client can count on complete anonymity of his account.

How to choose a bank to place a deposit

Choosing a banking organization that you can trust with money and not be afraid of losing it will take a decent amount of time.

To make this task a little easier, here are a few recommendations:

  1. Don't neglect other people's feedback. Check them out, it definitely won't hurt. Just pay special attention to those that are presented on the Internet as a whole, and not on the official websites of the banking organization.
  2. Study information in the media for publications about the bank in a negative way.
  3. When visiting a bank, check how interest rates apply on deposits: if they are too high, this is a reason to be wary;
  4. You can use the information posted on the Banki.ru portal. The positive side here is that all the data on the site is presented in simple language; you don’t need to be an expert in economics to understand the topic;
  5. Find out if the bank has branches and branches;
  6. An important criterion for selection is the bank’s participation in the state deposit insurance system. This information is freely available on the Internet; finding it will not be a problem.
  7. On the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation you can view information related to the reporting of banking organizations. The only disadvantage here is that it is difficult for an ordinary person to understand it; the help of a specialist is required.
  8. An important indicator is the amount.
  9. You can inquire about the bank's ratings; they are published by special agencies. Of course, it’s difficult to keep track of them, but they can be used as additional information.
  10. An indirect sign that all is not well with the bank are frequent failures in various operations.

Mistakes we make when choosing a bank

It is not always possible for a potential investor to adequately assess the reliability of the chosen banking organization.

By the way, the most common mistakes are made:

  1. Selecting the highest deposit rate. This is dictated by the desire to increase the amount of their funds. If this is your only goal, you're better off using something else. financial instrument. Very high rates should not attract, but repel the client. Their presence is an indicator that the bank needs funds and is having financial difficulties.
  2. Excessive trust in bank specialists. Even if an employee speaks convincingly and beautifully, his words must be supported by something. Stable and reliable institutions provide clients with all publicly available information.
  3. Opening a deposit in a servicing banking organization. Often, depositors entrust their funds to the bank from which they receive salaries or other types of regular payments. This is convenient, but there is no need to bring all the money to one institution; it is better to distribute it among several.
  4. Following untested recommendations. The experience of your friends and relatives is important, but you don’t need to follow it blindly. They are most often based on the opinion of a particular person, and not on the actual state of affairs.

To summarize, I would like to say that the choice of a banking organization must be approached with increased attention and thoroughness. It is better to spend time finding the bank that best suits you than to risk your savings.

State deposit insurance

Thanks to the implementation of this system, a person can get his money back even if the bank is recognized or its license has been revoked.

In 2017, deposits up to 1,400,000 rubles were insured. If you have deposits in several banks and all these credit organizations have undergone bankruptcy, from each you will receive 1,400,000.

This program also applies to deposits made in foreign currency. The amount in this case will be calculated at the rate in effect on the date of revocation of the bank’s license. Recalculation is carried out in rubles.

Reasons for refusal to open a deposit

A banking organization, without stating the reason, may refuse to open a deposit for a client.

This happens infrequently, and the reasons may be:

  • The client is under 14 years of age;
  • The client does not have the opportunity to present a passport or other document that will prove his identity;
  • A citizen of another state wants to open a deposit but cannot confirm his right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the next part of our article, we will take a closer look at 20 banking organizations that have already proven themselves to be reliable. People trust them with their money without fear for its safety. We propose to analyze the range of deposits offered by these institutions, and then draw a conclusion in which bank it is better to open a deposit.

Personal income tax and deposits of individuals

Most deposit programs do not require payment. Tax will be charged only if the level of income exceeds that established by law. But this year, banking organizations have lowered deposit rates due to increased insurance rates. Which means high level there is no expectation of profitability.

You may ask: do you need to pay something or not? Let’s answer this: this direction of payments is practically not controlled. If you receive a payment notice, of course, make the payment. But if you haven’t been notified about this within 3 years, you don’t have to pay.

Interest on deposit: how to calculate

To begin with, let us immediately note that you should not completely trust the amount of interest on the deposit that is indicated in the advertising of the banking organization. Before you entrust your hard-earned money to a bank, try calculating the interest yourself. This may seem complicated to you, but we will try to explain in as simple a way as possible how to do this.

First of all, you should not completely trust the calculation to the deposit calculator.

They will not show real results because:

  1. Their functionality is poor; the calculator does not take into account all the details. Therefore, you can refuse to use it and try to calculate everything manually.
  2. Calculate everything before you decide on the bank and type of deposit. This is necessary to evaluate and compare different offers.
  3. If you have any questions, contact the bank’s consultants, they will clarify all the necessary points.

Now let's move on directly to terminology and calculations.

Interest on deposits is calculated in two ways: using compound or simple interest formulas. The key parameter in both cases is the interest rate on the deposit.

The concept of % on a deposit refers to the amount that the bank pays to its client for using his money.

The rate is usually specified in the contract, indicated as a percentage per annum. The rate can be floating or fixed.

If we are talking about a simple method of calculating %, then they are not added to the deposit amount, but are transferred to the depositor’s open account.

In the second option, the income that is accrued is added to the body of the deposit, it turns out that its principal amount has increased, which means that the total profitability has also increased.


We calculate interest in case of simple accrual:

S = (P x I x t / K) / 100, Where:

  • S – accrued%;
  • P – the amount you deposit;
  • I – deposit rate for the year;
  • t – number of days for which % will be calculated;
  • K – number of days per year (don’t forget about leap days).

Example. Citizen O. opened a deposit in the amount of 200,000 rubles, for a period of 12 months, at 9.5% per annum. The percentage calculation is simple. After the end of the deposit period, O.’s income will be: (200,000 * 9.5 * 365 /365) / 100 = 19,000 rubles.

If it is implied complex accrual percent, the calculation will look like this:

S = (P x I x j / K) / 100, Where:

  • S – accrued%;
  • P – the amount you deposited;
  • I – % of the deposit for the year;
  • j – number of days in the billing period;
  • K – number of days in a year.

Example. Citizen O. opened a deposit in the amount of 200,000 rubles, for a period of 6 months, at 9.5% per annum with capitalization. After the end of the deposit period, O.’s income will be: (200,000 * 9.5 * 180 /365) / 100 = 9369 rubles. (for 6 months).

Deposit in foreign currency: nuances

Under the current economic conditions, investors prefer to keep part of their money in foreign currency. If you are ready to open such a deposit, then remember: if the bank loses its license, the deposit amount will be paid to you in rubles.

In addition, there is one more subtlety: the DIA begins insurance payments 14 days after the license is revoked from your bank. And during this time, the exchange rate may rise, so you may lose some amount.

What do investors risk?

This is an important question that cannot be left unanswered. After all, everyone knows very well that every coin has two sides: positive and negative. We have already talked about the advantages of opening deposits, now we will discuss possible risks.

The most common are the following:

  • The banking organization is declared bankrupt;
  • Payment of personal income tax;
  • Increase in rates for deposits opened for a long time;
  • Liquidity risk;
  • Reinvestment risks.

And now a little more detail.

The bank was declared bankrupt.

To somewhat reduce the possibility of such a situation occurring, place your savings in different banking organizations, in amounts not exceeding 1,400,000 rubles. If something happens to the bank, the state will return your money.

Payment of personal income tax.

This will only have to be done if the rate on your deposit is 5% higher than the refinancing rate. Then you will have to pay, and in the amount of 35% of the excess amount.

Increase in rates for deposits opened for a long time.

If you open a deposit at 9% per annum for a period of 36 months, and after a year the rate becomes 12%, you lose 3% of income.


This risk arises if you terminate the term deposit agreement early. It’s better to open a deposit where funds can be partially withdrawn.

Reinvestment risk.

Let's say you opened a deposit for 6 months at an interest rate of 10%. You plan to reinvest these funds. But after 6 months the rates dropped and now you can only get 8% per annum.

To minimize risks, choose a bank carefully.

Fraudulent transactions related to deposits

Recently, the revocation of licenses from banking organizations has become a regular occurrence. But the problem is that 27 thousand people contacted the Deposit Insurance Agency with statements that people could not get a refund of their funds. As it turned out, there were fraudulent actions with deposits on the part of banks.

What is the essence of such fraud? It turned out that banking organizations were stealing funds from the accounts of their depositors. Double accounting was carried out, and the person did not even realize that he had been robbed. In accounting, the information that deposits were opened was either not indicated at all, or in a greatly reduced amount: instead of 500,000, only 50 rubles were reflected.

After the licenses were revoked, depositors were faced with the fact that there was no money in their accounts and nothing to reimburse.

How to protect yourself from such manipulations? Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this 100%. But we recommend that you keep all documents in the original: orders confirming transactions, agreements on opening deposits, and so on. And act actively, do not wait for the situation to normalize itself.

Proceed according to this algorithm:

  • Contact your banking organization with a request for insurance compensation by attaching the documents that you have in your hands;
  • The application from the bank is transferred to the Insurance Agency;
  • The agency registers it and reviews it;
  • If the decision is positive, changes will be made to the payment register;
  • As a result, you will receive your money in full.

Of course, this procedure will make you waste not only time, but also nerves. Although, most likely, the outcome will be positive.

We can also advise placing deposits in banks that are among the largest. This somewhat reduces the risk of license revocation and fraud. But this is everyone’s personal business, we will not impose anything.


So, our dear readers, now you know how to choose a suitable bank and open a deposit in it. If you place your funds successfully, you will not only save money, but also receive income. The main thing is to choose a bank wisely, and it is best to place funds in several stable banking institutions.