Register as those in need of housing. Who has the right to improve housing conditions under federal and regional programs - all the information

Purchasing your own home or improving existing living conditions is not affordable for every family and not every citizen. At the same time, only those citizens who fall under certain preferential categories can count on financial assistance from the state.

General information about subsidies

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to housing, and also cannot be deprived of it arbitrarily.

However, the concept of housing and ownership of residential premises are not the same definition. Therefore, it is unlawful to refer to the Constitution when applying for the right to a subsidy.

The Housing Code, as the main legal act on residential premises and rights to them, does not fully regulate the issues of who is entitled to financial support when improving living conditions or purchasing residential premises.

Most of the rules are prescribed in federal regulations.

What is a subsidy

The concept of a subsidy for the improvement of housing conditions or the acquisition of residential property is a certificate that is provided free of charge to citizens.

The certificate is targeted, so it can be spent strictly on specific needs. Moreover, if the funds were not spent in full, the remainder is returned to the federal or regional budget.

Citizens do not receive funds in their hands; they only transfer them to the account of the seller of the residential premises upon purchase or to the account of the company that improves the conditions.

Local, regional or federal authorities strictly keep records of funds and also exercise control over their intended expenditure. If citizens spend funds for other purposes or cash them out fraudulently, the certificate is revoked and the right to receive it is lost.

Who is eligible for subsidies?

There are a number of preferential categories of citizens who can legally apply for assistance from the state for the acquisition or improvement of residential premises.

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • large and low-income families;
  • young families participating in regional housing programs;
  • disabled people;
  • military personnel.

If a citizen of a preferential category is not recognized as in need of financial assistance from the state, then his right to receive this assistance is considered invalid and lost.

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Procedure for recognition as needy

According to current legislation, the following categories of citizens can be recognized as needy:

  • do not own residential premises;
  • owning residential premises that do not meet the requirements of the standards;
  • who are not tenants of housing under a social tenancy agreement;
  • who are tenants under a social lease agreement for premises where each family member has less than the established norm;
  • being tenants under a social lease agreement for premises in which a seriously ill family member with a chronic disease lives.

The rules allow for situations where several family members own residential premises.

In this case, to calculate the standard of living space per person, the total area of ​​the entire property is taken into account.

Calculation example

For example, a family consists of 4 people, while one of them owns a room whose area is 9 square meters, and the other has 12 square meters. Total - 21 square meters.

This area is not enough for 4 family members, so the family can be recognized as needy.

The standard living space per person is set at 12 square meters. All families in preferential categories that do not have such space for each family member are recognized as needy.

How to get the status of people in need in 2019

In order to qualify for subsidies, you must contact the local Administration or Housing Fund to write an application and submit a package of documents. Based on these documents, the housing commission under the authorized local government authority makes a decision on whether a citizen or family can be considered in need.

At the same time, it is possible that representatives of local authorities actually go to the site to familiarize themselves with living conditions before making a decision.

If a citizen is relying on subsidies because of dilapidated or dilapidated housing, then specialists must come to assess the quality of the living space. The protocol they draw up can be appealed in court with the involvement of independent experts.

Payment amount

The amount of financial assistance is established for each category of citizens separately.

However, there are established standards that federal and regional authorities rely on when setting the amount of subsidies.

Fund allocation standards

Thus, when improving housing conditions, existing living conditions and the category of benefits for citizens are taken into account.

For example, military personnel are entitled to allocations of funds based on:

  • 33 square meters for a family of one person;
  • 42 square meters for two people;
  • 18 square meters for a family of three or more people.

In the case of WWII veterans, the standard is applied at the rate of 33 square meters, since the certificate is issued strictly for the veteran himself, and not for his entire family.

Each region has its own housing programs for young families, however, they also comply with the standards - each family member should not have less than the established housing standard.

What affects the certificate amount?

In addition to the standards and the number of family members, the size of the certificate is affected by the category of benefits. For example, federal beneficiaries usually receive more material support than regional ones. This is due to the distribution of the budget and the funds available on the balance sheet of housing funds.

In addition, the size of government subsidies is also affected by the cost of one square meter of living space in a particular region.

You can get acquainted with current housing programs directly at the local Administration or the Housing Fund branch at your place of residence, as well as from official sources.

Documents for obtaining certificates

Subsidies for improving housing conditions are provided only upon request and are of a declarative nature.

If a citizen or family does not independently apply for a certificate, then the authorities are not required to notify them of the opportunity.

When making an application, you must attach the following documents:

  • identification documents of all family members (for children under 14 years of age - birth certificates, for persons over 14 years of age - passports of citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • extracts from household or house books for the last few years (usually at least 5 years);
  • statements from the personal accounts of all adult family members;
  • title documents for existing residential premises or documents confirming the absence of property;
  • documents confirming the right to receive a certificate.

In the latter case, everything is individual. Thus, young families need to provide a copy of their marriage certificate, WWII veterans - a WWII veteran's certificate, and low-income families - a certificate of income.

The current list of documents required for registration to receive funds can be found at the local Administration at the place of residence or the Housing Fund.

Procedure for obtaining a certificate

To obtain a certificate for improving living conditions, you must go through several stages:

  1. Collection of documents for the provision of financial government assistance. All statements and other documents must be current at the time of submission of the package of documents. Thus, a certificate of family composition is valid for one calendar month, and certificates of income must be drawn up in the last calendar month before delivery. For example, if documents are submitted in April, then the income certificate should end in March.
  2. Submission of documents to authorized bodies. At this stage, an application is drawn up, and a date is set for inspection of the home by specialists for living conditions.
  3. Queuing up to receive funds and assigning a queue number. At the same time, there are, as a rule, two queues for a certificate - all-Russian, if we are talking about federal funding, and regional - each region has its own.
  4. Obtaining a certificate and its implementation for its intended purpose. At this stage, citizens receive funds and use them in accordance with the purpose of allocation - to purchase living space or improve existing living conditions.
  5. Providing reporting on the implementation of the certificate. Certificate holders must, within the period established by regulations, provide information and evidence that the funds were spent for their intended purpose.
If we are talking about regional payments, then each region independently sets reporting deadlines. If payments are federal, then the terms for them are prescribed in federal regulations, but are controlled by regional authorized authorities.

Queues to receive funds

As a rule, placing on the all-Russian queue involves assigning a serial number in the queue to receive funds.

At the same time, the federal budget allocates a certain amount annually to each region, which is used for housing certificates.

In this case, in addition to the all-Russian queue, registration is made in the regional queue, when funds are distributed in order of priority to all registered citizens and families.

Distribution example

For example, the family of a serviceman in the Samara region was registered in the general queue under number 33990. In the Samara region, about 330 families of the same category are already in the queue. When funds are received from the federal budget into the regional budget, the family receives certificate 331 in turn, but at the same time is ahead of those who were registered in the general queue later, but live in another region.

Thus, the distribution of funds is carried out as evenly as possible, but with significant delays.

It is almost impossible to track the movement of the queue on your own. To do this, you must contact the authorized bodies to obtain up-to-date information.


Despite the fact that a family or citizen gets on a waiting list and applies for financial assistance, it is not always provided in the same year as being placed on the waiting list.

So, regional certificates are issued faster than federal ones. For example, young and large families receive funds to improve their living conditions earlier than military personnel, who, it would seem, apply for funds out of turn.

Funds for the purchase of apartments and houses are allocated more slowly, since they are provided in larger volumes than funds for improving housing conditions. Repairs and reconstruction usually require fewer material investments, so certificates are issued faster.

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Last changes

In 2018, subsidies were planned for employees of the Russian Guard to improve their living conditions.

Workers of VVOKhR a, SOBR a and OMON a, when transferred to the federal unit of the National Guard, will receive living space from the state. The following possibilities are provided here:

  1. Providing a finished apartment.
  2. Issuance of subsidies in 2018 for the purchase of housing.
  3. Use of military mortgage.

Previously, such benefits were provided only to military personnel of internal units. Police officers (which include the above-mentioned workers) did not have such rights.

Since Russian legislation has not completely abolished the right to receive housing for free, despite all the changes in the law, a certain category of citizens can still claim to have improved housing conditions. Improving living space often means government assistance in the exchange or acquisition of residential real estate instead of unsuitable for living, as well as area that does not meet the standards for the number of people living on it.

To improve living conditions, it is necessary to collect the documents that are needed to confirm the right to apply for assistance and register, since such applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. – this is not a very pleasant moment, since you often have to be a member for more than a year. But getting registered is not so easy; the state provides very strict criteria for which citizens really need help, as well as the grounds for obtaining the opportunity to improve their living conditions.

The state can provide some benefits as assistance to improve housing conditions to low-income families, migrants from the North, military personnel, law enforcement officers, as well as some government employees.

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When can you apply?

There is a queue for housing improvement in every city and town in Russia, in accordance with legislative norms. It is impossible to calculate at what speed it moves, since it is different for each region of the country and depends on the economic state of the municipality and the work of local authorities. There is also such a thing as out-of-turn distribution for people who live in dilapidated houses due for demolition or, for example, who are displaced against their will, which must be evidenced by documents.

  • For the ordinary category of low-income people, improvement of living space can only be done on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is better to register as early as possible. You should apply for and count on government assistance only after:
  • applicants are officially recognized as low-income;

It is worth noting that there is no clear definition of who belongs to the category of low-income people in Russian legislation, therefore each municipality makes a decision based on the total family income for a certain period of time and the cost of its living space, if it is owned by the applicant.

Preparation of papers

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Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to housing guaranteed by Article 40 of our constitution. Today, free housing, as before, is provided to those citizens (in order of priority) who most urgently need it. True, getting an apartment under this scheme is not easy. What documents should be collected to get housing for free, and how to do it?

Who applies for a free apartment, and who can get free housing out of turn in Russia

Currently, you can count on free housing from the state (according to Federal Law No. 29 dated June 14, 2006) under the following conditions:

  1. The family is recognized as poor (low income).
  2. The size of the family’s housing area is below the accounting norm for each family member. It is worth noting that this standard is set separately by region. For example, in Moscow – 10 sq/m per 1 family member, and in Vladivostok – 13 sq/m. Note: in the process of determining the area of ​​a family’s housing, the area of ​​the real estate that each person owns is also taken into account.
  3. The dilapidated condition of the housing where the family lives. Or the house cannot be repaired and is declared unfit for habitation by a special commission. The decision on whether a house is “unsafe” is made by executive authorities.
  4. Living in a shared area with the family (communal apartment) for a chronically ill person with a severe form of the disease. The list of such diseases is in Decree No. 378 dated 16/06/06. For example, tuberculosis or gangrene, etc.
  5. Lack of amenities in the house. For example, electricity or heating, hot water and/or plumbing, baths, stoves, etc.
  6. Lack of ownership of any real estate by family members if they have the right to reside in the Russian Federation.

On a note:

Only those citizens who are recognized as low-income and in dire need of improved housing conditions can get on the waiting list. The status of the apartment (state-owned/owned) does not matter - financial insolvency matters most. It is also worth noting that families who registered before the adoption of the new housing code (before 2005) will not have to prove their financial insolvency. But for those who get in line today, this fact will have to be confirmed by a solid package of documents.

Free housing out of turn – who is eligible?

  1. Persons whose housing, according to the established procedure, was officially declared unfit for habitation, as well as unsuitable for repair/reconstruction.
  2. All children are orphans.
  3. All children who were left without parental care.
  4. All persons with a history of severe chronic illnesses that can harm the health of others.

Full list of documents for the queue for a free apartment

If you have grounds for obtaining the status of a “waiting list” and claiming the right to free housing, prepare package of documents for the housing commission:

  1. Application (based on sample). It must be signed by each member of your family over 18 years of age who wishes to receive the status of “in need”, and certified by the move-in/registration department (at your place of residence).
  2. Russian passport of the applicant and all family members + photocopies of the necessary pages (marital status and children, photo with place of residence, information about previously issued passports). In this case, family members are the husband (wife) and their children under 18 years of age, or persons who live with them and have other signs of kinship, or those persons who live with the applicant, including those brought into the area as family members By the tribunal's decision.
  3. All documents (+ copies) defining/confirming family composition, family relationships, etc. That is, birth/marriage or divorce certificates, all relevant court decisions or guardianship decisions, etc.
  4. Form 7 and 9 (both are valid for 1 month only).
  5. An extract from the personal account about the number of residents (valid for 1 month).
  6. An extract from the Unified State Register with information about the presence/absence of housing owned by the applicant and family members (the certificate is provided separately for each, valid for 1 month).
  7. Documents that are the basis for registration of the applicant and family members on their premises: a gift agreement or transfer of ownership, a warrant or a social tenancy agreement, etc.
  8. Information about income - for the last 12 months, for each family member: documents on scholarships and benefits, a certificate of pension amount, all certificates from work, etc. In the absence of work: original + copy of the work book (certify in advance in the personnel department) ; a statement (did not work anywhere, had no income, lived dependent on so-and-so), certified by a notary; a certificate from the employment center (that there was a fact of receipt/non-receipt of unemployment benefits).
  9. A package of documents/certificates with information about the value of all property owned (taxable property) by the applicant and other family members. That is, a certificate from the PIB, a document from the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management (about the standard price of a plot), a document with an assessment of vehicles owned (taken from an appropriately licensed organization). Of course, each certificate must be “fresh” (as of the year of application).
  10. A package of documents with information confirming the right to benefits for the provision of residential premises (originals + copies). That is, all disability documents, certificates, etc.
  11. TIN + SNILS (also originals + copies) – for each (if available).
  12. Certificates about the technical/condition of living quarters (conclusions, acts, etc.) - for those persons who live in premises unfit for habitation.
  13. Documents about those residential premises suitable for permanent residence that are located outside the city in which the application is being submitted (mandatory for each family member, if such housing exists).
  14. Documents about housing security and the fact of living in one of the cities of the Russian Federation on a legal basis for 10 years (certificate of registration).
  15. A package of documents/certificates regarding the right to receive housing out of turn (if such right exists). The following documents may be needed: an act of the interdepartmental commission stating that the housing is unsuitable for living (under Article 57, clause 2, clause 1 of the Housing Code), certificates from a medical institution (under Article 57, clause 2, clause 3 of the Housing Code) , a document from the guardianship authorities (under Article 57, paragraph 2, paragraph 2 of the Housing Code).
  16. A package of documents confirming the recognition of a citizen (citizens) as low-income. The decision on such recognition is issued by the Social Security Administration. In addition to it, the following will be useful: 2-NDFL, certificates of scholarship/pension, child benefits, etc. That is, all documents and certificates that confirm income for the last 2 years.
  17. If the documents are submitted by the applicant's authorized representative: an envelope with a paper binder; power of attorney (issued in the prescribed manner), passport.

Read also: Federal Target Program Housing 2011-2015

Where to go and how to get on the waiting list for social housing - instructions

The first step to “waiting list” status for free housing is the official recognition of a low-income family. Such a decision is made if the income of each adult family member is below the subsistence level. The presence of taxable real estate and cars is also taken into account. After the family is recognized as low-income and state/social/benefits are assigned, you can begin that difficult (alas) path, which, under a successful set of circumstances, will culminate in receiving free housing. Where to start and what to remember?

How to get in line - instructions.

  1. We specify the complete (for your region and in your case) list of certificates/documents and application form.
  2. We submit documents along with the application to the local government authorities at the place of residence.
  3. We are waiting for the special commission to make a decision (the documents are reviewed for about 1 month). If you receive the “waiting list” status or, conversely, if you are refused, you will be sent a written response (within 3 days). Possible reasons for refusal are an excess of the total family income in comparison with the norms corresponding to the status of “poor”, deliberate deterioration of living conditions (unauthorized persons registered in your apartment, exchange of a large area for a smaller one, etc.).

If there are no grounds for receiving housing out of turn, then you will be given the status of a waiting list, and already in the regular queue you will wait for the keys to free housing.

Why they may deregister or move the queue back - reasons:

  1. Submitting an application for deregistration.
  2. Loss of the grounds that gave the right to free housing.
  3. Change of place of residence followed by residence in another municipality.
  4. Receiving funds from the state for the purchase/construction of housing or a plot for building a house.
  5. Identifying false information in documents.
  6. Changes in family composition or living conditions.
  7. Loss of grounds for social rent.
  8. Intentional deterioration of living conditions.
  9. 3 refusals of the proposed housing.

On a note:

The property/living conditions of those on the waiting list are checked by the authorities:

Improving living conditions by obtaining an apartment is a process that requires a responsible approach, studying the regulatory framework and spending a certain amount of time. Federal legislation regulates the general procedure, establishing provisions on who is endowed with this opportunity and what is necessary for this.

The conditions and parameters for housing registration in different regions and municipalities may differ, so it is necessary to specify the information in the administrations of localities at the place of residence.

Subjects of appeal

Art. 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation regulates the right of certain categories to receive state apartments free of charge under social rental agreements. This provision applies to:

  • low-income citizens;
  • persons living in premises that are unsuitable according to technical and other standards and which are not subject to reconstruction and repair;
  • orphans;
  • disabled people;
  • persons with severe forms of chronic diseases (if they live with another family).

A prerequisite is legal confirmation of the applicant’s status and provision of evidence that living conditions require improvement.

Category of low-income citizens

The decision of officials to recognize the poor and register it with the state is made after a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the following package of documents:

  • certificates of family income;
  • the value of family property that is subject to taxation;
  • statements of the established form;
  • title documents for property and property rights;
  • certificates of family composition with attached identification documents of everyone who lives in the same apartment with the applicant, as well as their identification codes;
  • information about income confirmed by a work book, personal income tax certificate, etc.

A decision on the application is provided no later than thirty days from the date of written application. Three days are given to send notice of the decision. In case of refusal, its motivation must be reasoned and justified with references to specific legal norms.

Categories of needy citizens

Documentary evidence of the status of those in need is confirmation of one of the following facts:

  1. The size of the room is less than the area determined by established standards.
  2. The residential premises do not meet safety, technical and other mandatory standards.
  3. The applicant lives with a person whose illness does not allow them to stay together.

Local legislation may provide for other grounds, for example, living in dysfunctional houses that do not have a sewerage or heating system.

The decision to assign the status of a person in need is an undeniable argument for the need to register in order to optimize living conditions.

List of documents required for registration

The procedure involves contacting the administration at the place of residence with a corresponding application, to which copies and originals are attached:

  • own passport and TIN and all family members;
  • birth certificates, marriage/divorce certificates;
  • a court decision with an operative part on moving in;
  • documents characterizing income (certificates from the tax office, at the place of work, from government agencies, title documents, confirmation of receipt of pensions and other types of payments;
  • confirmation of the list and estimated value of the family’s real estate, cars;
  • documents confirming special status.

Confirmation of the submission of documents is an extract from the registration journal.

The authorized bodies are required to check the applicant for Russian citizenship and the registration period provided for by local legal norms. On the part of the applicant, facts of taking actions to deteriorate the condition of housing over the past five years must be excluded.

The success of the queuing procedure and the final outcome is largely determined by the quality of collection and execution of the required package of documents.

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Citizens who have serious problems with housing are interested in how to get on the waiting list for an apartment in Moscow. To do this, the main thing is to strictly comply with the necessary requirements.

If you have enough funds, you won’t have to get on the waiting list for an apartment in Moscow, because you can immediately move on to buying on the secondary market.

Particularly wealthy citizens can proceed directly to purchasing an apartment from the developer. The same cannot be said about ordinary people who, for certain financial, family, personal and other reasons, do not have the opportunity to make such expensive purchases.

Several options for solving the housing problem are offered especially for citizens of the capital and other regions.

In addition to, one of the most common is the social tenancy agreement.

According to the law, it is implemented exclusively on a first-come, first-served basis.

To be able to rent an apartment on social rent, you will have to contact the social security department and go through the registration procedure.

Who is eligible to receive housing?

As is the case with any other government programs, there are a number of categories of Russian residents who have the right to apply for real estate.

Moreover, these residents have some privileges over people who were in line without appropriate benefits.

  1. Children without parental care and orphans. This is the most important category of citizens, which has benefits when receiving an apartment in Moscow and falls under the corresponding benefits.
  2. Citizens living in the same living space as part of one of several families and suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases. These include malignant neoplasms, tumors, active forms of tuberculosis, and so on. This list can be expanded to obtain a complete list; it is recommended to consult the relevant authorities.
  3. Citizens who have their own housing, which for technical reasons is not suitable for living or even repairing. If a person lives in a dilapidated building, the restoration of which is not cost-effective, he must obtain alternative housing. In this case, the problematic apartment or house is written off for demolition.

Is there a real need to queue for an apartment under a social rental agreement?

A similar question can often be heard from people who have heard a lot about the difficulties associated with obtaining housing from the local municipality.

Regardless of the situation, getting on the waiting list for an apartment is extremely important.

Even if by law you do not fully comply with the full list of criteria for receiving square meters, you can always use alternative options for support from the state.

These, for example, include:

  • installment payments;
  • discounted apartment;
  • compensation by the state of a certain amount from the full cost of the apartment.

This is especially necessary to do if you are one of the citizens who are given the opportunity to take advantage of special programs for the provision of housing space.

For example, if you are one of the parents of a large family, a forced migrant, a liquidator of a man-made disaster in Chernobyl, and so on.

What are the criteria for registration?

Even if the apartment is not provided as a property, many people still need it.

However, not all applicants who want to get on the waiting list for an apartment fully meet the requirements that the law imposes on them.

Article 51 of the Housing Code prescribes a complete list of requirements for an applicant for housing.

  1. A citizen who decides to register must not be the owner of a home or a family member of a person acting as a social renter or owner of real estate (for example, by or). Also, this citizen should not have the status of a social renter or be the owner of another apartment.
  2. If, for certain reasons, a person is an employer or a family member of a person acting as an employer, he has the right to register as needy. The only condition is to ensure that the total area of ​​real estate is less than the accounting norm determined by the regulations.
  3. A person living in a residential building that does not meet legal requirements can get on the waiting list for an apartment.
  4. The people mentioned above are faced with a situation where several families live in one apartment, as well as citizens with severe forms of chronic diseases. The only condition for issuing an apartment is the complete absence of other housing available, and also if they are not residents of premises registered in accordance with the regulations of social rental.

Important:To take advantage of the opportunity to register an apartment under a social lease agreement, you must be a citizen of Russia and have been registered in Moscow for the last ten years.

What documents will be required?

The registration procedure itself is carried out by the relevant body - the housing committee of the district government.

To take advantage of this opportunity, you must first submit the following documentation for verification.

  • Conclusion of representatives of social protection authorities on obtaining low-income status.

  • Certificates and other documents that can be used to determine current living conditions that necessitate their improvement;
  • Personal documentation, ;
  • Certificate of income received from the tax office;

  • A certificate from the bank about the availability of issued loans, accounts, credit/salary cards, etc.;
  • A personal statement stating a request to be included in the register for housing under a social tenancy agreement;

  • A certificate from the cadastre department about the availability of property in the property at the time of submission of all documents.

Important:Before you start writing an application and get on the waiting list for an apartment, it is recommended to contact the person who issued it with a request to show a sample. The fact is that the application is drawn up on the appropriate form, which is issued by the housing committee. The law does not allow any form of application.

Who is indicated in the contract?

In a social rental agreement, as in, two parties are involved who sign the documentation:

  • landlord. Reserves the right to act as the owner of residential real estate, which is allocated from the housing stock by the municipality or the state. On behalf of the owner, the contract is signed by an authorized employee. As a rule, this is traditionally the local administration department responsible for the territorial housing stock;
  • employer. A resident of Russia who has been verified by the competent authorities and fully complies with the requirements for an applicant for the allocation of real estate.

Each participant in social renting must first agree on a legal document and then sign it, since without a signature it is impossible to legally obtain rights and obligations for the apartment.

It is noteworthy that the agreement itself does not require additional notarization.

How to get on the waiting list to improve your living conditions?