How to refinance at Sberbank and get a reduced rate: refinancing rules and tariffs. Refinancing Sberbank loans in another bank How to refinance in Sberbank

How to apply for a loan in Sberbank Online?

To apply for a loan from Sberbank Online, go to the “Loans” section in the top menu.

Click “Take a loan from Sberbank.” A form will open for selecting loan parameters. Select the options that suit you, including the loan amount and term. Please note: the interest rate and monthly payment are calculated automatically. The loan repayment schedule is indicated next to the monthly payment amount. Select a service office convenient for you and click the “Apply for a loan” button. Confirm your loan application with an SMS password and fill out all fields of the application form. After filling out the form, the “Submit Application” button will become active. You can submit your application immediately or save it to submit later. The deferred application will have the “Draft” status - you can find it in the “Loans” section.

What is the processing time for a loan application at Sberbank?

The maximum period for consideration of an application is 2 working days.

How to receive money for an approved application?

You can receive money within 30 days from the date of approval. Enrollment period is 1 business day after approval and signing of documents.

If you receive a salary or pension to accounts opened with Sberbank, you can receive money in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. On the screen with the approved application, click “Apply for a loan.” If this button is not there, log into Sberbank Online again or contact the Sberbank office indicated in the application.

If you do not receive a salary or pension into your Sberbank account, contact the Sberbank office to apply for a loan.

When applying for a loan with Sberbank Online, you can:

Select loan insurance;

View the preliminary payment schedule;

Select a convenient repayment date;

View individual loan terms;

Select a card for crediting (here you can also refuse the loan, for example, if you need to fill out a new application).

Important: the loan is credited to a debit card account opened in the region where the loan was issued.

Card requirements:

The overdraft is paid off or not used;

The card is active and there are more than 2 months left before expiration;

Card currency - rubles;

The card account has not been seized.

How do I find out what my monthly loan payment consists of?

Information on your payment can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the monthly payment.

How to find out the loan debt?

Information on your debt can be viewed in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section. Select the loan you are interested in - on the loan page you will see all the information on the debt.

How do I find out if I have debt on loans from Sberbank?

You can view all debts in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

How do I find out if I have outstanding loans from Sberbank?

You can view information on loans outstanding at Sberbank in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

How can I arrange early repayment of the loan?

How can I find out what penalties I have been charged if I do not repay the loan on time?

You can find out information on accrued penalties in Sberbank Online in the “Loans” section.

Sberbank of Russia also has a similar service.

To refinance, you will need to collect the necessary package of documents and submit an application to the nearest bank office (a preliminary application can be completed online).

Refinancing a loan at Sberbank for individuals makes it possible to combine up to five old loans in one loan, including those received at Sberbank itself.

Sberbank is ready to issue a loan for refinancing at 12.5% ​​per annum (or 1 percent more, depending on the size of the required amount), for a period of up to 5 years. The amount is up to 3 million rubles, and this may include a share in excess of what you will give to repay other loans. That is, you can spend part of the money received for personal purposes.

What is refinancing at Sberbank

Let's say you already have one or more loans that you have taken out previously. The percentage for them is quite high - 18, 19, and maybe even more. Each loan has its own payment schedule. But a month on several (including a credit card or a card with an overdraft) considerable payments accrue, and a fifth of the total amount is interest. All this is tiring - you can get confused with the dates for making payments. Or simply fall into a financial hole - large monthly payments hit your pocket. The solution for many is to refinance at Sberbank at a single reduced interest rate, the value of which is 12.5% ​​- 13.5%.

What is refinancing? This is the refinancing of one or more loans. You are given an amount that fully covers your loan obligations (up to 5 pieces) to other banks. And you only have to repay one loan at a lower interest rate, due to which the amount of monthly payments becomes lower.

How to register it? The procedure is quite clear and understandable. You only need to prepare a package of documents and submit it to the bank office. The decision will be made within two working days.

To refinance loans that Sberbank of Russia previously issued to you, you must add at least one third-party loan to them. That is, Sberbank will refinance an existing loan issued by itself only if you have at least one more loan that has not been fully repaid from another bank, and you are ready to refinance it under the program.

For your clients

Sberbank is especially willing to issue loans for loan refinancing to those clients whose entire loan obligations are concentrated in third-party financial institutions. But is it possible to refinance a loan taken from Sberbank itself? The answer to this question is yes, but only if several conditions are met.

    Sberbank refinances only consumer loans and car loans of its clients, but only on the condition that the client is simultaneously ready to refinance at least one loan issued at another bank.

For loans received from the same bank, that is, from Sberbank, the service does not apply to credit cards and debit cards with overdraft. That is, the bank does not refinance its loans belonging to the card group.

To further reduce the interest rate, you can apply to Sberbank to refinance a mortgage taken out from a third-party bank. And then you will be able to refinance your own loan, which you took out from Sberbank to buy a car or for other purposes (but not to buy real estate), along with a mortgage loan at only 9.5% per annum

You can refinance several loans taken from the same bank, for example, VTB 24.

For its clients, especially those who receive salaries on its card, Sberbank significantly simplifies the paperwork. And you can also without any problems

It is impossible to refinance a mortgage loan taken out from Sberbank for individuals in the same bank.

For clients of other banks

The main activity that Sberbank carries out in this area is refinancing loans from other banks.

Refinancing of other loans is possible in two options:

    Customer credit.

    Lending secured by real estate.

If you meet the terms of the program, then you will be refinanced by Sberbank with the following loans:

    Car loans,

  • Consumer loans,

    Limits on bank cards (debit and credit).

If you need to refinance a mortgage from another bank, you will have to re-register the property purchased for it as collateral to Sberbank.

Refinancing other loans does not require collateral or guarantors.

Conditions for refinancing loans at Sberbank

We almost forgot to inform you that we have sorted out this question, since it is a pressing issue in our time

Refinancing is carried out only in Russian rubles.

The rules for refinancing loans differ depending on whether you are taking out a personal loan or refinancing a mortgage loan from a third-party bank.

Refinancing a loan at Sberbank by applying for a consumer loan:

    Amount from 30,000 rubles to 3 million rubles.

    Loan term from 3 months to 5 years.

    Without collateral or guarantors.

    No issuance fee.

    You are not required to provide evidence that you have repaid loans from other banks.

    The interest rate is 12.5% ​​for loan amounts over half a million rubles and 13.5% for amounts less than half a million rubles.

Conditions for refinancing a loan from Sberbank to an individual who applies as part of the service “Refinancing of mortgages and other loans”:

    The minimum amount is 500,000 rubles.

    The maximum value is no more than 80% of the market value of the property registered as collateral. In general, you can get up to 5 million rubles to repay a mortgage, and up to 1.5 million rubles to repay other loans. In addition to the specified amounts, you can take up to 1 million rubles for personal needs.

    Repayment terms are a maximum of 30 years.

    You can refinance at Sberbank under this program for one mortgage and five (or less) other loans, including a car loan, consumer loan, and card credit limit.

    What interest you will ultimately pay depends on the provision of a certificate of repayment of the refinanced loans. Thus, for a mortgage, after providing such certificates, the rate will decrease from 10.5% to 9.5%, and for other loans - from 11% to 10%.

How to get a loan? The procedure depends on what exactly you came to Sberbank for: refinancing only a mortgage, a mortgage and related loans, or a mortgage with the opportunity to take out additional money for your own needs. The form is filled out directly on site (in the office). To refinance loans at Sberbank, prepare in advance documents regarding real estate collateral, other loans, debt balances and information about how monthly payments were repaid - the bank requires that you have not had any arrears for at least the last year.

Requirements for refinanced loans

    There must be no late payments within the last 12 months.

    All loans that you want to refinance must be issued no earlier than 6 months ago, and at least 3 months must remain until they are fully repaid.

    Loans must not have been previously restructured.

    Sberbank refinances its own loans (car and consumer loans) only if you add at least one taken from another bank to them.

    There must be no current debt on the loan.

Requirements for borrowers

To determine whether refinancing as a service is right for you or not, carefully read the requirements for you as a borrower:

    Minimum age - 21 years,

    The maximum age at the end of the refinancing agreement is 65 years for refinancing through a consumer loan and up to 75 years for refinancing secured by real estate,

    At least 1 year of experience over the last 5 years, with at least 6 months at the current place of work.

    Officially confirmed income in an amount that allows you to make monthly payments,

    The borrower’s spouse acts as a co-borrower when refinancing a mortgage, regardless of his wishes (the exception is cases when a marriage contract is drawn up),

    Availability of permanent or temporary registration in the region where the bank operates (if the registration is temporary, the loan agreement can only be concluded for the period until its expiration date).

The calculation of the refinanced amount also depends on what documents the borrower can provide - on the salary certificate and the data indicated in it, on his age, marital status, the presence of dependents and other parameters, even if the bank does not advertise some of them.

There should be no more than five debts on loans (in the case of a mortgage - six, taking into account the mortgage itself).

List of documents

Let's figure out what documents are needed to refinance a loan at Sberbank:

  • If your registration in the place where the bank office where you applied is located is temporary, then take a document confirming it.

    Application for loan refinancing (the application form will be given to you at the branch where you apply).

    Documents from the place of work:

A certificate confirming the amount of income for the last 6 months, issued in the form of 2-NDFL, or a certificate in the bank form (a sample can be downloaded on the bank’s website),

A copy of the work book with seals and signatures of the manager on all pages (certified copy),

Instead of a copy of your work record book, you can submit an extract from it for refinancing at Sberbank, but keep in mind that it is valid for only 30 days from the date of issue. The information included in the extract must cover a period of at least 5 years,

A copy of the contract or agreement for the provision of services (if any).

    Information about the loans you want to refinance:

Detailed information about the loan agreement or the loan agreement itself, since the list of data that needs to be provided about it is impressive - this is the agreement number, the date of its conclusion, the validity period, the amount and currency, the interest rate, payment details;

A certificate of the balance of debt on the refinanced loan, which must be obtained from the bank where it was issued to you;

Payment schedule,

Notice of balance due.

The bank can take into account not one source of income, but several, not only for the borrower, but also for co-borrowers or guarantors.

What documents are needed for those who receive wages on a Sberbank card? Everything is the same, with the exception of certificates from the place of work - no employment document is required. You will still have to provide a certificate of income for those who are planning to refinance their mortgage. Those who take out a consumer loan for the purpose of refinancing and receive a salary through Sberbank do not need to provide a certificate of income.

To refinance your credit card debt, the bank will ask you to provide information about the amount and currency of the card limit.

The paperwork for refinancing a mortgage will be more extensive. The list of documents will include, in addition to those listed above:

    Documents on the provided collateral:

Certificate of ownership, issued in the name of the borrower,

A value assessment report issued by an appraisal organization (the validity period of this document is no more than 6 months from the date indicated in it,

Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate,

Registration certificate,

Consent of the borrower’s spouse to provide real estate as collateral to the bank (must be certified by a notary),

Marriage agreement (if any),

Documents for a housing plot, if the residential building located on it serves as collateral.

Refinancing procedure and stages

The procedure for issuing a new loan, the purpose of which will be to refinance your credit obligations, depends on whether it is a consumer loan or a loan secured by real estate.

For consumer:

    Step 1. Prepare a package of documents.

    Step 2. Visit the bank where the application is submitted.

    Step 3. Notification from bank employees whether your application has been accepted or not.

    Step 4. If the answer is positive, you go to the bank again with the originals of the required documents in hand and sign the agreement.

    Step 5. You receive money or repay refinanced loans (the bank itself can transfer money to the accounts of banks in which it refinances loans, and in this case you will not need to take out a certificate of repayment).

To refinance a mortgage and related loans:

    Step 1. Obtaining information about refinanced loans from other banks.

    Step 2. Submit an application to the Sberbank office, wait for a response within 2-4 business days.

    Step 3. Collection of documents about the property against which the mortgage was obtained.

    Step 4. Submitting documents to Sberbank (can be done within 60 days from the date of approval of the refinancing application).

    Step 5. Wait for approval of the property within 5 working days.

    Step 6. Conclusion of an agreement with Sberbank.

    Step 7. Repay loans from other banks.

    Step 8. Signing the mortgage agreement and registering it.

    Step 9. Transfer of real estate as collateral to Sberbank.

Before refinancing, it is recommended to collect all documents so as not to delay the procedure. If you need other loans along with your mortgage, the procedure may change slightly. In particular, you will need to provide Sberbank with certificates of their repayment.

Note: The interest rate on the new loan will initially be higher than promised. They will lower it the moment you document the repayment of loans from other banks (including mortgages).

To decide whether to refinance, compare the rates on your current debt obligations. Is it at least a few points higher than what Sberbank offers? Then the benefit will be on your side. The second reason for requesting refinancing may be the desire to change the payment schedule - in particular, to reduce the size of monthly tranches by increasing the time of use of the issued money.

If housing loans are not enough to bring the property back to normal condition, you can request an additional amount from the bank for repairs.

How beneficial is it?

Refinancing several loans at a reduced rate is undoubtedly beneficial for the client. The greatest benefit can be obtained by requesting refinancing of car loans, card loans and consumer loans, for which the interest rate can reach high values ​​(from 20 to 40%).

Not long ago, Sberbank lowered refinancing rates, and now when refinancing by issuing a consumer loan, the rate ranges from 12.5 to 13.5%, and when refinancing secured by real estate - from only 9.5%.

To get a loan yourself at a lower interest rate, you can also contact Sberbank. But in this case you will not find such profitable rates. Despite the bank's advertising that it has reduced rates on loans from other banks to individuals, on average the figures will reach 17-19 percent, and even more for using a credit limit on a card. Therefore, if you need an amount of up to 1,500,000 rubles in cash, it is better to get it from Sberbank as part of refinancing your mortgage at a favorable interest rate.

Repeated loan refinancing at Sberbank

Let's assume that you have already applied to another bank for refinancing once. Some time passed, and the rates at which you were refinanced ceased to seem so tempting. If the purpose of refinancing was to stretch out payments, thereby reducing them on a monthly basis, then the more you will want to refinance again.

And here the main question arises: is it possible to refinance again to this Sberbank? Does the bank's policy allow it to be carried out?

The answer is yes. You will only need to provide an additional document - a notice of assignment of claims under the refinanced loan. That is, you will need a document confirming the readiness of the bank that previously refinanced your loan to cede the rights to it to Sberbank.

Calculate and issue

    The period during which the loan remains to be repaid.

    Current interest rate.

    New interest rate offered by Sberbank.

    The amount currently due.

A calculation must be made for each loan. Some refinance calculators allow you to enter parameters for multiple loan products at once to get a single picture. It is worth carrying out this procedure before refinancing. If the benefit is small (you will win no more than 3% per year), then you don’t even have to start processing, especially if there is less than a year left until the end of the payment. Taking out a loan in this case is unreasonably labor-intensive.

You cannot submit an online application at Sberbank. Refinancing takes place only in person. You will have to contact the office with all the documents.

Nuances of refinancing loans at Sberbank

Let's look at the main points that usually raise questions among potential borrowers.

Not all banks issue or refinance loans to individual entrepreneurs. Sberbank is not like that - its doors are open for individual entrepreneurs just like for all other working individuals. The only thing is that the list of documents that must be provided to consider an application for refinancing will not include a certificate from your place of work, but a tax return for the past calendar year. The individual entrepreneur will also need to provide a certificate of state registration in this status.

    Do I need to spend money on insurance again?

Another nuance concerns insurance - the insurance that you took out when applying for the loan initially may not be liked by Sberbank employees. If it was not there at all, then with a high degree of probability we can assume that you will be required to register it. This applies to both the life and health of the borrower and insurance in case of disability. Insurance of the collateral property will certainly be required.

    Will I be able to connect to Sberbank online?

Certainly. Any client who takes out a loan from a bank, regardless of whether it is a regular loan or a loan for the purpose of refinancing, gets access to a personal account on the bank’s website. This is a very convenient tool - all your loans, cards, debt balances, connected services, etc. are visible in it.

    Do you need a real estate deposit?

Yes, if you apply for a mortgage refinancing service. Sberbank carries out refinancing secured by real estate on favorable terms, but for this you will have to collect more paperwork - for example, you will need to re-register the collateral, get a certificate from the first bank about the removal of the encumbrance, order an assessment of the value of the property from a third-party organization at your own expense... In a word, additional costs cannot be avoided.

    Is it possible to submit a refinancing application over the phone?

No, Sberbank does not provide such a service. Although the website lists a phone number for consulting clients, including potential ones, they will answer any questions, but the consultant will not fill out an application for a loan. You will have to contact the office in person for this.

Why can they refuse?

There can be many reasons for refusal. The most common reasons why a bank refused are as follows:

    Bad credit history. Perhaps you pay your current loans regularly, but there were problems in the past - Sberbank does not like to take risks.

    Age does not apply - loans are not issued to applicants under the age of 21. Registration is possible for pensioners (up to 75 years of age), but in reality their financial situation will be considered very strictly.

    There is no permanent registration in the region where it is necessary, and the expiration dates of the temporary registration do not allow obtaining a loan for the requested period.

    In the last 12 months, you have been late in making payments on your refinanced loans.

    There are less than 3 months left until the loan expires.

    The loans were issued less than six months ago.

    Loans were subject to restructuring.

    According to the bank’s calculations, your income does not allow you to make monthly payments in the required amount.

    You refused insurance (although it is not a prerequisite; the bank, as mentioned above, does not like to take unnecessary risks). Moreover, you will never prove that you were denied refinancing at Sberbank precisely for this reason.

Even if you seem to meet all the bank’s requirements, the answer to refinancing may still come in the negative. In this case, the bank is not obliged to comment on its refusal in any way.

The approval rate of applications for refinancing is not public information; unfortunately, no one will be able to find it out. But, given that Sberbank currently occupies a leading position in the lending market, it seems that it definitely approves at least half of the applications.

Refinancing for retirees

Retirement age is not a basis for refusing refinancing. Those who receive a pension on Sberbank cards have the best chance of having their application approved. For those pensioners who also have an additional source of income and can document it, the bank will provide refinancing even more readily.

As for age, for pensioners who want to take out a consumer loan to refinance other loans, the maximum age at the end of the loan agreement should not exceed 65 years. And for those who want to refinance a mortgage loan and at the same time leave good real estate as collateral, you can draw up an agreement with the condition that its expiration date will occur no later than the borrower turns 75 years old.

Microloan refinancing

There is no information on the Sberbank website about its readiness to refinance microloans. The list of loans subject to refinancing includes only those issued by third-party banks - namely banks with which MFOs have little in common from a legal point of view.

In general, it is difficult to find a bank that would refinance microloans. If you urgently need to repay such a loan, then the only option is to take out a regular consumer loan from a bank and use it to repay the microloan.

Personal experience

Conditions and reviews about refinancing at Sberbank can be found on many websites on the Internet. Many organizations in Russia transfer salaries to cards issued by employees at this bank, so people often turn here for lending and other services, including refinancing.

Sberbank borrows its own funds more readily than refinances. People who received approval for this application from Sberbank leave the following reviews:

Margarita Ivanovna, 55 years old, Chelyabinsk.“I had two loans, one consumer from Sberbank and one consumer from another bank. The interest rate was high - I had taken out loans a long time ago, even before I retired. Now the income has become less, it has become difficult to pay the same amount every month. I contacted Sberbank and asked to combine two loans into one and make smaller payments. After 2 days they called me back and invited me to come to the office with all the documents. I receive my pension on a Sberbank card, so everything was simple. They reissued my loans, now I pay alone - the monthly payment has decreased due to the fact that the interest rate has fallen (for one loan it became lower by 7%, for the second - by as much as 9%), plus I asked to increase the loan term by a year. Payments are now almost two times less than before. I pay and can even save for something so that later I don’t have to take out a new loan again.”

Georgy N., 25 years old.“I got a job after university, worked for a year and took out a car loan. I had little experience, no salary, no credit history, so they only gave me a loan from one bank, on very unfavorable terms for me. Then I got into an accident due to my own fault, and took out a loan to fix the car. Then another one for the wedding. Well, I also got a credit card. My salary grew over time, so I could afford to pay all the loans - but I really wanted to combine everything into one. And the car loan depressed me with its huge interest rates. I contacted Sberbank. They looked at my experience, my “white” salary with two zeros, my good credit history (which I now already have) and quickly made a positive decision on refinancing. Payments actually decreased, by about a quarter. But the main thing for me is that now I need to pay once a month, without fear of forgetting about the next payment or getting confused in them.”

There are also negative reviews:

Gary M., 36 years old, Krasnodar.“I am from Armenia myself, but I officially work in Russia and my wife is local, Russian. Registration is also available. I was running around collecting documents for refinancing loans (I had already taken them here in Russia), but all I could say was: bring me this, bring me this, we’ll call you back, we’ll write to you... They pulled and pulled, no yes, no no. In the end, I only lost time. I don’t recommend this bank, there are much better ones.”

You can also comment or ask a question.

Many borrowers wonder how to reduce the interest on their loan. High rates can become a problem when your financial situation changes: illness or job loss will lead to default. But even if income is stable, but lenders’ market offers are more attractive, it is foolish to refuse to save on interest. We will tell you how to refinance at a lower interest rate at Sberbank, to whom this opportunity is available and how much it costs.

What determine the terms of the loan?

Each bank forms its credit policy based on a number of parameters. The main guidelines are the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the market situation. The solvency of the bank is of no small importance: the richer the structure, the more opportunities it has to lower tariffs to attract clients, etc. But banks include possible risks in the tariffs, thereby increasing the cost of borrowed money for the population and business. Therefore, even in large structures from the TOP-5 you should not count on a loan at a low interest rate equal to the Central Bank rate.

Sberbank evaluates borrowers' ratings and, based on the results, forms lending conditions. Thus, the final loan rate will depend on external factors, the profitability of the bank itself and the stability of the borrower’s financial position.

Banks will offer the best conditions to a regular customer with a good credit rating, who uses the bank’s services and products (deposits, salary and other cards), who has property and funds for the initial payment. A guarantee, collateral and insurance policy will help reduce the loan rate. If you have an insufficient credit rating you can try it.

Under the influence of the economic situation, banks change the conditions for issuing loans. It may turn out that the rates of loans from previous years are no longer profitable, since the market offers lower interest rates. In this case, you can reissue the loan. How to refinance at Sberbank and correctly carry out the refinancing procedure, read on.


Refinancing is understood as the procedure for replacing existing conditions for one or more obligations with a new loan. Owners of consumer loans from different banks today can refinance with Sberbank at an attractive interest rate: The bank announced such a promotion in July 2017. For clients, this is an opportunity to receive a reduction in interest or regular payments. In addition, by combining all loans into one, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to service your debt.

If the loans were collateralized, and there is a possibility of taking out an unsecured loan from Sberbank, then the release of property is another reason for refinancing.

Several obligations can be combined into one agreement. Including car loans, personal loans and credit card debt. The maximum amount will be up to 3 million rubles. The contract is drawn up for a period of 3 to 60 months. As part of the current promotion, Sberbank offers a tariff starting from 12.9%.

As for refinancing mortgage loans, the bank considers each application individually. Refinancing of a mortgage for large amounts and long terms occurs when the collateral is re-registered: the real estate is pledged to Sberbank. If the balance of the mortgage debt is not large, and the rate is higher than the current offer, then it makes sense to consider obtaining a consumer loan to close the debt.

There is also an option in other banks at a lower percentage and under more favorable conditions.


Do not confuse refinancing and restructuring: the latter option involves changing the terms of the existing contract. Typically, owners of “problem” loans with overdue principal and interest are interested in restructuring. Here you can solve two problems: how to reduce the interest rate and get a new payment schedule that corresponds to the real capabilities of the borrower.

But drawing up an agreement to the contract is possible only if information is provided that convinces the bank of the need for restructuring. You should not count on reducing the overall overpayment by reducing interest on a new loan: the goal will be to obtain a deferment on payments or increase the term of the contract. Therefore, the benefits of restructuring are not in savings on interest, but in “breathing space” for the family budget.

How to improve the terms of existing loans at Sberbank

For Sberbank borrowers

If you have a loan from Sberbank and plans to change its terms, you should contact the branch where the agreement was drawn up. The borrower's actions are as follows:

  • Submitting an application and consulting with a loan specialist. This will allow you to determine the further procedure and list of documents. For example, if the client has, then there will be no need to confirm income;
  • Collection and submission of documents (passport, copy of employment contract, income certificate, etc. as required by the bank);
  • Waiting for the decision of the credit committee (from two to five days);
  • Signing a new contract, receiving a payment schedule.

Thus, the problem of how to reduce the interest rate on a loan from Sberbank can be solved within a week. Of course, this is only possible for borrowers with a good rating and no arrears on an existing loan.

For borrowers of other financial organizations

The announced interest rate on the loan in Sberbank attracts clients from other structures. But in order to carry out the refinancing procedure and solve the problem of how to reduce the interest rate, they will need a little more effort: not all banks are sympathetic to the departure of their clients.

What you need to do at the first stage:

  • Obtain certificates from creditors about the balance of the debt. It is possible that the lender will offer more favorable conditions in order to maintain relationships with clients. Here the choice is up to the borrower;
  • Prepare documents for applying to the bank: income certificate, employment contract, passport, etc.;
  • Fill out the application and submit the documents to the Sberbank loan specialist.

The bank may require additional information. If the ratio of the amount of payments to the borrower's income does not satisfy the lender's requirements, options will be offered to reduce the loan size or provide additional guarantees for debt repayment. After these issues are resolved, the second stage of refinancing will begin.

The client will need:

  • Review the new agreement and payment schedule;
  • Sign the agreement;
  • Wait for settlements with creditors. Typically, Sberbank directly transfers money to financial institutions under a tripartite agreement. This takes three to five days after signing the contract;
  • Obtain from former creditors certificates of absence of debt on the account.

The answer to a common question: whether it is possible to reduce the rate on existing loans largely depends on the borrower himself, his credit history and the desire to receive a reasonable benefit. Sberbank provides the opportunity to refinance consumer loans, but whether it is worth taking advantage of is up to the borrower to decide.

To reduce payments on current obligations, you can refinance loans from other banks under the same program at Sberbank in 2018.

What loans can be refinanced under the 2018 program

Refinancing a loan at Sberbank for individuals allows you to transfer loans from other creditors and combine them. Today, various forms of obligations are subject to:

  • consumer non-targeted loans;
  • car loans;
  • credit cards;
  • payment cards with overdraft.

In total, you can transfer up to 5 consumer or other loans from other banks. At the same time, it is possible to request a certain amount additionally as a loan. To take advantage of the loan refinancing program at Sberbank, current loans must meet certain conditions:

  • For 2017-2018, all payments must be made on time, without delays.
  • At the time of contacting Sberbank, more than 180 days had passed since the loan was received.
  • There are more than 90 days left until the end of the agreement.
  • The person did not apply for restructuring of current loans.

Under the same program, you can refinance a Sberbank loan taken from Sberbank, but only if you have at least one more loan from another institution.

Conditions for refinancing consumer loans from other banks in Sberbank

Refinancing of loans at Sberbank in 2018 for individuals occurs under the following conditions:

  • Minimum amount: 30 thousand rubles;
  • Limit: 3 million;
  • Loan duration: 3 months – 5 years (if an individual has a temporary registration, the period cannot exceed its validity period);
  • Loan fee: none;
  • Security or collateral: not provided.

Interest rates in 2018 are set taking into account the duration of the agreement at the following rates:

  • For 3-24 months: 13.9%;
  • 2-5 years: 14.9%.

The percentages are fixed, regardless of the characteristics of the applicant or other parameters.

Requirements for individuals

According to the conditions for refinancing loans at Sberbank, citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the following characteristics in 2018 can take advantage of the offer:

  • Age on day of application: 21 years old.
  • By the end of the relationship with Sberbank: 65 years.
  • Time of employment at current place: from 6 months.
  • Experience for 5 years: from one year. This condition does not apply to Sberbank clients receiving payments. For working pensioner clients of Sberbank, the recent duration of work should be more than 6 months.

Is it possible to apply online?

An individual should apply for restructuring to the department in the city of residence. Borrowers receiving salaries from Sberbank are allowed to submit an application at any office.

Many people prefer to submit an application online, but Sberbank allows such an application only for some products. It is not allowed to refinance loans at Sberbank online in 2018.

Documents for approval

If you want to refinance, you need to prepare a certain package of papers, which is similar to applying for a consumer loan. It’s better to do this right away and go to the Sberbank office with them. Otherwise, after submitting the application, you will need to collect them and visit the department again, because Without them, consideration will not be carried out.

An individual needs the following documents and confirmation:

  • passport with registration;
  • employment data: work book, certificate from the employer;
  • about income: official personal income tax-2, according to the form of the employer, which is a state-owned enterprise, on Sberbank letterhead (you should request it in advance or download it online);
  • about refinanced loans.

If you are refinancing consumer loans at Sberbank, the following information is suitable as the latest information:

  • balance of debt including interest;
  • bank details;
  • number and date of signing the contract;
  • return period;
  • initial amount of consumer loan;
  • interest rate.

The information must be provided on a certificate from this bank, which is signed and sealed. Similar information is required for a refinanced auto loan.

If an individual includes debts on a credit card or card with an overdraft in the program for refinancing loans from other banks in Sberbank, you will need to provide the following data:

  • balance of unrepaid borrowed funds;
  • number and date of the agreement (if any);
  • credit limit on the card;
  • interest rate;
  • details of the creditor and details for repaying the card.

All this can be confirmed with the help of a certificate, extract, contract, etc.

Application for loan refinancing

You must provide complete information about yourself:

  • personal information;
  • passport;
  • registration;
  • about the place of work;
  • about income and solvency;
  • about family.

In a separate section, information about each of the refinanced loans is filled out: name of the bank, type of loan, amount of debt, duration, percentage of overpayment. A separate item indicates the amount that you want to receive additionally.

After transferring the entire set, you will need to wait 2-5 days until Sberbank makes a decision on approving the refinancing of loans from other banks to an individual at Sberbank. Upon receipt of consent, the transfer of funds occurs within a month. Sberbank, by automatic order of the borrower, sends the agreed amounts to other banks for transferred loans.

Issuance and repayment of a loan taken

Under the loan refinancing program at Sberbank, debt repayment occurs according to an annuity scheme. This involves returning in equal installments once a month. Upon registration, an individual receives a repayment schedule, which indicates the amount and deadline for payment.

Payments can be made through Sberbank Online, an ATM or in cash. If deadlines are not met, a penalty of 20% per annum is applied.

If the opportunity arises to repay the entire loan ahead of schedule, it is worth taking advantage of it. There is no charge for this, no minimum amount or other limits. Early payment, incl. a partial payment can be made independently through Sberbank Online or in cash at the cash desk by filling out an application in advance. It must indicate the exact amount to be paid and the day of payment.


The conditions for refinancing a loan at Sberbank allow an individual to transfer up to 5 debts (consumer, credit cards, etc.) from other institutions in order to lower the rate and mandatory payment. To take advantage of the program in 2018, you must have no past due payments. Having prepared the documents, you need to submit an application and wait for approval.

Refinancing a loan at Sberbank

Old loan:

Amount of credit:


Interest rate:


Credit term:


New loan:

Amount of credit:


Interest rate:


Credit term:


Monthly payment: RUB 9,039.

Overpayment on loan: RUB 8,473.

Total cost: RUB 108,473.

Your savings -

Comparison of loans

Calculate loan refinancing at Sberbank in 2020

Calculate online your benefits from loan refinancing using the Sberbank calculator. Program and conditions for individuals 2020.

Sberbank of the Russian Federation is rightfully considered the most reliable credit and financial institution in the country, offering its clients a wide range of programs for obtaining and servicing targeted and regular loans. Today, many citizens prefer to take out a loan to pay off old debts from other banks, specifically from this institution. This operation is called refinancing or refinancing, which allows you to reduce the total cost of the loan by reducing monthly payments.

Conditions for refinancing loans at Sberbank

  • Flat interest rate 13.5% per annum.
  • Issuance of up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years.
  • Repayment of all debts on existing loans for the last year.
  • Confirmed absence of debt restructuring.
  • The minimum loan amount is 30 thousand rubles.

Sberbank refinances consumer loans 2020, car loans, credit cards, as well as debit cards with permitted overdraft.

Advantages of on-lending at Sberbank

  • Possibility of combining 5 loans into one with simultaneous repayment of all old debts.
  • Full transparency of all operations.
  • Consulting and information support.
  • Possibility of receiving an additional amount without increasing the monthly payment.
  • No requirement to repay loans from other banks.
  • Zero loan fee.
  • Convenient loan calculator.
  • Loyal interest rates.

You need to know this

  • Refinancing is an operation that in most respects is completely identical to obtaining a regular loan. Therefore, all conditions also apply here, from monitoring the financial and material condition of the potential borrower to documentary confirmation of the declared status and income.
  • The package of documents for refinancing at Sberbank includes complete information about primary creditors with agreement numbers and details.
  • An application for a loan for on-lending is reviewed within 2 business days.
  • The form of loan repayment is annuity in equal monthly payments, that is, interest is paid first, and then the loan body.
  • The penalty for late repayment of the loan is 20% per annum, which is calculated on the balance of the debt.

Refinancing at Sberbank of the Russian Federation, according to customer reviews, is carried out promptly, allowing you to quickly switch to a more profitable debt repayment scheme.