Mortgage calculator center invest calculate the mortgage amount. Mortgage calculator Center-invest - calculate the mortgage amount online

Center-Invest Bank's mortgage calculator will help you calculate the amount of mortgage deductions for 2019 - 2020 and weigh the chances of early repayment. You can use the official online calculator on the website for free! If you are a young family, then the issue of mortgages is already worrying you. Mortgage requires a serious, thoughtful approach. And be sure to make an accurate calculation. Our mortgage loan calculator is very convenient: available online, clear and free. Spend half an hour on a calculation that will correctly line up your expenses for several years ahead.

Center-Invest Bank offers 4 mortgage lending programs with flexible interest rate conditions depending on the amount of the down payment. A mortgage program for young teachers contains an interesting proposal. This program takes into account subsidies from the Russian government.

Lending terms

  • Borrower's age: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 300,000 rubles;
  • Duration: up to 30 years;
  • Commission for issuing a loan: none;

Mortgage interest rate

We are gradually filling this section. It's worth the wait a little :)

Mortgage terms vary significantly depending on whether you need a loan for a secondary home, for a new building, for the construction of a private house, or simply for a plot of land. The bank offers potential borrowers the following options for obtaining a mortgage loan:

  • No guarantors.
  • No proof of income.
  • No down payment.

The bank offers a mortgage loan with state support, in particular with maternity capital, and with early repayment. The terms of its issuance can be significantly revised in favor of the borrower if he has an open salary project. The bank also accommodates state employees and offers special issuance options for pensioners.

A modern online cost calculation will help you get a preliminary estimate for a real estate loan - it will provide the basic necessary information in accordance with the requirements and wishes of the borrower.

When purchasing real estate, it is beneficial to use credit funds provided by Center Invest Bank. Mortgages are provided for the purchase of real estate in the secondary market, under an equity participation agreement in the construction of housing, for the construction of individual housing, and for the purchase of commercial real estate.

Mortgage lending is provided for a period of no more than 20 years. There are no restrictions on the maximum loan amount.

The Center Invest mortgage calculator allows you to select the most favorable lending conditions. To do this, you need to select the required amount for the loan, the payment period, the amount of the advance payment, as well as the value of the property, etc. This data will allow you to select the necessary loan conditions. You can also use a mortgage calculator to calculate the remaining payment amount.

Requirements for the borrower

To obtain a mortgage loan, you need a document from an appraisal company confirming the value of the property, as well as a document confirming the registration of the purchase and sale agreement.

Only after confirmation of these documents will a decision be made on issuing loan funds. The client is not required to provide proof of compulsory insurance.

The borrower must have a document registering the place of residence, and must be between 18 and 65 years of age. You must also provide a certificate from your last place of work, which must have worked for more than 6 months.

Interest rates at Center Invest

You can purchase a home on credit, but at a favorable interest rate. Thus, Center Invest offers an annual rate of 10.5 – 15%. This percentage depends on the value of the property, the loan amount, and the repayment period. The size of the initial payment also depends on the interest rate.

It is worth noting that the down payment is paid by the borrower himself; the contribution amount is 20% of the property price. This is a generally accepted percentage, because... banks pay 80% of the cost of real estate.

Early repayment

If desired, you can make early repayment of the loan. This will tempt you to pay less than the accrued interest rate. Early repayment can be made in part or in full. In this case, repayment will be made without penalties.


There are no restrictions on the mortgage loan amount. Restrictions may apply only to the borrower; he must provide all the necessary documents and also receive their confirmation.

Center-invest offers 4 mortgage programs with interest rates starting from 6% per annum. You can take a maximum amount of up to RUB 3,000,000. The Center-invest mortgage calculator will calculate the following parameters in one click: monthly mortgage payments, the amount of overpayment and payment terms for early repayment. Our online mortgage calculator is completely free and does not require registration.

90% of transactions when purchasing real estate are made using mortgage money. Mortgages have become an integral part of our daily lives. To choose the most profitable one, plan payments, early repayment of the mortgage and the amount of overpayment, you need a reliable and proven financial instrument whose calculations you can trust. Why is it worth using our Center-invest mortgage calculator?

  • Current mortgage interest rates (updated once a day)
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Dynamic online loan calculation Center-invest in one click
  • Completely free and no registration required

An online mortgage calculator is suitable for:

  • For individuals
  • For individuals receiving a salary from Center-Invest (special conditions for salary card holders)
  • For pensioners

Rest assured - the Center-invest mortgage calculator 2018 - 2019 will calculate 100% accurately. Have a nice choice and a happy life in your new apartment.

The Center-invest mortgage calculator allows you to calculate the mortgage amount for individuals based on data for 2019. If you want to choose the best mortgage offer, buy an apartment in a new building or other residential real estate with a minimal overpayment, then be sure to use the calculator.

Center-invest is a well-developed bank that occupies a leading position in the financial sector of the Russian Federation. Key areas of activity are consumer lending, servicing corporate accounts, mortgage lending, and attracting deposits from individuals. Low interest rates on mortgage loans make this bank popular among borrowers who want to purchase their own home.

Today Center-invest offers 3 mortgage lending programs.

Purchasing a mortgage property is a very serious step for every family, since it is necessary to undertake monthly debt repayment obligations. The size of these payments will depend on how competently you calculate the mortgage and how correctly you choose the mortgage program (at what interest rate, for how many years).

Our online mortgage calculator Center-invest will automatically help you determine:

  • Maximum mortgage loan size
  • Monthly payment amount
  • The amount of accrued mortgage interest for each month
  • Amount of total overpayment in monetary terms
  • Amount of total overpayment as a percentage
  • The total amount of mortgage payments for the entire period
  • Possibility of early repayment

Using this information, you can get a complete picture of the chosen mortgage program, assess your ability to repay the loan and pay debt contributions, and decide on the advisability of applying for a mortgage.

Center-Invest provides potential borrowers (including public sector employees and military personnel) with the following opportunities to obtain a mortgage loan:

  • With down payment
  • With a guarantor
  • With proof of income
  • No down payment (0% down payment)
  • No guarantors
  • Without certificates of income from work
  • Personal conditions (for young professionals or young families)

When applying for a loan, the bank can offer two options for repaying the debt: through annuity payments or differentiated payments. The Center-invest mortgage calculator calculates annuity payments, since they are in greatest demand among the population.

The calculator is a truly convenient and modern way to calculate all mortgage parameters online. For an accurate calculation, finally decide on the type of property.

You can get a mortgage loan from Center-invest:

  • On a plot of land for individual development
  • For secondary housing
  • For a new building
  • For the construction of a private house

Already at the bank branch, be sure to ask the bank employee whether it is possible to get a mortgage with early repayment in Center-invest, with state support or maternity capital. We also remind you that if the borrower has a salary card opened at the bank, this will significantly improve the lending conditions.

The Center-invest mortgage calculator will calculate all loan parameters for 2019.

A mortgage is taken out for more than one year, so you need to take the choice of a mortgage lending program very seriously. Compare offers from different banks, make an online calculation of the cost of monthly payments, and the amount of overpayment for a mortgage.

Our Center-invest mortgage calculator will help you with this.

Commercial real estate

Housing construction

Real estate

PJSC CB Center-invest is a large regional universal bank in terms of assets with the participation of foreign capital (the largest in the Rostov region). The main areas of activity are lending to legal entities and individuals, attracting public funds for deposits, and servicing a wide range of enterprises in the region. The credit institution has a diversified structure of liabilities, the largest source of funding is household deposits. The main shareholders are foreign development banks (EBRD and DEG) and investment funds.