Social mortgages for the poor provide ample opportunities for citizens. How to get help for low-income families Social mortgages for low-income families in the year

Assistance on behalf of the state when purchasing housing on credit is provided by the Agency for Individual Housing Lending - AHML.

It is provided as part of the implementation of the “Affordable Housing for Russian Families” program.

This agency, together with several banks, have developed mortgage lending programs for those who, without a large income, cannot qualify for a loan on general terms.

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Several popular options for assistance from the state:

Who is eligible for benefits?

Citizens can apply for assistance:

Conditions of receipt


Borrower's age up to 35 years, that is, working age. The borrower must not have reached retirement age at the time of closing the mortgage line
An initial fee from 10% to 40% of the cost of the purchased home. If you take a state subsidy, the state will fully or partially cover the fee. And the borrower has to pay the entire amount himself
good credit history
borrower or applicant family should be such that after paying the monthly contribution the family still has 55% of the total income
The loan is issued only for the purchase of an apartment a plot of land or a residential building (part thereof)

How to get a low-income mortgage

The beneficiary must first contact the nearest AHML branch and write a corresponding application, indicating the category.

Video: social mortgage - what opportunities do borrowers have

The agency will review. At positive decision You will need to choose a bank that is a partner of AHML.

The agency also cooperates with developers who agree to participate in the preferential lending program. Therefore, the choice of housing will be relatively small.

While the bank is reviewing the documents, you need to select housing, which will become the subject.

The bank is unlikely to refuse to issue a loan to a beneficiary, since the state acts as a guarantor.

Single mothers

The certificate is issued by the social protection department at the place of registration.

A copy of this certificate will need to be attached to the application to AHML and to the bank.

It is necessary for the bank to approve a loan on preferential terms.

Large family

Separate federal program for them no.

But in some regions, local programs have been developed for lending to large families for the purchase of housing.

If, in the process of repaying the loan, another child is born (or) in the family, part of the funds from the debt is written off.

For young professionals

The applicant must have worked in his specialty for at least three years, and in some regions, especially remote ones, even six months of work in the specialty may be enough.

Designed for them benefit programs lending for the purchase of housing.

For example, there is a “Mortgage for Doctors”.

The following can become participants in a special program for scientists:

Young professionals can get a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank or AHML.

For public sector employees

The applicant must:

State employees who are entitled to benefits include workers in the fields of education, culture and healthcare. Young teachers and doctors were placed in a special category.

Sequence of stages


First you need to get on the waiting list at your place of residence as in need of improvement living conditions or as in need of housing. To do this, you need to visit the housing department in the administration or the social protection department. And write a corresponding application, attaching to it a package of documents that confirm the presence of difficult living conditions
Visit AHML and choose a government assistance program in large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, the size government subsidy does not exceed 20% of the cost of housing, while in other regions, especially remote ones, where there is a shortage of specialists in any field, assistance from the state can reach 60%.
Conclude a mortgage agreement with the bank AHML cooperates with a number of banks that have lending programs specially designed for beneficiaries
Select housing and register ownership of it In addition to partner banks, the agency also has partner developers. Therefore, the choice of housing will be quite limited

Collection of necessary documents

To apply for a social mortgage in Moscow and other regions, you need to prepare:

Application for a mortgage and the applicant's passport
Birth certificates for children under 4 years of age if the family that wants to apply for a loan has children aged 14 to 18 years, then their passports must also be presented
Marriage certificate and the second spouse to complete the purchase and sale transaction
Certificate of that the applicant needs accommodation
Certificate confirming income this can be a certificate in form 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank
from the house book and a work book confirming work experience
For young professionals
Certificate of maternity capital if he is as down payment
Other documents that the bank may require depending on the category of borrowers and the specific situation

Application Form

Its form is developed by each specific bank.

But there is general information, which are indicated by all applicants:

Personal data about the consumer here the applicant states:
  1. Your personal information from your passport.
  2. Contact details. It is better to indicate all available Cell phones, email addresses, social media accounts and other information.
  3. The level of education.
  4. Family status.
  5. Presence or absence of children
Financial section here the applicant states:
  • information about your ;
  • about the employer;
  • financial position;
  • information on current obligations. For example, the applicant pays alimony in favor of his child from a previous marriage
Information about credit product, which the applicant wants to issue this block is filled with loan specialist. Here it is indicated:
  1. The amount of funds contributed by the applicant. Even if we are talking about government subsidies for the purchase.
  2. Parameters of the purchased property.
  3. Targeted lending program. For example, “Mortgage for a young family”
Information block confirmation of the specified data in the application


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For the poor, it is a bank loan issued on preferential terms, supported by government support. Accordingly, when using it, cooperation is carried out from three sides: d state (regional authorities), tocredit institutions, mpoor family.

From the authorities, a low-income citizen can receive several options for support:

  1. Repayment of part of the interest on the loan from budget funds.
  2. Issuing a subsidy that can only be used to pay off the mortgage.
  3. Providing a loan on preferential terms.

Legislative support of the issue

The poor are a category of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in dire need of social and legal protection from the state. The main law for resolving issues regarding the provision of credit is, which describes the very concept of “poor”, as well as possible options support for various segments of the population recognized as such.

State programs for low-income citizens

Preferential mortgages for low-income families in 2019 remain relevant under the Affordable Housing program, which includes numerous subprograms. Thanks to this, the state covers the maximum number of segments of the population.

Support for young families

This program is designed for families where one of the spouses is under 35 years of age. In addition, the presence of children plays an important role. also relevant for single mothers or fathers. Another condition is to be placed on a waiting list for an apartment.

In percentage terms, state support is distributed as follows:

  1. A family with a child receives compensation of up to 40%;
  2. Newlyweds without children can receive up to 35%.

The authorities are ready to compensate the price of square meters per person according to the standards (about 18 m2).

Military mortgage

The military can also count on government support in the form of accumulation of budget funds for special account. A soldier in the army can only spend this money on housing, regardless of the city in the country. The conditions for obtaining a loan are somewhat stricter - the citizen must be no older than 45 years.

Support for young professionals

The program is not valid in all regions of the country. available for:

  • moving to the village;
  • scientific workers and others.

The complete list must be clarified with the regional administration.

Providing for citizens queuing for housing

  • money to repay the loan;
  • lending to social housing, which is sold by the authorities at prices below the market.

The program is used in regions with their own housing stock.

Maternal capital

The document is issued to families with two or more children. It can be used as:

  • initial payment;
  • payment of the principal amount on the loan.

A citizen who has previously participated in a social support program can use maternity capital.

AHML loan

The Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML) is a government agency whose responsibilities include paying mortgages for low-income families. The organization offers preferential conditions to low-income citizens:

  • lower interest rate;
  • lower down payment;
  • social housing at reduced prices.

The agency does not have representative offices in every region.

The procedure for obtaining and using a social loan

Despite the fact that the programs preferential mortgage there is a lot for low-income families, but the registration procedure has general provisions for all:

  1. Find out if you qualify for the program.
  2. Study bank offers.
  3. Collect documents for government agencies and banks.
  4. Submit to the administration at the beginning of the year.
  5. Wait for the government agency’s decision to refuse or approve the application.
  6. Get a certificate or open a bank account.
  7. Visit the bank to receive a social mortgage.
  8. Buy living space and pay the rest to the bank.

Before taking out a mortgage for a low-income family, it is important to check whether there is social housing in the region - it is cheaper.

List of social loan documents

Banks usually require several documents:

  • program participant certificate;
  • if lending is made to a young family or a large family, then a document about its composition is required;
  • Among other documents, you may need: SNILS, military ID, pensioner's ID and others depending on the use of the program;
  • certificate of income from the place of work.

List of banks issuing social mortgages

Lending institutions may vary by region. The main banks participating in social mortgages for low-income families in 2019 are:

  1. Sberbank - this institution works with all programs. Each category of citizens has its own conditions for providing funds for mortgages for low-income families at Sberbank. The main one is making a down payment, which is calculated depending on the cost of housing.
  2. VTB can give a loan to every citizen participating in a support project. The conditions for purchasing an apartment or house depend on the individual nuances of the program.
  3. Rosselkhozbank helps young teachers, scientists, military personnel, large families and to all those who qualify for one of the social mortgage programs for low-income families in 2019.

Regional social support programs

Nowadays, the Russian government is making every effort to provide assistance to the needy segments of the population.

It can be expressed both in the form of money and in the form of special benefits.

Families with a low per capita income deserve special attention, since there are quite a lot of them in Russia and they need help.

Where you need to go to recognize a low-income family and who is classified as such according to the law - we’ll try to figure it out in this article.

Who can apply for this status

To determine whether a family’s income is really less than expected or not, it is necessary to calculate its average per capita income. That's what it is main condition recognition of the appropriate status for subsequent allocation of public funds to low-income families.

You also need to remember that a family is a group of people who live together and lead a common life. As a rule, there are family ties between people within the same family, however, there are exceptions.

More precisely, low-income families can include husbands and wives, children, parents, adopted children and adoptive parents, grandparents, stepdaughters and stepsons, stepmothers and stepfathers, guardians and their wards. If there are people with disabilities in a low-income family, it is or, conversely, it has the right to extraordinary and fast receipt state support and recognition of low-income status.

If the spouses do not have children or one of the parents has a child whom he is raising independently, they can also count on social support from the authorities. But husbands and wives in a civil marriage cannot count on such help. Moreover, even if spouses are officially married, but live separately, they do not have the right to receive state assistance.

The important fact is that low-income families include only people who are in a problematic financial situation due to circumstances that they could not influence on their own. If able-bodied family members, through their own fault, experience financial difficulties, not working due to unwillingness, or due to alcohol (drug) abuse, such people are not entitled to receive government assistance.

Procedure and criteria for calculating average per capita family income

It should be noted that income includes not only wages, but also various official cash payments, pensions, royalties for authorship, income from real estate or movable property, natural income from private household plots (the latter are expressed in the number of grown or collected crop and/or livestock products, as well as in the number of products produced).

The resulting amount is divided by 3 months, after which it is necessary to divide by the number of people in the family. If the division results in a number that is lower than the per capita number in the region where you live, your family is eligible to receive financial support from the government.

Let's consider an example of calculating the average per capita income of a family from Moscow.

We have three people in our family - a mother, a father and a minor son (12 years old). We will take into account exclusively the income of able-bodied and adult spouses. The mother’s total salary for the last 3 months was 46,000 rubles, the father’s was 53,000 rubles. The family had no other income over the last 3 months, otherwise they would also need to be taken into account and added to the total number.

We count further: 46,000 + 53,000 = 99,000 rubles. We divide this number by three (the number of months) and get the following figure 99,000: 3 = 33,000 rubles. Now you need to divide the result by the number of family members (3), in the end we get 33,000: 3 = 11,000 rubles. The cost of living per capita in Moscow as of the 3rd quarter of 2018 is 16,260 rubles, therefore, this is more than the average per capita income of our family. This means that these people have every right to receive the status low-income family and appropriate assistance in the form of and from the state.

Step-by-step procedure for obtaining status

If you and your family qualify for low-income status, you need to apply for this to the social protection body, located where you live.

In this case, you need to provide the social security authority with the following package of documents:

Within 14 days, all submitted documents will be reviewed without fail. If, as a result of consideration, the average per capita income actually turns out to be below the norm, such a family will instantly receive the status of a low-income family.

Refusal of assignment This status can only be in cases where it is discovered that false information about the composition or income of the family was submitted, as well as if family members own more than one apartment or house and total area(the value of) all real estate exceeds the norm. If you provided truthful information and the average per capita income in your family is truly below the subsistence level, you receive relevant certificate, which confirms that your family is low-income.

Regional features

When submitting documents to the social protection department and calculating the average per capita income in a family, you need to take into account the fact that in each region living wage different.

If there is no cost of living for a certain region, then you need to focus on the cost of living throughout the country (federal).

As of the 4th quarter of 2018, the cost of living per capita in Russia as a whole is 10,213 rubles. In Moscow - 16,260 rubles, in Tatarstan - 9,450 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 12,080 rubles, and in Chukotka - 21,606 rubles.

Support for low-income families in Yamal is described in the following video:

“On measures to develop the housing mortgage lending system in the Russian Federation.”

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Documentary evidence of the difficult housing situation is required.

There are certain standards that establish a limited number of square meters for each family member - 18 per person.


Social programs provide the opportunity to purchase housing at preferential rates with a mortgage. There are several directions.

National program "Housing for Russian families" is regulated.

The mortgage is designed for couples or single parents. Required condition- presence of children. The state subsidizes up to 40% of the cost of real estate.

You can use this program:

  • only solvent families;
  • couples who do not have housing or the number of square meters per person is below the norm;
  • The age of citizens must be no more than 35 years.

This is a program for military families.

Required conditions:

  • the contract was concluded no later than 01/01/2005;
  • total service life of at least 3 years.

Preferential conditions for military mortgage Most banks provide:

  • such a loan does not require a down payment;
  • interest rate from 11% per year;
  • part of the mortgage is subsidized by the state.

Purchasing housing using funds also applies to preferential lending. The certificate can serve as a down payment or pay off part of the debt.

“Young Teachers” - there are similar programs for other public sector workers. Program participants can count on a mortgage at a low interest rate - only 8.5% per annum.

Who can get it?

Mortgages for low-income families are designed for vulnerable citizens.

You must confirm your status and belong to one of the following groups:

  • citizens registered to improve their living space;
  • having an area of ​​less than 12 square meters per person;
  • public sector workers;
  • employees of military-industrial enterprises;
  • disabled people who joined the queue before 01/01/2005.

But it is important to understand that the state will not subsidize large living space or luxury apartments.

Types of social support

Housing loans for low-income people are divided into several types of government assistance:

  • the interest rate will be lower;
  • partial payment by the state of the cost of real estate;
  • it is possible to provide preferential housing from the state through a social mortgage loan.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that each region sets its own threshold for the cost of real estate, the amount mandatory contribution, rate reduction, timing.

State aid

Low-income families can count on assistance from the state.

Support is provided as follows:

  • the mortgage loan rate is lower at the expense of the state, and it is possible to purchase a home without overpayment;
  • living space, which is provided by the state, must be worked off through imprisonment employment contract(relevant only for public sector employees);
  • up to 40% of the cost of living space can be financed by the state.

Mortgages for low-income families

For each region organs local government are developing special programs. You can ask your municipalities for more details.

With a mortgage, it is impossible for low-income people to purchase a house, cottage, or townhouse. Some programs are designed only for the purchase of housing in new buildings.

In addition, confirmation of the right to receive a preferential loan is required. And, even if you have a certain status, you may not be given a mortgage for low-income people or your family may be put on a waiting list, since in Russia there are a lot of eligible citizens.


The program is being developed at the government level. Local municipalities can only regulate certain things. But the conditions for providing such a loan are the same for citizens throughout the Russian Federation.

How is it beneficial?

The benefit of a social mortgage is to reduce the cost of purchasing housing. It is much easier to buy an apartment or with a reduced interest rate.

For public sector workers, social mortgages are especially beneficial - you can get housing without a mandatory contribution and at only 8.5% per year.

Such a program was developed by AHML. To date better than the offer By mortgage lending there is no social direction.

Where to apply?

Only 2 organizations are involved in processing housing loans under preferential programs:

  • Sberbank;
  • AHML – Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation.


provides preferential mortgages:

  • for families of military personnel - 12.5% ​​per year, without down payment;
  • for young families – 12.5%, down payment from 15%.

Additionally, reduced interest rates are provided to civil servants. Sberbank does not provide mortgages for low-income families as a separate program.

If the state subsidizes 40% or pays the balance on interest, then the bank gives such a mortgage. AHML is fully involved in the implementation of such projects.


AHML offers preferential programs for a certain category of citizens. Interest rate only 9.9% per year. Using this social program real estate can be purchased in new buildings.

10% of the cost of the apartment is required.

WITH with the help of AHML living space for available conditions purchased many low-income families.

State assistance for purchasing your own home is the only solution housing issue. But in order to confirm your right to benefits, you have to wait for your turn for years.

The conditions for preferential mortgages for low-income people are presented in the table:

How to get a?

To get a mortgage on preferential terms you need:

  1. Confirm the status of a needy family.
  2. Collect required package documents, submit it to social security.
  3. Get on the waiting list to purchase housing.

List of documents

To confirm the status of a low-income family, you need to collect the following documents:

  • statement;
  • ID cards and birth certificates of children;
  • certificate confirming income;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • employment history;
  • Account number;
  • work books;
  • documents (if any) confirming ownership of the living space;
  • certificates from the children's places of study.

Adult family members must be employed.

Social mortgage- this is improving the living conditions of low-income citizens using state finances. Such a mortgage provides that some financial payments to a person are provided by the state represented by regional authorities. To purchase an apartment using this form of mortgage, a person can only count on living space in the amount of 18 square meters per person.

The following groups of citizens have the right to purchase an apartment with such a cheap mortgage:

  • the city's waiting list for improved housing conditions;
  • budget employees;
  • citizens living with two or more families in the same living space;
  • citizens living in rented housing without their own housing;
  • citizens living in communal apartment on an area smaller than established by social norms;
  • citizens living in premises not intended for housing.

The state participates in social mortgages in various forms:

  • it is possible to pay the bet on mortgage loan;
  • Interest-free loan available;
  • other preferential loan terms are possible;
  • a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment is possible;
  • it is possible to issue funds to repay a mortgage loan from a private bank;
  • It is possible to borrow for the purchase of social housing if it is sold at a reduced price.

The number of subsidized housing is sharply limited. Each region of the country has its own original social mortgage programs. In all regions there is one general rule– residential space for a social mortgage cannot be purchased on the secondary market. Applying for any mortgage requires a lot of paperwork and time. But getting a social mortgage is something special.

Social mortgage for low-income people in Moscow

First of all, it is necessary to acquire the status of a low-income family. A low-income family is a family where the income of each family member is less than the minimum established by the region. It is not easy to obtain such a status. The income of all family members, both salaries and pensions, is summed up. Divided by the number of family members. In this case, the family includes spouses and their children, including adults under 23 years of age if they are studying full-time. In confirmation of their calculations, certificates are provided to the municipal institution of the region wages for 3 last month before submitting an application, certificates of scholarships from a university or college, family documents. The requirements of officials are strict and you will have to repeatedly redo the submitted documents and then wait in different regions for different deadlines for assigning the status of a low-income family.

Moscow's social mortgage has its own metropolitan characteristics. Basically two schemes work. Both exist for those on the waiting list in the capital. The first is the construction of an apartment within the framework of the city order. Low-income citizens can purchase such housing at cost. The second is the provision of a subsidy in the amount of the down payment. In this case, the apartment is purchased at the market price.

Social mortgage for low-income people in St. Petersburg

The second capital has its own social mortgage schemes. The most popular is free social payment in accordance with the number of family members on the waiting list and proportional to the number of years they have been on the waiting list for improved housing conditions. Financially, it is equal to approximately a third of the cost of housing purchased with a social mortgage.

City government employees with work experience in budgetary institutions more than five years old can buy an apartment at cost with installment payment without interest for 10 years. Upon presentation of documents that all this time the family has been working in budgetary institutions, they are given a social payment in the last year of the installment plan for 1/5 of the purchased price of housing.

Social mortgage for low-income people in Tatarstan

The social mortgage program is supported by the State Housing Fund of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. Social mortgage agreements state that financial payments are made at the starting price. The apartments are being built as part of city orders under the Social Mortgage Lending Program.

  • 45% of apartments are provided to state employees;
  • 45% of apartments are provided to employees of enterprises co-financing the Program together with the republic;
  • 10% of the apartments are provided to people on the waiting list from dilapidated housing.

At the same time, upon the birth of a child, the family reduces the size of its mortgage payment by the cost of 18 square meters.

The only condition: the family applying for a social mortgage should not be unemployed.
Tatarstan officials are limited to a month’s time to consider any citizen’s application, and the State housing stock Tatarstan analyzes the submitted documents for two weeks. This is much faster than in Moscow.