FSB RF border service. Border control

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2012 N 546
"On approval of the Regulations on the content of border control when passing persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of the Russian Federation"

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the State Border of the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Regulations on the content of border control when passing persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of the Russian Federation.

on the content of border control when passing persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of the Russian Federation
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2012 N 546)

1. These Regulations determine the content of border control when passing persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the state border).

Border control means state control, which consists of carrying out a set of actions to recognize the legality of crossing the state border by persons entering the Russian Federation, or allowing persons leaving the Russian Federation to cross the state border, as well as taking actions to detect and detain violators rules for crossing the state border, identifying sources of ionizing radiation at checkpoints across the state border with member states of the Customs Union, and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation - for detecting and detaining cargo, goods and animals prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation for import into the Russian Federation Federation or export from the Russian Federation.

Border control is carried out taking into account the risk assessment of possible violation of the state border regime.

2. Border control includes:

a) control of persons to establish the grounds for the right to leave the Russian Federation or enter the Russian Federation;

b) control of vehicles, cargo and goods to detect and detain violators of the rules for crossing the state border;

c) control of persons, vehicles, cargo and goods to identify sources of ionizing radiation at checkpoints across the state border with member states of the Customs Union.

3. During border control the following is carried out:

a) checking the validity of documents of persons crossing the state border for the right to enter or exit the Russian Federation;

b) execution by border control units of orders from state bodies in relation to persons whose right to leave the Russian Federation is limited in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or whose entry into the Russian Federation or exit from the Russian Federation is controlled by authorized bodies;

c) registration and recording of actual data of persons crossing the state border using information systems;

d) identification of sources of ionizing radiation with subsequent notification in the prescribed manner to the territorial bodies of the interested federal executive authorities;

e) detection and detention, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of cargo, goods and animals that are prohibited for import into the Russian Federation or export from the Russian Federation.

4. The content, sequence and duration of control actions during border control are reflected in the technological scheme for border control of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals, developed by the border authority in the manner determined by the regulations of the federal executive body in the field of security.

The content of border control when passing persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of our country has been determined.

Thus, border control includes the following. This is control of persons to establish the grounds for the right to leave Russia or enter the country. Control of transport, cargo and goods to detect and detain violators of state border crossing rules. Control of persons, transport, cargo and goods to identify sources of ionizing radiation at checkpoints across the border with CU member states.

In addition, border control refers to actions to detect and detain, in cases established by Russian legislation, cargo, goods and animals that are prohibited for import into or export from our country.

During border control, a number of activities are carried out. In particular, the validity of documents of persons crossing the border for the right to enter or leave Russia is checked. The actual data of persons crossing the border is registered and taken into account using information systems. Sources of ionizing radiation are identified, followed by informing the territorial authorities of the interested federal executive authorities.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2012 N 546 "On approval of the Regulations on the content of border control when passing persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the state border of the Russian Federation"

This resolution comes into force 7 days after the day of its official publication

After which you will be able to receive a corresponding notification in your hands, which will indicate the following data:

  • duration of travel restrictions;
  • number and date of authorization of the travel ban;
  • the name and legal address of the organization that issued the travel ban.

In case of disagreement with the decision on restrictions on border crossing, every citizen has the right to file a complaint in court or contact the FMS. Therefore, it is worth checking the ban on leaving the Russian Federation in advance. Another way to independently check about a ban on leaving the country is that the Federal Migration Service will check the ban on leaving the Russian Federation when applying for a foreign passport. If there is a prohibition, you will be denied the issuance of the document. There is no online service on the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, it is simply impossible to verify the travel ban for citizens who have a foreign passport.

Where and how to check the ban on leaving the Russian Federation

After the debtor's name is included in the database of citizens who are restricted from traveling abroad, the debtor cannot travel abroad and also cannot receive a visa. Moreover, they will not be released at any border point, since the measures taken by the FSSP Office to limit the right to travel outside the Russian Federation are valid at all border control points from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.


In the summer of 2013, debtors were given relief. If the amount of debt under the writ of execution does not exceed ten thousand rubles, the bailiff does not have the right to issue a resolution on a temporary restriction on the debtor’s departure from the Russian Federation. That is, in order to become prohibited from traveling abroad, the debt must exceed 10,000 rubles.

Check the ban on traveling abroad

So, if the bailiffs forbade you to leave the territory of the Russian Federation, you will not be able to cross the border towards any state. This means that you will also be prohibited from traveling to Abkhazia with debts.
Is it possible to fly around Russia with debts from bailiffs? With debts from bailiffs, you can freely fly anywhere in Russia. According to Art. 67 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, bailiffs have the right to impose on the debtor a ban on flying out of the territory of the Russian Federation.


The FSSP does not have the authority to prohibit people from traveling around Russia for debt. Who imposes a ban on traveling abroad A ban on traveling abroad can be imposed on a defaulter:

  • Judge.

If the writ of execution is not a judicial act (according to Part.

1 tbsp.

How to check the ban on traveling abroad from Russia online?

How can you check a foreign passport for a ban on traveling abroad? You cannot check your passport for a ban on traveling from the Russian Federation abroad at the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS) online. This service is not available on any government online portal.
Some unofficial sites provide the opportunity to check the documents of Russians for a ban on traveling abroad, but from what sources they take the data and how much they can be trusted is unknown. The most reliable way to check whether travel abroad is allowed:

  1. At the bailiffs;

If you know that an individual entrepreneur has been filed against you, contact the bailiff who is handling your case.

This can be done in person, by phone, by letter or via the Internet.
It is prohibited for citizens who fall into one of the following categories to travel abroad:

  • If a citizen is an employee of a certain organization and has access to particularly sensitive information. The ban can be lifted only five years after dismissal.
  • Persons who are undergoing compulsory military service.
  • Persons under investigation.
  • Persons who have an outstanding criminal record.
  • Debtors who have debts on loans, utility bills, alimony or fines from the traffic police.
  • Persons who previously provided false information when applying for a passport or visa.

Any debt can become an obstacle to traveling abroad.
That is why you should know where and how to check the ban on traveling abroad of the Russian Federation.

Border service of the FSB of Russia official website find out about the travel ban

Transferring the resolution and updating the databases may take a long time. Often this period is at least 14 working days. The main thing is that you worry in time and take the time to check whether there is a ban on leaving the Russian Federation. Only after completing these stages will you be given access to cross the border.
If you have any restrictions on leaving the country, then you should once again check your passport for a ban on leaving the Russian Federation. In this way, you will save yourself from unnecessary hassle and problems at customs or at the airport terminal.

By the way, if you are refused to cross the country’s border, then rest assured that no one will return the money spent on the ticket. As the wise old saying goes, it’s better to measure seven times and cut once.

In our case, it is better to check the ban on leaving the Russian Federation a hundred times and calmly cross the border.

Ban on traveling abroad

As noted above, conscripts and those under suspicion of committing a crime are not allowed to go abroad. Features of specific cases A criminal record of a citizen of the Russian Federation is an important condition that is an obstacle to leaving the country.


Especially the sentence, which has already entered into force. The end of a criminal record means the ban on traveling abroad is lifted. Specific deadlines are specified in Art. 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Exceptions are the following cases:

  • if the citizen was pardoned or received an amnesty;
  • if the court verdict was overturned and the criminal case was closed;
  • The statute of limitations on the sentence had expired, and the decision was not used due to the circumstances.

Difficult situations If a citizen of the Russian Federation is drafted into the army or is currently undergoing civilian service, then he is automatically deprived of the right to travel abroad.

The exception is the contract worker.

Ban on traveling abroad.

By clicking on the button, you agree to the rules for using the site and the rules for processing personal data Online service for checking the ban on leaving Russia for the presence of unpaid debts, taxes, fines, arrears and open court cases Step 2/3 Enter your TIN or passport information to check the database Federal Tax Service Your Taxpayer Identification Number: I don’t know your Taxpayer Identification Number, indicate your passport: If you don’t know your Taxpayer Identification Number, then fill in your passport details Series: Passport No.: Date of issue: (day, month, year) I have a car, check traffic police fines If you are a driver, then there may be fines that should be checked by the Driver. ID: Driver's license number Vehicle registration number: Vehicle registration certificate number in format 77US567890 State.

How to check the ban on traveling abroad in Russia?

Please note: A search by last name on the FSSP website may show debts of your full namesakes in the results. Read about how to properly check debts on the FSSP website in a separate article.

How to travel abroad in 2018 if you have a debt to bailiffs If, based on the results of checking debts with bailiffs, you discovered that you have a debt, you may also be prohibited from traveling abroad. Remember that bailiffs have the right not to let you go abroad in 2018 even with a minimum amount of debt.

You can find out exactly whether you are allowed to leave the territory of the Russian Federation from the bailiff who is handling your case. If there is a ban, then you will be able to leave the country only after the enforcement proceedings are closed.

How do I find out if I have a ban on traveling abroad in the border service database. question number No. 10935037 read 1430 times Urgent legal consultation 8 800 505-91-11 free

  • check yourself on the FSSP service. Pay for response Continue dialogue eMail for personal requests: , from 6.00.

    until 19.00 - Moscow time. Skype: cat_fe1967 - consultations, by agreement.

Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button. I have already checked this site and already talked to the bailiff. On Monday I will pay the debt at the bailiff and after lunch the documents will be sent further.

But before the departure date, all the necessary actions may not have time to take place and the checkbox will not be cleared in the border service database. However, I have a suspicion that I do not have a ban on traveling abroad of the Russian Federation.

of the Russian Federation in case of failure by a debtor-citizen or a debtor who is an individual entrepreneur to fulfill, within the period established for voluntary execution, without good reason, the following requirements contained in an executive document issued by a court or which is a judicial act: 1) demands for the collection of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, property damage and (or) moral harm caused by a crime, if the amount of debt under such a writ of execution exceeds 10,000 rubles; 2) claims of a non-property nature; 3) other requirements, if the amount of debt under the executive document (executive documents) is 30,000 rubles or more. 2.

Border protection has long been one of the top government priorities, nothing has changed over the centuries, and now in the army of every country there are border guards who protect the peace of civilians every second

Division history

Back in the distant Russian Empire there was a customs duties department, which was responsible for protecting state borders. But Tsar Alexander decided that this was not enough, and organized a special corps of guards who took over some of the security functions of the department.

There was also a detachment of gendarmes that controlled all entries and exits from the territory of the Empire.

These foundations were maintained until the October Revolution, after which a decree of the Council ordered the formation of the “Border Guard of the Borders of the RSFSR.” In the same year, a border guard department was created, to which all the personnel of the old institution were transferred.

The transformations of the USSR smoothly merged the border protection corps with the local state security committee, which became an independent and quite significant unit. Inside, the KGB became one of the main forces for managing the army and the secret defense of the country.

In 1989, the Border Guards were excluded from the general military forces of the USSR, and completely became an independent unit ready for service at any time of the day. This trend has continued to this day; the border unit is not part of the RF Armed Forces, but is a freelance army.

As mentioned above, one of the leading roles in the KGB was occupied by the border protection unit, and with the collapse of this service, it separated along with two other influential units. From that day on, this service became known as the “Committee for the Protection of the Borders of the USSR.”

But this service was also abolished as a result of reforms. The President of the Russian Federation established completely new Border Troops of the Russian Federation; they became part of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which lasted only one year.

After the dissolution of the Ministry of Security, the Federal Counterintelligence Service was created, and all divisions of the MB are now included in it. But the border troops were separated into a special and independent unit.

The Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation was engaged in the same tasks as the gendarmerie in the Russian Empire, guarding the borders of their country and monitoring illegal infiltrations.

Until 2003, this service was independent and had all the rights as a government body resolving issues of state security of the Russian Federation. And above the director of this organization there was only the president, who gave all the orders, along with the signing of the necessary papers and documents.

Starting this year, the border service was abolished for the last time. All functions were transferred to the FSB, and a separate division was created within the security officers, which did not stand out in anything special except for the creation of a special committee to monitor the affairs of this service.

In the process of transformation, the maritime guard was replenished with a border guard unit, such as the coast guard.

Since 2005, the Border Service has been separated into an independent force and renamed “Border Agencies”.

As a result of all the reforms, it was decided to abolish the system under which conscripts undergoing compulsory military service were sent to the border troops. Now it has completely switched to a system in which all employees enter into a special contract with the state and consciously go to this unit for good and productive service, which brings considerable income and prestige.

Distinctive marks of these formations

By tradition, the main attribute of any border guard is the beret, which has its own color for each unit. For this type of troops, this is a green beret. The border guard's cap is also made in light green tones.

The military vest differs from all other formations, as it has characteristic greenish stripes instead of the blue ones of other formations.

The berets of this service and the Russian National Guard are often confused, but they are quite easy to distinguish. If the first formation has a light emerald headdress, then the second one has a dark spruce green color. Accordingly, once you compare these colors, you will never confuse them.

Today we will talk about border control in Russia. What is this service, what does it do, what should ordinary citizens know about? All these issues will be discussed in detail in the article.

Border control

The Border Service of the Russian Federation is an important structural unit that is responsible for the protection and protection of the state border along its entire length. The special unit is part of the Federal Security Service. This service is responsible for the protection of land and water borders. According to the law, the PS is not part of law enforcement agencies, but the latter may be involved in special tasks of the PS.

Main goals of the work:

  1. Guaranteeing the territorial integrity of the country, ensuring security at the border.
  2. Legal improvement of international rules for border policy by different states.
  3. Cooperation with other states to prevent possible threats, conflicts and crises that may occur at the border.
  4. Preventing demographic and economic expansion.
  5. Work in the field of monitoring the implementation of agreements concluded in the field of border control between countries.
  6. Respect for the interests of the country.
  7. Preventing possible attempts to isolate Russia from the world stage, countering the creation of military-political associations against the country.

Historical development

Let's start with the fact that border control in Russia in its original form existed for a long time. Until 1893, such functions were performed by the border guard. Then, by decree of the emperor, a Separate Corps was created. From this point on, border affairs became more structured and orderly. The protection of the borders of the empire was carried out by the Separate Border Guard Corps, while entry and exit abroad was controlled by the gendarmerie.

In 1918, the Border Guard of the RSFSR was created. At the same time, the Main Directorate of Border Guard was established, where all officers from the disbanded Separate Corps were placed. A year later, the Main Directorate came under the control of the People's Commissariat of Industry and Trade. In the fall of 1920, the Special Department of the Cheka, which dealt with state security, became responsible for protecting the state border. After the summer of 1934, the work of the border service began to be controlled by the NKVD. Then many more structural changes occurred, which mainly concerned who the PS reports to. In 1994, this body became known as the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation. It also received the rights of an independent federal body, which was tasked with resolving a number of issues related to state security and border protection. The director of this service is completely subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation. Initially, the recruitment of soldiers came from a number of those who served by conscription and under contract. However, since 2008, the PS has completely switched to staffing with contract soldiers.


The Border Control Service is a global centralized system that includes many different agencies whose purpose is to ensure security at the Russian border. The structural division is as follows:

  1. Coast and Border Guard Departments.
  2. PS management.
  3. Operational and coordination management.
  4. Border authorities.

The latter are divided into multiple departments, detachments, operational units, and posts.


There are 7 educational institutions in Russia that offer higher professional education for work in the FSB border control: Moscow Border Academy, Moscow Border Institute, Golitsinsky, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Khabarovsk institutes and the Coast Guard Institute in Anapa. Secondary vocational education can be obtained at the First Cadet Corps and the Kaluga Multidisciplinary Technical School.

Regional centers

In 2004, the border control of the Russian FSB stopped working on the linear principle of territorial security. The regional-object principle has replaced it. As a result, out of 10 regional divisions, only 8 remained, and federal districts in areas were reduced from 35 to 30. The Coast Guard was created on the basis of the maritime guard only in 2005.


The first commander of border control was Vladimir Shlyakhtin, a colonel general who served in the period 1992-1993. Responsibility then passed to Andrei Nikolaev, the first director of the FPS, who held the position from 1993 to 1997. In the period 1997-1998, the duties of director were performed by Alexander Tymko. For several months in 1998, Colonel General Nikolai Bordyuzha was responsible for the work of border control. From 1998 to 2003, the post of director of the FPS was Konstantin Totsky, an army general, colonel general. From spring to summer 2003, Vladimir Pronichev was the acting director. Then he became the first deputy director and head of the PS, which he held until 2013. From this date to the present day, Vladimir Kulishov has been the head of the PS.

Outside the country

There were and are separate detachments of Russian border troops outside the country: in Tajikistan, Armenia and Abkhazia. In Tajikistan, such a unit existed from 1992 to 2005. The reason for the introduction of border troops into Armenia was an international agreement that was concluded in 1992. According to it, 4 Russian detachments should be present on the territory of Armenia: in Armavir, Meghri, Artashat and Gyumri. There is also an additional control detachment, which is located at Yerevan airport. There are about 4.5 thousand Russian soldiers in the country. Their activities are financed not only from the Russian budget, but also from the Armenian budget. The contribution of both countries is approximately the same. The task of Russian troops is to protect the borders with Turkey and Iran.

In Abkhazia there is a coast guard of the PS FSB of the Russian Federation, which is located in Ochamchira. A detachment for duty service in Abkhazia was formed in 2009. He manages 4 boats. The main goal of the border service is to help Abkhazia guard and defend its maritime borders.

The legal system under which these bodies operate is regulated by two laws of the Russian Federation - “On the Federal Security Service” and “On the State Border”.

Border control at the airport

Border control is carried out at different levels. There are many unsafe items that can be brought into the country through international airports. Moreover, criminals with fake documents also pose a big threat. Gone are the days when the border was crossed en masse right where it passed. Nowadays, most of the illegal criminal operations have moved to the airport.

Border control at the airport has several objectives:

  • checking the real reasons that allow a person to cross the border;
  • verification of documentation for permission to transport vehicles and cargo;
  • checking documentation for the transportation of animals;
  • tracking persons who are wanted or under the control of law enforcement agencies and detaining them if they seek to illegally cross the border, transferring them to the relevant authorities;
  • detection and resolution of petty crimes, planned terrorist attacks;
  • surveillance and active implementation of agreements that Russia has entered into with other countries.

It is worth understanding that all actions and words of border service representatives are fully based on the laws of the Russian Federation and the Constitution. Any person who does not seek to break the law or carry out an illegal act can successfully pass border control.


The main insignia of border service workers is a cap and beret of a greenish-emerald hue. However, this is where many people get confused, because green berets are worn by members of the intelligence services. The truth is that their berets and caps are a rich green (spruce) color.

Such features of the servicemen's uniform are a reason for pride. Everyone who serves in border control, and even veterans, are proud to belong to the privileged defenders of the Fatherland. Special attention is focused on the cap, because it symbolizes courage, strength, courage. People wearing it can be proud that they are involved in the protection of their country. It is worth noting that in terms of its importance, the green cap is on the same level as the blue beret of the Airborne Forces.

At all events dedicated to professional holidays, parades, and performances, veterans and employees appear in their traditional uniform.

To summarize the article, let’s say that the domestic border service is the key to the security of the entire country.