What to do if there is almost no money for the down payment on the mortgage? Ways to get money for a down payment Where to find a down payment for a mortgage.

You have decided to get a mortgage or even received a positive decision from the bank. But There are not enough funds to make the first payment. How to solve the issue:

Important: making a down payment increases the bank's confidence in the borrower, and confidence in his solvency appears.

Video on the topic:

How to save for a mortgage?

Where can I get money for a down payment on a mortgage? In general, how to accumulate them?

To start the question should be asked: “What can I do?”. Write down all the skills and abilities, special character traits. Next, you should highlight what works better than others. Now find out what will bring you maximum earnings and work in that direction. You can receive money in the following ways:

  1. additional part-time jobs. In addition to your main job, you need to find a part-time job, at least once a month or a week. But save the received amount for the down payment;
  2. online business. You can open your own website, write articles on a topic that is well known, promote it, and earn money from advertising.

But there are things to be wary of. This applies to acquisitions and investments:

  • you should not borrow money;
  • no need to purchase any courses to increase earnings or techniques;
  • you should not invest in risky programs or gamble;
  • You should not become a guarantor for loans or lend money.

Special bank programs

Among banking programs it is worth highlighting Possibility of a mortgage secured by existing housing.

Sometimes there is no opportunity to save money, especially for young families. But it is for them that a special program from the state has been created.

This offer helps you quickly find funds for a down payment. An indispensable condition here is the borrower transferring his real estate to the bank as collateral. In addition, a number of requirements are put forward for real estate. Its cost must cover the loan amount or even exceed it.

State support

State support allows young families and military personnel take out mortgage loans with a subsidy.

For example, military personnel who are members of the NIS have the opportunity to receive funds without making personal savings. This right is available to those military personnel who have been registered in the system for more than 3 years. The longest loan term is limited to reaching the age of 45 years.

The housing program for young families allows you to receive government subsidies. Their amount is calculated based on the number of family members, including children. Participants are given a certificate to receive a payment in the amount of 30-35% of the housing price. This is a completely acceptable option for those who cannot save up for a down payment.

To participate in the program you must submit to local authorities package of documents. The main disadvantage here is their lengthy consideration and bureaucratization. But the main advantage is providing a subsidy free of charge.

Use of maternity capital

This method is suitable only for those who have already had 2 or more children in their family, but have not received MK before. Like the subsidy for young families, this payment is given free of charge. The main advantage of MK is that the issuance of certificates is “on-line”; there is no need for a lot of documents and papers.

In general, according to the law, funds can be used only after three years from the date of the birth of a child in the family. But there is an exception. Maternity capital is allowed to be used without waiting 3 years to pay off debts to the bank or for a mortgage:

  • payment of the principal debt that was issued under a loan or credit agreement;
  • payment of interest on an existing loan;
  • since 2015, the possibility of paying a down payment to obtain a mortgage.

Applying for a consumer loan

Exists another option for receiving funds for a down payment on a mortgage - this is obtaining a consumer loan for the required amount.

But remember that consumer loan rates are always higher than a mortgage, but it is repaid in 2-3 years. A sufficient level of income is important so that the total amount of loans is enough to purchase an apartment. Also, earnings should be enough to service two loans at once, in order to avoid delays.

What to do if there are no funds to achieve the goal?

If none of the options suits you: you can’t save by any means, maternity capital is not available or has already been used up, you are not eligible for other programs from the state, and taking out a consumer loan is not an option, then It remains possible to take out a mortgage without a down payment.

Advice: To save money, find additional income or try to get a promotion.

But banks are reluctant to give such loans, there are few such programs, and the interest on them is not always profitable. Let's consider a few proposals:

  1. proposal “Delta: improvement of living conditions” from Plus Bank;
  2. program for building a residential building on your own from Zapsibkombank;
  3. mortgage loan "Udachny" from Interprogessbank;
  4. targeted loan from Asia-Pacific Bank;
  5. Soyuzny Bank offers a targeted mortgage loan without a down payment;
  6. program "KUB-Mortgage" from Credit Ural Bank.

As you can see, there are many options for obtaining funds to pay the down payment on a mortgage, as well as many ways to avoid this. At the same time, some options are truly attractive, especially programs for young families and other offers from the state.

According to credit analysts, more than 50% of people purchase real estate through borrowed funds. This is justified by the fact that annual inflation does not allow citizens to accumulate the required amount.

Mortgage transactions have long been part of the real estate market. And if you are solvent and can document this, then there is a high chance of approval from the bank.

The offers of credit institutions are varied:

  1. Mortgage for secondary housing;
  2. For the construction of a house;
  3. Acquisition.

But all these offers have a minus - the presence of a down payment. Often people do not have enough funds to deposit, so the pressing question becomes: “How to get a mortgage without a down payment?”

Down payment - what is it?

The down payment is a certain percentage of the total value of the property, which serves as collateral for the loan. It is by this parameter that the bank determines the client’s solvency.

As a rule, it is 20-30%. This is the minimum threshold to ensure that a mortgage can be approved. But if a citizen wants to receive approval earlier, without providing documents, then he is required to contribute more than 50%.

Based on the provided data and capital, the bank assesses the risk of non-repayment of funds. And the lower this payment, the higher the risk, and, accordingly, the interest rate.

As a rule, bank offers to provide a mortgage loan with a 0% down payment are advertising promises. In fact, you will still have to deposit funds in some way. This could be subsidies, borrowed funds, or secured property. Below we will look at all the methods.

Registration procedure

Depending on the program you choose, you collect documents. The standard package of documents includes:

  1. Passport of the borrower and co-borrower (if available);
  2. 2NDFL;
  3. SNILS;
  4. Work record book or copy;
  5. Application form. These documents are provided to the credit specialist at the bank branch. He enters your information into the database and sets a deadline for reviewing the application.

Once the financial institution makes a decision, the client is contacted and a time is set to sign the contract. You have a period of six months to choose an apartment. During this time, a person needs to make a choice, collect documents for an apartment and submit them to the bank branch. As soon as the assessment is completed, all parties sign the documents (bank representative, borrower, developer or private individual).

Where is it more profitable to get a mortgage without a down payment?

Bank of Moscow offers its clients to obtain a mortgage loan for the purchase of an apartment. It can be located both in the primary market and in the secondary market. The minimum amount is 500,000 rubles, the maximum is 60% of the value of the loan collateral. The interest rate is 13.20% per annum. It is calculated based on the client’s solvency and personal characteristics.

Rosbank. The interest rate on the loan is 13.6%. The maximum loan amount is 80% of the collateral property. The collateral can be a house or apartment.

Housing Finance Bank offers to purchase real estate for 15.5% per annum. Accepts various certificates as a down payment or lends against collateral. The advantage of this financial institution is the attraction of co-borrowers in the amount of four people.

How to understand whether the bank will approve a mortgage

Each bank has its own borrower analysis algorithm. In general terms, a citizen has the right to count on approval if:

  1. He has all the necessary documents;
  2. No bad credit history;
  3. The income allows you to pay monthly fees. You can do the calculation yourself: for each non-working family member there should be not less than 7 thousand rubles.

Multiply this amount by the number of dependents and add up the official income of each. Subtract the total of the product from the sum. The final amount must be more than 40% of your total income. Only in this case will the financial institution approve the loan.

Things are more complicated for people who have a small child in their arms. More often than not, banks are unwilling to lend, citing high expenses for the child and the fact that the child is being pledged as collateral. After all, in case of any non-payment, the financial institution will have to go to court and sell the apartment.

How to buy an apartment using maternity capital

Maternity capital is considered an additional payment method. Every year this amount increases in proportion to inflation, which young parents take advantage of.

Paying the down payment with these funds is easy. It is enough to submit an application to the Pension Fund. He is considering the application within a month and, having made a positive decision, transfers funds to the bank by bank transfer.

To apply you will need:

  1. Passport;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. Certificate.

The mother does not have to take out mortgage lending in her own name. Maternity capital is considered common acquired property, so both spouses claim it.

Buying in installments and using a consumer loan

This is the most common action among people who do not have the opportunity to save. When taking out a personal loan from a third-party bank, borrowers pay a mortgage fee and then pay off multiple loans.


  1. You must have sufficient income;
  2. The financial institution has the right not to approve the second loan. These are internal rules of banks that are not subject to disclosure. To avoid overlaps, it is better to take out a consumer loan on the same date as the submission of documents for a mortgage. Then all actions will not appear on the credit history;
  3. You will have to repay a decent amount every month;
  4. This scheme involves a significant overpayment.

Other options for buying an apartment without cash

Before the crisis, many financial institutions practiced issuing mortgage loans without initial capital. But due to the difficult geopolitical situation, the Central Bank reviewed such assets and decided to cancel the offer.

Despite this operation, it is possible to purchase an apartment without a down payment.


The right to act as a down payment government subsidy. It is issued as a lump sum, and its amount depends on the initial cost of the property.

The following categories of citizens can count on it:

  1. . Provided if at least one spouse is under 30 years of age. The subsidy is 35% of the cost if there is a child; if there are no children, then 30%;
  2. Civil servants or military personnel. The subsidy is an alternative to the military mortgage program and is issued to pay off the entire mortgage;
  3. Citizens are residents of the far north. The size of the subsidy is determined depending on the region and its internal policies;
  4. WWII veterans and disabled people. Payment is made in the amount of 100% of the full loan amount;
  5. Large families.

Trade in

The existing auto program now applies to real estate. By providing documents for an existing apartment, you get the opportunity to purchase a new one, but with condition of the past. All funds received from sales are used to repay loan obligations. Thus, you receive a discount on new property, and the sale is handled by a legal entity - a representative of the bank.


Another way to take out loan obligations without a down payment is provision of security. This could be a car, a house, a cottage, a plot of land. The main thing is that this property belongs to the main borrower and is liquid. Its cost must be equivalent to the price of the down payment for the apartment.

If you have decided, but have already taken out a loan before, experts advise requesting a credit history from NBKI.

Perhaps there are other ways? Option on video

How to buy an apartment without investing a single ruble? The video below provides step-by-step instructions on how to improve your living conditions without upfront costs.

The problem of the down payment on a mortgage loan worries many who plan to get a loan to purchase a home in the near future. It’s just not possible to get the entire amount needed to purchase real estate on credit. Some part of the cost of a house or apartment will have to be paid from your own resources. Typically the minimum down payment is 15-20% of your purchase price. Considering the level of housing prices, many citizens are confused: where can they get such a substantial amount?

The idea is on the surface: take a regular cash loan. However, if you choose this option, you need to understand that the loan will reduce your ability to pay when considering a mortgage application. Simply put, the bank will take the amount of your income, subtract from it the amount of the loan payment, and based on the remaining amount of income will calculate whether you will also be able to pay the mortgage. Agree, it will be a shame to take out a loan for a down payment and get rejected for a mortgage because of this very loan. Therefore, such a loan is often issued not to the borrower, but to someone close - for example, parents.

Families with two children actively use maternity capital as a down payment. There are nuances here too. Firstly, maternity capital can be used to partially pay for housing only when the second child reaches the age of three. The down payment should not be confused with partial repayment of an already issued mortgage - the restriction on the child’s age does not apply only in the second case. And not all banks are generally ready to work with maternity capital as a down payment. Also, you won’t be able to get a mortgage using maternity capital without proof of income.

You can try to get a subsidy - for example, under the Young Family program. There are also other subsidy programs in some regions. The main disadvantage of this option is that you will have to wait to receive the subsidy. The mere fact that you are standing in line for it will not be enough.

Some banks even offer mortgages without a down payment. However, such programs carry high risks for banks. Therefore, the rates for such a mortgage are higher, and the bank will consider the application more meticulously. In addition, the conditions for such a mortgage may not be as attractive as the name “Mortgage without a down payment” sounds. Very often, such a loan can only be taken out against the security of existing housing (whereas a regular mortgage is issued against the security of the property being purchased).

Approach the issue of applying for a mortgage carefully, decide in advance on the bank and the lending program, make sure you have a down payment - and nothing will stop you from celebrating your housewarming!

Of course, the question of how to get a mortgage without a down payment for a young family is very, very relevant today. A young husband and wife are forced to live under the same roof with their parents, without having their own corner. And, naturally, such coexistence gives rise to the eternal problem of misunderstanding.

The “housing” issue is an acute problem today

In any case, it is better for a newly-made family to live separately. But the question immediately arises: “How can this desire be realized in practice?” Real estate today is incredibly expensive, so only a few can buy it, and even then not without the help of relatives. There remains another option: take out a loan to buy an apartment. But, again, the problem arises of where to get the cash to pay the down payment. The bank needs guarantees so as not to lose its financial assets. It would seem that the situation is deadlocked.

And then many young couples begin to consider their options on how to take out a mortgage without a down payment. Moreover, this way of solving the housing problem for young people today is the most optimal.

Those who want to learn about how to get a mortgage without a down payment should keep in mind that banking institutions are currently maximally interested in lending to the population. However, they do not exclude the option of providing money without financial guarantees.

Banks need guarantees

However, potential borrowers who are interested in the question of how to get a mortgage without a down payment should remember that they should be as confident as possible in the stability of their financial situation. The situation is complicated only by the fact that today few people are confident in the future. However, for many this is not a deterrent to the desire to have their own living space.

When the decision is finally made, you can begin to study banking programs that provide the opportunity to take out a mortgage without a down payment.

Options for getting a mortgage without a down payment

It should be noted that today the borrower has the right to expect to receive a loan, the amount of which is equivalent to 100 percent of the cost of new apartments, but only with a caveat: if their price is not more than ninety percent of the cost of the mortgaged real estate, the assessment of which is carried out by an independent expert. This option is optimal for those who want to purchase an economy class apartment.

Some banking institutions provide mortgages without a down payment on conditions where the collateral agreement is concluded not only in relation to real estate owned by the borrower, but also those registered in the name of his relatives, in particular parents.

Don't know how to get a mortgage without a down payment? Financiers advise choosing the option of applying for two loans at once: consumer and mortgage, while the first will be used as the first payment on the second. It should be noted that banks today issue money for consumer needs without any problems, although the size of the loan cannot be called impressive.

However, some consider the above option for buying a home to be optimal for themselves.

In any case, the mortgage loan payment, recommended by the state in the amount of 10%, is unacceptable for a huge number of Russians, since they simply do not have such amounts. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is very difficult to accumulate them in any way, since the Russian economy is in an unstable state: prices regularly rise against the backdrop of constant inflation. That is why nowadays more and more people are asking the question: “How to get a mortgage without a payment?”

Features of lending at VTB-24

The VTB-24 banking structure also offers its clients to obtain a loan for the purchase of housing in both the primary and secondary markets. So, how to get a mortgage without a down payment in VTB-24? Naturally, to complete this transaction, it will be necessary to formalize a pledge of real estate registered in the ownership of the borrower. An agreement to issue a mortgage without a down payment is concluded upon the availability of two documents. The borrower can choose an amount with “small” interest and buy an apartment that is pledged to the bank.

If we are talking about borrowing a large amount of money, then the specialists of the credit institution take into account not only the income level of the person to whom the cash will be issued, but also his relatives.

Moreover, the rate is quite acceptable - 8.5% per annum in rubles. The loan term is up to 50 years. You should also take into account the minimum loan size, which is 900 thousand rubles. You can repay the borrowed funds ahead of schedule, but no fines or penalties will be charged.

Mortgage loans from VTB-24 can be obtained not only by Russians, but also by stateless persons. You only need to have two documents with you. The first is a passport. The second is a military ID or marriage certificate or passport of the spouse.

In this case, you do not need to provide a certificate of salary and work experience.

If, after applying for a loan, you initially repay 50% of the cost of housing, then the bank employees will only require your passport and driver’s license; as an alternative to the second document, you can provide a pension certificate.

Lending option with government support

Some are still interested in the issue of issuing a loan without a down payment, which provides for government support. VTB-24 Bank is ready to offer this lending option. Moreover, the interest rate in this case will be equal to 11% (it is noteworthy that it is not affected by factors such as the size of the loan and its term, which, by the way, is 30 years).

Only those who are ready to immediately contribute 20% of the cost of housing can count on this lending option. Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents can borrow a maximum of 8 million rubles in this way, residents of other regions - only 3 million rubles.

Features of lending at Sberbank

Are there other ways to solve the question of how to get a mortgage without a down payment? Sberbank offers to use the Mortgage Standard program. With its help, you can become the owner of housing sold on both the primary and secondary markets. In this case, the loan size can be any. The term of the loan agreement does not exceed 30 years. Payments are made every month, and in equal installments. The interest rate ranges from 11.65 to 13.5, it is influenced by such factors as the term of the loan.

Conditions for providing a mortgage loan

Sberbank offers a mortgage loan without a down payment to Russians with at least 12 months of work experience, and they must have worked in their last position for at least six months. In addition, bank employees will require a certificate of income. The terms of the loan agreement provide that until you fully pay for the apartment, Sberbank of Russia will be its mortgagee.

If we are talking about a new building, then the land plot or other real estate objects are subject to collateral encumbrance.

It should also be taken into account that the loan size cannot exceed 80% of the value of the real estate pledged.

In case of improper performance of their duties (late payments on the loan), the borrower bears responsibility in the form of penalties. The debt amount can be repaid ahead of schedule, and no commissions or penalties will be charged. An application for a mortgage loan is reviewed within five working days.

Welcome! Today we’ll talk about what a mortgage without a down payment is, whether it’s possible to get a mortgage without a down payment and whether it’s worth it, and where to get a mortgage without a down payment as profitably as possible. In general, if you don’t have a down payment, but you really need housing, then be sure to read the post to the end.

First of all, let's understand what a mortgage is and why banks require a down payment.

A mortgage is a loan from a bank to purchase a home. As a rule, the bank takes as collateral exactly the real estate that is purchased with a mortgage. Until you pay off your debt to the bank, your home will be under encumbrance. This means that you will not be able to sell, donate or do anything else with this property.

It would seem that everything is fine. The bank gives you money to buy an apartment, and itself receives a guarantee in the form of a mortgage on it. If you suddenly cannot pay the mortgage, he will simply sell it and get his money back. But it's not that simple.

A mortgage loan without a down payment is too risky for a bank for two reasons:

  1. The real estate market is very unstable. Periods of rising property values ​​are followed by protracted crises that bring down housing prices. If a bank issues a mortgage at the peak of prices, then it simply will not be able to sell an apartment at the required price to cover the debt of a borrower who is unable to continue paying the loan during a crisis.
  2. No-down mortgages attract low-quality borrowers. Banks believe that if a person cannot save money for a down payment, it means he does not know how to manage his finances, and as a result, there is a risk of non-payment on the mortgage due to low payment discipline. The second point is that banks are convinced that mortgages without a down payment are for low-paid borrowers with “gray” incomes and unofficial employment, and this again poses a risk of future problems with repayment. But practice shows that all this is just speculation by banks. Delays on mortgage loans are minimal (3-4%), and those who decide to take out a mortgage usually fulfill their obligations to the bank quite regularly.

One way or another, a down payment has become a mandatory requirement for most banks. With a mortgage, you are required to have 10-15% of cash on hand from the cost of the apartment.

But for every lock there is a master key. Wanting is not harmful, but not wanting is harmful. Now let's talk about 10 ways to bypass the down payment at the bank.

10 proven ways to get a mortgage without a down payment

So, let's look at the most popular ways to get an apartment with a mortgage without a down payment. As a result, it will become absolutely clear to you how to get a mortgage without a down payment in your case.

Classic version

A classic mortgage without a down payment in 2020 is presented by a bank - this is Metallinvestbank and its “Mortgage without a down payment” program.

The essence of the program is very simple. You are issued a mortgage for the entire cost of the apartment without any problems at a fixed 14% per annum (if you do not insure life and health, then +1%).

Important point! In most cases, a mortgage without a down payment in the classic version is issued for new buildings and from a developer specially accredited by the bank.

Without a down payment, a mortgage is possible only for employees (not individual entrepreneurs and business owners), in the amount of 250 thousand to 3 million, for a period of up to 25 years. It is not possible to obtain a mortgage to build a house under this program.

Promotions from the developer

To support developer sales, various promotions are often held. For them, mortgages have become a powerful tool for selling apartments. Mortgages with state support simply pulled out the construction industry in 2015-16.

For every developer, the down payment on a mortgage is a headache. The majority of the population simply does not have the money for it. Moreover, when purchasing an apartment in a new building with a mortgage, you also have to pay rent for the apartment while the house is being built.

A promotion from the developer may consist of an installment plan for the down payment or a special discount in the amount of the down payment on an apartment.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the supply market so as not to miss an interesting option.

When is it profitable to take out a mortgage without a down payment, and when is it not?

Before you decide to buy, you should calculate your mortgage using our calculator and think about how profitable it is for you.

Let's look at a simple option.

Example. To save up 1 million rubles for a studio in Novosibirsk in a year, you need to save 12,500 monthly + pay 12,500 for a rented apartment. In total, with an average salary of 30,000 rubles per year, it is quite possible for a studio to save for PV. If you don’t bother, but immediately take out a mortgage without a down payment in overpriced finished housing, then over 20 years the overpayment will be approximately 1.8 million, and taking into account a year of rent and a mortgage with 15% PV, for the same period - 1,472 thousand. rub.

From our calculations it follows that even in the overstated version, a mortgage without a down payment is inferior to a classic mortgage with a PV.

Another question is when you don’t have your own home and it’s simply impossible for you to save up for a deposit to the bank, then this mortgage will be the only option for solving the housing problem and there’s no time to calculate profitability.

Question from readers. I want to take out a mortgage to build a house. How to get such a mortgage and is it possible to do without a down payment? Where can I apply for a loan and at what interest rate will it be issued?

Our answer. You can borrow from Sberbank at a rate of 6.5% per annum. You can bypass the down payment by providing receipts for the purchase of materials or agreeing with contractors to provide him with an advance payment for allegedly completed work (there must be a payment document).

New program for 2020 from the state

In 2020, it is planned to launch a special support program for a number of categories of citizens who are least protected in social terms (those in need of housing improvements, low-income people, large families, etc.). It is assumed that the down payment subsidy will help such categories of citizens purchase their own housing with a mortgage. We wrote more about the program

We hope you no longer have any questions about how to get a mortgage without a down payment. If not, then we are waiting for your comments at the end of the post and questions for our lawyer in a special form in the lower right corner.

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