Savings account in VTB. VTB savings account VTB savings card 24 percent

Deposits allow savings to work. It is enough to use banking services. One of them is the VTB-24 Savings Account. You can open it under a comprehensive service agreement.

A savings account at VTB Bank is a service that allows you to start collecting savings. It is intended for those clients who do not want, or do not have the opportunity to put money into a savings book at interest, because they do not have sufficient funds for this, but want to give the money the opportunity to work for themselves.


Conditions of this banking product for individuals for 2019

  • Free service;
  • Interest is calculated monthly.

Opening procedure

How to open a savings account at VTB-24? There are three opening options:

  • By visiting the nearest bank branch with your passport;
  • Through a personal account for clients who already use the bank’s services;
  • Through the connection of the VTB-24 mobile application.

Management is carried out in the same ways. Choose a convenient one from the proposed deposit methods and one of several service packages on the VTB website and get even more opportunities.

Interest rate

What interests clients first of all? Of course, high interest rates and the ability to withdraw and replenish funds at a convenient time.

The interest rate depends on the currency chosen by the client and the deposit term. What will be the interest rate on the master account in rubles?

With the “Savings” option, the client can receive a bonus of up to 10% per annum in the month when the funds were placed in the account.

Replenishment methods

You can top up your account in three ways:

  • Instant transfer through the VTB-Online application;
  • At a bank branch;
  • Transfer from another bank. You will need card and account details; a fee may apply for transactions.

Replenishable deposit for pensioners

Many older people save money for a book. For pensioners, a savings deposit will be beneficial because it can be opened for a period of 3 months to 5 years and it is possible to replenish the account.

Savings account parameters

  1. Monthly interest accrual.
  2. The period for crediting interest for the first month on the deposit begins from the moment the money is placed in the account.
  3. Income up to 8% on the minimum monthly balance.
  4. Capitalization of interest on balance sheet
  5. There are no restrictions on replenishing your account.
  6. Partial replenishment is provided.
  7. Withdrawals do not result in loss of accrued interest.
  8. The balance of funds for the month is returned to the client’s master account in rubles.

Comprehensive service agreement

The comprehensive service agreement allows investors to use three currencies at once:

  • Euro;
  • Dollars;
  • Rubles.

Two accounts can have a zero balance, and the other can use Russian or European currency, depending on preference. It provides the opportunity to receive international Visa or Master Card cards. Set up SMS notifications about account changes, link the card to your phone.

Restrictions on actions

  1. You cannot withdraw money in cash. They are withdrawn to another client account.
  2. You cannot withdraw the amount through a transfer to third parties or to your account of another banking institution.
  3. Cash replenishment is not provided.

Auto replenishment

Another convenient advantage of this service. Auto replenishment. It can be set up on a salary card by determining the amount that you would like to save monthly and set it up and receive a timely amount of income.

Interest when opening an account in foreign currency

Rates for dollar accounts range from 0.01-0.1%. This is due to the state of the financial market. Deposits in euros are not profitable for bank clients. The percentage in this case is only 0.01%. You can perform a more accurate calculation using a calculator.

For a long time, bank deposits were the only way to accumulate and preserve funds. But not so long ago they were supplanted by a new product - a savings account. As practice has shown, the use of such accounts is more convenient for those who are just starting to accumulate personal savings. Since, despite the general principle of operation, the conditions for using this financial instrument differ for each financial organization, let’s look at what a savings account at VTB24 Bank is and why it is needed.

Benefits of Savings Accounts

Compared to bank deposits, savings accounts are a more flexible financial instrument. For example, such an account opened with a VTB group bank will, unlike a deposit, have the following advantages:

  • unlimited validity period;
  • the ability to replenish at any time, without limiting the amount;
  • no requirement for a minimum account balance;
  • no restrictions on expense transactions;
  • automatic monthly capitalization of interest;
  • maintaining accrued interest, even when withdrawing the entire amount.

Since the bank does not require you to maintain any significant balance in the account, you can completely reset it to zero if necessary. More precisely, leave exactly one kopeck on it - this is exactly the limit set by VTB24.

The account will not be closed automatically once the minimum balance is reached; savings can be resumed at any time. The absence of serious requirements for a minimum balance makes it possible to start saving with any amount, down to a couple of kopecks. This compares favorably with savings accounts from deposits, which can only be opened with some significant amount.

Conditions of the VTB 24 savings account

Like most banks, VTB24 allows opening savings accounts only for its existing clients. At the time of writing (spring 2019), this option is available to owners of:

  • Bank multicards with the “Savings” option connected;
  • “Golden” service package;
  • "Classic" package;
  • “Platinum” service package;
  • "Privilege" package.

For package product holders, interest is calculated based on the base rate. Multicard owners have access to an increased interest rate, which will increase depending on the period of use of the product, as well as the amount of expenses on the card. True, it will only apply to ruble accounts.

Bank clients can open a piggy bank in one of three currencies: Russian rubles, US dollars or euros. It is also possible to open multiple accounts, one in each of the available currencies.

Important! All savings accounts of VTB24 Bank are insured in accordance with Federal Law No. 177.

Interest rates on accounts

The rate of return on a savings account at VTB24 depends on several factors:

  • account currency;
  • its validity period;
  • whether the client has a Multicard;
  • volume of expenses on the card.

In the tables below, we have collected data on the rates in force within the product at the end of February 2019. You can view more current information on the bank’s official website, in the “Deposits and Savings” section.

Table 1: base rates for ruble accounts.

Table 2: Basic rates for dollar savings.

Table 3: Basic rates for savings in euros.

Table 4: “piggy bank” rates for VTB24 Multicard holders with the “Savings” option enabled.

Amount of expenses on the card per month From 1 month From 2 months From 3 months From 6 months From 12 months onwards
Up to 5000 rubles5,5% 4% 5% 6% 8,5%
From 5 to 15 thousand rubles.5,5% 4,5% 5,5% 6,5% 9%
From 15 to 75 thousand rubles.5,5% 5% 6% 7% 9,5%
More than 75,000 rubles5,5% 5,5% 6,5% 7,5% 10%

Important! The stated rates are not fixed. Even after you open a savings product, the bank can change them unilaterally at any time, focusing on the external economic situation and its own interests. It will be impossible to challenge this change.

The first thing that those who plan to use the VTB 24 savings account need to understand is how interest is calculated. In the case of the basic tariff, everything is quite simple. The annual rate established by the tariff is divided by 12 (the number of months in a year). Then the minimum balance of funds that was in the “piggy bank” during the month is calculated. The size of this balance is multiplied by the quotient of the rate divided by the tariff. The resulting number will be your income for the month. By default, the accrued amount will be added to the savings body, and interest will also be accrued on it next month.

Please understand that interest is calculated based on the minimum monthly account balance. For example: at the beginning of the month there was one kopeck in the piggy bank. During the month you deposited 5,000 rubles into it, and then withdrew 2,000. The interest for the month will be accrued not on the 3,000 rubles remaining at the time of settlement, but on the 0.01 rubles that was at the very beginning.

Important! Interest is calculated at the base rate for the previous month on the first day of each subsequent month.

For Multicard owners, the interest calculation scheme will be more complex. They will receive savings at the basic rate in the general mode, on the first days of each month. Additional interest will be accrued closer to the 15th day of the month following the billing month. This scheme is explained by the need to take into account the amount of expenses on the card. As you know, in most retail outlets, when making a purchase, funds in the account are blocked for several days, and only then are debited. The operation is considered completed after write-off. To take into account all expenses, the bank waits until the last operation is processed and only then calculates additional interest.

Important! The premium for using the Multicard is also calculated based on the minimum balance in the savings account during the month.

As can be seen from the tables, even with average amounts of savings, the product will be approximately the same profitable as the deposit. VTB Project’s “Salary” savings account is serviced according to the same rules as the accounts of clients who do not receive wages through this bank. Here, unfortunately, you won’t have to expect any privileges in terms of interest rates.

Procedure for opening a savings account

To create a savings resource, clients of VTB24 Bank can use one of two methods:

  • contact any of the bank branches;
  • carry out the operation yourself through the online account.

In the first case, you will need to take your passport with you - no other documents are required. You will write an application to open an account directly at the office using the form provided by a bank employee. You will also need to immediately replenish the “piggy bank” with a minimum amount (1 kopeck). If you wish, you can immediately deposit savings in a larger volume. It will be most convenient to do this through the bank’s cash desk - no commissions will be charged for the operation.

Important! You can open a piggy bank account only in your own name.

If you have a personal account in the VTB24-Online system, you can do without a visit to the office. For this:

The whole process takes about a couple of minutes. The invoice itself will not appear in the list of your products immediately, but within 5-10 minutes. After this, any operations on it will be available to you.

You can also get to the account creation form through the “Savings” section in the navigation menu. Once in this section, you will need to select “Savings Accounts” on the left side of the screen, and then click on the “Open Savings Account” link. Further actions will be duplicated with the option described above.

Important! For those who use the mobile application from VTB24, the procedure for opening a “piggy bank” will be the same as the web version of your personal account.

Moneybox account management

You can make transactions with your savings account using:

  • Internet banking;
  • mobile application;
  • SMS commands (if this service is available);
  • employees of any of the bank's offices.

These methods can be used to carry out incoming and outgoing transactions for a product. As for other actions, there are some restrictions on them. For example, SMS requests cannot be used to open a piggy bank account. It is impossible to activate the automatic account replenishment option at the bank office.

Important! There is no provision for managing the piggy bank through ATMs.

Many clients are interested in how to close a savings account with VTB 24-Online. Unfortunately, Internet banking, like any other method of remote customer service, does not provide such a possibility. . You can close an account only by visiting the office in person.

In addition, there are a number of rules regarding incoming and outgoing transactions on a piggy bank account. Let's list the main ones:

  • You cannot make transfers from your savings account to other persons/organizations;
  • To withdraw funds and spend them, you must first transfer the required amount to the main debit account;
  • if you have loans from VTB24 Bank, you can repay them with funds from your savings account directly, without first transferring them to a debit account;
  • in case of closure of the card or termination of the contract for comprehensive services under the current package, the savings account will be closed automatically;
  • you can set up automatic transfers to your piggy bank account from a debit card or any other source in VTB24.

When the account is automatically closed, all funds available on it will be transferred to the main debit account. If the “piggy bank” was opened in foreign currency, the transfer will be accompanied by the conversion of savings into rubles at the current bank rate. In this situation, no interest will be accrued for the last month of service.

Important! When transferring funds from a ruble debit account to a foreign currency piggy bank account, the conversion will be carried out by the bank automatically at the internal rate in effect at the time of transfer.

Having studied the rules for using savings accounts, as well as reviews from VTB24 clients, you can form your own opinion regarding the profitability of this financial instrument. Of course, there is a profitability calculator on the bank’s website (it is located on the product description page). But with its help, you can calculate only the ideal option for using the “piggy bank”, which does not involve any debit transactions, or a sudden change in interest rates by the bank, or a reduction in your current expenses on the Multicard.

In general, a savings account is good for those bank clients who are just starting to build a financial cushion for themselves. It allows you to save funds:

  • after each purchase;
  • from each incoming transaction;
  • at any time convenient for the owner.

With proper financial discipline, you can save from scratch the minimum amount for a more serious term deposit. Having collected, for example, 30,000 rubles, you can open a “Replenishable” deposit in the same bank, which provides more reliable conditions for storing funds and a more favorable interest rate.

Important! The experts of VTB24 Bank themselves, in one of their interviews, recommended placing no more than 20% of the client’s savings in savings accounts. It might be worth paying attention to this advice.

A savings account at VTB is one of the types of increasing your own savings in the bank, unlike a deposit, it allows you to withdraw money at any time, it has its own conditions, tariffs and rates. This service is very profitable and easy to use because it can be used as a piggy bank, where interest is accrued at the end of the period.

Conditions for opening an account

To open it, you must have a concluded agreement with VTB Bank on the card issued by them, after which you can begin to open a savings account. This can be done in person at the bank or via the Internet by contacting the manager; opening times can take up to 5 days. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your savings; your bank account is securely insured.

Required documents

  1. Passport of an individual;
  2. Application for opening an account;
  3. Opening a savings account.

How does the account work?

The VTB Bank card can be a salary card or you transfer money to it yourself, after which on a certain day the funds are automatically transferred to the savings account. Interest is accrued on the amount of money that is in this account every month; the savings can be used for your own purposes.

How is interest calculated?

The client selects one specific day on which the bank sends him an account statement and at the same time interest is calculated on the account balance. At VTB Bank, interest rates in 2018-2019 are quite high compared to other banks; the longer the money is in the account, the higher the accrual amount will be.

How to open a savings account?

There are two ways: via the Internet and at the bank office.

In the bank:

The client contacts the manager at the bank with a passport, fills out an individual’s application for opening a savings account, signs an agreement for banking services and deposits the required amount into the account, since it will only be active after replenishment. An account can be opened in any currency; ruble, euro, and dollar are available.

Online registration:

It is available to existing depositors; for further registration, you need to go to your personal account on the bank’s official website and leave an application to open a savings account. Only an account in Russian rubles is available here; a foreign currency account can be opened in the office.

Advantages and disadvantages of a savings account

There are plenty of advantages here:

  • Among all banking services, it is the most convenient and opens very quickly;
  • Minimum required documents: for registration you only need a passport, the application form is filled out at the bank office;
  • High rates: income up to 8.5% per annum, partial withdrawal of funds available;
  • The term for crediting funds to an account with VTB24 bank is up to 3 working days;
  • You can manage your money profitably via the Internet or mobile application;
  • Maintenance and account opening are free;
  • 24/7 support provides information about your contract;
  • You can use it to pay off loans.

Among the disadvantages or limitations:

  • It is impossible to receive interest for the last month of account validity;
  • The rate increases gradually, for this it is important that the funds are received into the account at least 30 days ago;
  • Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer money directly to third party accounts;
  • There is only one method of depositing: only in non-cash form by transfer;
  • The account must be valid together with an open complex agreement; when the agreement is closed, the account is also canceled.

Conditions, tariff, calculation

In order for your funds and rates to grow, you should leave your account open and top it up every month in RUB, USD or EUR currencies. There is no minimum amount, the base rates for a ruble account are lower, consider the following tables:

Deadline for placing an invoiceRates, in %
from 1 to 3 months0.04
from 3 to 6 months0.05
from 6 to 12 months0.06
over 1 year0.085

Interest rates on foreign currency accounts are already changing:

Deadline for placing an invoiceRates in% (dollar) up to $10 millionRates in% (dollar) from $10 millionRates in % (EUR) regardless of amount
from 1 to 3 months.0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
from 3 to 6 months.0.005 0.0001 0.0001
from 6 to 12 months.1 0.0001 0.0001
over 1 year0.02 0.0001 0.0001

To calculate interest, you should use the calculator, which is located on the VTB Bank website. To calculate, you need to indicate the amount that is deposited into the account, and in the appropriate cells you can indicate the amount of monthly replenishments, if any are expected. The calculator will also help you calculate the time required to achieve the required amount.

How to top up your savings account?

This can be done in the following way: first, the client’s bank card is topped up through a terminal, a bank cash desk, or by transfer from another card, after which the money is transferred from the card to a savings account through Internet banking or a mobile application.

For regular customers, there are various loyalty programs, insurance and loans on favorable terms.

VTB 24 Bank is constantly opening up new opportunities for its clients. The savings account service is a chance to make a piggy bank at a bank for any amount of money without opening a deposit. You can withdraw money from your savings account at any time without losing interest.

What is a savings account at VTB 24?

Saving money is much easier with an account at VTB 24. A person not only keeps his funds in the bank, but also receives additional income. The larger the amount and the longer it is in the account, the higher the interest transferred to the client. At any time he can withdraw all the money along with interest.

The amount of charges is even comparable to interest rates on deposits of individuals. After all, if the amount of the savings account constantly grows or remains untouched, then the rate increases.

How it works?

After opening a savings account, the client does not need to do anything. When a salary card is topped up monthly, the amount specified by the client is automatically debited from the account. A person can choose the write-off date himself. If you wish, you can make transfers yourself, but automatic replenishment of your electronic piggy bank is more convenient. A person receives interest on the account balance every month.

Benefits of a savings account

A savings account has many advantages:

  • convenience of storing and increasing your own funds;
  • unlimited possibilities for withdrawing and replenishing your account;
  • savings insurance;
  • constant increase in interest rate for a period of up to 1 year;
  • possibility of receiving a higher rate.

At the same time, the owner of a savings account can monitor its status around the clock through Internet banking.


The conditions for opening a savings account and using it are quite flexible.

  • The client is not charged a fee for opening and servicing an account.
  • The account itself is valid indefinitely.
  • You can open it in three currencies:
    • rubles;
    • dollars;
    • Euro.
  • The amount that must be deposited into the account is minimal. Its size is determined by the client at his own discretion.
  • There are no restrictions on replenishment.
  • There is the possibility of automatic replenishment through VTB 24-Online.
  • Withdrawal without loss of accrued interest.

Deposit conditions for owners of the Privilege package

When connecting to the Privilege package, the client can count on a higher interest rate. He can also withdraw funds in the amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles per day.

Features of an account at VTB 24

VTB 24 does not issue a savings account separately, but as part of a comprehensive service agreement. The client can open one account in each of the currencies: ruble, dollar, euro. This can be done at a bank branch or independently, through Internet banking or mobile banking. It is impossible to open an account for a third party (only in your own name).

Limitations and Possibilities

You can withdraw funds by making a transfer to the client’s main account. From it he can withdraw money in any convenient way (withdraw from an ATM, at a bank branch). Replenishment of the savings account is also carried out only through the client’s main account. You cannot repay loans from a savings account, transfer funds to other people, or send them to your account in another bank.

Interest rate

Interest rate on savings account:

  • in rubles depends on the term of the deposit (1 month - 4%, 3 - 5%, 6 - 6% and 1 year - 8.5%);
  • in foreign currency: in euros - always fixed (0.01%), and in dollars - depends on the term and amount (1 month - always 0.01%, and then increases to a maximum of 0.8%).

It is also possible to have a higher rate.

How to get a higher rate?

Increased rates are available to customers when opening a VTB 24 Multicard with the “Savings” option. In this case, in the first month the rate will be 10% and, depending on the term and amount of the deposit, reach a maximum of 10% (for a deposit of 75,000 rubles or more, starting from 1 year).

Savings account calculator

For VTB 24 clients there is a special calculator on the Internet that will help make calculations. With its help, a person can calculate how much he will receive monthly by making a piggy bank for a certain amount.

How to open a savings account

A savings account can be opened in two ways.

  1. At a bank branch, the client can enter into an agreement to open it.
  2. Through an online application in VTB 24-Online, you can independently connect the piggy bank.

How to manage an account in VTB 24?

The savings account is managed through VTB 24-Online. The client can replenish it and withdraw money from the electronic piggy bank, calculate annual income by receiving a statement for the required period, and promptly track any changes in the account. This allows you to save money and freely dispose of it at any time, earning additional interest and without fear for the safety of your funds.

A savings account at VTB 24 Bank is a high priority in the list of services for individuals in 2019, as it allows you to save and increase funds.

Description of service

To understand why these types of savings accounts are so popular, you need to understand what a savings account is. A savings account is a balance into which money is deposited at the user’s discretion, and interest is accrued on the card balance every month. That is, the service helps you save money and increase its amount.

People often compare “Piggy Bank,” which is not true, since accumulation, unlike “Piggy Bank,” accrues interest on the amount stored. Money box- This is a regular savings account that helps you save money, but does not generate profit itself.

VTB 24 provides a savings account for free and does not charge money for using the service, but deposits are protected by Federal Law No. 177-FZ dated December 23, 2003, that is, the bank will always return your deposit.

How does a savings account work?

A savings account works very simply. If a person has a deposit card on which he receives a salary, then it can be easily established that on a certain day of the month the required amount will be deducted in the form of savings. You can also transfer funds to your account from any other card, and the current balance can always be found online through Internet banking or at a bank branch.

Such a bank account does not require much effort to operate, and opening it and managing funds is very easy. The big plus is that you have constant access to money, and can withdraw or deposit unlimited amounts countless times.

Users of deposits do not have such a privilege, since the terms for depositing and issuing funds are clearly established, and if they are not observed, the agreement is terminated and no interest accrues. With savings, everything is different; interest will be accrued every month on the balance amount, regardless of the withdrawal or crediting of funds.

Related article:

Review of VTB 24 deposit programs for individuals in 2019

Savings account calculator on the website


The conditions of the savings account are easy and simple, and also positive for VTB 24 clients:

  • Activation of the service is free;
  • There is no fee for use;
  • The first deduction amount is not regulated;
  • Maximum balance on the card – no restrictions;
  • Constant replenishment is not required;
  • The period of use of the service is not limited;
  • 24/7 access to your savings;
  • The interest rate is not reduced for using funds from the account;
  • Possibility of non-cash withdrawal of money;
  • Possibility to set up automatic payment;
  • Access to the account through Internet banking and the VTB 24 mobile application;
  • Possibility of opening an account in rubles, euros and dollars.

For clients of this bank, such a service is simply a godsend, since everyone wants their money not to be stored “under the mattress”, but to generate income. The savings system is a convenient and safe way to achieve this goal.

How is interest calculated?

Interest is calculated depending on the account balance, as well as the currency in which the deposit was opened. For rubles and dollars, tables are presented showing the interest rate depending on the amount and duration of the service.

In rubles:

In dollars:

Minimum amount of money in the accountInterest rate, % per annum
From 1 monthFrom 3 monthsFrom six monthsFrom year
0 - 499,99 $ 0,01% 0,01% 0,01% 0,01%
500 - 2 999,99 $ 0,01% 0,01% 0,05% 0,05%
3000 - 19 999,99 $ 0,01% 0,05% 0,10% 0,10%
20 000 - 99 999,99 $ 0,01% 0,30% 0,40% 0,55%
100 000 - 9 999 999,99 $ 0,01% 0,50% 0,65% 0,80%
more than $10,000,0000,01% 0,01% 0,01% 0,01%

For euros, the amount and duration of the deposit does not matter, the interest rate will always be equal 0.01% per annum.

You can always find out how interest is calculated on the bank’s official website. A special calculator will allow you to calculate the deposit amount for a specified period of time and the amount of accrued interest.

The user just needs to enter the amount of monthly replenishment and the validity period of the deposit, and the computer will calculate everything. A deposit replenished with monthly capitalization will allow a person to quickly save money for a set goal, rather than spend it on small expenses.

Related article:

Conditions for a savings deposit at VTB 24 Bank

Increased interest rate with Multicard

VTB 24 clients can raise their savings rate. To do this, you need to open the VTB 24 Multicard. Such a savings card will allow you to spend money, and depending on the amount spent per month, your percentage will increase.

In the very first month of using the card, the interest on the account will be 10%; subsequent rates can be found in the table.

Purchases using VTB24 Multicard, RUB per month.from 1 monthfrom 2 monthsfrom 3 monthsfrom 6 monthsfrom 12 months
0-5 000 5,5% 4% 5% 5,5% 7,0%
5 000-15 000 5,5% 4,5% 5,5% 6,0% 7,5%
15 000-75 000 5,5% 5% 6% 6,5% 8,0%
75 000+ 5,5% 5,5% 6,5% 7,0% 8,5%


How to open a savings account?

You can open a VTB 24 savings account in several ways:

  1. At the bank, go to the nearest branch with your passport.
  2. By going to the official website of VTB 24 in your personal account, if you are already a client of this bank.
  3. Through the VTB 24 mobile application.

A person must choose a convenient method for himself. You can manage your account in the future using the same methods.

Advantages and disadvantages

The accumulation system has only a few disadvantages:

  • An account cannot be opened in favor of a third party;
  • To withdraw funds you must use ;
  • Upon termination or termination of the contract with the company, the account is automatically closed and the funds are transferred to the master account.

This service has many more positive qualities:

  • You can repay the loan with this money;
  • The interest rate does not decrease when funds are used;
  • The interest rate increases with constant replenishment;
  • You can open several accounts;
  • Savings can be made in three currencies;
  • 24/7 remote access to money;
  • You can set up automatic translations.

Most people have been using the VTB 24 savings account for a long time, because they understand that such a service increases their profits free of charge, and the money is always insured and there is no risk of losing it.