Restructuring a loan from Citibank to an individual. Citibank loan repayment

Despite the fact that currently banks are in many ways universal financial organizations and offer a wide range of services, they are still especially popular credit products. Credit loans are equally in demand plastic cards, and consumer loans, and mortgages.

Since the client audience is quite large, it is important to offer your borrowers reasonable loan repayment terms, even if it turns out to be problematic. Citibank is striving for such a situation today and has already made serious progress in this matter.

Start having difficulty making repayments own debt Every person can. No one is immune from such problems. To avoid getting into a crisis situation, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the current material. In this article we want to talk about refinancing a Citibank loan at Citibank. In another way, the service can also be called restructuring customer debt, since the meaning will not change at all.

Many borrowers don’t even know that such a thing exists today. financial instrument. And those who have heard about it briefly do not quite understand where and in what cases they should apply for financial assistance. That is why we decided to analyze these questions and give detailed answers to them.

What is a modern restructuring program?

Domestic loan restructuring is a versatile service that has many positive aspects and includes several ways for the borrower to benefit. Of course, every client would like to be provided with a reduced interest rate. This is the simplest and most effective type of refinancing. But banks rarely take such a step.

Most likely, you will be offered the following refinancing options:

1) Development new scheme repayment. The transaction often includes third parties who act as co-borrowers or guarantors. Accordingly, the client himself reduces his debt obligations. The complexity of the method is that it is quite difficult to find such people who would share with you the responsibility for repaying the loan.

2) Reducing the debt burden through the sale of collateral.

3) Change of repayment terms. When the debt payment period is extended, the monthly payment decreases.

4) Converting debt into another currency other than the original one. Here it is reasonable to transfer your debt into a weak currency, which is actively becoming cheaper in relation to the money of other countries. For example, this is currently suitable for the Russian ruble.

5) Providing credit holidays. Credit holidays is a deferment for a certain period during which you can forget about repayment and focus on your financial situation. All accrued interest will be paid for the most part at the end of the term. This method is popular when refinancing business loans when the income from your business is uneven.

Of course, there are several other methods, but they are not so popular among borrowers.

What exactly does Citibank offer when refinancing its own loans?

Unfortunately, not much is known about internal loan refinancing at Citibank. This issue is considered on an individual basis. It is difficult to say about any specific measures that the bank will be ready to take. Therefore, we advise you to personally contact financial institution and clarify the possibility of debt restructuring with its employees.

Often banks refuse the service. After all unscrupulous borrowers not so little. And a client’s tarnished reputation always prevents them from getting even a small loan.

If you are having difficulty paying off your debt credit card, call by phone hotline Citibank.

Over the past few years, the need for loan restructuring among the Russian population has increased to the limit. According to statistics, 5-6 out of 10 people are forced to resort to such a service.

Level of competition in banking sector is also growing, which is why every financial institution strives to present its products in the most favorable light for the client, and Citibank is no exception.

There has been an increase in the number of clients who have refinanced loans from Citibank in order to cover debts taken out from other financial institutions.


Money is provided only to individual representatives. As for individual entrepreneurs and legal representatives, the bank has developed individual offers for them. According to the terms of refinancing, clients do not have to spend a long time collecting all the certificates and proving exactly where the money was sent.

Citibank employees arrange refinancing in an amount of up to 1 million rubles. The period for which the loan is issued varies from 1 to 5 years. To obtain, a minimum amount of documentation is required.

In comparison with other offers on the market, Citibank’s conditions stand out due to their loyal requirements and low overpayment percentages. Loan funds are provided to pay off debts on car loans, consumer loans, cards, etc. In general, the characteristics of the program are as follows:

  • the smallest loan amount is 100 thousand rubles for residents of the capital and St. Petersburg, while in other regions it is reduced to 50 thousand rubles;
  • the highest permissible loan amount is 2 million rubles;
  • duration of the contract - from 1 to 5 years;
  • interest rate is 17% per annum.

Considering the fact that Citibank refinancing consumer loans provides without issuing a guarantee or collateral, restructuring tariffs are very low.

They are provided until the end of the agreement, if the borrower, before making the third payment, provides information about the closure of debt obligations to other banking companies.

The new lender can also be satisfied with the quality of the credit history. Provided that there is no confirmation of targeted spending of money, Citibank raises the interest rate up to 26% per annum.

A response to a refinancing application is provided within the first 5 days after it is submitted. The “Loan to Loan” program, designed specifically for individuals, has an interest rate of 15 to 20% in ruble currency. Early repayment is provided without restrictions

As for refinancing loans previously issued through Citibank itself, the operation is not available. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take advantage of the bank's offer.

It is possible to help cope with debt obligations through refinancing programs in other well-known banking institutions.

How to apply - step-by-step instructions

You can apply for restructuring directly to the Citibank office, or through official internet bank portal. The second option is considered the most comfortable, but if the application is approved, the client will still have to come to the bank to sign papers.

Decision bank, the applicant is informed by the specified telephone number. In general, the restructuring process looks like this:

  • the client fills out an application on the bank’s website;
  • waits for a decision online;
  • clicks on the interactive button “Refinancing”;
  • draws up an application for the transfer of finances, indicating the details of creditors who were involved in issuing other loans;
  • the completed application is attached to the online application form;
  • waits for a decisive answer from company employees;
  • if the answer is positive, agrees with individual conditions lending.

First, an account with Citibank is refinanced, from which funds are subsequently sent to pay off loans to other banking organizations. Next, the client must completely close all loans.

The main thing is that Citibank refinances loans from other banks before the date of the next payment at Citibank, so as not to lose availability preferential terms on restructuring.

Requirements for clients

Future clients of Citibank are presented with quite adequate criteria that open the way to loan restructuring:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • registration on the territory of Russia;
  • residence in the region in which there is a Citibank office;
  • age from 22 to 60 years at the time of repayment of loan obligations;
  • minimum size wages from 20 thousand rubles for regions, and at least 30 thousand for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • minimum length of service at the last job of 3 months;
  • absence of a certificate of registration of an individual as individual entrepreneur;
  • having a valid mobile phone.

Documents for refinancing

Compared to other companies, Citibank offers its clients to apply for loan refinancing on favorable terms, with a minimum package of papers:

  • Russian passport;
  • a second identification document of the applicant: TIN, SNILS, driver’s license, vehicle passport, etc.;
  • certificate of wages in the form of the bank.

Refinancing combines several loans into one, increases the repayment period, and at the same time allows you to save on the interest rate. The loan is repaid in annuity payments (equal amounts).

In the future, a person can repay the loan at any time ahead of schedule. If there is a delay, the financial company charges 0.1% of the amount of the overdue payment for each day.

Loan repayments are made at bank offices, terminals and ATMs, as well as at Russian Post offices, and non-cash transfers from other bank accounts.

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 5 years;
  • Loan up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.99%.
Credit from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • According to the passport, without certificates;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 9.99%.
Credit from Eastern Bank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 20 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 12%.
Loan from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 13%.
Loan from UBRD Bank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • The solution is instant;
  • Loan up to 200,000 rubles only with a passport;
  • Interest rate from 11%.
Loan from Home Credit Bank. Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 4 years;
  • Loan up to 850,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.9%.

Loan from Sovcombank.

When choosing a bank to apply for a loan, it is important to take into account many factors and study the issuance parameters in detail. Citibank offers to receive the required amount on loyal terms. But before placing an application and signing an agreement, it is necessary to understand all the conditions and subtleties of the offer.

Citibank loan terms

To submit an application to Citibank for a loan, the borrower must meet certain requirements:

To complete the application, you will need a passport, SNILS and proof of income (papers for a car or an extract from your personal Pension account from the Public Services portal).

It is important that only documents (registration certificate and title) for a car from a foreign manufacturer, the age of which does not exceed 8 years, are accepted for consideration. The borrower must be the owner of the car. Vehicle is not pledged, but only shows financial position client.

After analyzing the documents provided, the client is set a personal interest rate in the amount of 14% to 20% per annum. The loan can be issued for a period of up to 5 years in an amount of 100 thousand rubles.

The maximum amount of funds that can be approved depends on the client category:

  • up to 1 million rubles - general conditions;
  • up to 600 thousand rubles - for borrowers who confirm their financial provisions with documents for the car;
  • up to 2.5 million rubles - for clients who receive salaries or other social benefits through Citibank.

At the client's request, full or partial early repayment of the borrowed amount is possible. There is no service fee.

In case of delay in payment, a penalty is charged in the amount of 0.1% of the amount of debt for each day of non-payment of obligations.

If the client wishes, the loan can be included under the City Borrower Loan Insurance program. Refusal of the service does not affect the decision on the application.

How to get a loan from Citibank

You can submit an application to receive funds both at the bank office and online.

When filling out an application at a Citibank branch, just contact an employee with your passport and SNILS. Other documents can be provided after receiving prior approval.

For existing Citibank clients, there is a simplified procedure for submitting an application and obtaining a loan.

Online application for a loan at Citibank

The online application process is different for current and potential clients.

Borrowers who do not have bank accounts must:

  • follow the link to submit an application;
  • fill in personal information, passport data (if there is information about the previous passport, this must also be displayed), citizenship, contact number and e-mail, monthly income;
  • confirm the application with an SMS code sent to the specified phone number;
  • indicate information about the employer; if possible, it is advisable to enter the company’s TIN;
  • fill out information about the document that will confirm income;
  • determine the need for credit insurance and notification services via SMS and e-mail.

Within a day after submitting the application, a loan specialist will contact the borrower and announce the decision. If it is positive, the client will be asked to choose the place and time of signing the contract. Cash will be transferred to a plastic card.

Existing customers will need to fill out a form at personal account. To do this you need:

  • log in personal account Citibank Online;
  • select “Submit an application”;
  • check the data that will be pulled up automatically;
  • confirm your desire to leave a request using the SMS password sent;
  • provide as detailed information as possible about employment;
  • familiarize yourself with the proposed amount and loan term;
  • connect or refuse insurance and SMS and postal notifications;
  • read the individual terms and conditions of the loan and agree to them;
  • confirm final consent with a password from the Citibank online service;
  • wait for the amount to be transferred to your account.

If it is necessary to clarify data or provide additional documents A bank specialist will contact the borrower.

Any client who has submitted an application can track the status of its consideration on the financial institution’s website.

Refinancing a loan at Citibank

For clients who have existing loans(for example, consumer, card or car) is provided. The essence of the proposal is that the client is given an amount that will be sufficient to repay obligations in other credit institutions.

During the first 3 months, interest on funds issued is accrued at a rate of 15% per annum. If during this period the client provides confirmation (certificates of closure of accounts and absence of debt) that all obligations to third parties financial institutions repaid, the specified rate will remain the same. Otherwise, from the 4th month a rate of 20% per annum will be applied.

For the client, processing such refinancing allows you to reduce the amount of monthly payments thanks to an attractive rate and pay for one loan in one bank instead of several.

How to pay a loan at Citibank

There are 5 payment methods for a loan agreement drawn up with Citibank:

  1. Through an ATM. You must select the “Deposit cash” subsection.
  2. Through the bank office. It is enough to contact the department’s operations officer with your passport.
  3. Through post offices. The transfer is free of charge, the funds will be credited to your account within 5 business days.
  4. Transfer from another bank. You need to know the full account details. The commission is charged at the rates of the sending party, the period for crediting is up to 5 working days.
  5. Through Eleksnet terminals. Enrollment is carried out instantly, there is no commission.

You can find out your account details in your personal account, loan agreement, at the bank office or by calling the hotline.

Early repayment of a loan at Citibank

The sooner the borrower returns the borrowed funds, the less the loan overpayment will be. In the bank it is possible to make both full and accepted obligations.

Full repayment can be made on any business day. The corresponding application is completed through a bank branch or by calling CityFon customer service. On the date of the stated repayment, there must be an amount in the account sufficient to close the contract.

Partial repayment is made on the date of payment of the monthly payment. If this day falls on a weekend or holiday, the operation will be performed on the next working day. The borrower can choose one of the options - reduce the amount of subsequent monthly payments or shorten the loan term. After funds are written off to partially repay the loan, the client will need to receive a new payment schedule. This can be done either in your personal account or through Russian Post (the document will be sent immediately after the payment is made).

Loan calculator at Citibank

On the Citibank website, the borrower can use one of 3 methods for calculation:

  • interest and overpayments;
  • early repayment;
  • refinancing other loan obligations.

To calculate the amount that can be issued as part of consumer lending, you must indicate:

  • City of residence;
  • method of confirming financial position;
  • presence or absence of obligations in other banks;
  • monthly income;
  • desired period;
  • the required amount.

After entering all the data, the estimated interest rate and monthly payment will be calculated.

Partial calculation calculator early repayment presented in two versions - for clients who want to reduce their payment, and for those who want to shorten the loan term.

To calculate, you need to fill in the initial loan amount, the date of its issue, the rate and term, the amount of early payment and the date of its payment. After filling in the data, a new one will be calculated. monthly payment, debt balance and savings on interest overpayment.

  • City of residence;
  • the manner in which the financial position will be confirmed;
  • if available in other banks credit cards- their total limit;
  • the total amount of debt under other obligations;
  • desired loan amount and term.

It is important that all calculators give an approximate calculation, displaying the maximum possible amount for registration and receipt. The final decision will be made at the discretion of the bank after a comprehensive analysis of the client’s documents.

Opening line of credit in this bank, you will not puzzle yourself with the question “how to pay for a Citibank card loan?”

For your convenience, we have developed many convenient payment options:

  1. In cash using our bank's ATM.
  2. Payment via the Eleksnet terminal.
    3. Payment directly in our bank.
    4. Payment from accounts of other banks.
    5. Payment by Russian Post.
    6. Pay via mail.

Benefits of having a current account with us

  • Citibank Online – you can pay your loan debt through an online resource.
  • CitiPhone – transfer funds to your account using a phone call.

You can make a debit from your account with the help of a call center operator or independently, following the automatic prompts of the system.

Additional services:

  • To instantly top up your Citibank current or savings account, you can enable the “Automatic payment” option.
  • Citibank Online and CitiPhoneс systems allow you to view your monthly bank statement. credit account and find out the account details for payment.
  • “Electronic statement” - notifications will be sent to your email that your monthly credit account statement is ready.

You can repay the loan as follows:

  • Full payment credit debt.
  • Minimum payments or payment in the amount of 5-100% of the debt amount.
  • Monthly contributions must be at least five percent of the debt amount, starting from 300 rubles.
  • If the credit debt is paid earlier than the date indicated in the statement, interest on the use of credit funds will not be accrued, i.e. The grace period for using the loan will open. But to do this, you need to completely repay the loan debt.
  • As far as complete or partial repayment your debt credit limit will increase in proportion to the repaid amount.
  • When making purchases through retail chains, part of the money will be returned to your credit account and reduce current debt on loan. However, they will not become payments to pay off debts on the statement.

After applying for a loan from Citibank and receiving cash in hand, the period for repaying the loan debt begins. The borrower agrees to comply with the payment schedule attached to the loan agreement. This document reflects a detailed payment algorithm. The borrower is obliged to make monthly payments to repay the loan. Citibank offers loan repayment using an annuity scheme. This means that every month a citizen deposits the same amount into a credit account.

When is the monthly payment due?

When applying for a loan, a bank employee announces the payment date. This means that the required amount will be debited from the credit account on the same date every month. On this day, the money should already be in the account; if it is not there, the bank will apply penalties.

To avoid problems, you should deposit funds in advance, especially if funds are deposited through intermediaries. When depositing funds outside of Citibank, it may take three days for the money to reach your credit account; this must be taken into account when planning the payment date. The date of the monthly payment is specified in the schedule attached to the agreement.

How does Citibank repay a loan?

Citibank offers its clients the following methods for making their next loan payment:

  1. Through Citibank ATMs by selecting the “Deposit cash” menu section. Conveniently, this method of making a monthly payment does not involve the collection of commissions, and the funds are delivered to the credit account the same day. You can also pay for the loan at Citibank cash desks.
  2. Any bank that accepts payments. To do this, you will need full credit account details, which can be found in your agreement with Citibank or viewed in your online bank. Bank transfer carried out within three days, so you should deposit money in advance.
  3. Via mail. To complete the transaction, you must fill out a postal transfer form. You must fill out the form carefully, without making mistakes. Loan repayment via mail takes the longest, so the bank recommends making payments at least 5 days before the payment date indicated in the schedule.
  4. Through Eleksnet terminals. You can find out how to make a transaction through the terminals of this system by calling Citiphone.

What happens if payment is late?

If the money does not arrive in the account on the payment date, then the bank begins to apply penalties the very next day. All of them are specified in the loan agreement. As a standard, banks apply penalties that are calculated on the amount of the overdue debt. At the same time, the current interest rate also continues to apply. The debt will increase every day, and it must be repaid in full. After arrears have been made, it is better to repay the loan at the Citibank office, having previously found out exactly how much you need to deposit into the account.

Early loan repayment

Payment of a Citibank loan may be made ahead of schedule. The law does not allow the collection of fines and fees; if a citizen wishes to close the debt ahead of schedule, the borrower can do this at any time.

There are full and partial early repayment of credit debt. Full involves closing the debt in full, while recalculating the debt, the client pays only the principal remaining debt without interest. Partial repayment is essentially making a larger monthly payment. In this case, a recalculation and change in the payment schedule is made (reducing the payment period or the amount of the monthly payment). If you want to repay your loan early, you need to visit a Citibank office in advance and write an application there.