Does Sberbank issue consumer loans based on two documents? Mortgage under two documents in Sberbank Conditions of mortgage programs in the general case.

For a long time, a mortgage has remained a relevant way to profitably purchase real estate when there is a lack of funds. A mortgage is the same as a loan for housing, only the collateral is not guarantors, but purchased or personal property. A mortgage based on two documents from Sberbank, the terms of which attract many clients every year, is a profitable solution from the largest state-owned bank that requires separate consideration. In this material we will consider lending conditions and real customer reviews.

Only salary or corporate clients can take advantage of Sberbank’s simplified lending system. Users receive a number of additional benefits, unlike their counterparts in other banks:

  • not only personal property, but also the property of the family or other co-borrowers who have given consent to this can be used as funds for a loan;
  • the ability to set up automatic debiting of loan funds every month from a salary card, which saves the client from having to go to the bank or the nearest ATM.

The client must meet the mandatory lending conditions:

  1. at the time of applying for a mortgage, your age must be at least 21 years old, but not more than 65;
  2. the total work experience must be more than 1 year;
  3. you must have worked for more than 6 months in your current position;
  4. you must be a payroll or corporate client of the bank.

As you can respond to 2020, Sberbank puts forward simple requirements for its clients. Once you are satisfied that you comply with these conditions, you can proceed to collecting the required documentation. Sberbank mortgage requires two documents to be submitted to the nearest service center:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • an official application for consent to register the purchased property as collateral. If you want to use already acquired or family property for lending, you need a special certificate with a preliminary assessment of the value and permission to use such property as collateral.

To successfully apply for a mortgage and increase its maximum amount, you must decide on the first payment. The larger this amount, the higher the chance of obtaining a loan under the required conditions. The down payment is a guarantee of the borrower's solvency, similarly with guarantors and the value of the collateral. Sberbank specialists take this fact into account, which may influence the decision to open a mortgage. The interest rate will be discussed in a separate section.

The loan term usually ranges from 10 to 30 years and depends on the specific offer or age of the borrower.

If you are 45 years old at the time of taking out the mortgage, the maximum term will be 20 years. You cannot make payments after your 65th birthday. This is an important fact that is worth considering before contacting Sberbank.

Constantly improving the quality of service and the desire to spread the active use of the virtual control panel have made it possible to apply for a mortgage online. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate forms containing information about:

  1. passport data;
  2. the city where you are going to purchase real estate;
  3. the amount required for disbursement.

Consideration of your request may take from 2 to 5 business days, after which a specialist will contact you using the contact number you left.

The final mortgage process includes the following steps:

  • Filling out a special questionnaire according to a generally established form, which will allow you to find out the possibility of providing a loan and determine a suitable tariff;
  • Provide the collected documentation for further consideration and determination of the maximum amount of funds issued;
  • Drawing up an official contract, collecting all necessary signatures and insuring the purchased object, collateral and down payment;
  • Issuance of funds and execution of the final purchase and sale transaction.

Mortgage calculator based on 2 documents from Sberbank

As we have already revealed earlier, the opportunity to obtain a simplified mortgage using 2 documents is available exclusively to salary and commercial current clients of the bank. In the corresponding section of the official website there is a well-thought-out loan calculator, with which you can pre-calculate the amount of issue, the amount of contributions and identify overpayments of interest.

The interest rate depends on the offer used and is set automatically.

The following options are available for a simplified mortgage:

  1. “Purchase of finished housing” with 3 types of tariffs, depending on the chosen loan term. The interest rate varies from 12 to 12.5%;
  2. “Purchase of housing under construction” conditions are identical to the above offer, but the interest rate here is already from 13.5 to 14%.

It is worth noting that violation of the payment rules may lead to a forced increase in the interest rate to 20%. This clause is stated in the official agreement, which is valid throughout the entire loan repayment period.

A mortgage based on 2 documents from Sberbank, reviews of which are predominantly positive, is a profitable solution for people who need to quickly acquire property, but do not have enough funds for a one-time payment.

When researching mortgage programs, many borrowers are afraid of the large number of documents that need to be collected. Taking this factor into account, banks offer loans with a minimum package of documents. Let's look at which banks provide mortgages in 2019 based on 2 documents and their conditions.

Pros and cons of mortgage loans based on 2 documents

Leading banks offer loan products with preferential terms. One of these products is a mortgage loan based on 2 documents. Such mortgage programs have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of mortgage loans issued under 2 documents:

  • less time spent collecting the required package of documents;
  • reducing the time it takes for banks to make decisions.

The main disadvantages of such mortgage loans:

  • high down payment;
  • reduction of the maximum loan amount;
  • higher interest rate compared to other loan products;
  • reducing the borrower's age limit on the estimated loan repayment date.

A mandatory document when applying for a mortgage loan is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a registration mark. As a second document, the client can provide SNILS, international passport, military ID, driver’s license, service ID of a federal government employee, pension ID. Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, VTB Bank of Moscow are banks that provide mortgages under two documents. When applying for a loan, the borrower fills out an application form in which he indicates information about his place of work and income received.

Information about income and place of work specified in the application is verified by the bank's security service. If false data or a problematic credit history of the borrower is identified, loan approval will be denied.

“Victory over formalities” from VTB24

VTB24 offers mortgages upon presentation passports and SNILS. You can take out a loan to purchase an apartment on the primary or secondary market. The decision on the loan is made and communicated to the client within 24 hours.

Basic loan terms:

  • loan amount – 0.6-30 million rubles. (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region), for other settlements of the Russian Federation - 0.6-15 million rubles;
  • maturity - 20 years;
  • initial minimum payment – ​​40%;
  • rate – 13.6;
  • The borrower's age is 25-65 years.

The client must insure the property, his life, health, and the risks of losing the right to an apartment.

“Purchase of housing under construction - mortgage according to 2 documents” from Sberbank

Sberbank has simplified some requirements for mortgage loans and is offering loans for new buildings upon presentation of 2 documents under 13% per annum. The main condition of the program is an initial payment of at least 50% from the cost of housing. Borrowers purchasing real estate built with the participation of the bank's financial resources can count on the minimum rate.

“Simple mortgage” from “VTB Bank of Moscow”

VTB Bank of Moscow provides mortgage loans to citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS or a passport of a foreigner and any other identification with personal data. Without certificates confirming income, you can take out a loan from a bank at a rate from 11.65%.

  • minimum amount – 500 thousand rubles;
  • maximum amount – 60% of the cost of the loaned apartment;
  • maturity - 20 years;
  • down payment – ​​40%;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 12.6;
  • The borrower's age is 25-60 years at the time of submitting the loan application.

It will not be possible to use maternity capital funds to make a down payment or repay part of the loan under this program.

“Simple mortgage” from Gazprombank

Under the “Simple Mortgage” program from Gazprombank, you can purchase an apartment on credit in a building under construction from a developer - a legal entity, by submitting an original passport, a copy of all its completed pages, SNILS or an official driver’s license for consideration of the application.

Basic conditions of a mortgage loan:

  • amount – 0.5 - 7 million rubles. for all cities of the Russian Federation, except Moscow, St. Petersburg, settlements of the Leningrad and Moscow regions (residents of these cities can take out a loan in the amount of 0.5-10 million rubles);
  • maturity - 30 years;
  • first deposit – 50% ;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 13,5 ;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • The age of the borrower is 20-55/60 years at the time of application and full repayment of the contract, respectively for women/men.

The decision to approve a mortgage is influenced by the borrower’s positive credit history.

“Mortgage according to 2 documents” from Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank offers a loan for the purchase of a townhouse, apartment, or house using 2 documents: a citizen’s passport and either a foreign passport, a driver’s license, or a service license. Borrowers who are married are additionally required to have a spouse's passport. Young people of military age must provide a military ID or registration certificate to the bank.

Basic conditions of a mortgage loan:

  • amount – from 0.1 million rubles. up to 4 million rubles for all cities of the Russian Federation, except Moscow, St. Petersburg, settlements of the Leningrad and Moscow regions (residents of these cities can take out a loan of up to 8 million rubles);
  • maximum loan term – 20 years;
  • initial minimum payment for the purchase of an apartment is 40%, a townhouse – 50%;
  • interest rate (minimum) – 12.

"Mortgage from 10.9" together with TransCapitalBank

"TransCapitalBank" can issue a loan for the purchase of an apartment under 10,9% per annum to the borrower who provided 2 documents proving his identity. The initial contribution under this financial product is at least 30% the cost of the housing being financed. The maximum loan repayment period is 25 years.

If a borrower urgently needs to take out a mortgage loan and does not have time to collect a package of documents, he can use special financial products from banks. To do this, you should determine which bank provides a mortgage using two documents on the most favorable terms for the client, submit an application and receive approval for the mortgage.

The credit system is constantly being improved. Thanks to systematized data, the presence of a bank of credit histories, and a well-developed scheme for considering applications from the population for a loan, credit institutions can more quickly and accurately determine the reliability of clients.

The requirements for the package of documents should be less and less. A profitable consumer loan with two documents from Sberbank - is it possible?

Features of loans based on two documents

Credit lines, in which the registration and issuance of a loan are carried out upon presentation of two documents for consideration by the potential borrower, are associated with relatively large risks for the bank.

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Two documents are clearly not enough to ensure the reliability and financial solvency of the future client. Therefore, consumer loans issued under two documents are often accompanied by high interest rates, comparable to express lending programs.

Will there be more offers from Sberbank and other large banks with lending programs based on two documents, and will they become cheaper? Based on the current economic situation, aggravated by Western sanctions, we can assume that no.

Express loans based on one or two documents are aimed at expanding the consumer market. Risks of non-returns are covered by high interest rates and high turnover.

Nowadays, most financially educated people with a stable income try to refuse long-term loans whenever possible - banks are losing potential clients.

This means that it is not possible to expect that losses due to non-returns will be partially covered by high turnover. Consumer loans under two documents will remain, but the interest rate will remain as high.

Program “According to vehicle documents”

At the end of September 2020, Sberbank launched an interesting credit line designed for young and promising clients - “Consumer loan based on vehicle documents.”

Consumer loan from Sberbank according to two documents up to 300 thousand rubles can be issued by virtually any owner of his own vehicle with an MTPL policy.


For registration, you only need a Russian passport with registration (temporary is allowed) and documents for a personal vehicle:

  • Certificate of registration in the name of the potential borrower;
  • MTPL policy issued for this vehicle and valid at the time of issue.

You also need to fill out an application form.

The vehicle must belong to category “B”, its age should not exceed seven years at the time of registration.

Requirements for borrowers

The requirements put forward to potential borrowers are quite flexible.

  • Age restrictions: from 21 years and up 55/60 years for women/men respectively. The limit is set in accordance with the date of the last payment under the loan agreement.
  • Work experience requirements: duration of at least six months at the last place of work. Also, the potential borrower must have at least one year of experience over the past five years.


According to the terms of a Sberbank consumer loan according to two documents, a potential borrower can count on receiving a loan:

  • amount from 15 thousand to 300 thousand rubles;
  • for a period from three months to five years;
  • with a fixed interest rate, component 27% per annum.

How to get

To obtain a loan, you must contact the Sberbank branch at your place of registration.

The conditions, procedure for registration and repayment are as follows:

  • The application is considered within two working days from the date the borrower submits documents for consideration.
  • You can use the loan within a month from the date of approval.
  • The loan amount is transferred after signing the agreement on the same day to the borrower’s personal account or bank card (opened in Sberbank).
  • Loan repayment is carried out annuity (equal payments).
  • There are no additional fees for early repayment.
  • There is a system of fines for late payments, a penalty of 20% per annum, covering the amount of the overdue payment and the period of delay (until the date of payment in full).

Loan for any purpose for payroll clients

Participants in the salary project at Sberbank have special privileges.

Any holder of a salary card, on which, in addition to the current salary, a pension can be accrued, can apply for a consumer loan from Sberbank not with two documents, but with just one - a passport, on favorable terms with a reduced interest rate of up to three million rubles.

An amount of up to ten million rubles can be issued under the “Consumer loan for real estate pledge” program, also on preferential terms, without the tedious collection of documents related to confirmation of income.

Special conditions for unsecured consumer loans for payroll clients are as follows:

Sometimes a home mortgage is the only way to solve financial problems. Find out what it is, how it is similar to a consumer loan and what the differences are.

The conditions for a consumer loan are described in the ICD.

Is it profitable to take out a consumer loan for pensioners under 75 years of age from Sberbank? Answer .


Sberbank, like any other bank in our country, is interested in attracting new clients. He develops and introduces new credit products that allow him to resolve temporary financial difficulties on conditions that are fairly easy and friendly for a potential client.

The most comfortable conditions have been created for the bank’s regular clients participating in the salary project.

It is almost impossible to buy your own home without borrowing money, so many people are thinking about taking out a mortgage loan, and, accordingly, are looking for the most advantageous offer. Sberbank has several offers for housing loans, including a mortgage under two documents. The essence of the program is that borrowers can take out a loan without providing a salary certificate, which is convenient for those who cannot document their income. Let's consider all the terms of the mortgage according to two Sberbank documents.

Basic conditions

First of all, it must be said that this loan is designed for the purchase of finished or under construction housing. Basic conditions for providing a housing loan:

  • minimum amount from 300 thousand rubles;
  • maximum amount is 8 million rubles for regions, 15 million rubles for Moscow;
  • term up to 30 years;
  • minimum contribution from 50%

Interest rates on a mortgage loan are calculated individually and depend on several factors, however, more on that later. As you can see, the main and main condition is that half the cost of the purchased object is paid by the borrower. In this regard, the bank actually does not risk anything, because housing acts as collateral.

Interest rates

Sberbank issues a mortgage based on two documents under two different programs:

acquisition of housing under construction;
purchase of finished housing.

Now let's look at the interest rates on loans under these programs. For the purchase of finished housing, the base rate is 10.75%, but it is available only for young families, that is, borrowers who are under 35 years old at the time of the loan; for other clients 12% for up to 10 years, 12.25% for up to 20 years , 12.5% ​​up to 30 years. The rate increases by 1 point if you refuse life and health insurance. When taking out a loan to purchase housing in a house under construction, the interest rates are exactly one point higher. There are also surcharges for refusing insurance.

Please note that the above values ​​are only preliminary values, because the rate is determined individually for each borrower.

Mortgage terms according to two documents

Requirements for borrowers

As part of this home loan program, minimal documents are required from the borrower. One of them is mandatory - a passport, the second borrower has the right to choose independently:

  • SNILS;
  • driver's license;
  • international passport;
  • military ID.

There are also a number of requirements for borrowers: first of all, citizenship of our country, a constant source of income and a positive credit history. The client's age is at least 21 years old and no more than 65 years old at the time of debt repayment. The work experience at the last place of work should not be less than six months. And, even though the lender does not require proof of income, the borrower must leave the employer’s contact information so that the bank’s security service has the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the information left.

Please note that the bank will definitely require confirmation of the down payment, but this document will be required only after the borrower receives a positive decision.

How to get a loan

To purchase housing under this program, you need to fill out an application. You can do this at any bank branch or on the official website. At this stage, no documents are required; they will need to be brought to the bank branch after receiving a preliminary decision, if it is positive.

The next stage will be searching for housing and collecting documents for it. Then the transaction is completed and the collateral is insured. If such a mortgage lending scheme seems too complicated to you, you have the opportunity to apply for a housing loan using two documents secured by your existing housing on the same terms.

Advantages and disadvantages

A mortgage based on 2 documents from Sberbank has a number of advantages: first of all, it is the speed of processing the loan; the borrower is freed from the need to collect income certificates. In addition, many residents of our country have a stable income, but not an official one, and this circumstance does not allow them to take out a housing loan, for the reason that when calculating the monthly payment, it should not exceed 40% of the salary. In addition, under this program interest rates are quite low, which makes mortgages accessible to a wide range of people.

There is only one drawback - the borrower needs to look for a down payment of at least half the cost of the home, which for many potential clients becomes a barely feasible task. Although holders of a maternity capital certificate can use funds for a down payment on a mortgage loan.

In general, this program is ideal for borrowers who have personal savings and do not want to waste time collecting documents. Only when applying for any loan, you must first of all calculate your financial capabilities, because the mortgage will have to be paid regularly, otherwise, the purchased housing will go to the mortgagee.

Sberbank specialists have developed a special financial product called “Mortgage under two documents.” This loan program is intended for job seekers who receive a salary “in an envelope” and cannot confirm their own employment. A mortgage according to two documents from Sberbank requires the provision of a living room and high interest rates.

The size of the housing loan provided ranges from 300,000 to 8 million rubles (the maximum loan amount should not exceed 85% of the value of the collateral property). The amount of the down payment cannot be less than 50% of the market price of the purchased living space. Real estate is subject to compulsory insurance (a list of accredited insurers is on the Sberbank website).

The loan rate starts from 9.6% per annum. A mortgage according to two documents in Sberbank is issued in Russian currency. Only residents of the Russian Federation can apply for a housing loan. A Sberbank client has the right to attract co-borrowers who will bear joint financial responsibility for the loan. The minimum age of a potential borrower is 21 years.

List of necessary documents for obtaining a mortgage at Sberbank

To apply for a mortgage, the borrower must present:

  • Statement of the established form;
  • Passport with a note indicating permanent registration;
  • Identification document of the applicant (license, military ID, civil servant ID, international passport, etc.);
  • Certificates regarding the loaned object;
  • Receipt confirming payment of the first installment.

Papers for the loaned object can be provided 60 days after the application is approved. If the borrower has additional sources of profit (real estate, securities, civil transactions, etc.), then he should submit the corresponding receipts and account statements to Sberbank. A mortgage based on two documents in Sberbank can be provided to citizens who are rentiers (live on interest on capital).

Documents for credited housing with a mortgage in Sberbank

An application for a mortgage based on two documents in Sberbank is considered after the provision of papers relating to the collateral real estate. We are talking about the following documentation:

  • Certificate of state registration of ownership of the living space;
  • Papers that are considered the legal basis for the emergence of such a right (agreement on the purchase of living space, permission to carry out construction work, a gift or exchange agreement, etc.);
  • A report from an appraisal company on the market value of living space (the appraisal must be carried out by a specialist from a company that has signed an agreement with Sberbank);
  • A certificate from the Unified State Register confirming the absence of encumbrances;
  • Cadastral passport of the premises (with explication and house plan);
  • Notarized consent of the husband or wife to pledge an apartment or house;
  • Marriage agreement (if any);
  • A statement that the applicant is not in a family relationship (relevant for single borrowers). This paper must be certified by a notary;
  • Permission from guardianship authorities. The document is provided in situations where one of the owners of the premises is a minor.

Sberbank credit experts pay special attention to the legal purity of the transaction. If unauthorized persons are registered in the collateral apartment, they must be registered before making financial transactions. You should not try to deceive bankers. The fraud will quickly be discovered and the unscrupulous borrower will become a defendant in a criminal case.

Requirements for collateral when obtaining a Sberbank mortgage

A mortgage based on two documents in Sberbank is issued to applicants who provide high-quality collateral. The collateral must be in proper technical condition. The credit institution does not accept dilapidated houses and buildings that are subject to demolition as collateral. The collateral must have known liquidity. The credit committee practically does not accept premium housing as collateral, since it is difficult to sell it within an acceptable time frame. Owners of apartments located far from the city center may also encounter certain difficulties.

Real estate located in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions is usually sold at a large discount. The same applies to houses that are located in places with poorly developed infrastructure and a high level of criminal activity. Apartments located on the first and last floors are valued lower than those located on the middle tier. If the client is the owner of a home located in a wooden house, then his loan application will be rejected.

Only buildings with metal or reinforced concrete floors are accepted as collateral. The foundation of the house must be made of stone, brick or reinforced concrete. Sberbank has the right to reject the application of a client who wishes to provide living space located in a five-story panel building as collateral. This is due to the fact that the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a renovation program, which involves the demolition of Khrushchev-era buildings in the capital and other large cities.

Rooms located in dormitories and communal apartments are not accepted as security. The sale of this property is complicated by the fact that the owner is obliged to obtain the consent of neighbors for real estate transactions. An exception may be made for a borrower who is purchasing the last room in a communal apartment (the remaining premises are already the property of the applicant).

The living space must have all the necessary communications (heating, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring). Premises with a shared bathroom are not accepted as security. If the owner carried out redevelopment of the premises, then it must be legalized in the prescribed manner.

Mortgage under two documents