My SNI with my passport online. Snils - what can you find out from his number? What documents are needed

All citizens of the Russian Federation are assigned their own personal SNILS - the insurance number of an individual personal account.

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This number is indicated on the front side of the insurance certificate - a light green card, which must be kept by the insured individual. If it is missing, you can check this number in several ways.

Why is such a document needed?

A certificate of pension insurance is an evidentiary document that confirms the registration of an individual in the state system of compulsory pension insurance.

The document that is issued to the registered person is a light green plastic card.

It carries the following information:

  1. Personal data of the individual owner.
  2. Insurance number of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia - SNILS (11 digits).
  3. Date of registration by the Pension Fund of Russia and issue of the card.

So, why do you need a SNILS number:

For employer and pension benefits When a citizen is hired, the employer needs to know his SNILS number for contributions to the Pension Fund. Also, all deductions (in the form of points) and the employee’s length of service are reflected on the personal account
To receive government services in electronic form Today, the service of the public services portal allows you to apply for, exchange or restore an internal (civil) passport and a similar foreign document, find out information from your individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, make an appointment with a doctor, and the like. But to register and gain access to your personal account, you must have a SNILS number
To obtain information about payments directly on the Pension Fund website The Russian Pension Fund has developed a special service where you can find out about the number of pension points, length of insurance coverage, periods of work, places of work and the amount of insurance premiums
To receive benefits under a preferential government program SNILS is used to create a list of citizens who are entitled to government social services and benefits
To limit the list of documents when processing various government services SNILS has most of the information about the owner, which is needed for processing various government services and providing social benefits

The number is assigned for life, and in the case when a person changes his last name or receives a new insurance certificate, his SNILS number remains the same.

Simply put, SNILS is an individual account number to which the employer sends a pension.

The compulsory pension insurance number is used to identify a citizen, because it is created and changed throughout life.

That is why municipal and state organizations ask to present SNILS along with other documents confirming the citizen’s identity.

How to find out online for free

If the insurance certificate card is lost or stolen, then you must contact the regional office of the Pension Fund of Russia to restore it, and this must be done within one calendar month.

But it is possible that the SNILS number may be needed urgently. In this case, you need to make a request to the Pension Fund about SNILS, or check its number with the employer.

But many also try to find out the SNILS number via the Internet. But doing this is not as easy as it seems. You can find out SNILS in the absence of a card in the following ways:

  • submit an application to the Pension Fund department with a passport;
  • on the State Services website.

You should not find out your SNILS number on dubious sites on the Internet. Especially those who require you to pay for the service.

Thus, fraudsters receive your personal data and can use it in their illegal acts. You can find out the number on the Internet by your last name, but it alone is not enough.

The reason is that the information that is in the account owner’s personal account is strictly confidential and is not subject to disclosure. And even a stranger can use only one last name.

Through the State Services portal

You can find out the SNILS number via the Internet by last name through the State Services website. The State Services portal exists specifically to provide citizens with a huge list of all kinds of services.

Registration on the site allows you to operate with a large amount of information, which includes the insurance number of an individual personal account.

To register on the portal, you also need to enter your SNILS number. And then you will be able to log in to your personal account by entering your login and password.

Let's consider the steps to obtain a SNILS number from the State Services portal. Step by step it has the following chain:

  1. Login to the State Services website.
  2. Selecting the “Pensions, benefits and benefits” category.
  3. Selecting the item “Notification of the status of a personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.”
  4. Login to your personal account.
  5. Reading data on pension savings and marking the SNILS number.

Note that registration in the public services service provides the user with a huge list of services, which includes monitoring the status of his personal account with the Pension Fund.

If we talk about the method of obtaining data on SNILS through the State Services portal, then in this situation there will be no need to provide any documents, since the user who has undergone full registration has indicated all the necessary information. All you need is your username and password.

On the Pension Fund website

The PFR portal does not allow free access to information about citizens’ personal accounts. On the page you will only see the following words: “The SNILS number is indicated on the document itself.

If you lose your SNILS, contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence.” The Pension Fund also warns citizens that they should not use the services of third-party sites, because they can capture your personal data.

It is safer for citizens to contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation than to carry out such actions by clicking on suspicious links.

If the card is lost, even if the citizen knows the number, it must be restored and for this you will need to visit the Russian Pension Fund.

It is this government structure that will provide the most reliable information. But information from an online government resource will also be truthful.

When visiting a PF branch, you will only need a passport or other document that proves your identity.

This could be a sailor's passport, a military ID, a foreign passport, and so on. The main thing is the presence of a photo in the document of the applying citizen.

There is one caveat - sometimes employees of the Pension Fund authorities refuse to check if the citizen does not provide a passport, but instead provides other documents.

other methods

You can also find out your SNILS number in the following ways:

  1. Contact the HR department at work.
  2. By visiting the Tax Service department.

The SNILS number can be obtained from the human resources department at the place of official employment. The accountant's database also contains the insurance certificate number.

Employees of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation do not have the right to provide citizens with data on pension fund accruals, length of service and documents.

The privacy policy does not permit the transfer of any information by telephone or via the Internet. The Federal Tax Service can name the SNILS number only after a personal visit to the tax office and presentation of a passport.

Nuances of checking data on a child

A plastic document is issued to a child at school or kindergarten, but otherwise SNILS can be obtained from the regional branch of the Pension Fund of Russia.

Let's start with the fact that SNILS is the number contained on the “green card” issued upon registration in the Russian Pension Fund system. This number is unique and is assigned to a citizen’s individual personal account in the pension system once and for life. Is it possible to check SNILS using the pension fund database online?

The position of the Russian Pension Fund itself on this issue is clear: no! Information about SNILS is classified as confidential information, since this insurance number is also an individual account number. It contains information about the citizen, his length of service, earnings and contributions made by the policyholder (the organization where the citizen works) for him to the pension insurance system. Confidential information is closed from third parties, is not available on the Internet and is protected by law. Therefore, the SNILS check against the pension fund database is carried out personally by the citizen directly at the territorial body of the Pension Fund upon presentation of a passport.

It is worth mentioning that today almost the entire population is registered in the Pension Fund system. SNILS is issued almost simultaneously with the receipt of a birth certificate; this document is now required to be presented at any government agency along with an identity document. But it is especially important when applying for a job, because the employer-insured will definitely need to indicate SNILS when submitting reports to the Pension Fund. In the absence of a “green card,” the employer will fill out the insured person’s questionnaire and submit it to the Pension Fund of Russia, and then hand the card into the hands of the employee. Having SNILS, a person will be able to receive government services provided by government authorities without leaving home, having just completed a simple registration on the government services portal Without it, registration will become impossible.

If a person has an insurance certificate, but cannot find it in his personal documents, then he must contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund or the employer’s personnel service to obtain a duplicate, which will be issued quite quickly.

Again, you will not be able to register on the government services portal without a card with an individual personal account. When registering, SNILS, passport data and mobile phone number are indicated. Then the specified data is verified by government agencies, including a mandatory check of SNILS against the pension fund database. If all procedures are successfully completed, you will be able to enter your personal account, where you can see your insurance number. This is convenient to use later, when you urgently need to find out this number, without having documents at hand, but having access to the Internet.

In what cases is it necessary to know your SNILS

The individual number indicated on the PF card does not need to be memorized, just keep it or carry it along with your identity card. There are several cases when you may need it urgently now:

— register on the portal, where you can receive most government services online, as well as make an appointment with a doctor. SNILS will also be required along with the passport during the identity verification procedure, so that registration on the site is completed and the entry receives the “Confirmed” status. This will be needed to receive the entire list of services presented on the site.

— find out your savings, which are stored in your personal account. This is easier to do on the official website of the Pension Fund in the Electronic Services section at the link: You can enter there by registering at State Services with the same login and password.

- identify yourself in the state register of citizens to receive benefits and allowances if you belong to certain groups that are entitled to them.

Is it possible to find out SNILS from your passport or TIN online?

Such a service cannot be found on any Internet resource, again because the information is closed. You will need an identity card when contacting the Pension Fund, where you will be given an answer by checking the data with those available in the Pension Fund databases.

The number indicated in the TIN certificate has absolutely nothing to do with SNILS. The first document is issued by the tax authorities and is contained in the databases of this structure. Therefore, it is impossible to check SNILS by number online, knowing your TIN.

SNILS authentication

Another question is how to verify the authenticity of the document provided and how correct the individual personal account number is. The number itself contains 11 digits, the last 2 of which are a control number for checking a certain mathematical calculation algorithm applied to the first nine digits. You can check your SNILS number online for correctness of entry on the website of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the link: Here, only the rules for calculating the checksum are applied and you can see whether the number itself is entered correctly, but information about the owner of the number cannot be found out.

There are other sites that offer to check SNILS for authenticity, but you should be more careful with such manipulations on dubious resources. Again, we remind you that scammers can use personal information that you may be asked to enter in certain fields of an online form for personal gain. Therefore, we recommend that you contact the official websites of government agencies or personally contact the Pension Fund of Russia.

Let's sum it up

Question “How to check SNILS using the pension fund database online?” has only one correct answer: it is impossible. If necessary, you can find it out by presenting your passport at a personal reception at the territorial office of the Pension Fund, in the personnel service or accounting department of the organization in which you work, or in your personal account on the State Services portal if you have registered there.

The best way to obtain information about the correctness of SNILS, make changes to your personal account in terms of changing your last name, first name, patronymic, passport data, and obtaining an extract from your personal account is to contact the Pension Fund client service at your place of residence. Since the number is the same throughout the Russian Federation, you will be received anywhere in Russia and any question regarding your personal account will be answered. This method is the most accessible and guarantees correct access to confidential information contained in the Pension Fund databases. Here you can immediately get all the clarifications if something is unclear in the information received from the individual personal account of the insured person in the form of an extract. But, since various government services are being actively introduced today, the so-called “electronic Russia”, you can get all the information online through the electronic services of government bodies, including on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or on the website of the State Services. You can also only check the correctness of SNILS online using the Social Insurance Fund portal in the Benefits section.

An insurance certificate is one of the main documents issued for life. Some citizens either lose their “green card” or do not have one at all, this article will tell you:

  • why is SNILS needed, what functions does it perform;
  • Is it possible to find out his number, having a passport in hand, online;
  • how to do it? We will provide step-by-step instructions with illustrations;
  • what documents are needed if you don’t have a passport (a little trick);
  • price of services;
  • how to find out which pension authority a citizen is a member of.

What is the document for?

SNILS is an identification card of a person insured by a pension authority. The card itself does not play such a big role, unlike its number. It is located at the top and written in bold in this format: 123-456-789-00, consists of 11 digits.

There is an old version of the document, made entirely of plastic, more reminiscent of an ordinary bank card. The new certificate is paper coated on both sides with transparent polyethylene, which protects SNILS from external factors.

The ID is required for many operations:

  • registration by citizens of universal electronic cards;
  • passing a check in the state register system of information about residents of the country, city region, and so on;
  • when accounting for benefits and social benefits of any kind;
  • access to information on contributions of funds to pension insurance authorities, information on length of service and settlement procedures;
  • registration in the electronic system “Public Services”;
  • applying to banks for loans;
  • registration of children in kindergartens and schools.

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In many cases, it is not necessary to present the certificate itself - organizations most often require the number itself to enter data about a person into different databases. As for authenticity, designers check this themselves.

Is it possible to find out by passport online?

This cannot be done officially yet, if we talk about obtaining relevant information via the Internet. Offline (in real life) - yes, through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

You need to come with this document to the nearest Pension Fund department. A personal visit to a person gives the right to access information about the insurance certificate number.

Data on SNILS cannot be obtained via the Internet for one simple reason - confidentiality. Absolutely anyone can submit another person’s passport to one or another electronic resource in this way. In this regard, the services have set a corresponding restriction.

The insurance certificate number can also be obtained from the human resources department at the place of official employment. The accountant's database also contains the SNILS number.

There are secret ways to obtain an insurance certificate number, and you will learn about them below.

How to find out SNILS from your passport via the Internet

This can be done, but only by last name. In this section we will not only answer this question, but also dispel some misconceptions of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Through State Services

There are two details here. The first is the presence or absence of an individual account on the official website

If it is not there, and the SNILS number is unknown to the citizen, then the task should be considered impossible. It's all about profile verification: to register on the website for the provision of public services, an insurance card number is required.

The process for creating and confirming an account is as follows:

  • go to the official website -;
  • click on the “Registration” button;
  • follow further instructions to confirm your profile;
  • enter personal data (full name, SNILS number, etc.);
  • complete verification by receiving a registered letter with an activation code;
  • Log in to your personal account by entering your username and password.

Now you can find out the details of the insurance certificate:

  • you need to go to the “Authorities” section;
  • select the “Russian Pension Fund” tab;
  • Click on the link titled “Extended Individual Account Statement.”

This is the trick. You will receive a message with detailed information about your personal account. It will contain the number of the insurance certificate in accordance with your personal data.

On the website of the Pension Fund

This information cannot be found out using this electronic resource. On the page you will only see the following words: “The number of the insurance certificate is indicated on the document itself.

If you lose your SNILS, please contact the Pension Fund department at your place of residence.” The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation also warns citizens about fraud on the Internet: “Under no circumstances use the services of third-party sites! They are provided by them for the purpose of capturing your personal data!”

Employees of the pension authority are right: it is safer for individuals to contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation than to carry out such transactions by following suspicious links.

On the tax website

The situation is similar: employees of the Federal Tax Service of Russia do not have the right to provide individuals with information about accruals in the Pension Fund of Russia, length of service and documents.

The privacy policy prohibits the transfer of any information by telephone or via the Internet. The Federal Tax Service will be able to name the insurance certificate number only after a personal visit to the service department and presentation of an identification document - your passport.

Do I need documents other than a passport?

If we talk about the method described above for obtaining information about SNILS through the official portal of the State Services, then in this case no documents will need to be submitted, since the user who has undergone full registration has already indicated all the necessary data. All you need is a profile: your username and password.

When visiting, for example, a Pension Fund branch, you will only need a passport or other document proving your identity. This could be a “sailor’s book”, a military ID, a foreign passport, and so on.

The main thing is the presence of a photograph in the document of the applying citizen. There is one caveat: sometimes employees of pension authorities refuse the operation if the person presents not a passport, but some other documentation!

What is the price

When visiting any office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in person at your place of residence, no fees are charged. The operation is performed free of charge. The official website of Gosuslugi also issues a free notification about the status of a citizen’s personal account.

There are many “services” on the Internet that offer similar services to individuals. Please provide a phone number or pay money - the first sign of fraud and other violations of current legislation! Use only official electronic resources or contact government services!

The best way to obtain relevant information about SNILS is to register it. If a citizen has lost his insurance certificate, he has every right to restore the document.

To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund, telling about the problem and presenting your passport. Both registration and issue of a duplicate in case of loss do not require payment of state fees.

How to find out your pension fund

A citizen can obtain information about his pension fund by choosing one of four possible methods:

  • at the place of official employment, through the personnel department;
  • in those banks that have a cooperation agreement with the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • upon a personal visit to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence;
  • on the website (we will tell you more below).

If a person chooses the first three methods, then he must have with him an insurance certificate and a passport (others are not accepted) of a Russian citizen.

How to do this through Gosuslugi:

  • you need to log into your personal account;
  • find and follow the link with the title: “Checking pension savings”;

  • Click on the button: “Get service”. It's free.

All information about the citizen’s pension savings will be shown here, and on the right is a picture indicating the service fund.

An individual certificate number is needed to carry out many transactions related to pension insurance.

There are cases when a citizen does not have information about the SNILS identification code. There are two options: he does not know this due to the loss of the document, or he does not have a certificate at all.

You can find out the number in two ways: “vocal” and “unspoken”. The first involves a personal visit to the Pension Fund branch in order to obtain a number or make a duplicate, and the second involves using the State Services portal.

Video: How to find out the amount of pension savings?

SNILS is an individual account number, which is unique and given to a specific person. It contains all the information about the insurance premiums paid by the employer for the entire period of work of a particular person. All this data is subsequently taken into account when the retirement period begins or at the time of pension recalculation.

Any Russian citizen has a “green card” with an individual number, which is necessary for deductions for the formation of a future pension. You can find out this number by looking at this document. If it happens that you lost it, then you can easily restore it and get a duplicate. How can you find out this individual number if you need it right now, but there is absolutely no time to revive the duplicate? We will talk about all possible methods in this article.

The question of clarifying your SNILS is quite common today and this is due to the following reasons:

Find out your pension ID number at work?

In order to clarify your individual number, you can go to the personnel department of the company where you are employed. When applying for a job, you provided, in addition to your TIN and other documents, your “green card” for making a copy of it. Therefore, they can easily provide you with this information.

Find out your SNILS using the Internet?

Citizens are often interested in the question: is it possible to find out the SNILS number using the Internet? There is an explanation on this matter on the Pension Fund portal. Due to the fact that the personal account contains information about the citizen’s insurance experience and data on transfers by the employer for the entire period of work, this information classified as confidential and access to them via the Internet is impossible. The general SNILS database is maintained by the Pension Fund and access to this information simply via the Internet is closed.

This information is open only to employees of the Pension Fund, and is provided to an individual only upon receipt of the relevant statements. Access is prohibited for third parties, and it is impossible to deceive the system, since everything data in the Pension Fund will be issued only to the owner personally pension certificate after he provides an identification document.

Find out your SNILS number from your passport?

Can. To do this, you will need to go with your passport to the Pension Fund office assigned to your place of residence, and after viewing the document, the fund employee must provide confidential information. When visiting the Pension Fund of Russia, you do not need to have a TIN with you; a Russian passport is enough.

Is it possible to find out SNILS by last name?

Can. There is still a way to look up your SNILS number online, but for this, one last name is not enough. It is necessary that the citizen has already been registered in advance on the government services website.

After registering on this portal, you will have access to your personal account. In this personal account you need to go to the tab "Pension savings". There is no specific service called “find out the SNILS number,” but if you use the “extended notification about the status of an individual personal account,” then in addition to the status of the personal account, the treasured number of your SNILS will also open.

But we emphasize once again that this method is available only to those who have already been registered on this portal, since for registration, among other documents, you also need a SNILS number.

Is it possible to check SNILS online?

There are services that allow you to check your SNILS for validity. You can do this here You just need to enter your SNILS number and click “Check”. All such services are structured in a similar way.

So, you can find out the number and check its reality in several ways:

  • by means of a personal application to the Pension Fund assigned to your place of residence with your passport;
  • through the HR department of your place of work;
  • via the Internet on the government services website where you have already been registered previously.

At the end of our article, it can be noted that the most optimal and reliable way to find out your individual SNILS number is going to the Pension Fund with your document, identification.

In this article, we tried to describe in detail all the possible ways to find out and check the validity of the SNILS number, and when you need it, you can easily and quickly clarify it.