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The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of termination, taking into account the interests of both parties. Each client of the insurer has the right not only to become the owner of the policy, but also, if necessary, prematurely terminate cooperation on legal grounds.

What is provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation?

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation in most cases provides for the need to return part of the money paid. The retroactive calculation takes into account the period during which the former client of the company no longer used the services offered. According to this scheme, proportional financial compensation occurs. At the same time, it is recommended to take into account the terms of the contract that is being signed.

The legislation of Russia allows the early termination of the executed agreement at the appropriate request of the insured. It is important to bear in mind that the insurance deposited amount will not be paid if the contract does not initially contain aspects related to the early termination of the services provided.

Nuances of termination of cooperation

Cooperation can be stopped not only after the occurrence of a certain case. The following potential circumstances of refusal of the services of insurers are considered:

  • disappearance of the risk of an insured event recorded in the current policy;
  • inability to fulfill the obligations assumed regarding further payments;
  • the desire to change the insurer, taking into account the potential benefits;
  • violation of the law by the insured, including the provision of false information;
  • mutual decision to change the originally established term of the contract.

Regardless of the intentions of both parties, at the legislative level, only good reasons are considered for terminating the policy. If the insurer agrees with the arguments of the insured, only part of the money can be returned. It is important to be prepared for the fact that the terms of the executed contract, first of all, protect the company. A legal entity must lose at the minimum bar to eliminate the serious impact of situations associated with early termination of cooperation.

How to terminate an insurance contract?

The legislation provides for various ways to terminate the contract and return the funds. It is obligatory to take into account the initiator of the termination of cooperation.

An insurance contract may be declared invalid if the policyholder fails to pay premiums or fails to comply with any terms of the contract. In this case, the insured person, who is a client of the company, has the right to submit an official statement of intention to terminate cooperation. At the same time, the current policy spells out all sorts of options and ways out of the current situations, as well as the requirements that must be met.

Termination of cooperation with LLC IC "Sberbank insurance"

LLC IC Sberbank Insurance is one of the best insurance companies in Russia. The institution conducts its activities in accordance with applicable law. Each client has the right to be sure that his rights and interests are protected, so he can take advantage of the appropriate opportunities.

Can the contract be terminated?

Termination of a life insurance contract in LLC IC Sberbank is allowed. However, the insurance premium is returned only within fourteen calendar days, so the policy should not become legally binding. After the initial term, termination of the executed agreement ceases to be appropriate, since financial compensation is not possible.

During the procedure, in the first fourteen days, you can provide the details of any bank card, account information or savings book. A representative of the target audience can use the most convenient way for themselves.

Features of termination of the contract

As already understood, the terms for terminating a life insurance contract at IC Sberbank LLC, taking into account the interests of customers, are limited to the first two weeks. At this time, you need to re-visit the Sberbank office center to fill out a standard form confirming certain intentions.

The application must include the following information:

  • bank details of the account used (personal account of the client of the institution, as well as the BIC of the bank) for receiving the insurance premium;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • passport data;
  • current contact information (phone number, email address);
  • number and date of execution of the insurance contract.

Specialists consider only those applications that contain the full amount of information. Otherwise, termination of the current policy is no longer possible.

It is mandatory to attach a set of documents to the application. This requirement must be met in order for the termination procedure to be carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. So, the necessary documents (copies):

  • valid civil passport;
  • a document confirming the payment of the issued policy;
  • current insurance documentation.

As it has already been understood, the issue is not considered without an application and a documentary package. Given the limited time frame, it is advisable to immediately take care of the implementation of existing requirements.

Another option for resolving the issue of early termination of potential cooperation is to send a letter with an application and other necessary documents. The letter is sent to the following address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Pavlovskaya street, house 7, index 115093.

The countdown of the period during which the decision will be made begins after the receipt of the Application by the insurance company. Refunds will be returned within seven business days.

How can I find out if a payment has been denied?

Within seven business days after the decision to deny financial compensation is made, a letter will be sent with a clear justification of the reasons. This document will be received by mail. If the insurer knows the e-mail, the message will be duplicated in electronic form. Reasons for refusal to return the money spent for issuing an insurance policy are required.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of advantageous early termination of the contract with the insurer. At the same time, each organization operates according to a unique scheme, therefore, the terms of the policy should be taken into account and the established aspects of interaction with specialists should be observed.

Read how to refund life insurance tax, at.

A timely issued insurance policy allows you to avoid many problems in the future. But the question arises, in which bank you can issue a policy with more favorable conditions for yourself. The choice is obvious! Sberbank, the largest and most reliable bank in Russia, offers many insurance programs. One of the services most in demand among the population today is Life Insurance from Sberbank.

On the new website of sk sberbank life insurance, several types of contracts are proposed, which will be discussed further.

Protection of loved ones

  • Fractures of the bones of the body;
  • with chemical and thermal burns;
  • when receiving serious injuries;
  • with frostbite.

Also, a life insurance contract at Sberbank implies a payment when a loved one dies due to an accident or a railway accident.

Each treaty program for the protection of loved ones includes certain mandatory elements, such as:

  • The amount of a one-time fee;
  • the sum insured;
  • list of persons to whom the compensation applies.

Separately, there are three categories of close relatives for whom you can draw up a life insurance contract:

  • Children under 24;
  • spouses from 18 to 65 years;
  • parents, aged 35 to 75 years.

The standard insurance premium in the contract for this type of service is defined in three options: 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. In each case, the client receives amounts for the risk of "Injury" within the limits of 100,000, 200,000 and 500,000 rubles.

Separately, there is a service called "Protection of relatives plus", which provides customers with slightly different conditions for issuing a policy.

Head of family

Life and health insurance of the head of the family is very important, since this person most often provides his loved ones with everything they need, earning money and solving emerging problems. The policy in this case allows you to maintain the financial well-being of relatives even in the most difficult life circumstances.

Among the insured events of this insurance program, it is worth highlighting such conditions as:

  • Death of the head of the family as a result of an accident;
  • becoming disabled due to an accident.

On the official site The following benefits of insurance can be identified:

  • Quick execution of the contract;
  • the need to provide only a client's passport;
  • choice of different levels of insurance premium;
  • policy action around the world 24 hours a day.

The insurance premium can be in the amount of 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. Accordingly, the client receives an insurance amount of 300,000, 600,000 and 1,500,000 rubles.

Family protection

Protecting your family from any kind of accident is an important task that should not be neglected. The price of the issue is insignificant compared to the guarantee of financial security of loved ones. Sberbank life insurance is a reliable tool for protecting loved ones.

There are several categories of those who may fall under the scope of the family protection policy:

  • Spouses (from 18 to 70 years old);
  • children (from 2 to 50 years);
  • grandchildren (from 2 to 30 years).

The insurance is issued for one year. After this period, it is possible to prolong the contract between the bank and the client.

Each family protection category has its own insurance conditions. This applies to the amount of payment and the monthly insurance premium. Payment can be made in the personal account of Sberbank Insurance on the official website. After signing the contract, access to your personal account will be available.


Such an unusual name of the insurance program makes it clear that in unforeseen situations, the insurance contract will come to the rescue just like an airbag in a car. The essence of the program basically boils down to the fact that by paying the minimum premium for insurance, you get many times the amount of payment in the event of an insured event.

To choose this insurance program, you need to decide:

  1. What period of validity of insurance to choose - (the program provides for a period of 5 to 30 years);
  2. The required amount of financial protection - about 2-3 annual incomes is considered the best option;
  3. Determine for yourself the frequency of payments for insurance (once a year, or monthly).

Sberbank has identified insurance risks under which a client can receive a payout. These include the following events:

  • Getting injured as a result of an accident;
  • acquisition of disability of the first or second group;
  • fatal accident;
  • death due to an accident with any type of transport.


The personal account of Sberbank Life Insurance allows you to track the necessary information under the contract. and make payments for transactions. You can register on the site only if you have an agreement for the Airbag service or any other program.

When concluding an agreement, the client has the possibility of a financial deduction (refund of up to 13% of the annual fee (TC of Russia, art. 219 from 01/01/2015)

Corporate insurance program

In Sberbank, a special type of insurance can be distinguished to protect employees of enterprises from injury and other accidents.

The corporate insurance program allows the employee to gain confidence in the future. The registration process consists of several points:

  1. Familiarization with various options for insurance programs, as well as choosing the most suitable one;
  2. Determination of the amount of financial protection of an employee (from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles);
  3. Signing of all documents;
  4. Service payment.

This contract provides for insurance either for all employees of the company, or for several (more than 10). There are also certain tax incentives.

For example: sums insured received upon the occurrence of an insured event do not provide for personal income tax (for the recipient of the payment, article 213 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

You can issue a policy on various conditions in relation to both yourself and your relatives or employees of the enterprise. Feedback on this service is mostly positive, due to the fact that the bank constantly and fully fulfills its obligations.

A subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia, specializing in risk (including corporate), endowment and investment life insurance programs.


  • License SZh No. 3692 dated July 4, 2016, issued by the Bank of Russia for an indefinite period
  • License SL No. 3692 dated July 4, 2016, issued by the Bank of Russia for an indefinite period

The development of life insurance is one of Sberbank's activities, within the framework of which, in early 2012, the Bank acquired a life insurance company, whose General Director from April 2012 to October 2016 was Maxim Borisovich Chernin, Chairman of the Committee of the All-Russian Union of Insurers for the Development of Life Insurance. In September 2012, the company was renamed LLC IC Sberbank Insurance (and in July 2014 - LLC IC Sberbank Life Insurance) and announced the start of sales of voluntary life insurance for borrowers. November 12, 2012 saw the start of sales of accumulative and investment life insurance products.

"Sberbank life insurance" - leader of the Russian life insurance market, one of the ten largest general insurance companies in the Russian Federation. According to the results of 9 months of 2016, the amount of accrued insurance premium amounted to 46.8 billion rubles. Of these, 30.1 billion rubles were accrued on long-term endowment and investment life insurance products. Insurance reserves and assets reached RUB 98.9 billion and RUB 117.2 billion, respectively.

The sole shareholder of Sberbank Life Insurance, PJSC Sberbank of Russia, one of the largest and most reliable banks in the Russian Federation, enjoys high public confidence and brand awareness.

Programs and sales

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is not only a shareholder of IC Sberbank Life Insurance, but also its partner in promoting insurance services throughout the Russian Federation. Sberbank life insurance products can be purchased at all sales offices of the Bank, and long-term life insurance programs have been available since November 2012 in more than 1,947 Sberbank Premier service areas, more than 153 Sberbank First offices, and also at the Sberbank Private Banking office. Sberbank life insurance risk products are also sold through Sberbank's subsidiary, Cetelem Bank.

Endowment life insurance programs

  • Program "Family asset"- this is insurance protection in the event of the death of the breadwinner of the family and at the same time a guaranteed accumulation of funds by the selected date. It is possible to connect a wide range of additional risks. In case of disability (disability of group I or II), the obligation to pay contributions passes to the insurance company.
  • Program "First Capital" involves the payment of targeted savings to the child at the end of the insurance policy. In this case, in the event of an adult dying or losing his ability to work (I or II disability group), the obligation to pay regular contributions passes to the insurance company. It is possible to connect a wide range of additional risks.
  • Program "Children's Educational Plan" helps to form by the time the child enters a higher educational institution the amount necessary to pay for educational services.
  • Program "Savings Insurance" A: Save a small amount every month and your family will receive long-term financial protection in case of unforeseen circumstances related to your health, or the SC will return 100% of the paid premiums at the end of the insurance contract.
  • Product "Heritage"- this is an opportunity to transfer capital to your relatives and friends: after the expiration of the contract, the insurance company will transfer the guaranteed sum insured to the specified beneficiary. A distinctive feature of the program is the legal protection of the contributed funds from separation in case of property disputes. In addition, the parameters of the "Heritage" allow the accrual of additional investment income to the final payment.

Investment life insurance programs

  • "SmartPolis"- smart solution for smart investors:
    • a unique management strategy in the stock market with risk control;
    • potentially high investment income;
    • guaranteed safety of invested funds;
    • all the benefits of life insurance coverage.
  • "SmartPolicy Coupon":
    • the possibility of receiving an annual fixed payment when the underlying assets fulfill a given condition;
    • understandable underlying assets, the dynamics of which can be tracked in open sources.

Voluntary life insurance program for borrowers

Programs of collective voluntary life and health insurance for loan borrowers of PJSC Sberbank of Russia / Cetelem Bank LLC are programs for financial protection of the client's obligations to the Bank in the event of an adverse event.

Life and health insurance programs

  • Program "Head of the Family"- this is the protection of the family in case of unforeseen circumstances with the health of the head of the family.
  • Program "Protection of loved ones"- provides protection to the insured and his relatives in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Program "Protection of loved ones PLUS" provides financial support to the client, his relatives and relatives in cases requiring treatment costs due to fractures, burns, severe wounds and frostbite.
  • Program "Airbag" helps protect the client and his loved ones from unforeseen health-related situations. In a critical situation, the program will provide financial stability and the usual standard of living for the family, since the payments under the program are many times greater than the amount of the contribution.
  • "Corporate insurance program"- insurance against accidents and illnesses of employees of the enterprise.


In 2013, the next mission of IC Sberbank Life Insurance was approved.

We work to help people not be afraid to plan their future and stop living only for today. Thanks to our products, your dreams, aspirations and promises made to yourself and your loved ones will come true no matter what.

Sberbank Life Insurance positions itself as a "reliable, honest expert who is comfortable to work with and who cares."

Corporate values

  • I am the leader
  • We are a team
  • Everything for the client
  • In pleasure and harmony
  • The reliability rating of IC Sberbank Life Insurance according to Expert RA (RAEX) is A++ (an exceptionally high level of reliability)
  • Employer attractiveness rating of IC Sberbank Life Insurance according to Expert RA (RAEX) - А.hr (high level of employer attractiveness)


IC Sberbank Life Insurance already in the first year of operation became the owner of various diplomas and awards.

    • The best investment life insurance product
    • Opening of the year in the insurance market
    • The best department in the entire insurance market
    • Fastest Start From Scratch Life Insurance Company
    • For merits in the development of insurance in Russia
    • The best investment product on the market
    • Long-Term Endowment Life Insurance Company of the Year
    • Life insurance market leader
    • Irina Rudenko (No. 2 in the rating of directors for interaction with authorities, Insurance)
    • Evgeny Nikiforov (No. 3 in the rating of financial directors, Insurance)
    • Olga Postolenko (No. 3 in the rating of directors for public and corporate relations, Insurance)
    • Dmitry Baginsky (No. 3 in the ranking of marketing directors, Insurance)
    • Anton Gamov (No. 4 in the rating of IT directors, Insurance)
    • Life insurance market leader
    • Leader in premium growth
    • Life insurance market leader
    • Bank insurance market leader
    • Market leader in mortgage insurance
    • Best Life Insurance Investment Product (for the Rentier product)
    • Life Insurance Company of the Year
    • Maxim Chernin (No. 5 in the rating of top managers, Insurance)
    • Evgeny Nikiforov (No. 5 in the rating of financial directors, Insurance)
    • Leader in life insurance
    • Life insurance market leader
    • Market leader in mortgage insurance
    • The best contact center among insurance companies

Participation in professional communities

IC Sberbank Life Insurance is an active member of:

  • Association of Life Insurers;
  • All-Russian Union of Insurers;
  • Russian Managers Association;
  • National Association of Contact Centers


Address: 115162, Moscow, st. Shabolovka, d. 31G, 3rd entrance

It will provide an opportunity for relatives to receive financial assistance in case of adverse events that affect the health and life of the breadwinner of the family.

Protection of loved ones Online

It will provide you and your loved ones with reliable insurance coverage in the event of adverse events.

Protected Borrower Online

Life insurance for a borrower of a mortgage loan from PJSC Sberbank is a financial protection of the client's obligations to the bank in the event of the borrower's disability or death. The client can be sure that the Sberbank Life Insurance insurance payment fully compensates for his obligations under the mortgage loan.

Travel Insurance Online

The Travel Insurance policy will provide you with reliable insurance coverage in various situations that may arise during your trip.

Accident and illness insurance

It will provide you and your loved ones with reliable insurance protection in case of unforeseen circumstances related to health.

Cumulative life insurance

The life and health insurance program makes it possible to accumulate the necessary amount by a certain date and receive reliable insurance protection in case of adverse events with health and life.

Investment life insurance

An investment and insurance product that combines the possibility of potentially unlimited income and insurance coverage.

Insurance services under the Insurance Programs Protection of loved ones and the Head of the Family are provided by LLC IC Sberbank life insurance, 115162, Moscow, st. Shabolovka, d.31G, tel. +7 800 555 5595 (round the clock, calls within Russia are free). License for SL insurance No. 3692 (type of activity - voluntary personal insurance, except for voluntary life insurance) issued on March 05, 2015 by the Bank of Russia (indefinitely). Official site
Insurance services under insurance programs Travel insurance, Home protection, Card protection, Mortgage insurance are provided by IC Sberbank Insurance LLC, 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, house 7, tel. +7 800 555 5557, (working hours: Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 Moscow time), licenses of the Bank of Russia for voluntary property insurance SI No. 4331 and for voluntary personal insurance, except for voluntary life insurance SL No. 4331 , issued by the Bank of Russia on 08/05/2015 for an indefinite period). Official site sites .
The formation and purchase of insurance policies is carried out on the official website of the Insurer providing the insurance service.
For more detailed information about insurance policies, the list of insurance risks, exceptions from insurance coverage, the procedure for determining the sum insured and the amount of insurance payment (including insurance liability limits), the conditions for concluding an insurance contract, as well as other insurance conditions, you can find on the websites

One of the most profitable cash investments is the use of insurance services from Sberbank. This financial instrument allows you to provide yourself and your property with protection from the bank, which in case of unforeseen situations will issue a predetermined amount of compensation to the victim. Both investment life insurance and the traditional option with a fixed amount of funds paid out are available.

The Sberbank insurance system provides protection for almost any occasion in life. Anyone can use the service, it is enough to conclude an agreement and gain access to a separate office on a specially designated site.

All data on the conditions for providing insurance to individuals and their property are on the official page of the system. The site visitor can independently familiarize himself with the list of services and the rules for their use with the help of detailed instructions, as well as thanks to the round-the-clock support of online consultants. Potential customers of the Sberbank insurance system have access to a simple registration, after which they will have access to their personal account.

Features and benefits of the insurance system

Insurance Products

To use the services provided by the insurance company to its customers, a minimum financial investment by the user of the system is required. Small monthly contributions will not harm the family budget, but thanks to them, any unforeseen situation in life will be resolved much easier. Using the Sberbank insurance system, after the expiration of the contract, an individual will receive 100% compensation of all funds spent on paying regular contributions.

During registration, the client will be offered one of the existing programs, consisting of the following parameters:

Regardless of whether an insured event occurs or not, the client of the service will receive compensation with a minimum amount equal to 100% of the amount invested. Thanks to the round-the-clock work of the personal account, the user will be able to issue a policy at any time, as well as view up-to-date information on the personal account. In addition to the basic functions of Sberbank Insurance, the site offers additional services, such as online consultation with a specialist and providing data on current offers via e-mail.

Registration and service options

To gain access to your personal account, you will need to go through a simple registration procedure on the official website of the company. To do this, you will need an email address, a mobile phone and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


The entire registration process is maximally simplified and intuitive, thanks to which even a person who does not have experience in using a computer can gain access to the system.

After entering the data, an activation code will be sent to the mail

Activation code

When working with the services of Sberbank Insurance for the first time, the user will be offered the following choice:

  • the choice of persons to whom the policy will apply. Three options are offered - spouses, children and parents. Depending on the choice made, access to types of insurance coverage may change;
  • policy program, which indicates the unforeseen events that are the basis for the payment of compensation. In the Sberbank insurance system, you can choose both a whole group of situations and their individual elements;
  • a choice of the amount to be paid in the event of physical damage or financial damage stipulated by the agreement between the parties is given. The amount of the monthly payment will depend on this parameter.

Personal Area

By choosing the appropriate conditions provided in the services of Sberbank, the client of the company will receive a reliable partner who will help reduce the negative consequences in the event of unforeseen circumstances that threaten the physical or financial condition of a person.