Application for a mortgage online to all banks. Service “Online application for a mortgage loan to all banks Online application for a mortgage

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish a uniform procedure for processing mortgage loans. (No. 102) regulates the relationship between the lender and the borrower in the legal field.

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As part of the regulatory act, mortgage documents (agreement, mortgage) must be drawn up and registered, and the procedure for issuing a loan is formed by the bank independently.

Most financial lending institutions develop various home loan programs, which differ:

  • conditions;
  • requirements for the client;
  • interest rates and other aspects.

Depending on the bank and type of loan, each business entity sets the rules for applying for a loan.

In addition, documents for the property, certificates of the client’s income, etc. are attached to the application.

Program selection

Depending on the possibilities, each potential borrower tries to choose a bank that offers optimal conditions.

The choice of a credit institution depends on:

  • for using a loan;
  • the required amount;
  • term and other parameters.

The set of conditions is the criterion for choosing a program.

When choosing a banking institution, the borrower must study the requirements that the organization imposes on the client’s financial condition, age restrictions and other criteria.

In addition, not every bank lends to real estate if it is not located in the locality where the borrower is registered.

Depending on the client’s condition, changes in the interest rate, down payment and other lending conditions may be expected, which also must be taken into account when choosing a mortgage program.

Application for a mortgage

Any lending process begins with consideration of an application from a client. Taking out a mortgage loan from most banks is a complex process and therefore requires careful preparation.

To reduce the time for processing applications, organizations conduct a survey of their clients, and the data obtained is subsequently compared with the documents provided to the bank.

The form is generated directly by the banking institution and is an application form with a request to issue credit funds for the purchase of housing:

  • the mortgage application is submitted to the manager and can be made both in written and electronic form;
  • Currently, in order to expand services, most banks accept applications through official websites.

No errors are allowed in the document, and all data must match the originals.

  • real persons, if it is planned to involve co-borrowers in the loan;
  • current telephone numbers;
  • other relevant information.

Violation of these parameters may result in automatic denial and re-examination at that institution will become virtually impossible.

In VTB 24

The credit institution has implemented a loan calculator on its website, thanks to which it is highly likely that you can calculate payments for servicing a loan and make a choice of the appropriate conditions.

Mortgage applications are accepted at all branches.

The interactive application form contains:

  • date of birth;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • information about citizenship;
  • employer information;
  • purpose and amount of lending;
  • passport ID.

After sending the electronic document, a bank employee contacts the applicant to clarify the data and clarify other issues.

The bank makes a decision within 2 business days, and communicates the result via SMS notification.

In Sberbank

Accepts applications in the form of questionnaires only at bank branches throughout the country.

To register you need:

  • print the form from the website or fill it out directly in the office;
  • collect a package of documents and submit for consideration.

The bank does not strictly determine the review period, but if the decision is positive, it offers the client to collect the next package of documents. This set should include title papers for the selected property.

When agreeing on the purchased housing, a security agreement or a mortgage agreement is concluded with the bank, and the housing is insured. After these procedures, money is issued and property is registered.

At Rosselkhozbank

On the organization’s website, the application is formal and includes a minimum of data:

  • a branch that will be convenient for the client to physically visit;
  • the loan amount and the period for which the borrower wishes to receive funds;
  • telephone and email address (optional);
  • client's date of birth.

The application at Rosselkhozbank is considered within 5 working days.


The organization accepts applications in all branches. The document is submitted in the form of a questionnaire.

There are two options for submitting an application on the bank’s website:

  • express questionnaire;
  • detailed.

Unlike competitors, the organization accepts not only applications, but also scanned copies of all documents necessary for consideration.

The express version contains a minimum of information. Its purpose is to provide the bank with initial information for further negotiations. The full application form contains maximum data and is filled out on 9 pages on the Internet.


Currently, using interactive services, it is possible to submit documents for a mortgage to any bank.

Online applications not only save time, but also allow the borrower to understand the bank’s requirements and prepare documents more carefully.

Since it is most efficient to submit documents to different banks, using the Internet allows you to avoid wasting time visiting each institution.

To all banks

Sending applications to various banks requires visiting the website of each institution. Search the interactive office for the required section and another series of manipulations.

To simplify this procedure, projects have been implemented online that allow you to fill out one form and simultaneously submit applications to different banks.

This service simulates work and is very convenient for many clients.

Required documents

Regardless of how the application was sent to the bank, to apply for a loan you must prepare a package of documents in traditional (paper) form.

These include:

  1. The applicant's passport or other identification document.
  2. Certificates, contracts and other documents confirming the amount of income.
  3. Certificate of ownership of the purchased object.
  4. Identity cards of the spouse, co-borrowers, if such persons will participate in the transaction.
  5. Valuation report for housing.
  6. Other documents included in the list from the creditor bank.

Review period

You want to get a mortgage loan, but you don’t have time to visit the banks that could provide it to you. These days this issue is easy to resolve. Simply apply for a mortgage online directly on the official websites of the selected banks. In just a few hours, these credit institutions will make a preliminary decision on your request and provide information on the conditions of such lending for you. All you have to do is choose where an online mortgage in 2019 will be most profitable for you, and apply for it in one institution or another.

How to apply for a mortgage online?

An online mortgage application is submitted to any bank simply and quickly. For this purpose you need:

  1. Visit bank websites, study mortgage lending programs, calculate their cost using a calculator.
  2. Complete and submit your mortgage application. If possible (when applying for insurance or a deposit in the same bank), attach an application for a reduction in the mortgage rate.
  3. Wait for the bank's decision. If your online mortgage application is approved, you will need to collect documents and contact the bank office to sign a loan agreement.

Carefully fill out all the fields of the form below, be sure to indicate the phone number by which you are always available, then the banks will contact you as soon as possible and advise you on all issues of obtaining a home loan.

Online application for a mortgage loan- This is the only way to obtain the bank’s preliminary consent to apply for a loan without personally visiting its office. In addition, by filling out a form on the financial institution’s website, where preliminary applications are analyzed automatically using scoring, you can receive a loan decision in just a couple of minutes.

Application for a mortgage to all banks - online loan selection

An online application for a mortgage loan is a service available on the websites of many domestic banks, the main purpose of which is to simplify the procedure as much as possible and reduce the loan processing time. The only more convenient option than this option is to apply for a mortgage to all banks - an online form, after filling out which you will receive a number of advantageous offers from all financial institutions interested in you as a client.

Since cases of obtaining loans in someone else’s name have become more frequent, potential borrowers should under no circumstances fill out online forms in which they must provide passport details. The only exception is the official websites of banks, but even in such cases you should exercise some caution, as there are also fake web resources. Please note that when sending an application for a mortgage to all banks online on the website, you do not need to provide your passport information, so you do not have to worry about disclosing confidential information about yourself and unpleasant consequences in the future.

By using an online application for a mortgage loan filled out on our website, a potential borrower can minimize the time spent searching for the best offer, that is, a program with the most optimal conditions specifically for him.

You can apply for a mortgage to all banks online at any time, regardless of the day of the week. The decision is made quickly - if the online application for a mortgage loan was sent on a business day, then it is quite possible that within a couple of hours you will receive information from potential lenders.

The application for a mortgage to all banks (online form) can be filled out in just a couple of minutes - sending it is free and does not require registration on the website.

How to apply online for a mortgage loan

To send online mortgage applications to all banks mode, you must indicate your full name and age, contact information, length of service and place of work, region of application for a loan and the amount of monthly salary, as well as the desired loan term/amount and the down payment that the client is willing to repay.

Online mortgage loan applications are redirected to financial institutions, which carefully study information about borrowers and the parameters of the loans they have requested. The financial institutions receiving applications include a competent credit broker and many of the banks represented on the domestic market.

Based on the data from the questionnaire, representatives of financial institutions select a number of programs under which a potential borrower can apply for a home loan. Information is sent to the service user’s email if he indicated its address in the application. If only a contact phone number was left, then credit managers will contact the client personally to outline under what conditions and where they can get a loan with the requested amount, repayment period and down payment.

Please note that when filling out an online application on our website, information about your job and salary is indicated, so you will not be bothered by representatives of banks who are obviously not ready to lend to borrowers with your work history or income level.

We will help you quickly select and apply for a mortgage according to your conditions. Find out how much loan you can expect. Fill out the online application and a mortgage consultant will contact you.

Online mortgage application

Anyone who meets the bank's conditions can apply for a mortgage. Banks have the following requirements for borrowers:

  • length of service at the last place of work of at least three months, and it must be continuous;
  • proof of income for the last three to six months;
  • Having a good credit history (to check, see online passport credit history);
  • no overdue loans.

If the client meets and fulfills all these requirements, then he will not have problems with the mortgage loan. Otherwise he will have to look assistance in obtaining a loan on the side - you may have to contact credit brokers or take advantage of a suitable offer at Moscow credit bulletin board and other cities of Russia.

In order to apply for a mortgage, the client is required to provide the bank with a passport and income certificate. In this case, the application is considered within a week. If a client submits an application to a state-owned bank, then consideration of the application at such a bank may take longer, since state-owned banks check borrowers more seriously. Currently, you can apply for a mortgage online.

When applying for a mortgage loan, the borrower will have to face various costs:

  1. Mortgage loan insurance. In this case, the client needs to insure his life, apartment, and ownership of the apartment. At the same time, the client can purchase life insurance at will; other types of insurance are required when applying for a mortgage loan. Insurance costs are two percent of the loan amount. The insurance must be paid every year for the life of the mortgage.
  2. Loan fees. Banks often charge fees for issuing mortgages. For example, a bank may charge a fee for cashing out money when issuing a loan. Such a commission can reach 3% of the loan amount.
  3. Appraisal of the apartment. It is worth noting that the apartment purchased by the client is secured by the bank until the client repays the entire mortgage loan. In this regard, the client needs to conduct an independent assessment of the apartment that he is going to purchase with a mortgage. In this case, the client will have to spend up to 4,000 rubles for such an assessment.

In addition to the above costs, there are also costs for notary services and payment of state fees for processing a mortgage transaction. In this regard, when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage, the client needs to know about the possible costs and plan the necessary expenses accordingly.

Mortgage transaction process:

  1. Submitting an application for a mortgage to the bank. Review of the application takes 1-2 weeks.
  2. Searching for an apartment and collecting documents. At this stage, the client must find a suitable apartment and collect all the necessary documents. The bank provides the client with a list of documents that need to be collected. The client (if he has the desire and time) can collect the documents himself, or contact a real estate office.
  3. Review of documents by the bank. At this stage, the bank accepts documents from the client, analyzes them and then makes a decision on the apartment. The bank may reject a particular apartment if it is dangerous to take out a mortgage.
  4. Signing documents, registration at the registration center. This stage is accompanied by the signing of documents between the seller, client and bank. The seller is given a down payment. After this, the parties go to the registration center, where they record the mortgage transaction.
  5. Payment of the money. After the transaction is registered, the client signs an agreement to transfer the entire amount of money to the seller, receives the money from the bank and transfers it to the seller. The bank issues the client a mortgage payment schedule ( loan calculator mortgage loan 2015 calculate), and the client must make monthly payments throughout the loan term.

Mortgage is the most complex type of lending, which involves large expenses and terms. If you decide to take out a mortgage in Moscow, you should carefully consider choosing an offer from one of the banks in the capital. Vyberu.Ru has selected the most profitable mortgage lending programs and collected them on one page so that you can evaluate them without wasting time searching and visiting bank branches.

Alternatively, you can apply for a mortgage online. Many Moscow banks have long offered their clients the opportunity to apply for a loan via the Internet. This greatly simplifies the process of getting a mortgage: you can get pre-approval for a loan while you collect the necessary documents.

To apply for a mortgage online, review the offers presented on the page and evaluate their benefits. We have indicated for you the minimum loan amount, term and rate, and also listed the advantages of each program.

Before you make a decision, calculate your payment schedule using our mortgage calculator. Click on the “Detailed calculation” button. On the page that opens, in the appropriate fields, enter the amount you need and the loan term. In accordance with the terms of the loan, the system will calculate a payment schedule for you, which will indicate the amount of monthly payments, divided into the principal debt and the amount of accrued interest.

To apply for a mortgage, click on the “Submit Application” button in the product card. You will be redirected to a page with a form to fill out. You will need to enter the following information:

  • Personal data, passport data,
  • Employment information – name of organization and Taxpayer Identification Number,
  • Amount of income
  • Credit history information,
  • The parameters of the desired mortgage are the loan size and term.

An online mortgage application is the basis for the bank’s preliminary decision on a mortgage. Before submitting your application, be sure to make sure that you meet the conditions that the bank sets for the borrower. You must match your age, registration, salary level, length of service, etc. All these requirements are set out in the card of each product on Vyberu.Ru. The application will be rejected if it does not comply.

The completed application will be sent to the bank for consideration. An employee of the organization will contact you within 1-7 days to clarify the information, report the result of the transaction review and, if you have received approval, discuss the details of the loan and your further course of action.

What is an online mortgage application?

An online mortgage application is an online version of a standard bank mortgage application. You can fill it out at home or at work, from a computer or mobile device, carefully reading the terms of the loan and calmly thinking about everything. Online applications are usually processed faster than in bank branches.

How to apply online for a mortgage?

Having chosen a profitable loan on Vyberu.Ru, you can proceed to fill out the application by clicking the “Details” button in the product card. You will be taken to a page to complete your application. There you will need to enter the amount you are interested in, the term and down payment of the mortgage, as well as your personal and passport data and contact details. You also need to consent to data processing.

What is special about the online application?

Prompt submission and decision-making are the main features of the online application. You can not be distracted from important matters: you can find a mortgage on Vyberu.Ru, and apply for it directly on the bank’s website. This will save time and effort that you could otherwise spend at a bank branch. In addition, no one forbids you to change your mind - you can refuse the loan if you are no longer satisfied with the conditions or you find a more advantageous offer.

Which bank can I apply for a mortgage to?

The development of Internet technologies is forcing banks to move further, and more and more credit institutions are offering their clients the opportunity to apply for a mortgage loan online, bypassing queues. However, finding a truly profitable loan is still difficult. Vyberu.Ru will help with this. By selecting the “Online Application Option” checkbox on the left side of the screen, you will receive a complete list of mortgage products that you can apply for online.

Can I apply to all banks at once?

You can. This will increase the chances of your application being approved - if you are rejected by one credit institution, it is likely that you will be approved by another. To do this, you need to go through the list and fill out a form for each proposal. If you are approved for a mortgage in several banks at once, you can refuse those banks where the conditions, in your opinion, are less favorable.