Trends and problems of development of means of mechanization of agricultural production. Mechanization and automation of production processes What awaits the domestic economy

In accordance with the orientation of the economic development of Russia on an innovative basis, the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the need to intensify work on the introduction of innovations in all industries National economy, it is necessary to intensify work on the introduction of non-traditional promising innovative directions development.

The need for this is explained as follows. In the development of agricultural production, tractor and agricultural engineering, Russia has lagged significantly behind. Therefore, in order to restore agricultural production on the basis of technological re-equipment, we need to recreate the machine and tractor fleet on a new technical basis using the latest developments in the field of mechanization. production processes.

New technological and technical solutions in this area are mainly aimed at achieving the world level. It must be understood that within the current direction of technological development and the division of labor imposed on the world by the process of globalization, we are in a difficult position, since limited resources do not allow us to conduct research and development at the level of the world's leading firms, and many of our factories are located in in such a state that it is difficult for them to compete with the well-established and efficiently operating production of industrially developed countries. We need to work ahead of the curve, work on the creation of fundamentally new technologies and means of mechanization, to which the world has yet to come.

As you know, there is a category of so-called breakthrough (closing) technologies and means of their implementation, the appearance of which makes a huge number of traditional technologies unnecessary and obsolete. Thus, the appearance of the automobile made entire flourishing industries associated with horse-drawn transportation unnecessary.

Realizing this, the rulers of today's world prevent the development of such technologies in other countries (and even in their own), as these more advanced technologies can destroy the system they are accustomed to and control. For example, a number of fusion projects in the United States were curtailed under pressure oil companies. It would seem a paradox: the United States, importing oil from the ever-troubled Persian Gulf, should be interested in the emergence of new sources of cheaper energy. But from the point of view of TNCs, the transition from hydrocarbons (production and prices for which they control) to other, more progressive energy sources is an absolute evil for them, as it leads to a change of leaders in the global economy. The same is observed in our country. Thus, the aquazine developed by our scientists (a mixture of gasoline with emulsified water and stabilizing additives) is not introduced into production, although it allows saving up to 10% or more of gasoline. Work on using the Koenze effect to create lift has been discontinued. These examples can be continued.

A significant part of such technologies and technical means for their implementation was developed in the USSR, but is not used or has already been repurchased and used by developed countries. Breakthrough technologies - only they are able to transfer our and human development to a qualitatively different level.

Currently, a significant number of such non-traditional promising technologies and means of their implementation (at various levels of development) are available in research institutes, educational institutions, as well as in the assets of inventors and enthusiastic researchers. Moreover, they are in a mothballed form, since researchers do not have the opportunity to work on them (for well-known reasons). Often these developments fall into the hands of foreign firms and domestic speculators of technical documentation and ideas.

Using heuristic methods, monitoring publications and forecasting methods, we have identified the following areas of such work on the innovative development of the mechanization of agricultural production for the introduction of breakthrough (closing) technologies into it.

In the field of tractor and agricultural engineering.

Development of hybrid engines for tractors and cars based on a combination of the principles of operation of an internal combustion engine, a Stirling engine and a steam engine. In order to combine work on the basis of a mixed cycle (for diesel) or isochoric (for gasoline engines) with a steam engine cycle in one engine, it is necessary to inject water into the internal combustion engine cylinders, that is, use it as a working fluid. For this, separate cylinders can be used located between the cylinders running on hydrocarbon fuels, or fuel can be supplied to each cylinder in turn, and at the end of the next compression stroke, water. For diesel engines, you can use two-component injectors or unit injectors designed to supply a second fuel to the cylinder together with diesel fuel. To realize the advantages of this scheme, it will be necessary to change the operation of the gas distribution system, since it is not desirable to supply air to the cylinders in the steam engine mode, although at the first stage, in order to reduce the amount of re-equipment of existing internal combustion engines, this may not be done.

Another scheme for supplying water to the cylinders is also possible - to each cylinder at the end of the expansion stroke, which will lead to an increase in pressure, will contribute to the burning of CO and a faster cleaning of the cylinder from exhaust gases.

To use the heat of exhaust gases, one should keep in mind the development of thermoelectric power sources.

When using at least 50% of the heat lost in the cooling system and with exhaust gases, the effective efficiency of the engine is doubled. So the implementation of this direction will give a significant effect (reducing fuel consumption by 2 times; reducing the harmful effects on the environment) with a slight change in the design or re-equipment of engines. Of interest is the development of spheroidal internal combustion engines.

It is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of a steam engine if you combine the advantages of Stirling and an internal combustion engine (hot cylinder) and a steam engine (the working fluid is water). In such a steam engine, a double-action cycle is easily carried out, which will further increase its performance.

Development of methods for using emulsified additives, in particular water, in the composition of hydrocarbon fuels, which, according to various estimates, gives fuel savings of up to 10% or more.

Research and development of working bodies that act on the processed medium by deformations, to which it resists the weakest. These are soil cultivation using stretching according to the scheme (Fig. 1) (the MPR machine studied by us), an increase in the separating capacity of the threshing apparatus (Figs. 2 and 3), threshing of a twisted ear by rolling the cut mass between two surfaces, the speeds of which are different, in the direction, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ear. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a directed supply of cut crops to the threshing zone. Such a supply of undamped and untangled crops can be carried out by headers with canvas conveyors. When feeding the spike part of the stems into the threshing zone, it becomes possible to separate the grain from the stem, due to the deformation of the ear torsion, the separation of grain from the destruction zone, without the impact of the threshing working bodies on the straw.

Figure 1. Scheme of operation of the MPR: 1 - plowshare; 2.4 - upper and lower rotors; 3.5 - fingers of the rotors.

Figure 2. Scheme of the threshing apparatus of combine harvesters with concave bars located in the direction of tangents to the drum circumference: 1 – drum circumference at the ends of the whips; 2 - tangent to the circumference of the drum; 3 - concave bars.

Figure 3. Scheme of a threshing apparatus with a string concave: 1 - the circumference of the drum at the ends of the whips; 2 – concave body; 3 - thin tension rods, straps or strings.

The study of non-traditional working bodies of agricultural machines: shaftless spiral screw (Fig. 4) and flexible (Fig. 5), on the basis of which a new system of machines can be created.

Figure 4. BSV threshing and separating device with axial feed: 1 - BSV cylindrical threshing, separating and transporting RO; 2 - deck-sieve; 3 - outer casing; 4 - drum; 5 - support rollers; 6 - ring; → - receipt of grain-straw mass in MSU; ○→ – movement of grain and breakage; -→ - straw.

Figure 5. Cylindrical flexible separating surface with a section of reverse curvature: 1 - surface with a constant radius; 2 - section of reverse curvature; 3 - pressure roller; 4 - rigid cylinder; 5 - supporting roller; M - mass supply; Mn is the separation of the passing fraction; Мс is the separation of the descending fraction.

Reducing the harmful effect of running systems on the soil by using thin-walled high-pressure tires, which should have small hysteresis losses, as well as tires based on spiral screw elements.

In the field of crop production.

When zoning and adapting stevia to our climatic conditions, the sugar content of which per unit mass is 1 million times more than sugar beet, it is necessary to develop a set of machines for its cultivation and harvesting, as well as for processing it into a sugary mass. When lost as a result of adaptation to our natural conditions its sugar content is even 1000 times, stevia is a promising, easily cultivated crop. In addition, it is a dietary product and has medicinal properties. Thus, it can be a substitute for sugar beet, which gives a huge effect in its cultivation, processing and consumption.

When implementing the old idea of ​​academician N.V. Tsitsin to create a wheat-couch grass hybrid, it will probably be necessary to improve mainly the combine harvester for threshing a small-seeded grain heap with stronger bonds between the grains and the stem in the ear.

It is expedient to develop work on the adaptation of cultivated plants to the means of mechanization, about which A.A. Dubrovsky. Thus, breeding varieties of potatoes with strong stolons will make it possible to harvest them by pulling on the leaves, which will greatly simplify potato harvesters.

In the field of feed production.

Development of an industrial technology for the manufacture and use of a biologically active drug (BAP) from waste wood raw materials and urea. BAP stimulates appetite, increases the immunity of animals and humans, helps to suppress various infections. This work was carried out earlier by various enthusiasts, including the authors of this article in CJSC PR "Vasilyevskoye". There are acts on its results that testify to the high efficiency of BAP. The results were covered in the local press. BAP can also be used as a safe drug to improve crop yields and disease immunity.

In the field of agriculture.

Development of technological documentation and recommendations for the widespread use of no-tillage organic farming, which saves (and even increases, unlike arable technologies) soil fertility, saves moisture (which is especially important in the context of global climate change), saves diesel fuel, labor costs and other resources while cultivation of any agricultural crops.

In the field of animal husbandry.

Development of technological documentation and recommendations for the wide dissemination of resource-saving technologies for milk production, rearing of replacement young animals, fattening livestock for meat in loose housing in the open air in physiological groups, feeding with complete feed mixtures according to individual recipes for groups, voluntary milking or milking in the milking parlor, automated accounting of economically useful properties for the purposes of production and selection and breeding work.

In the field of non-mechanical influences.

Development of instruments and devices for studying and using electromagnetic information radiation of plants and materials to suppress weeds, enhance growth, increase yields and change the properties of agricultural materials.

These methods are at different stages of development and require serious analysis and testing. In this regard, it is also necessary to strengthen the work on forecasting development trends and the effectiveness of various innovative methods. It is advisable to create a database of promising areas innovative research, with the inclusion in it of the directions and results of work proposed by us, other organizations and researchers. Such work can be effectively carried out only with the coordination of the Ministry Agriculture, RAAS and leading scientific organizations of Russia. It would be advisable to collect and summarize the existing developments, to compile a data bank from them in order to determine the priority of development and the need to involve various organizations(NII, GSKB, educational institutions, firms, etc.).

Kuzmin M.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Operation of the Machine and Tractor Fleet of the FGOU RGAZU;
Taratorkin V.M., Professor, Deputy Director of the Federal State Institution “Russian Center for Agricultural Consulting”.

UDC 334.716



I.A. Tronina, O.A. Svechnikova

In the context of intensive economic development, domestic manufacturers need to focus their activities on optimizing production based on a comprehensive integrated approach, using which the company will have a chance to successfully compete in the Russian and international markets in the production of high quality and promising products.

Key words: integrated approach, high technologies, industrial production.

A stable socio-economic situation is largely determined by the level and quality of industrial development - economic systems operating in Russia. At the same time, for the effective functioning and sustainable development of regional industrial and economic systems, not only an optimal strategic program is required, but also the presence of an innovative and technological component in this program. The need to strengthen the innovation and technological component of the economy involves the search for modern forms of solving the problems of market coordination and interaction economic entities. Currently, such forms are already taking place in regions where processes of sectoral and intersectoral integration of economic entities are taking place, various unions of regional industrial and economic systems are being formed. It is natural that regional level management in the development and implementation of innovative and technological programs is given an important role as a link between the macro- and microeconomic levels.

Increasing the level of knowledge and skills in economic development regions has led to the emergence of the concept of regional innovation and technological systems using an integrated approach.

In modern market economy there are various kinds of integration processes that appear as a reaction of industrial enterprises to tougher competition and the pressure of the surrounding socio-economic and technological environment. Active business entities search for and organize cooperation with various business partners, both in technological and financial aspects. Along with this, such cooperation makes it possible to use well-established intersectoral relations and modern technologies.

the knowledge and experience of business partners who have the necessary resources and capabilities to carry out high-tech activities that increase flexibility and scientific potential, reduce overall costs, develop coordinated strategic programs, obtain high innovation rent, create sustainable competitive advantages.

The innovative activity of industrially integrated structures makes it possible to increase the level of their modernization abilities and capabilities in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, focused on the introduction of high technologies into the activities of industrial and economic systems.

Russian market industry as a whole has significant potential for sustainable technological development and growth. At present, Russian products, on the one hand, have noticeably improved the quality of certain types of equipment. But, on the other hand, the increase in quality led to an increase in prices.

However, in addition to positive trends in the industry, experts also note negative aspects that require attention from both business structures and government agencies:

Loss of a number of traditional markets;

Import dependence of industrial sectors on specialized technologies and high technology products;

The existence of a policy of double standards in relation to Russian manufacturers (more “softer” requirements for imported equipment);

Relatively low quality of materials and components of Russian industrial production.

Proceeding from this, the strategic goals of the Russian industrial and economic system are the formation of an innovative technological structure, the expansion of production volumes and an increase in the level of competitiveness. In the conditions of intensive development of domestic production, in order to adequately resist foreign competitors, it is necessary to produce modern and high-tech products.

Only thanks to an integrated approach, the company will have a chance to successfully compete in the Russian and international markets in the production of high-quality and promising products.

At high-tech enterprises, as a rule, active innovation is carried out, which allows expanding and creating new sales markets, and using resources most efficiently. The results of research and development, implemented at high-tech enterprises, contribute to the development of industrial sectors and the economy as a whole. Necessity

functioning of the high-tech sector of the regional economy is associated with the necessary improvement of the level of industrial production management.

Most industrial organizations, including those related to high-tech complexes, prefer to engage in product innovations, i.e. purchase of finished equipment, using R&D mainly in existing production. The share of research into new developments in the cost of technological innovation in our industry was approximately 17% in 2012, while in most member countries European Union- from 33 to 75%. For modern structure The high-tech industries and spheres of Russia are characterized by many disproportions, poor development or complete absence of many elements. These disproportions were formed in the course of economic transformation due to the lack of investment resources and miscalculations in the implementation of economic reforms.

Figure 1 shows high-tech production.

In modern conditions, only enterprises that occupy a leading position in the world market for the production of high-tech products can succeed. In this regard, for modern companies, the most important task is to determine the factors that determine the achievement of market leadership.

Comparative analysis of high-tech enterprises in Russia was carried out according to the following groups of indicators:

1) indicators characterizing the quality of the equipment used:

Adaptability of equipment to local conditions, durability, reliability and versatility;

Compliance of equipment with Russian and international standards;

Availability of a powerful engineering and design base with laboratory equipment and instrumentation;

2) indicators characterizing the production potential of enterprises:

High degree automation in production management;

Location of production facilities in Russia and abroad;

Rice. 1. Products of high-tech production

Characteristics of the quality of the technological process of production;

3) indicators characterizing the human potential of enterprises:

Provision of the enterprise with trained personnel and appropriate infrastructure;

Availability of highly qualified personnel;

Attracting foreign specialists;

Training of technical personnel abroad;

4) indicators characterizing the pricing policy of the enterprise:

Financial opportunities;

Availability of state support;

Conclusion of profitable contracts with the largest integrated companies.

The results of the study made it possible to single out industry leaders in the Russian industrial market in the field of mechanical engineering, presented in table 1.

Table 1

Industry leaders of the Russian industrial market in the field of mechanical engineering

Name of the enterprise Significant conditions, formed leadership positions

Saint-Gobain A world leader in thermal and sound insulation solutions that provide effective protection against cold and noise, increase comfort in the home and contribute to energy savings. 1st place in the world in the production of heat and sound insulation materials, cast iron pipes, drywall and gypsum mixtures. 1st place in the world in the field of high-tech materials. 1st in Europe and 2nd in the world in the production of flat glass for construction and automotive and special applications.

OJSC HMS Pumps IPG Hydraulic Machines and Systems is one of the leading Russian organizations in the production of a wide range of pumping equipment using high technologies in a block-modular design. It has a powerful engineering and design base with laboratory equipment and instrumentation. The enterprise has an automated system for designing and managing technological processes. JSC HMS Group occupies a leading position in the Expert-400 rating list of Russia's largest enterprises. Leadership is ensured through significant investments in R&D, the use of high-tech machine-building and instrument-making capacities, the attraction of talented specialists from all over the world, effective management and aggressive marketing.

Industrial group "Generation" One of the largest Russian manufacturers and suppliers of thermal power, petrochemical, oil and gas, gas, including drilling, equipment with production facilities in Russia, Romania and Ukraine. Production of the equipment of IG "Generation" complies with international quality standards. The products of the enterprises of the industrial group "Generation" are well known in the market and have rightfully established themselves as reliable, easy to use and environmentally friendly. Constant monitoring of the market for oil and gas and thermal power equipment, cooperation with foreign manufacturers allows PG "Generation" to provide customers with a wide range of technical and design solutions.

In this regard, we highlight the main criteria for achieving market leadership for industrial manufacturers using an integrated technological approach:

Availability of a wide range of products;

Availability of a developed engineering and design base with

Laboratory equipment and instrumentation;

Availability of automated systems for design and control of technological processes;

Significant investment in R&D;

Compliance of products with international quality standards;

Compliance with the principles of environmental management.

In the course of the study, it can be noted that in order to ensure the leadership of an industrial enterprise in the market, manufactured products must meet market demands and meet international quality standards. Enterprises should have a well-formed experimental design and engineering and technological base, which allows for total control over the production of products. In this regard, the most important condition is the availability of specialized computer systems in the enterprise, which trace the entire cycle of the product during their production. For example, the use of the PLM method, which is a strategy for the production of industrial products using integrated computerization, which is based on a single presentation of information about the product (product) at all stages of its life cycle, and a modern unified electronic environment "Technologies" for the collaboration of specialists and divisions of the enterprise that provide a solution to the main problem: the production and sale of products.

To ensure the leadership of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to use effective management technologies. In particular, a number of oil and gas engineering enterprises successfully use the Lean Production system. Lean production (or the production system "Lean", "Kaizen", "Toyota Production System") is a way of organizing production, including optimization of production processes, focus on customer needs, quality improvement and saving up to 10% of the company's annual turnover due to cost reduction . The main task of each enterprise is not only to survive in difficult conditions, but also to continue to develop.

In connection with the high-tech development of industrial systems based on a comprehensive integrated approach to the production of manufactured equipment, to the management of the marketing and management system

It is a procedure in which the control and management functions performed by a person are transferred to instruments and devices. Due to this, labor productivity and product quality are significantly increased. In addition, a reduction in the share of workers involved in various industrial sectors is ensured. Let us further consider what automation and automation of production processes are.

Historical reference

Independently functioning devices - the prototypes of modern automatic systems - began to appear in antiquity. However, until the 18th century, handicraft and semi-handicraft activities were widespread. In this regard, such "self-acting" devices have not received practical application. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. happened sudden jump volumes and levels of production. Industrial Revolution created the prerequisites for improving the methods and tools of labor, adapting equipment to replace a person.

Mechanization and automation of production processes

The changes that caused affected primarily wood and metalworking, spinning, weaving mills and factories. Mechanization and automation were actively studied by K. Marx. He saw in them fundamentally new directions of progress. He pointed to the transition from the use of individual machines to the automation of their complex. Marx said that the conscious functions of control and management should be assigned to a person. The worker stands next to the production process and regulates it. The main achievements of that time were the inventions of the Russian scientist Polzunov and the English innovator Watt. The first created an automatic regulator for feeding a steam boiler, and the second created a centrifugal speed controller for a steam engine. Remained manual for quite a long time. Before the introduction of automation, the replacement of physical labor was carried out through the mechanization of auxiliary and main processes.

Situation today

At the present stage of human development, automation systems for production processes are based on the use of computers and various software. They contribute to reducing the degree of participation of people in activities or completely exclude it. The tasks of automating production processes include improving the quality of operations, reducing the time they require, reducing costs, increasing the accuracy and stability of actions.

Basic principles

Today, automation of production processes has been introduced into many industries. Regardless of the scope and volume of activities of companies, almost all of them use software devices. There are various levels of automation of production processes. However, the same principles apply to any of them. They provide conditions for the efficient execution of operations and formulate general rules managing them. The principles in accordance with which the automation of production processes is carried out include:

  1. Consistency. All actions within the operation must be combined with each other, go in a certain sequence. In the event of a mismatch, a violation of the process is likely.
  2. Integration. The automated operation must fit into the overall environment of the enterprise. At one stage or another, integration is carried out in different ways, but the essence of this principle is unchanged. Automation of production processes in enterprises should ensure the interaction of the operation with the external environment.
  3. Performance independence. An automated operation must be carried out independently. Human participation in it is not provided, or it should be minimal (only control). The employee must not interfere with the operation if it is carried out in accordance with the established requirements.

These principles are specified in accordance with the level of automation of a particular process. Additional proportions, specializations, and so on are established for operations.

Automation levels

They are usually classified according to the nature of the management of the company. It, in turn, can be:

  1. strategic.
  2. Tactical.
  3. operational.

Accordingly, there is:

  1. The lower level of automation (executive). Here management refers to regularly performed operations. Automation of production processes is focused on the performance of operational functions, maintaining the set parameters, maintaining the specified operating modes.
  2. tactical level. This provides a distribution of functions between operations. Examples include production or service planning, document or resource management, and so on.
  3. strategic level. It manages the entire company. Automation of production processes for strategic purposes provides a solution to predictive and analytical issues. It is necessary to maintain the activities of the highest administrative level. This level of automation provides strategic and financial management.


Automation is provided through the use of various systems (OLAP, CRM, ERP, etc.). All of them are divided into three main types:

  1. Immutable. In these systems, the sequence of actions is set in accordance with the configuration of the equipment or process conditions. It cannot be changed during the operation.
  2. Programmable. They can change the sequence depending on the configuration of the process and the given program. The choice of this or that chain of actions is carried out by means of a special set of tools. They are read and interpreted by the system.
  3. Self-tuning (flexible). Such systems can select the desired actions in the course of work. Changes to the configuration of the operation occur in accordance with the information about the course of the operation.

All these types can be used at all levels separately or in combination.

Operation types

In every economic sector there are organizations that produce products or provide services. They can be divided into three categories according to "remoteness" in the resource processing chain:

  1. Mining or manufacturing - agricultural, oil and gas companies, for example.
  2. Organizations processing natural raw materials. In the manufacture of products, they use materials mined or created by companies from the first category. These include, for example, enterprises in the electronics, automotive industry, power plants, and so on.
  3. service companies. Among them are banks, medical, educational institutions, catering establishments, etc.

For each group, operations related to the provision of services or the release of products can be distinguished. These include processes:

  1. Management. These processes provide interaction within the enterprise and contribute to the formation of company relations with interested participants in the turnover. The latter, in particular, include supervisory authorities, suppliers, consumers. The group of business processes includes, for example, marketing and sales, interaction with customers, financial, personnel, material planning, and so on.
  2. Analysis and control. This category is associated with the collection and generalization of information about the execution of operations. In particular, such processes include operational management, quality control, inventory assessment, etc.
  3. Design and development. These operations are associated with the collection and preparation of initial information, project implementation, control and analysis of the results.
  4. production. This group includes operations related to the direct release of products. These include, among other things, demand and capacity planning, logistics, and maintenance.

Most of these processes are now automated.


It should be noted that the automation of production processes is complex and labor intensive. To achieve your goals, you need to be guided by a certain strategy. It contributes to improving the quality of operations performed and obtaining the desired results from the activity. Competent automation of production processes in mechanical engineering is of particular importance today. The strategic plan can be summarized as follows:


Mechanization and automation of various processes can significantly improve the quality of goods and production management. Other benefits include:

  1. Increasing the speed of repetitive operations. By reducing the degree of human involvement, the same actions can be carried out faster. Automated systems provide greater accuracy and maintain performance regardless of the length of the shift.
  2. Improving the quality of work. With a decrease in the degree of participation of people, the influence of the human factor is reduced or eliminated. This significantly limits the variations in the execution of operations, which, in turn, prevents many errors and improves the quality and stability of work.
  3. Increased control accuracy. Usage information technologies allows you to save and take into account in the future a larger amount of information about the operation than with manual control.
  4. Accelerated decision making in typical situations. This improves the performance of the operation and prevents inconsistencies in the next steps.
  5. Parallel execution of actions. make it possible to carry out several operations at the same time without compromising the accuracy and quality of work. This speeds up the activity and improves the quality of the results.


Despite the obvious advantages, automation may not always be appropriate. That is why a comprehensive analysis and optimization is necessary before its implementation. After that, it may turn out that automation is not required or will be unprofitable in an economic sense. Manual control and execution of processes may become more preferable in the following cases:


Mechanization and automation are undoubtedly of great importance for the manufacturing sector. IN modern world fewer operations are performed manually. However, even today in a number of industries one cannot do without such work. Automation is especially effective on large enterprises where products for the mass consumer are produced. So, for example, in automobile factories, a minimum number of people participate in operations. At the same time, they, as a rule, exercise control over the course of the process, without participating in it directly. Modernization of the industry is currently very active. Automation of production processes and production is considered today the most effective way improving the quality of products and increasing the volume of its output.

Approved by department

management and marketing


Seminar lesson No. 1 (L No. 1,2)

Topic: Basic concepts of the discipline "Industrial Technology System"


Main questions

1. General characteristics of the discipline "Technology system in industry".

2. The evolution of technologies and technological structures.

3. Industrial technologies and technological processes

4. Self-training

Organization of the production process .posibnik. - K .: Condor, 2005. - 716 p.)

Abstract topics:

1. Science and technology

2.Strategy of technological development of Ukraine



1.Borovsky B.I., Timchenko Z.V. Guidelines for the study of the discipline "Fundamentals of Industry Technologies" - Simferopol, 2000. - 108 p.

2. Derechin V.V. Technology systems. - Odessa: Latstar, 2002. - 300 p.

4. Dudko P. D. Technology systems. - Kharkov, 2003. - 336 p.

5. Zbozhna O. M. Fundamentals of technology. - Ternopil: Kart-Yulansh, 2002.- 486 p.

6. Zhelibo E.P., Anopko D.V., Buslik V.M., Avramenko M.A., Petrik L.S., Pirch V.P. Fundamentals of manufacturing technologies in the galleys of the people's state: Navch.posibnik. - K .: Condor, 2005. - 716 p.


7. Mussky S. A. One hundred great miracles of technology. - M., 2001. - 432 p.

8. Rublyuk O. V., Panchuk V. G. Technology systems: Lecture notes. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2001. - 168 p.


The course "System of Technologies in Industry" is a general educational discipline in the process of training specialists in the economic profile. The study of this course will provide an opportunity to acquire knowledge about modern technological processes, their integrated use in individual industries and industries; at the same time, to form an understanding of the connection between technologies and economic disciplines, since the most important technical and economic indicators of production are determined on the basis of these technology systems.

At present, industrial production technology is an independent branch of knowledge that has accumulated theoretical and practical material. Technology intertwines knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, mechanics, cybernetics and economic disciplines. An economist must know the patterns and trends in the development of industries, and possess some technical knowledge. An economist who does not know enough about production, operating only with economic indicators, cannot make the right decision. Only with a good knowledge of production can a correct analysis of the activity of an enterprise be made in order to increase the efficiency of social production at the lowest cost of raw materials, energy and labor resources.

The purpose of this seminar is to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in lectures. Namely, the understanding of the subject, goals and theoretical foundations of the discipline "system of technologies in industry", consideration of the evolution of technologies and technological structures. And also to consolidate knowledge about industrial technologies, their types, features of the organization of the production process and the technological process as its integral part.

And also to determine the level of knowledge and quality of self-training of students on this topic and, based on the analysis of the level of preparation, encourage them to work more effectively and purposefully.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Form a system of knowledge about technologies, types of industrial technologies;

To form an idea of ​​the evolution of technologies and technological structures;

Develop memory and mental abilities

1 general characteristics discipline "Technology system in industry».

technology called the science of obtaining raw materials and making certain products from them.

It is possible to convert raw materials into products different ways. Therefore, each way is a separate technology by which a certain type of product is produced.

One and the same type of product can be obtained in different ways, that is, using different technologies.. For example , gasoline can be obtained by the distillation of petroleum and the cracking of the catalysis of petroleum products.

In modern technologies, the scientific achievements of mechanics, chemistry, physics, heat engineering, electrical engineering and other sciences are widely used. Nowadays t technology became vast branch of knowledge- it studies and develops industrial methods for obtaining different types of products.

The choice of technology depends not only on the type of raw materials and products that are produced at the enterprise, but also on its quantity. For example,harvester, car or other machine can be assembled from individual parts in a small area of ​​​​the assembly shop. When it comes to hundreds of thousands of combines, cars and other machines per year, it is necessary to create powerful conveyor lines (English « conveyor» from «convery"- transport, move), to which parts and assemblies will arrive from all workshops in a certain sequence.

At the enterprise, no matter what products are produced, everything is subject to technology. Therefore, technology is the basis of production, the choice of technology and compliance with its requirements are the key to reducing the cost of production and high quality.

Technology (from Greek techne - art, craft, skill, skill and loqos - word, science, knowledge, teaching) - the science of craft. In a broad sense technology is a collection of knowledge, information about the sequence of individual production operations in the process of producing something. In its turn, industrial technology - this is a set of methods for processing or processing materials, manufacturing products, carrying out various production operations, and the like.

Subject disciplines "System of technologies in industry" are the technologies of industrial branches of the national economy.

Target– to form a system of theoretical and practical knowledge on the basics of technologies in industries.

Studying the course "Technology Systems in Industry" makes it possible to solve the following adachi:

To form an idea of ​​the fixed assets and objects of labor that are used in the technologies of the main production and economic complexes;

Know the essence of production technologies;

Learn the basics of standardization, the structural elements of technical regulations and the basic natural laws that are used in technological systems;

Skillfully substantiate technical and economic indicators, taking into account the influence on them of the main parameters of technological processes;

Know the basics of the current state and trends in the development of technologies in the most important sectors of the economy of Ukraine;

Assess the current state and development trends of the most important sectors of the world economy and get acquainted with promising innovations.

The main task of the technology system in industry as a science- this is the definition of physical, chemical and other patterns in order to use the most efficient technological systems in production.

A systematic approach is one of the most promising scientific directions in technology, since the majority of industrial technology systems belong to the category of large systems.

System (from the Greek. systema - a whole made up of parts, an association) is a set of interconnected elements that make up a certain integrity, unity. The systems are For example, technical equipment, which consists of separate components and parts, a living organism formed by a combination of cells, and the like.

Commonality of technologies, which are used in one area or another, makes it possible for individual industries join in groups and consider them as separate subsystems in the system of industrial technologies. With this classification in industry, the following main types of technologies :

- miningtechnologists- solve the issue of mining;

- primary processing technologies(enrichment technologies) - their implementation makes it possible to obtain enriched raw materials;

- processing technologies- as a result of their implementation, materials for manufacturing industries are obtained;

- processing technologies- make it possible to obtain finished products from materials;

- information Technology- ensure the coordinated action of the main industrial technologies, their functioning in the system.

Thus, the discipline "system of technologies in industry" is a branch of knowledge that studies and develops industrial methods for obtaining different types of products. Its main task as a science is to determine physical, chemical and other patterns in order to use the most efficient technological systems in production. The study of industry technologies and their individual processes makes it possible to objectively evaluate the technical, economic and financial activity enterprises.

2 Technology evolution, technological structures

The vital needs of people were the defining and natural incentives for the development of technology. The oldest technologies can be considered:

processing stone, wood, skins and other materials with stone knives and axes (about 800,000 BC); the use of fire to process food, heat housing (about 500,000 BC); making solid wheels from wood and carts, pottery from clay using a potter's wheel, copper metallurgy (c. 4000 BC). The historical development of human civilization is directly related to technological evolution, which is based on the totality of natural scientific knowledge accumulated by mankind and, in turn, gives rise to new branches of science and technology, forms the material and information base for subsequent development.

Thus, technologies are the product and source of the development of civilization.

The needs of society have been and remain the main determining stimulus for the development of technologies, technological systems and technological structures that began to take shape at the end of the 17th century - at the beginning of the 18th century.

Starting from the end of the 17th century, the world technical and economic development can be conditionally considered as an evolutionary change in technological structures.(TU) - conglomerates of joint industries that cover closed production cycles of a single technical level.

Each TR has a complex structure; the core of technical specifications is created by basic technologies that are the basis of technological systems.

The birth of a new TR takes place in the bowels of the old one, and in its subsequent development it gradually forms its core. TRs have their own phases: a growth phase, a formation phase, a maturity phase, a decline phase.

Starting with the industrial revolution in England (end of the 17th century), in the world technical and economic development, one can single out the action five specifications, which consistently changed each other.

First TU ( 1790-1830 gg.) - technological leaders England, France, Belgium.

The core of TU is the textile industry, textile engineering, iron production, iron processing, construction of main canals, water engines.

The key factor is textile machines, cotton, cast iron.

The main advantages are the mechanization of production and its concentration in factories, which ensured the growth of labor productivity, the scale and profitability of production.

Second TU (1830-1880) - technological leaders England, France, Belgium, Germany, USA.

The core of TU is steel production, electric power industry, heavy engineering, inorganic chemistry, railway construction, bench-tool industry, ferrous metallurgy.

The key factor is steam engines, versat, coal, rail transport.

The main advantage is the growth in scale and concentration of production based on the mechanization of labor with the widespread use of steam engines.

Third TU (1880-1940) - technological leaders Germany, USA, England, France, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands.

The core of technical specifications is electronic, electrical and heavy engineering, steel production and rolling, power lines, shipbuilding, inorganic chemistry.

The key factor is electric motors, the widespread use of steel. The main advantages are increasing the diversity and flexibility of production based on the use of electric motors, increasing product quality, and standardizing production.

Fourth TU (1940-1980) - technological leaders of the country of the European World Trade Association, Canada, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland.

The core of technical specifications is the automotive industry, aircraft construction, tractor construction, non-ferrous metallurgy, synthetic materials, organic chemistry, oil production and processing, and road construction.

The key factor is internal combustion engines, energy-intensive technologies, energy, oil.

The main advantages are mass production of serial products using conveyor technologies, standardization of production, resettlement of people in suburban areas.

Fifth TU (1980-2040 (forecast)) - technology leaders Japan, USA, Germany, Sweden, EU countries, China, Korea, Australia.

The core of technical specifications is the electronic industry, computer technology, software, telecommunications, optical fibers, robotics, aerospace industry, new ceramic materials, information services.

The key factor is microelectronic components.

New sectors that are being formed are biotechnologies, space technology, nanotechnologies, etc.

The main advantages are the individualization of production and consumption, and the destruction of flexibility and the expansion of the diversity of production, automated production management, de-urbanization of production and the population based on new transport and telecommunication technologies.

In the structure of the fifth TR, the core is gradually emergingsixth TU - biotechnology, space technology, nanotechnology, etc. Modern progressive technologies have the following features:

- few stages processes, which involves a combination in one unit of several technological processes that were previously used in separate machines or devices;

- low waste production and integrated use of raw materials;

- high level complex mechanization and automation of production;

- use of modern microelectronics for the intensification and control of production;

- production flexibility- its ability to quickly restructure the production of new types of products;

- resource saving, which guarantees the ability to produce competitive products with low cost and high profitability, etc.

The possibilities for increasing the efficiency of production are determined primarily by scientific and technological progress.

Thus, defining and natural incentives for the development of technologies are the vital needs of people, that is, technologies are the product and source of the development of civilization. Any technology has its own life cycle, which directly affects the profitability of enterprises, GDP and the development of the economy as a whole.

If a production uses only one technology, then at the stage of decline of this technology, it is threatened by unprofitable activity and bankruptcy.

Noting the undoubted growth in the pace of development of the domestic economy, it is impossible to ignore high technologies. Not because advances in this area lead to economic growth rather the opposite. And this is more alarming every year, because successes solely at the expense of the commodity sector lead in the long term to global problems. In the coming years, only development of high technologies will determine the success of the economy and the place in the renewed world of Russia.

What awaits the world in the near future

Now, according to the theory of Nikolai Kondratiev, the fifth wave of the global economic downturn is coming to an end. This is followed by pronounced political instability, which will certainly affect technology. Please note that whatever the crisis, in the West and in the advanced countries of the East, the development of high technologies does not stop. And countries that do not have time to master the new technological cycle slide into those lagging behind for decades.

Avant-garde and most advanced technologies are being actively mastered and introduced into production, a real chain reaction occurs when related industries and industries are hastily pulled up. Science-intensive information is used in large quantities, fundamentally new and complicated material resources are being developed. Most areas of the modern world economy can no longer be imagined without the development of high technologies. New discoveries and updated industries are beginning to actively change the world, using robotics, telecommunications, nanotechnology, electronics, genetic engineering and much more.

Of course, Russia does not want to become an outsider. But for a real national breakthrough, a number of conditions must be met. And the first of them is the accelerated development of high-tech industries, the most important of which is information and communication (ICT). Economically the developed countries show in their GDP 8-12%, which fall on this sector, ICT is the leader in capitalization, its role is increasing with great dynamics. The domestic ICT sector can already be compared in terms of development rates with oil production, which is a clear indicator of the development of high technologies.

What awaits the domestic economy

According to official statistics, the rate of development of information and communication technologies is four times higher than the average rate of economic development. Encourages the development of this promising area government programs and projects where ICT is a core component. The government declares the priority of the development of high technologies in the domestic economic policy. It is assumed that as a result the country will receive a triple breakthrough: a national infrastructure based on ICT, a scientific and technical base for innovation, and a set of reliable (and, most importantly, affordable) services based on the same ICT base.

But official statistics have always been peppy and optimistic. In fact, the global development of high technologies, especially on a national scale, is out of the question, with the exception of some sensational projects. Of course, international conferences are held and foundations are organized, of course, they talk about what needs to be supported, developed and promoted, it is decided what needs to be done and what needs to be done urgently. But the technology is not very advanced.

Is the Skolkovo project another “Potemkin village”?

A very, very controversial project and program that once again demonstrates what can happen when the state actively leads and lobbies something, elevating it to the rank of a national idea. Stanislav Naumov, one of the leaders of the Skolkovo Foundation, is frankly indignant when answering a question from journalists when to expect concrete results from the development of high technologies.

The fund, according to Naumov, is not obliged to give any real results, providing only conditions for work. To ensure these conditions, the state gave the fund 80 billion, they plan to receive the same amount from investors. Of these, this year it is planned to “make happy” the authors of about a hundred projects with assistance in the amount of 5 billion. The notorious “Potemkin villages” are very reminiscent of such a development of high technologies, with one difference - there they deceived the empress, and here - on behalf of the former “nano-president” Medvedev, they are trying to hang pasta on the people.

And this is instead of giving an opportunity to complete the modernization of many enterprises, to raise domestic science, to introduce unique Russian developments, some of which have no analogues in the world, but are frozen at the level of ideas. But for some reason, Russians in Skolkovo are not very desirable, the best conditions here are provided to foreigners, which is quite easy to explain.

How easy it is to explain the numerous cases of theft, misuse or fraud with Skolkovo money. If there are opportunities and such gigantic sums (we are talking about billions), then there is no time for the development of high technologies.