Moneygram money transfer. How to track a Moneygram money transfer

Sending money transfers is a popular service among the population. Transfers without opening an account through payment systems are especially in great demand. There are quite a lot of them in Russia: Western Union, MoneyGram.

The last two belong to American companies. Their services are used all over the world. Let's take a closer look at how to send and receive money using the MoneyGram system, what documents are required and the cost of this service.

MoneyGram International, Inc is an American company that engages in financial transactions. It was founded in 1940. Her agent network represented in more than 200 countries.

The transaction can be performed at 244,000 service points located around the world. These transfers are also called “hand to hand”. One person sends money to another.

A small transfer amount can be transferred even without opening a current account. All operations are performed through partner banks.

In Russia, the key agents of MoneyGram are the following banks: Sberbank, Uralsib, Raiffeisen, OTP Bank. You can also carry out the operation in the Euroset and Svyaznoy salons.

Advantages and disadvantages

MoneyGram transfers are in demand among the population. Their popularity is very simple to explain.

Just pay attention to the advantages of this service:

  1. Minimum time for sending and receiving money.
  2. No need to open an account.
  3. Well-developed agent network.
  4. The only document you need is a passport.
  5. It is enough to provide only his full name and country of residence about the recipient.
  6. 10 minutes after sending the transfer is available for receipt.

How much does it cost to transfer via MoneyGram? Answer in video:

The benefits are quite significant. Among the shortcomings, we only note the presence high commission on minimum amounts payments.

Limits and commissions

Through the MoneyGram system in Russia, a non-resident can send 10,000 dollars or 7,000 euros in one transaction. For a resident, the limit is half as much – $5,000. The commission is paid only by the poisoner.

The size depends on the recipient's country:

  • To send a transfer to the CIS countries and Israel you will need to pay from 2 to 10 dollars;
  • For payment to countries far abroad will count a commission in the amount of 12-50 dollars. But in this case, it is possible to transfer funds for the maximum amount.

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Russia has also approved special tariffs for individual countries. For example, you can send money to China with a commission ranging from 9 to 45 dollars. Minimum fee They will take it when transferring funds to Israel.

So, we can conclude that minimum commission set to send transfers to the CIS countries and Israel. Detailed advice on the cost of payment can be obtained from the operator.

How to send a money transfer via MoneyGram

The operation can be performed at branches of the largest Russian banks. This procedure will take no more than 15 minutes. And within 10 minutes the recipient will be paid the money.

The procedure for sending funds includes the following steps:

What is MoneyGram? Photo:

This information is confidential. The unique transfer number must be provided to the recipient so that he can receive the money.

How to get

This type of money transfer is not targeted. Accordingly, it is not tied to a specific address or a specific bank. The main thing is to receive it in the country to which it was sent.

The recipient of the funds must perform the following actions:

  1. Find out the transfer number from the sender.
  2. Track it on the MoneyGram website.
  3. Find the nearest branch of a partner bank.
  4. Contact the bank in person and provide your passport document.
  5. The operator will ask you to provide the transfer number, its amount and currency, and the sender's last name. This information is verified to prevent fraud.
  6. The employee pays the transfer in the system and gives the client cash.

If the transaction amount is large, then you must first clarify the availability of funds at the cash desk. They may need to be ordered in advance. The recipient does not pay any commissions when receiving money.


If errors were made in the recipient's data when sending, the transfer will not be paid. 1-2 typos are allowed and only if they do not fundamentally change the addressee’s full name.

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Changes to the transfer can only be made at the branch where it was originally sent. And the sender of the money can do this. He provides his passport and a receipt confirming the previous operation.

MoneyGram commission for transfers to the CIS.

He fills out a special form and indicates what information needs to be changed. Based on it, the operator adjusts the payment. After 10 minutes, the recipient can receive the money.

Only the beneficiary's full name can be changed. The amount and currency of the transaction remains unchanged.

Is it possible to return the transfer?

A transfer in the MoneyGram system is available for receipt or return within five years. The payment can be canceled at the request of the sender at any time. But only on the condition that it has not previously been received by the beneficiary.

To return Money the recipient needs:

  • Contact the bank branch where the transaction was previously performed.
  • Provide a passport and a form for sending a money transfer.
  • Make a written application for a refund of payment and submit it to the operator.
  • The employee checks the payment data and its status in the system.
  • If the money is not given to the recipient, the transfer is cancelled.
  • The funds are returned to the sender, but minus the commission paid. It is non-refundable.

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This procedure will take about 20 minutes. The main thing is that the transfer is not received by the beneficiary.

Possible problems

Users of this service very rarely encounter any problems. But unpleasant situations are still possible.

The most common of them:

  1. The payment system itself does not work.
  2. Payment processing time is delayed.
  3. Refusal to perform a transaction due to suspicion of fraud. For example, the recipient cannot provide reliable information about the sender of the funds.
  4. Refusal of service due to “fractionation of the amount”. For example, a client needs to send a large amount. He divides it among several persons, but the beneficiary remains the same. Such transfers will be blocked by the system security service or not sent at all by the operator.

How to make a money transfer through MoneyGram online? Watch the video:

If you need to send payments in large amounts, it is better to open a current account and make a SWIFT transfer. But it is quite possible that the bank will require documents confirming the legality of the transaction.


MoneyGram transfers are a convenient service for citizens who plan to send money to their loved ones and friends. To implement it, you will need a minimum of information, time and documents.

Just 10 minutes and the money will be paid to the recipient. The commission is calculated taking into account the country of the beneficiary and the amount of the transaction. Fraud is virtually eliminated, since the operator carefully checks the information in the system with the data provided.

The sender can cancel the payment at any time on his own initiative. The recipient's consent is not required for this.

To give a holiday gift to loved ones, provide or receive financial support from relatives located several thousand kilometers away in another country, just use the method fast transfers MoneyGram Sberbank.

Using this method, money is quickly transferred to 190 countries around the world. The task is simplified by the fact that you can send or receive MoneyGram payments through Sberbank.

In order to use the MoneyGram service, neither the sender nor the recipient needs to open an account with Sberbank or other banking organizations.

The shipment is accepted at bank branches and received in cash. The commission fee is also paid in cash.

Amount of money transfer sent via PJSC Sberbank, should not exceed:

  • 5 thousand US dollars per day in case of sending money by a resident of the country;
  • 10 thousand US dollars per one business day when sent by a non-resident.

All operations for sending and receiving MoneyGram funds are carried out only with a passport or other identification document. In cases where sending or receiving money is carried out on behalf of another person, it is necessary to submit a notarized power of attorney.

Important. One of the conditions for this method of payment through Sberbank is that transactions for transferring money should not be related to the business activities of individuals.

Money delivery time is 10 minutes.

Advantages of MoneyGram transfers through Sberbank

The method of sending money through a developed network of Sberbank branches has a number of advantages, including:

  1. Speed. Within 10 minutes, the recipient can receive the shipment at the nearest bank branch. The receipt time is limited only by the opening hours of banks in a particular country (it is also worth taking into account the difference in time zones).
  2. Simplicity. To make a payment, you do not need to open accounts or cards, just fill out an application.
  3. Reliability. All information provided to the client by the bank, as well as an identification number submissions are strictly confidential.

Besides, modern technologies allow the sender, if necessary, to track his payment to the recipient.

Who is it suitable for?

Situations in life are different, and money is sent for different purposes.

Such shipments are especially in demand for:

  1. Labor migrants working in the Russian Federation and sending money to their families living in other countries.
  2. Tourists who find themselves in a difficult situation during their vacation or simply decide to spend a little more money than originally planned.
  3. Students who thus receive support from home (or vice versa, help their parents).

Important. Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, as well as stateless persons, can use MoneyGram services at Sberbank. All of them can freely send and receive transfers at any bank branch where the MoneyGram method is available.

Departure rules

In order to send a money transfer using the MoneyGram method, you must contact the Sberbank branch where this service is provided.

The sender fills out an application form indicating:

  • Recipient's full name;
  • country of destination;
  • currency in which the payment will be made (selected from the options provided by the system);
  • transfer amount;
  • purpose of departure.

In some cases it is necessary to indicate Security Question and the response (for example, when sending money to Nigeria or Zimbabwe).

In addition, when making a transfer, the sender provides information about himself:

  • passport details (or sender’s identity card);
  • date of birth;
  • full address of the place of permanent registration;
  • type of activity (selected from the list provided);
  • contact number.

The surnames, first names and patronymics of the sender and recipient, as well as the security question and answer, are filled in in Latin letters according to generally accepted writing rules.

When a transfer is processed, it is assigned an individual identification number consisting of 8 digits.

Using this code, the recipient will subsequently pick up their money at the MoneyGram point of issue.

Receiving funds

You can also receive funds sent from another country using the MoneyGram method through Sberbank.

Payment is made when the recipient provides:

  • control identification number;
  • passport data (or other identification document);
  • addresses of the place of permanent registration;
  • type of activity;
  • contact phone number;
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (if known);
  • translation purposes.

In addition, the recipient must know:

  • Sender's full name;
  • country of departure;
  • transfer amount and currency.

If all the information provided by the recipient coincides with what the sender wrote in his application, he is paid money at the bank’s cash desk.

In some cases (for example, if several letters in the Latin spelling of the first and last name do not match, but the remaining information is identical), funds are also paid to the recipient.

If some information about the sender is unknown to the recipient, he needs to contact the MoneyGram Customer Support Center in Moscow.


When sending money using the MoneyGram method, you must pay for the service. The cost of the transfer is set by MoneyGram, and it is the same at any point of sending/receiving.

The size of the commission depends on the country of departure and the amount of transfer.

Thus, when sending an amount up to $100 to Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other CIS countries, as well as to Georgia and Israel, the commission amount will be $2.

The commission for a transfer in the amount of $3000.01 to $5 thousand will be $80, and for a transfer from $5000.01 to $10 thousand - $90.

When sending to foreign countries (with the exception of China and Israel), for a minimum transfer (up to $100), pay a commission of $12; for sending 2500.01 up to 5 thousand $ - 150 $; for sending maximum amount($10 thousand) – $300.

The minimum commission for sending money to China is $9, the maximum is $80.

When paying out money, no commission is charged to the recipient.

Cancellation or return of transfer

Before the transfer amount is paid to the recipient, the sender can cancel the transaction. This method also provides for the return of funds to the sender in the event of non-receipt of the transfer by the other party.

To cancel the operation or return the money, the sender will need to contact the same Sberbank branch where he made the transfer. In this case, he must present:

  1. Passport or other identification document.
  2. A copy of the application filled out when making the transfer.
  3. The identification number assigned to its shipment.

In some cases, to get a refund, it is enough to present only the control number (for example, if the application is lost).

In addition to returning and canceling the operation, the sender makes changes to the transfer data regarding the recipient's full name.

The MoneyGram system has been around for over 70 years. And during this time, the number of its users is constantly growing. Sberbank, in turn, makes the service available to a larger number of residents of the Russian Federation, constantly expanding the number of branches where they provide services for international money transfers.

MoneyGram company provides cross-border money transfer services. It is noteworthy that the transfer of funds is carried out by this structure without the use of clients bank accounts. All procedures are very simple and clear. The client - the sender of the transfer or the recipient of the money - visits the nearest processing point. Confirms his own identity by presenting the appropriate document. Provides the operator with basic information about the financial transaction. The key point is the transmission and receipt of the control number. How are money transfers made through Moneygram? The official website of this organization contains detailed information about this, allowing you to find out what MoneyGram is and how it functions this system translations.

Characteristics of the payment system

MoneyGram is a high-quality instant transfer service of American origin. The popularity of this remote payment system is due to the availability of the services provided. The service has won the trust of users and the company’s enormous experience. The MoneyGram payment system was created in the USA. The official year of its foundation was 1940. The structure of the organization became noticeably larger as it developed. In 2012, the Manigram charitable foundation was formed, financing educational projects for children from disadvantaged families.

The largest financial institutions from different countries of the world are key partners of the MoneyGram service. Numerous organizations perform agency functions in relation to this payment system on an ongoing basis. Users of this service often process, send, and receive money through the offices of intermediary structures - official partners of Moneygrams.

Most of the processing points are located directly in the United States - about forty-seven thousand branches. A significant number of service points are located in the most different countries. The largest structures provide tangible assistance to the work of the Money Graham system. Authorized representatives of this payment service are the Italian postal service, a group of Spanish banks, the large retail chain Albertsons, and other organizations. In the CIS member countries there are over thirteen thousand service points - regional representatives of Moneygram.

The structure of MoneyGram's activities is organizationally represented on the Russian market by credit and financial institutions and communication shops, which are qualified agents of this payment service. The domestic consumer of the Moneygram company’s services can freely receive money transfers through a number of the largest banks in the Russian Federation. Among such MoneyGram partner banks are Svyaz-Bank, Russian Standard, RaiffeisenBank, UralSib, Sberbank, as well as other organizations in the banking sector.

On the territory of Russia, Moneygram has partners represented by large banking organizations

Points for issuing money transfers carried out through the Money Graham system are evenly located and regularly operate throughout the world. This payment service currently covers two hundred countries. The total number of service points today is three hundred twenty-seven thousand.

The client base of the financial company Moneygram now numbers over ten million people living in different parts of the world. Money transfers Money Gram can be easily sent and successfully received without any particular difficulties. It is also necessary to note the constant increase in the number of service offices. The MoneyGram brand is unmistakably recognizable by both loyal users and new customers. Numerous representative offices of this payment system are clearly identified by the presence of the corresponding logo in communication shops, exchange offices, travel agencies, shops.

Who benefits from translations?

The sending parameters and conditions for receiving Money Gramm are ideal for the following categories of clients - individuals:

  1. Students who periodically receive money from relatives.
  2. Tourists, travelers who find themselves in difficult circumstances and have an urgent need for money.
  3. Migrants who regularly work in other countries, but regularly transfer earnings to their homeland.
  4. Other categories of citizens.

Transferring money via MoneyGram: transaction features

The advantages of the payment service from the Moneygram company are highly appreciated by users who regularly send and receive funds through international money transfers. According to many consumers, the following advantages of the instant transfer system deserve special attention:

  1. The money transfer is processed fairly quickly by the payment service. The recipient will be able to receive the sent funds at the nearest point of delivery within ten minutes from the moment the transaction was completed. The country of departure and country of destination do not affect the duration of the transaction.
  2. There is no link between the money transfer and a specific address. You can pick up the transferred money at any representative office of the system located in the country of destination.
  3. Receipt of the transfer is permitted within 90 (ninety) days from the date of its departure.

The remoteness of the sender and recipient countries does not in any way affect the possibility and timing of remote funds transfer. Money can be freely sent to where there is a service point of the system. It will not be possible to carry out such a transfer within the Russian Federation, since MoneyGram does not have the appropriate registration - it is not a Russian payment system.

No need to use any bank details when registering and making a money transfer through Moneygram. Accordingly, there is no need to enter into an agreement with the bank to open a current or card account.

All transactions performed are reliably protected by legislation regulating the protection of bank secrecy.

Unauthorized access of third parties to confidential data is excluded. It is allowed to accompany the sent money transfer with a short text message (maximum ten words).

When sending money through Moneygram, you need to carefully study the rules and restrictions

Rules and restrictions

There is a certain set general rules, which any transfer made through Moneygram must comply with. How to get money using this payment service?

Agency organizations that regularly service remote monetary transactions take into account a number of important requirements:

  1. In Russian jurisdiction, certain limits are provided for the amount of the transfer made. Each resident of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to send a maximum of 5,000 (five thousand) American dollars(USD) in one day. For a non-resident, the daily amount of the transferred transfer cannot exceed 10 (ten) thousand USD.
  2. Money transfers are sent from the Russian Federation exclusively in USD. The transferred funds can be withdrawn in USD or Euro (EUR). You can exchange currency through the cash desk of any Russian bank.
  3. The translation service is paid. The amount of commission varies greatly depending on the recipient’s country. The transfer fee is taken into account in the amount of the transferred transfer or accrued above it. The system service is paid directly by the sender.
  4. Additional payments by the service provider are not deducted from the client.
  5. Service is carried out on the basis of the consumer's presentation of a civil passport or, as an option, a foreign passport. A non-resident of the Russian Federation presents a foreign passport and a document certifying the legality of the subject’s stay on Russian territory (for example, a visa).

Some customers, however, note certain disadvantages of the MoneyGram payment service. Most often, consumers point to the following negative aspects:

  1. The service – sending and receiving funds – is provided exclusively to individuals. It is not permitted to make transfers for business and entrepreneurial purposes.
  2. The sender is obliged to provide the agent with information about the currency (monetary unit) of receipt.
  3. If the transfer is sent to countries where USD or EUR are not used, the recipient will lose a certain percentage on currency conversion.

To send or receive money transferred through Moneygram, you need to know certain information

How to use the MoneyGram service: sending, receiving

If the client is individual– intends to send or receive a money transfer, he should visit the nearest payment system service point. In other words, it is necessary to find an organization that acts as an authorized agent of Moneygrams. In the Russian Federation, agency functions in relation to this service can be performed by banks, financial institutions, and communication shops. For example, you can arrange or successfully receive a Money Graham transfer from Sberbank. As is known, this largest bank Russian Federation, which has a huge network of its own offices throughout the country. Thus, finding a service point for the payment system will not be difficult for the sender (recipient).

You can find out the latest information about current agents through the online resource of the payment system or by calling Moneygram customer support. Addresses in Moscow where to receive the sent transfer, what is necessary for this - all this can be found out using the communication channels indicated above. In a similar way, agent addresses in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) or any other Russian city are found out.

Sending a transfer

Completing a transaction at a service point involves filling out a special questionnaire by the client, the universal form of which is regulated by the payment service provider company. This form is filled out by both the sender of the transfer and its recipient. It is mandatory to provide the necessary information:

  • country of the sender of funds;
  • country of the recipient of the money;
  • sender's first and last name (in Latin);
  • first and last name of the addressee (in Latin characters);
  • information from the document provided to verify the identity of the client filling out the questionnaire;
  • client's residential address;
  • type of professional, labor activity of the consumer;
  • the purpose of the transaction being performed (this point is not considered mandatory, although some countries require an indication of the intended purpose of the transfer if its size exceeds 1000 USD);
  • control question-answer pair (not indicated for all countries).

Filling out the corresponding application is carried out according to the client document, as well as from the words of the consumer himself. A preliminary check of the correctness of the specified information and the client’s signature on the completed form are of fundamental importance.

If the money transfer was sent from a post office, then the transaction control number will be a necessary detail for the addressee (recipient).

This number consists of eight or eleven digits, is generated upon confirmation of payment for the ordered service, and is issued directly to the sender. At the specific point of issue of the money sent, the control code, the country of receipt of the payment, currency unit, operating amount.

It also happens that the recipient of the funds does not have accurate information about the sender’s name, his surname, and the amount of the transaction. Sometimes errors are made when providing such data. The system allows you to correctly process payments by loading accurate information from the database or indicating a certain percentage of discrepancies.

The agency organization has the right to refuse to provide money to the recipient under the following circumstances:

  1. The inaccuracy in the specified transaction amount is more than 10%.
  2. The country from which the money was sent is indicated incorrectly. The system will not be able to identify the transaction in such a situation.
  3. More than three errors were made when indicating the sender of the money (his first and last name).

when sending money through Moneygram, you need to take into account the commission charged


As mentioned earlier, for completing a transaction, the system charges the transfer sender a certain fee, the amount of which is predetermined by the following parameters:

  1. The amount of money sent. The larger the size of the transfer, the larger the commission will be charged. Usually 3-5% of the amount is charged.
  2. Country of the recipient (addressee) of the transferred funds.
  3. Place of execution of the transaction (specific service point, banking institution, another organization).

You can also complete a transaction via the Internet using the Moneygram online resource. What does it mean? The sender must have a debit card for this payment card with the amount of the intended transfer and the corresponding percentage. The recipient of the funds will also need a card. A visit to the point of issue will not be necessary for the payment recipient, since the money is credited directly to his card carrier. Owners of WebMoney online wallets can top up their electronic accounts using MoneyGram.

MoneyGram International is one of the undoubted leaders in the modern money transfer market. The company's sphere of influence is not limited only to the USA and Canada, where the brand provides bill payment services, but the company also provides translations financial resources Worldwide. MoneyGram is:

  • 345,000 branches, including financial institutions, national postal services;
  • 38,000 branches in the CIS;
  • 25,000 branches in Russia;
  • presence in more than 200 countries in the world.

At the same time, the company does not plan to rest on its successes, continuing to actively develop, creating all the conditions for fast, convenient, and reliable translations.

MoneyGram: where to receive a transfer

There are many companies offering money transfer services on the Russian market. One of the most interesting options is MoneyGram, a company that provides:

  • efficiency. Your transfer will be delivered within 10 minutes after it is sent;
  • comfort. There are 25,000 MoneyGram branches in Russia, and 345,000 branches worldwide;
  • availability. To send a transfer, all you need is a passport. The recipient will also only need to present an identification document.

You can receive the transfer at any MoneyGram branch by informing the operator of the amount and transfer number.

MoneyGram: money transfers

MoneyGram is one of the leaders in the modern market in the field of money transfers. With MoneyGram you can send money almost anywhere in the world, and for this you do not need a bank account or a bank account, but only a document that proves your identity.

WITH MoneyGram cash translations are delivered quickly and easily - this is ideal for:

  • labor migrants sending their earnings home;
  • tourists who find themselves in a difficult situation;
  • students sending money to their parents (or vice versa, for parents helping their children financially).

MoneyGram: commission

Of course, as with any other money transfer, when transferring money through MoneyGram, the sender pays a commission. The size of the commission depends on many factors:

  • from the place where the transfer was sent: this could be a retail chain or a bank branch;
  • from the country where the money is sent;
  • from the amount you want to transfer.

On the company's official website you will find an online calculator with which you can calculate the commission for each specific case.

Please remember that in addition to the commission directly for the transfer itself, a certain percentage may be charged for currency conversion (conversion is carried out in accordance with the exchange rate set by MoneyGram or its agent).

MoneyGram: tariffs

The first MoneyGram transfer was sent more than half a century ago - in 1940 (this was in the USA, Minneapolis). Today the brand is known all over the world and attracts more and more new customers due to the absence of restrictions in terms of geography of transfers and favorable tariffs. Transfers are made in US dollars, but you can also receive them in euros or even local currency. There are also small pleasant surprises, for example, the ability to accompany the translation with a free message of up to 10 words.

On the official website of the MoneyGram company or on the resource you will find a lot of interesting and useful information about the features and advantages of working with MoneyGram.