Settlement and cash services and a card file in a bank - what is it? What is a cash management service? Cash settlement services.

Settlement and cash services legal entities

  • Opening in the shortest possible time ruble and foreign currency accounts;
  • Obtaining advice on the procedure for conducting banking operations;
  • Translation Money in Russia and abroad on the day of submission of payment documents;
  • Depositing cash into the cash desk with their simultaneous crediting to the settlement (current) account;
  • Collection of cash proceeds;
  • For non-resident legal entities, it is provided for opening and maintaining bank and special accounts; client-bank;
  • documentary operations;
  • Operations with foreign currency;
  • Collection and delivery of funds and valuables (the service is available at the Head Office of JSCB "SLAVIA" (JSC) in Moscow and at the Branch of JSCB "SLAVIA" (JSC) in Lyubertsy); lending.
  • JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) promptly and on favorable terms for customers will satisfy their needs for cash.

Terms of Service and Tariffs

Maintenance of accounts in rubles and foreign currency carried out free of charge or at minimal rates. The terms of service and tariffs of JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) for all types of ruble and foreign currency accounts are given in the Tariffs for Customer Service (attached to the Bank Account Agreement).

Service procedure

The operational day in JSCB "SLAVIA" (JSC) lasts from 9:30 to 17:00. At the same time, payment orders passing through the settlement system of the Bank of Russia, transferred to the bank on hard copy, before 17:00, according to the "Client-Bank" system until 17:00, are executed on the current business day, and instructions transferred to the bank after the settlement time - on the next business day. Payments made within JSCB SLAVIA (JSC), transferred to the bank before 18:00, are processed on the current business day, after the settlement time - on the next business day. On pre-holiday days, the operating day is reduced by 1 hour and on Friday the operating day is reduced to 16:45. Account statements are provided from 9:30 of each banking day. Cash must be ordered at the bank before 13:00 on the day preceding the day of its receipt. Receipt and disbursement of cash are carried out during the operating day.

Operating time and procedure for execution of payment documents of clients when making foreign currency transfers to beneficiary accounts in other banks (credit institutions):

Foreign currency

Operating time

Period of execution

U.S. dollar

Until 16:00 (Friday and holiday days - 15:30)

Postoperative time - until 16:30 (Friday and pre-holiday days - until 16:15)

Current working day


Until 14:30

Current working day


Until 12:30

Current working day


Until 10:30

Current working day


Until 14:30

Current working day

Belarusian ruble

Until 11:30

Current working day

Other foreign currencies

Until 15:00

next business day

Payment documents when clients make foreign currency transfers to beneficiaries' accounts with JSCB SLAVIA (JSC) are submitted to the Bank before 17:30 (on Friday and holidays before 16:15) and are executed by the Bank on the current working day.

The main activity of any bank is settlement and cash services. individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The range of services includes the following procedures with financial flows:

  • registration;
  • storage;
  • moving;
  • recalculation;
  • collection;
  • accounting.

An agreement is concluded with the client, after which an account is opened, through which financial transactions will be carried out in the future. Depending on the type of currency and the specifics of entrepreneurial activity, the amount open accounts may differ.

Legal entities and individuals are offered various packages of banking products. Some of the services may be provided free of charge. Tariffs for paid services are strictly regulated by state legislation, the requirements of which are mandatory for all commercial banks.

In the process of creating an agreement, the parties may make certain requirements and additions to the conditions. Failure to comply with the rules of the agreement is punishable by fines, the amount of which is also controlled legislatures. The main responsibility of a financial institution is to ensure the prompt and uninterrupted movement of client funds with high level safety of all procedures.

Legal regulation of settlement and cash services

Maintaining a foreign or ruble account includes a large list of transactions. Legal regulation in the field of banking allows the public to safely store, use and place their own savings or profits from operational commercial activities, as well as receive interest on deposits.

The work of banks in the field of cash and settlement services is controlled by the following rules:

  • federal legislation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • provisions of the Central Bank Russian Federation.

The main regulatory mechanism is the contract concluded between the parties. Use Services banking organization any commercial company can. Individual entrepreneurs independently choose a financial institution to receive cash settlement.

Opening an account is necessary measure to access the main package of banking services, which allows you to create a competent approach to conducting operational business. State law regulates the following obligations to the client:

  • storage of funds;
  • crediting the received amounts;
  • transferring money to the accounts of other citizens.

The contract may contain specific features, rights and obligations of the parties.

Settlement and cash services for legal entities

RSC for legal entities is a set of services aimed at meeting the needs of enterprises and organizations. This area of ​​activity ensures the prompt and uninterrupted movement of cash flows.

An important feature of cash and settlement services for legal entities is access to foreign exchange transactions that can be carried out if there are three accounts:

  • transit;
  • current;
  • account for buying currency on the national market.

Currency service includes:

  • purchase and sale (on behalf of the organization);
  • sale of currency received from the operational activities of the enterprise (a specific part, the amount of which is regulated by state legislation);
  • conversions;
  • regulation of export and import transactions.

An important part of the work in this area is the conduct of cash transactions. A financial institution provides not only basic (reception, issuance, accounting), but also additional services (recalculation, collection, acquiring on the Internet).

Settlement and cash services for individuals

Work with individuals is a separate area of ​​activity for banks. The prospect of this direction lies in a fairly large audience of customers. The following services are provided to the public:

  • closing and opening an account;
  • accrual of interest on the balance of funds (conditions are described in the terms of the agreement);
  • issuance of cash at the cash desk of the service branch;
  • issuance of interest on deposits;
  • making money transfers;
  • translation on behalf;
  • carrying out operations under a power of attorney;
  • creation and issuance of certificates on performed operations;
  • accepting funds to pay for housing and communal services, taxes, insurance and fines.

Citizens are provided with a number of additional services that can be aimed at financial control and automation of payments to an individual. The contract prescribes special rules and requirements at the request of the client.

Having a bank account allows an individual to:

  • receive wages, pension or scholarship;
  • pay for goods and services on the Internet;
  • withdraw cash from an ATM with a plastic card;
  • make payments to meet business needs;
  • contribute money to local and state funds.

Modern Internet services play an important role in the functioning of the system for providing RKO to the population.

Settlement and cash services for non-cash transactions

The RCL of non-cash transactions includes:

  • fast and safe execution of orders;
  • notification of withdrawal and receipt of funds;
  • creating account statements.

Every individual entrepreneur has the right to independently choose a range of services that will satisfy the needs of commercial activity to the maximum. Economic relations between the client and financial institution are based on the creation of certain orders and their timely execution.

Today, it is possible to create orders in real and virtual space. The latter method is more economical and comfortable, as it does not require personal presence in the department. Internet banking allows you to create orders and requests online, which contributes to a significant reduction in the time for transactions.

Settlement and cash services for foreign exchange transactions

Many companies have to interact with foreign partners in the process of achieving commercial goals. This state of affairs forces us to constantly use euros or US dollars to regulate economic relations.

It is necessary to open three accounts at once when concluding an agreement with a financial institution in order to legally use the currency of another country. The current legal entity can credit funds for further use and profit. On the transit account, control and placement of the company's revenue is carried out. The third account is necessary to account for the foreign currency that was purchased on the national market.

According to the agreement, the bank can sell or buy currency on the basis of an order created by a legal entity. At the same time, each client undertakes to sell on the market a part of the currency that was received from international business activities. The financial institution assumes responsibility for carrying out conversion operations. important role in the structure currency transactions wins back the use of funds in the process of implementing transactions in import and export.


Using the acquiring service, the client can completely get rid of cash. In retail outlets where special terminals are installed, it is possible to pay for goods, works and services using a bank credit card. This service is provided only by large financial institutions that have sufficient solvency to:

  • installation of special equipment;
  • regulation of the legal features of activities in this area;
  • behavior of procedures for the use of plastic cards in retail outlets.

Acquiring operates not only in real, but also in virtual space. Citizens who have a plastic card of an acquiring bank can make payments online, receive reports on purchases made and fill out special forms for transactions. Internet acquiring involves the following procedure for conducting a financial transaction:

  • the company draws up an agreement with the bank;
  • the website of the organization contains data on the possibility of using a plastic card of a certain type;
  • the client fills out the form to complete the transaction;
  • the bank monitors requests and satisfies them if necessary;
  • an application for the shipment of goods is made.

In this case, the bank takes responsibility for verifying and tracking requests.

Internet acquiring

Internet acquiring is available to those enterprises whose activities meet the requirements of international payment systems. The following conditions are required for signing the contract:

  • evidence of authorized commercial activity;
  • type of entrepreneurship allowed on the Internet;
  • the presence of a properly designed virtual retail space.

The service is provided only to the websites of those companies that contain the necessary information about the goods and services sold.

An important role in the process of providing this service is played by processing centers that coordinate payments on the Internet. All payments are processed automatically to ensure the functioning of e-commerce in general. Some banks have their own processing centers, but other financial institutions have to resort to the support of third-party partners.

Operations with cash

The main financial instrument for cash transactions is a checkbook, which is distinguished by its versatility and ease of use. It enables the individual entrepreneur to produce:

  • payment of wages;
  • payment for production and economic needs;
  • settlement with suppliers of raw materials and goods.

Another equally important tool is a corporate card. Access to its receipt opens after the creation of a special account with a credit institution. The signing of the agreement imposes the following obligations on the bank:

  • maintaining a register of financial transactions;
  • creation and issuance of statements;
  • informing the client about accruals and balances.

A legal entity hands over cash to the cashier, after which the employee draws up a standardized receipt order. After that, the money is credited, and an authorized employee draws up a report on the procedure.

It is important for large companies to control cash. To meet this need, the collection procedure is used, which is available only after opening an account and signing an additional agreement.

State legislation strictly regulates the activities of the credit sector of the economy, therefore, it establishes certain requirements for pricing in the field of banking services.

Settlement and cash services in Russian banks

In Russian banks, RKO is provided on a paid basis. However, along with the creation of prices for services, credit institutions can work on the development of a special package of free additional services. So, for example, Internet banking is freely available to all Russian citizens who have signed an agreement with a credit institution.

RKO in Russia is provided to individuals and legal entities. For each group of clients, the package of banking products may have significant differences.

All commercial banks function only within the framework of the rules and regulations of the current state legislation. Depending on solvency, credit institutions can constantly expand the range of their products in order to meet the needs of the population as much as possible.

Settlement and cash services (RKO) of legal entities- a comprehensive bank service that provides settlements to the organization.

RKO is regulated by the law "On banks and banking”, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory framework Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in particular the Regulations on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining cash transactions in credit institutions, other normative documents. In addition, an agreement on settlement and cash services is concluded between the client and the bank.

As a rule, the RKO includes the following services basic services:

  • - non-cash payments;
  • - operations with cash (cash service);
  • - issuance of statements on the account of transactions.

It should be noted that settlement and cash services, as a rule, imply the possibility of opening and using not only a ruble, but also a foreign currency account.

To perform account transactions, as well as cash transactions, banks use unified forms, the main of which are:

  • - payment orders (form 0401060) - for payments from a current account;
  • - a form for depositing cash into a bank account;
  • - cashier's checks - for issuing cash.

After the conclusion of the contract for the settlement of cash services, the organization is issued a checkbook, which serves to receive cash for the economic needs of the enterprise and to pay salaries to employees.

In addition to basic services, banks also offer additions to the settlement cash service. Such additions include cash collection services and transactions on accounts through the Client-Bank remote access system.

RKO is a bank service on which he earns money. Moreover, basic services, as a rule, are either free, or small commissions are taken for them. For additional services, banks charge a fee in the form of interest or in the form of a monthly service charge.

Bank CJSC "Credit Europe Bank" provides the following range of cash settlement services for legal entities:

Opening and maintaining accounts

CREDIT EUROPE BANK opens and maintains all types of accounts for residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation in rubles and foreign currencies.

Opening an account both in rubles and in foreign currency takes no more than 3 (three) days from the date of submission of the necessary documents to the Bank.

Settlements in rubles and foreign currency

CREDIT EUROPE BANK guarantees the reliability and quality of the operations. We provide our corporate clients with the opportunity to:

  • · Promptly receive information about the status of the account and funds received on the account during the business day and make non-cash transfers.
  • Use remote control systems banking service(Client-Bank and Internet-Bank) for making payments, exchanging information with the Bank and managing your accounts.
  • · Conduct a search for funds, including by sending appropriate requests.
  • · At the request of auditors, inspection bodies, enterprises and organizations, their clients, provide information related to audits.

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers corporate clients the opportunity to make non-cash transfers through the system of Banking Electronic Urgent Payments (BESP) of the Bank of Russia. The indisputable advantage of the BESP system is the speed of transfers. Funds are credited to the beneficiary's account within one business day, which can significantly speed up the turnover of funds.

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers corporate clients to issue a check book.

  • Main benefits and advantages for the client:
  • · Reducing the cost of collection, recalculation and storage of funds.
  • · No expenses for the purchase of equipment or the creation of additional infrastructure when servicing cardholders.
  • · Guaranteed payment.
  • ? Service of foreign economic activity

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers its customers the following services:

  • · Carrying out settlements using the SWIFT system.
  • · Valuation of payments by the date of acceptance of the transfer application.
  • · Issue of bank letters of credit.
  • · Advising, confirming, making payments, discounting and maintaining documentation on letters of credit opened in favor of the Bank's customers.
  • · Issuance and advising of all types of bank guarantees, including advance payment guarantees, performance guarantees, bid guarantees, etc.
  • · Authentication of guarantees received directly from a foreign bank.
  • · Development of individual payment schemes.

Currency control:

  • · Examination of export / import contracts and assistance in their development.
  • · Registration of transaction passports and settlement service of export/import contracts.
  • ? Receiving and issuing cash

CREDIT EUROPE BANK accepts, recalculates and issues cash in the currency of the Russian Federation and in major foreign currencies.

Currency exchange operations

CREDIT EUROPE BANK, being a member of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange(MICEX), offers its clients currency exchange operations on the domestic money market:

  • · Mandatory sale of currency at the MICEX Single Trading Session with preliminary deposit of funds for sale.
  • · Purchase and sale of currency on behalf of clients for rubles with value dates "tod" (today), "tom" (the next business day after the conclusion of the transaction), "spot" (the second business day after the conclusion of the transaction).
  • · Conversion of one currency to another with value dates "tom" (the next business day after the conclusion of the transaction), "spot" (the second business day after the conclusion of the transaction).
  • ? Currency control

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers the following services related to the implementation of foreign exchange transactions:

  • · Examination of export/import contracts and consultations on their development.
  • · Preparation and maintenance of transaction passports.
  • · Settlement service export/import contracts.
  • Professional consulting on the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of currency regulation And currency control foreign trade activities.
  • · Participation in negotiations between the client and contractors.
  • Individual support of contracts and projects of the client
  • ? Cash collection

CREDIT EUROPE BANK offers cash collection services for the bank's corporate clients operating in retail sales:

  • · Collection of cash.
  • · Temporary storage of cash on weekends and holidays.
  • · Processing (counting, sorting) of cash.

Individual rates are set for each client.

Settlement and cash services is a set of services that the bank provides to its customers. This range of services includes maintenance of the client's current account (non-cash payments within the balance of the client's account), withdrawal of funds, Internet banking, purchase / sale of foreign currency, acceptance of payments from third parties for goods and services, receipt of cash receipts at the cash desk bank, collection of proceeds, bank guarantee and much more.

A specific list of services within the framework of cash settlement services (CSS) is fixed in a bilateral agreement.
RKO is provided by banks to both legal entities and individuals.

The list of services for individuals is much smaller. Usually this is replenishment / withdrawal of funds, non-cash payments, Internet banking. Most banks charge individuals for a specific service provided (either a percentage for withdrawing funds, or the cost of a payment order, or a commission for non-cash replenishment of a client's account, etc.).
However, there are banks (PJSC "UkrSibbank" - package offer "All inclusive") that charge a monthly subscription fee for the package of services provided (current account + a plastic card+ Internet banking), regardless of whether the client performed any operations for the current month or not.

RKO for legal entities

The list of services for legal entities is much longer, because the lion's share of the bank's income from cash settlement services is formed precisely at the expense of servicing legal entities. Very strong competition in this segment forces banks, in order to attract new customers, to provide preferential, so to speak, "trial" period of service for new customers. Usually this period is 3-6 months. During this period, the bank opens an account for a formal fee, connects Internet banking services, and sets a lower commission for buying / selling foreign currency.

All this is done in order to "bind" the client to the level of service, to create a loyal client, who will then cooperate on standard terms.

If you decide to take advantage of such an offer from the bank, our advice to you is to fix for yourself from what period your service begins under standard conditions and how many times its cost will increase compared to grace period. In addition, in the cash settlement agreement, be sure to read the procedure for informing you, as a client, about changes in the conditions of settlement and cash services.

To date, banks usually do not "stress themselves" with an "individual approach to the client" - an announcement on the website or in a bank branch is considered sufficient to familiarize the client with the changes. So be careful in this matter, so that the new cost of RKO services does not become unexpected news for you.

The average cost of cash settlement today, subject to using a current account, Internet banking, withdrawing funds and making up to 50 non-cash payments, is 150-200 UAH. per month. Legal entities pay for cash settlement for each month, subject to the operation. If the client did not carry out transactions on the current account, then the bank will not charge a monthly fee. But if at least one transaction is made by the client, he will be forced to pay a monthly fee for the whole month.

Some banks (PJSC "FIDOBANK", PJSC "FUIB") are ready to meet their clients and establish individual, more loyal, terms of service within the framework of cash settlements. We advise you to find out about this possibility in your bank.

What is a bank file 1 and 2?

The concept of a bank file is inextricably linked with the concept of RKO.
The bank card file is the client's settlement documents, which are characterized as not fulfilled and are controlled by the bank in which the client has a current account.
There are several reasons why the payer's payment documents get into the bank's file cabinet:

  • lack of own funds for the execution of payment orders;
  • waiting for the payer's acceptance for execution;
  • waiting for the payment without acceptance in accordance with the law.

The bank distinguishes between Card file No. 1 and Card file No. 2.
To Card Index No. 1 there are documents for which permission is required (as an example, the decision of the authorized bodies that the client account is completely or partially arrested, etc.).

File cabinet number 2 is used when there are not enough funds on the client account in order to payment document executed immediately. This is the first reason for getting into the card index according to the above list.

In the future, the implementation of this document is carried out as funds are received on the client's account. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that new payment documents created by the client will not be executed by the bank until the file cabinet is closed. However, payment orders in the card file can be partially paid, unlike ordinary ones.


Hello! In this article, we will talk about bank services that form settlement and cash services for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, and even individuals.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is included in the RKO;
  2. Who is it intended for and what tasks does it solve;
  3. How to choose a bank;
  4. How to open RKO on your own.

What is cash management service

Settlement and cash services for customers (or abbreviated RKO) - a system of services provided by the bank and. RKO regulates all monetary transactions, transfers of funds to business partners, suppliers, and receipt of settlements from customers.

RKO - a set of banking services for the storage and movement of funds of the enterprise.

The essence of RKO is in the conduct and implementation of financial transactions on it. Unlike a current account, a settlement account allows its owner not only to keep finances, but also to manage them for conducting commercial and non-commercial activities.

Each bank sets its own service fees.

After the client enters into an agreement with a financial institution for cash settlement, the bank takes over the management of all cash transactions customer.

These include:

  • Settlements by non-cash and cash;
  • Generation of account statements.

RKO for individuals

It is customary to talk about settlement and cash services in the aisles of services for enterprises and businessmen, on the websites of banks, the tariffs for cash settlement services are most often located in the section “For legal entities”.

Therefore, it is widely believed that RKO is a service to enterprises. But theoretically individuals can also act as RKO consumers. They can also enter into an agreement with a bank to use a personal account for non-commercial purposes. For example, for non-cash payment of utility bills.

For citizens, RKO implies the following functions:

  • Account replenishment and cash withdrawal;
  • Non-cash payments;
  • Internet banking.

Often, settlement services for individuals are paid by a commission from specific transactions, but some banks offer separate tariffs, service packages from the All Inclusive area, for which a monthly subscription fee is set.

Document flow

A financial institution providing cash settlement services interacts with customers through certain documents.

The most common ones are:

  • Payment orders for non-cash payment of bills;
  • Forms of depositing cash into the account;
  • Check book and checks issued upon receipt of cash at the cash desk;
  • Statements as a means of controlling expenses and receipts.

Legal regulation of RKO

In legal terms, the activities of the RSC are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal law"On banks and banking activities" and various provisions of the Central Bank of Russia.

The relationship between the parties is regulated by an agreement, the conclusion of which is a prerequisite for the provision of services.

Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur is entitled to use the RKO. At the same time, the form of ownership money turnover does not matter.

According to the law, each organization or entrepreneur can have as many current accounts as they need to carry out their work.

As part of the agreement with the client, the bank providing cash settlement services undertakes, at the request of the consumer, to credit his funds to the current account, store them, issue and make payments and money transfers.

In what cases should you use the services of RKO

In any business, you can not do without CSC, if you need:

  • Transfer of money to a non-cash account;
  • Transfer by bank transfer of salaries;
  • Withdrawal and receipt of non-cash transfers;
  • Receiving statements on a non-cash account.

Organization of settlement and cash services for LLCs or individual entrepreneurs is a common procedure for most financial institutions. For the bank, this is another source of income, and for the client enterprise, it is the simplification of financial transactions.

Benefits of RKO

Why conclude an agreement with a bank if you can keep money in your safe and pay non-cash bills through a bank teller?

Settlement and cash services in a bank would not be so popular if it did not have its advantages:

  • Fast and accurate financial transactions;
  • operational service;
  • Expert advice;
  • Providing up-to-date information about the state of the account and transactions;
  • Guarantees from the bank on the confidentiality of commercial information and the safety of funds entrusted to it.

Thus, in the financial life of the enterprise, the bank is able to solve many problems. RKO allows you to save time, and sometimes money.

Components of RKO

Settlement and cash services is not just maintaining a current account. This is a whole range of services that banks provide to the best of their ability and at individual rates.

From the package of services offered by the bank, entrepreneurs themselves can choose the most suitable moments at affordable prices.

Operations with cash

Cash settlement services always include accepting cash from an entrepreneur. In some banks, it is possible to replenish a current account only through a cash desk in the office, in others - through ATMs (with self-collection cards).

There are two options for withdrawing cash from your account:

  1. Checkbook. It is issued at the bank, according to which the account holder can receive funds at the bank's cash desk for employees or for other needs.
  2. Corporate bank card. Allows you to withdraw cash from an ATM. In this case, all transactions are also processed and accounted for by the bank.

For organizations with a large cash turnover, the bank may include cash collection services in the cash settlement package.

Operations with non-cash funds

Within the framework of the RKO, the bank undertakes to fulfill the client's instructions for the movement of non-cash funds, timely provide information on cash receipts and withdrawals, and generate statements (information on the results of financial transactions).

A bank client can send his orders for money transactions in the classical way - by printed payments through an operator in the bank, or using Internet banking, which is becoming more and more popular not only due to convenience, but also due to competitive tariffs (it is also more profitable for a bank to accept payment instructions via the Internet and not to keep a large office and staff of tellers).


And - additional services that are part of the cash register, allowing the company to accept non-cash payments from individuals (via bank cards).

Such a service is provided for a fee and, as a rule, the bank takes a certain commission for accepting non-cash payments.

For acquiring at a point of sale, you will need to purchase or rent a special terminal (some banks provide it free of charge), Internet acquiring does not require additional equipment, it is replaced by electronic form filled in by the buyer.

Currency operations

For companies planning to work not only with Russian rubles, but also with foreign currency, banks include additional services in cash settlement services:

  • Purchase and sale of currency;
  • Sale of the obligatory part of foreign exchange earnings;
  • Conversion;
  • Receiving payment in foreign currency from foreign clients;
  • Payment of foreign currency accounts.

A currency account consists of three whole accounts:

  • For the disposal of the available currency - a current account;
  • For accounting of receipts - transit;
  • To account for the purchased currency.

How to open cash register in a bank

Opening an account for RKO is getting easier every year. Today, you can book a current account through the bank's website, and accept payments to it on the same day.

In total, the procedure for opening an account consists of several stages:

  1. Bank selection;
  2. Choice of tariff (if there are several);
  3. Collection and provision of documents;
  4. Conclusion of an agreement, registration of a card with signatures and a seal (if any).

Depending on the bank, the whole procedure can take 1-5 days.


A list of documents required to open an account can be obtained from a financial institution. Banks have the right to establish themselves the procedure for servicing, opening an account and forms of documents.

Minimum package of documents:

  • Declaration of intent to open an account;
  • Identification document (passport and quite often -);
  • If available - or organization;
  • Documents confirming state registration organizations or individual entrepreneurs ().

For legal entities, other documents may be required.

For example:

  • certified by the seal of the tax service;
  • Protocol on the establishment of the company and the appointment of the head;
  • Documents for the legal address (, certificate of ownership);
  • If available, the memorandum of association, licenses, if the type of activity is subject to mandatory licensing.

In which bank to open cash settlement

Below is a list of banks and the benefits of working with them. The selection of banks was carried out by collecting feedback.


This bank gained fame not so long ago, but now it is in the stage of active growth and development. Tinkoff is not shy about attracting new customers through lucrative offers and promotions, inexpensive tariffs, and to please regular partners with new upgrades.

You can open an account on official website of the bank in 5 minutes.

The range of services is quite wide: lending, acquiring, Internet banking, SMS notification system, and so on.

  • Monthly maintenance - for individual entrepreneurs, the first 3 months are free, then - from 490 rubles;
  • Money transfers - from 29 rubles per payment, or unlimited payments for 990 rubles per month;
  • Depositing funds to the account - depending on the tariff: 299 rubles for any amount or 0.25%, or unlimited depositing for 1990 rubles per month;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: up to 100,000 rubles - free of charge, large amounts - from 1%.


Covers the widest range of banking services. Works with both individuals and legal entities.

You can open an account on official website of the bank.

Tariffs and additional services are calculated as per large enterprises as well as for start-up businessmen. In addition, the coverage of the geographic area is wide.

Branches of Sberbank and its ATMs are located even in small towns and villages.

The Sberbank Business Online system allows you to maintain several current accounts at the same time, and it is convenient to manage it through a mobile application.

The Sberbank Advisory Center provides round-the-clock support to its clients.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - from 1500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - from 1500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 32 rubles per payment, on paper - from 300 rubles;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.6% of the amount, for other needs - from 1.4%.


This bank operates on the basis of Regional Credit, which has been known on the market for more than 20 years. It works only with representatives of small businesses, respectively, offers services that are beneficial to them.

You can open on official website of the bank in 5 minutes.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - 0-3000 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 0 to 90 rubles per payment;
  • Depositing funds to the account is free on most tariffs;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - 0-15%.


A modern bank with a youthful spirit and first-class service, created on the basis of the well-known Otkritie bank. Convenient online payments, round-the-clock transfers from minimum commission. Each region has its own tariffs, so the cost of services can vary significantly.

You can open an account on official website of the bank in 5 minutes and already start using it! This is great!

  • One-time payment for opening an account - 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - from 500 to 7500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: to legal entities - depending on the tariff, from five payments free of charge, and then from 30 rubles per transfer; individuals - free of charge up to 500,000 for individual entrepreneurs and up to 70,000 for;
  • Depositing funds to the account - free of charge through ATMs of Otkritie Bank;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - free of charge up to the amount determined by the tariff (from 10,000 rubles).


It is among the 500 largest world banks (according to The Banker magazine), in Russia it also occupies a leading position in terms of customer coverage, and is in the top 3 private banks.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - from 590 rubles;
  • Money transfers - 0-110 rubles, depending on the tariff;
  • Depositing funds to the account - from 0.5% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - from 0.2%.

Read more at official website of the bank.

Alfa Bank

All services on a non-cash account can be carried out through an online account. You can keep several accounts at the same time, and in different currencies. Additional services (for example, lending) the bank provides in full.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - from 850 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 30 rubles per payment, on paper - from 0.1% of the amount;
  • Depositing funds to the account - from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.5% of the amount, for other needs - from 2.5%.

You can open an account on official website of Alfa-Bank.


Founded in 1993, the head office is located in Moscow. It has the status of a universal bank, is part of the international financial group Societe Generale.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - free of charge when registering via the Internet;
  • Monthly service - free for the first three months, then from 700 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 30 rubles per payment, on paper - from 250 rubles;

More details on the official website of Rosbank.


The Bank provides services to key industries domestic economy(oil, gas, energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and so on). One of the largest banks not only in Russia but also in Europe.

  • Monthly maintenance - from 600 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 30 rubles per payment, on paper - from 200 rubles;
  • Depositing funds to the account - from 0.02% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - from 1%.


The main direction of the bank is retail and corporate business. The head office is located in Moscow, 6 branches and 280 points of sale have been established throughout the country.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - 1800 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - from 1000 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 10 rubles per payment, on paper - from 50 rubles;
  • Depositing funds to the account - from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.5% of the amount, for other needs - from 1%.

More details on the official website of Uralsib.


Opened 23 years ago, it does not stop growing and actively developing. In the first place, the bank puts trusting relationships with customers and receives a lot of positive feedback in return.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - from 0 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - up to 0.3% (minimum 19 rubles), within the selected package there can be from 10 free transfers;
  • Depositing funds to the account - no commission;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - from 0%.

More details on the official website of Otkritie Bank.


VTB is a group of financial enterprises that includes about 20 banks. The most famous of them is VTB24. The main shareholder of the bank is the state, which gives the bank additional reliability.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - 1000-4500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - 1000-2500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 5 rubles per payment, on paper - from 250 rubles;
  • Depositing funds to the account - from 0.08% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - from 0.5% of the amount.

Details on VTB official website.


Once one of the most popular banks, now it is starting to lose ground, not keeping up with the modernization. Suitable only for those customers who are used to doing everything the old fashioned way, without using mobile bank and SMS alerts.

  • Monthly maintenance - from 900 rubles;
  • Money transfers: from 25 rubles per payment;
  • Depositing funds to the account - from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - from 1.2%.


The bank was established in 2000 for the agro-industrial sector and Agriculture. Today it is a universal bank providing a wide range of services to private clients and businesses. One hundred percent of the voting shares of the enterprise belong to the state.

  • One-time payment for opening an account - 2500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance - from 750 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 6 rubles per payment, on paper - from 250 rubles;
  • Depositing funds to the account - as agreed by the parties;
  • Cash withdrawal fees vary by region.

Post Bank

Bank from the VTB group. Created on the basis of Leto Bank in 2016. The main goal of the bank is to increase the availability financial services for residents of our country, especially the emphasis in the bank is on pensioners. So far, the bank provides settlement and cash services only in relation to individuals.

  • Release bank card- for free;
  • Monthly maintenance - free of charge;
  • Money transfers: up to 0.8%;
  • Depositing funds to the account - no commission;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - no commission.

AK Bars

Registered in 1993. It provides more than a hundred different services to both private and corporate clients (among which there are large enterprises in the field of oil and gas exports).

  • One-time payment for opening an account - from 1000 rubles;
  • Monthly service - 400 rubles using Internet banking and 1200 rubles without using;
  • Money transfers - from 50 rubles;
  • Depositing funds to the account is free;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - an average of 0.9%.

5 best banks for cash settlement

From the entire list that you saw above, we settled on this four leaders in terms of price-quality ratio:

  1. Dot;
  2. Tinkoff;
  3. Modulbank;
  4. Promsvyazbank.
  5. Alfa Bank.

How to choose a bank

It is necessary to start choosing a bank very carefully. A significant part of the company's workflow depends on the quality and cost of the RKO.

For some companies, speed of operations is important - fast payment of bills and prompt arrival of funds. For others, speed is not as important as low price because when you have to do a lot mandatory transactions, a high commission can cause a significant blow to the budget.

What to pay attention to.

The bank must first of all be reliable. Every collaboration has its own risks. And if these risks exceed the benefits that the bank is able to offer, you should not take this option into account.

Bank reliability criteria can be:

  • Reputation of the bank among former clients, in the media and on the Internet. Of course, you will not find negative reviews on the official website of the bank, but on other resources, such as business forums, the portal, and so on, you can find real reviews and expert opinions.
  • Timing of cash transactions. Some banks issue cash and make non-cash transfers on the day of application, while others - only after 3-5 days.
  • Geographical location and accessibility of the branch and ATMs, work schedule. Of course, today there are Internet banks that do not have their own offices at all, but for some operations, especially when working with cash, an accessible branch is required.
  • Wide range of services. It is much more convenient to make all transactions in one bank. It is necessary to make sure in advance whether the bank is ready to provide all the necessary services. For example, not all organizations make payments in foreign currencies.
  • Tariffs, commission size. Some tariffs are beneficial for frequent non-cash payments, others for cash withdrawals.

Not always big bank means reliable. Even the whales of banking sometimes get into debt and lose their license. At the same time, a little-known bank with a small number of branches can work quite calmly and at the same time maintain a balance of its liabilities and assets.

An organization or individual entrepreneur choosing cash settlement services is not required to stop at one bank. If you didn’t like something, or a better offer was received, you can always close your current account, terminate the contract and conclude a new one with another bank. The law does not limit the number of current accounts per enterprise, so you can cooperate with several banks at once.

Bank selection process.

Step 1. Selecting the list of required services.

To begin with, it is important to understand which of the CSC capabilities will be required in the work of the company. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of your activity.

How often will you need to make non-cash payments, accept incoming transfers, make collections or withdraw cash? Answering these and similar questions will help you understand which lines in tariff plans should pay special attention.

For example, a retail store may require acquiring and frequent cash deposits, while a retail store may require convenient and inexpensive internet banking.

Step 2. Prioritization.

After the picture of the necessary RSC emerges, it is necessary to decisively and finally place the accents. If you decide that you need a bank with a small withdrawal fee, then stick to your decision.

Sometimes banks lure customers with great offers and additional services that are not really that important.

Step 3. Selection of banks, review of tariffs.

Further, it is necessary to select several banks whose services meet the previously identified requirements as much as possible. From a huge number of organizations (and in Russia there are neither many nor few banks, but almost 800), you need to choose 2-3 that provide the services you are interested in at the best prices.

Step 4. Analysis of information about banks.

The package of services and tariffs suits, but what about the geographical location, service, availability of ATMs and offices? At the final stage, we recommend that you study as much as possible all the available information, including customer reviews.