Get help with no tax arrears. Certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer of the obligation to pay taxes

It is not uncommon for a company or a citizen to confirm that they do not have debts to the state budget.

In this situation, they will have to contact the IFTS at the place of registration (individual) or registration (organization) to obtain this important document.

This paper may be required when applying for a bank loan, receiving government subsidies or closing a business.

General information

Only the tax service, namely its territorial divisions, has the right to issue a certificate of the absence of debts to the state budget, since it is she who controls and records tax collections from individuals and legal entities.

The certificate form that has been valid in Russia since 2019 () indicates that a citizen or organization has no debts for taxes, mandatory payments and fees, fines and penalties.

It can be presented in paper and electronic form.


A document on the timely payment of all taxes is formed by the territorial branch of the IFTS on the basis of the information provided in the unified federal base taxpayers ().

Purpose of the document

A certificate stating that a person has repaid all his obligations to the state budget may be required in the following cases:

  1. During the termination of the activities of the organization or individual entrepreneur.
  2. When the taxpayer transfers to the balance sheet of another IFTS (when changing the legal address).
  3. When submitting documents for participation in public tenders, receiving subsidies or other state assistance on a competitive basis.
  4. In the process of preparing documents for obtaining a loan for.
  5. When changing the chief accountant at the enterprise.
  6. During the formation of a business plan for the expansion of an existing company.
  7. At the request of contractors.

The presence of a certificate about a citizen or company stating that they do not have any debts to the state is additional evidence of their reliability and financial viability.

That is why this document appears in a large number of various civil transactions.

Legal grounds

Issues related to obtaining a certificate of the absence of debts of the payer to the budget are covered in detail in the following regulatory acts of the Russian Federation:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation

This document clarifies that any organization wishing to take part in the tender, among other documents, will be required to provide a certificate confirming the absence of debt to the budget.

This normative act defines the obligation for participants in transactions to submit a certificate from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate as a key condition for selection.

  • Order of the Federal Tax Service N ММВ-7-8/378@, 2019

A by-law that was formed to approve a new form of a document on the absence of debts from the IFTS.

How to order a certificate of no tax debt to the budget

As already established above, the tax department generates a certificate of repayment of all obligations of a person or organization to the budget solely at their request.

Therefore, in order to obtain a document, it is necessary to visit the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service and write the appropriate one there or send an electronic application.

The specialists themselves tax service insist that any person is obliged at least once a year to request such a document:

  • sometimes technical errors, the negligence of the chief accountant or equipment malfunctions can lead to the formation of unjustified debts, on which penalties will be charged.

The current form of the certificate of the absence of debts on taxes and fees is attached to this article.

Who issues the document

The exclusive right to issue a document on the repayment of debts to the state budget has territorial tax departments - district tax inspectorates.

There is no legally approved application form for these departments in Russia, but it will still need to indicate:

  • FULL NAME. and passport details of the person or details of the organization;
  • full name of the tax office;
  • the purpose of the paper.

For an organization, its head, owner or official representative (on the basis approved by the notary's office) has the right to order a certificate.

The whole process of obtaining a document can be reduced to two simple steps:

  • completing and submitting an application form;
  • appearance for a document (although now it is possible to discuss in advance the possibility of sending the paper by e-mail).

The document should be drawn up on an A4 sheet by hand or on a computer, adhering to the standard for official documents formatting rules.

Application can be submitted in the following ways:

  • personally visit the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service;
  • send a registered letter with the attachment of all papers enclosed in it;
  • fill out an electronic form on the official website of the Federal Tax Service (

If you are going to request a certificate of the absence of debts from the tax department, it is advisable to prepare in advance all copies of checks and receipts for the payment of taxes and fees in order to present them to the IFTS employees in case of misunderstandings.

If a representative of the company personally applies for a document to the tax service, then he must have a power of attorney certified in a notary's office.

Issuance period

A citizen or company submits a request for a certificate to the IFTS. After that, department employees check information about a particular taxpayer in a single federal database.

Based on the information extracted from it, a document is formed. In general, the term for providing a certificate of the absence of tax arrears is 5-10 days.

After this period, the paper will be transferred to the applicant in one of the following ways:

  • issued in person;
  • sent to the address of registration or registration by registered mail;
  • sent to the taxpayer's email box.

There are cases when small debts, penalties and fines are found in the received document. In this situation, the person will have to pay them off, and then again form and send an application to the IFTS (Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

There are situations when, instead of the desired certificate, a citizen receives a letter with an official refusal to issue it. This can happen if the applicant has a significant debt.

As a result, it will be possible to count on the issuance of a certificate only after it full repayment. As a rule, the amount of the debt is indicated in the refusal letter.

How long does it last

Since any taxpayer, whether an individual or a legal entity, has a permanent relationship with the IFTS on tax payment issues, a document indicating the absence of debts cannot be relevant for a long period of time.

So, some taxes and fees, as well as declarations on them, are submitted to the budget on a monthly basis. In this light, the validity of a certificate from the tax department is only 10 days.

In this light, when preparing documents for obtaining a loan or for participating in a tender, it is better to request this certificate from the IFTS last, especially since the term for its preparation is only 5-10 days.

Emerging Questions

In the process of issuing a certificate of the absence of debts to the state budget, taxpayers are asked a significant number of questions, including:

  1. Where to go if you need help?
  2. How to make an application for it?
  3. In what cases can a document be refused?
  4. How to submit a drafting request?
  5. Is it possible to make a document in a shorter time?

Answers to all these questions can be obtained at the territorial office of the tax service. Some of them are listed below.

If you need a certificate of debt

If an individual or legal entity is faced with the need to issue a certificate of no debt to the budget, then it is advisable to initially contact the district tax office and request information about their debts there.

If there are none, then you can safely apply for a certificate of no debts.

If such a situation has developed for the first time, then it is better to do this as part of a personal visit, since on the spot you can ask the employees of the department all your questions.

You should take your passport with you, as well as copies of checks and payments to the budget for the last year.

In the IFTS, the taxpayer will need to do the following:

  1. Ask for a sample application for a certificate of debt (although there is no officially approved form of the document, each territorial tax service has its own).
  2. Carefully fill out the form, indicating in it the method of obtaining the finished certificate (in person, by mail, by e-mail).
  3. Present the document to the inspector and the obligatory presentation of a passport.

After 5 days, the applicant will be provided with information about his debts in the manner indicated by him.

As a result, he will have to pay them off, and then apply to the department for a certificate of fulfillment of obligations to the state budget.

This procedure is quite justified if the payer is not sure whether he has a debt to the budget or there is none. Then, in the event of a debt, he will not have to face a refusal.

What to do if you need it urgently

Sometimes information about government tenders, competitive subsidies or profitable loan comes to the face too late and the timing of the collection required documents are substantially reduced.

Video: how to order a certificate of no debt on taxes, fines, penalties at the Tax Inspectorate

In this case, there is a need to urgently issue a certificate of no debts to the state budget.

You can solve this issue in the following main ways:

  • contact the territorial branch of the IFTS and set the amount of the fee that will have to be paid for processing the document in 1-3 days;
  • use the services of private law firms that will take care of the entire process of obtaining a certificate.

When considering both options, it is important to remember that the services of law firms will cost 2-3 times more than direct contact with the IFTS. However, the document will be in the hands of the applicant without any hassle.

In the second case, it is also important to take seriously the issue of choosing a law firm, since we will be talking about the transfer of confidential information.

Thus, requesting a certificate of the absence of debts to the budget is a procedure that individuals and legal entities need to go through if they need to confirm their solvency and solvency.

This important document is drawn up on a form approved by law and includes information that the obligations of a citizen or organization for taxes, fees, fines and penalties in the state budget completed within a given period.

The company "Vash Business" provides services for urgent receipt of certificates from tax authorities and funds for individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers. If you urgently need to order a certificate of the absence of tax debts, and you are not able to wait 10 working days, we can guarantee you to receive it in the shortest possible time - from 1 day.

Service cost

We offer a new format of interaction with the IFTS bodies - through an intermediary. Our company will forever exclude delays in the execution of orders.

Clients, using the services of our company, can receive documents from the following institutions:

  • from the IFTS;
  • from pension fund;
  • from the FSS;
  • from the FSSP;
  • MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for the data center.

When applying to these bodies, funds and services on your own, you must contact each of them with a correctly completed application and, in some cases, with a package of necessary papers.

A certificate from the IFTS on the absence of debts on taxes and fees is obtained at the territorial office of the tax inspectorate. The Federal Tax Service for the City of Moscow and the Moscow Region issues the requested document within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

To receive documents from the funds, it is enough to provide a correctly completed application; in most cases, the terms for obtaining a document vary from 10 to 30 days.

A document from the FSSP may be needed in a number of cases: participation in tenders and competitions, for provision to investors or banks. Such paper is often required by individuals - the presence of tax arrears, fines for traffic violations, overdue loans and other debts create obstacles to traveling abroad.

Residency confirmation is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for the data center in Moscow, so the request must be sent there. The company "Your Business" will help you complete all the documents as quickly as possible.

Certificate of absence of debts on taxes and fees

If you need to receive a document on the absence of debt from the IFTS in the next 3 days, self-submission of documents will not be a profitable solution for you. A certificate of lack of debt from the IFTS in Moscow is issued within 10 business days.

You may need to urgently order a certificate from the tax office in the following cases:

  • participation in a tender, auction, competition;
  • loan processing (for a bank);
  • provision to contractors;
  • solution of internal issues, etc.

To order in Moscow a certificate of absence of debts for fees and taxes, you must submit an application to the tax authority in free form or in the form tax authority, if any, indicating there key data about the company and the method of delivery.

Documents from off-budget funds

Our company provides emergency receipt of documents not only from the IFTS, but also from extra-budgetary funds (PFR and FSS) and Federal Service bailiffs. Select the desired service from the menu on the left.

Favorable offer from the company "Your business"

If you need a certificate from the IFTS urgently - in the next 1-3 days, we are ready to get it for you by legal means. The paper will contain the official seal and the signature of the authorized person. The service is provided with minimal client involvement.

You are getting:

  • free consultation;
  • high speed of obtaining;
  • contract work;
  • guarantees.

Certificates and acts from the IFTS
We provide services for the accelerated receipt of various certificates and acts from the IFTS.

We successfully provide services related to the accelerated receipt of various certificates from the Federal Tax Service (you can order a certificate of the absence of debts on taxes and fees from us, a certificate of the state of settlements with the budget). With our help, you do not have to wait 10 working days to receive the desired document, thanks to a deep knowledge of the regulations for working with taxpayers and the ability to apply the law in practice, we guarantee that you will receive a certificate of no debt as soon as possible.

Buy a certificate of no debt simple: call +7 495 660 35 23, or send an online application

Our secret is simple: the interests of the client for us are higher than our own. At the same time, we deeply respect the employees of the tax service and try to optimize the interaction between the taxpayer and the tax inspectorate, leveling bureaucratic barriers in the way of obtaining the desired result as quickly as possible.

The specialists of our company will prepare all the necessary requests, come to your office to sign a package of documents, after which they will independently receive a certificate from the tax office and deliver it to you personally.
The terms for obtaining certificates (certificate of the absence of debt to the budget, certificate of the status of settlements with the budget) from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation range from 1 to 10 business days, depending on the wishes of the client.

If you want to get acquainted with the reference material for each tax certificate, to understand their difference from each other, use the links below.

Please note: the minimum period for the official receipt of any certificate from the tax office is 3 business days. That is how much time it takes to process a request in the office, generate a response from the MIFNS of the Russian Federation for the data center and sign the inspection leadership. Reducing the time to 1-2 days is absolutely impossible, be vigilant, do not trust the fate of your company to scammers. If you nevertheless used the services of an intermediary company and received a certificate from the tax office in less than 3 days, we strongly recommend that you check this certificate for authenticity by contacting the office of the IFTS that issued the certificate, or by contacting the department for working with taxpayers. The document must be reflected in all internal registers of the tax office that generated the document.

All documents received by E24 specialists are provided on the basis of official requests from the taxpaying organization, are issued exclusively in an official manner with the relevant information entered in all internal inspection registers.

You can order from us:

Phones for ordering:

+7 495 660 35 23


Debt repayment

Please note that the repayment of debts on fines and penalties occurs within 10 business days from the date of payment. This means that the formation of a certificate of no debt with the wording "has no debt" will not happen immediately, but after a certain time. It is possible to speed up this process, just call +7 495 660 35 23, or

Tax system The Russian Federation includes the collection of taxes, duties, fees and other obligatory payments from individuals and legal entities, taking into account the application of the appropriate procedure established by tax code Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and some other legislative acts of the federal and regional levels.

All tax rates federal level are the same for citizens of Russia, regardless of whether they live in Moscow or in another region, they also apply to foreigners registered in the territory of the Russian Federation and engaged in entrepreneurial or other activities.

The law provides for several types of taxes and fees:

  • personal income tax;
  • on the profit of the company;
  • for the extraction of minerals;
  • excises;
  • water;
  • National tax.

The tax system of the Russian Federation is regulated by the Tax Code

For the collection of taxes, such tax systems as OSNO (general), USN (simplified), PSN (patent), UTII (single imputed), ESHN (single agricultural), as well as a taxation system for the implementation of production sharing agreements are provided.

Interesting! The tax system of the Russian Federation has a federal, regional (regional) and local structure, so the level of tax deduction will depend on the level of the budget to which it is subject to transfer.

Timely payment of taxes is the duty of every citizen and businessman. In case of non-payment of taxes, liability is provided. To prove your decency to the state or partners and the absence of tax violations, you may need a certificate of the absence of debts on taxes and fees.

Why you may need a certificate of no tax arrears

First of all, the certificate indicates the fact that an individual has fulfilled or unfulfilled obligations to the state budget.

Note! To obtain the necessary document, it is better to first pay off debts to the budget and extra-budgetary funds in full, and then contact the Federal Tax Service with a written request.

Types of certificates on the absence of tax arrears

On January 20, 2017, the updated Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-8 / 20@ came into force, establishing the procedure for issuing such a certificate and approving it new form. Its rules are valid in 2018.

The legislation provides for 2 types of certificates:

  • KND form 1160080 on the status of settlements on taxes paid by organizations and individual entrepreneurs, penalties, fees, fines, insurance premiums and interest;
  • form according to KND 1160081, issued for citizens who are not individual entrepreneurs.

Help Sample

A certificate confirming the absence of tax arrears must be filled out in accordance with the appendix approved by the same order of the Federal Tax Service.

Note! Before accurately determining the amount of debt, tax authorities take into account all the information in their database.

If the applicant had relations with other (not at his place of residence or location) IFTS, then the timeliness of the transfer of tax payments is checked there as well.

Information is issued at the time of registration of the certificate.

Help looks like this and includes:

  • FULL NAME. individual, individual entrepreneur or company (for example, LLC);
  • place of residence of an individual, address of the company, checkpoint or TIN;
  • the fact that there are no debts in the form of taxes, penalties or fines;
  • the period for which the debt falls;
  • the name of the branch of the IFTS that issued the document and its code;
  • position of the head of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate and his full name;
  • signature and seal of the tax authority.

What does a reference look like?

Where and how to get help?

A certificate can only be issued on the basis of a personal request of an individual. Representatives of the Federal Tax Service will not take the initiative and send a completed certificate to a person or head of a company.

Tax officials begin to collect the necessary information confirming the absence or presence of debt obligations immediately after they receive an application for a certificate. You need to contact the local branch of the IFTS, on the territory of which a person lives or is registered as an individual entrepreneur.

How to submit a request

There are 3 ways to order a certificate.

Method 1

By personal visit to the tax office. After registering the request, the office employee will read the application, check its correctness and inform the deadline for the document to be ready.

Method 2

Send the request by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. Appropriate documents must be attached to the application. If they are missing or if errors are made when compiling the request, then the issuance of a certificate will simply be refused.

The application can be submitted to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service

Method 3

Online by visiting personal account» taxpayer, opened directly on the website of the Federal Tax Service. This is the fastest and easiest option. By filling out the electronic form offered on the site, you must specify the reason for the appeal and the method of receiving a response.

It is important to make a request correctly

An application for issuing a certificate confirming the absence of debts to fiscal and other authorities can be printed or handwritten. You can take the appropriate form when visiting the IFTS.

Regardless of the method of drawing up and submitting an application, it must contain information such as:

  • details of the company or individual entrepreneur making the request, or passport details of the individual;
  • location of the company or individual entrepreneur or residence of an individual;
  • location and name of the branch of the IFTS;
  • the purpose of the appeal and the need to confirm such information.

Note! If the request is made incorrectly, whether there are errors in the documents, a refusal to issue the necessary certificate will follow. Therefore, it is better to consult with an experienced lawyer or a tax specialist in advance.

An application filled out by an individual entrepreneur or an individual must be accompanied by a document such as an individual taxpayer number (its copy) or a copy of the citizen's internal passport. If the debts were paid off before the request was made, then it is necessary to attach checks or receipts for payment for the tax copy.

How much help is done

If the taxpayer made timely payments, then he can count on receiving a positive response within 10 days after registration of documents with the IFTS (excluding weekends and public holidays). This makes it possible to expect a response within 14 days.

If there is an outstanding tax debt, as well as penalties and fines, written information about the tax inspection departments to which the debt remains will be attached to the relevant certificate.

This can happen if:

  • the payer of taxes and fees has officially received from the state a deferment of payments or their installments;
  • the debt was restructured;
  • the decision of the judicial authority on the obligation to pay taxes and fines has not yet entered into force.

The document itself will be issued without payment of state duty.

What happens if tax obligations are not met

Experts in the tax field advise not to let things take their course, but simply try to pay off debts. If you urgently need to get a new confirmation, then you can attach receipts for paying the debt to the old version of the certificate.

Help request

If, nevertheless, a new certificate is requested, which should contain information about the absence of outstanding debts, then you can get it by paying a small state fee, after which the document will be ready within three days. You can speed up the process by contacting a law firm for help. The cost of "acceleration" will directly depend on the rates set by the law firm.

Important! To avoid various problems, it is better not to accumulate debts, but, having learned about them in advance, quickly pay using one of the provided methods.

The frequency of sending a request for debt on payment of taxes and fees

Such a certificate is valid for no more than 10 days, after which it becomes irrelevant due to the constant transfers of tax payments. This is especially important for individual entrepreneurs or companies that pay several taxes and fees at once. That is why it is better to order a certificate before the event itself, for which it is required. For example, this may be a requirement of a bank or other financial institution before issuing a targeted loan.

On a note! Legal entity it is better to order such a document at least twice a year, and small businesses or just individuals may need an update once a year. As a result, it will be possible to simultaneously check the real amounts of paid and accrued taxes.

The law does not provide for time limits on ordering such certificates. Therefore, 5, 10 and 15 requests can be made during the year, which will confirm the integrity of a person, company or individual entrepreneur in fulfilling tax obligations.

You can send a request for debt on payment of taxes and fees several times a year

This is especially true for companies or individual entrepreneurs working with suppliers, new customers or wholesale buyers. If an individual entrepreneur or a company would like to conclude an agreement with bona fide counterparties, then they can be required to provide just such a supporting document.

Thus, you can get a certificate confirming the payment of taxes at any time by contacting the tax authorities. The main thing is to correctly fill out the application and attach required documents. This will be the same guarantee. financial reliability any company, individual entrepreneur or individual. Therefore, do not be lazy, but it is better to make such a request periodically on your own initiative.

Before you start doing business with any company, it is important to check it for evenness, to make sure that there are no problems with money.

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One of the methods is to check through the IFTS - this body will provide information on whether there are debts for taxes and fees.

What to look out for

Doing business is always associated with certain risks. One of the most serious is just a collision with scammers, unscrupulous partners.

There are many ways to check counterparties. First of all, this tax office. In all regions there is an IFTS, this will avoid many difficulties and problems.

It is enough to send a request in writing or electronically - as a result, information will be provided on whether there are any debts for a particular type of debt.

All the main points will need to be worked out in advance. You should not enter into contracts, conduct commercial activities with enterprises that have serious debts.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties in advance, to carry out the reporting process. This is the only way to avoid problems.

One reason for the big accounts receivable, most of the amount of which will be a bad debt - this is just bad faith by the payer.

Problems in taxes, other similar ones reflected in the IFTS data can serve as a signal that it will simply be unprofitable to cooperate with a particular company.

It is important to work out this moment in advance. Since there are many different data that can indirectly determine the presence of problems in the enterprise.

Such help will simultaneously allow you to solve a wide range of different tasks at once. Purpose of reference:

  • the organization, the entrepreneur cease their activities and it is necessary to confirm the absence of debts in the state registration authorities;
  • when changing the legal address, this document will also be required;
  • allows you to confirm solvency when obtaining a loan.

It should be noted that when issuing loans, such checks are especially important. Since if the relevant requirements are not met, many problems can occur.

It is important to work out all the main points in advance. The algorithm for obtaining an extract is quite simple:

  • formation of a written application;
  • sending it by registered mail to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate or the document is submitted personally to the department;
  • further, after a set number of working days, it will be possible to receive an extract.

It is also possible to receive an extract in electronic form. But for this you need to use a special document, confirmation of your own identity. This is the only way to avoid common mistakes.

Submitting a paper drafting request (online)

It will be possible to use various services to obtain information:

  • through the portal of the State Service.

It is worth noting that in both the first and second cases, registration is mandatory. This is the only way to get all the necessary information.

There are simply no alternatives. The algorithm for obtaining data through the State Service portal includes the following main data:

  • go to the official website at;
  • carry out authorization;
  • go to the appropriate section of this site -;
  • then the application is filled in electronically - if the user has already logged in earlier, then it will be enough for him to enter the TIN.

It is worth noting that this algorithm has its own subtleties and features. If there are debts, this does not mean that the taxpayer himself is an unreliable partner.

The causes of debt can be very different. It is important to understand all the subtleties in advance. This will avoid many difficulties in the future with cooperation. Often problems with payment of tax are temporary and are not carried out on a regular basis.

A certificate of the absence of debts on taxes and fees in the tax office can be obtained in different ways.

Moreover, as the subject itself, which is obliged to pay taxes - on itself. So is the other face. Checking counterparties is a mandatory phenomenon when doing business in virtually any format.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the procedure in advance, how to implement it as quickly and correctly as possible. Only in this way can many difficulties and difficulties be avoided.

What does an application for a document look like?

An application for obtaining the relevant data is made within the framework of special legal regulations. A request form for issuing a certificate of tax arrears can be.

And there is a fairly wide list of subtleties. You can download the recommended sample for requests of this type on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

It is only important to note in advance all the subtleties and features of the procedure. The standard request form includes the following information:

  • Name legislative document, within which the process is carried out;
  • place for stamping;
  • the name of the tax authority is indicated, as well as the personal data of the head;
  • the full name of the organization - and the TIN must be entered, as well as a number of other important data;
  • a checkmark is placed next to one of the two inscriptions:
  1. Regarding the status of calculations for taxes, fees and penalties.
  2. On the fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes, fees and penalties.
  • condition at the time of making the relevant payment;
  • details of the applicant;
  • full name of the organization, individual;
  • address of the location of a particular organization;
  • details of the applicant in full - name, full name (if any);
  • you need to specify how to get the response:
  1. Through the Internet, by e-mail.
  2. In writing.

Do not forget about the need to put down personal data with a signature. The simplest and most convenient solution is to simply download a ready-made application.

This will avoid many difficulties and problems. Mistakes in this type of claim can easily lead to denial of information.

That is why you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the subtleties, features of the registration procedure. First of all, this concerns just the accuracy of the information.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to apply on your own. The solution may be to draw up a notarized power of attorney.

Thus, it is possible to transfer the right to receive an extract to a third party. Thus saving a lot of time. Often the form is urgently required, one of the solutions is to obtain it via the Internet.

It is also possible to obtain information on IP. Reception of any difficulties, as a rule, do not arise. A standard form for generating a report from the Federal Tax Service has been established.

The tax office does not provide data anonymously, the requester is obliged to provide information about himself.

Typical filling pattern

The list of data that must be included in the relevant certificate:

The serial number of the document itself №5448
Help name "On the fulfillment by the taxpayer of obligations"
The taxpayer is indicated His detailed details, other information about him
His personal data is registered TIN, KPP, as well as the address of the location
At the bottom of the document there is information about the department Which issues the appropriate type of certificate
Stamped And the client's signature

It is equally important to obtain such data for highly skilled workers. Since it makes no sense to get a job at an enterprise that will soon go bankrupt.

Dates of issuance

The period during which this certificate must be issued is legally established. This period of time is not more than 5 days. The paperwork process itself is free.

But it is worth noting that the execution of the document can be carried out faster - but this requires payment. The amount will be 400 rubles. Again, payment can be made in a variety of ways.

How long does it last

It is important to note that this certificate is valid in fact only on the date of issue of this document. In turn, do not forget about relevance.

It all depends on what kind of tasks this document is required for. In some cases, for example, for submission to a bank, a certificate must be received no earlier than 10 days at the time of submission.

It is best to deal with all the subtleties in advance. There is no fixed period of time during which this document is valid.

It is important to note that in some cases, the provision of false information can cause serious trouble.

Do not try to forge a document, this can lead to unpleasant consequences. There is a wide range of various nuances and subtleties associated directly with the execution of these documents.

Video: important nuances