What should Bank Svyaznoy borrowers do? Svyaznoy Bank's license was revoked, what should depositors do? Svyaznoy bank debtors

Svyaznoy Bank's license was revoked. People who took out a loan from this bank and did not repay it will have to pay their obligations.

After the license of Svyaznoy Bank was revoked, all methods of repaying debt under credit agreements (credit cards and cash loans) concluded between you and the bank that you previously used stopped working.

For the attention of borrowers of Svyaznoy Bank (JSC).

On April 18, 2016, between Svyaznoy Bank (JSC) and JSC TINKOFF BANK, an agreement was concluded for the provision of services for pre-trial debt settlement and acceptance of funds to repay loan debts of individual clients, within the framework of which JSC TINKOFF BANK is authorized to act on behalf of on behalf of the Bank and carry out the following actions:

  • ensuring the possibility for clients to repay debts to the Bank (acceptance of payments) at the place where the borrower entered into a loan agreement or its location;
  • sending each borrower an initial SMS message, which should include new details by which the borrower can make a payment to repay the debt;
  • informing borrowers by sending electronic messages and/or SMS messages about upcoming payments and the amount of debt;
  • sending responses to borrower requests by sending electronic messages and/or SMS messages;
  • servicing and advising borrowers over the phone on debt repayment, providing details, etc.

For additional information, please call TINKOFF BANK JSC 8-800-755-22-55

At the same time, all obligations to the bank provided for in the relevant agreements continue to apply. However, until December 11, 2015 inclusive, there is a grace period when penalties and fines on the loan are not accrued if the payment has not been made.

By the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated January 22, 2016 in case No. A40-231488/15 Svyaznoy Bank (Joint Stock Company) (hereinafter referred to as Svyaznoy Bank (JSC) or the Bank) (OGRN 1027739019714, INN 7712044762, address (location): 123001, Moscow, Ermolaevsky lane, house 27, building 1, address used for disclosure of information - www.asv.org.ru) was declared insolvent (bankrupt), and bankruptcy proceedings were opened against him. The functions of the bankruptcy trustee of the Bank are assigned to the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).

The Agency informs the Bank's borrowers that from February 1, 2016, transfers of funds towards debt repayment are made using the following details:

Recipient of payment: State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency"

INN 7712044762 KPP 775001001

Address: 109240, Russia, Moscow, st. Vysotskogo, 4

Recipient bank: Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District

Recipient's current account: 40503810145250003051

BIC 044525000

Purpose of payment: name (last name, first name, patronymic) of the debtor (borrower), EAN 2989ХХХХХХХХХ / card number (for cardholders), details of the loan agreement (Loan agreement No. _____ from “____” _________20___), as well as the account of Svyaznoy Bank (JSC) at the Agency - No. 76/11-0482.

The Agency also reports that payment in cash can be made at the cash desk located in the Bank building at the address: Moscow, Ermolaevsky Lane, building 27, building 1. Cash desk opening hours: Monday - Thursday from 9:30 to 17:30, Friday from 9:30 to 16:30.

For additional information, please call: 8 800 100-00-05

For the attention of borrowers of Svyaznoy Bank (JSC) who also have deposits with the Bank.

Borrower of the Bank, who also has deposits with the Bank, and fully repaid his loan debt to the Bank(hereinafter referred to as the Bank's borrower), after 1 month after repayment of the debt, may apply to the agent bank for payment of the amount of insurance compensation due to him for all deposits opened with the Bank (but not more than 1,400,000 rubles according to the Federal Law of December 23, 2003 No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation”). The addresses of agent banks are posted on the Agency's official website on the Internet at www.asv.org.ru in the section “Liquidation of banks” / Svyaznoy Bank (JSC) / Insured event / On the start of payments and addresses of the agent bank. In relation to the balance of deposits exceeding the insurance compensation received, the depositor has the right to present the creditor's claim to the Bank in the manner prescribed by law during bankruptcy proceedings. Address for sending creditors' claims: 127055, Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, building 2.

As is known, since November 2015, the Central Bank of Russia revoked the license to carry out banking operations from Svyaznoy Bank. The reason was a violation of the laws of the Central Bank. However, the bank gave loans to individuals that must be repaid. Let's consider the question of how to pay off a loan from Svyaznoy Bank after the license is revoked.

Please note that revocation of the license is not a reason not to pay the loan in accordance with the agreement and the schedule attached to it.

Who to pay for the loan

After Svyaznoy Bank closed, what to do with the loan? Quite a relevant question, because after the license is revoked, the organization is subject to liquidation and does not have the right to carry out any financial transactions, including payments on previously issued loans. But the fact is that the loan portfolio and other assets of the enterprise become the property of another organization that bought them, and the funds from the liquidation of property are used to pay off the debts of the enterprise itself.

After depriving Svyaznoy Bank of its license, the loan portfolio was transferred to Tinkoff Bank. Accordingly, according to the law on the assignment of claims, Tinkoff Bank has the right:

  • accept payments from borrowers;
  • inform about the date and amount of payment, the formation of overdue debt;
  • advise clients;

In simple words, Tinkoff Bank has every right to further cooperate with the borrower of Svyaznoy Bank on its own behalf. The only thing, What is not allowed by law is changing the terms of the contract, increasing rates.

How to make payment

So, we found out where to pay the loan from Svyaznoy Bank. But the fact is that the current account into which you previously made payments for loans has changed, and your task is to find out the account number of the payment recipient, details and methods of payment. Only here it is more reasonable to believe that Tinkoff Bank is independently obliged to send a letter to the place of residence specified in the loan agreement, notifying the assignment of the right to claim the debt and new details.

As for credit cards, everything is similar here. Firstly, the old card must be replaced with a new one. Secondly, you need to pay off all existing debts to the new creditor. And the new lender will also inform you about further terms of cooperation.

The Tinkoff Bank hotline operator will tell you how to repay the Svyaznoy Bank loan now, since it does not have branches or sales offices. By the way, all contacts of Svyaznoy Bank do not work, including the official website and Internet banking, so all issues after the license is revoked are resolved by Tinkoff Bank.

The difficult economic situation around the world is becoming the main reason for the bankruptcy of many banking institutions. But what should those who have an outstanding loan from a bankrupt bank do? What should they do next? Do you need to repay the loan or can you forget about it? Let's consider all these questions in more detail.

What happens to the loan if the bank closes?

If such an unpleasant situation happened, and the bank where the loan was previously issued closed, then In no case will payments on the loan stop. Many who are confident in the cancellation of creditor obligations are deeply mistaken. The fact is that in such a situation, all loans are resold at auction.

After the loan has been purchased by another banking institution, it is obliged to:

  • notify the borrower himself about this (this is done by registered mail via Russian Post);
  • establish a new loan repayment period (with mandatory notification of this to the borrower).

Moreover, the new lender may ask to repay the existing loan early.

If the borrower has financial difficulties, the bank may offer.

Is it possible not to pay a loan if the bank is closed?

As stated earlier - the loan will have to be repaid in full. The only question is, who exactly?

After the loan is purchased by another lender, within a few weeks it will notify the borrower of the new payment details. Since fraudsters can often take advantage of this, after receiving the appropriate notification, it is recommended to contact a new banking institution and confirm the fact of loan redemption.

It must be remembered that the main reason for paying this loan is the fact that by repaying the loan by the borrower, he in such a unique way helps depositors to return their savings in the bank that, for some reason, closed or became bankrupt.

Svyaznoy Bank has closed - what to do with the loan

Unfortunately, the difficult economic situation in the country hit this banking institution hard, which led to the revocation of its license by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Many borrowers are now interested in the question: what to do with their loans?

It is already known that All loans will be purchased by Tinkoff Bank— it is to this banking institution that all borrowers must repay their previously issued loans with Svyaznoy.

To continue paying off your loan, you need to know your contract number, which was assigned in a new way by Tinkoff Bank.

To do this, just contact the bank’s hotline (since it does not have offices) at phone number 8 -800-755-22-55.

It is worth remembering that all calls are free.

The hotline will inform all borrowers new details for making your payments. You can control your receipts using the registration field in your Tinkoff Bank personal account. The positive thing is that no commission is charged when paying off the loan.

Is Home Credit Bank closing?

Recently information was leaked that this bank may soon close. But is it? There is only one answer - don’t worry, Home Credit bank does not close.

Why won't it close? Elementarily, this is due to the following factors:

  • The bank ranks 8th in the rating of depositors. As of the end of 2015, it stores depositors’ savings amounting to over 500 million rubles;
  • If this bank is withdrawn, economic collapse in the provision of banking services is inevitable.

Moreover, according to representatives of both the bank itself and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Home Credit managed to survive the peak of its crisis. Moreover, the decision to close about 200 of its offices allows it to significantly change its difficult situation and return to its pre-crisis position.

Is FIA Bank closing and where to pay the loan

Unfortunately, FIA Bank is still closing and now all borrowers who have an outstanding loan from this bank will have to pay using new details.