Statement from Sberbank corporate card. Conditions for opening a card and its maintenance

Has been on the list for a long time banking services Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The banking institution is today recognized as a leader in the sale of corporate cards. The leadership position is due to the bank's reputation as the most reliable financial institution in Russia, and a huge number of ATMs and branches throughout its territory.

What is this banking product, why is it needed and what are its main advantages?

This is the type payment card issued to a specific employee of the company. It stores the company's funds issued to the employee under strict accountability, and he can be sure that he will always have money to pay for the various economic needs of the organization.

Corporate card Sberbank is intended to cover travel, entertainment and transportation expenses that may arise for an employee during his work. In addition, you can book a hotel and buy travel tickets.

Main features of the banking product

It can also be used when cash is urgently needed, including - foreign currency. But the owner of the plastic cannot use it for personal purposes. The ban applies to the payment of wages and various social benefits.

The company that issued it to its employee also has advantages of this type of card:

  • the company does not need to spend time cashing out money for economic and organizational needs, while its operating costs are reduced;
  • there is no need to purchase currency for foreign business trips, open the necessary foreign currency account in this case and fill out customs declarations;
  • Sberbank corporate card for legal entities sets a limit on expenses, which allows the accounting department to control them at any convenient time;
  • Since it carries out non-cash payments, it has no restrictions on payments over 100 thousand rubles. ;
  • make online purchases;
  • You can get cash from an ATM at any time of the day;
  • the risk of cash theft is reduced, especially when transporting large amounts;
  • acts as an excellent alternative to a checkbook;
  • If the plastic is accidentally lost, it can be easily blocked.

The bank offers three types of packages: Visa Business/MasterCard Business to a business account, Visa Business “Budget”/MasterCard Business “Budget” and Visa Business/MasterCard Business to. All of them are issued free of charge.

In this credit organization tariffs for issuing and servicing are lower than those of other banking institutions. The most profitable is “Budget”. She has free service, there is no commission for replenishing funds and there is no an initial fee. The limit for cash withdrawal through an ATM per day using this plastic card is up to 300 thousand rubles. Visa service Business/ MasterCard Business to a business account costs 1200 rubles. or 50 US dollars (50 euros), and the initial payment is at least 2400 rubles. or $100. For Visa cards Business/MasterCard Business to a current account, the cost of service is 2,500 rubles, no down payment is required. All tariffs can be found in detail on the official website.

Nice bonuses for owners

How to apply for a Sberbank corporate card for a legal entity

To apply for a banking product, an entrepreneur needs to go through the following procedure:

  • First of all, you need to open special account enterprise, which will serve for accounting Money on all plastics. It is enough to open just one account, since any number of cards required for a particular enterprise will be linked to it.
  • Contribute an initial fee. This will be your service fee for the year.
  • Design application for. This can be done at the bank branch where the account is serviced. Sberbank provides for the issuance of online corporate cards in the Business Online system.
  • Provide special register, where spending limits are indicated for each employee for whom the card is issued. The spending limit is determined depending on the product holder's authority limit.

A few days after the entire procedure, the card will be ready.

Stages of registration

The personal data (first and last name) of the user, as well as the name of the organization, are recorded on the plastic. Validity period – 3 years. Since the card in use corresponds to the traditional one, after losing it you will have to submit a new application for issue again.

What difficulties may arise during work?

Issuing such a card to employees is an excellent solution for individual entrepreneurs, especially in cases where employees need to pay for something on their own. In any case, this money belongs to the enterprise. But there are several nuances that must be taken into account when using a Sberbank corporate card for legal entities, as well as features of reflecting all transactions on it and posting them in financial statements.

  1. Since issuing plastic cards requires a separate account of the enterprise, its opening must be reported to the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund. There is no need to report the issuance of each card.
  2. The issuance of plastic cards is not reflected in any way in the accounting of the enterprise, since it belongs to the bank. If the employee has a personalized card, which he personally receives from the bank, then there is no need to keep a logbook.
  3. Money received by an employee through an ATM is not processed through the cash register. Likewise, cash withdrawn from plastic is not taken into account when compiling cash balance at the end of the working day.
  4. Having a convenient payment instrument at your personal disposal is a great temptation for a careless employee. In this case, the main rule applies - a report is required for each operation (any payment, cash withdrawal from an ATM).
  5. A situation may arise where the employee was unable to fully report on the money spent or was unable to provide documents proving the expediency of the expenses. In this case, these funds can be withheld from the salary of the plastic holder.
  6. When an accountant writes off money received by an employee from a card, it is necessary to take into account its type. According to the auditors, this posting should be made through account 71 (“Settlements with accountable persons”).

The offer is a modern business tool

More information about applying for a product can be found in this

Special corporate card of Sberbank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs makes it easier to spend money. It also simplifies the management of a current account and provides control over the security of transactions performed.


Features of Sberbank Business Cards for LLCs and Individual Entrepreneurs

The Sberbank card for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs is issued to the company's current account and requires a special package of services for business.

A list of its features will help you understand what a corporate card is and why it is needed:

  • this is a debit payment instrument, but it is possible to open a credit account, which will serve as a corporate one, with a business card linked to it;
  • registration of a large amount of “plastic” for one company is available;
  • This product can be used by any employee of the organization who has the appropriate authority;
  • each card transaction must be documented;
  • when issuing this payment instrument, it is marked with information about the company and information about its owner;
  • through Internet banking you can manage the card (for example, order its issue/reissue, set limits, change client data, etc.);
  • you can connect to one of six service package options (from free, with a minimum number of options, to maximum, the most expensive);
  • the maximum period for using the card is three years, then you will need to replace the old “plastic” with a new one;
  • SMS notification connection is available to the payment instrument;
  • the plastic banking product has a protective electronic chip;
  • connected contactless technology PayPass payments;
  • there is a business card insurance program;
  • There is protection for online transactions using a password.

Functions of the corporate product from Sberbank for business:

  • non-cash payments for business and other company expenses in any country in the world;
  • repayment of expenses of company employees related to business trips and entertainment expenses, without the use of cash;
  • payment of expenses through ATMs in Russia and abroad;
  • transfer of funds to other employees of the enterprise;
  • accepting currency from senders both abroad and at home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Strengths of the corporate product for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

  • convenient management of the payment instrument online (including setting limits for the cards of all employees, viewing their status, etc.);
  • reduction of time for checking reports and monitoring money transactions;
  • all plastic products of one company are directly linked to its bank account;
  • replenishing the company’s balance or withdrawing cash from it through an ATM occurs instantly and is possible at any time;
  • walking distance to branded ATMs due to high density their placement throughout the country;
  • service " Mobile bank» allows you to easily control expenses on all cards;
  • there is no need to issue cash to company employees and worry about the safety of funds;
  • there is an option to connect to the free “Easy Start” service package for entrepreneurs starting a business;
  • The Mastercard Business card allows you to save on business trips (bonuses can return 10% of the cost of tickets to OneTwoTrip).

Weaknesses of business plastic for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

  • high cost of annual maintenance;
  • If you lose your card, you need to block it and write a corresponding statement at the bank branch;
  • There are daily and monthly limits on cash withdrawals;
  • there is a risk of theft of a plastic card and funds from the company’s account.

Reviews from Sberbank's corporate clients about the business card indicate the demand for this product and the importance of its use by modern companies in their activities.

What does the map look like?

Externally, corporate “plastic” differs from other Sberbank products only in color and design.

The business card looks like this:

Color (no unique design)Green
Electronic chipPresent
Account detailsThe payment instrument number consists of 16 digits
Owner informationThe name and surname of its owner are written on the card.
Company informationIn the lower left corner on front side write the company name
Card expiration datePresent
Payment systemThe card type is indicated by a special icon and its name (located in the lower right corner on the front side)

Photo gallery

Business card MasterCard Business Visa card with a unique design

Types of Sberbank corporate cards

Sberbank issues cards of the “Business” line, working with two payment systems – Visa and MasterCard. They can be credit or debit, and also focused on use within the country (rubles) and abroad (in dollars/euros). Thus, the business card allows you to make payments outside of Russia, eliminating the need to pre-purchase currency for foreign business trips of company employees.

Sberbank corporate card for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is of the following types:

  • "budget";
  • to the main account (corporate);
  • to a business account.

For a “budget” payment instrument (Visa/MasterCard Business), a special business account is opened in rubles. Money is credited to it for making transactions using corporate cards.

Corporate is a universal banking product that does not require the creation of a special account and initial deposits. To register it, an entrepreneur needs to have a current account to which ruble payment instruments will be attached.

“Plastic” attached to a business account is opened in three currencies (rubles/euro/dollars).

To reduce expenses on a Sberbank business card, aspiring entrepreneurs are offered the “Easy Start” package. According to its terms, the first year of servicing the “plastic” will be free.

How to open a card for a legal entity (step-by-step instructions)

In order to apply for “business plastic”, representatives of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur need to perform the following steps:

  1. Collect papers for opening an account and cards. These include constituent documents, a company registration certificate, passports of a company representative and persons for whom the plastic is issued.
  2. Open a corporate account that will allow you to keep track of transactions on payment instruments issued to company employees.
  3. Credit the amount to the balance (not less than the cost of annual servicing of issued cards).
  4. Fill out an application to receive corporate payment instruments. An online application form is possible (on the official website through the “ Sberbank Business Online"), as well as at a bank branch. It is allowed to order several plastic instruments at the same time.
  5. Provide credit institution specialists with information about those company employees who will become business card owners. Also, opening is impossible without specifying spending limits for each banking product issued.
  6. Receive plastic in 1-1.5 weeks at a bank branch.

Via Business Online

An application for the issue of corporate “plastic” is made in a few minutes using the Sberbank Business Online service, which allows you to complete this operation without leaving your office/home.

Creating a holder

The issuance of business cards is impossible without registering a company's ruble current account. Therefore, if it is not yet open, then you need to create it.

The sequence of actions for creating an application for registering a corporate account:

  1. Open the Sberbank website.
  2. Go to Personal Area companies in the Sberbank Business Online service.
  3. In the “Services” section, click on “Corporate cards”, and then on the “Start registration” item.
  4. In the window that appears, click on the plus button and enter the values ​​of the required parameters. Fields with a white background must be filled in manually.
  5. Select a ruble current account to work with corporate cards.
  6. Check the accuracy of the data provided.
  7. Save the document.
  8. Wait until the procedure for checking the correctness of the entered details is completed. If errors are detected, the “Document Check Results” window will appear. It provides a list of issues found and warnings that should be addressed.
  9. Sign the created application by pressing the button with a pen on it. As a result, it will receive the “Signed” status.
  10. Submit your completed application for consideration. To do this, click on the envelope button located on the toolbar.
  11. After a few days, check the “Message from the bank” tab. The results of processing the application by Sberbank specialists should be displayed here.

Login page for the Sberbank Business Online service “Start Checkout” Tab Application for registration of a current account “Message from bank” tab Window with a list of applications for opening a current account for working with business cards

Application for ordering a card

The procedure for issuing new business cards through the Sberbank Business Online system is as follows:

  1. Open the bank's website.
  2. Follow the link “Small Business and Individual Entrepreneurs” and go to your Personal Account by clicking on the “Sberbank Business Online” item.
  3. In the “Services” section, select “Corporate cards”, “Application” and “Application for issuing new business cards”.
  4. In the list of applications for the issue of new corporate products, click on the “plus” button. As a result, a page with an application form for the release of a plastic product will appear. The date of application, details of the bank branch unit (where the application is sent), the company account (marked “Business account”), and the type of “plastic” are indicated here. Also at this stage it is necessary to set the parameter “The consent of the cardholder to provide personal data has been obtained.”
  5. Generate a list of business card users. You need to enter the following information about the owners of payment instruments: full name, passport details, address, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), date of birth, telephone number, e-mail, etc.
  6. Check that the information entered in the application form is correct and click the “Save” button. After this, the system will check the filled fields to ensure the correctness of the data provided. If errors are detected, the “Document Check Results” window will appear. It contains a list of bugs and warnings found.
  7. Check the results of data processing in the “Information from the Bank” tab.
  8. You will be notified in the form of a letter from Sberbank that the card is ready.

Official website of Sberbank, section “Small Business and Individual Entrepreneurs” Window for the list of applications for the issue of new corporate cards Electronic form applications for the issuance of new corporate cards Tab "Corporate card holder" Window "Document verification results"

Via bank

To obtain a corporate bank card at a Sberbank branch, legal entities/individual entrepreneurs must go through the following steps:

  1. Opening a business account.
  2. Transfer of the down payment. The amount credited must be equal to or greater than the annual card maintenance fee.
  3. Filling out an application for issuing a Sberbank business card. You can immediately connect an unlimited number of payment instruments to your company’s current account.

Opening an account

The procedure for creating a business account is free and takes little time, however, you must pay for its annual maintenance.

To open a company current account at a bank branch you will need:

  1. Contact the corporate customer service department.
  2. Fill out an application expressing the desire of the company owners to create an account for the subsequent issuance of business cards for it.
  3. Provide constituent documents.
  4. Present an identity card (of a person who represents the interests of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity).

The application contains the following information:

  • name of the bank branch to which the application is submitted;
  • company tax identification number;
  • full name of the company;
  • date of;
  • company name that will be displayed on the card;
  • account currency.

Making a down payment

An annual maintenance fee must be credited to your account.

The down payment can be made in cash using one of the following methods:

  • through a cash desk at a Sberbank branch;
  • via ATM.

Actions of a bank client when making a transaction to replenish an account at the cash desk of a Sberbank branch:

  1. Visit the branch during business hours.
  2. Present your passport to the operator and provide the necessary information about the account to which funds will be credited and the amount of the transfer.
  3. Depositing cash, including the amount of the commission fee (it is paid by the sender of the money).
  4. Payment confirmation. The received check must be kept until the funds arrive on the company’s balance sheet.

The cashier will need the following information to complete this transaction:

  • account details of the addressee company;
  • transfer amount;
  • information about the bank branch where the account was opened (you need to know its number and address).

Algorithm of actions for a person who wants to top up a corporate account with cash through a Sberbank ATM/terminal:

  1. Find out the ID code. To credit cash to the company's balance sheet, you need to obtain an ID code. It can be obtained from the operator at the bank branch where the account is serviced. Each authorized person with the right to deposit cash must also have an ID code.
  2. Find the nearest ATM.
  3. Press any button on the device.
  4. Go to the menu section - “Payment for services”.
  5. “Click” on the item “Deposit cash to your current account.”
  6. Enter the ID code, and then indicate the account and amount.
  7. Deposit cash into the bill acceptor and confirm the transaction.

You can also top up your account by non-cash method. To do this, you will need an ATM/terminal and a bank card with the required amount on the balance.

The sequence of actions when depositing money into an organization’s account through an ATM using a card:

  1. Insert the bank card into the machine.
  2. Find a company in the list of templates. If it is not there, then fill in the details fields manually. This indicates: checkpoint, BIC, TIN, correspondent and current account, full name of the organization.
  3. Indicate the purpose of the payment and its amount. At this stage, it is important to write down the purpose of the operation, in otherwise An organization may receive a fine for distorting reporting.
  4. Select the “Debit from card” section.
  5. Confirm the transaction.
  6. Take and save the receipt.

It is important to know that funds deposited before 23.00 (on weekdays) are credited to the business account on the same day. However, if you make a transfer later than this time or on the weekend, the money will arrive on the next business day.

You can also top up your account by transferring funds from another account/card through the Sberbank Online service.

You can do this as follows:

  1. Log in to the system on the bank's website.
  2. Go from the main menu to the payments and transfers section.
  3. Select a money transfer/exchange point.
  4. In the menu that opens, select the “transfer to a private person” item.
  5. Fill in the details for completing the transaction (including the addressee’s account number, BIC of the bank, its name).
  6. Specify the transfer amount.
  7. Mark the source from which the money will be debited (account/card/deposit).
  8. Confirm the operation being performed. To do this, enter the one-time code from the SMS message received from the bank.

Application Form

To issue a business card, you must fill out an application form.

The application form includes the following details:

  • Company name;
  • the account number to which the ordered “plastic” is attached;
  • place of card issue;
  • type of payment instrument;
  • personal data of the employee (full name, citizenship, date and place of birth, position held, passport series and number, migration card (for foreigners), INN, SNILS, address (stay/registration));
  • account currency (rubles, dollars, euros);
  • contact details (home/mobile/work phone, e-mail).

At the stage of registration of “plastic”, a limit on the expenditure of funds is also set. After some time, it can be increased/decreased; this does not require re-issuing the card. An authorized representative of the company will need to provide Sberbank with a new register indicating the limits.

From the moment of submitting the application until the employee of the organization receives the business card, it will take 7-10 days.

Card activation

Activation of a Sberbank business card can be done in three traditional ways, which are suitable for making a similar transaction with other bank cards.

Options for this procedure:

  1. Automatic. Usually it is carried out within 24 hours from the date of registration/issuance of the card.
  2. Manual. The owner of the payment instrument can activate it using a terminal/ATM. He needs to insert the “plastic” into the device and perform any action with it (for example, make a request about the card balance).
  3. Through the cash desk of a financial and credit organization. To do this, you need to contact a Sberbank operator and follow his recommendations.

Activation of a business card is not possible if there is an amount less than the established limit in the company’s current account (or there is no money at all).

Business card tariffs

Tariff plan for issuing and servicing corporate cards:

ServiceType of payment instrument
Opening a corporate accountFor free
Servicing one card per year1200 rubles / 50 dollars / 50 eurosFor free2500 rub.
Account currencyRubles / dollars / eurosRubles
Initial contribution to the organization's accountMinimum 2400 rubles / 100 dollars / 100 euros for one cardNot provided
Depositing money into a business accountNo commission
Blocking the card if it is lostFor free
Early/next reissue of “plastic”For free
Cash withdrawal using a business card at the cash deskIn Sberbank - 1%. In other financial institutions - 1% (minimum 150 rubles / 5 dollars / euros)In Sberbank without commission
Cash withdrawal using a business card through an ATMIn any bank machine the cost of service is 1%At a Sberbank ATM without commissionIn Sberbank - 2% (minimum 150 rubles). In third-party financial and credit institutions - 3% (minimum 300 rubles / 10 dollars / euros).
Query transaction historyAt an ATM – 15 rublesFor freeAt an ATM - 15 rubles, and through Sberbank Business Online - no commission
Acceptance of cash for crediting to the company account (through self-service devices, Sberbank cash desk using electronic terminal cash currency)0.15% of transaction sizeFor free0.2% of the transaction size (minimum 150 rubles)

Since the bank’s tariffs may change, the cost of servicing a business card should be clarified on the bank’s website.

Current limits

Limits for basic transactions with business cards:

ServiceType of payment instrument
Visa and MasterCard Business series to a business accountVisa and MasterCard Business “Budget”Visa and MasterCard Business to current account
Cash withdrawal limit on a corporate card170,000 rubles / 3,000 dollars / 2,600 euros per day for each payment instrument. The amount should not exceed 5 million rubles per month in the company’s business account. When using the services of another financial and credit institution - 170,000 rubles / 3,000 dollars / 2,600 euros per day for each payment instrument.At an ATM – up to 300,000 rubles per month. There is no limit at the Sberbank branch.170,000 rubles / 3,000 dollars / 2,600 euros per day for each payment instrument. The amount should not exceed 5 million rubles per month according to the company’s current account. When using the services of another financial and credit institution - 170,000 rubles / 3,000 dollars / 2,600 euros per day for each payment instrument.
Limit on accepting money at self-service devices to top up an organization’s accountAbsent

Setting and changing limits

You can set a limit on a corporate card using the Sberbank Business Online system. To carry out an operation to change spending restrictions on “plastic” for a business, you must fill out a corresponding application.

Algorithm of actions of an authorized person of the company for submitting an application to change limits on corporate cards through the Sberbank Business Online service:

  1. Log in to the Sberbank website in your Personal Account of the online service.
  2. Go to the “Services” section, then to “Corporate cards”, “Management of business cards”, “Setting and changing spending limits”. As a result, a list of applications for changing limits on payment instruments will open.
  3. Create a request to make adjustments to corporate card limits using one of the following methods. The first is the creation of a new document, and the second is the creation of a copy of an existing application.
  4. Go through the procedure of signing an application ready to be sent. To do this, click on the button that shows a handle.
  5. Send the completed request to the bank for further processing. To do this, select required document in the list and click on the “letter” button.

As a result of performing these actions, the application for re-issuance of a corporate card will be sent to the bank for processing. After a few days, you can go to your Personal Account, in the “Information from the Bank” tab, and find out the status of the submitted application.

  1. In the form with a list of applications to change restrictions on business cards, click on the “plus” button.
  2. In the “Setting/Changing Expense Limits” window, fill in the fields with a white background manually, and with a gray background by selecting values ​​from the list.
  3. Create a list of business cards whose spending limits are subject to change. To do this, click on the “table with plus” button.
  4. In the record generation window, indicate the “plastic” number and the size of the restrictions. You can set a monthly limit for all expense transactions (by default, the card has a limit of 15 million rubles). Here you can also determine the maximum amount for withdrawing money per month (maximum 5 million rubles for all cards). In addition, there is a limit on non-cash transactions per day and cash withdrawals per day.
  5. Before saving the application, you need to check its contents.
  6. After clicking the “OK” button, the system will check the correctness of the entered data. If there are no errors, the application will appear in the list of requests for adjustment of card limits. In a situation where deficiencies are found, they should be corrected.

To create a copy of an old request, you must:

  1. In the form with a list of applications for changing restrictions on business cards, select the document that will be adjusted.

Window “Set/change expense limits” Window "Adding a business card entry" Tab "Information from the bank" Window for a list of applications for adjusting limits on corporate cards

Service packages

For their clients, Sberbank specialists have developed five service packages that can be connected to corporate payment instruments. There are offers aimed at both beginning entrepreneurs and those beneficial to experienced businessmen.

Tariffs for Sberbank business cards:

OptionsService packages
Easy startGood seasonGood revenueActive settlementsGreat opportunities
OrientationFor beginning businessmenFor companies with a small number of payments / seasonal businessFor companies where cash is often depositedFor those who send a large number of paymentsFor a business where many account transactions are carried out
Cost of opening an accountFor free
Transferring money to legal entity accounts through SberbankFree for transfers between Sberbank clients. The commission is not charged for the first three transactions per month with account holders of other banks. The cost of the fourth and subsequent operations is 100 rubles.The first five transactions per month with clients of any banks are free. The cost of the sixth and subsequent operations is 49 rubles.The first ten transactions per month with clients of any banks are freeThe first fifty transactions per month with clients of any banks are free.

The cost of the 51st and subsequent operations is 16 rubles.

Free for transfers between Sberbank clients. The commission is not charged for the first 100 transactions per month with account holders of other banks. The cost of the 101st and subsequent external operations is 100 rubles.
Transferring money to accounts individuals through SberbankCommission 0.5%Commission 0.5%Commission 0.5%Commission 0.5%Up to 300,000 rubles free, and then 1.5%
Receiving (crediting) cash to the account through self-service devices, ATMs, terminals at the cash deskCommission 0.15% of the amountFree up to 50,000 rubles, and then 0.15% of the amountFree up to 100,000 rubles, and then 0.15% of the amountCommission 0.15% of the amountFree up to 500,000 rubles, and then 0.15% of the amount
Cash withdrawal from a business card through an ATM/terminal at the bank's cash deskCommission 3% of the amountNo commission when withdrawing up to 500,000 rubles. Further cost of service will be 3%.
Withdrawing money through a Sberbank cash deskUp to 5 million rubles – 5%. More than 5 million rubles – 8%.Up to 2 million rubles – 4%. From 2-5 million rubles – 5%. More than 5 million rubles – 8%.Up to 2 million rubles – 3%. From 2-5 million rubles – 5%. More than 5 million rubles – 8%.
Certificate (in paper form) about account transactionsOne thousand rubles per document
Tariffs for servicing a corporate cardServicing Visa Business and MasterCard Business cards is free for the first year490 rubles/month990 rubles/month2490 rubles/month8600 rubles per month

You can connect a Mobile Bank to your business card, which will allow you to:

  • promptly receive up-to-date information on account balances and payment status, history of completed transactions, reports, statements, etc.;
  • make calculations in a convenient interface;
  • use templates to quickly carry out various operations;
  • manage all business cards.

How to use a Sberbank business card

When using a corporate card, do not forget that all money credited to it belongs to the company. Therefore, the funds at the disposal of a company employee may be spent strictly for their intended purpose and in the interests of the business.

Using a corporate card for personal purposes is prohibited.

If there is a need to make a payment using corporate “plastic”, the accountant must top it up from the organization’s account. In this case, the purpose of spending the funds must be indicated. In the future, the credited money can be cashed out (via an ATM/bank cash desk) to make payments for goods/services. This transaction can also be carried out by bank transfer by transferring funds to the account of the seller/contractor.

Having completed the employer’s task/instruction, the company employee must submit to the accounting department documents indicating the expenditure of funds (for example, an invoice/receipt) and receipts from an ATM/cash. Based on the provided papers, an advance report on the amounts of money spent is created.

The rules for using a business card are instructions for handling corporate “plastic”, which every authorized employee of the company must be familiar with. Only a trained representative of the company can work with this payment instrument.

Instructions on how to use a corporate card must be provided within the company.

Terms of use

Rules for using corporate “plastic”, taking into account key aspects of accounting:

  1. This payment instrument is the property of the bank, not the company, so there is no need to reflect the cost of its issue in the transactions.
  2. Money withdrawn from the card does not pass through the cash register.
  3. An employee of a company who is a user of a corporate banking product must provide the accounting department with documents for the funds spent. Otherwise, the amount withdrawn from the company’s account is considered misappropriation and will be collected from the organization’s employee.
  4. This type of “plastic” cannot be used for payment wages and other social contributions.

Cash withdrawal

The owner of a Sberbank business card can withdraw money in the following ways:

  • via ATM/terminal;
  • at the bank's cash desk.

To receive cash, you can use the services of both Sberbank and third-party financial institutions. It is more profitable for the owner of a payment instrument to withdraw money from a branded ATM, because cashing out an account with other banks requires paying additional fees.

The video shows the process of cashing out funds from bank card using a Sberbank ATM. Filmed by the channel: “RusCreditCard”.


In order to transfer money to the company’s account, you can use one of the following methods:

  • via ATM in cash;
  • by transfer from another account/card;
  • depositing funds into the bank's cash desk;
  • using the Sberbank Business Online service (to do this you need to transfer the required amount from another account/card).

Money transfer

Features of transferring money from business cards:

  • company funds can be easily transferred between corporate payment instruments within the same organization;
  • transferring funds to the business account of another company/entrepreneur is prohibited;
  • transfers to cards of individuals are permitted only in a situation where payment for goods/services is made (the recipient of the money must be registered as an entrepreneur);
  • the Sberbank Business Online service is used as a tool for transferring funds;
  • You can send money from the company’s “plastic” to the account/card of a third party (for example, a seller of goods/services) through an ATM/terminal;
  • the owner of a corporate banking product cannot transfer money from the company’s payment instrument to a personal card;
  • the balance of funds from “business plastic” can be transferred to the company’s account.

The video presents an algorithm for transferring money to a company's counterparty using a business card through the Sberbank Business Online service. Filmed by the channel: “Sberbank for business”.

Features of corporate card accounting

Accounting for business card transactions has the following features:

  1. The accountant can take a cash flow statement for each corporate “plastic” issued. Therefore, there is no need to maintain a journal for payments made using these banking instruments.
  2. Accounting cash transactions in the company is not associated with cash withdrawal transactions at an ATM or bank cash desk.
  3. Accounting for funds transferred by non-cash payments from a corporate card or cash received from it is carried out in account 71. In the Chart of Accounts it is called “Settlements with accountable persons”. Here you should separate transactions by the type of payment instrument involved.
  4. All expenses made by the business card owner must be documented. Checks, receipts, tickets and other papers are promptly transferred to the company's accounting department.

Reissue of Business Card

Replacing the card with a new one, maintaining the same number and assigning it to the same account, is carried out on the basis of an application. An application for reissue is necessary when the corporate “plastic” has been blocked for some reason.

Algorithm of actions for generating and sending an application for re-issuance of a business card:

  1. Open the bank's website on your computer/tablet/smartphone.
  2. Follow the link “Small Business and Individual Entrepreneurs” and go to your Personal Account by clicking on the “Sberbank Business Online” item. Here you need to enter your personal information to log into the service.
  3. In the “Services” section, click on “Corporate cards”, then “Manage business cards” and then on the item “Reissue before expiration”. As a result, information about applications for replacement of payment instruments will appear.
  4. In the form of a list of requests for re-issuance of corporate cards, you need to create the required application. To do this, you can generate a new document or make a copy of a previously submitted one.
  5. Sign the application ready to be sent. To do this, press the button that shows a handle.
  6. Send a request to replace the “plastic” to the bank. To do this, you need to select the desired document in the list and click on the “letter” button.

As a result of performing these actions, an application for re-issuance of a corporate card will be generated and sent to the bank for processing. After a few days, you can go to your Personal Account, go to the “Information from the Bank” tab and get acquainted with the decision on the appeal.

To create a new application you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. On the page with a list of applications to replace a business card, click on the “plus” button.
  2. In the “Reissue of a corporate card (if lost) before the expiration date” window, fill in the fields with white and gray backgrounds.
  3. In the directory of departments, select the one to which this appeal is sent.
  4. Specify the business card that should be reissued. To do this, click on the button to call up their list and select the one you need. In the form that opens, the “Card Type” and “Reason” fields will be automatically filled in.
  5. Check the contents of the application.
  6. After saving the document, the system will check the correctness of the entered data and the presence of restrictions on re-issuance. If the “plastic” status is “Fraud” or “Account Closed”, then it cannot be replaced.
  7. After a few days, check the “Information from Bank” tab in your Personal Account.

To create a copy of a previously generated request, you must:

  1. In the form with a list of applications for replacement of business cards, select the document that will be adjusted.
  2. “Click” on the “plus in a square” button located on the toolbar.
  3. Change the required values ​​in the loaded application form.
  4. Check the contents of the request and save it.

Photo gallery

Form for the list of requests for re-issuance of a corporate card Page for re-issuing a business card (if lost) before the expiration date Window with application verification results Tab "Information from the bank"

Card blocking

The procedure for blocking/unblocking corporate “plastic” is carried out on the basis of an application for surrender of this payment instrument (change of its status).

A bank client can suspend a card if it:

  • losses;
  • theft;
  • return to the bank.

Key stages of the process of generating/sending an application to change the status of a business card:

  1. Open the official website of the financial and credit organization.
  2. Go to the “Small Business and Individual Entrepreneurs” section and go to your Personal Account by clicking on the “Sberbank Business Online” item. Here you need to enter your personal information to log into the service.
  3. In the “Services” section, click on “Corporate cards”, then “Manage business cards”, and then on the item “Blocking corporate cards”. As a result, information about applications for this type of operation will appear.
  4. You need to create a request in the form of a list of requests for blocking. To do this, you can generate a new document or make a copy of a previously submitted one.
  5. Sign the application ready to be sent. To do this, you need to click on the button that shows a handle.
  6. Send an application to block the “plastic” to the bank. To do this, you need to select the desired document in the list and click on the “letter” button.

As a result of performing these actions, an application to block a corporate card will be generated and sent to the bank for processing. After a few days, you can go to your Personal Account, go to the “Information from Bank” tab and find out the status of the document.

To create a new request, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. On the page with the list of applications to change the status of a business card, click on the “plus” button.
  2. In the “Blocking corporate cards” window, fill in the fields with white and gray backgrounds.
  3. In the directory of departments, select the one you need.
  4. In the “Operation” field, select the action leading to a change in the “plastic” status (block or unblock). If you need to block a card, you need to fill in the “Reason” field (options available: “card lost”, “card stolen”, “card suspended”, “card surrendered/destroyed”).
  5. Specify the business card that should be blocked/surrendered. To do this, click on the button to call up their list and select the one you need. In the form that opens, the “Card Type” field will be automatically filled in.
  6. In the “Comment” block, enter in your own words the reason for suspending the payment instrument.
  7. Before submitting your application, you must check its contents.

After saving the document, the system will check the correctness of the entered data and the presence of restrictions on changing the state of the card. If the “plastic” status is “Fraud” or “Account Closed”, then it cannot be blocked.

Photo gallery

Window for blocking corporate cards Page with application verification results Tab "Information from the bank" Form for a list of applications for changing the status of company cards

Download complete instructions for registering and using a corporate card


The video talks about “plastic” for business from Sberbank. Filmed by the channel: “Sberbank”.

Obtaining a corporate card from Sberbank is indispensable for business clients, as it is an ideal means of organizing and controlling company expenses. Sberbank issues a card to a legal entity, opening a general corporate account. And on its basis, personal card accounts are created for selected employees: chief accountant, heads of departments, etc. To open an account, the manager or authorized person must fill out Form 11.

Advantages of corporate cards

A corporate card is indispensable when organizing company payments. It allows you not only to control costs, but also to significantly speed up all financial processes. An employee on a business trip receives a personal card issued on the basis of a general corporate account. And upon arrival, he does not need to collect receipts, tickets, coupons, since all his expenses go through the card. And the head of the company, in turn, can control the employee’s expenses.

Both control and organization of expenses are possible thanks to Internet banking, where you can change settings online, set new limits, top up your account, etc.

Corporate card for individual entrepreneurs from Sberbank

A single corporate account for entrepreneurs is a convenient tool created for simplified business and economic activity. There is no need for accountants to visit an institution every time to carry out one or another financial transaction: pay for goods, receive or send a transfer to a legal entity/individual. You can pay with bank cards or receive cash through branches and self-service services.
Applying for a corporate card at Sberbank is especially convenient for an employee located outside his region or state. If you need to get money in national currency country of residence, it is enough to simply remove them from the card without additional actions, since automatic conversion occurs. Legal entities, receiving a single card account, have the opportunity to:
  • streamline the movement of funds by gaining access to detailed reports in real time. At the same time, the accountant, the manager, and elected officials can simultaneously exercise control, and each of them knows exactly when, where and for what amount a particular payment was made;
  • open personal cards for employees, for example, business travelers, and set individual limits for them;
  • change settings if necessary (increase or decrease the amount of possible expenses);
  • If a bank card is lost or stolen, it can be quickly and easily blocked, preventing attackers from using the funds. Cash is usually lost without a trace.

How to apply for a Sberbank corporate card

A manager, entrepreneur or authorized representative of the company can apply for a corporate account. Form 11 filled out both during a personal visit to the institution and using Business Online. The application must include:
  • name of the institution, organization, company;
  • type of card in accordance with business goals;
  • card account currency;
  • comprehensive information about the employee: full name and details of identity documents (civil and foreign), all contacts (work, cell, home number) and email;
  • secret information that will serve as a client identifier when contacting the bank remotely. This can be a digital code, a word, a set of characters, etc.;
  • signature of the corporate client (the one for whom the card is registered). By signing the application, the citizen confirms that all information provided on paper is accurate. He also agrees with the terms of Sberbank (data analysis and verification);
  • signatures of the company director and accountant.

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Procedure for filling out the card application form

In Form 11 there is another form that is filled out by the manager banking institution. It contains the following mandatory items:
  • department name and code;
  • information about the bank employee accompanying the corporate client: position and other information;
  • review: response to the application, full name, position and signature of the institution’s employee;
  • account numbers (business and settlement);
  • time of registration and validity period of a card account for a corporate client.

Established fees for Sberbank corporate card

After filling out and signing the application, you must wait. It will take several days to issue a corporate card at Sberbank. Cards are issued only at the branch. Prices for servicing corporate clients depend on the type:
  • Sberbank charges 1,200 rubles for servicing a business account;
  • you will have to pay 2,500 rubles for servicing a payment card;
  • Budget cards of corporate clients are serviced free of charge.

Current card restrictions

No matter which card one chooses corporate client for your employee, you can get it for free. For card accounts opened for a legal entity, the bank has established the following fees and restrictions:
  • per day you can get up to 170 thousand rubles. in cash, per month - up to 5 million. If this is a budget card, another limit is set: 300 thousand rubles. per day;
  • if funds are withdrawn through branches and ATMs of the “native” institution, the commission is 1%. If other organizations, services, self-service systems, etc. are used - from 1 to 3%%. You can withdraw cash from a budget card without commission;
  • for replenishing an account, 0.15% is charged (except for budget cards), with a limit of 100 thousand rubles;
  • balance sheet report: 15 rub. request;
  • detailed report: 150 rub. request.

Business Online remote account management system

You can connect to Internet banking at the branch when submitting an application. The Business Online system provides the following features and advantages:
  • accept and process payments electronically;
  • accept whole line documents;
  • receive detailed expense reports for selected periods;
  • send documents accompanied by various applications;
  • import/export documents using 1C;
  • create and change template settings to optimize financial processes;
  • use an extensive database of preset details, which saves time.

Additional account management options

The client card is connected to the SMS service Mobile banking, allowing you to receive all the information on your phone. A key is used to identify the client in the service.
Registration of a corporate card at Sberbank provides a modern tool for managing, controlling and optimizing enterprise expenses.

Many payment systems issue plastic business cards. Their purpose effective management money turnover enterprises. They also emphasize the status of the company and create a special image. This type of plastic cards will be discussed.

What is a business card

A plastic business card is a payment instrument that allows you to:

  • Make payments related to the economic, main and representative activities of the company.
  • Monitor employee expenses.
  • Make accounting simple and transparent, because banks provide reports from which you can see the amount spent on the operation, currency, time, place of purchase, card number.
  • Reduce or even eliminate the turnover of accountable cash.
  • Optimize exchange control, because When making a transaction, the funds spent are converted into the currency in which the account was opened.

Business cards issued to enterprises by banks are:

  • debit, inseparable from the company account;
  • credit Each bank sets its own limit and determines the terms of its repayment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Business class plastic card?

A Business class card has all the advantages of a plastic card, plus additional:

  1. Possibility of withdrawing cash and carrying out transactions in any currency.
  2. Linking several cards to a company account with setting an individual limit for each.
  3. Payment of travel expenses. If an employee goes abroad, then the need to declare currency disappears. In this case, it is especially convenient to have a business-class credit card with a chip to replenish the missing funds.
  4. Transfer of spent money to other cards.

In addition to the advantages of a plastic card, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Not all stores, especially in the regions, accept them for payment.
  2. A company employee returning from a business trip has to fill out a report “the old fashioned way”, confirming it with receipts, checks and tickets.
  3. The circulation of plastic cards is also hampered by the conservatism of some managers, who are accustomed to giving their employees cash for all sorts of small purchases.

A corporate plastic card is issued to a person who has legal status. On its basis, cards are issued to trusted persons. The person for whom an individual business card is opened is not responsible to the bank. This function is assigned to the company. Many banks offer this type of card.

For example, Sberbank gives out for free:

  1. MasterCard.
  2. Classic Visa. Her service is like MasterCard cards, per year is 1.2 thousand rubles, and if the card account is in foreign currency, then 50 $ or euros.
  3. “Corporate” card, which allows you to cash out any amount. Sberbank services it much cheaper - only 250 rubles. in a year.
  4. MasterCard Business and Visa Business “Budget” – only for companies with open personal account V Federal Treasury. There is no need to pay for the service.

Bank VTB24 also offers corporate Visa cards Business and MasterCard Business, and there are 2 service packages:

  1. Business Classic, using which you can attach any number of cards to your main account. The plastic card is valid for 2 years. The package provides the ability to automatically top up cards from a special account that opens at the bank. Money is transferred to it from the main account even if it is opened in another bank. Upon receipt of an application, the card will be opened in a maximum of 7 days. Issuing “plastic” and its maintenance will cost 1.2 thousand rubles. Receipt and service currency card will cost 40 $/euro. A daily limit has been set for cash withdrawals - 300 thousand rubles. (or the corresponding equivalent in currency, at the bank’s exchange rate), but not more than 2 million rubles. per month.
  2. Business Gold. As part of this package, VTB24 Bank offers profitable plastic cards with additional features as:
  • receiving notifications on your mobile phone about completed operations for free;
  • receiving concierge services;
  • Possibility of using the “Card Protection” and “Traveller Protection” insurance programs.

The availability of VTB24 gold plastic cards requires an annual service fee of 2.4 thousand rubles. Every day you can withdraw cash from them, the amount of which is 2 times higher than the limit on classic cards.

The legal entity that is the owner of the main card has the ability to control how the holders of cards attached to it spend funds. To do this, you must select one of the options:

  1. Set the amount, in agreement with the bank, that an employee can withdraw per day or month.
  2. Control when and where money was spent using bank statements.
  3. Order for authorized persons personalized cards. Then control and protection of the plastic card is facilitated by the fact that no one else can use it.
  1. To protect the money on a corporate plastic card with a chip, you need to insure it.
  2. For an employee going on a business trip abroad, issue a card in the currency that is in use in the country where he is going. For example, America and Asia are Visa Business, and America is MasterCard Business.
  3. If in foreign business trip you will need a rented car, then it is profitable plastic card there will be a credit card. In this case, the car service blocks the money not on the company’s main card, but on the bank account.

In the activities of any company there is a need to spend money on current needs, representative and travel expenses. The Sberbank corporate card for legal entities and entrepreneurs is used specifically for this purpose. The money is transferred to the account and is spent in the interests of the company. All card transactions must be confirmed by accounting documents.

Benefits of use

A legal entity card is always issued in the name of an employee of the organization. Why fill out the form to receive a Sberbank corporate card online or in a branch. Using it, he can perform the following operations:

  • withdrawing cash from ATMs in different countries;
  • payment at retail outlets;
  • transfer of funds to employees of the organization.

Using plastic provides a number of advantages:

  • No financial losses in case of card loss. An employee can have access to large sums without risking their safety. All you have to do is call the support line and block the plastic.
  • Receiving cash abroad without using a foreign currency account on business trips. The conversion takes place automatically.
  • Reduced commissions for banking and foreign exchange transactions.
  • The employee does not spend personal money, but receives advances for expenses from the card.
  • Simplifying the process of financial management and operational control. The director or accountant independently sees all transactions on the account.
  • Possibility of receiving a transfer in another country, paying for hotel, air and train tickets online.
  • Using a system of discounts on various types of goods and services.

For online purchases, an optimal transaction mode is provided. The operation is performed after entering the password. A list of 10 passwords is issued in Sberbank terminals. You need to insert the card into the self-service device and print a receipt.

How to open

Currently, organizations can apply for a corporate Sberbank payment card Visa systems and MasterCard. List of available cards:

  1. Business to business account;
  2. Business "Budget".

To order a card, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Contacting a bank branch for working with legal entities and open a current account according to the conditions and tariffs. Applications are accepted from legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers and notaries. Constituent documents must be attached.
  2. An annual maintenance fee for each plastic card is charged to the account.. You can link the required number of cards to one organization account.
  3. Then an application form for receiving a Sberbank corporate card, form 11, is accepted from the client. If the company already has an account, then the application can be submitted through the branch where it is maintained or in the Sberbank Business Online system.
  4. A limit is determined for each plastic expense transactions for an employee. Its size depends on the scope of the employee’s powers. The bank is provided with a special register of employees and their passport details. In accordance with it, limits are set. If it is necessary to change them, a new register is submitted to the bank.
  5. After 7-10 days, receive it from the bank.

The card displays its number, validity period (3 years), first and last name of the employee, and the name of the company.

Use at work

When studying the question of how to use a Sberbank corporate card for legal entities, it is important to remember that all its funds belong exclusively to the company. If it is necessary to make an expense on the card, the accountant tops it up from the company’s account. The plastic number and the purpose of transferring funds must be indicated. Afterwards, the money is placed on the company employee’s card. Financial management occurs in accordance with the requirements and needs of the enterprise.

The expense can be made cashless or withdraw the required amount from an ATM. After completing the task, the employee provides checks, receipts for purchases of goods, services, and checks for withdrawal of funds to the organization’s accounting department. Based on these documents, a report on the expenditure of accountable funds is completed.

Using a card allows you to avoid problems with reporting when documents are lost; they can always be restored if you know the transaction data. When spending company funds, there will be no problems with increasing or decreasing the amount; the employee will not have to spend his own money or return the advance to the cashier.

As a result, the speed of settlements for the purchase of goods or services increases. The company reduces organizational costs, transactions are carried out at a convenient time without visiting the bank office and depending on the operating day. In addition, this banking product is subject to modern services: Free SMS transaction alerts and contactless PayPass technology. When using a corporate card, there are features of reflecting transactions and accounting entries:

  1. The issuance of plastic to an enterprise is not reflected in accounting, since it belongs to the bank. Issued in the name of the employee, which eliminates the need to keep a corresponding journal.
  2. Funds received through an ATM do not go through the company's cash desk. When compiling the cash balance at the end of the day, cash withdrawn from the plastic card is not taken into account.
  3. The card expense reporting system avoids confusion and also protects the organization from inattention or theft on the part of cardholder employees.
  4. If it is impossible to provide a report or provide documents confirming the expediency of spending, the funds are withheld from the employee’s salary.
  5. The accountant writes off the money spent by employees from their cards in account 71 - settlements with accountable persons. The type of plastic must be taken into account.

Considering what a Sberbank corporate card is for individual entrepreneurs, it is important to be able to transfer money from an account to it and cash it out. It is used not only in Russia, but throughout the world. All financial transactions at work can be carried out using a card.

Tariffs and services

When a Sberbank corporate card is used, tariffs are applied in accordance with the type of service issued. The account is opened for free. Annual maintenance in the amount of 2500 rubles. or 50 dollars/euros and an initial payment are made only for Visa/MasterCard Business products. The bank provides free services such as:

  1. Crediting funds to the company's account.
  2. Suspension of plastic in case of loss.
  3. Planned reissue or early.
  4. Card servicing in the field of trade or services. For Business “Budget” the limit is set at 100 thousand rubles.

Also on the Business card "Budget" Cash issuance is free at Sberbank branches and ATMs, and money is accepted through the cash register. You can withdraw no more than 300 thousand rubles per day using the card.

Product "Business to business account" provides more opportunities, but on a paid basis. Additionally, you can get cash from other banks and their ATMs, and request more detailed information on transactions. The withdrawal limit is set at 170 thousand rubles per day. You can withdraw no more than 5 million rubles per month. The cash withdrawal fee is 1% of the amount. Urgent cash withdrawal costs 6 thousand rubles.

So, a corporate card is quite a profitable payment instrument, suitable for international payments. Its use in business will reduce the time spent in the bank, increase the efficient use of the company's money and simplify the analysis and control of expenses for business needs. Today Sberbank provides wide possibilities for using plastic. Having determined the needs of the company, you can easily select the appropriate tariff for the card.