Large agricultural enterprises. Leaders do not work on their own land

The main goal of the project is to identify the largest agricultural companies and food processing enterprises that have a serious impact on the development of the country's agro-industrial complex, as well as to analyze the effectiveness of their work.

Data collection was carried out in three stages. At the first - preparatory - based on study open sources a list of 300 applicant companies was formed. At the second stage, they were surveyed. At the third stage, the missing information was filled in through the analysis of statistics, corporate reporting, assessments of line ministries and research organizations, as well as data from the SPARK-Interfax system.

The main ranking criterion is the volume of sales revenue. Subsidiaries, the indicators of which are consolidated in the statements of the parent holdings, were not included in the main list in order to avoid “double counting”.

Additional criteria for compiling sub-ratings were labor productivity and development dynamism. The productivity of enterprises in the field of livestock farming and agricultural processing should be understood as sales revenue per employee. Under the productivity of enterprises in the field of crop production - sales revenue per 1 hectare of land fund. Companies with a positive net profit for 2014 and a land area of ​​more than 80 thousand hectares were selected.

The list of ten dynamically growing companies is ranked in descending order of revenue growth rate. Companies with positive net profit for 2014 were selected.

The Big Seven agro-industrial complex showed a revenue increase of 25.1% in 2015. At the top of the ranking are holdings engaged in crop production and processing of plant raw materials, as well as producers of beef and pork. In 2016, agricultural sector leaders increased production volumes and continue to develop investment projects.

The food embargo maintains favorable conditions for the development of the Russian agro-industrial sector. The locomotive is large agricultural holdings with access to state subsidies and confidently attracting additional investment.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, in 2015, in all categories of farms, including personal subsidiary plots, the average agricultural production index was 103%. At the same time, the revenue of the top seven for the same year increased by a quarter, and the operating results of the companies for 2016 indicate the continued growth of industry leaders.

GC Agro-Belogorye

Registration region: Belgorod.

Owners: The main share of the holding (72.5%) is owned by Vladimir Zotov, deputy chairman of the Belgorod Regional Duma, included in the Forbes rating of “200 richest businessmen in Russia 2016”.

Specialization: pig farming, dairy farming, crop farming, feed production.

Source: AC "Expert"

In 2016, the holding launched investment project by 9.7 billion rubles. for the construction of new pig farms and auxiliary production(the direction is considered one of the most promising in terms of import substitution in the Russian Federation). It is planned to reach full capacity in 2018. Pork production in live weight will increase to 217 thousand tons (+35% to current volumes).


Registration region: Efremov, Tula region; Cargill, Inc. - USA, Minnesota.

Owners: Cargill is owned by the Cargill and MacMillan families (88% according to Forbes), the dynasty ranks 4th in the Forbes ranking of “The Richest Families in the USA 2016”.

Specialization: production of starch and starch products, animal feed, sugars and sugar syrups, trade in grain and oilseeds.

Source: RBC

Cargill, Inc. in fiscal year 2015 received revenue of $120.393 billion and net profit$1.58 billion, showing declines in sales and profits of 11% and 19%. However, in Russia the holding continues to invest in the growing market: in 2016 it launched new project for feed concentrates (planned capacity 50 thousand tons per year by the end of 2017), investment volume - 1.74 billion rubles. The company announced plans to invest in 2017-2018. in the development of the oil products business, $10 million.


Registration region: Moscow city.

Owners: the parent structure of Ros Agro Plc (Cyprus), the main beneficiary Vadim Moshkovich, owns 70.7% of the holding’s shares.

Specialization: growing sugar beets, grains and other agricultural crops, breeding pigs, producing sugar from sugar beets, producing and processing vegetable oil.

Source: RBC

Cherkizovo Group

Registration region: Moscow.

Owners: MB Capital Partners Ltd - 61.01%, Norges Bank - 4.89%; beneficiaries: the Babayev-Mikhailov family (controlled by MB Capital Partners Ltd).

Specialization: production of meat products (chicken and pork, processed meat products) and animal feed.

Source: RBC

Efko Group of Companies

Registration region: Voronezh; Moscow.

Owners: information about the group's beneficiaries is not disclosed; According to various sources, the largest share belongs to Valery Kustov (at the beginning of 2016 - 34.4%), the chairman of the board of directors of the holding.

Specialization: livestock farming, crop production, processing.

Over the past ten years, agricultural crops planted on all farms in the country have increased from 75.3 million hectares to 80 million hectares for the 2016 harvest. At the same time, the number of agricultural organizations working in the industry during this time decreased from 59.2 thousand to 36.4 thousand, calculated Rosstat . Agricultural land remains an attractive investment target, with companies expanding and consolidating crop production assets. However, it is very difficult to understand how effectively the largest latifundists use land and whether the strategy of buying up plots with the expectation of increasing their value and further resale is relevant for the industry, since the sector is extremely opaque. Nevertheless " Agroinvestor "tried to evaluate the work of agricultural holdings and compiled their rating based on the size of the sown area. It included 22 companies, which, according to calculations, together sown more than 6.5 million hectares for the 2016 harvest, or 8% of the all-Russian figure. The total land bank of the players was not taken into account - only land under cultivation was counted; the final figure for each company does not include fallows and pastures, with the exception of cultivated ones (for more information about the methodology, see the sidebar “How the rating was compiled”).

Leaders do not work on their own land

Top leaders open holding " Prodimex » Igor Khudokormov with 690 thousand hectares. This figure is only an estimate for Prodimex: “ Agroinvestor “did not combine its arable areas and the lands of Agrokultura, another asset of Khudokormov’s structures. They are not part of the same group, they are not connected by a common management company and do not represent a single operational whole. " Prodimex “is a non-public company, so it does not disclose the size of its land bank and crops, said its CEO Viktor Aleksakhin. It is estimated that the latter last year approached 700 thousand hectares, in particular, about 130 thousand hectares passed to the company from the Ivolga holding, which, due to financial problems lost its cluster in the Kursk region. Also " Prodimex "works in the Stavropol Territory, Voronezh, Belgorod, Penza regions and in Bashkortostan, according to its website. According to Soyuzrossakhar, the company is the country's largest sugar producer with a market share of about 22.5%. In addition to sugar beets, she grows wheat, corn, barley, sunflowers and soybeans. The holding also engages in dairy farming. The total herd, according to the company as of July 2016, numbered 30 thousand animals.

In the second position - " Miratorg ", included, according to another Agroinvestor rating, in the top 3 largest Russian meat producers. The company was unable to provide accurate data on the size of its crops, which is also due to accounting features, since the structure of the land bank is dominated by cultivated pastures - in some places annual crops are sown, in others perennial crops. A representative of the holding clarified that all lands are being cultivated and sown. Last year " Miratorg “reported that his grain company sowed 243 thousand hectares, and the size of pastures in the first quarter of 2016 exceeded 500 thousand hectares. If only crops for commercial crops were taken into account, the holding would take only 13th place, however, according to experts and market participants surveyed by Agroinvestor, the company sowed 500-600 thousand hectares last year.

15th place in the ranking of the holding " AgroTerra ", which sows about 200 thousand hectares. The company has 33 farms in the Tula, Ryazan, Penza, Kursk, Tambov, Lipetsk and Oryol regions. The main cultivated crops are wheat, barley, rapeseed, soybeans, sunflower, buckwheat and corn. The company has 18 bases and elevators with a total capacity of more than 500 thousand tons. The company's strategy does not involve increasing its own area of ​​cultivated land. However, when requests for supplies of agricultural products began to exceed its production capabilities, she decided to integrate neighboring enterprises into her work, creating an agribusiness development center " AgroTerra Integrator". In the first year, 71 farms from Central Russia used its services; together they cultivate 120 thousand hectares of land. By 2022, the land bank of the holding’s partners will reach at least 1 million hectares, which will allow the formation of batches of products for sale of almost any volume, the director said “ AgroTerra Integrator" Alexander Dashchenko. Investments in the project over the next five years will amount to 10 billion rubles.

On the 16th line is the Pokrovsky concern, its agricultural holdings Kanevskoy, Yeysky and Labinsky, which unite 25 enterprises in 13 districts of the Krasnodar Territory. They are engaged in the cultivation, storage and processing of grain and industrial crops, vegetable growing, horticulture, milk production and pig breeding. The total land bank of the holding is 210 thousand hectares, the cultivated area is 190 thousand hectares. The company’s structure also includes the sugar factories “Kanevsksakhar”, “Timashevsky Sugar Plant” and “Kurganinsky Sugar Plant”. Over the past five years, the concern has invested 8.5 billion rubles in the Kuban economy. Except Agriculture, “Pokrovsky” invests in the production of electrical equipment, and is also one of the leaders in the southern Russian premium residential real estate market.

The 17th position in the ranking is occupied by GAP "Resource" , which last year sown 175.4 thousand hectares. The holding's land bank at the beginning of 2016 amounted to 209.9 thousand hectares, at the end - 210.6 thousand hectares, by mid-September 2017 it increased to 213.4 thousand hectares, a company representative specified. Crop production assets are located in the Rostov region, Stavropol region and the Republic of Adygea. The gross harvest of products - wheat, corn, sunflower and soybeans - last year amounted to 521 thousand tons. The main activity of the group is the production of broiler meat; in 2016 it produced 343 thousand tons in live weight.

Suitable assets are difficult to find

The next participant in the rating is the Agrokultura company with an estimated area of ​​160 thousand hectares. The company was created in 2007 by Swedish investors; in November 2014, offshore companies Steenord Ltd. became the owners of 94.2% of its shares. and Magna Investments Limited. The beneficiary of the first is the founder of Sportmaster Nikolai Fartushnyak; Magna belongs to the owner of Prodimex Igor Khudokormov, Agrokultura reported then. In 2015, Magna began a forced repurchase of shares from minority shareholders; on May 18, 2017, the arbitration panel decided that the repurchase price for the remaining shares would be SEK 4.5 per share plus interest - SEK 0.22 per share. According to, now 99.93% of Agrokultura Management Company belongs to the Yenisei company, headed by Khudokormov, 0.07% belongs to Agrokultura Kursk, which, in turn, is also owned by Yenisei. The only participant in the latter is the Cypriot Arlf Agroculture Limited, among whose directors Khudokormov is listed. Currently, Agrokultura is engaged in crop production and livestock farming in the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov and Kursk regions. The total land bank is 200 thousand hectares, according to the website

In 19th place is “ EkoNiva » Stefan Duerr. Last year, he had 184 thousand hectares of arable land, including 156 thousand hectares of crops, according to the company’s commercial director Sergei Lyashko. The difference of 28 thousand hectares is fallow land, pastures, meadows, land under construction projects and fallow land. The main volume of land " EkoNiva “—86.5 thousand hectares of arable land, of which 79 thousand hectares were sown for the 2016 harvest—located in the Voronezh region. In Novosibirsk last year, 33.5 thousand hectares out of 42 thousand hectares were sown. This is followed by Kaluga (23.2 thousand hectares of arable land and 19.2 thousand hectares of crops) and Kursk (15.5 thousand hectares of arable land and 14.5 thousand hectares of crops) regions. In the Orenburg region, the sown area was at the level of 8 thousand hectares, in the Tyumen region - 3.7 thousand hectares. The arable land in these regions was 11.7 thousand hectares and 4.5 thousand hectares, Lyashko lists.

According to him, the company has plans to expand its land bank; first of all, it is interested in assets in the regions of its presence and those neighboring them. “We are trying to grow organically,” explains Sergei Lyashko. At the same time, further geographic diversification of the business cannot be ruled out, in particular, “ EkoNiva » entered into agreements with the administration of the Ryazan region on the possible development of dairy farming there and the acquisition of land. “So far everything is at the agreement level, we are negotiating with the regional authorities and land owners,” Lyashko clarifies.

According to him, from the point of view of legal issues - the allocation of shares, their registration and redemption - there are no problems, since the company has been working in the market for a long time and knows what and how to do. More pressing are the problems of finding suitable sites in regions of interest to the company. “For example, it is easier to expand in Siberia: the concentration of large players there is small, and interest in agricultural production is limited,” says the top manager. “But in the regions of the center of the country it is more difficult, because there is high competition between different buyers.” At the same time, in favor of “ EkoNiva “There is a social factor, since the company specializes in the development of dairy farming, and this provides jobs. However, ultimately the purchase of a particular land asset is determined by its ease of use and price, he adds.

In the 20th position is the group “ South of Rus' ", which both last and this year cultivated 190 thousand hectares, crops occupied 145 thousand hectares. The company's lands are mainly concentrated in the Rostov region (134 thousand hectares); it also operates in the Volgograd region (34 thousand hectares) and in the Krasnodar Territory (21 thousand hectares). The holding's farms grow grains, legumes and oilseeds, including sunflower, camelina, flax, safflower, milk thistle, a company representative lists. According to the Fat and Oil Union, “ South of Rus' “At the end of last year, it became the country’s largest sunflower processor: with 1.19 million tons, the company’s share accounted for 12% of the total Russian volume. It is also the country's leader in the production of bottled sunflower oil with an indicator of 362 thousand tons (27% of the market).

Head of the Center economic forecasting Gazprombank Daria Snitko believes that agricultural holdings are investing in the expansion of land banks as actively as they can. “The only pity is that the land in this sales and purchase turnover is for the most part the same, which is transferred from one legal entity to another,” she adds. “But the registration of new plots for sale is lagging far behind, as is the transition of land from collective, share and state (all levels) ownership to the ownership of companies.” Therefore, it is still very early to talk about market consolidation - it is highly fragmented, she notes.

At the same time, we will also not reach a pure secondary land market soon; at least in the next three to four years, “wars” in the sector will continue, Romanova believes, especially since not all regions have gone through them yet. “There are a lot of court cases now. Companies that have strong legal services restore deadlines limitation period, long-standing purchase and sale transactions are cancelled,” she says. “For example, if it turns out that the land was bought by a person who was not actually a shareholder, but acquired the right to a land share through collateral obligations.” In many regions, the following schemes were used: a loan was formally issued with one of the co-shareholders, and a land share was pledged as security for the fulfillment of the obligation. Then they did the so-called “crossbow” (self-bankruptcy), went to court, acknowledged the debt and transferred the rights to the land share as compensation. Having received judgment, according to which the right to a land share was registered, they began to buy land for a “pseudo-shareholder.” But the rules for foreclosure on a land share are different; foreclosure can only be done after allocating it in kind, that is, having formed land plot, Romanova emphasizes. The court decision, according to which a “psedo-shareholder” appeared, can be canceled and all completed transactions can be declared invalid. “Such wars are happening everywhere now, people are suing for any hectare that can be taken,” she knows. The problem is that many small farms do not approach land registration issues competently enough; they believe that once they have registered their rights with Rosreestr, nothing can be done, but it is possible to reverse the transaction and cancel the registration with good legal preparation, and there are many such cases now , notes Romanova.

According to Daria Snitko, large holdings will continue to buy land and invest in it. But the market still remains very small, because in Russia the bulk of land used in agriculture is still not properly registered, she says. “Companies that are unsuccessful in operational terms, those that were unable to establish production, will leave this business,” the expert predicts. “In my opinion, without investments in production and agricultural technology, you should not expect an increase in the value of agricultural land, which will make it possible to recoup the investment.” Crop farming is now a very profitable business, but it requires significant costs, of which only a part comes from the purchase of land. We also need significant investments in technology and the acquisition of equipment.

According to Sheremet, in conditions of falling profitability, investing in land from the point of view of capitalization of value is quite risky, because there is no understanding of when the land will rise in price and how the investor will be able to wait out this time. Especially if this is a non-core investor who will not be able to effectively manage assets and receive an acceptable return in this time interval. “At the same time, the market has a consolidated position that land should cost more in the long term and can be used more efficiently,” continues the expert. - We've already seen these sharp jumps using the example of South America: in Uruguay, in Brazil, long-term stagnation in land prices gave way to a multiple increase. This is obviously the hope of many of today's investors."

At the first stage, Agroinvestor analyzed the rating of the largest landowners compiled by BEFL companies, selecting potential participants with a land bank of 150 thousand hectares or more, operating in the European part of the country. Companies operating only beyond the Urals were not the subject of a separate analysis. Agricultural holdings from the long list were sent requests to clarify the volume of the land bank and the sown area (land under cultivation without taking into account fallows and natural pastures). Companies were also surveyed by telephone. At the same time, requests were sent to regional agricultural departments with a request to provide indicators for companies. In addition, open data was analyzed: company websites, their reports, documents posted on the portals of administrations, ministries, departments and departments of the agro-industrial complex of regions and areas of presence of companies, publications in the media, etc. The obtained data was compared, then to a pool of experts, in which, In particular, representatives of companies supplying production inputs (equipment, seeds, plant protection products) and other market participants included; it was proposed to evaluate the sown areas of those players who did not respond to requests and did not provide data. If the experts’ assessments differed, then the arithmetic mean was taken into account; when two or more people named the same numbers, and others were close to them, then the one voiced by the majority was taken into account.
The rating does not claim completeness and unconditional reliability of the information. It is possible that due to possible confusion in definitions and wording, some companies and experts announced or estimated the size of arable land or land bank, rather than the sown area, or provided data for this year, which may differ from the spring accounting indicators of 2016. Companies operating only beyond the Urals were not the subject of a separate analysis. The numbers in the final table are rounded to whole numbers.

The level of technology has become higher

Suppliers of production inputs note that the level of development of agriculture among market leaders has increased noticeably in the last ten years. Although, if we compare it with advanced countries, we still have room to grow and improve, says Alexander Kozachkov, General Director of DuPont Pioneer in Russia. “Companies have begun to take a much more careful approach to the choice of means of production - seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, some holdings are even developing their own services that test new products before transferring them to production,” he knows. At the same time, economic issues are becoming increasingly relevant. Since product prices are unstable, agricultural producers are trying to manage production costs and reduce costs. Nevertheless, the share of using high-quality, and therefore more expensive, seed is increasing, Kozachkov notes.
It is quite obvious that, in general, the culture of farming in Russia has grown in recent years and continues to develop confidently, agrees Igor Bruevich, General Director of KWS in Russia. This is confirmed by both quantitative indicators - an increase in the harvest of grain, sugar beets, meat production - and qualitative indicators: for example, an increase in the yield of sugar per hectare. “But it should be noted that in a number of relative indicators we lag behind the United States and EU countries,” he agrees with Kozachkov. “If we talk about agricultural holdings, they also demonstrate both extensive development, which is expressed in increasing the land bank, and focus on intensifying production.” In recent years, when crop production has shown steady growth rates and is becoming a truly profitable and more or less predictable business, there has been an understanding that land is a full-fledged asset that can generate sustainable income provided that technology is followed, Bruevich is sure.
According to him, clients have begun to take a more careful and conscious approach to choosing suppliers of production tools. At the same time, a “buyer’s market” has now emerged, when there are several suppliers for almost every item - seeds, equipment, plant protection products, fertilizers. “The level of competition is growing, we have to fight for every customer, offering not only high-quality products, but also service support,” says Bruevich. — For example, some clients check the quality of sugar beet seeds in Russian laboratories for the presence of the declared amount of active ingredients in disinfectants (insecticides and fungicides). Many people are in demand for training programs for employees in sugar beet cultivation technology. Constant agronomic support is required, starting from harvesting the predecessor and preparing the soil to completing the collection and storage of root crops. This requires our company to constantly develop its agronomic service.”
According to Vladimir Alginin, Deputy General Director of the August company, in recent years, agricultural producers have become more serious about the use of plant protection products: the increase in the level of their use is evidenced by the fact that the market for plant protection products is growing by an average of 10% per year, while the sown area is significantly don't change. At the same time, the majority large companies Preliminary tests of drugs and tenders are often carried out to determine price preferences. “In first place in terms of farming culture, I would put Agrocomplex named after. N. Tkacheva,” comments Salis Karakotov, general director of the Shchelkovo Agrokhim company. — Close to them is the Rusagro group. “Miratorg” is about the third in the country in terms of technological level, then I would mention “EkoNiva”, then “AgroGard” and “Dominant” are at a similar level in terms of technological advancement of agriculture.”

Is there a limit to growth?

In recent years, several large latifundists, such as Ivolga-Holding, Razgulay, SAHO, Emerald Country, have completely or partially lost their business, which many experts explained, among other things, by ineffective management: when a company is too big, it is difficult control. However, according to Alexander Kozachkov, the problem of managing an agricultural enterprise is not always related to the size of its land bank. “In my opinion, there are large agricultural holdings that are managed efficiently, and small farms with ineffective management,” he says. “There is probably some limit to the possible expansion of land banks, but it all depends on the structure of the company, on how the communication chains between departments and people are built.”
Among large agricultural holdings there are both successful examples and not very successful ones, however, this is also true for farms of other shapes and sizes - from medium-sized enterprises to farms, agrees Igor Bruevich. For effective management It is necessary to have a clear, understandable strategy, a strong team and well-established processes, he notes. At the same time, in his opinion, in Russian conditions, in many issues it is easier for agricultural holdings to work: they can accumulate large financial resources, they have better access to borrowed funds, if a business is diversified, then it is more resistant to price fluctuations in individual markets. With the development of technology, more tools appear for the effective management of large land banks, Bruevich is sure.
If we talk about risks that increase as the land bank grows, then, according to Vladimir Alginin, the maximum amount of land concentrated in one company without loss of management efficiency depends on its model. If the holding has direct management, then the working option is up to 150 thousand hectares. If it is divided into divisions, the general strategy relates to the parent company, and smaller divisions are directly managed, then the scale of the land bank can be larger, Alginin believes.
Salis Karakotov also thinks that the maximum land bank under the control of one company for effective management should be within 150 thousand hectares, provided that the holding is divided into separate legal entities, which have no more than 15 thousand hectares. “At the same time, divisions with general legal subordination should have relative economic independence, in particular, in terms of procurement, resources and building technologies,” he says. — Integration should not be vertical, but horizontal. When a company has no more than 150 thousand hectares and separate structural units - it is well managed, when the land bank becomes larger - risks already arise.”
As for assessing the maximum volume of the land bank that a company can effectively control, then, according to Olga Romanova, the main thing is the issue of management, not the size of the enterprise. “First of all, you need an ideal control system, but I haven’t seen anyone like this,” she says. “Nobody has canceled the human factor, the problem of theft is also relevant, people even find ways to bypass all kinds of GPS sensors, etc. In large companies, in this regard, the risks are always higher.”
In the near future major players will continue to grow, mergers and acquisitions will occur in the industry, but now more and more market participants are beginning to focus on increasing production efficiency, increasing returns per hectare, and not just consolidating land banks, Kozachkov draws attention.

New consolidation model

According to Vitaly Sheremet from KPMG, market participants' interest in land transactions and asset consolidation continues. “At the same time, we see new trends in the market: the use of a model that involves the consolidation of smaller players around one large one, which can provide them with agricultural technologies, cheaper resources by combining purchases, and most importantly, the repurchase of products. Thanks to this, it is possible to form large shipments of grain, have a strong position in negotiations with traders, or become a trader himself,” says the expert. — An example of such cooperation is the Agroterra - Integrator project. We have already seen three or four similar projects in Russia, and even more in Ukraine.” According to Sheremet, this model can become a challenge and a serious threat for large holdings, because in terms of the number of lands under management and the volume finished products such blocks of enterprises can compete with the largest latifundists. At the same time, given that the land bank is not concentrated in one hand, and small owners are usually more careful about production efficiency issues, this may lead to the fact that the economics of such enterprises will be better than those of large vertically integrated holdings. “And this, in turn, will help them win in the competition, to the point that large tracts of land will be leased to small players or sold in parts,” Sheremet suggests.

Igor Khudokormov remains the largest latifundist

The consulting company BEFL has released a traditional rating of the largest landowners in Russia (data as of April 2016).

Infographics from the Vedomosti newspaper

1. Agroholding "Prodimex" and Agroculture

Agricultural land area: 790,000 ha

Owner: Igor Khudokormov

Interesting fact: Last year, Khudokormov acquired control of Agrokultura, a Swedish company with Russian assets, and BEFL counted their lands together. The representative of Prodimex does not agree with this: “Agroculture” is Khudokormov’s personal project and is not included in the perimeter of Prodimex’s business.

Agricultural land area: 594,000 ha

Owners: Linnikov brothers

Interesting fact: In the first quarter of 2016, the ABH Miratorg company acquired about 100,000 more hectares for pastures for cows (beef production project). Thus, the agricultural holding now controls about 500,000 hectares of pastures and 200,000 hectares of farmland for grain production.

Agricultural land area: 594,000 ha

Owner: Vadim Moshkovich

Interesting fact: Rusagro recently acquired 90,000 hectares in the Razgulay agricultural holding. At the end of 2015, the group also bought 20% of this company along with debts from Vnesheconombank.

Agricultural land area: 511,000 ha

Owner: Vasily Rozinov

Interesting fact: In the Kursk region, Prodimex is laying claim to the assets of the bankrupt Ivolga holding of a Kazakh businessman.

5. Holding company "Ak Bars"

Agricultural land area: 505,000 ha

Owner: Ivan Egorov

Interesting fact: Within the complex, a closed production cycle has been formed, uniting blocks of enterprises operating on the “from field to counter” principle. Sales of products are carried out through our own retail chains(more than 200 stores in the Republic of Tatarstan).

6. Agrocomplex

Agricultural land area: 456,000 ha

Owners: family of Alexander Tkachev

Interesting fact: Among the newcomers to the top 10 companies was an agricultural holding owned by the family of the former governor of the Krasnodar region, and now the Minister of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev. In 2015, the Agrocomplex acquired the lands of the large southern Russian agricultural holding Valinor.

Agricultural land area: 400,000 ha

Owner: Vadim Moshkovich

Interesting fact: In 2016, the company plans to launch a soybean processing plant (soybean extruder) with a capacity of 10 thousand tons per year. A deodorizing and oil refining line is also being prepared for installation, which will make it possible to deliver the finished product to customers.

8. Avangard-Agro

Agricultural land area: 370,000 ha

Owner: Kirill Minovalov

Interesting fact: Avangard agro is part of the structure of Avangard Bank owned by Kirill Minovalov. Land bank - 352.6 thousand hectares. It specializes in the production of grain and industrial crops in the Voronezh, Oryol, Kursk, Belgorod and Lipetsk regions; the holding also has a meat and dairy division.

9. Krasny Vostok Agro

Agricultural land area: 350,000 ha

Owner: Airat Khairullin

Interesting fact:"Krasny Vostok Agro" was created on the basis of 64 agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan. The holding has 8 megafarms in the Republic of Tatarstan, each with an area exceeding 86 thousand square meters. m.

10. Cherkizovo and Napco company

Agricultural land area: 340,000 ha

Owners: family of Igor Babaev

Interesting fact:“Cherkizovo Group of Companies and Napco are managed and controlled by the same group of beneficiaries,” says the explanation for the rating. Both companies are controlled by family members of Cherkizovo founder Igor Babaev, according to the group’s reporting.