Consumer loan from Home Credit Bank: conditions for obtaining and current programs. Reviews of consumer loans from home loan bank Why home loan does not give

In a highly competitive environment, banks offer clients favorable loans at low interest rates. But it should be remembered that not every citizen can receive a loan, but only those who pass a thorough check at the financial institution. Otherwise, the client will not be able to take out a loan. For what reasons? Home Credit refuses loans to the population?

How does Home Credit evaluate a borrower?

There are two methods for assessing a borrower.

  1. Scoring model. The decision is made by a computer (artificial intelligence) based on the processing of statistical data entered into the institution’s database. The probability of a refund is analyzed based on the client’s data. For example, if 95% of clients with similar parameters successfully repaid the debt to the bank, the loan will be approved. If in 90% of cases there was a delay, the client will receive a refusal (the numbers are approximate, given for clarity).
  2. Expert model. The decision to issue a loan is made by responsible bank employees. At the same time, not only the financial capabilities of the citizen are assessed, but also his socio-demographic characteristics.

When considering an application for express lending (goods on credit), the bank first of all evaluates:

  • package of documents;
  • client age;
  • having a regular income;
  • registration at the place where the loan was issued;
  • having a home phone.

Of course, the client’s credit history is also assessed. If there is a current delay, you should not hope for a positive decision. If there have been problems repaying the loan in the past, the final solution depends on the specific situation (duration of the delay, the reason for its occurrence, the behavior of the borrower). Conventionally, we can distinguish the following gradation of delays:

A complete lack of credit history is not a client’s advantage. It is difficult for a bank to assess the risks of non-repayment of funds if a citizen has not taken out loans from financial institutions in the past. Therefore, before taking out a large loan, it is best to take out a small consumer loan and pay it off on time. This way you will demonstrate excellent payment discipline and can count on preferential terms. According to statistics, at Home Credit Bank, current clients receive approval in 55% of cases, and new clients only in 15%.

When considering an application, customer loyalty is taken into account. If the borrower provides additional documents, his chances of a positive decision will increase. In addition, a citizen can count on more favorable conditions (long term, low rate, large amount, etc.).

If the loan is secured by collateral, the collateral is also subject to assessment. It does not have to be registered in the name of the borrower: the owner can be a co-borrower, a guarantor, a relative of the client, or a related person. The following requirements are put forward for the subject of collateral:

  • high liquidity (the object can be quickly converted into money - sold at an affordable price);
  • covering the loan amount (usually a loan is issued in the amount of up to 80% of the market value of the collateral).

What does the credit limit depend on?

The credit limit is the maximum amount that the bank is willing to issue to the borrower in the form of a loan. When applying for a classic loan or credit card, the limit size is determined individually for each client. The following is accepted for calculation:

The basic rule when approving a loan looks like this. The loan burden on the borrower's family cannot exceed 40% of total income. The spouse's salary or other source of income may be taken into account as an additional source of payment.

Most often, a credit card is initially approved for a limit of two salaries of the borrower. Verified clients can also apply for a larger loan. Then, in the process of successfully using credit funds, a citizen can count on an increase in the limit.

When assessing solvency, not only the client’s income is taken into account, but also his expenses. Regular expenses are subtracted from the total profit, which include:

  • nutrition;
  • rental of property;
  • purchasing clothes and personal items;
  • maintenance of dependent family members;
  • payment of utilities, mobile communications;
  • other regular expenses.

Home Credit does not provide credit: possible reasons

There are quite a few reasons why a bank refuses to issue a loan to a client. However, the information is not always disclosed to the borrower. The bank reserves the right to refuse lending without explaining the motives that guided the employees. The most common reasons for refusal are:

If you have a lot of consumer loans for a small amount, this may cause you to be rejected when applying for another loan. Home Credit Bank has this approach.

  • if a citizen has three or more loans, he will not be able to get a new loan;
  • if you have one loan, the borrower will be able to receive a second one three months after the first one is issued;
  • If a client has 2 loans issued, he will be able to receive the third six months after the previous one is issued.

In this case, the total credit burden on the client is taken into account (it should not exceed 40% of the citizen’s income).

To avoid refusal, the borrower can refinance the debt on all existing loans. In practice it looks like this. The client takes out one large loan (usually secured), which is used to cover the debt on all existing loans. Typically, refinance rates are lower than personal loan rates. In addition, a citizen will have to pay one fee monthly, in one institution. This is much more convenient in terms of time consumption.

If all the client’s data meets the bank’s requirements, but there is no collateral (or it does not meet the conditions), the borrower will be denied a loan. This applies only to those programs that are issued with security.

Clients often complain that when applying for a loan, bank employees force them to sign an insurance agreement. The institution's top management assures citizens that insurance does not affect the receipt of a loan, but is an additional voluntary service. However, ordinary specialists position the insurance contract as a mandatory condition. Customers should know their rights and refuse insurance if they are not interested in the product. As a last resort, you can invite the bank director or contact the hotline with a complaint.

What should a borrower do to avoid being rejected from Home Credit?

Situations in life are different. You can live comfortably for several years without getting into debt, and then literally suddenly become mired in it. There are often situations when a client takes out a loan from Home Credit Bank, does not have time to pay it off, and already needs a second loan. This raises a logical question: is it possible to take out loan No. 2 if loan No. 1 has not been settled? The question is not easy, so we decided to devote a separate publication to it.

How many loans can HKB give to one client? Are there any restrictions and how is this issue generally resolved in practice? In fact, no one limits loans quantitatively. Essentially, the bank does not care how many contracts the client intends to enter into, the main thing is that he can fulfill them.

When a client applies for his first loan, bank specialists calculate his financial capabilities based on the documents he provides. As a result, the specialist determines the maximum loan amount that the bank can provide to this client. Within this amount, the client can take out one, two or several loans at once. Let's give examples.

  1. Let's assume that the maximum loan amount approved by the HKB is 700,000 rubles.
  2. The client takes out a loan for 200,000 rubles at 19.9% ​​per annum for 2 years.
  3. Having managed to make three payments on the first loan, the client takes out a second loan for 300,000 rubles for 3 years at 27.5% per annum.

HKB will provide a subsequent loan provided that at least three monthly payments have been made on the previous loan.

What do we see from this example? First of all, the bank provided the client with a second loan within the previously approved limit amount. However, it was taken into account that the client, having failed to pay off the first obligation, took on the second, which means that the interest on the second loan was higher than on the first. Our example scenario is by no means representative. HKB, like other banks, resolves issues of double loans on a purely individual basis. Will they give or won’t they give a second loan, and if so, under what conditions? Let's continue talking about this in the next paragraph.

Conditions for obtaining a second loan

Obtaining a second, third and subsequent loans, provided that the previous ones have not been repaid, depends on the subjective characteristics of the individual, this is already clear. But what specific characteristics will be taken into account when making such an important decision? Additional explanations are indispensable here.

  • It will be clarified whether the client allowed or did not allow the slightest delays when making monthly payments on the first loan. If there was a delay of 1 day, this may well be the reason for refusal.
  • The decision on the second loan will also be affected by the client’s credit history. It must be flawless.

If, when issuing the first loan, HKB “turned a blind eye” to some “dark spots” in your credit history, do not expect that it will do this again when deciding to issue a second loan.

  • The decision will be influenced by the category of the loan chosen. If you haven’t managed to pay off your mortgage, for example, and you need a consumer loan, then this is a fairly common situation. In this case, the chances of getting approval are very high. But if you try to take out several consumer loans in a row, this makes the bank suspicious of your frivolity, which means they will check you more carefully.
  • When re-applying for a loan, the client’s current solvency will be checked. After all, situations can be different: unexpected loss of work, a serious illness of a client that affects his ability to work, etc. In a crisis, the bank does not want to take on additional risks, so it will find out why the client needed a second loan.

In general, there is no need to be afraid to apply for a second loan. In a very large number of cases, HKB meets clients halfway and does not try to offer them enslaving terms of the transaction. So go for it, and don't forget that the second loan in no way frees you from the first, so think a thousand times before you take on another commitment.

Where will the second loan be provided?

If you already have one, you can take out a second loan not only from HKB. Another bank will give you a loan much more willingly, but you need to make at least one payment on the first loan. If this is not done, the application for the second loan will be rejected automatically, these are the rules. So, which banks can give you loan No. 2, provided that you have an outstanding loan No. 1 from Home Credit Bank? Potentially, this can be done by any of the 623 banks licensed today. But they will give you the most advantageous offer:

  • VTB 24;
  • Post Bank;
  • Eastern Express;
  • Renaissance Credit;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • SKB-bank.

So, no matter which bank you turn to for a second loan, your application will be carefully considered. If there is even the slightest clue for a positive decision, the bank will make it, because he needs to earn money.

When I worked as a credit expert at Russian Standard Bank a couple of years ago, that is, as a representative of the bank, I applied for loans in different stores in the city. In my neighborhood, employees from other banks were applying for loans: Renaissance Bank, Alfa Bank, Home Credit, Investment Bank.

I would like to immediately note that despite the fact that the interest rates at Home Credit Bank are higher than at Russian Standard Bank, clients were more willing to go to Home. Well, it has earned itself a reputation as “Russian Standard”, what else can you say.

Home Credit and Finance Bank is a commercial bank and is one of the leaders in Russia in the consumer lending market. And indeed, no matter what store you go to, be it a huge “Eldorado” or a small “Euroset”, you can get goods on credit everywhere, and by applying for it in “Home Credit”, since representatives of this bank are simply everywhere, almost in every store.

According to statistics, at the end of 2012, Home Bank in the Russian Federation had 6,356 offices and 69 thousand points of sale. Among the national ratings for banks, it ranks 19th. However…

A loan from Home Bank is issued at a high interest rate. Moreover, when employees ask “what is the interest rate?” they try to “sneak away” from the answer and quickly change the topic, for example, how much should they pay per month. And the official website of Home Loan does not indicate the interest rate. Why? Because it is 59% and above. Yes, yes, you heard right, such huge percentages. For consumer loans, the rates are even higher - 67%, 72% and 75%. When two documents are provided, the interest rate is reduced, for example, it will not be 72%, but 67%. The difference is small. There are more only in instant loans, but there the amounts given are small and for a short period of up to 10-15 days.

And another nuance that ordinary borrowers also don’t know about is insurance.
When providing a consumer loan, the cost of insurance is additionally included. Often the client does not know that he is paying an extra amount for insurance. Credit managers take out insurance silently, because this is how they get paid. If the borrower understands at least something in the documents, then he may ask whether insurance is included in the cost of the loan or not. However, even here the managers have an excuse - they say that if you don’t take out insurance, then the likelihood of getting a loan is zero. But I really want to buy a brand new TV. Therefore, most borrowers will simply give up on this - well, there will be insurance, so be it. But this is no less than 1000 rubles and even more.

The following documents are required to provide a loan:

- 2 personal income taxes
- a copy of the work record, certified by the head of the HR department
- a second identification document (for example, a driver's license).

You can repay early without commission or penalties. However, it is not profitable for the bank to have early repayment and, whenever possible, its employees try to “disguise” the client’s eyes that “the database is not working now, there was a failure, call in a week, we will tell you everything” or “the client’s documents have been lost” and the like excuses. Often, when repaying a loan early, clients receive a message on their phone a month later demanding that they pay another amount, for example 1,000 rubles (this is a hidden commission). If you do not pay this amount, then in a matter of days it will double or triple. Therefore, if such a situation occurs (and it happens very often), immediately go to the Home Bank office and sort out the current situation, preferably with your superiors.

When repaying a loan, you must definitely ask the bank for a certificate that your loan has been repaid in full, and not call the call center, which is very difficult to reach. Conclusion: Home Credit Bank's interest rates are high enough to compensate for the risk of loss of profit if many clients repay the loan early.

Updated 08/22/2019

Lending allows you to solve current financial problems, while in recent years the position of banks towards borrowers has become much more loyal, which allows you to take out consumer loans quickly and without unnecessary problems. When deciding how to apply for a loan and how to get money as conveniently as possible, many potential borrowers are increasingly choosing the option of working online, without visiting the offices of banking organizations. Home Credit Bank is a reliable and time-tested company, where you can apply for a loan quickly and with a minimum package of documents. Let's look at how to get a loan from Home Credit Bank, what documents are needed for this, and what the personal offer for regular customers affects.

How to get loans from Home Credit Bank for those who are already clients of this organization? The first thing you need to do for cash at Home Credit is to check if you have a personal offer from the company. You can check its availability or verify its absence using the “My Credit” service or using Internet banking.

If there is such an offer from HomeCredit Bank, you can receive it without visiting the office (by submitting an online application via the Internet)!

To do this, you must agree to the service in your personal account, after which a bank employee will call the specified phone number to clarify the details. To receive a cash loan, you will need your passport details, but the registration will take place remotely, using your personal account. You can get a loan using an instant transfer to a Home Credit bank debit card, bank debit or current account of another financial institution.

For new clients

People who were not previously clients can also get a loan from Home Credit Bank. In this case, the loan can also be approved via the Internet at the first stage, however, it will be possible to receive a cash loan only after visiting the office with the necessary package of papers. In addition, Home Credit Bank can issue a loan the old fashioned way: at the time the client directly contacts the company’s office with the necessary package of papers.

To submit an initial application for a consumer loan, you must fill out a small electronic form in which the person taking the loan must indicate personal data, passport data, information about work and the parameters of the proposed loan. After submitting the application, a preliminary decision will be made on it, after which a representative of the financial institution will contact the potential client.

Conditions for lending money

A cash loan from Home Credit Bank can be issued on the basis of several loan programs, which will differ in the proposed interest rates, documents required to obtain and maximum limits.

If we talk about the maximum and minimum possible parameters, then existing clients can receive a loan from 10,000 to 1,000,000 rubles (1 million rubles), while the most favorable rate will be only 7.9%(current information as of August 2019). Having taken the money, it must be returned within a period of one to 5 years. As for new clients, amounts from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles are available to them, and the rate will be slightly higher (the highest is 24.8%. For clients with a bad credit history, a small salary, existing loans, etc.). Since the maximum amount is lower than for regular customers, the repayment period is slightly different, ranging from one to five years.

What is important is that the service of early loan repayment, both full and partial, is available for all categories of borrowers. This allows you to count on the initial connection of the most comfortable monthly payment, which will make it possible to always pay your debt without delay. At the same time, if there are available funds, the borrower will be able to repay part of the principal debt or pay the bank in full without any penalties or restrictions.

Required documents

This question can also be answered differently for new and returning customers. The latter, in order to receive money under the offer, will need a passport and SNILS; pensioners must additionally prepare a personal pension certificate.

You can get a cash loan WITHOUT income certificates! At the moment, Home Credit Bank offers one of the most advantageous offers on the consumer lending market and operates in all major cities of Russia.

To receive the minimum amount, new clients will also need a passport and one of the required documents to choose from, which may include the same SNILS, as well as an international passport, driver’s or pension license. To obtain a loan for larger amounts, new clients and existing borrowers who do not have an offer from the bank will have to additionally provide documents confirming solvency - this package is discussed individually.

Requirements for the borrower

It is worth saying that, in comparison with other banks, Home is quite loyal to potential borrowers, without making too strict demands on them. Thus, a citizen of the Russian Federation who has a residence permit in any of the regions where the bank has representative offices or at least lives in the locality where he receives a loan can count on receiving financial assistance. Age also matters: only persons aged 22 to 70 years.

Another mandatory requirement is to have a permanent source of income. In most cases, it will not be necessary to officially confirm it, however, clients with a stable income and, moreover, officially employed people have a much better chance of having their application approved.

The main thing is not to try to deceive the bank regarding your financial situation. Despite the fact that employment certificates are not required here, it is easy to check the availability of income - you just need to check the data with the Pension Fund of Russia database, which will be available to the credit institution thanks to the consent to the processing of personal data and the provided SNILS number.

Flexible and loyal attitude towards borrowers are the main advantages of Home Credit Bank. The process of borrowing money is also attractive, as it is simplified as much as possible for existing clients: having a personal offer allows you to get a loan without leaving your home.