Pay your loan online. Is it possible to get a cash loan in MKB?

Good day!
I’m writing not a review, but an appeal to the managers of this bank, because... It is not possible to attend a personal reception. Just today I visited the main office on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in the hope of meeting someone from the management, but a senior manager told me that managers, and especially vice presidents, do not communicate with mere mortals, only by correspondence.

So, let me begin.
In July 2014, I needed a large amount, namely 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand) rubles. MKB approved me a loan for 1,273,000 rubles - I received this amount in my hands! The rest is imposed insurance in violation of Article 16 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the total loan amount was 1,414,444 rubles 44 kopecks. But because Without this insurance, it is impossible to get a loan even at a higher interest rate (according to the manager of the Biryulevskoye branch, B-ha A.V.), I had to agree to this, about which, after receiving the loan, I wrote a statement asking to reimburse me for the loan repayment of the cost of this ill-fated insurance.

In general, after visiting any MKB branch, you get the feeling that you were not in a bank, but in an insurance company, because... at any request, be it a deposit, a loan or any other banking product, managers sell, there is no other word for it, insurance policies for everyone, both students and pensioners, for all occasions! In response to my application, a reply was received that I agreed to everything, that the bank was white and fluffy, etc. etc., in principle, it would be stupid to expect a different answer, but God bless her with insurance.

A month after receiving the loan, circumstances turned out to be such that I did not need the money, and I arrived on August 5, 2014 at the Biryulevskoye branch, wrote an application for early repayment and deposited the amount of 1,293,879 rubles 73 kopecks, now attention to the question: I calculated this amount for myself before pennies? answer: NO!!! This amount was calculated for me by the managers i.e. this amount included the money that I received in my hands, namely 1,273,000 rubles and interest for using the loan, received a check for payment of this amount and calmly left, knowing that I had paid off with MKB, and expecting calls through month, that the loan had not been fully repaid and that the remaining insurance amount still needed to be paid, but neither after a month, nor after two, nor even after a year did the MKB remind us of itself. And then I thought: apparently they realized that it was not good to impose insurance on people and they heeded my demands to return all the money to themselves to repay the loan. Aha, that was not the case!!!

It’s February 2016, my wife and I decided to get into bondage called MORTGAGE, collected the necessary documents and submitted them to another bank, within a week they called me from the bank and said that they could not approve due to the fact that I have no repaid loan from MKB. I went to the nearest Kantemirovskoye branch, where I explained the situation, showed an application for early repayment and a check for depositing the amount, the manager, after rummaging through the computer, explained to me that the debit had not happened and the money was simply lying in the account, the monthly payment had been debited from the account for a year and a half, to say that I was dumbfounded, not to say anything, but oh well, the manager offered to write a statement regarding this fact, attaching photocopies of the application for early repayment and the deposit receipt, which I did.

After 2 weeks, I received a response signed by the head of the quality control department of the personnel and document management department A.M. Le-oh, according to which on the date of debit there were not enough funds in the account and this debit did not occur, they also drew my attention to the fact that the client himself is obliged to monitor the state of his account, gentlemen bankers, so why, when the client has a delay, you Keep an eye on this very closely, like it’s the client’s responsibility?

The response also indicated that on August 5, 2014, 25,200 (twenty-five thousand two hundred) rubles were written off from my card, isn’t that a strange amount, especially considering that on August 5, 2014 I deposited 1,293,069.73 for loan repayment. I am an absolutely adequate person, I am not registered with the PND and ND, and in my work I undergo a medical examination, a psychologist, etc. every year. because I work with weapons. but no, it turns out I deposit money for repayment and immediately withdraw an incomprehensible amount. Also in the answer there is a footnote to the fact that due to the long history of events, it is impossible to restore the full picture of what is happening, here I completely agree, if we had not decided to take out a mortgage, then I think 5-7 years later, when the money in the account ran out, your employees started calling me requesting another payment. I think my surprise knew no bounds, although I am still shocked by what is happening.

I wrote another statement that I did not agree with this write-off, to which I received an answer that the money was withdrawn from the ATM of the Biryulevskoye branch and that I also deposited 42 rubles into my phone account (the second strange amount), but in response to my request to the operator cellular communications, I received an answer that due to the long history of events, it is impossible to get an answer about the crediting of these same 42 rubles, so I cannot prove anything, and I think it is useless.

So that’s why I’m writing all this, because the write-off didn’t happen, I can’t take out a mortgage to improve my living conditions, for which I have an overloaded, but nevertheless positive credit history, because I previously took out a lot of loans, including from MKB, and repaid them all, I admit the tiny possibility that, for inexplicable reasons, I myself withdrew those damned 25,200 rubles, although I will never admit this at gunpoint.

Today, April 7, 2016, I came to the central office in the hope of communicating with someone from the management of the ICD, but this did not happen, according to the manager, this is impossible, so Dear managers, I kindly ask you to contact me to make a decision on this issue.

On my own behalf, I can suggest the following: Are you writing off those funds? which were in the account on the date of write-off, I am ready to take out a Mortgage loan from your bank WITHOUT IMPOSED INSURANCE under the State Support program, but not at 11-12% but at 13-14%, thereby I will solve my housing problems and your bank will compensate for its costs or whatever it is called correctly.

If you have other options for resolving the current situation out of court, I will be happy to listen to them. I ask you not to consider this message as a negative review, but, so to speak, as a hope that the ICD management will read this and take it into account, and that we will be able to come to a mutual decision.
Sincerely, Khaimov O.V.

A large number of MKB clients are interested in loans of this type, due to the attractive conditions for its registration.

  • Lending for any purpose. This loan can be used for any purpose. The maximum amount is 3 million rubles, the repayment period is 15 years. The application is reviewed within 60 minutes. The interest rate starts from 10.9%.
  • Loan refinancing. You can get a loan to pay off debts from other banks. The minimum interest rate is 10.9%. Trust loan. For conscientious clients with a good credit history, the bank provides the opportunity to obtain a loan on attractive terms, at 10.9% per annum.
  • Corporate client. Employees of MKB partners can borrow money from MKB on preferential terms.
  • Loan for civil servants. This offer is a promotional offer. Employees of state companies and people working in the public sector can take out a consumer loan from the MKB at 13.5%, without commission, collateral or guarantors.

The basic requirements to receive money are:

  • having a Russian passport with permanent residence in Russia;
  • the borrower's age must not be below 18 years;
  • presence of a registered marriage;
  • having a permanent place of work.

You can familiarize yourself in detail with the conditions for obtaining any type of consumer loan, and apply for it, on the official website of the company, in the “Non-targeted loan” section.

Important! A person who does not live in the territory of Moscow or the Moscow Region can apply for a cash loan at the Moscow Credit Bank if his employer or representative has permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow Region.

The maximum period for reviewing an application for a cash loan is 3 business days. If the answer is positive, you must sign a contractual agreement with the bank within the next month. If this is not done within the specified period of time, the application will “burn out”.

MKB cares about the comfort of its clients, in this regard, you can leave an online application for a loan on the bank’s official page. To do this, you need to indicate, when filling out the form, the loan currency, the desired amount, monthly income, full name, date of birth, actual residence address, location of the employing organization, mobile phone number, email address. Leave confirmation for the processing of personal data, and, if desired, to receive information about the bank’s products and services via SMS or letters.

After submitting the application, ICD staff will call the applicant back as soon as possible at the specified telephone number. Loan repayment

The financial institution puts forward the following lending conditions:

  • minimum amount - 50 thousand rubles, maximum 2 million / equivalent in dollars;
  • repayment period from 6 months to 15 years;
  • interest rate from 15% in rubles and 12% in US dollars;
  • the borrower's age is over 18 years;
  • presence of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • early partial and full repayment of the loan without commission.

You can repay a loan in several ways, including remotely:

  • Using online banking. If an individual is a bank client, then you can pay the loan without leaving your home, using special applications: “MCB Online” and “MCB Mobile”.
  • Thanks to terminals. Users can use payment terminals, which operate 24 hours a day.
  • Via ATMs. These devices for accepting payments also work 24 hours a day. In the branch of the organization. At the nearest bank office you can pay for a loan by providing a passport and another document of your choice. The branches operate from 10 am to 9 pm, seven days a week.
  • In cellular communication stores with a commission fee. You can repay the loan at a branch of any Bank, or at the Svyaznoy mobile phone store. In the second case, the commission will be 1% of the total amount, but not less than 50 rubles, for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region. In the regions this service is free.

Customer instructions for repaying credit debts of various types are available on the organization’s official website.

"Autopayment" service

Clients of Moscow Credit Bank can activate a free service for automatic monthly debt repayment from a card of any bank - autopayment. You can activate this function in the “Transfer from card to card” section or by contacting the nearest bank branch. Autopayment can be activated on any personalized Visa or MasterCard card issued in the Russian Federation.

Every MKB client has the right to early repayment of a loan, regardless of its amount or term. This applies to all types of loans issued to individuals. No commission is charged.

In IBC it is possible to make full or partial payment of the debt. Full repayment means payment of the entire amount along with interest accrued for using the money. It is calculated by a bank employee. Partial payment is a deposit of funds, the amount of which is determined by the borrower himself.

The bank provides non-targeted, car loans and bank cards with a credit limit. If you wish to repay your debt on consumer and car loans ahead of schedule, the borrower must notify the bank about this no later than 5 calendar days before the planned date. If the client does not do this, the bank has the right to refuse early write-off of the debt. Notification can be made in writing, by personally coming to the branch or using the available services: a network of terminals or the ICD online system.

If the client uses a credit limit on the card, the debt is written off automatically when money is received on it. At the same time, the bank has the right to write off fines and overdue payments from the client’s funds first. For example, if you did not make the minimum payment on time, but later deposited a larger amount, the bank will write off not only the payment itself, but also a late fee. Moreover, if payments are late, the bank can at any time request the client to repay the loan funds early by sending him a corresponding notification. In this case, the card is blocked, and the borrower is issued an invoice for payment, which he must repay in the current reporting period.

For both full and partial repayment, the client is obliged to pay all interest for the actual period of use of the loan. In case of partial repayment of a consumer or car loan, the bank is obliged to provide the client with a newly calculated payment schedule by e-mail or during a personal visit to the branch within 10 days after the write-off (the client chooses the method when submitting the application).

The operation can be carried out:

  • in branches of MKB and other banks;
  • via terminals;
  • at ATMs with the option of accepting cash;
  • through the official website;
  • through an application for smartphones and iPhones.

Depositing money through the cash register guarantees its timely receipt of the account. For other types of replenishment, you should pay attention to the timing of the transfer of funds.

The MKB terminal will help you carry out the operation yourself, without resorting to the services of an operator. To do this, select the option “MCB Services”, then “Loan Repayment”. The next step is to indicate the credit account, type of payment (all or part) and method (cash or non-cash transfer from a card).

In case of partial repayment, information about the new payment schedule will be sent by email and will be reflected in your personal account “MBK online” or with the operators of any branch of the MCB.

The application submitted to the bank must be registered, and a note to this effect must be made on the copy. This approach will allow resolving a conflict situation in the event of failure to carry out the operation.

Recalculation of the payment schedule for partial repayment

After part of the debt is repaid, the indicated amount is written off, the loan is recalculated and a new monthly payment schedule is drawn up. The remaining debt is signed without reducing the term.

A preliminary calculation of the new payment amount can be made using the calculator in MBK Online.

The delivery/receipt address for the new schedule is indicated in the application for early payment of the debt. It is sent by e-mail, or the client picks it up at a bank branch.

Monitoring the correct execution of the operation

The final stage is receiving documents confirming that the repayment was completed correctly. If the debt is partially repaid, the client must request a calculation of the balance. If the loan is paid in full, then a certificate confirming the absence of debt and claims from the bank is required.

All documents confirming full or partial payment of the debt must be kept in case of unforeseen conflict situations - they will help the borrower defend his interests.

If a voluntary insurance policy was issued for the loan, depending on its conditions, if the loan is closed early, it may be possible.

In the financial market for 25 years of work, MKB has shown itself to be excellent. We offer clients all types of banking services: debit cards, credit cards and loans, mortgages, insurance, car loans and much more. Instant transfers to any account in the Russian Federation - that’s what Moscow Credit Bank offers.

This includes the following operations:

  • payment for housing and communal services (HCS);
  • transport cards;
  • fines from traffic police, government services;
  • mobile number replenishment
  • TV, Internet;
  • payment system wallets;
  • telephone conversations.

In addition, for gamers and simply fans of computer games, the opportunity to pay for online games without commission is provided. This is possible through the online ICD system and terminals located throughout Moscow.

Limits and commissions

Not all banks provide such a wide range of payment options for various services. In addition, few people can boast of such favorable interest rates, and in some cases, even their absence. List of payments with and without commission:

  1. Mobile communications. With bank partners no commission, in other cases 9%.
  2. A television. With partners no interest, other services 9%.
  3. Communal payments. 9%, to partners without commission.
  4. Helping charitable foundations. No commission.
  5. LU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 30 rubles.
  6. Administrative fines of the Department of Internal Affairs. 50 rubles.
  7. Other government agencies. 30 rubles.
  8. To a bank account. Partner banks - no commission, the remaining 1%.

Important. It is simply impossible to list all partners, because... there are more than 10,000 of them throughout Moscow and the region. Therefore, you will sooner find a partner than pay commissions to the bank. In any case, even with a transfer of 1%, no one has yet become poor.

Most clients simply do not know how and where they can pay for services at Moscow Credit Bank. In most cases, people use Internet banking. There are four types of payment in total:

  1. ATMs;
  2. Terminals;
  3. ICD Online;
  4. MKB Mobile.

The first option is to pay for services through an ATM. Most clients are not used to such a service and more often resort to the second option. With the terminal, everything is much simpler: you choose a service, an amount, enter an invoice and deposit money. Afterwards all you have to do is pick up the check. MKB Online is Internet banking.

Convenient, fast, and most importantly - free. It couldn’t be easier to make it – you need to go to the website, select this service, register (card number and mobile phone number). Then use it.

The last option, but not least, is MCSB Mobile. An application for smartphones that can be downloaded not only from the official website, but also from sources such as Google Play and the App Store.

Registration in it follows the same principle as in regular Internet banking. After that, a list of services that are available in the regular version opens. There is no longer any need to look for terminals or ATMs to pay for services; it is enough to have a gadget and Internet access with you.

How does auto payment for a loan work?

Automatic payment for a loan works as follows:
1. You enable automatic payment for a loan for the required amount.
2. The bank automatically debits the amount from your card every month.
3. The invoice was paid on time.

How to activate automatic payment for a loan in Sberbank Online?

“Payments” tab → Auto payments → Connect auto payment → in the search, specify “Pay loan” → select the desired bank from the list. If the bank you need is not in the list, select “Loans / Transfers to another bank using BIC”.

Personal menu (right) → My auto payments → Connect auto payment → Select the section “Repaying a loan in another bank” → select the desired bank from the list. If the bank you need is not in the list, select “Loans / Transfers to another bank using BIC”.

How can I disable auto payment for a loan?

1. In the Sberbank Online mobile application
“Payments” tab → Automatic payments → find the required autopayment and click “Disable”.
2. In your personal account Sberbank Online
Personal menu (right) → My auto payments → find the desired auto payment and click “Delete”.

Where can I see if my auto payment went through?

All completed auto payments for a loan can be found:

1. In the mobile application
Payments → Auto payments → Auto payment for a loan

2. In your personal account Sberbank Online
Personal menu (right) → My auto payments → Auto payment for a loan

How to print an auto payment receipt for a loan?

In your Sberbank Online personal account:
Personal menu (right) → My Autopayments → Select the payment you are interested in and click “Print receipt”

Can I change the amount or date of auto payment for a loan?

Go to “Edit auto payment for a loan” and change the amount or date of payment. The next day you will receive an SMS message about the change in auto payment, to which you need to send a confirmation in response

Why was my monthly payment amount re-written off even though I had already closed the loan?

When paying the last payment on the loan, you need to close the auto payment for the loan yourself in the mobile application or personal account of Sberbank Online.

Why was the wrong amount written off when I repaid a loan from another bank?

When paying the last payment on a loan, you need to contact the bank where the loan was opened and clarify the amount of the last payment. After that, edit the auto payment for the loan in accordance with the amount, taking into account the kopecks.

The amount you specify when creating an autopayment for the loan is debited. If the monthly payment amount for a loan from another bank has changed, you need to manually edit the auto payment amount for the loan.

Which banks are money transferred to in minutes?

Cetelem, Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, MTS-Bank, OTP Bank, Sovcombank and Renaissance Credit. It takes up to 3 business days for the money to arrive in your account at all other banks.