Tax service extract from the register by inn. Order a tax statement from the register

The Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) has been developed in accordance with federal law from 27.07.2006. No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" (hereinafter - FZ-152). This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data in the service (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) in order to protect the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen when processing his personal data, including protecting the rights to privacy , personal and family secrets. In accordance with the law, the service is informational in nature and does not oblige the visitor to make payments and other actions without his consent. The collection of data is necessary solely to contact the visitor at his request and inform about the services of the service.

The main provisions of our privacy policy can be formulated as follows:

We do not share your personal information with third parties. We do not share your contact information with the sales department without your consent. You determine the amount of personal information disclosed.

Collected Information

We collect personal information that you knowingly agreed to disclose to us in order to obtain detailed information about the company's services. Personal information comes to us by filling out a questionnaire on the site In order to receive detailed information about services, costs and types of payments, you need to provide us with your e-mail address, name (real or fictitious) and phone number. This information is provided by you voluntarily and we do not check its accuracy in any way.

Use of the information received

The information you provide when filling out the questionnaire is processed only at the time of the request and is not stored. We use this information only to send you the information you subscribed to.

Providing information to third parties

We take the protection of your privacy very seriously. We will never provide your personal information to third parties, except as may be expressly required Russian legislation(for example, at the request of the court). All Contact Information, which you provide to us, is disclosed only with your permission. Email addresses are never published on the Site and are used by us only to contact you.

Data protection

The Site Administration protects the information provided by users and uses it only in accordance with the accepted Privacy Policy on the Site.

Registry search legal entities makes it possible to find an organization by TIN and other details of PSRN / OGRNIP / OKPO, company name, address, subject of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that the search by TIN / OGRN / OGRNIP / OKPO is “exact”, so the result will immediately be the card of the legal entity you are looking for.

Requests "in one line" are carried out using the following combinations: company address and full name. head, company name and full name founder, full name founder and place of his birth, name of the organization and its address, full name the former head and the former address of the company, the former name in English and full name. former founder.

Search rules for significant events

In the search results by TIN/OGRN, the search engine will display a list of messages submitted by this legal entity.

When you search by organization name, you will get a list of messages containing that search term. Please note that the names of legal entities may be the same.

You can read the full text of the messages, if necessary, order a copy of the page of the magazine "Vestnik state registration with this message. To order, you must log in to your personal account and register on the site.

Search rules for the debtor's property

To search for property, enter a query in the search form.

In the search results by TIN/OGRN/Name, the search engine will display a list of property that meets the search criteria. Please note that the name of legal entities may be the same or contained in the text of the lot.

Search rules for pledges of movable property

Search engine "Information about pledges" performs a through search in the database of collateral.

You must enter a query in the search bar. For example:

  • keyword;
  • Company name;
  • OGRN;
  • registration number (notification of the occurrence of a pledge) or part thereof;
  • contract number (if any);
  • series and number of the passport (or data of another identity document);
  • identifier (VIN vehicle, an identification number, registration number of the bond issue).

In addition to end-to-end search, it is possible to search by specific fields − by the registration number of the notification, by the subject of pledge, unlike FNP, you can search not only by pledger, but also by mortgagee. It also has the advantage that the search results are displayed as active liens, and terminated.

You can also sort information by certain parameters:

  • Collateral status (any/active/terminated);
  • Subject economic activity(FL/LE/foreign LE);
  • Regions (subject of the Russian Federation in which the individual entrepreneur is registered or actually resides - a party to the agreement);
  • Type of property (vehicle/other property/bonds);

By time span:

  • Date of registration of the notification;
  • Date of conclusion of the agreement/registration of the bond;
  • The deadline for fulfilling the obligation;
  • Date of birth of FL - parties to the contract.

This feature will help you make the most convenient and accurate search, this will avoid the output of redundant information.
Enter your query in the search box and click the button "Find".
A number is displayed with the number of collateral records found.
The search results are shown below in the form of the registration number of the notification as the title and a summary - the date of registration, the pledgor, the pledgor and the status of the pledge.
By clicking on the notification registration number, you will be redirected to the collateral card, where you will receive full information about the collateral.

Rules for searching for information about patents

You can find the information you are interested in about patents by the number or title of the patent, as well as by full name. patent owner. The result of the search will be a list of all cards, in the materials of which a match was found for the entered value.

You can limit your search results by date by selecting the appropriate option "Application date" or "Application publication date".

In the "Search Options" block, you can select the patent databases of interest by ticking them. In this case, the search will be carried out only on them.

Search rules for invalid passports

To check the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, enter a request in the search form containing the series and number of the document.

Rules for searching for information on news in the media

1. Formulate a request for your question. Keep in mind that the search is full-text and structured, which allows you to cover more information and highlight the main items of interest to you.

2. Do not forget that you need to write a search query correctly. The quality of the information provided depends on this.

3. Click on the "Find" button, after which all the information corresponding to your request will be displayed.

4. Use the advanced search features if you need clarification on source types or dates. To do this, click on the "Filter" button, which will display all the possibilities for narrowing the search query.

Issuer File Search Rules

Specify an arbitrary string in the search form to search for files disclosed by issuers.

Search rules for enforcement proceedings

Find the information you are interested in enforcement proceedings You can enter the following data in the search bar:

  • Name of organization (participant in production)
  • Address of the organization (participant in the production)
  • Number of enforcement proceedings
  • Executive document number
  • Name of bailiff department

The result of the search will be a list of all cards, in the materials of which a match was found for the entered value.

You can limit the search results by date and by the above parameters by selecting the appropriate option in the "Search Options" block. In this case, the search will be carried out only on them.

Search Rules for Published Bankruptcy Information

In this section of the search engine, you can get information about bankruptcy dating back to 2004.

For your convenience, there are several search options: by case number, by arbitration manager, by SRO, by debtor and organizer.

Before starting the search, select the parameter of interest (for example, arbitration manager) and enter a search query (for example, "Ivanov Alexander Nikolaevich"). In the search results, you will see all messages filed by this arbitration manager.

If you do not remember the name and patronymic of the arbitration manager, you can enter only the last name, the search engine will return a list of all legal entities with this last name, an indication of which SRO they belong to and the main details (TIN, registration number), if any.

If you select the SRO option and enter the name of the organization, the first search result will be the organization you are looking for with the address, basic details (OGRN, TIN) and registration number. Below will be displayed a list of AUs included in the SRO.

If you search by the parameter "Debtor" or "Organizer", the search results will display a short message text containing bankruptcy information with the searched parameter.

Search rules for information about revocation of powers of attorney

You can find the publication you are interested in about the cancellation of a power of attorney by the following parameters:

  • TIN/PSRN/Name of organization/Full name principal / full name participant of the case / F.I.O. authorized person / full name notary / full name acting notary;
  • The time interval in which the publication could be made.

Search Rules for Arbitration Court Orders

Currently, our database contains more than (if !empty($ms_counters))($ms_counters.total_arbitrage_cases)(/if) cases and more 50 000 000 documents related to cases.

You can find the information you are interested in on cases in arbitration courts by the following parameters:

    Case number
    When querying for this parameter, the result of the search will be the decision of the arbitration court. This type of search is the most accurate, since two different cases cannot be listed under the same number.

    Name or full name of the participant in the case
    When querying by this parameter, the search result will be a list of all cases in the materials of which a match was found for the entered query. It should be noted that the name or full name. participant in the case are not absolutely accurate indicators, as they may coincide with the name or full name. participant in another case.

    Name of the court
    When querying by this parameter, the search result will be a list of all decisions of this arbitration court.

    Full name of judge
    When querying by this parameter, the search result will be a list of all cases in the materials of which a match was found for the entered query. It should be noted that F.I.O. judges is not an absolutely accurate indicator, since the same judge can handle different arbitration cases.

Cases found on request contain the following information:

  • case number;
  • the date of the case;
  • participants in the case;
  • brief information about the latest event;
  • court statement.

Search rules

What data can be entered:

Search in the register of legal entities makes it possible to find an organization by identifiers (TIN / OGRN / OGRNIP / OKPO), company name, address, subject of the Russian Federation.

Search by individuals carried out by full name. founder/manager, place of birth.

Searching results:

It is worth noting that the search by identifiers is "exact", so the result will be the card of the legal entity you are looking for.

When requested by company name, address, full name. founder/head, the search result will be a list of cards of organizations in which a match was found for the entered value.


In addition to search queries for details on this register of legal entities, you can perform a “search in one line”. For example, when entering a full name. manager and company name, the search will only go through those cards in which these two values ​​\u200b\u200bare found. The combination of values ​​increases the relevance of the search engine results (high match of the entered query with the answer to it), which makes it possible to quickly find the company or individual you need.

What data can be entered:

Searching results:

In the search results by identifiers, the search engine will return a list of messages submitted by this legal entity.

When you search by organization name, you'll get a list of posts containing that search term. Please note that the names of legal entities may be the same.


You can read the full text of the messages, if necessary, order a copy of the page of the State Registration Bulletin with this message. To order, you must be logged in. Personal Area/register on the site.

What data can be entered:

TIN/PSRN/Name of organization/Full name principal, participant in the case, trustee, notary;

Searching results:

The search result will be the full text of the message about the revocation of the power of attorney, published in the Kommersant newspaper, which contains any of the parameters used in the request.


You can specify the time interval in which the publication could be made.

What data can be entered:

There are several search options: by case number, by arbitration manager, by SRO, by debtor and organizer.

Searching results:

  • messages filed by the arbitration manager;
  • a list of all arbitration managers indicating SROs and identifiers (TIN, registration number);
  • searched organization with address and identifiers. Below will be displayed a list of arbitration managers included in the SRO;
  • short text of the message containing bankruptcy information with the required parameter.


You can limit your search results by selecting the desired time period (for example, November 1, 2012 - December 1, 2012). As a result, all published bankruptcy information for the specified period of time will be displayed.

What data can be entered:

Case number, name of the court, F.I.O. participant in the case or the judge.

Searching results:

  • decision of the arbitration court;
  • a list of arbitration cases, in the materials of which a match was found for the entered request;
  • list of decisions of the arbitration court;
  • a list of cases in which a match was found for the entered query.


For a more convenient search, the section has a filter by the date of registration of the case, which allows you to specify the search results.

Now you can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for free online directly on our website. The Federal Tax Service has provided a new service for independently obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP in electronic form. An extract can be ordered in relation to any legal entity and individual entrepreneur. The service is provided free of charge.

- a sample of an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
- a sample of an electronic extract from the USRIP

How to order an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP?

To receive electronic extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for free, you need to go through a simple registration procedure once in the FTS service, for this:

2. In the "Account" section, enter your E-mail and create a password;

3. In the "User Information" section, it is enough to indicate your last name and first name;

4. Enter the verification code from the picture and click the "Continue" button, after which an email containing a link to activate your account will be sent to your E-mail. As a rule, the letter arrives within 10-15 minutes;

6. Log in with your E-mail and password to the service;

7. Click the "Submit a new application" button;

8. In the line that appears, enter the OGRN of the organization or OGRNIP individual entrepreneur and generate an extract. The service will notify you that the application for obtaining an extract for the specified OGRN has been successfully registered;

9. Click the button "Go to the list of applications". The term for generating an extract is from several seconds to several hours, depending on the workload of the FTS server;

10. To check the readiness status of the statement, refresh the service page in the browser (F5 key) or visit later. When the statement is generated, the status of the application will change to "Statement generated";

What if I don't know PSRN/OGRNIP?

To find out the OGRN of an organization or the OGRN of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP), use the service of the Federal Tax Service "Information on the state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs", which will help you determine the OGRN of an organization by TIN or by the name of the legal entity. person and the region of his location, as well as determine the OGRN IP by personal TIN or by full name and region of residence of the IP.

The service also allows you to instantly obtain information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP, similar to the information contained in the extract. This can be useful, for example, when you urgently need to find out the OKVED codes of the organization to make changes in the form P14001, but there is no extract at hand.

Using an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you can find out current information about yourself or your potential or existing partner. For example, whether a legal entity is operating or has ceased operations, when and where the company was established, whether the information about the location, general director, authorized capital is correct, what types of economic activities are used, when and what information was entered in the register, and so on. Check out .

Attention! The extract does not contain information about the passport data and the place of registration (registration) of the individual. persons., as well as information about the current accounts of taxpayers in banks.

Is an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities legally significant?

Official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with delivery in Moscow

If you urgently need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Legal Entities with a tax stamp, you can order it with delivery in Moscow from our partner. To order an urgent official extract, you must fill out the online form for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities below. The cost of the extract with delivery in Moscow to the nearest metro station to you - 1000 rubles The cost of the service includes payment of the state duty for urgent discharge, request for an extract, delivery. All statements are generated in the tax office on the day of the request and are relevant on the date of the order. Within the next day, the courier will deliver the statement to the metro station you specified.

 Attention! Delivery of the statement is carried out only in Moscow to the nearest Moscow metro station, which you specify when making a request. If it is necessary to deliver to the address "to the door", the cost is agreed with the manager upon confirmation of the order. Delivery in the Moscow region and in the regions of the Russian Federation is not carried out. Orders received after 18.00 are processed by the manager in the morning on the next business day.

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Almost all legal entities repeatedly had to request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This document is needed to participate in auctions, to certify papers with a notary and when making real estate transactions. What is the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, where and how you can get an extract and why this document is so important, we will understand in this article.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities - what is it

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, i.e. the base of all organizations in Russia. The database is maintained by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Each organization is assigned an individual identifier - OGRN, on the basis of which an entry is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Why is an extract from this all-Russian register needed? Consider the most common cases of her requests:

  • To open a bank account. In the rules credit institutions an item on an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is often indicated. An extract is needed so that a bank employee can verify the authenticity of the identity of the head of the company, as well as other information he needs.
  • For notarization by a notary of some documents related to the activities of the organization. An extract in this case is also required in order for the notary to verify the authenticity of the identity of the head, his powers, or the authenticity of the identity of the trustee.
  • When making transactions related to real estate.
  • When submitting documents for participation in a tender or public procurement. Moreover, during the main part of the bidding, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may also be required, for example, when placing an order, when performing work or services. Moreover, for some types of tenders and auctions, it is sufficient to provide paper received no earlier than 6 months before the date of submission of the package of documents, and for some purchases this period should not exceed 30 days.
  • When checking information about the organization. The information that is entered in the statement is available to everyone who wants to get acquainted with the basic data about the legal entity. For example, from an extract you can get information about where the organization is located, what is the size of it authorized capital and who is its leader. You can request a document on the official website of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: by entering the TIN or PSRN of the desired organization.

If you need a paper version of the statement, then to obtain it, you must contact the tax service, having previously paid the fee. The procedure for obtaining an extract will be discussed below.

What information about the legal entity is contained in the extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

The extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains all the basic information about the company. Let's look at what exactly can be learned from this document.

  • Name of the organization. The name of the company is written in the extract in all registered variations. Thus, the document can contain both the full and abbreviated name, as well as the name of the company in a foreign language.
  • The organizational form of the company (JSC, LLC, etc.), as well as how the organization was formed (sometimes the form of company formation is not creation from scratch, but reorganization).
  • Legal address. So, some companies have different actual, legal and postal addresses.
  • Contact information, such as a phone number.
  • The amount of the authorized capital. The minimum authorized capital for an LLC is 10,000 rubles. The authorized capital determines minimum size property of the company, which can cover the losses of creditors in the event of bankruptcy of the company.
  • The date the company was founded.
  • Information about all the founders of the company (full name, share in the authorized capital). If the founders are not only individuals, but also legal entities, and data on the founders-legal entities are also registered.
  • Information about the person who can represent the interests of the company without a power of attorney. Most often this is the director of the company.
  • Activity data.
  • Information about whether the company is currently in the process of liquidation or, for example, reorganization.
  • Company licenses.
  • Information about branches and other departments of the organization.
  • Individual tax number of the company and the date of its issue.
  • OKVED codes.

Record sheet

Starting from 04.07.2013 the procedure for confirming the fact that information about a legal entity is included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has completely changed. Until July 2013, when registering an organization, or when making changes to its data, the Federal Tax Service issued a special certificate. Now the records of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities have taken the place of the evidence.

What is on this sheet? First of all, all the information about what and when was changed in the constituent documents, as well as on the basis of what the changes were made. If the record sheet is issued during the registration of the company, then it contains the initial information about the constituent documents.

For example, if changed CEO company, then the new record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will contain information about the old director, as well as the date of taking office and data about the new head. If you have lost the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, then you should not worry: you can always request it again. Moreover, a sheet is sometimes required in order to conclude a particularly large deal, or to sign a contract for a very long period.

The difference between an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a record sheet is that the extract contains exclusively all information about the organization, while the record sheet contains only key data about the company, and it is he who confirms the fact of registration of the company, or changes that have come into force .

How to get a tax extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by TIN with a signature through the website of the Tax Service

In some cases, it is sufficient to provide information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP in the form electronic document. To obtain such a document, you will have to perform the following step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the service "Providing information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP in the form of an electronic document" on the official website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation - and enter your personal account of a taxpayer of an individual or legal entity.

Then click on the “Submit a new request for an extract” button.

  1. To generate a request for an extract, select the "Legal entity" section and enter the OGRN or TIN of the organization we need. Enter the captcha and click the "Create Request" button.

  1. After that, our request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by TIN will be registered and will go into the state “Waiting for the generation of an extract”.

  1. After some time (from several minutes to 24 hours), the status of the request will change to "Statement generated" and under this inscription there will be a link by clicking on which you can download an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

  1. The downloaded statement is a PDF file

A record sheet is sometimes called a standard statement, and a standard statement is called an extended statement. An extended extract, as a rule, is provided for participation in tenders, in courts and other important cases with counterparties.

You can also get the document through the MFC. To do this, you need to submit the same documents as when receiving an extract through the Federal Tax Service: a receipt for payment of the state duty and an application. As with the standard procedure, the state duty is 200 rubles for a non-urgent receipt of a document and 400 for an urgent one.

All business owners who are legal entities, as well as their employees (heads of enterprises, economists, financiers and accountants) periodically face the need to apply for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. What is this document? Where and how soon can you get it?

What is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and why is it needed

Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are official documents certifying the existence of an organization, as well as its right to carry out a particular activity.

This extract contains detailed information about the legal entity.

The Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) of the Russian Federation is authorized to maintain the register and provide extracts from it. This document may be needed when making any legal or financial transactions:

  1. For official confirmation of the actual existence of the enterprise.
  2. When opening or closing a current bank account.
  3. In the process of notarization and litigation.
  4. When concluding transactions in relation to the purchase, sale, leasing of company property (including real estate).
  5. To obtain a loan and attract investors.
  6. To participate in tenders, auctions and auctions.
  7. When expanding the scope of activities, liquidation, reorganization of the enterprise and registration of bankruptcy proceedings.

You can request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities not only for your own enterprise, but also for any other. In business, a reliable partnership plays an important role, and folk wisdom says: "Trust, but verify!".

Depending on the carrier, extracts from the register are divided into two main types:

An official extract from the state register in its content may be:

  1. Normal, i.e. does not contain confidential and commercial information (passport data of the founders of the company, active bank accounts, etc.) In most cases, such a document is requested by third parties who want to make inquiries about the enterprise.
  2. Extended. Such extracts are provided only to the taxpayers themselves, their proxies, law enforcement, judicial and other government agencies. They contain comprehensive information about the company and its founders.

Also, the extract can be paid or free, urgent or non-urgent. In the usual manner, an extract from the state register is issued on the fifth business day after the official request. In an urgent case, it can be received within a day or even a few hours.

Information Services

The procedure for providing data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 5n dated January 15, 2015. Today there is several options for obtaining an extract from the state register:

  1. By contacting the tax office.
  2. With the help of third party authorized organizations.
  3. Through the Internet.

The website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation has convenient and useful electronic services that allow you to get the necessary information as soon as possible, among them:

Every year, paper media are increasingly losing their relevance. From 01/01/2017, registration certificates are not issued to new firms and companies, they were replaced by extracts (record sheets) from the state register. New form of these documents was approved by Order Tax Service No. ММВ 7-14/481, there are no fields for affixing seals on it.

Step by step instructions in 2019

When choosing one of the options for obtaining an extract, you should decide for what purposes is it needed and how urgently. Each of possible ways has certain advantages and disadvantages, so it is worth considering them in more detail.

Through the branch of the IFTS

Despite the fact that the stamping of this document has lost its relevance, many officials, due to their conservatism, will demand official document on hard copy. Getting it consists of several stages:

  1. Drafting and submission of an application for the provision of information. It can be compiled in free form or according to one of the samples: for itself or another legal entity.
  2. Payment of state duty. For the provision of a non-urgent statement - 200 rubles, urgent - 400 rubles.
  3. Appearance on the appointed day for the finished document.

In the event that, in addition to the extract, a copy of any document about the company is required, the request should be directed to tax authority at its actual location. If you only need an extract, you can contact any nearest tax office, as well as send a request through a multifunctional center (MFC) or send it by mail.

Through commercial organizations

If you need information about several companies or temporary access to the registry, you should contact the help authorized organizations.

Their services will cost a little more, but they will eliminate the need to stand in lines and go somewhere.

Here it is very important to find a prompt and reliable organization to which you can send a request by any convenient way: deliver a paper application in person, through a courier or by mail, submit an electronic application online. After that, it remains to pay for the services of the “intermediary” and get the result, again in the most comfortable way in this case.

Through the official website of the IFTS - online statement

For this procedure, you will need an (electronic / digital signature) of the applicant, which allows you to certify any documents. The whole process consists of a few simple steps:

  1. Go to the portal of the Federal Tax Service, select the desired region and subsection "Legal entities".
  2. On the required service, fill in all the requested data.
  3. Read and agree to all terms and conditions.

The answer can be delivered in any way convenient for the applicant. The document received in electronic form will be certified by EDS tax office and have legal force equal to the paper counterpart.


So, the procedure for acquiring an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is quite simple and diverse, you can always choose best option of all possible.

And yet, questions on this topic often arise, because. The current legislation is periodically subject to some changes and amendments. Consider the most relevant and common.

  • What if I don't know PSRN/OGRNIP? You can get an electronic statement in the form of a printout on the website of the Federal Tax Service, both for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. And free of charge, in a matter of minutes, by TIN or the exact name of the organization. In the received extract, these data will be indicated, as well as on the certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service.
  • What information can be obtained using an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities? All publicly available information: whether the company ceased to exist, when it was founded and what changes it underwent, whether information about its founders, location and types of activity, data on the company's branches, its shareholders, creditors and investors, the percentage of shares of the authorized capital is reliable.
  • Is an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities legally significant? Only if it is certified by EDS. The extract received as a link and printed will not have legal force and be an official document.
  • Can I get a quote for free? You can count on the free provision of an official extract government bodies authorities and non-budgetary funds, courts, law enforcement agencies, etc. You can get an electronic statement for free, but in order for it to have legal force, you need an EDS. It is possible to obtain an information electronic statement in the form of a printout. To do this, you should submit a request on the website of the Federal Tax Service and receive an answer by e-mail in the form of a link, which will be available within five days. However, it should be borne in mind that such an option will not be an official document.

Time of receipt and expiration dates

According to the regulations, in the usual manner, you can receive an official document within five working days. Urgent - within a day. The expiration date of the extract is set at the legislative level for three specific cases:

  1. Participation in public auctions - up to 6 months.
  2. Alienation of a share of capital - from ten to thirty days.
  3. Litigation - within a month.

In other situations, the period of validity of the document is determined by the authority that issued it, and depends on the intended use.

What information does the extract contain?

The usual version contains only publicly available information, no passport data, current accounts, etc. The extended record sheet from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities includes more information:

  1. Full .
  2. Form of organization (JSC, CJSC, LLC).
  3. Information about the size of the authorized capital and all the founders of the organization.
  4. Addresses of establishment: actual and legal.
  5. Information about all the changes that the company has undergone since its inception.
  6. Information about the presence of branches and licenses for the activities carried out.
  8. Date of creation of the organization and tax registration.

Can I order with delivery to the office?

Definitely yes. For many business people, saving personal time is a top priority. In this case, it is possible two options:

  1. Use the services commercial organization and courier service, but you will have to overpay significantly.
  2. When making a request on the IFTS website, indicate that the document is required on paper. The extract will be delivered by mail, but, unfortunately, not as soon as in the first case.

Another important point: the bodies providing municipal and public services, interact with the IFTS within the framework of a single interdepartmental system and are not entitled to demand an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the applicant who applied to them (FZ No. 102 of 04/20/2015).

In conditions financial crisis Russian businessmen demonstrate amazing abilities and solve the most difficult tasks in the shortest possible time. Now it will definitely not be difficult for them to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP in electronic form? Find out in this video.