Online bank of the European financial group otp group. About otp bank in russia

Several leading banks operate in Russia, among them OTP Bank. This organization offers products and services to both private and legal entities. Favorable terms of service and loyal credit policy every day they attract new customers and allow the bank to develop rapidly.

About OTP Bank

The history of the financial organization began in 1994. Initially, OTP was called Investsberbank, but due to the radical metamorphoses associated with entering the OTP Group, in February 2008 it became known as OTP Bank


In 2006, OTP Bank became part of the Hungarian OTP groups”, which is today a leading financial institution and a leading provider of banking services in Europe. The Group is involved in such areas as banking, insurance, investment, leasing. Its basis is OTP Bank, located in Hungary. It occupies 26% of the national market, and the value of its assets is estimated at 10,978,359 million forints. Apart from Russia, the following countries belong to the group:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Bulgaria.
  3. Slovakia.
  4. Serbia.
  5. Montenegro.
  6. Croatia.
  7. Romania.

The Latin abbreviation OTP stands for Országos Takarékpénztár (National Savings Bank). Over time, it migrated to Russian and began to be used to name local branches.


OTP Bank is developing rapidly. Throughout its activities, there has been a constant increase in assets and profits, the introduction of new technologies, the creation of high-quality products. Great achievements have been repeatedly noted at various awards. We should also pay tribute to the management, which, due to their correct decisions, brought the company to a high level.

The history of the development of OTP Bank is presented in the table:

1994 A license to operate has been obtained.
2003 The first loan was issued, after which a course was set for development in Russia consumer lending.
2004 30 branches were opened all over Russia.
2005 Merged with Russian General Bank.
2006 Two banks were merged.
2007 It was included in the rating of financial institutions with dynamic development, according to RBC.Rating.
2008 Took 8th place in the NAFI ratings.
2009 He became the owner of two significant awards in the financial sector "Financial Olympus" and "Brand of the Year".
2010 In the second, he won the Brand of the Year award.
2011 Became the owner of the awards "Financial Olympus", "Finance" and others.
2012 A new president of the company, Z. Illes, has been appointed.
Internet banking has been created, allowing transactions through Personal Area Online.
2013 Georgy Chesakov took the position of the president of the company.
launch mobile application, which improved remote maintenance clients.
2014 It took the 22nd position in terms of its reliability among Russian banks in the Forbes rating.
2015 I. Chizhevsky took the presidency in the company.
2016 A new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company Z. Mayor was elected.
2017 RAEX assigned a rating of ruA.

Mission and Vision

"OTP Bank" seeks to win the trust of consumers, which he succeeds. It sells affordable products and services in all regions Russian Federation. Its mission is to increase the level of financial literacy and develop the banking services market. The vision of OTP Bank is to achieve the following long-term goals:

  • increase the number of regular customers up to 3 million;
  • get into the TOP-20 banks of the Russian Federation;
  • become one of the main industries of the OTP Group.

Given that OTP has a stable growth in profits and other indicators, it will be able to realize its plans in the near future. A large flow of customers is ensured by favorable conditions for loans and deposits, a wide selection of banking products, and high-quality European-level service. Tariffs are calculated for citizens of various social status, including pensioners, beneficiaries, and the unemployed. The requirements that are put forward to potential customers are very loyal.

Management of OTP Bank

In the process of the company's formation, its management was constantly replaced. However, today it looks like this:

Scope of leadershipJob titleFull name
Governing bodyThe presidentChizhevsky I.P.
Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the BoardKapustin S.N.
Dremach K.A.
Belomytsev I.Yu.
Satybaldiev M.M.
Vasiliev A.V.
Director of Legal Support DirectorateOreshkina Yu.S.
Board of DirectorsChairman of the Board of DirectorsZ. Major
Member of the Board of DirectorsR. Barlai
F. Boehle
I.P. Chizhevsky
P. Chani
Sh. Bela
Kummer A.Yu.

Financial indicators

"OTP Bank" for the last reporting period(03.2018) improved its financial performance. The indicators from the reporting are given in the table:

Address and details

The main office of the bank is located in Moscow and has the following legal and actual address: 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoe shosse, 16A, building 1. However, postal correspondence is delivered to the address: 127299, Moscow, Clara Zetkin street, 4A, building 1.

To make transfers, below are the details of the financial institution:

Name of companyJSC "OTP Bank"
Correspondent account30101810000000000311 in the Central Federal District of the Bank of Russia
OKVED64.19, 66.19

Clients and partners

The main contingent served by the bank are individuals. For them, he developed a standard set of products, among which consumer loans at retail outlets, deposits, credit cards. It also serves corporate clients. For them, settlement operations, placement of funds on deposit accounts and much more are carried out.

The bank has many partners. The most popular of them are the following companies: Moscow Jewelry Factory, Snow Queen, Megafon, Euroset. They offer various discounts and bonuses to bank customers. You can also apply for a loan in partner stores, which is very convenient.

OTP Bank is the leader in financial market in Russia. Therefore, choosing a reliable financial institution to make deposits or apply for a loan, you should pay attention to it first of all. It offers the most favorable conditions in Russia, which will be optimal for various segments of the population.

Borrowers of a Hungarian bank considered the return of loans to him undermining the security of Russia

Hungarian working in Russia OTP-bank who is experiencing severe balance problems, working capital and liquidity, and who did not want to settle relations with foreign currency borrowers, faced a new unexpected misfortune. OTP Bank borrowers, who collectively owe the bank significant sums, appear to have found a legal way to avoid paying their bills. As reported by several mass media, borrowers of banks with foreign participation, including the Hungarian OTP-bank, massively apply to law enforcement agencies with the same type of statements as follows: “I, such and such, took a loan from a bank, but then I did not know that the founders of the bank were foreign companies, whose head offices are located in NATO member countries. I am not opposed to repaying the loan, but I cannot, since these acts fall under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely, the provision of financial assistance to a foreign state, an international or foreign organization or their representatives in activities directed against the security of the Russian Federation.

Indeed, Hungary, where the head office of the OTP-group is located, has been a full member of the NATO bloc since 1999, which, as you know, has recently been pursuing a particularly unfriendly policy towards our country. In addition, Hungary is a member of the European Union, which now and then imposes all sorts of restrictive sanctions on Russia and Russians. In addition, the financial policy of OTP-Bank is built in such a way that the Russian money that is at the disposal of the bank is sent to European accounts. And from them, the owner of OTP-Bank, Sandor Chani, pays taxes, which go, among other things, to finance the European bureaucracy and increase the defense power of the North Atlantic bloc. In addition, the branch of OTP-Bank operating in Ukraine has clearly turned from a commercial into a political project in the last year. So, according to the management of the Ukrainian branch, last year credit organisation on Nezalezhnaya completed with an impressive loss, but this did not lead to the closure of OTP-Bank in Ukraine. Although, for example, according to the same Shandor Chani, he immediately abandoned his activities in Azerbaijan due to commercial risks. This may mean that in Ukraine the owner of OTP-Bank performs special tasks through his banking network that have nothing to do with making money. What these tasks are, one can only guess. But it is obvious that they certainly do not meet the interests of Russia, but most likely, they sharply contradict them.

Therefore, the collective decision of the Russian borrowers of OTP-Bank to refuse payments to this bank is justified. In addition, as it became known recently, Shandor Chani decided to earn extra money on temporary difficulties. Russian economy, providing its subsidiary banking structure in Russia with “financial assistance” at as much as 18 percent per annum. Obviously, in view of these circumstances, the Russian branch of OTP-Bank undertook to work out the loan in full, shamelessly shifting its obligations to "Papa Shandor" onto Russian customers. Such a predatory approach to Russia can only be regarded as a hostile action that has nothing to do with the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, on which the banking business of the Hungarian Shandor Czani several years ago received a residence permit in the Russian banking market.

Meanwhile, the situation in the Russian OTP-bank and around it is escalating day by day. As you know, since the second half of 2014, the bank began to experience serious problems with foreign currency borrowers, which negatively affected the balance sheet of the credit institution. The situation was aggravated by non-repayment of consumer loans, which were generously distributed by OTP-Bank. In addition, against the backdrop of a general deterioration in the situation in banking OTP-Bank did not escape the onslaught of depositors who decided, just in case, to take their savings from deposits. However, the volume of household deposits in OTP-Bank is still significant. This means that, given the current situation of this bank, the risk that its clients will join the army of deceived depositors increases many times over. The fact that the situation is moving in the direction of such an outcome is also evidenced by the fact that the Central Bank sent its representative to OTP Bank, who checks every operation of a credit institution. However, even such work under control, indicating the growing distrust of the regulator in OTP-bank, does not guarantee that one day in 2015 this bank will not suddenly collapse. Anxiety and panic covers not only depositors, but also employees of OTP-Bank, who understand that the matter is reaching a dead end.

Oleg Romanov.

16.06.2011 12:00 6198

Sandor Chani visits Russia quite often, mainly on the business of the "Hungarian Gazprom" - the MOL company, of which he is a member of the board of directors. However, it is difficult to meet him here, so I had to go to his native Budapest. His office is located in one of the bank branches in the old part of the city. It's quiet here and no one is in a hurry. Money, apparently, loves this silence very much - after the interview, I found out that I was talking with the richest man in Hungary: according to the newspaper Napi Gazdaság, in terms of rubles, his fortune is 23.6 billion. Doing business in Russia, as can be understood from the words of Chani , not very easy - MOL won back its shares from Surgutneftegaz with a creak, and OTP Bank and could not recover the debt from Technosila. Therefore, Chani, like many foreigners, considers people the main asset of Russia. How it works in Russia, where the group is going to buy banks, and why he does not care about the convictions of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, he told Vedomosti.

- Is it difficult to be a foreign investor in Russia?

Investing in Russia is not particularly difficult - you need to have a strong team of local managers, a team of professional experts, otherwise you can miscalculate with an investment. For a business to be effective, managers must speak the same language with customers. Convinced by my own experience. I think we have it in Russia. I myself travel to Russia three times a year, partly because I'm on the board of directors of MOL.

- One of your business partners, Megdet Rakhimkulov, also came from the energy sector.

He is only an investor and has never been among the leaders of the company. He and his family members hold a small stake in the bank, but recently he has reduced it from 10.2% to 9%.

Many foreign banks were forced to resort to government assistance or to attract new shareholders. How did the group look in this regard during the crisis and how are things now?

I survived more than one crisis: in 1989, then in 1992. We have always been very conservative in terms of capital and reserves, and this strategy turned out to be correct. And besides that, we tried to increase capitalization. For example, they did not pay dividends to shareholders, reduced lending in all countries to maintain liquidity at the proper level, and introduced more stringent risk management. In my opinion, we successfully overcame the crisis, maintaining efficiency, profitability and profitability. And we did not need to attract additional capital either from the state or from the market. True, the state provided us with a loan in four currencies at a rate of LIBOR + 3-4%, which we repaid within a year. Taking into account the fact that we did not use this money, and the rate was market, they cost us a lot. But we still took them, because until very recently it was not clear where the crisis would turn, and the additional reserve of money still did not bother anyone.

Considering how the price of banking assets has fallen, are you probably considering buying new assets for the group?

In Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Montenegro, where subsidiary banks have a good market share, we strive to maintain and increase the position. But in Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovakia, where we have a small market share, we are constantly looking at new acquisitions.

- Why didn't you end up buying a bank in Azerbaijan?

We were already at an advanced stage of negotiations to acquire the bank, but we pulled back due to the crisis because the importance of building reserves and maintaining liquidity came to the fore. We are currently researching what other markets might be of interest to the group. These are the countries former USSR, Asia. Among them, as possible targets, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. A significant, at least 10%, market share and a proper deposit base are especially important for us.

- Does the Hungarian government limit the expansion of banks?

We are a private public company. The state has no influence on our work in terms of entering new foreign markets. But the regulator, of course, will not allow transactions that will negatively affect the amount of capital. Sberbank won't let us buy! (Laughs.)

How do you assess the measures taken by the governments of the countries where your subsidiary banks are located? In particular, in your home market you now have to pay a special tax ...

After the elections, the Hungarian authorities were unable to cope with the budget deficit without restrictions. The new leadership of the country tried to obtain permission from the European Commission to increase the deficit, but Brussels did not give consent to this, and they had to introduce a special tax. In addition to banks, retailers, telecoms, and energy companies also pay it. Of course, no one is happy. But we are headquartered in Hungary, and the stability of the country is important to us, as well as the ability to reduce our external debt. We adopted this tax as a temporary measure. Although without it our financial results would be 20% higher. And in general, it did not affect the banks in the best way - a negative increase in the issuance of loans in 2010, although it is not the only reason for this. Those European banks that received state support were prescribed mandatory conditions by the European Union or the governments of these countries on liquidity and capital adequacy. Because of this, several banks had to cut funding for their subsidiaries. The primary aspect for liquidity and capital allocation is payback. Global players with subsidiaries in almost 20 countries sent assistance primarily to those "daughters" who needed it the most. In Hungary, the crisis was not so deep. The OTR group mainly supported the Ukrainian bank, since the situation in Ukraine was much more complicated. GDP fell by 15%, the hryvnia depreciated by 60%. Clients with foreign currency loans were hit hard, and the Ukrainian OTP-Bank suffered losses. Fortunately, the situation changed in 2010 and the bank became profitable again.

- Many foreign players wanted to sell their business in Ukraine then. Surely you too?

In the fall of 2008, we had such thoughts, but then we abandoned this idea. And we still believe that this is a large market, we know this market and its specifics and not only do not want to leave, but also want to increase our presence there. The Ukrainian bank is one of our strategic investments for many years to come, we have a good client base and excellent management in Ukraine. It also plays a role that we bought the bank from the Raiffeisen Group, which placed special emphasis on attracting high-quality, reliable customers. And it has made it possible to handle difficult situations appropriately. Time has shown that we made the right decision, because today the situation has stabilized. I believe that our Ukrainian bank will become one of the most profitable in the group. Russian investors share this point of view, one of them approached us with an offer to buy our Ukrainian bank, but we rejected it. And it is unlikely that he will now be able to buy a bank in Ukraine.

Are you not embarrassed by the political risk of a country where President Viktor Yanukovych has two convictions - for robbery and a fight?

I didn't know about it, but I don't really care. There are positive trends. An agreement has been reached with the International Monetary Fund, the economy is growing, the energy situation has stabilized, new investors are coming to Ukraine, and the population is not demonstrating.

- How did your Ukrainian bank become profitable in 2010?

The decline in the loan portfolio stopped, and we started lending again, reduced the cost of risks and the formation of reserves and received a good interest income. In addition, the work with bad debts is going well. Last but not least, thanks to Russian investors, the financial result of our corporate business in Ukraine has improved. For example, Russian investors acquired one of our borrowers, a metallurgical plant, and this improved the quality of our loan portfolio (last year in Ukraine there were two transactions for the sale of metallurgical assets: with Zaporizhstal, the investor is still unknown, and the largest steel company "Industrial Union of Donbass", it was acquired by the former co-owner of the factories of "Evrazholding" Alexander Katunin. - "Vedomosti").

Share Russian bank in the profit of the OTP group in 2010 (nine months) increased significantly: Russian bank provides 12.7% of net income and 14.4% of the group's net interest income. Due to what the Russian bank is now able to increase profits?

Of the foreign subsidiary banks, we are most satisfied with our Russian and Bulgarian banks. They helped us maintain profitability, we had no problems with their liquidity. Profitability is tied to portfolio growth, and the portfolio of unsecured loans grew by 61% in 2010, while expenses grew by only 18%. The cost-to-income ratio dropped from 61% to 49%. This is a good result for a bank with such an extensive network and active retail lending. Loans overdue by more than 90 days account for 12.3% of the portfolio by international standards. At the end of last year, the Russian bank had a capital adequacy ratio of 17%, by the end of 2011, according to our forecasts, this figure will reach 19.2%. We expect that the share of the Russian bank in the group's structure will continue to grow.

About 40% of the reserves created by the Russian OTP-Bank in 2010 are associated with a loan to Technosila. How do you assess the situation that has developed around this borrower and the pool of creditors?

We have sold our claims, so the Russian bank no longer has claims on Technosila.

Foreign banks spoke rather sharply about working with large Russian borrowers due to the low level of their payment discipline. You also talk about not focusing on them. Is it related somehow?

We had a negative experience with a large Russian company, but not in Russia. In principle, the larger the client, the more subordinate the bank is to him. And some examples from our work show that this is true. There was a client where we lost more than we earned. Although it was a large borrower with a clear business and a wide sales network.

- The investment attractiveness of the banking business is falling. Do you agree with this?

It is clearly seen that it is really becoming harder in terms of competition: the number of banks has grown significantly, while at the same time, under the influence of the crisis, responsible participants are working much more carefully.

You also have your own real estate investments in Russia. For example, a block of shares in the Trigranit company. By the way, what is he like? Trigranit was going to invest 5 billion euros in real estate together with Gazprombank. How have plans changed due to the crisis? How much has been invested during this time and in what?

It must be admitted that the crisis affected the real estate segment more, and its influence was stronger there than in other areas. And this made adjustments to our plans. But Trigranit is still operating in Russia and is even planning new investments. I do not take part in the management of the company, my share is insignificant and amounts to about 10%.

- Has a foreign investor become more secure in Russia compared to, for example, the 1990s?

We did not work in Russia in the 90s, and therefore we do not have such experience. Ever since we got to Russian market, we had no problems. The regulatory authorities here are very demanding, we received a number of instructions when buying a bank, which we fully complied with. We do not believe that our investments in Russia are at risk. As a negative example, I can only complain about the case when it was difficult to get the debt back. But this is not the fault of the state.


Born in 1953. In 1974 he graduated from the College of Finance and Accounting, in 1980 - University economic sciences in Budapest. After that, he worked in the financial department and secretariat of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance

1983 - Minister Agriculture and food industry in Hungary
1986 - went into the banking business, heading the department of Magyar Hitel Bank
1992 - became the president of the largest bank in Hungary OTP Bank

$8.6 million

how much does a package (0.096%) of Shandor Chani cost in OTP Bank

Sandor Chani and Russia

“Many of my friends who studied in the Soviet Union brought jeans there from Hungary. Compared to that time, Russia has changed beyond recognition. And if we have already reached our own bank in Russia, then this in itself is a great progress, right? What impresses me the most is how large cities are developing, perhaps because I don’t know most of Russia. And the development of business infrastructure is increasingly conducive to doing business. What is very important for me personally is that people in Russia are cordial and if you already find a friend here, then it will be a real friend, and this means something completely different, more than in many other countries, for example, in England. In Russia, I have friends in all areas - bankers, businessmen and even just hunters.

OTP Bank

Commercial Bank. Assets - 971.5 billion rubles. Capital - 158 billion rubles. Net profit- 5.4 billion rubles. Major shareholders: Hungarian MOL - 8.7%, Family of Megdet Rakhimkulov - 9.01%, Groupama - 8.43%. Capitalization - 1.65 trillion forints ($9.16 billion).

Overcome state banks

“The toughest competition in Russia is in the mortgage market, where state-owned banks keep interest rates very low,” Chani admits. - We cannot lend on their terms - otherwise we will get a loss. We are trying to negotiate financing with AHML.” This will help the bank gain access to a source that will give it a more competitive rate, he said.


OTP Bank does not look like an aggressively developing bank, but it retains its appetite for risk. The expected deal with Prominvestbank never took place, but the bank is actively looking for a bank to buy. About what the Hungarian OTP group wants to do in the Ukrainian banking market, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of OTP Bank Sandor Chani told FinClub journalist Victoria Rudenko (Ukrainian).

– The director of the department for work with investors and capital markets of OTP Group, Sandor Pataki, announced the group's plans to occupy at least 5% of the market in all countries of presence. OTP Bank holds 2% of the market in terms of assets. When do you plan to increase the share to 5%?

– In fact, our plans include achieving a market share of at least 10% in all nine markets where we are present. Even if at the moment we do not see such an opportunity. We are trying to increase our share in both ways: both through organic growth and through acquisitions, of course, if we see a suitable target for acquisition.

Last year we bought out the portfolio of AXA Bank Europe in Hungary. In Croatia, we bought Splitska banka, which is larger than the one we already owned (OTP Bank Croatia). We also bought banks in Serbia (Vojvodjanska banka) and Romania (Banca Romaneasca). If there are other opportunities, we will take advantage of them.

In Ukraine, we suffered significant losses primarily due to changes in the exchange rate. We have lost our branches located in the Crimea, and loans issued there. We found ourselves in a similar situation in the eastern regions of Ukraine. Nevertheless, we are ready for growth and believe that the favorable trends that began last year in Ukraine will continue. In Ukraine this year, for example, we bought two branches of another bank, in fact, together with their business.

- OTP Group considered the possibility of purchasing Prominvestbank. Why did the deal fall through?

Prominvestbank failed because it did not fit our portfolio. First of all, we are looking for a bank that is able to generate business, that is, a bank that provides not only infrastructure or a portfolio, because this is a short-term effect: the portfolio will end, and there is no need to buy infrastructure, because we already have it.

- What requirements do you put forward for a “good asset” for acquisition?

We ourselves generate several hundreds of millions of dollars of business annually and are looking for a bank capable of generating business in those segments in which we are not present. We do not want to buy a bank that is in a lethargic sleep, that has branches where people sit, but its corporate loan portfolio overflowing with bad assets. We need a bank that is actively working, it has clients who actively use the bank's services and are ready to complement our activity.

OTP Bank is the only "daughter" of OTP Group, whose corporate portfolio is much larger than the retail one, its share is 69%. Do you plan to balance the portfolio?

The current situation does not bother us. In fact, it has developed historically. When we bought the bank from Raiffeisen, its loan portfolio was mostly corporate. Our task is to develop both directions: both retail and corporate. If we talk about retail, we believe that our services are of good quality, we have a good product line, and the number of credit cards is increasing. I think we are on the right track in this direction. While banks in Ukraine, including OTP Bank, are forced to deal with problem loans, they cannot fully engage in development. But we are pleased with the growth of the Ukrainian subsidiary both in corporate and retail. The leasing segment is also growing well. We are ahead of the planned growth.

Hungary is actively developing the direction of SMEs. Do you plan to introduce successful Hungarian products in Ukraine? In what perspective is this possible? Indeed, while the share of SMEs in the portfolio of OTP Bank is small: 1.87% - in the loan portfolio and 3.73% - in the deposit one.

There are several Hungarian products that we have already introduced in Ukraine. But our Ukrainian specialists quite successfully develop their own products, adapted to the specifics and needs of Ukrainian companies. And I believe that Ukrainian SMEs receive service no worse than their Hungarian counterparts. At the same time, there are several areas where we plan to adopt the Hungarian experience if certain changes are made to Ukrainian legislation. This applies to digital signature and online identification. For example, we were unable to launch a product in Ukraine that does not require you to personally come to the branch for identification, and you can open an account online. In Hungary it is possible.

In Hungary, after the 2008 crisis, banks quickly resolved the issue of problem assets. What would you advise Ukraine to adopt from the Hungarian experience?

The fact that problem loans could be written off and completely excluded from the tax base contributed to the resolution of the situation in Hungary. The fact that the Hungarian banking sector is now very active both in retail and in corporate shows that the balance was still cleared of problem loans, and the freed funds were used to increase lending. It helped us a lot that we didn't have to sell NPLs to external collection or factoring companies. We managed to solve everything by our own factoring company. As a result, the bank concentrated only on the new loan portfolio. From the point of view of tax legislation, there was no difference to whom to sell the troubled loan portfolio - to an external company or "our own". From what can be adopted is the experience of regulating the banking sector and changing taxation. In addition, I consider the Hungarian legislation on bankruptcy and liquidation, as well as the protection of the rights of creditors, to be quite effective. In Ukraine, this is a weak point. Although I would like to note that we have learned a lot from our Ukrainian colleagues in matters of collection.

You have a factoring company in Ukraine. Do you plan to buy the assets of bankrupt banks in the Deposit Guarantee Fund for individuals?

Now our main task is to solve the issue of problem loans in our bank.

In Hungary, the OTP group includes about 20 companies: from a tour operator to real estate leasing and health insurance. Do you plan to expand the group in Ukraine in these areas?

In those market segments where our presence is necessary and expedient, we are already present in Ukraine - these are the companies OTP Leasing, OTP Capital, OTP Factoring. We see no point in creating new legal entities just for the sake of increasing the number of companies in the group.

- Do you plan to expand the geography of the group?

If we consider Europe, then the greatest potential for growth is precisely in the part where we are present. If in this region you can earn 16% return on investment, then why go to countries where it is less than 10%. Moreover, this region has more potential economic growth, which means that the potential for the banking market is also higher. That is, there is no point in going to Western Europe. Of course, if we find some kind of digital solution that will allow us to break into the Western European banking market with a small investment, we will certainly take the opportunity. The situation is different in Asia. There we are actively searching for an object for investment. We have already opened a representative office in China - this year we received permission. But our goal is not China itself, but other Asian countries.

- What countries are you interested in in Asia?

For example, Vietnam. In the future, we want to enter China as well. But there are very strict requirements. A representative office must have existed for a minimum of two years to be eligible to apply for business expansion.

- OTP is a patient investor. There was no desire to leave some market?

To leave the market means to lose. In all conflicts, I adhered to the position that you need to wait.

Sandor Chani

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTP Bank Plc.

Sandor Chani graduated from the College of Finance and accounting in 1974, Budapest University of Economic Sciences in 1980, and completed his postgraduate studies there. He is a certified auditor and a qualified pricing specialist.

After completing his education, he worked in the Financial Department, and then in the Secretariat of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance. From 1983 to 1986 he headed a department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. In 1986 he moved to work in the banking sector: he became the head of the department of the Hungarian credit bank. From 1989 to 1992 he worked as deputy head of K&H Bank.

Since 1992, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of OTP Bank Plc. Responsible for the strategy and operations of the bank.

He is a member of the European Board of Directors of MasterCard, Vice President of the Board of Directors of the oil and gas holding MOL Group, co-chairman of the Hungarian National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers. Until April 2011, he served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hungarian Banking Association. Since July 2010 he has been the head of the Hungarian Football Association.

Zoltan Mayor

Chairman of the board OTP directors Jar

Zoltan Mayor

Chairman of the Board of Directors
OTP Bank

Zoltan Mayor was born in 1966. He graduated from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in 1990 with a master's degree in electronics and telecommunications. In 1994, he completed his studies at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences with a Master's degree in International Economics and Finance. He continued his education at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) and in 2002 received an MBA degree in marketing.

Between 1992 and 2006, he held various positions at KPMG, Citibank, ABN AMRO/K&H Bank, GE Capital International Services (GECIS) / Genpact. From 2006 to 2007, he worked as General Manager responsible for financing the country's health sector at the Hungarian Health Insurance Fund. Later he joined the Management Board of UniCredit Tiriac Bank (Romania), where until 2010 he was responsible for the retail banking business (segments individuals and SMEs). In 2011, he moved to work at UniCredit Bank Austria, where he headed consumer lending in the Central European divisions. From 2013 to 2015, he worked as a member of the Management Board of the Austrian bank Hypo Alpe Adria Bank as the bank's chief director for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In 2015, he accepted an offer to take the position of Managing Director, Head of the Digital Technologies Department of OTP Group, and also head the Board of Directors of OTP Bank JSC.

Zoltan Mayor is a member of the Advisory Board of the Bucharest branch of the Maastricht School of Management (Bucharest, Romania). Teaches in mentoring programs and workshops on banking for students of the Corvina University (formerly the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration).