Ors ATMs on the map. United settlement system

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Almost every day news began to arrive about the withdrawal of one or another bank from the OPC, almost interrupting news about license revocations

What happened, why is this happening?

Banks began leaving the United Settlement System at the end of October.

The very first was Avangard Bank (befitting its name, it led everyone with it), then VTB24, OTP Bank, LOKO Bank and other players left OPC. And if in the fall exits from the OPC were isolated cases, now this is no longer uncommon.

And by the end of the year, all banks will stop conducting operations without exception.

What is this connected with?

This year, the National Payment Card System began operating in Russia. The government has done everything to legally limit the ability to process transactions on cards of international payment systems - now they must be processed exclusively at the NSPK clearing center.

“In connection with the Directive of the Bank of Russia No. 3493-U dated December 16, 2014, from January 1, 2016, operations with Visa and MasterCard cards within the framework of OPC will be stopped. This is an objective consequence of the creation of the NSPK.”

“Each participant in the OPC payment system independently determines the completion date of transactions on payment cards in the OPC payment system. Participants can be served in the OPC payment system until December 31, 2015 inclusive,” explains the OPC press service.

United settlement system after that it lost its meaning altogether. Probably, OPC will remain operating as an organization - it has other services, but in terms of processing operations for issuing and depositing cash to Visa and MasterCard cards, it will completely cease its activities on January 1, 2016. By the beginning of next year, all banks will leave the OPC. Moreover, if any of the banks still send their transactions there for processing, they will violate the instructions of the Central Bank.

Why is this happening?

The government has done everything to legally limit the ability to process transactions on cards of international payment systems by independent organizations - now they must be processed exclusively at the NSPK clearing center under the control of the Central Bank. This made it possible to ensure uninterrupted operation of cards within Russia, despite any possible sanctions.

Another important point is that the founder of the NSPK is the Central Bank. The founder of OPC is Rosbank, part of the French Societe General group. This is probably why they did not build the NSPK on the basis of the ORS, although the foundation was laid correctly. In fact, we built almost the same ORS only at different capacities and under the auspices of the Central Bank.

How will this affect bank clients?

First of all, the cessation of the main activities of the OPC will be felt by bank clients who are accustomed to withdrawing and depositing money to their cards at third-party ATMs. Now they have to pay a commission for such operations.

Banks are now reviewing tariffs so as not to deprive the client of interest-free withdrawals.

For example, a bank Neiva made a single tariff: you can withdraw cash from any ATM in the world for free if the withdrawal amount is over 3 thousand rubles. Opening canceled the commission for cash withdrawals from ATMs of third-party banks for salary clients who had the opportunity to preferentially withdraw funds from ATMs of the OPC network, and pension card holders.

Nothing has changed for Tinkoff Bank or Aymanibank: clients of credit institutions can continue to withdraw funds free of charge from 3 thousand rubles. and within your limits.

The only inconvenience is the maximum withdrawal amounts, say, ORS ATMs allowed you to withdraw 50-100 thousand rubles or more at a time, now large amounts will have to be split up or look for cash points without additional fees (in other words, bank cash desks, for example - Avangard and MDM Bank) .

Another option is to find an ATM Alfa Bank, From April 1 of this year, the bank lifted limits on the amount of one cash transaction at its ATMs for holders of MasterCard cards issued by third-party banks.

Latest news: ATMs Vanguard began to offer one-time withdrawals of up to 50 thousand rubles.

The biggest difficulties arose with depositing cash onto the card. This problem is especially acute for those who had a small ATM network. Customers are forced to spend time and effort getting to the right ATM.

Many banks are now actively searching for solutions for service points for cash deposits (for example, terminal networks, cell phone stores, etc.) and in search of partner banks for cash withdrawals.

Banks that left the ODS

from December 15, Alta-Bank, Millennium Bank, Southern Regional Bank, Avtotorgbank, Novikombank, Globex, Interprombank, Credit-Moscow, Orange, Mezhtrustbank, Russian Trust Bank, RSI Bank, Ishbank, Derzhava left it ", Svyaz-Bank, "Kama Horizon", "Finservice", "Premier Credit", "Trust", Moscow Industrial Bank, "Express-Volga", VUZ-Bank, "Solidarity" (Samara), "Capital Credit" and "Zhilkredit"

From December 14, 2015. “BaikalInvestBank”, “MOSKOMBANK”, “SDM-Bank”, IPB Bank, AVB Bank, JSCB “RosEvroBank”, “Interactive Bank”, CB “REB”, “IBA-MOSCOW”, “METCOMBANK”, “GUTA-BANK”.

Since December 10, 2015. “HKF Bank”, “UGRA”, “Asian-Pacific Bank”, “Center-invest”, “Gazenergobank”.

“Bank BFA”, JSC “Tinkoff Bank”, JSCB “Izhkombank”, “RUBLEV”.


List of active members of the ORS

Brief overview of OPC

Probably every owner of a plastic card has wondered about the cost of withdrawing cash from “other people’s” ATMs. We all know that if you withdraw funds using devices from third-party banks, an additional commission is necessarily debited from your card account, which is often comparable to the requested amount (if, for example, you only need a few hundred rubles). In such situations, the search begins for the nearest ATM of the issuing bank of your card, and there are situations when there are no such ATMs nearby. To avoid such situations, a non-profit credit organization was created - the United Settlement System (USS).

What is OPC

The non-profit credit organization United Settlement System, formed in 1999 on the basis of STB-Cards, immediately begins to actively attract Russian banks and credit organizations to participate in the unification of payment systems. NPO "ORS" was created with the aim of uniting various payment devices of different organizations on the basis of a single payment system OPC. That is, the devices of different banks (namely, they are the main participants in OPC) are combined on the basis of one processing center. Accordingly, all payments are controlled from one place, which virtually eliminates the possibility of errors. This is also beneficial for banks, since if the bank’s devices are connected to the OPC system, there is no need to organize their own processing.

ORS Banks

In order to save their clients from the need to search for the nearest ATM of the issuing bank, many Russian banks are joining the OPC. Of course, most often these are those banks whose ATM network is not very large and does not fully satisfy the needs of clients for cash. However, among OPC banks one can note such large banks as AK Bars, Orient Express Bank, Avangard Bank, Gazprombank, OTP Bank, Rosbank, Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank and a number of other banks. In total, more than 120 Russian banks are connected to the OPC system, the full list of which you can find.


About 20 thousand devices (ATMs and terminals) are currently connected to the OPC system. All of them are serviced by a single processing center. It is very easy to distinguish OPC ATMs - each device must have a blue square sticker with the inscription “ORS”. A large number of ATMs allows most clients of commercial banks to count on the fact that if they need to urgently withdraw cash, it will not take them much time to find a device suitable for this purpose.

On the website of the United Settlement System, you can use a simple and convenient interface to search for the nearest OPC ATM to you. In addition, it is possible to download the appropriate application for your mobile phone (download is also available using a QR code) and search for an ATM in any place convenient for you.

Tariffs for withdrawals from OPC ATMs

The cost of cash withdrawals at OPC terminals and ATMs depends on your bank. The fact is that the exact amount of the commission is set not by the specialists of the United Settlement System, but by the tariffs of your bank for withdrawing funds using devices included in the OPC system. Most OPC banks, such as, for example, Bank Trust, do not charge their clients any additional fees in such cases, that is, you withdraw money under the same conditions as at your bank’s ATMs (0.5% of the requested amount). Therefore, carefully read the tariffs on your card and feel free to use ATMs with a blue “ORS” sticker.

Find the nearest OPC ATM on the organization’s website: http://www.ors.ru/cashpoints/

Current list of ORS banks: http://www.ors.ru/Banks.asp

  • 150,000 rub.
  • on the day of treatment
  • 55 days
  • according to 2 documents
  • 24.9-37%
  • 24-65 years old
  • 0 rub. / 0 rub.
  • 2.9% + 290 rub.
  • Master Card
  • 1% (Simple Joys)
  • Credit card with free servicing, issued using your passport and a second document of your choice. The card earns bonus points - 1% and up to 10% in selected categories (change monthly). Accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for rubles. read review
  • 300,000 rub.
  • on the day of treatment
  • 50 days
  • according to 2 documents
  • 22,9-32,9%
  • 22-60 years
  • 1450 rub.
  • by mail/courier
  • 4.9%, min 490 rub.
  • Master Card
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • 1.5 select for 30 rubles
  • Bonus points for Selecta purchases can be exchanged with partners for miles, discounts or cash back. In addition to 1.5-2 selects per dollar spent, you receive welcome and annual bonuses. You can arrange an "installment plan" at a rate of 13.9-29.9%. read review

Interbank alliances

The list of banks that have united their ATM networks in order to allow customers to withdraw cash without commission is presented in the table.

Bank - card issuer

Partner banks where you can withdraw cash at “home” rates

Alfa Bank

MDM - Bank, Promsvyazbank, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Moscow Credit Bank

Bank of Moscow, TransCreditBank, Leto Bank, Almazenergobank

Bank of Moscow, Raiffeisenbank, Rosgosstrakh bank


Rosbank, Uralsib, MDM Bank, UniCredit Bank

Alfa Bank, Raiffeisenbank


Alfa Bank, Rosselkhozbank, MDM Bank

Russian standard

Alfa Bank, Russian Standard, Promsvyazbank, OTP-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Orient Express Bank

UniCredit Bank

Raiffeisenbank, Moscow Credit Bank

Credit Bank of Moscow

Alfa Bank, UniCredit Bank, Rosgosstrakh Bank

Bank Rosgosstrah

Uralsib, Moscow Credit Bank, Tatfondbank

But, as they say, free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Firstly, the only preferential transaction at partner ATMs is cash withdrawal. All other transactions will incur a fee. True, there is an exception here too - this is the union of Alfa Bank and the Moscow Credit Bank, which united ATMs not only for withdrawing, but also for depositing cash.

Secondly, preferential conditions do not always mean that no commission for cash withdrawal will be charged at all, just as it does not mean that the tariffs will be the same as at the issuing bank. So, in Alfa Bank’s partner banks, cash withdrawals take place under the same conditions as in Alfa Bank. And, for example, Master Bank offers cash withdrawals from partners with a preferential commission of 0.2%, while when withdrawing money from a Master Bank card in other credit institutions you will have to pay 1% of the amount, at least 100 rubles. Cash withdrawals from ATMs of Master Bank itself are free of charge.

Thirdly, please note that different tariff plans may be set for different cards, for example, for credit and salary cards, as well as for cards of different categories. For example, in Rosbank the commission for cash withdrawals from partner banks depends on the card category and is 0.5% for platinum and gold cards, 0.7% for classic and 1% for electronic ones.

Well, and lastly, such a simple operation as asking for a balance on a card, which we most often do simply automatically, and knowing in advance how much money we have there, can also cost a pretty penny. So, for example, when requesting the balance of your card account at one of Alfa Bank’s partner ATMs, you will be charged 30 rubles. Master Bank's partner banks also have 30 rubles, but Rosbank has established more lenient tariffs for requesting a balance at partner ATMs - only 10 rubles.

OJSC "Non-banking credit organization" United Settlement System"(ORS), registration number (license) 3342-K. Registered by the Bank of Russia on August 11, 1999. It is the operator and settlement center of the consolidated infrastructure project of the same name for servicing bank card holders of various banks - the “Unified Settlement System” “ORS”. In most cases, when mentioned in the press, the concepts “NPO “ORS” and “ORS system” are equivalent. It is also an authorized settlement center of the Western Union Payment System.

Initially, ORS was created as a structural division of Rosbank (now part of the French Societe Generale group), but after the default and financial crisis of 1998, it was decided to separate the system into a separate legal entity.

As of September 23, 2014, on the official website of the OPC, more than 160 banks are listed as its participants, which makes the system the largest interbank settlement association of Russian banks.

On May 15, 2014, VTB Group became a member of the NPO “United Settlement System”. The unification of ATM networks took place on the basis of an inter-host connection. The resulting association (the name is not official) “ORS - VTB Group” began to consist of approximately 300 Russian banks (more than 4,000 offices), and the combined ATM network - about 40 thousand devices.

Technically, the OPC consolidates offices, ATM networks, cash issuance points (CAP) and payment services of all participating banks on uniform technological and financial terms. For the client this means , first of all, that cards issued by any bank participating in the OPC are serviced at all ATMs of other banks participating in the OPC either free of charge or on preferential terms.

Let me give you an example. Let’s imagine a conditional bank “Z”, which is part of the OPC. The tariffs for withdrawing your own funds from the debit card of this bank will indicate that withdrawals from ATMs of third-party banks are subject to a commission of 3%, but withdrawals from ATMs of banks participating in OPC are 0.5% (or, for many banks, no commission).

For customers, the benefit is obvious - they don’t have to run all over the city looking for their “native ATM.” For banks, the benefit is essentially the same - the client does not have to run all over the city in search of his “native ATM”. For the bank, this means increasing the loyalty of existing customers and the influx of new ones. An alternative is to create a wide network of your own ATMs, but this is an extremely technologically complex and expensive solution to create and maintain, and therefore most small banks prefer to join one of the interbank associations (the largest of which is OPC) to expand the network. Another option for a small bank is to use, on preferential terms, the ATM network of a bank that provides plastic card processing services. This option is most often implemented on the basis of the VTB Group (VTB, VTB24, Bank of Moscow).

On the one hand, the position of OPC has strengthened in recent months due to sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia in the financial sector and the threat of broader sanctions. Against this background, the Central Bank began to actively encourage banks to establish domestic interbank settlement systems that are not exposed to foreign policy risks.

On the other hand, NPO "ORS" belongs to Rosbank, which, in turn, is completely controlled by the French Societe Generale S.A. This means that, based on the recently adopted law, OPC will not be able to obtain the status of a “nationally significant payment system”, because considered a foreign system. This will slow down the development of ORS in the future. Moreover, the OPC will be forced to pay a guarantee fee to the Central Bank. On September 18, 2014, representatives of ORS announced that the company agreed to work under new conditions and would soon make the first payment in the amount of 300 million rubles.

Here are just some well-known participating banks: Bank - T, Absolut Bank, AVANTGARD, Asian-Pacific Bank, AiManiBank, Baltika, Vostochny, VTB 24, GLOBEX, Gazprombank, " GUTA-BANK", Bank "ZENIT", "CREDIT EUROPE BANK", "M BANK", "CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW", "MTS-Bank", "People's Credit", "Nordea Bank", Bank "OTKRITIE", Bank " FC Otkritie", "OTP Bank", "Renaissance Credit", "ROSBANK", "RosEvroBank", "Rosinterbank", "ROSSIYSKY CAPITAL", "ROSSIYSKY CREDIT BANK", "AB "RUSSIA", Svyaznoy Bank, "Svyaz-Bank ", "SMP Bank", "Tinkoff Credit Systems", "Transport", "TRUST", "HKF Bank", "UNIASTRUM BANK".

The non-bank settlement organization "United Settlement System" is positioned as an interbank settlement center with a unified network for servicing bank cards issued by a wide variety of banks.

There are 2,898 ATMs in the system in Moscow, located in all districts of the capital.

Cardholders of partner banks can perform the following actions through OPC ATMs:

  • Withdrawing cash from a card
  • Top up your account with cash
  • Transfer money from card to card
  • Making various payments: payments for utilities, mobile communications, telephony, Internet, and so on.
  • Obtaining information on account balance

What are the benefits of using OPC for cardholders?

  • The geography of operations is significantly expanding. You can use not only ATMs of your own bank, but also OPC terminals.
  • Favorable rates. The commission that the cardholder will pay at the ATM of the system is comparable to the tariffs of the bank where the card is serviced. Whereas when using third-party ATMs, the commission will be much higher.
  • Prompt transfer of money to the account. The implementation of a real-time gross settlement system allows settlements between system users around the clock and seven days a week.

For the convenience of users, various mobile applications have been developed, which can be downloaded and installed for free. They are designed for iPhone phones, iPad tablets, and Android devices. Using the mobile application, you can find the nearest ATM or terminal, get directions using a virtual map, and print out the necessary information using a specialized form.

What do you need to know?

  • A list of all ATMs, terminals, and ODS branches is available on the website. As a rule, ATMs participating in the system have a special sticker.
  • You can obtain information about whether your bank is a participant in the OPC at the bank’s contact center or on the system’s website.
  • The cash withdrawal limit is determined by the bank that owns the ATM.
  • Cash is written off at the rates of the cardholder bank. As for tariffs for other operations, for example, for making payments for mobile communications, utilities, they are also set by the bank. As a rule, banks participating in the OPC pay a reduced commission. For example, at Gazprombank the tariff for replenishing an account with cash through third-party ATMs is 1%, and for system ATMs - 0.5%.
  • In order to deposit cash, the ATM must have a cash-in function. You can check this on the system’s website by selecting the desired ATM and finding a note about accepting cash in the “operations” column.
  • Is OPC a settlement center for the Allure and Western Union money transfer systems? So through it you can also transfer money within Russia or abroad.

Almost all major Moscow banks are members of the OPC, which provides additional opportunities for quick and efficient financial management for bank card holders.