Buy a reader for electronic OMS policies. Utility for reading a barcode and an electronic carrier of an OMS policy

Document confirming the presence medical insurance the patient, allows him to timely use the package of medical services provided by the state, which will be paid for by Insurance Company. Not every person today knows that all the variations of the policy of the new sample existing in the country are equivalent. And the presence of a document of one form or the absence of another cannot cause a denial of service in the selected institution. How do they differ from each other and which of the varieties has more advantages? We will answer these questions in this article.

When and why did the issue of a new model CHI policy begin?

Until 2011, there were several formats of CHI policies on the territory of the Russian Federation. The most common variety was the green plastic card, which appeared back in 1998. In connection with the current situation, the question arose of streamlining relations in the field of health insurance. Entered into force in early 2011 new law RF "On mandatory health insurance V Russian Federation”, adopted on November 29, 2010. He provided all citizens, without exception, with the opportunity to choose an insurance medical organization of their choice for further permanent service. Also normative act laid the foundation for the issuance of insurance policies of a single state standard, which would be valid throughout the country, regardless of the residence of their owners.

As a result of legislative changes, on May 1, 2011, the issuance of policies of a new format began: an alternative to a green plastic card was a blue paper document printed on an A5 form. He received the status of indefinite (issued to the owner for life). Old versions received by citizens before May 1, 2011, which have not yet expired, were also recognized as valid.

Over the next four years, the paper format managed to demonstrate its impracticality. It turned out to be inconvenient during transportation due to its large parameters - it was forbidden to bend the document in half, since in the very center there was a barcode that could be erased. There were problems with the preservation of forms - mashing, wrinkling, contamination, since their lamination is also unacceptable. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, from August 1, 2015, it became possible for Russian citizens to receive plastic policy OMS with an electronic chip. Compact dimensions and durable material allow a person to have an electronic policy always with him.

Along with the above option, a universal electronic card(UEC), which, in addition to the function of insurance, performs the role bank card, pension certificate etc. Its development is connected with attempts to integrate maximum information about the owner in one device and simplify a person's access to various electronic services. A card is issued to all citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 14, upon personal application.

What does the CHI policy of the new sample look like?

All the options discussed above, the release of which began after May 1, 2011 - paper, electronic policy and UEC - are valid and equivalent today. They guarantee the same set of free medical services provided by law, and will be maintained until the complete transition of the population to a single sample.

New paper policy

The A5 blue paper document is a watermarked blank that is half the size of a standard album sheet. It is two-sided - each of them contains a list of the necessary data about the owner. On the front side of the paper policy of the new sample are presented:

  • State Emblem of the Russian Federation;
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the insured, his gender and date of birth;
  • Document number, consisting of 16 digits;
  • Unique barcode;
  • Hologram;
  • Validity of the form.

From August 1, 2012, forms began to be issued, the barcode on which was moved from the center closer to the top in order to avoid erasing the image as a result of sheet kinks. Both options look like this:

  • Information about the insurance medical institution, to which the owner is attached (name, address, phone number);
  • Signature of the responsible employee of the medical organization;
  • Seal of a medical institution.

On the back, it is possible for a citizen to change the medical organization to which he can attach - up to 10 times. To do this, you must submit a form to the clinic and record the changes. When you change your place of residence, it is on the reverse side that new data about the insurance company and its contact details are recorded.

The paper version of the policy cannot be laminated and preferably not bent. For such a document, a photo of the owner is not required.

The electronic compulsory medical insurance policy is made in the form of a three-color plastic card standard size (reminiscent of a regular bank), easily fits in a wallet, purse. It contains a chip that stores information about the owner. On the front side of the electronic policy of the new sample are presented:

  • Document number of 16 digits;
  • Image of the state emblem of the Russian Federation;
  • The name of the insurance company that issued the electronic policy;
  • CHI system logo;

The back of the policy provides the following information:

  • Telephone CHI fund that issued the electronic policy;
  • Photo of the insured person (except for children under 14 years of age);
  • Owner's signature;
  • Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender);
  • Month and year when the card expires (issued for five years);
  • A hologram indicating that the electronic policy is genuine.

When changing any personal data, a person needs to contact the employees of his insurance organization to order a new electronic compulsory medical insurance policy. The information contained on the chip is not subject to correction.

The UEC is a multifunctional plastic card, the structure of which integrates the CHI policy. Using it, you can open a bank account, provide it as a ticket to public transport or like SNILS. It contains maximum information about the owner and frees him from the need to carry a lot of cards in his wallet. Its receipt is not mandatory and is carried out at the request of the person. On the front side of the UEC card are presented:

  • Electronic chip with personal information;
  • Logo of the organization that issued the card;
  • Logo banking institution selected for service;
  • Card number;
  • Image of the state emblem;
  • Name payment system;
  • Security numbers.

The back of the policy provides the following information:

  • Phone number of the organization that issued the card;
  • Photo;
  • Owner's signature;
  • Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth);
  • Month and year when the card expires;
  • CHI policy number;
  • SNILS number;
  • Bank card number.

On the back of the UEC is a magnetic stripe. This allows you to use it in terminals and ATMs for cash withdrawals, cashless payments, money transfers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of new-style policies

Each of the forms of insurance policy that operate today in the country is distinguished by its positive and negative features. Based on the ratio of "pluses" and "minuses" of documents, a citizen decides whether to rush to change the paper version to one of the electronic ones and which one to give preference to. The main disadvantage of the paper version is its impracticality in use. But it is compensated by the convenient opportunity to make changes to the form in writing if a person is attached to another medical institution.

The electronic MHI policy is distinguished by its main advantages - compactness, mobility, strength and durability of a plastic card. He is peculiar high level protection - the presence of a chip, photo and signature prevents the document from being used by another person. Its significant drawback is that not all medical organizations are equipped with special equipment to read information from the chip. Therefore, holders of such documents may be faced with a request from doctors to present an additional passport. In addition, not all branches of insurance companies are able to issue an electronic policy. Additional inconvenience may arise for the owners in the event of a change in personal data - this will entail the need to replace the card itself.

UEC is generally characterized by a similar set of "pluses" and "minuses" as the previous one. electronic variant. In the arsenal of advantages, it is favorably distinguished by its multifunctionality against the background of other forms of insurance documents. But the current level of infrastructure development indicates the presence of a small number of institutions equipped with equipment capable of working with applications embedded in it.


The transition of the population of the Russian Federation to a single electronic medical policy new sample will be phased. Therefore, citizens do not need to strive immediately, as soon as possible to exchange their document. The issuance of plastic cards is already mandatory for newborns, as well as in case of a necessary replacement of a damaged, damaged, lost policy. All varieties provide absolutely equal guarantees today.

Important! After March 7, 2017 Calendar in the main version of Mozilla stopped supporting java plugins Link to mozilla support

The default browser is updated automatically, to save the functionality in the Patient Portal, you must install the 32-bit version for Windows Firefox 52 ESR direct download link

Due to the lack of support in the latest versions of browsers and floating problems Option 2 - via RMIS extensions on the client:

Setting up the reader of the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy at the user's workplace

1) Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
2) Download and unzip to any location the setup.exe installation package from
3) Run the setup-x64.bat or setup-x86.bat program, depending on the bitness of your system.

Check the result, there should be files msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll
4) Install the device driver. (Driver ACR38 Win64, ACR38 Win86) Important: install only this driver for ACR38, and not "actual from the site"

Set the user level setting in RMIS (previously select the login of the user for whom this setting is performed in the "User" field) Search component individual→ Use the data reader from the MHI electronic policy to search for a patient

Link to download drivers for the Metrologic MS 1690 scanner

Drivers for readers:

1) ACR38 Smart Card Reader reader: - you need to run after to copy the dll to the Windows folder (do it with administrator rights in OS with UAC control)

Important: Aladdin conflicts with Rutoken devices, if the latter were installed on the workplace, they must be disabled for the reader to work

Setting up the OMS policy barcode scanner at the user's workplace

1) Install the device driver. For Motorola ds4208
2) put the device into com-port emulation mode, to do this, read the settings barcode
for Metrologic 1690 and for Motorola ds4208

Checking work

Option 1 - via applets:

In order to initiate the call of the reader and scanner applets, it is necessary to set 2 user-level settings in RMIS: Individual search component → Use universal applet for barcode scanners (Windows x64, x86) and Scanner port (COM or /dev/tty... )

After the settings have been made, the reading option should be available on all forms of advanced patient search, and the "Device connected" checkbox will be active.
When inserting the card into the reader or scanning the barcode, the patient's full name and date of birth will be transferred to the corresponding filter fields and it will be possible to search for them.
If the checkbox "Device is connected" does not appear, and an error about launching in a separate modal window of the applet is not displayed, it may not start and it is worth checking the RMIS settings.
If the reading itself does not occur, you can try to catch error in java console- choose Show Console in Control Panel → Java

For the Patient Portal, the client settings are located at


Recommended browser for Mozilla devices. In Chrome, support for npapi plugins has been discontinued as of September 1, 2015.

When setting up on Windows 7, install OS updates.
How can you do it (on the example of Buryatia):
1. Add the actual address of RMIS (the address by which RMIS is logged in) to the Java security settings exceptions and set the protection level to High instead of Very High
and also add

  • Port of the server running the RMIS extensions on the client: 5000

    Before starting, you need to open https://localhost:5000/readers in mozilla and confirm the security exception, in Chrome also go to chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost and install " Allow sending requests to server localhost..." otherwise there will be an error with the code: MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_CA_CERT_USED_AS_END_ENTITY

    Scheme of work

    1. The program and the web application communicate through HTTP requests.
    2. The web application periodically polls the program for readable devices. If the response is positive, the web application informs the user that the device is ready.
    3. If the device is ready, the web application sends a request to receive data. In case of a successful response, the received data is processed.

    SSL Support

    If you are using an SSL-enabled version of the application, the package name will have the -ssl suffix. For example rcext- . In this case, the application will work via HTTPS, and you need to add the cert.pem certificate, located inside the archive, to the browser's trusted certificates.

    After the settings have been made, the ability to read should be available on all patient search forms


IN modern world it is difficult to imagine a field of human activity that does not use bar-coding of goods, services, documents, accounting information and other products, or their storage in an electronic medium built into a smart card.

Machine reading of the information contained in a barcode gives a person significant advantages.

First of all, it is the time required for information processing. For example, entering a single 16-digit patient policy number by pressing the buttons on the keyboard will take an experienced operator at least 8 seconds. And if we add here the time required for the operator to enter the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth, then all this will take at least 2 minutes. While reading this information from a barcode will take less than 0.3 seconds.

In addition, by using a barcode, the time required to search for a patient in the database can be greatly reduced.

The next advantage is the higher accuracy compared to manual data entry. With manual input, on average, one error occurs per 300 characters (numbers, letters). When working with a barcode, the norm is less than one error in every 1,000,000 codes read. Errors in data entry lead to additional loss of operator time, and therefore costs medical organization.

This application allows medical statisticians (PC operators) to obtain information about the insured person by reading the barcode of the MHI policy, copy the read information to the clipboard and paste it where necessary, or print and even upload it to a file of a special format for integration into the accounting program medical care.
Besides, in new version The program implements the ability to read information from the compulsory medical insurance policy in the form of a plastic card with an electronic carrier.

About the CHI policy barcode scanner

To read the barcode of the MHI policy, you will need a two-dimensional barcode scanner.

The scanners available in some MOs, supplied through the RMIS line in 2012, are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose, since not every scanner can read the barcode of the MHI policy.

If your hospital has any scanner, open a notepad and try to scan the barcode of the CHI policy. Will not work. And all because, firstly, the standard for encoding the information of the compulsory medical insurance policy involves their special decoding, and secondly, not all scanners support this standard.

Having studied the market and materials on this topic, we settled on the Honeywell Xenon 1900 scanner. On the Internet, the price range ranges from 13 to 22 thousand rubles, which depends on the modification of the scanner, the seller, etc. The main thing is that we found the necessary instructions and drivers for this device, which will be supplied with the scanner. With delivery, delivery of drivers and other expenses, the scanner will cost about 17-18 tr.

If you have another suitable scanner, then you will have to find the necessary instructions and drivers yourself and perform all the necessary installations and settings yourself. Therefore, this proposal considers options for supplying the utility, both with equipment and without equipment. Believe me, finding the necessary drivers and making the necessary settings is not an easy task.

About the smart card reader (electronic CHI policy)

To read the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, a smart card reader built into the pin keyboard with the following characteristics is suitable:
support for smart cards with contact interface GOST R ISO/IEC 7816 part 3, protocol T1;
execution of a given command to send a pin code directly from the pin keyboard;
availability of a driver for the Microsoft PC/SC subsystem.

Having studied the market and materials on this topic, we settled on the ACR series reader (38U, 39U). These are relatively inexpensive readers, the price of which is about 4 - 5 thousand rubles. Most importantly, we found the necessary instructions and drivers for this device, which will be supplied with the reader if you purchase the reader through us.

If you have another suitable reader, then you will have to find the necessary instructions and drivers yourself and perform all the necessary installations and settings yourself. Therefore, this proposal considers options for supplying the utility, both with equipment and without equipment.

Estimated cost of the utility

The cost of a license for the barcode reading utility, as a standalone product, without integration with other software, is 5525 rubles.

The license is perpetual, paid for upon purchase and used on any number of computers of one legal entity.

The cost of the Honeywell Xenon 1900 scanner with drivers, installation and configuration instructions, and technical support for the installation is 16,740 rubles. At the request of the customer, you can choose another scanner cheaper.
The approximate cost of an ACR series smart card reader with the necessary drivers and instructions is approximately 5,000 rubles. A more precise price will be specified in the supply contract.

For medical organizations of the Republic of Dagestan

Today, the accounting of medical care provided to insured citizens in medical organizations of the Republic of Dagestan is carried out in the MedFoms program, which most closely meets the requirements federal law in this area.

An additional contract is required to integrate the utility with the MedFoms program.

Specify the cost of integration into the MedFoms program with integration technical support through the form Feedback.

For medical organizations of the Chechen Republic

Today, the accounting of medical care provided to insured citizens in medical organizations of the Chechen Republic is carried out in information system privately developed by RegMO, which most closely meets the requirements of federal legislation in this area.

The proposed barcode reader utility is fully integrated into the RegMO program and allows medical extras (PC operators) to fill in information about the insured person by reading the barcode of the compulsory medical insurance policy, wherever it is in the program: in the register of patients, in the register of attached, in the patient information editor, etc.

In addition, by reading the barcode information, it is possible to search for persons present in these registries. The module for reading smart cards with an electronic policy will also be built into the RegMO program
For medical organizations of the Chechen Republic that purchased a perpetual license for the utility in 2017, the utility with the ability to read smart cards is supplied free of charge.
Integration of the utility into the RegMO program is included in the price of the license for the RegMO program for 2018.

Specify the cost of a license for RegMO for 2018 with technical support for integration and with annual support through the form Feedback.

You can download the utility itself, the User's Guide, drivers for the necessary equipment, as well as draft contracts for purchasing a license for the utility and supplying equipment.

If you are interested in this offer - write to the form Feedback

In your proposals, do not forget to indicate the short name of your medical organization, how you want to purchase the utility: with integration, without integration, whether you plan to purchase a barcode scanner from us, the approximate number of scanners (by the number of operators).