Established in a fixed amount of money. What is alimony in a fixed amount of money

Court decisions based on the application of the norm of Article 83 of the Family Code Russian Federation.

Art. 83 RF IC. Recovery of alimony for minor children in a fixed amount of money

Arbitrage practice

    Decision No. 2-2500/2019 2-2500/2019~M-2325/2019 M-2325/2019 dated July 25, 2019 in case No. 2-2500/2019

    October district court Krasnodar (Krasnodar Territory) - Civil and administrative

    their minor children. This obligation is not made dependent on the availability or absence of the necessary funds for the maintenance of children by the parents. According to paragraph 1 of Article 83 of the RF IC, in the absence of an agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony for minor children and in cases where the parent who is obliged to pay alimony has irregular, fluctuating earnings and (or) other ...

    Decision No. 2-2477/2019 2-2477/2019~M-1564/2019 M-1564/2019 dated July 24, 2019 in case No. 2-2477/2019

    Kyiv District Court of Simferopol (Republic of Crimea) - Civil and administrative

    Parents do not provide maintenance for their minor children, funds for the maintenance of minor children (alimony) are collected from parents in court. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 83 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in the absence of an agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony for minor children and in cases where the parent who is obliged to pay alimony has irregular, changing earnings and (or) other ...

    Decision No. 2-455/2019 2-455/2019 (2-7321/2018;)~M-6662/2018 2-7321/2018 M-6662/2018 dated July 18, 2019 in case No. 2-455/2019

    Krasnogorsk city court (Moscow region) - Civil and administrative

    Two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents. By virtue of the provisions of paragraph.n. 1 and 2 Art. 83 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation in the absence of an agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony for minor children and in cases where the parent obliged to pay alimony has irregular, changing earnings and (or) other ...

    Decision No. 2A-2494/2019 2A-2494/2019~M-1862/2019 M-1862/2019 dated July 16, 2019 in case No. 2A-2494/2019

    Leninsky district court of Chelyabinsk (Chelyabinsk region) - Civil and administrative

    Voluntary fulfillment by parents of the obligation to support their minor children, based on the generally recognized presumption of good faith in parental care for children, by the Family Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 80 - 83 regulates the content of maintenance obligations, including their amounts, and at the same time provides for the possibility of forcible fulfillment of this obligation by collecting alimony from parents for minor children in the court ...

    Decision No. 2A-1710/2019 2A-1710/2019~M-1060/2019 M-1060/2019 dated July 2, 2019 in case No. 2A-1710/2019

    Leninsky district court of Izhevsk (Udmurt Republic) - Civil and administrative

    It establishes the requirement that the court must take into account the financial and marital status of the parties to the maintenance obligation and other noteworthy circumstances (Article 80, 81; Clause 1 of Article 83; Clause 4 of Article 113 of the RF IC). Thus, at the core legal regulation relationships arising from enforcement parents of the obligation to support their minor children, lies the requirement ...

    Decision No. 2-1385/2019 2-1385/2019~M-882/2019 M-882/2019 dated July 2, 2019 in case No. 2-1385/2019

    Pervomaisky District Court of Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory) - Civil and administrative

    Minor with truth. The case established that the minor Bichev B.A. is dependent on the plaintiff, the defendant does not provide material support to the child, due to the requirements of Art. 83 of the RF IC with Bicheva A.S. in favor of Bicheva T.A. child support is payable. At the same time, the court considers it necessary to recover alimony from the defendant in ...

    Decision No. 11-48/2019 dated June 28, 2019 in case No. 11-48/2019

    Khabarovsk District Court (Khabarovsk Territory) - Civil and administrative

    Withdrawn> rub., in DD.MM.YYYY. - rub., in DD.MM.YYYY. - rub. Cases that allow the court to deviate from this rule are established by Art. 83 RF IC. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 83 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the court has the right to determine the amount of alimony collected on a monthly basis in a fixed amount of money in cases where ...

    Decision No. 2-3142/2019 2-3142/2019~M-2541/2019 M-2541/2019 dated June 26, 2019 in case No. 2-3142/2019

    Khimki city court (Moscow region) - Civil and administrative

    And the transfer of the child to the upbringing of another parent, guardian or guardian or foster parents, alimony is collected in favor of these persons in accordance with Art. 81-83, paragraph 1 of Art. 84 RF IC. In doing so, the court clarifies that, in accordance with Art. 119 of the RF IC, if in the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony after the establishment ...

  • ... is obliged to provide maintenance, the onset of disability or the presence of an illness that prevents the continuation of the previous work, the child's admission to work or his entrepreneurial activity). In accordance with Art. 83 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in the absence of an agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony for minor children and in cases where the parent who is obliged to pay alimony has irregular, changing earnings and (or) other ...

Payments in a fixed amount are assigned in the following situations:

In each of these situations, the court will ask the question of the appointment of alimony in a fixed amount.. In addition, as an exception, the court will consider the option of “solid” alimony if, with payments as a share of the payer’s earnings financial situation the child's family is deteriorating.

We talked about the procedure for assigning alimony in a fixed amount of money.

Who can apply for them?

There are certain categories of persons who are appointed regardless of the income of the payer. These categories include:

  1. Adult disabled children.
  2. A pregnant mother who is raising a payer child until the child is three years old.
  3. Disabled needy parents.

How to collect?

The procedure for recovering alimony funds for children in a fixed amount is relatively simple and practically does not differ from the recovery of other types of alimony. So how do you get paid? The collection process can be divided into several stages.

Determine the address of the territorial judicial authority

You need to figure out which court to take.. It is filed with the Magistrate's Court either at the place of residence of the plaintiff or at the place of residence of the defendant. It is necessary to decide on this moment and find out the full address and name of the chosen court.

We check the available data on the income of the defendant

Since payments in a fixed amount are assigned only in certain situations, depending on the earnings of the defendant (with the exception of the categories of citizens described above), it is necessary to be at least a little aware of the income of the future alimony. Otherwise, the court may simply appoint alimony as a percentage of earnings.

We prepare the application and the accompanying documentation package

We will tell you how to write and submit an application for alimony payments in a fixed amount. After theoretical preparation, you can proceed to the main part - drawing up the application itself and collection of documents required for the court. The statement of claim for the payment of alimony funds in a fixed amount must be drawn up on the basis of the norms under Art. 131 Code of Civil Procedure.

The first part of the claim, the header, should contain the following information:

  1. Name and address of the court.
  2. Information about the plaintiff (full name, address, phone number and other contact information).
  3. Information about the defendant.

The main body of the application contains the following information:

  • Who will receive the lump sum payments?
  • Reasons for collecting child support.
  • Justification of the amount of payments (fixed amount).

Next, the very requirement of the claim should be stated - the appointment of regular alimony payments in favor of a certain person in the following fixed amount. Also here, if necessary, you need to specify the call of witnesses. At the end, a list of documents attached to the claim is described..

The following must be attached:

  1. Copy of applicant's passport.
  2. Copies of certificates: about the birth of a child, about marriage or about divorce.
  3. Receipts that confirm the plaintiff's expenses for the child (also copies).
  4. Plaintiff's income statement.

The application and attached documents must be made in at least two or three copies. Two sets are sent to the court and the defendant, and the third remains with the plaintiff.

Learn more about the rules for filing a claim for alimony in hard copy. monetary currency we talk in .

court hearing

After the justice of the peace accepts statement of claim, he will set a date and time for a court hearing, during which it will be determined whether the requirements for the appointment of a fixed amount of alimony are reasonable.

If there are not enough grounds for this, the judge will decide either to deny the plaintiff his claims, or to assign payments in shares of the defendant's earnings.

During the meeting, the plaintiff will have to prove the legitimacy of his claim.. The defendant will have to explain his failure to fulfill his parental obligations and provide evidence of his income and financial situation in general.

IMPORTANT: After the decision of the court, each of the parties is given one month to appeal it. After the expiration of this period, the decision will enter into force and be executed.

Issuance of an order

Court order, in accordance with Art. 122 of the Code of Civil Procedure is issued on the basis of an application for alimony for a minor child. Based on Article 126 of the Code of Civil Procedure, a court order may be issued by a justice of the peace without holding a court hearing and calling the parties, if they do not have disagreements among themselves on this issue. As a result on the basis of a court order and will be collected monthly in a fixed amount(you will learn how the amount of payments in a fixed amount of money is calculated).

Article 126 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. The procedure for issuing a court order

  1. A court order on the merits of the stated claim shall be issued within five days from the date of receipt of the application for issuing a court order to the court.
  2. A court order is issued without trial and without summoning the parties to hear their explanations.

But it is worth paying attention: if the defendant lives abroad, then a court order will not be issued.

What does it take to challenge a ruling?

In most cases, claims for the appointment of payments in a fixed amount are satisfied without any problems. Of course, there are exceptions. But most defendants who get their way have to resort to contesting child support after the court hearing.

And to challenge the payments in a fixed amount, you must also file a lawsuit. The challenge is usually supported by one of two types of evidence: evidence of incorrect data provided by the child support recipient, and evidence of certain circumstances that suggest the reduction or cancellation of the child support.

revision process

To review payments in a fixed amount, the evidence must be strong so that the court decides in favor of the payer. Good reasons are:

  1. Loss of ability to work.
  2. Dismissal or reduction at work.
  3. Decrease in income and worsening financial situation.
  4. Obtaining a disability as a result of an accident or illness.
  5. Reaching retirement age.
  6. The appearance of another family where the payer had a child or children.

The reasons are stated in the statement of claim.

And how to receive simultaneously in TDS and shares?

Alimony cases can be quite complex.. It may be difficult for the court to assign payments in a certain way so as not to materially prejudice the interests of one of the parties. Therefore, alimony can be collected simultaneously in a fixed amount and in shares of earnings (clause 1, article 83 of the RF IC).

The situations for assigning such mixed payments are as follows:

  1. The alimony has a non-permanent source of income, for example, royalties from creative activities, or renting out real estate.
  2. In addition to stable income (such as benefits or pensions), there is an informal source of income.
  3. The payer receives income foreign currency or in kind.

On the one hand, these situations are conducive to the appointment of payments in a fixed amount, but this may violate the interests of the plaintiff or defendant. Therefore, a compromise is made.

There are also cases when, in the process of establishing shared alimony, or after it, information about an additional, previously unknown source of income of the alimony payer is revealed.

In such a case, the court may add an additional fixed amount to the share of the child support based on known sources of income to ensure that the amount of support is fair to the child. Also, the court can change alimony to a mixed form at the request of the recipient.

ATTENTION: Such alimony can be established not only by a court decision. If the parents came to this opinion mutually, then they can draw up a voluntary notarial agreement on alimony, where they indicate exactly this method of calculating payments.

Useful video

Watch a video about the features of collecting alimony in a fixed amount of money:


A flat-rate alimony is one of the most popular alternatives to regular alimony, calculated from a share of the payer's income. They are appointed in case of inconstancy of the alimony income, when it is impossible to take a percentage of them (with foreign currency) or when the payer is simply unemployed.

Sometimes it is the category of the recipient that disposes to alimony in a fixed amount. The collection process itself does not differ from that for other types of alimony - the only difference will be in the requirement to the court. Accordingly, these payments can also be challenged with a counterclaim.

Under certain circumstances, instead of a fixed amount of alimony, the court may resort to mixed alimony if the usual option would violate the interests of the parties.

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Alimony maintenance of minor children is a sacred duty of parents (SC Art. 80), from which they can be released only upon the adoption of a baby or the death of one of the parties.

What is alimony paid in a fixed amount?

The standard form of alimony is calculated as a percentage of the parent's official earnings: 25% - 33.33% - 50% for 1 - 2 - 3 children, respectively (SC Art. 81).

Such alimony will be demanded court order(CPC Art. 122), if the situation is not complicated by the establishment of paternity, numerous writ of execution of the plaintiff and other circumstances requiring a thorough trial.

Important! Going to court on alimony issue is permissible only if the parents cannot independently agree, that is, there is no valid notarized maintenance agreement (SC Art. 83, paragraph 1, 100, paragraph 2).

Article 100. Form of an agreement on the payment of alimony

  1. An agreement on the payment of alimony is concluded in writing and is subject to notarization.

    Failure to comply with the statutory form of an agreement on the payment of alimony entails the consequences provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 163 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

  2. A notarized agreement on the payment of alimony has the force of a writ of execution.

The grounds for requesting fixed alimony (SC Art. 83) are:

  • discrepancy in shared support real costs for a child;
  • infringement of the interests of the baby and the inability to maintain his usual conditions;
  • the inconsistency of the parent's earnings;
  • earnings in currency or in kind, as well as the combined remuneration of his work;
  • problems with formal employment or lack of work;
  • receiving income outside of Russia.

Article 83. Collection of maintenance for minor children in a fixed amount of money

  1. In the absence of an agreement between the parents on the payment of maintenance for minor children and in cases where the parent obliged to pay maintenance has irregular, changing earnings and (or) other income, or if this parent receives earnings and (or) other income in whole or in part in kind or in foreign currency, or if he has no earnings and (or) other income, as well as in other cases, if the recovery of alimony in proportion to the earnings and (or) other income of the parent is impossible, difficult or significantly violates the interests of one of the parties, the court has the right to determine the amount of alimony collected on a monthly basis, in a fixed amount of money or simultaneously in shares (in accordance with Article 81 of this Code) and in a fixed amount of money.
  2. The amount of a fixed amount of money is determined by the court based on the maximum possible preservation of the child's previous level of support, taking into account the financial and marital status of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.
  3. If children remain with each of the parents, the amount of alimony from one of the parents in favor of the other, less well-off, is determined in a fixed sum of money collected monthly and determined by the court in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article.

Child support is levied on almost all of the parent's income that can be found (PP No. 841 07/16/1996 edition 04/09/2015).

The exception is targeted benefits and compensation payments aimed at maintaining the life and / or health of a needy citizen (FZ No. 229 on IP 02/10/2007 edition 28/12/2016, article 101).

Fixed child support does not depend on the official earnings of the separated parent, but is directly linked to the volume of the children's consumer basket in the region of residence.

When assigning fixed alimony, the court takes into account all types of the defendant's income that the plaintiff can detect, reasonably prove their existence and size.

How to determine their size for two children?

In this section, we will share the principles by which you can calculate the amount of maintenance payments in a fixed form. Fixed alimony in the general case cannot be lower than the percentage of recovery introduced by Article 81 of the UK.

Article 81

  1. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents on a monthly basis in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents.
  2. The size of these shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the financial or marital status of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.

The mother may request such an amount at if:

  1. be able to prove the father's income.
  2. The father is not burdened with other maintenance obligations.
  3. It doesn't work for obvious reasons.
  4. Can prove that such an amount is required for the maintenance of children.

If the mother works, then the amount of alimony will be set taking into account her earnings (SC Art. 61). When assigning child benefits, the court takes into account the life situation, the actual financial situation and the state of health of both parties.

Article 61. Equality of rights and obligations of parents

  1. Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities towards their children (parental rights).
  2. Parental rights provided for by this chapter shall terminate when the children reach the age of eighteen (the age of majority), as well as when minor children enter into marriage and in other cases established by law that children acquire full legal capacity before they reach the age of majority.

What is the amount to indicate for fixed payments?

What amount should be indicated in the application for the collection of child support payments? The estimated amount of alimony indicated in must be justified and documented. In addition, the claim affixes its multiplicity to the officially established territorial indicator living wage.

For example, 10,000 rubles correspond to 1.06 PM in the federal calculation, or 0.99 PM in Sevastopol, or 1.27 PM in the Belgorod region.

One of the disadvantages of requesting fixed alimony is the lengthy collection of evidence of the actual need of the child. To do this, at least 2 months will have to collect checks (food, clothes, medicines) and receipts (kindergarten, study, medical service, mugs, procedures, etc.), and then calculate the required monthly amount.

The obligations of parents for the maintenance of children are equivalent (SC Art. 61), that is, the participation of both parents (income) is taken into account.

If one of them does not work for valid reasons (leave for BiR, care for a child and another family member, severe health condition or disability, etc.), then the responsibility for maintaining the baby rests with the second parent.

Important! The expenses for the maintenance of minor children are distributed between both parents, taking into account their financial position.

How to calculate payments?

It should be remembered that you should not operate with amounts "taken from the ceiling." The court will not take into account the unfounded claims of the plaintiff - the receipts and checks on the basis of which the calculation was made must be attached to the application (find out how the samples of statements of claim for alimony in a fixed amount look like).

Example. After the divorce, the mother was left with 2 children (4 and 10 years old), who from birth lived in abundance. The official salary of the father is 12 thousand. He has a solid bank account in foreign bank, which is known to the ex-wife.

Not wanting to be content with alimony of 4 thousand (1/3 for two children, Article 81 of the UK), she collected checks and receipts for 3 months, after which she made simple calculations: 32.5 thousand rubles were required for monthly children's needs.

The father refused to pay any amount over 4,000, being sure that the court would not take into account the fact that he had a bank account abroad.

Having considered all the details and received confirmation of the evidence cited by the woman, given the extremely low earnings of the plaintiff, the intractable nature and dishonesty of the defendant, the court appointed alimony to the father: 1/3 of the official earnings plus 11,000 for each child, paid monthly.

Indexation of alimony in a fixed amount of money

Fixed alimony is not a frozen amount. They are tied to the size of the child's subsistence minimum in the region where the child lives and are indexed 4 times a year (SK Art. 117; Federal Law No. 134 on the subsistence minimum 24/10/1997 edition 3/12/2012 Art. 7) together with the PM indicator.

  1. The bailiff, as well as the organization or other person to whom the writ of execution is sent in the case established by part 1 of article 9 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings", index the alimony collected by court decision in a fixed sum of money, in proportion to the increase in the subsistence minimum for the corresponding socio-demographic group of the population, established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the person receiving alimony, in the absence of the indicated value in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, this indexation is carried out in proportion to the increase in the subsistence minimum for the corresponding socio-demographic group of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation.
  2. The amount of alimony exacted by a court decision in a fixed amount of money, for the purpose of their indexation, is established by the court as a multiple of the subsistence minimum, determined in accordance with the rules of paragraph 1 of this article, including the amount of alimony may be established as a fraction of the subsistence minimum.

The size of the consumer basket is established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Governments of the regions, Decrees and other local legislative acts(Federal Law No. 134, Article 4). For this reason, the multiplicity of fixed alimony to the territorial or federal indicator of PM is stipulated.

Example. Alimony for a child living in Volgograd was established by the court in the amount of 1.2 PM. In September 2016, the amount of alimony received was: 8802 x 1.2 = 10562.4 rubles. (). In May 2017, the child was supposed to: 9283 x 1.2 = 11139.6 (Resolution of the Administration No. 233-p 10/05/2017).

The request for fixed alimony is quite legal and in some cases is the only possible option.
It should be remembered that the court will take the side of the plaintiff and make a decision in his favor if the demands made are reasonable and well-reasoned.

The issues of material support for relatives and other persons, the list of which is provided by the legislator, are very relevant in modern conditions. This refers to alimony, and in contrast to the common idea based on the most typical examples, the addressees of alimony payments are not only minor children, but also other categories of persons in need of subsistence funds.

However, the topic of this article does not imply a detailed study in this direction, so the issue will be considered without a detailed definition of the subject composition. We will talk about one of the types of alimony payments - the one that is collected from the payer in a fixed amount of money.

The main source of law is the Family Code, article 83 of which prescribes this institution in detail.

Concept, main characteristics

The legislator does not give its exact definition, naming only the conditions under which it can be applied (ie, in which cases alimony in a fixed amount can be established). These are, in particular, the following criteria applied to the payer:

  • the presence of unstable or changing earnings;
  • full or partial receipt of remuneration for work in foreign currency;
  • no official income.

In addition, the court has the right to appoint a similar type of maintenance payments if the shared deduction significantly infringes on the interests of the child or the second parent involved in his upbringing and maintenance (the total amount will be too insignificant and will not allow the child to be provided with decent maintenance).

A prerequisite for the appointment of alimony payments in a fixed amount (hereinafter, the wording “firm alimony” will be used) is the absence of an agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony. In such a document, which has the status of a title, the procedure, form and amounts are prescribed in detail, and the signatures of the parties indicate that agreement has been reached with all the listed conditions - the intervention of the judiciary is not required (at least until the terms of the agreement are violated).

Alimony in a fixed amount of money in 2020

Since solid alimony is firmly “tied” to the concept of “living wage”, their size directly depends on this indicator. And the living wage should be established (and is being established) at the federal and regional level The latter cannot be less than the former. In practice, this means that the amount of payments can vary quite widely.

For example, in 2016 there was a significant increase in the subsistence minimum in the Krasnodar Territory - by almost 20%. Accordingly, the amount of payments has also been increased.

The body responsible for determining the subsistence minimum is the Government of Russia and the Governments of the constituent entities of the Federation. The results are quarterly published in the media. For example, the minimum subsistence minimum at the beginning of 2020 was 12,130 rubles (average), at the same time, the indicators differ significantly by region: in Moscow for children it amounted to more than 20,000 rubles, and in the Leningrad region - only 12,800 R.

Interested parties - in order to have an idea about possible payments, it makes sense to obtain such information in advance.

The trend towards an increase in the subsistence minimum will undoubtedly continue in the new year, so alimony payments in a fixed amount will also be multiplied.

Arbitrage practice

Analysis of court cases regarding the recovery of alimony payments in a fixed amount of money, considered in 2020, does not indicate uniformity judgments: it cannot be said that the courts unconditionally take the side of the plaintiffs, satisfying their claims against the defendants. At the same time in judicial practice there is also no tendency to refuse claims for the transfer of alimony accrual into a fixed sum of money.

This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, because. this category of cases is considered on a strictly individual basis, taking into account both the specific established circumstances and the fact that certain arguments put forward by the plaintiffs do not find documentary evidence.

Let us illustrate what has been said with examples from the courtrooms.

The plaintiff's requirements for the appointment of solid alimony were rejected by the court (the claim was denied), it was found that the defendant, who, in addition to the main income, also has a secondary one (and the latter exceeds the main one), cannot be classified as persons who do not have a permanent fixed income. And this requirement is decisive for the application of the institute of solid alimony.

In another case, the court took the opposite decision - it fully satisfied the claims. It was found that the defendant fully falls under the criteria established by the legislator in the disposition of Article 83 of the UK - does not have a permanent income. In addition, the evidence presented irrefutably testified that he deliberately chose a similar method of obtaining income - in order to evade the payment of alimony. The court made the only fair decision in this situation and appointed a certain fixed amount of payments in favor of the child.

The presentation of examples can be continued, but the essence is already clear: the statement of claim and the attached materials must contain an exhaustive evidence base, fall under the above conditions defined in the legislation. This issue should be taken very seriously.

Here is another typical example from practice, this time in video format:


The algorithm for collecting alimony in a fixed amount of money is as follows:

  1. the person concerned decides to apply to the court,
  2. analyzes the grounds for such a step, draws up a statement of claim,
  3. is defined with applications (these can be, except for binding documents and others that support the argument).
  4. Strong advice: It makes sense to consult with an experienced lawyer who will help you comply with all procedural requirements, and, if necessary, will take over the representation. The chances of success in this case are greatly increased.

Calculation of the amount of alimony in a fixed amount, indexation


The final amount of payments in a fixed amount of money is calculated according to the following algorithm:

the court establishes the coefficient to be applied in this particular case, which is multiplied by the subsistence minimum (in force in a certain time period, in a certain region).

The total amount is the monthly maintenance withheld from the payer as alimony payment.


The process of indexing alimony in a fixed amount is as follows:

  • the subsistence minimum is set;
  • the number of subsistence minimum values, which is a multiple of the amount of alimony, is determined;
  • the final multiple is multiplied by the cost of living.

The result obtained will be the indexed amount to be withheld from the defendant - in a specific region, in a specific time period.

Summarizing what has been said, we note that the receipt of solid alimony often provides interested persons (in particular, the child and the parent who guards him) with greater benefits than those that follow from other types of maintenance payments. Accordingly, it is necessary to make certain efforts to achieve the goal - to competently draw up a statement of claim in court, to provide it with indisputable evidence.

The result is worth the effort - in the positive case, a person in need of funds for normal life will receive them.