Loan for agricultural development. Applying for a loan for agricultural development at Rosselkhozbank

To start your own business in the field of agriculture, it is enough to register for beginning farmers. Any type of business requires large investments, but agriculture is the most expensive. The main factor is that the state fully supports farmers who are developing their business, as the prestige of agricultural work is declining, and there are fewer areas intended for farming and livestock breeding.

The essence of loan programs for farmers in 2019

Russian legislation supports farms at the local and federal levels (). Loans and programs for beginning farmers with the participation of the state have become more accessible. Work with peasant farms begins with assistance in collecting documents, filling out questionnaires and applications, and consultations.

Banks react positively to government subsidies - this is a kind of guarantee of the solvency of the entrepreneur.

Assistance from the state can be provided in different ways, for example through:

  • grants;
  • subsidies;
  • one-time payments;
  • loan;
  • credit.

A loan to a beginning farmer is approved only if all rules are met. If we consider entrepreneurs who are starting to try themselves in the agricultural sector, then state assistance can be provided in the following order:

  • submitting an application and a set of documents to a special commission;
  • a form for registering an entrepreneur as a farmer is provided;
  • agriculture must be registered no later than six months from the date of submission of documents;
  • education in the relevant field is required;
  • the applicant must have documents for registration as the head of a farm;
  • an entrepreneur who declares himself to be the head of a peasant farm has no right to participate in any other business activity over the past three years;
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation is mandatory.

Lending terms

An applicant for participation in this state program does not have the right to participate in other grants of the Russian Federation. Also, the borrower must not be unemployed and receive appropriate payments.

Refusal to provide a grant is ensured if a one-time grant is provided for the establishment of an agricultural life. Combining benefits is not recommended.

Documents to receive state assistance must include:

  • economic calculation of the subsidy amount;
  • documentary evidence of the absence of loans;
  • an extract from the Federal Tax Service on the absence of debts;
  • loan agreement with the bank;
  • payment orders on the intended use of funds, certified by bank representatives.

At the time the loan is issued, the borrower must be between 18 and 65 years old.

Loan amount for farmers

Before collecting documents for a subsidy, an entrepreneur thinks about how much money a farmer can take on credit to develop his farm. A loan is nothing more than a targeted grant, the amount of which can be calculated. The maximum the state allows is up to 1.5 million rubles in assistance. In some cases, the figure may be increased; the increase is paid from the local budget. The limit for the loan itself is 15 million Russian rubles.

To determine the final amount of loan funds, a commission is assembled, which reviews all calculations and makes a decision. Council members are directly related to the Ministry of Agriculture, so the applicant’s arguments must be documented and clearly substantiated. The borrower's savings also play an important role. The one-time benefit can reach 250 thousand rubles.

It is worth considering that not everyone can receive it, since the federal budget includes a final amount for these purposes.

Where is the best place to get a loan? Review of banks

Agricultural programs for subsidies for beginning farmers are available at the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • "Renaissance";
  • "Agropromkredit";
  • Rosselkhozbank.

The most profitable program since 2012 has been the “Become a Farmer” offer from Rosselkhozbank. Both an individual entrepreneur and a peasant farm can become a participant. Rosselkhozbank provides loans to beginning farmers in the amount of 500 thousand to 15 million rubles. The rate is 8.5%. How does government subsidy affect agricultural credit? With its help, the rate is reduced to 5-6%.

Loans to farmers at Rosselkhozbank are represented by forty programs, everyone can choose the one that is more suitable for the intended purpose and terms of provision.

The purpose of the lending program and the size of the loan set the limits in the directions, terms and amounts of the loan. The issuance period varies from 18 months to 12 years. At the end of payments, the borrower must be no more than 75 years old.

Applying for a loan for a farmer

You should find out from the organization’s specialists about how to get a preferential loan for the development of a peasant farm at Rosselkhozbank. They will tell you what documents are missing in the already assembled package.

The development of agriculture and small business is a priority direction of the country's economic policy. Especially to support farmers and entrepreneurs working in the agricultural sector, some banks have introduced a new type of loan. The purpose of the loan is to assist in the development of agricultural enterprises, therefore the loan is provided under favorable conditions and a low interest rate. Taking out such a loan is not difficult, the main thing is to meet all the bank’s requirements and prepare a package of necessary documents.

We choose a bank that provides a loan for the development of farming, modernization and expansion of personal subsidiary plots. Such lending is offered by banks: Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Vneshtorgbank, Rosbank. We find out what we have the right to spend the funds received on. The low interest rate is ensured by state subsidies, so the money received from the bank can only be used for specific purposes: the purchase of agricultural machinery, the purchase of young animals, the development of subsidiary farming, seasonal work, gas supply, the development of gardening, etc.

We find out the bank's requirements for providing a targeted loan. First of all, you must have the appropriate age: financial responsibility begins at 18 years of age, and banks will refuse a loan to persons over 65 years of age until the loan has been fully repaid; at this age, according to the internal charter of the bank, a person cannot have any income other than a pension. The next requirement is the presence of a personal account, which must be recorded in a special household ledger, and a petition from the local administration. If you are the only employee of a farm enterprise, you are required to insure your health and life. Constant work experience – at least 1 year.

Assess the level of development of your farm before taking out a loan. To receive a loan, you must have a minimum set of agricultural machinery and equipment on your farm for the normal functioning of the enterprise. For example, a livestock farm must have premises for livestock, warehouses for feed and products. For a farm growing grains and other crops, it is necessary: ​​equipment for harvesting and planting crops, barns for storing it.

Confirm your solvency. Provide the bank with the following documents: salary certificates (in 2-NDFL format), pensions, settlement documents on income from your enterprise. If necessary, you can provide the bank with documents for liquid property - an apartment, a car, land - as collateral. If the loan amount exceeds 30,000, then guarantors are needed. The number of guarantors depends on the size of the loan.

Determine the purpose of the loan. An agricultural loan can be obtained for capital investments for a period of up to 5 years. You will be provided with preferential loan repayment terms for two years. If the borrower is going to purchase spare parts for equipment, fuels and lubricants, young animals, seeds, fertilizers, feed, agricultural equipment or pay for the rent of warehouses, barns, land, then the maximum loan term is 2 years. The grace period for repaying the principal amount of the loan is 12 months. The maximum loan amount does not exceed RUB 300,000.

All of the above requirements are quite numerous and serious. We conclude: it will not be possible to get an agricultural loan from a bank online. You can find a calculator on the Internet to calculate the approximate loan payment amount. You can also submit an online application for a loan request: fill in the required contact fields and the desired amount. This is a “call back” order; the decision on the application is made by the bank. After submitting all the necessary documents, the bank will make a final decision within about a week.

Rosselkhozbank is one of the most sought-after and popular banks, which provides various types and forms of lending to citizens for targeted and non-targeted needs. You can also take it, but this type of lending requires completely different conditions. To develop personal farming, Rosselkhozbank is also ready to issue a loan with government support at a low interest rate.

Loan for the development of personal subsidiary plots

In order to open your own business, you need to find or come up with an original business idea and find out. Suitable or . Any can also be easily adapted to local conditions, for example, or. But in order to receive a loan for the development of a personal subsidiary plot from the Russian Agricultural Bank, it is necessary that your idea for private household plots fits one of the following expense categories:

  • Purchase of fuels and lubricants;
  • Purchase of young farm animals;
  • Purchase of protective equipment and mineral fertilizers for agricultural plants;
  • Payment of electricity;
  • Payment of rent for land and premises required in your private household plot;
  • Purchase of building materials;
  • Various seasonal expenses and expenses.

A loan for these expenses is provided for a period of up to 2 years, but you can get a loan for up to 5 years if larger expenses are planned:

  • Purchase of adult farm animals;
  • Repair and construction of livestock buildings and pens;
  • Purchase of agricultural equipment for livestock farming;
  • Purchase of equipment for connecting gas installations;
  • Purchase of land for various agricultural needs for personal use;
  • Other expenses are average.

You can get a loan from Rosselkhozbank not only for agricultural development. If a citizen of the Russian Federation lives in a rural area, then he can receive money for up to 5 years and for the following types of business:

  • Tourism development;
  • Development of folk crafts;
  • Development of trade;
  • Household services for rural residents;
  • Procurement of various fruits and berries, herbs and medicinal plants.

The purchase of large agricultural machinery is also possible with the help of credit money from Rosselkhozbank, issued for a period of up to 5 years:

  • Cars, dump trucks and others (weighing no more than 3.5 tons);
  • Tractors with power up to 100 horsepower;
  • Irrigation equipment;
  • Tractor trailers;
  • Equipment for agricultural processing.

Advice: Before taking out any loan, draw up a business plan for running your subsidiary farm, as well as a list of necessary expenses. In addition, it would be useful to subsequently maintain statistics of expenses and income. This way you will facilitate the process of obtaining the required loan amount with convenient terms for its repayment, get a more objective picture of managing your private household plot and will always be aware of how much money has been spent and how much more is needed for certain needs.

Loan for the development of personal subsidiary farming at Rosselkhozbank - conditions

For the most reliable and regular clients, Rosselkhozbank offers very favorable conditions, but even on general terms, the borrower can count on a cash loan with a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum amount of 1 million rubles (for reliable clients, the amount increases by 500 thousand rubles). In addition, it is necessary to maintain some security for the loan, namely a guarantee from at least one individual and at least one legal entity. Plus, if you want to purchase equipment, you may also need a property deposit. In this case, the bank can combine these conditions at its discretion.

How to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank for private household plots?

So, in order to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank for the development of a personal subsidiary plot, it is enough to have a business idea, determine your expenses so that they fit one of the categories above, and also provide at least two guarantors.

Primary requirements

The borrower must be at least 23 years old and have citizenship of the Russian Federation. The maximum age of the borrower is 75 years at the time of loan repayment and 65 years for the guarantor. Work experience varies depending on the borrower's employment status. If he is a client receiving wages into the account of Rosselkhozbank, his work experience must be at least 3 months at his last place of work, for other clients - at least 6. The potential borrower must have at least 12 months of experience running a personal subsidiary plot with entries in the household book of local governments.

Procedure for granting a loan

In order to receive the required loan amount, you will need to visit the bank office with a certain package of documents and write an application. The application is reviewed by the bank within 5 working days, and after approval, the potential borrower has a period of 45 days to obtain a loan. The bank transfers the loan money to the account of the borrower, who will have to make monthly differentiated or annuity payments (only for an unsubsidized loan). The bank provides the opportunity for full or partial early repayment.

Required package of documents

If you paid for goods and services by bank transfer, then within 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of the loan you must provide the bank with original documents, invoices and invoices, and if paying in cash - original checks certified by a seal. During the same period, it is necessary to provide documents for the purchase of goods and services privately from individuals.

When purchasing equipment, within 75 calendar days you will need to provide a vehicle passport, an act of its transfer, and a document confirming the registration of the right of pledge with Gostekhnadzor.

When connecting gas equipment within 180 calendar days, you will need to provide documents on expenses and a certificate of ownership of the premises.

In addition, you may need an additional set of documents confirming the conduct or termination of activities in agriculture as an individual entrepreneur - the head of a peasant farm (peasant farm).

In addition to the list, you must provide a passport, a loan application form, a statement of economic activity and a certificate of income.

Interest rates

If you are getting a loan for up to 12 months for the first time, your interest rate will be from 16.5%. If you fall under the category of reliable clients, you can count on a rate of 14.9%. For a period of 12 to 60 months, there is an offer at a rate of 16.5% for new clients and 15.5% for reliable ones. If you violate the conditions for providing documents confirming the target direction of the loan, Rosselkhozbank may increase the interest rate by 2.5%. If you refuse to insure life and health in accordance with the terms of the loan for private household plots and the conditions of the insurance company, you should expect an automatic increase in the interest rate by 4.5-5%.

Advice: very often clients tend to refuse life and health insurance when applying for a loan and in some ways they turn out to be right. Indeed, often even with all the commissions and increases in the loan rate, the borrower's payments are expected to be less than together with insurance payments. However, if you plan to repay your loan early, it is better to agree to insurance, because if you repay early, you can get your money back by submitting a written application to the insurance company.

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The government of the Russian Federation today is trying in every possible way to support rural residents and the development of agriculture. In particular, the state is ready to subsidize part of the loan for the costs of developing the personal subsidiary plot of any Russian citizen living in a rural area and ready to seriously take up this type of activity. At the same time, Rosselkhozbank offers a loan for the development of private household plots on favorable terms, a relatively small package of documents, a favorable interest rate and a loan term of up to 5 years.

In contact with

The result of urbanization is that there are few young people and working-age population left in rural areas. Life in the village comes to a standstill. The state ignored this problem for a long time.

And now the government has decided to correct the situation and return people to the village. Measures are being developed to encourage Russians to move to rural areas and work there.

The program for preferential lending to agriculture also contributes to this.

Types of agricultural or “rural” credit

To carry out seasonal agricultural work or to meet the current needs of farmers A preferential agricultural loan is offered for 2 years.

Such a rural loan can be used to purchase seed (exclusively domestic), spare parts and materials for agricultural machinery, fuels and lubricants, fertilizers, livestock feed, and young domestic animals.

Another loan option for rural businesses is an investment loan. It is issued only to beginning farmers.

Purpose of such a loan— this is the purchase of agricultural machinery (also only from Russian manufacturers), vehicles and elite livestock. It is issued for 3-5 years.

How to get a loan for (for) agriculture

Rural loans are provided exclusively to enterprises operating in the relevant field, as well as consumer cooperatives. Such institutions must have an administration building that is equipped with communications equipment. The team size should not be less than 5 people, and 2 of them should have the status of legal entities.

Required condition- this means that the employees of such enterprises have an education corresponding to the profile of their activities. Naturally, loan recipients must be of working age.

If an enterprise plans to receive an investment loan, then it it is necessary to create a reserve fund amounting to at least 10% of the total fund of shareholders.

And the fund of shareholders must be formed exclusively from their personal funds. The size of the fund cannot exceed the net assets of the cooperative.

To apply for a loan, a company representative must personally appear at the bank, where you will need to fill out a questionnaire developed by the bank. After this, you will need to collect and submit to the bank a package of documents necessary to obtain a loan.

The rate on a rural loan usually ranges from 14-17%. The loan size is agreed upon with the bank depending on the goals, the minimum is 300 thousand rubles.

The bank may also require farmers to have a business plan. Therefore, you will need to worry about its preparation in advance. The business plan must confirm that the enterprise will be profitable. Also, to successfully obtain a loan, you need to take care that the company has its own funds. They must account for at least a quarter of the cost of the entire project.

If we are talking about a large amount of agricultural loan, the bank may require real estate or equipment to be pledged as collateral, as well as the presence of guarantors. You will need to submit a petition to the local administration and provide an extract from the business ledger.

It is necessary to take into account that the bank can limit the period of use of loan funds (usually 3 months). After its expiration, it will be necessary to provide the lender with documents confirming the intended use of the funds.

Currently, agriculture is intended to become one of the main directions of state policy. In this regard, individuals, as well as organizations that are interested in its development, are provided with certain support measures. The article will tell you how an individual can get a loan for agricultural development.

Features of loans for the development of subsidiary farming

Obtaining and launching such loans has a number of features:

  1. Intended use of the loan. The specific list of purposes for loans for the development of private household plots is quite wide. The main ones are:
  • purchase of seeds, planting material, fertilizers or plant protection products;
  • purchase of animals for agriculture;
  • payment for electricity used for irrigation;
  • acquisition or payment of rent of land, as well as premises that are used in the development of the economy;
  • purchase of equipment used for processing agricultural products or for livestock breeding;
  • expenses for the development of tourism business in rural areas;
  • purchase of cars, tractors, fuels and lubricants, etc.

2. Selecting the period during which benefits for repaying the principal debt will apply. This is due to the fact that many areas of agriculture have a pronounced seasonal nature. This feature predetermines the receipt of the main profit from the development of the economy in future periods.

3. Paying a smaller amount of own funds (compared to standard programs) when receiving a loan for the purchase of machinery or equipment.

4. State subsidization of part of the interest rate. This support may vary depending on the sectors of agriculture, the direction of use of funds and other factors. However, in any case, the government subsidy significantly reduces the cost of the loan.

In the event that physical a person intends to receive a loan for the development of a farm, the requirements for it will differ slightly from the standard conditions.

Firstly, most bank loan programs in this case provide for the provision of collateral. Most often it is a guarantee from an individual/legal entity or a pledge of property. If the purpose of the loan is to purchase machinery or equipment, then they act as collateral for a loan for production development.

Secondly, when analyzing the financial condition, not only income received from the development of private household plots is taken into account, but also all other income (at the place of work, which is the main one; from activities as an entrepreneur, etc.)

Thirdly, the presence of private household plots must be confirmed by an extract from the household register. As a rule, banks require records to show that the business has been in business for at least one year.

Fourthly, the borrower must confirm the availability of the necessary land and equipment.

Example: receiving a loan from Rosselkhozbank for the development of private household plots

The leader in providing loans for agriculture is Rosselkhozbank. It currently provides two qualifying personal loan programs. persons * – “For the development of personal subsidiary plots” and “For the development of personal subsidiary plots without security.” Both programs are designed for loans for existing private household plots. The main conditions of Russian Agricultural Bank loans for business development are as follows:

To obtain a loan, the following documents are required:

  1. Civil passport of the Russian Federation or other document confirming the identity of the borrower.
  2. Documents confirming settled relations with conscription authorities (for men no older than 27 years).
  3. Documents confirming the client’s employment.
  4. Information demonstrating the financial condition of the borrower.
  5. Documents for the selected collateral provided (for a collateralized program).
  6. Documents that confirm the right to use the land.
  7. An extract from the household register, which contains information about personal subsidiary plots.
  • Recommendations of regional representative offices of the Association of Peasant (Farm) Farms and Agricultural Cooperatives;
  • Recommendations for agricultural needs. cooperatives, etc. organizations;
  • Recommendations from city or village administration;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  1. Since agricultural lending includes the possibility of subsidizing rates, it is advisable to determine eligibility in advance. For each direction and in each subject of the Russian Federation, the requirements may vary.
  2. It is necessary to have current entries in the household ledger.
  3. At the same time as requesting an extract from the household register, it is also advisable to request recommendations from the head of the local administration. This will confirm the significance of the project for which the loan is being requested.
  4. It is advisable to consider the possibility of establishing a grace period for repayment of principal and (or) interest. This will ensure a low credit burden at the beginning of the project.
  5. After receiving a loan, it is highly desirable to promptly and fully confirm the intended use of funds. This will allow you to avoid penalties and will not spoil your relationship with the bank.

*Data update date – April 2015.