Favorable offers for alpha bank factoring. Alfa-Bank factoring: tariffs, conditions

Banking services are aimed primarily at helping to increase the purchasing power of individuals. However, service systems are not limited to ordinary loan agreements, mortgages and the storage of funds of ordinary citizens. The continuous improvement of commercial institutions to provide a variety of services has been complemented by a new product. It was recently introduced by Alfa Bank factoring, which allows to make profitable transactions with legal entities.

Factoring: concept

Factoring is a banking complex service provided to legal entities, owners of medium-sized businesses. The essence of the concept is the postponement of financing - receivables due to third parties. The role of the lender is performed by an intermediary between the buyer and the seller, providing a kind of lending. A factoring organization or a similar department of the bank takes on a similar path.

A commercial company, at a fixed percentage, takes a debt for the purchased goods from the acquiring party. Alfa Bank employees control the loan repayment process and remind about payments.


The constant development of banking products, commodity-money relations, requires the improvement of the services offered. Alfa Bank offers several options for the assignment of receivables. The main types differ in the party taking responsibility for the debt obligations. They are divided according to the terms of payment:

  • recourse - the risks are borne by the supplier;
  • without the right of recourse - Alfa Bank takes the risks.


The main type of such factoring is recourse. The classic look makes it possible to get up to ninety percent of the amount of the supplied products. The borrower is given an installment payment plan. Tariffication is displayed on the contract form, available to regular customers of Alfa Bank.


This service is designed to conclude an agreement between companies from different countries. The interests of both participants are represented by two commercial organizations. One factoring company acts for the buyer, the other - for the supplier. Alfa Bank sets similar rates for such a case, the same as for local representatives. If the parties to the transaction belong to a single country, then factoring will be internal.


Favorable primarily to debtors. The method helps to get a deferred payment of the debt. Suitable for companies that are in a precarious economic situation that are not able to pay their debts according to the regulated period.


A type of factoring from Alfa Bank for organizations that needed an urgent increase in current assets without the opportunity to take out a loan. It is typical for institutions that find themselves in force majeure circumstances. Financing the company can significantly increase the turnover. The procedure and terms for concluding an agreement are established individually by both parties.

Open or closed

A service that can reflect or hide the fact of assignment from the debtor company. The price tag of the concluded service may also be visible or closed on the relevant invoices attached to the contractual act of delivery.


The price tag of this service is set according to the following points:

  • commission fee according to the annual deduction for the issuance of money, depending on the size of the volume;
  • interest rate.

Factors affecting interest

Each factoring agreement carries an individual list of conditions. The interest rate depends on the following factors:

  • official type of activity of a legal entity;
  • the size of the annual turnover;
  • regional affiliation;
  • duration of the organization;
  • size, period of financing.


Factoring from Alfa Bank provides for low interest rates similar to short-term loans, but for business needs. The speed of the service attracts an increasing number of clients among legal entities. A flexible system of deferred payment makes business development as possible as possible in Russian realities, without risks.

Alfa-Bank is famous for its tariff plans and offers not only for individuals, but also for businesses. Alfa-Bank factoring will allow you to solve financial problems with the purchase of goods and services for small businesses, increase the level of trust in your company and solvency. To get the maximum benefit, you need to consider factoring in detail.

Factoring is a full-fledged method of financing, buying out payment obligations from a company to a supplier of goods or services. The use of this service guarantees the payment of the full amount under the contract, which makes your company a priority for suppliers. Your business benefits from:

  • deferred payment has flexible terms and a system of discounts. The virtual panel allows you to track the payment schedule in detail and calculate the interest on the debt. The work of your business no longer depends on the availability of the full amount to pay for a consignment of goods;
  • Suppliers are prioritized among companies that use factoring services from reputable banks. You guarantee the payment of the full amount, which may have a positive effect on the availability of discounts and the conclusion of additional terms of the transaction;
  • unlike conventional lending, the service is issued for a whole range of transactions and does not require separate confirmation of each financial payment. You do not have to work with a lot of paper documentation and contact the main office of the bank;
  • the absence of receivables provides an opportunity to issue additional loans for the purposes of the company. The structure of the balance of payments is formed taking into account factoring;
  • an increase in available working capital opens up new opportunities for small business development. Favorable tariff line contributes to this;
  • the possibility of increasing the volume of purchased products has a positive effect on the final profit.

The Alfa-Finance service allows you to control the process of paying for services in detail and track the funds spent. Factoring conditions are beneficial for the client, the supplier and the bank.

Factoring rates from Alfa-Bank

The factoring service is discussed with each client on an individual basis, which affects the final interest. Base rates are as follows:

  1. open - the supplier is notified of the availability of the Alfa-Bank factoring service, the tariffs of which are set individually by the manager.
  2. The bank is responsible for the payment;
  3. Hidden - the supplier is not notified about third-party funding. Alfa-Bank is also responsible for paying off the debt, the percentage in this type of tariff plans is higher.

The bank checks the credit history of the company, which is also a determining factor in calculating the maximum amount available. The loan calculator for legal tariff offers will help you to pre-calculate the available amount for factoring.

Full information about the service can be obtained from the nearest service office for legal entities or by calling the support service.

Both a domestic and a foreign company can act as a supplier. This item is pre-negotiated at the conclusion of the contract. The ability to quickly generate an electronic version of the documentation with subsequent inclusion in the appropriate section of the personal panel simplifies the work with payment accounts.

The service has become widespread among representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The possibility of rapid profit growth and favorable conditions for making an offer attract new customers to use factoring.

Evgeny Smirnov


# Factoring

New from Alfa-Bank

With the help of Alfa-Finance, you can submit online applications for factoring. This method is characterized by high speed - the money is transferred already 15 minutes after the confirmation of the transaction.

Article navigation

  • Rates
  • Factoring conditions
  • Requirements for applicants

When a customer or contractor fails to fulfill its obligations on time, contractual arrangements are frozen. This slows down the further activities of the companies, which is why relations between the parties are aggravated.

The way out of such situations is to switch to factoring. This is a financial product in which a third party is included in the contractual relationship between two business entities. It guarantees timely reimbursement of the spent resources of the contractor and at the same time stimulates the customer to fulfill his obligations.

Benefits of factoring from Alfa-Bank for suppliers:

  • efficient management of working capital;
  • increase in asset turnover;
  • increase in revenue;
  • reduction of cash gaps;
  • the possibility of transition to cooperation with buyers on more favorable terms.

Benefits of factoring from Alfa-Bank for customers:

  • obtaining a deferred payment;
  • improving the rating in its niche by reducing the risk of default on existing obligations;
  • organizations can more rationally use working capital at the expense of commodity credit.


Alfa-Bank occupies a special place among financial institutions providing factoring services. The practice of European institutions, worked out in Russian conditions, makes it possible to bring a new product to the market - working capital management. Factoring is equally effective for enterprises of any level - small, medium and large businesses. You can get the service after filling out an application on the official website of the credit institution.

Tariffs for factoring services are higher than for credit products. This is due to increased risks and a large amount of work, the implementation of which is undertaken by the bank. The minimum cost of the service at Alfa-Bank is 1.4% of the invoice amount. Tariffs are assigned individually: they depend on capital turnover, average revenue, business reputation and other indicators of the company.

Factoring at Alfa-Bank is unsecured. The maximum amount of issuance is 50 million rubles.

Factoring as a service includes the following features:

  • After confirming the delivery of the goods, the customer receives up to 100% of the order price. In return, the bank receives the rights to the customer's receivables.
  • The factor company controls the buyer's debt.
  • If the client has several debtors, each case is considered separately. A reconciliation is carried out with all buyers, followed by the formation of a report to the client on fulfilled obligations.
  • The Bank maintains a customer history and a register of closed transactions.

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The factoring rate depends on the type of transaction. In open financing, the buyer is notified that the receivable has been transferred to the bank. The rate in this case is low, as the bank redeems the debt with rent. Hidden factoring is much more expensive, but in this case the customer is not notified about the service.

The cost of customer service for factoring includes remuneration on the fact of financing as a percentage. The rate depends on the volume of transfers. The service fee is charged daily until the day on which funds are received from the customer in full. Alfa-Bank provides for the payment of additional fees for the processing of each new application.

Factoring conditions

Alfa-Bank provides a wide range of factoring services:

  • Recourse financing. In this case, the risks of non-fulfillment of financial obligations remain with the supplier of the goods.
  • Closed type of factoring - bilateral cooperation between the bank and the executor of the order.
  • Financing without recourse: the bank assumes all risks of non-payment of receivables.
  • Factoring in the online client: an agreement is concluded with the bank on the transition to electronic document management. The accounting department uploads shipping documents and contracts to the Alfa-Finance system. The term for consideration of the application is 2 hours.

The standard form of interaction with the bank consists of several stages. At the first stage, the client submits documents confirming the delivery of goods (performance of services) to the factor company and leaves an application for financing. The bank processes the client's request and transfers up to 95 percent of the contract value. At the third stage, transaction support is carried out. The maximum term for transferring the remaining amount of funding is 120 days.

Requirements for applicants

To receive factoring from Alfa-Bank, a company must meet several requirements:

  • positive credit conditions;
  • the financial condition of the company is stable: debts on taxes, wages and utilities reduce the chances of financing;
  • applications from organizations with a high business reputation are given priority.

The factoring service will cost the contractor more than a corporate loan.

In fact, the product is a loan against receivables for goods delivered or services rendered. In today's market realities, the probability of using this type of financing is much higher than obtaining a simple loan.

Factoring is not profitable in areas of cooperation with regular partners. The inclusion of intermediaries in the chain with guaranteed payment can unnecessarily increase the burden on the enterprise's budget.

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Alfa-Bank is one of the first to start providing factoring services for corporate clients in the Russian Federation. In fact, this is the same loan, only the funds in this case are paid not to the entrepreneur-client of the bank, but to his business partner in the form of a supplier of goods. On what conditions does Alfa Bank provide factoring, what documents may be required to receive funds?

General description of the service

From a practical point of view, factoring is a deferred payment in favor of a supplier of goods. That is, the entrepreneur (bank client) gets the opportunity to pick up the goods, and pay for it later. The funds are immediately paid to the supplier by the bank, thereby obtaining the right of demand.

Expert opinion

Svetlana Alexandrova

RKO selection consultant

The maximum limit for factoring under the terms of Alfa Bank is 50 million rubles. Each entrepreneur can use these funds if there is appropriate financial support for such a transaction. And these can be:

  • funds in deposit accounts (not necessarily in Alfa-Bank);
  • guarantee of third parties;
  • property order (pledge on movable and immovable property);
  • bank bills;
  • commercial and industrial equipment.

Naturally, an entrepreneur can receive a certain amount within the framework of factoring without a guarantee. If you believe the reviews, then in this scenario, the bank can offer up to 500 thousand rubles (the exact amount depends on many factors, including the movement of funds in the current account).

Additional products within factoring from Alfa Bank

The standard terms of factoring at Alfa Bank imply a limit of up to 50 million rubles. However, each corporate client gets the opportunity to use an individual tariff:

  • "Closed"- when the buyer of goods does not know about the agreement with the bank;
  • "Retail"- if the buyer is a company included in the list of "federal retailers";
  • Mix— if any legal entity registered in the Russian Federation acts as a buyer;
  • "Bezregress"- factoring, made specifically for suppliers as a guarantee of non-payment from the recipient of the goods (the bank buys the right to demand finance).

When ordering an individual tariff from the side of the supplier of goods, there are no financial restrictions, but the interest rate for the service is calculated individually and can be even more than 20% per annum - it all depends on the requests and requirements of the bank client.

Rates and conditions

According to the current tariffs for factoring at Alfa Bank, the right to demand funds is purchased from the supplier on the following terms:

  • they instantly pay up to 90% of the contract amount (the actual cost of the goods), the remaining funds are issued after the buyer pays off the debt;
  • interest rate - from 1.4% (the amount is the one indicated in the invoice);
  • the period for which funds are provided is indefinite (that is, the redemption of rights is final, not subject to appeal);
  • financial support is not required;
  • factoring amount - up to 50 million rubles, the limit can be increased;
  • international factoring - available;
  • how much of the contract the bank covers - up to 95% of the amount indicated in the invoice or any other document confirming the fact of shipment of the goods.

And at the same time, the client of the bank, and the debtor, who had not previously cooperated with Alfa-Bank at all, can act as a source. It is precisely because of this that the factoring service in this bank looks more attractive than in any other financial institutions, where the contract is necessarily concluded between all three parties (buyer, supplier, intermediary represented by a bank representative).

Alfa Bank representatives also note the fact that regular customers using factoring get the opportunity to increase their limit, and at the same time lower the final interest rate. These indicators are chosen in direct proportion to the increase in turnover.

How to apply and what documents are required

To receive funds under the Factoring service, the buyer or supplier of goods will need to:

  • fill out an online application on the official website of Alfa Bank for factoring https://alfabank.ru/corporate/credit/factoring/#steps ;
  • conclude an offer agreement (providing all the requested documents);
  • receive funds.

Existing clients of Alfa Bank have the opportunity to fully arrange factoring through an individual online account. But to sign the application and upload documents, you will definitely need an enhanced qualified signature.

The decision on the application is made within 7 banking days. After receiving an affirmative answer, all that remains is to upload invoices for the supply of goods (where the actual cost of the contract is indicated), after which the money is immediately transferred to the current account (both the buyer and the supplier can pay a commission - they agree on this independently).

As for documents, the client who plans to use the factoring service is obliged to provide the bank with the following set of documents:

  • copy of the passport;
  • statutory documents (for legal entities);
  • extract from the Federal Tax Service;
  • contract-offer;
  • receivable documents (which confirm the fact of the shipment of goods, you can also use the contract concluded with the partner).

The Bank has the right to request additional documents to confirm the solvency of the buyer (if necessary).

The modern economic market is constantly evolving. With a huge turnover of goods, it is not uncommon for buyers to delay payments. So that the supplier does not incur losses, he can resort to Alfa-Bank factoring. This offer will be relevant not only for small entrepreneurs, but also for large holdings.

What is factoring

Factoring is a service provided by many credit organizations. Its essence lies in the assignment of receivables to the bank. The supplier does not need to control the receipt of payments. The financial company for a certain percentage collects the debt for the purchased goods from the buyer. Such a service also has advantages for the debtor, because the purchased products remain with him until he fully pays for it.

Employees of the financial company will control the amount of the existing debt, remind you of the date of the next payment and analyze the current operations and the state of the accounts of the debtor. You can find out about the amount of interest and commission for factoring from Alfa-Bank on its official website.

Conditions for providing factoring

Alfa-Bank provides factoring on the following terms:

  • The company can immediately receive up to 90% of the cost of shipped products;
  • Assignment of debt is carried out without additional encumbrance;
  • The money is transferred to the account of the supplier's company immediately after the signing of the documents. Low interest rates are an obvious advantage, since it is unrealistic to get a loan from a bank under such conditions;
  • Financing will be increased as the volume of trade increases. The organization can safely continue its activities without withdrawing a certain amount of money from circulation.

In order to find out the tariffs for factoring from Alfa-Bank and the list of required documents, you need to contact the employees of the organization. Alfa-Bank factoring is provided to legal entities that are faced with the problem of receivables.

Varieties of factoring

The activities of banking organizations are constantly adjusting to the needs of the consumer market. It does not stand still and offers new services. Therefore, the assignment of receivables has several varieties. Alfa-Bank offers several types of factoring to its clients.


This is the most common type of cooperation, which provides for a one-time transfer by the bank to the supplier's account of 90% of the amount of existing receivables. The factoring agreement provides for the provision of installments for the debtor. Factoring rates from Alfa-Bank are specified in the contract. This type of cooperation is offered to regular customers of a financial company.

Collection of debt from a debtor

This method of assigning obligations carries certain financial risks for the bank, so their cost will be much higher.


This type of service can be described as the interaction of companies registered in different countries. The nuance of such interaction is the representation of the interests of the parties by two companies. Alfa-Bank in this case charges a commission, as in the provision of similar services in our country.


This type of service is more preferable for debtor companies. It provides the opportunity to receive a deferred payment and is suitable for organizations that are in a difficult financial situation and are not able to immediately pay their existing obligations.


This type of factoring is provided to companies that urgently needed an increase in current assets, but the lending service is not available to them for some reason. In this case, the transfer of a certain amount of funds to her account will help to significantly increase financial well-being. The terms and procedure for payment are negotiated by the parties individually.

open or closed

This type of service provides for notification or concealment from the debtor of the assignment of the existing debt on the terms of Alfa-Bank. The cost of this service can also be hidden or reflected in the existing invoices that are attached to the supply agreement.

Actions of Alfa-Bank

After signing the contract for the provision of factoring services, the bank fully assumes the collection of bad debts. From this point on, the supplier saves himself from the problems of claiming it. The entire responsibility for the return of funds lies with the creditor organization. The service is provided to small and large companies involved in various business sectors.

For various organizations, factoring is not only a way to improve their financial situation. Today it is difficult to imagine a company that does not use investments for development. Factoring from Alfa-Bank can be an excellent way out of a problematic financial situation.