Problems and prospects for the development of individual housing construction. Low-rise construction - investment prospects

Housing construction: concept, types and features. Regulatory framework, sources and methods of financing housing construction, its prospects in Ufa. Fund for the development of housing construction as a source of improvement of urban living conditions.

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in the discipline "Economics of the city"



1. Residential construction in the city

1.1 Housing construction: concept, types and features

1.3 Regulatory framework for housing construction

2. Analysis of modern financing of housing construction on the example of Ufa

3. Improving urban housing construction

3.1 Prospects for the development of housing construction in Ufa


List of used literature


Construction in a broad sense is an independent branch of the country's economy, the purpose of which is the commissioning of new, as well as the reconstruction, expansion, repair and technical re-equipment of existing industrial and non-industrial facilities.

Construction in the narrow sense is the activity of only construction organizations for the construction of various objects and various types of construction work related to this.

The decisive role of the construction industry is to create conditions for the dynamic development of the country's economy. The housing issue is an urgent problem, the solution of which is determined by the socio-economic structure of society.

housing problem is one of the most acute social problems in large cities. And it is precisely in its solution that the essence of the social system is most clearly manifested. Thus, the importance of the housing sector is difficult to underestimate for the country's economy.

The possibility of improving housing conditions is an important indicator of improving the welfare of the population, a prerequisite for the social and economic stability of the state. Therefore, the solution of the housing problem of citizens is one of the priorities. public policy In Russian federation.

Construction, as one of the most important elements of the regional economy, is a subject of macroeconomics and is a corporate community that unites all manufacturers of construction products.

At the present stage, an important requirement for improving the quality of housing construction has become to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the construction and operation of buildings. This is achieved by improving the architectural, technical and economic level design solutions; improvement of structures, technology of their manufacture, installation, appropriate use of materials, saving metal, cement, wood and replacing them with other efficient materials; reduction of terms and improvement of design and construction methods; providing conditions for economical use of energy.

Despite certain successes achieved in housing construction, and also, despite the fact that the problem of resettlement of citizens from unsuitable housing is being systematically solved, specific gravity dilapidated and dilapidated housing in our region is 6.8% of the total area of ​​the housing stock, which is 2.2 times higher than the average level in Russia. State entrepreneurship in construction (state construction order) / A.N. Asaul, V.A. Koshcheev; ed. honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Professor A.N. Asaul. - St. Petersburg: ANO IPEV. 2009. 300s.

The purpose of the course project is to develop ways to improve urban housing construction.

In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

reveal the essence and structure of housing construction

Consider the regulatory framework for housing construction

identify housing problems in the city

study the sources and methods of financing housing construction

Propose measures to improve the mechanisms of housing construction.

The object of this work is housing construction, and the subject is the study modern methods financing and crediting of housing construction.

Based on the goals and objectives set, the structure was determined. It includes an introduction, three sections, which in turn are divided into paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.


1.1 Housing construction: concepts, types and features

The urban sphere of housing construction has been developing rapidly in recent years. Interest in it is huge, the market is saturated, and the competition is great. One of the ways to solve the housing problem has always been the construction of multi-storey buildings, which has whole line advantages: affordable price compared to other ways of building houses, sparing use of the land fund and much more. Housing construction involves both the direct construction of buildings and their completion, reconstruction.

The main factors affecting housing construction are the degree economic development, welfare of citizens, mortgage issue. Under these conditions, the construction of multi-storey buildings helps to solve the problem from several sides at once by creating a large area of ​​the housing stock, a certain reduction in its cost and increasing accessibility for the population.

Housing construction is the most correct direction in solving the issue of the well-being of citizens, and the construction of multi-storey buildings is the best way to move along this path.

Housing construction should be understood as the creation of buildings, structures, structures (including on the site of demolished objects capital construction), as a result of which objects of housing rights will be created. The new Housing Code of the Russian Federation established that the objects of housing rights are residential premises (part 1, article 15). For the first time, specific types of objects of housing rights are defined (Article 16). These include: residential buildings, parts residential buildings; apartments, parts of apartments; rooms (houses and apartments).

An individually defined building is recognized as a residential building, which consists of rooms, as well as auxiliary premises designed to meet citizens' domestic and other needs related to their living in such a building (part 2 of article 16 of the LC RF).

An apartment is a structurally separate room in an apartment building that provides direct access to common areas in such a house and consists of one or more rooms, as well as auxiliary rooms designed to meet household and other needs of citizens related to their living in such a separate room (part 3 of article 16 of the LC RF).

Housing construction is carried out in residential areas determined as a result of urban zoning. Residential zones may include: building zones with individual residential buildings; development zones with low-rise residential buildings; development zones with mid-rise residential buildings; development areas with multi-storey residential buildings; residential development zones of other types (see article 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). A. N. Asaul, S. N. Ivanov, M. K. Starovoitov. Economics of real estate. Textbook for high schools. - 3rd ed., corrected. - St. Petersburg: ANO "IPEV", 2009. -304 p.

Land plots for housing construction can only be provided for ownership or lease; providing land plots from the composition of state or municipal property for the specified purposes on any other right should be considered impossible.

By virtue of paragraph 1 of this article, the procedure for granting land plots for housing construction is determined by the rules of paragraph 4 of Art. 30 of the Land Code.

The features of the current stage of development of housing construction are:

Increasing requirements for residential buildings low-rise in the field of comfort and energy saving;

A significant increase in prices for building materials and finished housing;

Inaccessibility of high-quality housing for low-income and middle-income segments of the population;

Lack of government orders for large-panel buildings on the market;

Changing the principles of investment policy, etc.

Under these conditions, building science and practice faced the task of developing more advanced low-rise housing construction technologies that take into account modern new features.

An important role in modern housing construction is played by the construction of individual residential buildings with a height of 1-3 floors. The problem of designing, building and operating individual residential buildings in the Russian Federation is extremely relevant and is associated with the urgent need to provide citizens with high-quality and comfortable housing that would best suit the individual characteristics of each family and each person.

1.2 Sources and methods of financing housing construction

local sources financial resources for housing construction, there may be budgetary funds, depreciation deductions, fees levied from the population for overhaul housing, property taxes, insurance payments. However, all these sources are extremely limited. Only a few enterprises can afford the construction of housing for their employees at their own expense.

One of the main sources currently in Ufa is the funds of the population in need of better housing conditions. At the same time, the monetary incomes of the majority of the population do not allow them to purchase housing even in the secondary market.

In countries with advanced economies One of the promising ways to solve the housing problem is to use various credit mechanisms, the most important of which is mortgage lending. System mortgage lending regulated by a special federal law. Indeed, under favorable conditions for mortgage lending, its effectiveness is high: “for a borrower, this is an additional opportunity to receive large funds for very long periods to solve a housing problem; for a credit institution, this is stable work for several decades with stable income and a guarantee of return credit; for the state, this is constant investment in the housing sector, the development of the construction industry, and most importantly, the formation and development of true market relations in many sectors of the economy, the solution of many social problems. A. N. Asaul, S. N. Ivanov, M. K. Starovoitov. Economics of real estate. Textbook for high schools. - 3rd ed., corrected. - St. Petersburg: ANO "IPEV", 2009. -304 p.

Currently, two classical methods of mortgage lending have developed in Ufa:

* one-tier model of mortgage lending (German model);

* two-tier model of mortgage lending (American model).

Typical for almost all credit institutions in developed economies is a one-tier model of mortgage lending.

To analyze this model, it is advisable to consider each of its elements separately in accordance with the division proposed by the authors.

1. A borrower and a lender are connected by a loan. The latter may be a mortgage bank or a savings and loan institution. The number of service organizations is minimal (as a rule, this is only an insurance organization).

2. Refinancing is possible for the lender mortgage loans through the release valuable papers- mortgage bonds and, thus, - minimization of possible risks. The interest paid on mortgage bonds is almost the same as the interest on a mortgage, with a small difference between expenses and profits.

3. Own and borrowed capital of the borrower.

When interacting with a savings and loan institution, the borrower accumulates primary (own) capital, which is a prerequisite for issuing a mortgage loan (borrowed capital).

4. In savings and loan institutions, the interest rate during the accumulation period ranges from 2.5 to 4.5%, the interest rate on a mortgage loan - from 4.5 to 8.5%. The share of the loan in the cost of purchasing or building a home can be about 50%.

The term of lending in the implementation of a single-tier model of mortgage lending is from 10 to 12 years.

All rates and loan payments are fixed and equal.

A one-tier model of mortgage lending is based on the circulation cycle Money. The funds provided by the borrower are used to issue loans to his predecessors who have already completed the accumulation period. Thus, all financial flows of a credit institution are easily tracked.

It should be noted that the credit institution cannot carry out any active operations other than providing loans to its depositors. This reduces the riskiness of mortgage loans, because they are issued to borrowers who have formally confirmed their creditworthiness, as well as the ability to make monthly fixed payments for a long period, approximately equal to the monthly payments on a mortgage loan.

The order of movement of financial flows in a single-level model of mortgage lending is shown in fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1 The procedure for the movement of financial flows under a single-level mortgage lending scheme

5. Alienation of mortgaged real estate, in case of non-repayment of a mortgage loan to a credit institution, takes quite a long time - 2-4 years.

The implementation of this model provides for the conclusion of the following main types of contracts:

Between the borrower and the lender - an agreement on a savings housing deposit and, then, loan agreement and a mortgage agreement;

Between the borrower and the insurance company -- mortgaged housing insurance contract;

Between the borrower and the seller (builder) of housing - a contract for the sale of housing.

The two-tier model of mortgage lending is no less widespread in world practice.

1. In addition to the borrower and the lender, this model involves an intermediary (mortgage agency) and/or a participant financial market(mortgage financial and investment company).

2. In order to quickly return the funds spent on issuing a mortgage loan, the lender may sell mortgage loans to a mortgage agency or a mortgage financial and investment company, which thus refinance the loan. Thus, a credit institution has two main opportunities, namely, to receive income from the assignment of mortgages and commissions for their maintenance.

3. Own and borrowed capital (mortgage loan) of the borrower.

4. The interest rate on the use of a mortgage loan varies from 7 to 20%. The loan amount can be 75-90% of the value of mortgaged housing. The loan amount can range from 80 to 90% of the cost of purchasing or building a home. The loan term is usually between 15 and 30 years.

5. The implementation of contractual relations in a two-tier model of mortgage lending is shown in fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2 Contractual relationship under a two-tier mortgage lending scheme

At the first stage of the implementation of contractual relations between the participants of the two-level model of mortgage lending, a loan agreement and a mortgage agreement are concluded between the main participants - the borrower and the lender.

After receiving a loan, the borrower enters into a contract for the sale of housing with the seller or its builder, after which the number of participants in this model increases in order to reduce the risk of the main participants to a minimum.

Contracts for insurance of entrepreneurial risk and mortgaged housing are concluded with an insurance organization.

In the secondary mortgage market, a lender and a mortgage agency conclude an appropriate agreement on the assignment of rights to claim on mortgage loans, as well as an agreement trust management acquired claims.

6. This classic model has not found wide application in Russia due to the insufficient development of the refinancing mechanism and, in connection with this, the difficulties in the full functioning of the secondary mortgage market, on which the two-tier model of mortgage lending is based.

In addition to the classic mortgage loan in Ufa, a specific type of lending is common - a construction loan. Along with mandatory participants the borrower and the lender in this model there is a construction organization that builds housing for which the borrower has received a mortgage loan. In this case, the lender issuing construction and mortgage loans may be one credit institution, or two different specialized credit institutions. Separate lending completely separates the risks associated with construction and mortgage lending as legal collateral. The term of a construction loan is from 6 to 18 months.

A credit institution specializing in lending for housing construction lends to construction companies only when the latter receive a guaranteed obligation to provide a subsequent mortgage loan in mortgage bank to the borrower on the security of the already built part of the housing. The main thing in the implementation of such a model in Russia should be the legal and financial coherence of mortgage and construction loans, for which the entire necessary base has not yet been created. At present, the application of this model in its classical form is difficult, because it is necessary to develop a legal combination of construction lending schemes with the construction process itself.

Also, it should be noted that credit institutions can issue construction loans only to those organizations that have already established themselves in the investment and construction market. This circumstance significantly reduces the range of construction organizations borrowers.

Separately, it should be noted mortgage lending in the city of Ufa, individual housing construction using the offset of existing housing. This type of mortgage lending has many of the disadvantages listed above. However, to attract qualified people to rural areas, such a model of mortgage lending may become one of the most realistic models. It is through this model that trained professionals living in the city can move to the countryside and have decent housing, including for professional practice.

Currently, in Ufa, citizens are offered short-term and medium-term ways to purchase housing, for example, such as selling housing in installments.

1. The relationship "creditor-borrower" in this model is replaced by the relationship "seller-buyer", the first of which is a construction company.

2. The buyer has the opportunity to purchase housing at the minimum price set by the builder, without intermediary markups.

In this way, construction organizations solve the problems of ensuring the liquidity of built housing, and, accordingly, occupy a certain place in the construction market.

3. Own (down payment) and borrowed capital of the buyer, own and borrowed capital of the construction organization.

4. The amount for which the installment is provided is on average 30-50% of the cost of housing. Installment term - 1-2 years. In some cases, it is possible to offset existing housing.

5. For the buyer, selling by installments is attractive because third parties do not participate in the transaction.

The construction organization retains ownership of the housing for sale until the final settlement with the buyer.

6. This kind of short-term lending is available to a limited circle of people with average incomes, therefore, in rural areas, the widespread use of this model is difficult.

An insufficiently widespread, but noteworthy model is the management of the development of housing construction using leasing relations.

1. Leasing organization and lessee (citizen - user, and in the future the owner of housing).

2. At the end of the agreed term for the payment of lease payments, the lessee has the opportunity either to purchase housing or to resume lease payments with a tendency to decrease them.

3. Equity lessee.

4. The lessee undertakes to systematically transfer lease payments throughout the entire period in accordance with the agreement. When leasing housing, the period when the agreement cannot be terminated is usually from 15 to 20 years, but, as a rule, leasing agreements for the lessee provide for the possibility of an early purchase.

5. A leasing operation begins with the signing of an agreement between the leasing organization and the lessee.

It should be noted that the housing leasing model is little known in Russia, in particular in Ufa, is not sufficiently covered in the press, and the market for such services is underdeveloped in Russia, and therefore citizens prefer to participate in more well-known models of housing construction lending.

1.3 Regulatory framework for residential construction

Popular wisdom says that every man should plant a tree, raise a son and build a house. In modern society, any activity is regulated by law - and you can’t plant trees, how and where you want, and the state looks after the upbringing of children. Moreover, building a house is a process that requires compliance with a significant number of laws and regulations, including the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Individual housing construction is one of the types of permitted use of lands of the "land of settlements" category. This type of permitted use involves the construction of residential buildings, utility and other outbuildings on the land plot.

The concept of "individual housing construction" sharply limits the circle of subjects of the considered legal relations. So, on the part of construction customers, only individuals can act here. This provides additional opportunities for the wide application of consumer protection legislation. The purpose of legal relations is also important - the acquisition of housing for personal, family needs.

The listed features characterize individual housing construction as a type of housing construction and make it possible to distinguish the type under consideration. Speaking about the concept of "individual housing construction", it is worth noting that this is one of the components of the concept of "housing construction".

Objects of individual housing construction - detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for one family (clause 2 of article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation). Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation "of December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ (as amended on December 6, 2011)

On February 8, 2011, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1050 "On the Federal Target Program for 2011-2015" came into force. Along with the previously worked out subprograms (in the period from 2006 to 2010), the new target program"Housing" for 2011-2015 included additional areas of housing certain categories citizens, as well as programs to stimulate the construction industry.

The implementation of the Housing Program provides for the participation federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

At the federal level:

Formation of the legal and methodological base for the implementation of the state housing policy and reforms in the housing sector;

Provision of housing at the expense of the federal budget to certain categories of citizens determined by law;

Development of effective mechanisms for the use of federal budget funds to achieve the main goal and objectives of the Program;

Assistance in the implementation of demonstration projects for the implementation of the activities of the Program;

Organization and holding information work among the population;

Ensuring monitoring of transformations in the housing sector in order to analyze the situation, generalize positive experience;

Coordination of the activities of state customers and executors of the Program activities.

At the level of authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, the following is carried out:

Development of housing legislation and regulatory framework related to the implementation of federal legislation in the relevant territory;

Carrying out the transformations in the housing sector envisaged by the Program and the planned activities, taking into account local characteristics and best practices;

Provision of housing at the expense of the relevant budgets of citizens in need of better housing conditions, in in due course.

A characteristic feature of market relations in the field of real estate is the presence of a special legal framework governing relations related to real estate, and, most importantly, more significant than in other sectors market economy, the role of regional and municipal regulations.

Legislation in the field of real estate is a set of laws, other regulatory legal acts, through which the state establishes, changes or cancels the relevant legal norms. The Constitution of the Russian Federation resolves issues of competence of the Russian Federation and its subjects on housing and civil legislation. Thus, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, housing legislation is the subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Based on this, housing relations can be regulated both by acts of the Russian Federation and by acts of subjects of the Russian Federation. The specific delimitation of powers between the Russian Federation and its subjects in the housing sector can be determined by analyzing the legislation, agreements between Russia and the subjects of the Federation, and specific legal relations.

Moreover, the laws and other normative legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation cannot contradict federal laws. In the event of a conflict between a federal law and another act issued in the Russian Federation, the federal law(part 5 of article 76 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Housing Code (LC), other federal laws regulate housing relations, which, according to Art. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are the subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the LCD and federal laws simultaneously act as a legal framework on the basis of which laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are adopted. Based on the constitutional provisions, the legislation in the Russian Federation in the field of real estate is developing as a complex system in which the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws (for example, “On the Fundamentals of the Federal Housing Policy”, “On Privatization of the Housing Stock in the Russian Federation”) act as backbone laws, Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other acts.

Figure 1.3 shows the main legislative acts in the field of real estate, which are relevant both in real estate in general and in the construction industry that creates real estate.

Fig. 1.3 Main legislative acts in the field of real estate

At the same time, this legislation cannot be considered as a system of laws alone; other normative legal acts should also be included in the said legislation, which follows from Art. 76 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which not only federal laws, but also “adopted laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” are issued on the subjects of joint jurisdiction.

Thus, the composition of housing legislation, in addition to laws and other regulations, also includes laws and other regulatory legal acts that determine the competence of executive authorities - the government of the Russian Federation, ministries and other federal government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations in the field of management state and municipal housing and other funds, organizations for the operation and repair of housing stock, and others.


2.1 Analysis of housing construction in Ufa

housing construction finance

An analysis of the state of housing construction shows that over the past decade, the volume of expenditures in the housing sector and the commissioning of the total area of ​​residential buildings have been constantly decreasing, the provision of housing for the population has become significantly lower than the norm. Required Government program, which would help to promote the development of the construction sector at all levels of government. In particular, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, state authorities, first of all, focus on ensuring the necessary volume of supply of residential real estate.

Therefore, various social housing programs have been developed for residents of all regions. The federal program "Providing housing for young families" and the Republican target program "Promoting the development of housing construction in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2011-2015" were developed. The main goal of this Republican target program is to stimulate the development of housing construction in the republic, to increase the level of housing affordability for a wider population. The total amount of funds attracted for the implementation of the program is 457,444.30 million rubles, including: funds from the budget of the Russian Federation - 3,974.20 million rubles, funds from the budget of the Republic of Bashkortostan - 36,572.60 million rubles, funds local budgets- 2,162.10 million rubles; extra-budgetary sources - 414,735.40 million rubles, including: funds from the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending - 13,135.50 million rubles, funds from the Housing and Utilities Reform Assistance Fund - 2,198.70 million rubles, funds from the population and credit resources - RUB 69,193.04 million

Planned commissioning of housing in the Republic of Bashkortostan: 2011 - 2,100 thousand m2, 2012 - 2,310 thousand m2, 2013 - 2,650 thousand m2, 2014 - 2,950 thousand m2, 2015 - 3,700 thousand m2 with the prospect of increasing the annual volume of housing commissioning by 2020 to 5,200 thousand m2.

The total amount of housing stock in the Republic of Bashkortostan as of January 1, 2010 is 85,783.8 thousand m2, including: 50,269.0 thousand m2 - in cities and urban-type settlements; 35,514.8 thousand m2 - in rural areas.

In 2008, 27.9 thousand apartments with a total area of ​​2 million 351 thousand m2 were built in the Republic of Bashkortostan. This is the largest volume in the last 19 years. In 2009, the indicator of housing commissioning was at the level of 2008. According to this indicator, the Republic of Bashkortostan is in fifth place in the Russian Federation and in first place in the Volga Federal District.

Consider the patterns of formation of the market value of housing. The cost of housing mainly depends on the ratio of supply and demand in this market. Persons with incomes above average are able to finance the purchase of an apartment at their own expense in order to improve their living conditions. But low-income people also need better housing, and often the problem is very acute. Accordingly, for people with low incomes, in the future, a segment of social housing, regulated by the state, should be formed.

In developed foreign countries most promising direction solution to the housing problem is lending to citizens. First of all, this is mortgage lending, which involves the issuance of a long-term loan secured by real estate. In the Russian Federation, growth in mortgage lending is constrained by factors such as high interest rates and low wages. The problem is aggravated by the fact that at this stage of development, the growth of wages is accompanied by an increase in the cost of construction, and housing prices are rising accordingly.

Average prices in the primary and secondary housing market are calculated on the basis of registered prices for newly built apartments and for owned apartments, apartments of privatized housing stock, if they are objects of market transactions. When registering prices for apartments, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, as well as the area of ​​their location in the city, are taken into account. The weights are data on the commissioning of apartments for the previous year and the number of urban resident population at the beginning of the reporting year.

The statistics of average prices in the Republic of Bashkortostan in the housing market for 1 m2 of the total area demonstrates an increase in prices in the housing market (see Table 2.1). In our opinion, the rise in housing prices was primarily affected by the rise in prices for land. Land prices are 30-40% of the cost of housing.

The average price of an apartment in the secondary market is higher than the average price of an apartment in the primary market: 39,063.87 rubles. for 1 m2 and 36,810.5 rubles. per 1 m2, respectively. This is because primary housing requires significant investment before it becomes habitable. At the same time, not all objects of the primary housing market are covered by mortgage schemes, since the risks of buying an unfinished object increase. In the secondary housing market, the risk of losing money is much lower, and mortgage schemes are extended to apartments in the secondary housing market with almost no restrictions. As a result, this also affects the fact that secondary housing is more expensive than primary. In this regard, housing on the secondary market is inaccessible for a significant part of the population.

Table 2.1

Average prices in the housing market in the Republic of Bashkortostan per 1 m2 of total area, rub., (IV quarter)

To solve the problem of lower housing prices, it is necessary not only to provide financial state support, but also to reduce the cost of a land plot for housing. For example, the city of Ufa is characterized by very high prices for a land plot for the construction of a residential building, but it is quite obvious that land plots for the construction of a residential building should be available.

In addition, in order to obtain a land plot for construction, it is necessary to pass a tender and first perform a significant set of works. This is a long process, it requires significant expenditures from local budgets. It seems to us that for the speedy and effective solution of the problem of housing as the most important social program land plots for the construction of residential buildings should be provided free of charge (we emphasize that this should only apply to land intended for housing construction).

The provision of a free land plot will reduce the cost of construction and, consequently, the price of housing. This, in turn, will speed up the process of selling housing, which means it will reduce losses from the “freezing” of capital investments.

The types of development and parameters of the urban environment in the areas of promising housing construction in Ufa will change depending on the needs of different social groups of the population. At the same time, it cannot be unequivocally determined that the wealthiest citizens will choose the central districts of Ufa for living, and the less wealthy - the periphery.

2.2 Housing development fund - a source of urban housing improvement

Housing development funds create the necessary conditions for providing citizens with housing using long-term lending mechanisms, develop competition between construction contractors, use the most efficient housing construction projects that take into account national traditions and natural and climatic conditions.

The search and development of financial and credit mechanisms for the implementation of housing construction are considered the basis for the functioning of the development fund, and the condition for functioning is the attraction of extrabudgetary sources of financing.

Legal regulation activities of the fund must be carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the federal law of the Russian Federation "On non-profit organizations”, the charter of the region, the charters of the municipalities of the region, the charter of the fund and other regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the region.

Similar funds have been created in many regions of Russia, but the Belgorod region should be considered the founder. In 1993, the administration of the Belgorod region developed a housing construction lending model for rural residents. Along with the borrower, the main participant in this model is the Fund for the Development of Housing Construction and Social Investments, which in its organizational and legal form is a state unitary enterprise.

With this model, borrowers have the opportunity to repay a mortgage loan and interest on it not only with money, but also with agricultural products, with their subsequent sale through the fund's trading network. The proportions of payment are determined by the borrowers themselves.

Thus, citizens who are successfully engaged in agricultural work, but do not have the money to purchase residential real estate, get a chance to improve their living conditions.

Borrowers pay off the fund three years after applying for a loan. For borrowers - specialists in the field of socially significant professions, large families, as well as for those who independently carry out construction, benefits of up to 50% of the loan debt are provided.

The solvency of the borrower is assessed by the "agricultural potential" of rural residents, i.e. on the performance of their subsidiary farming. For example, for a mortgage loan for a 3-storey residential building with a set of all public services with an area of ​​150-200 m2, the borrower must supply the region as a whole with 10-15 tons of beef, or 40-50 tons of potatoes, or other products at a future price, regardless of what she will be.

Along with the loan, a phased issuance to rural residents is possible building materials for housing construction (their cost is repaid within 5 years).

Positive changes in the economy and strengthening financial position enterprises and organizations had a positive impact on the housing construction market.

In 2011, the total area of ​​housing, introduced on the territory of the republic by enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, as well as at the expense of the population's own funds, amounted to 2.1 million square meters. m, or 105.1% compared to 2010. Based on 1000 inhabitants of the republic, 518 sq. m. m of the total area of ​​residential buildings (Fig. 2.1.)

In terms of housing commissioned in 2011, among the regions of the Volga Federal District, the republic is in 2nd place (after the Republic of Tatarstan), in terms of commissioning of residential buildings per 1,000 people - in 3rd place, after the Chuvash Republic and the Republic of Tatarstan.

Rice. 2.1 Dynamics of commissioning of residential buildings

Within the framework of the republican target program "Promoting the development of housing construction in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2011-2015", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated December 16, 2011 No. 476, in 2012 it is planned to commission housing in the amount of 2310 thousand square meters. m.

The main volume of housing commissioned in the republic falls on individual housing construction. Individual developers at their own expense and with the help of loans built 13.9 thousand of their own residential buildings with a total area of ​​1546.3 thousand square meters. m, which is 106.4% compared to last year. In terms of the volume of housing commissioned by individual developers, among the regions of the Russian Federation, the republic ranks third after the Moscow Region and the Krasnodar Territory.

Enterprises and organizations of the republic commissioned 563.0 thousand square meters. m of housing, or 101.8% compared to 2010, of which more than 90% are multi-storey apartment buildings.

Issued volume individuals mortgage loans as of December 1, 2011 amounted to 13.2 billion rubles, which is 2.4 times higher than in 2010. At the same time, the weighted average interest rate on ruble-denominated mortgage loans from December 1, 2010 decreased by 1.5 percentage points and as of December 1, 2011 amounted to 12.0%. The Republic of Bashkortostan ranks third in the Volga Federal District in terms of the volume of granted mortgage loans.

In 2011, the implementation of mortgage lending activities aimed at purchasing economy-class housing by citizens in need of improved housing conditions was carried out. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated April 18, 2011 No. 111 "On subsidizing from the budget of the Republic of Bashkortostan part of the cost of paying interest on loans received in 2011 by citizens in credit institutions for the purchase of economy-class housing from developers" approved the procedure for subsidizing three percent of the mortgage lending rate.

The total amount of funds allocated for the resettlement of 2,367 citizens from dilapidated housing is 1,164.0 million rubles.

As part of the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated July 20, 2007 No. 200 "On the provision of living quarters for orphans and children left without parental care" (with subsequent amendments) to improve the living conditions of children from orphanages and boarding schools from the federal budget and 369.85 million rubles were allocated from the budget of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In 2011, 430 people took advantage of this type of state support.

As part of the implementation of the republican target program "Social Development of the Village in the Republic of Bashkortostan until 2013", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated June 11, 2003 No. 141 (with subsequent changes), in 2011, 660 families received subsidies for improving housing conditions, which 189 families more than in 2010. For these purposes, 295.6 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget, and 438.1 million rubles from the budget of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Despite the high rates of housing construction, in recent years, the provision of housing on average per inhabitant of the republic remains low. According to preliminary data for 2011, this figure amounted to 22.0 square meters. m.

Thus, the regional fund for the development of housing construction, using the accumulated experience, functions on the basis of the current legislation and is a single regional center for solving problems in the field of housing construction for various categories of citizens. As a rule, housing construction financing schemes with the participation of the fund involve the use of preferential mechanisms, which allows solving the accompanying problems of economic and social development.

The Housing Development Fund is a structure intended for citizens who want to improve their living conditions, but do not have the means to do so.


3.1 Prospects for the development of housing construction in Ufa

One of the main elements of the normal life of the population in any socio-economic system is housing and its communal amenities.

According to the UN standard for minimum living conditions, each person must have at least 30 sq.m. total area, and the number of rooms should be one more than the number of residents in it.

The level of satisfaction of housing needs has qualitatively different levels, and which of them the country is currently at determines the specific content of the housing problem, indicating the next landmark to which one should go on an endless path to solving it.

The situation in Russia corresponds to a significant absolute shortage of housing. Now there are 351 apartments per 1,000 Russians, while at least 385 are needed.

According to a survey of residents of the city of Ufa on the preference for choosing houses, the following data were obtained. Only 12% named high-rise buildings as desirable. At the same time, 56% of respondents name low houses.

Fig. 3.1 The structure of consumer preferences by the number of storeys of the house

Thus, the citizens of the city of Ufa prefer to live in low buildings. High-rise housing is much more expensive to operate. In a high-rise building, it is necessary to significantly increase the power of pumps that provide heating and water supply. In addition, a high-rise building requires a huge number of parking spaces. The construction of a high-rise facility, among other things, requires careful marketing study. All these aspects seriously complicate the construction process and lead to an increase in the cost of operation. Therefore, in the future it is necessary to build low-rise buildings. At the same time, in new construction, it is necessary to take into account places for playgrounds, benches, planting green spaces and places for shelter from the sun.

Currently, in cities, a large number of residential buildings require additional investment for repairs and reconstruction. This is due to the fact that in the construction of houses cheap building materials are used, which have a short shelf life.

For example, in the dormitory of UGAES last summer, a major overhaul was carried out in the shower rooms. Two months later, the building tiles came off, the ceiling cracked, the pipes began to leak, water flows from the upper floors. All this suggests that cheap labor and raw materials were used in the construction work.

The foundation is the most basic element of the future home, it must be of high quality. As well as a guarantee of quality - these are qualified builders with many years of experience, providing high quality and reliability. There is no need to save and hire cheap and inexperienced builders, saving on construction, you can lose more if the house warps or cracks begin to appear.

Thus, I propose to use expensive, high-quality raw materials in the construction of residential premises. And you also need to take a responsible attitude to the choice of workers, it will be better and more reliable if the construction work is controlled. The presence of the controller will force the builders to do their job better.

In modern housing construction, I was interested in the idea of ​​round houses. Who said houses have to be square or rectangular? Round dwellings, for example, are much more economical and ergonomic. The design of such a building is more resistant to wind, snow and seismic loads than conventional houses. Due to the smallest area of ​​the outer surface of the round structure, it is possible to save materials, and hence the funds for its construction.

Figure 3.2 shows a round house located in Moscow. There are two such houses in the capital.

Rice. 3.2 Round house in Moscow

I believe that in the future it is necessary to build round houses. Simplicity and comfort, compactness and cosiness, rational use of space and practicality are the distinctive features of the unique round house project. Unconventional forms of buildings make it possible to use every square meter of housing with benefit.

I propose to build a large playground inside the round house. Firstly, the children will be protected from the sun, and secondly, parents will not have to worry that their child will run out onto the road, since access to the outside of the house will be through the entrances. And behind the house you can build a parking lot. In addition, children will not breathe exhaust fumes. And also in the project of this house, it is necessary to take into account places for planting green spaces and places intended for drying clothes. In many cities, it is forbidden to dry clothes on balconies overlooking the avenue and main streets.

A round house is a good idea for building modern housing. Indeed, in Ufa there is already one round house, but not quite what I propose. It is located in the Chernikovka microdistrict. It is considered a local attraction, visitors are told about it. According to the reviews of those who were inside, the layout of the apartments there is far from perfect (Fig. 3.3).

Fig. 3.3 Round house in Ufa

If you build a ring-shaped house in Ufa and add what was suggested above, I think the house will only make a good impression on people. And perhaps in the future the construction of round houses will be prestigious.


In recent years, the construction industry has become one of the most important driving forces behind the economic recovery. Russian economy, the volume and growth rate of which significantly stimulated the development of other sectors of the economy. In this sphere of material production, a significant amount of funds is concentrated, on the speed of turnover of which the efficiency of the entire economy depends. The qualitative characteristics of the objects being created and their compliance with international standards are a prerequisite for further progressive development and achieved level the welfare of the population. In a crisis period, the value of these indicators increases significantly.

Thus, the need for housing as an objectively necessary condition for maintaining the life of each person is called housing need. The degree of its satisfaction characterizes the housing issue, the essence of which lies in the lack of comfortable housing for a significant part of the population - poor or insufficiently well-to-do citizens, for whom full-fledged housing is not available due to their high cost.

In our country, the housing issue has always been particularly acute. With the transition to market relations, it can be considered permitted for the wealthiest strata of society, but not for the main part of the population. People's demands for housing are also constantly increasing: now most of them are counting on acquiring a separate comfortable apartment or their own house, not being satisfied, as it was several decades ago, with a free room in a multi-occupied (communal) apartment or even a place in a hostel from the state.

The key to solving the national housing problem must be sought. It is technological innovations that can provide a reduction in the cost of housing construction and its further operation, reduce construction time, improve the quality and comfort of living.


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Tyumen State University

Low-rise construction in Russia: problems and prospects

Ivanov Pavel Kirillovich

Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Theory


The article discusses the main trends and features of the development of low-rise construction in Russia. It is emphasized that land mortgage is the most effective mechanism for stimulating demand for low-rise housing in modern conditions. economic crisis.

Keywords: housing, land mortgage, low-rise construction

The share of sales of low-rise housing in the total volume of the Russian real estate market has increased over the past few years. At the same time, the number of investors and customers interested in the development of low-rise construction is growing every year. The development of low-rise housing construction is one of the promising forms of solving an important socio-economic task facing the state, to provide the population with affordable, comfortable and environmentally friendly housing.

In the modern construction market, there is the following typology of low-rise housing:

  • · cottages and estates - individual buildings up to three floors;
  • townhouses - houses with a small plot of land for two or three owners;
  • multi-section houses from three to four floors high.

Currently, individual and multi-section houses are in the greatest demand. The market for townhouses in the country is still developing. In the total volume of housing construction in Russia, low-rise housing construction accounts for 52%. Back in 2007, Dmitry Medvedev set a task for the Government to increase the share of low-rise construction in the total volume of housing construction to 65-70% by 2015-2020, i.e., it is necessary to build either up to 1 million. individual houses annually, or up to 150 million square meters per year.

It should be noted that in St. Petersburg the development of low-rise construction is not so popular, especially among investors. Low-rise housing is interesting for the residents themselves, who want to live away from the bustle of the city, annoying and noisy neighbors. Basically, at present, projects of medium height, from 5 to 9 floors, are being developed in St. Petersburg.

Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing a number of incentive measures for the development of mass low-rise housing construction. For example, land mortgage standards have been approved and submitted to the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, which is the most effective mechanism for stimulating demand for housing in a crisis. Land mortgage in the case of low-rise construction implies a staged issuance of funds. First, the developer is given an amount for engineering survey, preparatory work on the site and the construction of the foundation (on the security of the land). After that, the site is re-evaluated, and the developer receives another amount for further construction under a more liquid collateral. All this allows the developer to receive timely and full financing required at a particular stage of development, and the bank, in turn, to reduce its risks.

It is this phased financing that is very relevant in the context of the economic crisis. For example, during the crisis in 2008, the share of low-rise construction in the total volume of commissioned residential buildings increased by almost 5%. In addition to phased funding, this was also influenced by the fact that low-rise development projects are able to respond flexibly to market conditions. With low prices for building materials, low-rise construction is one of the better ways savings. Of course, it is very difficult to build economy-class houses in low-rise construction, but one of the main requirements is that a mortgage must be issued for the construction of low-rise economy-class houses. At the same time, the cost of the house, taking into account the valuation of the land and the cost of infrastructure, should not exceed 5 million rubles.

There are a number of problems in the development of low-rise construction in Russia:

  • lack of engineering infrastructure;
  • less benefits for investors;
  • · lack of zoning of territories, i.е. places where it would be forbidden by law to build houses higher than three or four floors;
  • Difficulties in choosing a place for building (if you build near the city, traffic jams cannot be avoided, and if it is far away, there are difficulties with jobs);
  • monopolization of the construction market.

And another of the difficulties, some experts call insufficient support from the state.

In the current conditions of the economic crisis, it is possible that buying not an apartment, but your own plot with a house will be much more profitable, since if you own your own plot, you can build a small house on your own or with the involvement of a contractor, and in the future - increase living space. The only disadvantage in building your own house in the conditions of ruble instability is the growing cost of materials. However, alternative materials can always be found on the market or the latest construction methods can be used. However, the cost of materials is only one way to reduce the cost of housing construction. It is important to note that the desire to minimize costs does not mean saving on product quality, but helps to find the optimal ratio of income and production costs.

low-rise construction mortgage real estate

Bibliographic list

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  • 2. Construction in Russia. 2013 [Electronic resource]. URL:http//
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The importance of individual housing construction is undeniable. This type of construction serves to satisfy the needs of citizens and their families for housing, while the state promotes the individual construction of houses by providing land plots.

As an object of individual housing construction, it is customary to consider detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for residence and individual use of a citizen and his family member.

Individual housing construction consists of two stages:

1) obtaining a land plot for individual housing construction

2) construction of an object of individual housing construction.

1. Land plots for housing construction from lands that are in state or municipal ownership are provided for ownership or for rent.

The legislation singles out a category of people who have preferential rights to a land plot for individual housing construction. So the Federal Law "On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation" provides for a rule on the right of disabled people and families with disabled people to receive land plots for individual housing construction, maintenance of subsidiary and summer cottages and gardening as a matter of priority.

In addition, the law of the Russian Federation "On the status of Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory" provides for the free provision of land plots for this category of citizens.

2. Before starting the construction of an object, it is necessary to obtain a building permit. However, cases of unauthorized construction of residential buildings are very common. Sooner or later, a dispute arises from this, because the time comes when it is necessary to recognize the right to an unauthorized construction.

The most common violation is construction without a proper permit. But the situation is fixable, because in accordance with Article 222 Civil Code The Russian Federation is allowed to recognize the right of ownership to an unauthorized structure, provided that the person who carried out the construction is allocated a land plot under the erected structure in accordance with the established procedure. After all, individual housing construction is carried out in order to provide living space for those citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, are provided with a land plot for building a house.

In addition, a simplified procedure for registering objects of individual housing construction is currently established.

According to Article 25.3 of the Federal Law "On state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it” the grounds for state registration of ownership of an object of individual housing construction are: documents confirming the fact of the creation of such an object and a document of title to a land plot.

Documents confirming the fact of creation of an individual housing construction object are the cadastral passport of such an object and permission to put the object into operation.

Until March 01, 2015, the cadastral passport of an individual housing construction object is the only document confirming the fact of the creation of such an individual housing construction object on the specified land plot and containing its description. Accordingly, it will be enough for you to submit to the registration authority the cadastral passport of the individual housing construction object and title documents for the land plot.



Housing construction is one of the most dynamically developing segments of the real estate market and carries a special social burden. The provision of housing and its affordability for the population directly affect the standard of living, affect the birth rate and population growth rates, and affect its economic culture, since the purchase of housing requires a significant amount of money, and the moment of purchase is usually preceded by a long period of accumulation. A mass housing market is necessary both for solving social problems and for the development of the economy as a whole.

Acquisition of own housing is a primary need for every family: without meeting this need, it is impossible to talk about any social priorities of society.

Based on this, the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to decent housing is considered as the most important socio-political and economic problem. The overall scale and pace of housing construction, the real well-being of people, their moral and physical well-being, to a large extent depend on the choice of certain approaches to solving this problem. political assessments and motivation for behavior.

Before the transition to market relations, the main sources of replenishment of the country's housing stock were state housing construction and housing construction by enterprises and organizations, cooperative and individual construction played a supporting role. In terms of reduction budget financing construction and provision of housing to the population, the main source of funds for the purchase of housing are own funds population, as well as bank loans, as is the case in most economically developed countries of the world.

In order to increase the volume of housing construction, it is necessary to work on reducing the cost of facilities and reducing the construction time.

Housing construction trends in our country depend both on the state and developers, as well as on manufacturers of building materials. Achieving the required volume of housing construction
This development is possible only if the interests of all market players are realized. At the same time, the creation of new building materials and the introduction of innovative technologies play an important role, which help to reduce the cost of construction, and, therefore, increase the number of construction sites.

In this paper, I would like to consider housing construction in Russia from the standpoint of the problems and prospects for its development, focusing on the social component, that is, the availability of housing for the population. Since the main problem of construction in Russia, in my opinion, is the inability to provide housing for the bulk of the population. I will try to identify some of the reasons for this state of affairs and consider the possibilities for the development of the market.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of housing construction.

1.1 Concept and legal bases of housing construction.

The housing sector is a complex system of creation, operation and replacement of the housing stock and includes part of the production sector (construction, repair, reconstruction and modernization, demolition of housing stock).

Housing construction is a complex interrelated structure that includes a set of mechanisms for the redistribution of housing stock objects and the housing services they create, based on a combination of interests of all its participants and competition for efficient land use. Housing services are within the scope of the current functioning of the housing stock and are determined by the set that each housing unit of the housing stock can produce. The operation of the housing stock is not only a source of satisfaction of a person's need for housing, but also a source of income for its owners. Ultimately, for the population and economic entities operating in the housing market, the housing stock is valuable not just as such, but as an object that generates income.

The state of the housing market depends on the state of such variables as supply and demand.

The housing real estate market is localized, as its objects are immovable and connected to the land. All plots of land within settlements are differentiated.

Housing is a durable commodity, therefore, it needs long-term maintenance and care. The nature and quality of this maintenance affect the degree of deterioration of housing stock. The homeowner can control the duration and degree of deterioration of housing by spending money on its maintenance and restoration, maintenance. All these features have a direct impact on the processes taking place in the housing sector, determining the nature of the demand for housing.

Demand for residential construction projects is the amount of housing that consumers want to purchase, i.e. depends on their quantity and individual characteristics of demand, determined by financial capabilities, the cost of housing, the cost of other goods and services, profitability, and individual preferences. The demand for housing is inversely proportional to prices and directly proportional to the level of income, and in the short term is quite elastic with respect to prices.

Housing supply limits the demand function. It represents the amount of housing that a consumer can purchase on the market at the prevailing price level. The factors influencing the supply of housing are the level of gross investment in construction, maintenance of the housing stock and the rate of its depreciation (retirement). Gross investment are divided into new construction, reconstruction and repair of existing housing stock. Net investment represent the difference between gross investment in housing and the level of its losses (depreciation, disposal). Only a small amount of new housing enters the housing market every year, and the basis of the housing stock is old housing, in which the majority of the population lives, so changes in prices for housing stock only change the supply of housing in the long term.

The increase in the cost of maintenance, renovation and modernization of housing leads to an increase in its value. Rising prices in the housing market make profitable the costs of its maintenance and new construction. At low prices housing often becomes unprofitable to maintain housing, the degree and speed of its deterioration increase. There is no net investment if the level of prevailing housing prices equals the cost of construction costs.

The mechanism of functioning of housing construction is determined by the dependence of its main parameters, such as the cost of housing services (expressed in terms of rent, rent), price, housing construction volumes and the available housing stock, formed under the influence of supply and demand factors.

The formation of housing supply is associated primarily with the volume and quality of available housing (available housing stock and its condition) and the capital market (the level of capitalization of real estate), which determines housing prices and volumes of its production. At the same time, the supply of housing is dictated by the needs of the population in housing and the level of income received from the use of real estate by its owners. The need of the population for housing is determined, first of all, by demographic, general economic conditions, as well as the level of accumulation of its income. Construction, subject to the internal connections of the system, is itself an element of the housing sector.

An external factor influencing the behavior of the system may be the level of return on investment. With an increase in the profitability of investments in other sectors of the economy, income from the housing stock becomes less attractive for investors and vice versa. And the behavior of investors is influenced by changes in the state tax policy in relation to real estate, the risks of investing in housing. The expansion of demand for housing as an object of ownership is facilitated by a decrease interest rate on long-term loans, and vice versa, an increase in this rate leads to a narrowing of demand for housing stock and a drop in construction volumes. An increase in demand for housing as an object leads to an increase in housing prices, an increase in construction and housing stock.

Another external factor influencing the state of the housing sector is the change in the conditions of housing construction. Limited affordability and high rates on long-term construction loans lead to higher construction costs and lower construction volumes, with falling profit margins. Increases construction costs and reduces project profitability by tightening local building zoning regulations. Construction volumes are also influenced by land use factors, restrictions and price increases for land plots for the construction of residential facilities. Reducing the volume of construction, in the end. It leads to a decrease in the supply of housing, which is expressed in an increase in prices for it.

Thus, various external factors can cause changes in both individual and several variables of the system of elements of the housing sector at the same time. It should be noted that macroeconomic changes cause a shift in a number of parameters at once.

1.2 Development housing sector of the Russian Federation.

The socio-economic transformations taking place in the Russian Federation have radically changed approaches to solving the housing problem, the economic and organizational foundations of housing and communal services. Long-term efforts to form the legal and economic conditions for the transition to market methods of regulation, as well as the political will of the country's leadership, have yielded certain results.

Ensuring the right to housing, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, requires a purposeful outstripping sustainable development of the housing sector. Of great importance for the development of the construction and housing and communal complex was the adoption and improvement of the legislative and regulatory framework, as well as the launch of the National Project "Affordable and Comfortable Housing for Russian Citizens". The development of a market environment in the housing and communal sectors is objectively confirmed by the arrival of large private business in this sector of the economy, significant extra-budgetary investments.

At present, a number of problems associated with the peculiarities of the reform period in this socially significant sector are becoming more and more evident. Problems in the development of the housing sector increase infrastructural restrictions, pose a threat of slowing down social development and the formation of a single economic space. Their early resolution becomes especially important in the context of the transition national economy into a phase of sustainable growth.

Against the backdrop of growing demand for housing and its even more significant increase in the forecast perspective, a number of unresolved internal problems remain in the housing sector as a whole and in its individual sub-sectors.

The planned intensive growth of housing construction places increased demands on the building materials industry, whose enterprises are almost entirely located in private property and not in all cases are financially and physically ready to ensure such a rapid increase in the production of building materials in a short time. In general, the existing production capacity industry will still allow it to develop in the next 2-3 years, but based on the current state of production and the forecast of consumption of certain types of building materials for the period up to 2010, experts conclude that without state support, the construction industry will face a deficit in almost all major types of building materials.

Construction in the Russian Federation is developing intensively, but supply still lags behind demand many times over. This leads to a significant increase in prices, "washing out" of cheap housing available to low-income families. Increasing housing affordability for the middle class has been accompanied by a decline for a much larger proportion of the population with low incomes. With the beginning of market reforms, the removal of legal restrictions and the emergence of legal alternative ways to solve the housing problem led to a reduction in the number of families on the waiting list for improving housing conditions from 9.96 million families in 1990 to 3.37 million families in 2005. The main reason is the distrust of citizens in the ability of the state to quickly solve their housing problem. The possibility of free privatization of the housing stock has led to an increase in the share of private (individual) housing stock from 30% (mainly in rural areas) to 77.9%. In 2005, the private housing stock amounted to more than 2 billion 275 million square meters. meters of total floor space.

The housing and communal services sector, which has been under reform for the past 15 years, remains the most backward sector of the economy in many regions. The housing and communal complex accounts for a quarter of all fixed assets of the Russian Federation, so its inertia is great. It is necessary to activate systemic transformations to ensure comfortable living conditions for citizens and remove social, demographic and economic problems in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Thus, over the past period, there have been significant changes in the framework of the reform of the construction industry and housing and communal services: tariffs have approached the real cost of services, the basis of contractual relations has been formed, housing and communal services enterprises are corporatized. There is a search for a rational combination of market and administrative methods, a compromise between social justice and economic expediency.

The provisions of the Long-Term Strategy for Housing Construction of the Russian Federation are the basis for a common understanding of the role of housing construction and the prospects for its development by state authorities, executive and legislative authorities of various levels, business entities of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms, owners and tenants of housing.

Chapter 2 The current state of the housing problem in Russia.

2.1. Housing construction as a state priority.

The Russian system of housing financing in the pre-reform period corresponded to the ongoing housing policy and consisted in the centralized distribution of budgetary resources for the construction of public housing and its free provision to citizens standing in line for improving housing conditions.

During the period 2000-2007, there have been major changes in housing finance. The influence of market methods of housing construction on the formation of the housing market is shown in Table 1 (Appendix 1).

As can be seen from the data given in Table 4, the initial stage of market relations did not ensure an improvement in the housing sector, but, on the contrary, greatly intensified the crisis. Thus, the volume of commissioning of new housing decreased in 2007. compared to 2000 almost doubled, which immediately led to a noticeable deterioration in the construction sector, the unprofitability of many construction companies. With an average housing supply of 18.8 m 2 / person. (the value of this indicator is close to countries with average incomes of the population) in a number of regions this indicator ranges from 8.7 to 15.9 m 2 / person. This state of affairs remained virtually unchanged in 2007.

However, in 2006 in a number of regions there has been a radical change in the previously existing trend of a constant decrease in the volume of new housing construction. In addition, for the first time in the years of reforms in the construction industry, the decline in investment in fixed capital and contract work has been suspended.

Commissioning of housing exceeded the level of 2007. in 43 subjects of the Federation. The largest volumes of housing construction were observed in Samara (478 thousand m 2), Belgorod (785 thousand m 2) regions, St. Petersburg (1.1 million m 2), Bashkortostan (1.5 million m 2) and of course in Moscow (3.4 million m 2) and the Moscow region (2.7 million m 2). However, along with this, in many regions, housing commissioning not only does not grow, but also decreases. This applies, for example, to the republics of Karachay-Cherkess (62%) and Mari El (63%), Udmurt (88%), Chita (62%) regions. A similar situation is typical for the Novosibirsk region, where the rate of housing commissioning in 1999 amounted to 54% of the same in 1998.

Insufficient funding from the federal budget has led to the fact that out of the production and social facilities planned for commissioning, construction has not been carried out at every fourth, and the technical readiness of most of these construction projects does not exceed 50%.

This year it is planned to attract investments in the construction industry in the amount of 685-700 billion rubles. Wherein public funds provided in the amount of 13.3 billion rubles. It is assumed that housing construction in the country as a whole will increase by at least 1 million m2 this year

However, despite the growth trend in housing construction that emerged last year in a number of regions, the structure and quality of housing in the general mass continue to be low. So, in most cases, newly commissioned housing is built on the basis of technical and architectural and planning solutions that developed in the 70-80s and are largely obsolete. In addition, obsolete technologies, materials are used in the construction and operation of housing, and they are energy- and materials. This is especially true of housing intended to be provided to low-income and socially unprotected segments of the population free of charge or through partial payment.

The upward trend in construction costs is becoming dangerous, making newly constructed housing less and less affordable for the population and causing a reduction in demand, and hence, production volume. Ultimately, this creates a systemic crisis, in which there is a steady contraction in demand for housing and a drop in production, which has noticeably increased in the context of the deterioration of the macroeconomic situation and another sharp drop in the living standards of the population after the well-known decisions in August 1998.

The current problematic situation in the economy seriously worsens the situation of the population, and entrepreneurs, and financiers, and the state.

The task of fully providing the population with housing has been relevant at all times. The general dynamics of solving the housing problem is determined by the unity of manifestation of the general state, collective and personal interest in this area. The state has already made a fairly large number of attempts to solve this problem.

Currently, there is a low efficiency of the activities of management structures housing stock, however, homeowners, i.e. apartment owners do not seek to form associations of homeowners in the houses where they live, in order to improve the condition of houses and reduce their operating costs, while at the same time reducing their own costs for housing and communal services.

Due to the fact that the owner bears the burden of maintaining the property, he is responsible for the risks associated with the deterioration of its use (maintenance), accidental loss or accidental damage, since there are no persons who can be held responsible for the realization (onset) of such risks, having a random character (Article 211 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Risk - it is the degree or magnitude of the expected danger. The uncertainty of its implementation (offensive) gives the named obligation of the owner a special significance. However, the system of preferential housing insurance currently being introduced in Moscow, which has a pronounced social character (the owner of the apartment pays, in fact, a very modest fee for the provided insurance coverage), progresses with great difficulty.

Along with the development of the housing market, fundamental changes have taken place in the structure of sources of financing for housing construction. The main sources of financing for housing construction have become extra-budgetary funds in combination with various forms of state support for citizens and legal entities participating in the financing of housing construction. The share of budgetary funds in housing commissioning, which reached 80% before the start of the economic reform, decreased to approximately 26%, including the share of federal budget funds to 15%. Data on years on changes in the structure of commissioning of the total area of ​​residential buildings by sources of financing are given in Table 2 (Appendix 2).

The change in the ratio of funding sources not only did not reduce the acuteness of the housing problem, but also led to its further increase. In particular, the problem of underestimating the importance of the social orientation of the housing reform has become even more obvious. To solve it, it was necessary to develop additional measures of state support for certain social groups of the population, primarily poor citizens, young and large families, as well as military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service in the reserve or retirement, persons who have worked for a long time in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, forced migrants, citizens affected by accidents and natural disasters. A number of developed and approved federal targeted programs were aimed at solving these problems.

The results of the implementation of the main federal programs indicate that the implementation of the state housing policy in the medium and long term should be built not only on the basis of intentions alone, even the best ones, to solve protracted problems with providing housing for citizens of the Russian Federation, but also taking into account the existing real opportunities, primarily the financing system .

The objective need to increase the volume of housing construction and the quality of housing being built is also due to the actual situation regarding the general state of the housing stock in Russia.


housing construction has been adopted by the country's leadership as a priority direction of economic policy until 2010. However, the project of providing affordable housing for all segments of Russian citizens has not yet become practical.

In 2005, 43.6 million sq. m. m. of housing (Table 3), which is 6.3% more than in 2004, 515 thousand apartments were built with an average total area of ​​84.5 sq. m. The rate of growth in the volume of commissioning of residential facilities slowed down by half compared to the previous year and amounted to 6.3% compared to 12.6% (Fig. 3). This was the result of the influence of a combination of factors, mainly limiting the volume of supply of new residential facilities.

2.2 Prospects for the development of housing construction in Russia

Today in our country the depreciation of the housing stock is approximately 70%. Therefore, for the next five to seven years, the prospects for the construction business in Russia seem to be the most optimistic. But more and more participants in the construction business predict the imminent filling of the residential real estate market. They draw conclusions: the demand for apartments will fall, or square meters of housing will fall sharply in price.

For example, in large regional cities of Russia, the construction business is already beginning to abandon investment in housing construction, preferring to build commercial space. The reason is too active pace of housing construction. If the construction business in a million-plus city reaches the bar for commissioning 1 million square meters. m. of housing per year, then in a few years, despite the large fund of dilapidated housing in the city, the residential real estate market here will be filled. The majority of Russian residents do not have the opportunity to independently purchase housing - the reason for this is the constant dynamic growth in real estate prices (in the absence of the same growth rates of household incomes).

Despite a number of problems hindering the construction of residential buildings, the construction business continues to develop. One of the main obstacles to the construction business is the land issue: with the growth in housing construction, there are fewer and fewer plots on which construction is possible. As a rule, the centers of large cities are already built up, the plots are sold out. Participants in the construction business are left to be content with pieces of land on the outskirts, without the appropriate engineering infrastructure. Summing up communications, in turn, affects the cost per square meter of housing being built

The law also recently limits the opportunities for participants in the construction business. As a result of the adoption of numerous acts relating to the construction business, the time for obtaining documentation for the construction of facilities has significantly increased. The number of bodies controlling the construction business has increased. Therefore, it is no longer a secret for anyone that investors begin the construction of objects without having complete package documents - they receive additional permits when construction has already begun. Indeed, it can sometimes take up to two years to collect all the permits, which is a longer period than it is necessary to build a house.

Rising prices for building materials also had to slow down the pace of housing construction growth. But this did not happen, the construction business transferred the high cost of materials to the cost of housing, nothing more.

Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, the pace of housing construction in Russia is only increasing every year. Participants in the construction business shrug their shoulders, not knowing whether to attribute this phenomenon to plus or minus.

A key element of the state housing policy in Russia is the Affordable Housing program, one of the components of which is mortgage lending to the population. In the first quarter of 2007, loans were issued in the amount of 82.3 billion rubles, which is 4% more than in the first half of 2006. At the same time, only about 6-7% of Russians who want to purchase housing use this service, while in Europe - about 60%, in the USA - 90%.

The reason is that mortgage in Russia appeared relatively recently, its mechanism has not been fully debugged, while in developed countries, schemes that have been worked out for decades make buying a home on credit really profitable. Russian banks only relatively recently reduced, and some even abandoned initial contributions on mortgage loans, which is a common practice for European and American banks.

The growth in mortgage lending not only indicates an increase in demand for loans, but to a large extent reflects the rise in prices in the residential real estate market. According to bankers, mortgages in our country would have become more widespread if not for the current price level, which is largely due to an imbalance in supply and demand. “... Until now, we have not even reached the level of 1987. Demand is huge, there is still not enough housing,” says Alexander Sherstyukov, Managing Director of the Retail Business block of the Bank of Moscow.

There are several factors influencing the slowdown in residential real estate construction. One of them is legislative restrictions, for example, the Federal Law "On Participation in shared construction which came into force in 2006. He introduced new rules of the game: the period for obtaining a package of initial permits increased to one or two years. As a result, at the beginning of the year, the supply of housing on the primary market decreased by 50% compared to the corresponding period of 2005. At the moment, the situation has somewhat stabilized: large companies have adapted to the requirements of the current legislation, while unscrupulous developers, as well as companies with ill-conceived financial policies, have left the market.

Another reason, according to analysts, is the lack of government incentives to increase construction volumes. As practice shows, it is more profitable for developers to build fewer residential premises and sell them more expensive than to commission more square meters, thereby contributing to lower market prices.

The lack of sites suitable for the construction of residential buildings also contributes. According to experts, in our country no more than one percent of all land is intended for housing construction, the rest are considered unsuitable for this purpose for one reason or another. The problem can only be solved at the state level: it is necessary to thoroughly revise the legislative framework and abolish a number of restrictions, as well as simplify the mechanism for transferring land plots to the required category.

And, finally, the problem of infrastructure, or rather, its absence. Recently, developers are increasingly being offered plots “in an open field”, where there are no communications, no energy networks, no roads. It is not profitable for developers to finance the creation of infrastructure facilities.

Despite the problems hindering the development of the national project "Affordable Housing", there are some positive aspects. In particular, the government has recently been trying to find common ground with developers and builders. A living example is the interaction of state bodies with public organization small and medium-sized businesses "Support of Russia", in which businessmen seek to achieve understanding and support of officials in order to solve the most important problems of the construction industry - improving legislative framework, simplifying the mechanism for changing the category of land, as well as stimulating the growth of construction volumes.

In addition, as already mentioned, the trend in the development of mortgage lending, on which the authorities, business, and ordinary citizens place their bets, is generally positive. In particular, mortgages are no longer a privilege that residents of the capital can get: more and more regional banks are issuing loans. At the same time, the demand for them in the regions is quite high. Thus, in the first quarter of the current year, about 15 billion rubles were issued in the Siberian Federal District, and the banks of the Volga District provided approximately the same amount to their customers.

“The problem with housing in our country will be solved only by a fundamental change in the conditions of construction. This problem depends on two factors - on the affordability of housing and on its availability,” sums up Alexander Sherstyukov. According to him, the mortgage will not solve the problem of housing availability, but will be able to bring the acquisition date closer.

"The volume of housing construction in Russia in 2010 should exceed the indicators of the best Soviet years", - such a forecast of the market dynamics was given by the Minister regional development RF Vladimir Yakovlev. In Soviet times, construction peaked in the mid-eighties, when about 76 million square meters were commissioned annually. residential premises. In 2010, as part of the Affordable Housing project, the authorities plan to build 80 million sq.m. housing. This, of course, will balance supply and demand in the market to a certain extent and lead to some price reduction. However, do not forget that for the stable development of the market, it is necessary to put into operation at least 1 sq.m. living space per year per person, which means that it is necessary to build 145 million sq.m. per year is an indicator that is difficult to achieve in the near future.

Speaking about the prospects for housing construction, it is impossible not to touch upon a factor that has a direct impact on the primary housing market - the current state and development trends of the building materials market. Experts unanimously say that it is expensive to build in Russia.

One of the main reasons for the current situation is the low rate of development of the domestic market, due to a small number of manufacturers, not very high quality building materials, as well as weak competition. However, due to the growth of the residential construction sector, analysts predict a rapid development of the building materials market in the next 2-3 years. This primarily concerns the production of “basic” materials such as cement, concrete, bricks and dry mixes.

In order to increase the volume of housing construction, it is necessary to work on reducing the cost of facilities and reducing the construction time. In the 60-70s of the last century, this problem was solved in a rather peculiar way: priority was given to the installation of inexpensive panel structures. Engineers saved on living space, ceiling height, wall thickness and the quality of building materials. At the same time, huge heat losses, high transport costs, not to mention the quality of houses were not taken into account.

The situation has changed over the past few years, when many other factors, in addition to the prices of building materials, began to be taken into account when calculating the cost of construction. Companies operating in the domestic market of building materials offer technological solutions that will improve the quality of buildings and minimize the budget of projects.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the trends in housing construction in our country depend both on the state and developers, and on manufacturers of building materials. Achieving the required volume of housing construction is possible only if the interests of all market players are realized. At the same time, the creation of new building materials and the introduction of innovative technologies play an important role, which help to reduce the cost of construction, and, therefore, increase the number of construction sites.


After analyzing the formation and development of housing construction in Russia, we can draw the following conclusions.

1. Providing the population with housing is the most important socio-political and economic problem. The overall scale and pace of housing construction, the real well-being of people, their moral and physical well-being, political assessments and motivation of behavior largely depend on the choice of certain approaches to solving this problem.

To date, Russia's housing stock retains a significant portion of houses with unfurnished apartments, of which about 1.3% are located in dilapidated and dilapidated houses, as well as individual private houses. At the same time, the main part of the newly commissioned housing is being built on the basis of technical and architectural planning solutions that were developed in the 70-80s and are largely obsolete. In addition, outdated technologies and materials that are energy and material intensive are used in the construction and operation of housing.

In this regard, the trend of rising construction costs is becoming dangerous, making newly built housing less and less affordable for the population and causing a reduction in demand, and consequently, the volume of production. Ultimately, this creates a systemic crisis, which has noticeably intensified in the face of a worsening macroeconomic situation and another sharp drop in the living standards of the population after the well-known decisions in August 2007.

The current problematic situation in the economy seriously worsens the situation of the population, and entrepreneurs, and financiers, and the state, whose interests now more than ever agree that the basis for solving the housing problem is the creation and development of a national system of mortgage lending.

2. The introduction into business circulation of issuing loans for the purchase of housing to citizens who have reliable security for their return in the form of real property (acquired real estate) could give:

Consistent and significant inflow of cash into the housing market;

Revitalize construction and related sectors of industry;

To raise the incomes of the population and the budgets of all levels.

3. The formation of mortgages and the system of mortgage lending in Russia is complicated by such factors as:

Lack of resources of commercial banks for long-term investment;

Lack of state support and preferential taxation for investors providing long-term loans;

Insufficient development of the legislative framework for mortgage lending;

No secondary market for mortgages.

4. The scale of problems in the development of housing construction and mortgage lending, as well as their complexity and complexity, require a program approach to solve them, take the fastest possible actions and make every possible use of world experience, relying on international cooperation.

The success of a specific program will depend on attracting all possible sources of mortgage lending to housing in this area - credit resources of mortgage and universal banks, individual, corporate and institutional investors.

According to the Ministry of Regional Development, about 30% of the population plans to improve their housing conditions at their own expense, that is, they are potential buyers of apartments. Until 2010, this could bring in revenue in the amount of 3 to 6 trillion. rub. Given the enormous potential for the development of housing construction, the state, having given rise to the corresponding national project, pursues not only social, but also economic interests. With the development of construction, the entire Russian industry will receive a powerful impetus.

Housing is much easier than other industries: the potential for market growth here is very significant, while, unlike other industries, there is no problem of competing imports. In principle, the economy itself can provide the demand for housing, but not where we are talking about mass housing construction. The state should be concerned about affordable, socially oriented construction - in this case, one cannot do without the organizing role of the authorities. But, of course, the full return of the state to the industry should not happen - the measures of control should be mostly control and economic-political, and not economic in nature.

What problems are currently experienced by the construction industry and what can the government do to resolve them? The main shortcoming of the state policy is that the overwhelming majority of the projects included in the Housing FTP are aimed at stimulating demand for housing: the development of mortgages, assistance to young families, military personnel, etc. According to some estimates, only in 2006 for these purposes it was planned to allocate about 50 billion rubles. federal funds.

And this is without taking into account investments in mortgage lending of large commercial banks. The problem of effective demand certainly exists and in many countries of the world it is resolved through the development of mortgage lending mechanisms. However, mortgages alone will not resolve the situation: there are indeed very few housing being built in the country, which is why government policy should include measures aimed at

increase in the supply of mass housing.

What should be done today to correct the situation that has arisen,

actually disrupted the deadlines for the implementation of the national project? First of all, to strengthen control over the implementation of the regulations of the existing legislative framework in construction. According to officials, today there is an illegal allocation of sites for construction, bypassing land auctions, which are mandatory since the fall of 2005 (since the adoption of the relevant law, out of 1,000 plots intended for construction, no more than 100 plots have been put up for auction). In addition, it is necessary to weaken the power of monopolies that have formed in local markets, which contributes to unjustified price increases and artificially lowering the volume of new housing.

In the construction complex, along with private ones, there are more

fundamental problems. Thus, the main one is the degradation of fixed assets in the building materials industry, especially in the regions. The state needs to recognize the fact that mass housing construction cannot be an independent profitable business, even in the presence of effective demand and a developed mortgage system, since this activity is a priori associated with high financial risks. The effective development of the construction industry is possible only on the basis of the joint participation of private and

state capital. Business structures will take part in the implementation

tasks set by the state only if the state compensates for the systemic risks arising from this. There is a public-private partnership mechanism in which public funds are transferred to private structures through a system of subsidized targeted loans. Using this mechanism, it is possible to stimulate the development of the material and technical base of the construction complex.


1. Berezin, M. A. Malgin. The potential of the secondary housing market in Russian cities. // Issues of Economics - 2003 - №10 p.68-79.2. M. Berezin, A. Malgin. The potential of the secondary housing market in Russian cities. // Issues of Economics - 2003 - №25 p.25-36.3. Vysokovsky A. Trends in the functioning of the housing and land market in Russian cities. // Issues of Economics -2001-№10-p.101-111.4. Guzanova. A. Needs and demand for housing in large Russian cities. I / Questions of Economics. -2002 - No. 10-p.34-48.5 A. Guzanova, Need and demand for housing in large Russian cities. / / Questions of Economics, 2005, No. 10, p. 46.6 Neverov V. The solution of the housing problem should become the number one national task. // Economy and life. -2005 -№33 -p.2.7 Saburov. E. Housing construction as a state priority.// Issues of Economics. -2006 -№7 -p.31-35.

8. Stupin I.V. How to tame the construction complex // Expert. 2006. No. 11.

9 Yasin E. Housing problem - a key point economic reforms.// Questions of Economics. -2004 -№7 -p.4-7.

10Russian Statistical Yearbook. 2005 M.: Roskomstat, 2006.

11 Real estate appraisal: textbook / ed. A. G. Gryaznova, M. A. Fedotova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics, 2007. - 560 p.

12Evaluation of real estate: textbook. manual for students of universities studying in the specialties of economics and management / L. N. Tepman; ed. V. A. Shvandar. -2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007. – 463 p.

13Priority national projects

14Agency for Mortgage and Housing Lending

15Indicators of the real estate market

Annex 1

Table 1

Dynamics of changes in indicators of the state of housing construction in Russia.

Appendix 2

table 2

Change in the structure of commissioning of the total area of ​​residential buildings by sources of financing, %

Annex 3

Table 3

Dynamics of indicators of housing construction in Russia in 2000-2005

Index 2000 . 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Input volume

housing, mln.

30,3 31,7 33,8 36,4 41,0 43,6

Input growth rate

- 105 107 108 113 106


apartments, thousand

373 382 396 427 744 515

Average overall


apartments, sq. m.

81,1 83,1 85,3 85,4 86,0 84,5

Share of apartments, %


20 20 21 23 25 28


29 30 30 31 31 32


34 33 32 31 29 27
Four rooms and more 17 17 17 15 15 13