Geological surveys are a source of knowledge about the site. Survey work in construction Engineering survey geological geodetic environmental

For construction, this is a set of works carried out to prepare a project on a selected site. Includes reconnaissance of the site, study of its topography, soil composition, groundwater, and supply lines.

This work in Moscow and the Moscow region is complicated by the extremely heterogeneous hydrogeological conditions of the region. The creation of standard house designs cannot be routinely applied even within one administrative district of Moscow or region.

To successfully complete the assigned tasks, it is necessary to perform the following set of works:

  • study, analysis, monitoring of the area where the site is located (or its intended location);
  • construction site surveys, land plots, buildings;
  • topographic survey of land plots in Moscow and the region.

A special place is occupied by engineering and hydrogeological studies, the main goal of which is to prevent flooding of a building being constructed or put into operation.

Engineering geology for construction

Engineering-geological surveys for construction make it possible to most accurately predict the interaction of designed structures and communications with various environmental factors of a natural and man-made nature.

Engineering geology for construction allows us to successfully carry out pre-project preparation of documentation in the following areas:

  • urban planning documentation;
  • justification of specific sizes and timing of investments;
  • design work, development complete package technical documentation;
  • preparation of documentation for reconstruction, modification, repurposing of existing buildings;
  • preparation of documentation for technical re-equipment of production lines in existing buildings;
  • preparation of documentation on the current operation of apartment buildings residential buildings, private houses, their current and major repairs, reconstruction, repurposing, demolition.

Design studies allow you to model the configuration of the building, calculate possible risks, and prepare necessary measures to protect homes and public safety.

The studies carried out make it possible to avoid deformation of the building, damage or destruction of load-bearing structures, the formation of cracks, shedding of plaster, flooding of premises, the development of mold, and fungal infections.

As a result of this study, the building will be correctly located on the ground, residential buildings will receive a competent ergonomic layout of the premises. The nature and topography of the area is taken into account as much as possible, helping to ensure correct drainage, as well as the connection of autonomous water supply sources.

One ruble invested in engineering geodesy during construction will help save the customer ten rubles during the design, one hundred rubles during the construction of the building, as well as a whole thousand rubles during the operation of a residential building.

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Cost of work

Geological surveys for construction

Geological surveys for construction are enshrined at the legislative level, making the owner of a house or cottage the beneficiary, since their application in practice allows him to be protected from the effects of adverse environmental factors.

Geological work on a specific area of ​​the area includes:

  • determining the composition of the soil on the site, calculating the stability of the slopes, the possibility of collapse (sliding) of the pit walls;
  • determining the level of groundwater, modeling the possibility of foundation flooding, deformation load-bearing walls and structures, flooding of basements;
  • calculation work on foundation design, selection of its type and design features in relation to the area;
  • determining the depth and location of the supplied communications;
  • calculation of the maximum number of storeys of a house, the load on its supporting structures.

The information obtained as a result of studying geological data forms the basis of the entire house project, allowing the customer to realistically assess possible risks and calculate additional costs associated with their avoidance.

Geological surveys for the construction of a cottage are of paramount importance for the design of the foundation, since they cannot be replaced by choice standard project, without linking it to the area of ​​construction. This is especially relevant for geological surveys for the construction of cottages in Moscow and the region, since the natural and climatic conditions of the Moscow region are extremely heterogeneous.

Geology for building a house is carried out in several stages.

  • During the preparatory stage, the available documentation is studied, the design and estimated cost of geological work is determined, and a contract for their implementation is signed.
  • During the field stage, a study is carried out of the geological features of the soil on the site, its deformation properties, chemical composition, the nature of groundwater, and the depth of aquifers. Wells are drilled at the site to take soil samples, and its frontal and lateral resistance is determined. A special passport is drawn up for each borehole.
  • at the final, desk, stage of geological surveys during the construction of a building, laboratory tests of the taken soil and rock samples are carried out, the data obtained are analyzed, and a report on the field and laboratory work carried out is compiled.

The report must indicate the information necessary for drawing up the project; factors determining the choice of a foundation of one type or another; geological conditions of the area, soil passports, sections of drill holes; descriptive statistical data for all obtained parameters.

The timing of all types of work is agreed upon individually and depends on the geological features of Moscow and the region. Field work is carried out on average in 2-3 days, and desk processing of the received data takes no more than two weeks.

You can order geology for construction at any time of the year, at any air temperature, regardless of weather conditions. At the same time, a technical specification is drawn up, which indicates the necessary characteristics of the site and the designed building: topographic survey of the area; number of storeys of the building, its height and facade dimensions along the axes; foundation type; additional information of decisive importance.

Engineering surveys for construction

This set of pre-design works allows us to study natural and man-made factors that can affect both the site and the designed object. The entire range of work carried out will make it possible to predict the interaction of the designed structure with the environment and model the building’s protection systems.

How important they are can be judged by the fact that pre-project documentation and the projects themselves are developed on their basis. working documentation, as well as recommendations and justification for design decisions. They must be carried out in compliance with legally established standards, requirements of authorized bodies, as well as local authorities.

What types of engineering surveys are required to obtain a building permit? This is carrying out engineering-meteorological, -geodesic, -ecological, -geological research; accompanying study of groundwater on the site.

Engineering surveys of territories are carried out in the form of geotechnical control, soil examination at a construction site, forecasting possible natural and man-made risks, justification of measures to protect territories, monitoring of environmental factors.

When conducting surveys for the construction of cottages, state-certified measurement, analysis, and control tools are used. Technical task for carrying out research is drawn up by the customer, with the participation of the direct performer of the work and taking into account his wishes.

The terms of reference must contain the name of the object, types of work, deadlines for preparing the project, timing of the work, geological, hydrogeological, geodetic data on the area; other information of significant importance.

If particularly difficult natural, climatic or man-made conditions are identified, such research is possible with a favorable forecast, additions to the research program, as well as with an increase in the duration or price of engineering surveys for construction.

Upon completion of the research, the immediate executor is obliged to bring the area of ​​the area into a condition suitable for further use.

Engineering surveys for design and construction are intended to provide, even at the stage of pre-design preparation, a comprehensive study of the area, its natural and climatic conditions, man-made factors, and to predict their possible changes in the future.

These studies should provide the designer with all the necessary initial data for planning the ergonomics of houses and cottages, their height and number of storeys, making design decisions, and developing environmental protection measures.

Engineering surveys in construction, carried out at the “detailed documentation” stage, should provide the information necessary for builders for design calculations of foundations and foundations of houses, their load-bearing structures and design solutions. During the construction and operation of buildings, these studies are carried out with the aim of increasing the operational life of structures, the safety of people living there, the stability and reliability of residential buildings.

The results of the research are transferred to the customer in the form of a technical report, completed in strict accordance with the regulatory requirements of the Ministry regional development. The specified report consists of a textual descriptive part, a graphical visual part, and appendices to the report.

All materials of the conducted research are subject to mandatory state examination and registration in order to establish the quality, completeness and objectivity of the data obtained, as well as their further use in standard projects.

Engineering surveys for the repair of buildings and structures

Engineering surveys during the repair of buildings and structures are intended to provide a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made factors of the area where repair, installation or construction work will be carried out, as well as a study of the interaction of the object being repaired with the environment, the consequences of such interaction.

Based on the results of such work, a decision is made on the protection of the structure, environmental protection, health and safety of the population.

This type of research is the starting point for compiling project documentation for the renovation of buildings, based on which the developers give their opinion on the rationality of the project.

Research for the reconstruction of buildings must strictly comply with state regulations, the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts, technical standards for conducting planned or major repairs buildings.

Before the start of work, the customer enters into an agreement with the contractor, an integral part of which is: technical specifications, calendar plan, research programs, project cost calculation and estimate for the work, additional agreements on changing the timing, volume and cost of research.

To carry out renovations of buildings, the following research work is carried out:

  • study of soils at the base of structures, identifying the causes of its deformation;
  • study of the nature, composition, depth and dynamics of groundwater;
  • study of the facility’s water supply sources and networks connected to it;
  • organization of geodetic support of ongoing repairs;
  • inspection of plinths, basements, foundations of buildings under renovation, load-bearing elements. Identification of facts of their damage, deformation, as well as assessment of the volume of proposed repair and restoration work;
  • forecast of risks from external factors of a man-made, social or natural nature;
  • proposal of a set of measures to protect the environment;
  • coordination of project documentation with authorized government bodies, local government, control and supervisory services.

Having carried out these studies, the general contractor receives all the necessary data to make technically correct decisions. The implementation, sequence of work, preparation of final reporting documentation, methods and rules for drawing up conclusions are regulated in detail by SP 47 13330.2012 (SNiP 11-02-96). One copy of the conclusion is transferred to the customer of the work, the second is sent to the regulatory authorities.

Hydrological surveys for construction

Water on our planet is not only a source of life, it is also a formidable, irresistible element that sweeps away any obstacles in its path. To prevent the negative impact of groundwater on the construction and operation of the building, an analysis of the relevant hydrological conditions is carried out.

Their goal is to study the possible influence of aquifers on the designed structure, the likelihood of landslides, and the possibility of flooding of the building’s foundation.

The practical tasks of hydrogeologists are:

  • identification of a suitable site, its full compliance with building codes and regulations (SNiP);
  • determination of the presence of groundwater, its depth;
  • verified calculations for drilling mines, as well as for digging a pit for the foundation of a building;
  • selection of the optimal type of waterproofing of the foundation, drainage of the pit and the entire site;
  • making proposals to the master development plan, mandatory indication of water supply sources, location of aquifers;
  • carrying out environmental and hydrological studies: assessing the environmental impact of drilling wells and laying designed networks.

There are three stages of hydrological research. The first is an analysis of previous studies, based on the results of which a further work program is drawn up. The second is direct reconnaissance of the area, drilling wells for experimental water intakes, and carrying out control measurements.

At the third stage, the data is summarized, analyzed, and the general hydrological situation on the site is modeled.

Practical components include the discovery of groundwater, design and drilling of wells, and arrangement of water intake control points.

Hydrogeological surveys for the construction of particularly complex structures require additional study, stationary observation, and more in-depth modeling. In this case, experimental operational pumping is used to obtain data on the filtration properties of soils, the chemical composition of groundwater, the dynamics of their movement, and the level of occurrence of aquifers.

With the help of stationary observations, the causes of deformation of areas, the characteristics of aquifers, the soil itself, and the groundwater regime are established. During stationary hydrological observations, control measurements are used by hydrogeologists; during calculations, readings from measuring equipment (sensors, receivers) are taken, and data from borehole equipment is analyzed.

Such work must be carried out for at least one hydrological season or year, with minimum and maximum indicators recorded. Based on their results, we obtain an assessment of the probability of flooding, the degree of hydrological protection, and select suitable conditions for design documentation, the type of foundation, and materials for its waterproofing.

Defects in surveys and design of buildings and structures

This is a category of defects made during the selection, coordination and approval of a building site, design and survey work, soil assessment, selection of materials for building construction; during design calculations of loads on load-bearing structures and determination of sections. The appearance of defects made at the design stage reduces the service life of buildings and accelerates the wear and tear of their main structures.

These defects arise, as a rule, through the fault of designers due to insufficient qualifications or simple negligence, as well as when deploying new lines or production technologies, when working in sparsely populated areas or in difficult natural and climatic conditions.

It is not at all necessary that these defects lead only to structural damage. The economic losses from them are also great - for example, increased heating consumption of a residential building due to the increased density of the outer wall material.

Therefore, at the stage of preparing a building project, it is extremely important to timely prevent these defects, since in addition to the mentioned structural and economic damage, the moral side of the losses is also of great importance - getting wet or freezing of the joints of walls and ceilings in a residential building, ill-conceived sound insulation between apartments, for example.

The most dangerous are defects in foundations, bases of load-bearing walls and main structures of buildings, since they can lead to the destruction of the entire building.

Defects in surveys and design of buildings are classified according to the following factors: by location, by nature, by significance.

Examples of defects in place are the poor location or recession of a building on the site, incorrect orientation on the ground or the alignment of its axes to the cardinal points. As a result of such miscalculations, the building under construction will be constantly flooded and poorly irradiated by sunlight (insolated).

By their nature, defects can be obvious or hidden, which are invisible or difficult to access during visual inspection.

By importance they are divided into three groups:

  • defects that can lead to critical destruction of the building’s load-bearing structures, which is fraught with full-scale accidents. This group of defects must be eliminated first.
  • defects that do not threaten the integrity of buildings, but weaken the load-bearing structures or lead to a decrease in service life. For example, defects made during the design of wooden panel structures and large-panel buildings; defects leading to freezing of the walls of residential premises. They are also eliminated without fail.
  • design defects that do not lead to destruction of building structures, but require additional expenses for maintenance due to reduced performance and reduced service life.

Unit prices for preliminary assessment of the cost of work:

Geology for individual (private) construction in Moscow and the Moscow region from 1,200 rubles per meter of drilling
Geology for civil and industrial facilities in the Moscow region from 1,500 rubles/meter of drilling
Geology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in Moscow from 1,800 rubles per meter of drilling
Geodesy in the Moscow region - from 10,000 rubles/ha
Geodesy in Moscow - from 25,000 rubles/ha
Ecology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region - from 15,000 rubles/ha

Engineering surveys from MOSGEOPROEKT

The main objective of the survey is to obtain maximum information about the environment and conditions in which the designed structure will be located. Affordable prices for MOSGEOPROEKT services are the merit of not only competent specialists, but also extensive experience. Contact us and we will find the optimal approach to your project!

We rightfully occupy a leading position in our region - they trust us survey work for construction of various scales. Our clients receive comprehensive information about all the features of the construction site. For designers engineering and technical research provide information about the geological section, the state of the soil, air, water, etc. All data is formalized in official documents in accordance with all standards and regulatory documents.

Conducted engineering survey work allow us to predict the effect that a building will have on the environment. This makes it possible to provide protective measures before construction begins. Thanks to this, you will save both money and time.

Conducting engineering surveys in Moscow

The difficult situation with land plots in the capital leaves many developers in a state of confusion. This is partly due to the prices of engineering surveys in construction - many unscrupulous organizations seriously inflate prices. We have taken this problem into account and provide our clients with optimal conditions for cooperation, which are selected individually based on a combination of factors. Under the guidance of qualified specialists, comprehensive engineering surveys will take a minimum of time!

We carry out the following types of engineering surveys:
- Geological surveys, which include testing soils by probing and stamping, drilling exploration wells, determining soil properties and modeling changes in conditions, along with assessing geological risks;
- Environmental studies, which include radiological work on the site, soil analysis for heavy metals, radionuclides, oil products and bacteria, as well as assessment of the impact of physical factors;
- Geodetic work - measuring and alignment work, topographic survey, support during construction.

Our engineering research center prepares Technical reports on the results of all studies. All of them are compiled in accordance with current standards and successfully pass the state examination of engineering surveys.

Cost of engineering surveys in the Moscow region

Our organization has everything Required documents, confirming qualifications and competence. MOSGEOPROEKT has the right to carry out engineering surveys that affect the safety of capital construction projects.

Compliance with regulations ensures that all issues are resolved as quickly as possible for clients. Compiled by professionals contract for engineering surveys and design includes all necessary work. Strict fulfillment of assigned tasks guarantees the correctness of all research results. Of course, you can draw up a work program yourself, but it is better to entrust this matter to specialists in this field.

With this level of quality, the issue of price seems rather trivial. Our engineering survey department provides clients with an individual cooperation plan. You can always find an option that suits you and start working on it. Just call - and our managers will help you find out how much you should expect!

Construction surveys today

As construction projects have improved, research aimed at ensuring their safety has also invariably improved. To full-scaleengineering and construction surveys Inexperienced contractors can take many times longer than professionals. By turning to experts, you save your time and achieve your goals much faster!

Carrying out engineering surveys for construction accompanied by a number of other studies. These include geophysical, geotechnical, hydrogeological work, as well as surveys of the technical condition of building structures. MOSGEOPROEKT can also drill wells for any purpose and conduct laboratory studies of soil and groundwater. All this information will be a valuable advantage in the hands of specialists. Of course, all data will then be included in the technical characteristics of the object in official documents.

Upscale Institute of Engineering Research, deployed within our organization, ensured the rapid start of construction of a mass of facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region. We work with clients of all sizes, from private owners to big business. We have earned an excellent reputation thanks to our responsible approach and compliance with deadlines.

If you need organization of engineering surveys- call! Our managers will help you figure it out and choose the most profitable option for cooperation.

Geological surveys give us the opportunity technically justify the feasibility, as well as the fundamental feasibility of construction in a specific area already at the design stage. In case there is a need for a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of construction in a selected area from an economic point of view, geotechnical surveys become a mandatory preparation procedure before the start of construction.

The relief features and hydrological regime of the selected development area are determined using geological surveys. The mechanical composition of soil and soil is also studied. Using the data acquired in the process, the tectonic and seismological characteristics of the area are compiled. A forecast of possible changes in the geomorphological and hydrological situation, which can change after and during the construction of the facility, is also compiled here. A comprehensive engineering and geological study of the territory of a new development is of the utmost importance when designing a development. All this is carried out directly at the stages of pre-initial preparation.

Engineering-geological surveys are used to calculate the reliability of the area allocated for construction. Naturally, this is carried out before the start of designing the foundation of a new facility. The choice of the type of building foundation and subsequent design are made on the basis of information about the physical and chemical qualities of the soil and the hydrological regime of the given territory (in particular, information about groundwater levels). In case of shortage or absence of such information from geological surveys, the likelihood of errors and omissions by engineers during the design of the project increases. Incorrect foundation design over time can lead to deformation and premature destruction of the constructed object.

The construction of a new facility in an urban area often takes place next to an existing building or development. Such construction can lead to modifications of the geomorphological process in neighboring territories, which can lead to already constructed buildings to deform. The situation is further worsened by the fact that the underground section of the new building is often used to create shopping arcades or parking lots. Reconstruction of an existing building is very often associated with an increase in the load on the foundation of the building. This feature of development in the city requires a special, careful study of the planned construction sites and the selection of an area that meets all the necessary safety requirements.

Geological surveys have absorbed many areas of research:

  • assessment of archival information of similar studies on the territory of the planned construction (provided that such information exists);
  • drilling a geological well;
  • selection of soil and water samples for laboratory research. Study of the chemical, as well as physical and mechanical properties of the material;
  • geophysical study in order to discover an area with an unfavorable geological composition, identifying underground communications, routes and other objects;
  • study of the geological structure of a given plot of land allocated for future construction;
  • study of the hydrological regime, as well as the structure of groundwater and soil characteristics in the study area;
  • detection of actual and potentially permissible processes that pose a danger to the construction of a building and its subsequent operation;
  • geodetic reference of planned objects, as well as parallel engineering developments on the ground.

Geological surveys provide a chance obtain information on the basis of which a technical report is created. This report is subject to approval by Mosgorgeotrest, as well as Mosoblgeotrest.

Studying materials from the archive on geological surveys at the site of the planned construction.
The availability of information about a previously conducted study of the territory of the planned construction provides the opportunity to display the current geological process as accurately as possible. Information about the dynamics of changes in the geological structure of the territory and its hydrological regime is required to predict further changes in geoactivity, taking into account the impact of the future object on the geoenvironment. Drilling a geological well, samples and laboratory analyzes of material. A well is drilled to collect soil samples at various depths for subsequent laboratory analysis. In laboratories, studies are carried out on the physical and chemical properties of soil, separately, its exchange and absorption properties, tendency to shrinkage, swelling, osmosis, diffusion, as well as corrosive activity and some other qualities.

Geophysical work to detect a geologically unfavorable area, underground communications and other underground objects can be carried out by studying data from the archive, as well as using the instrumental method. Study of the hydrological regime of the territory, the composition of groundwater and the characteristics of soil and soil.

The purpose of the study is to study changes in the water body located on the territory of future construction. What is the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors on water bodies. In the process of research, the dynamics of possible changes in water are learned - channel, level, composition, temperature.

Study of the geological structures of the area, in which construction work will be carried out, includes a complex for soil analysis in order to obtain information about the chemical composition of the soil, as well as determine its geotectonic platform. Information about the peculiarities of the geological structure of the territory, as well as information about the hydrological regime, is used to formulate the results of the destructive process, which complicates the construction of the building and poses a danger to its operation. The results in turn serve as a basis for anticipating subsequent developments of a possible and identified occurrence that was not previously noticed in the geological process. Geodetic attachment of the object, as well as accompanying engineering workings, to the territory is necessary for the highest accuracy of geodetic survey. Of course, this is relative to a strong point on the territory.

Study of the geological structure of the area in which construction work will be carried out
involves comprehensive soil and soil analysis to obtain data on soil chemistry and determine the geotectonic platform. The obtained data on the features of the geological structure of the site and the existing hydrological regime are used to generate statistics on destructive processes that complicate the construction of the facility and pose a potential danger to its operation. Statistics, in turn, serves as the basis for forecasting the further development of identified and possible occurrence of previously unrecorded geological processes.

Physico-chemical characteristics of soil is entered into a table, which, like the topographic plan, is added to the technical report on the geological work performed. Reports are based on regulatory documents, which regulate the scope of work. Further, the reports are subject to coordination in the state institutions of Mosgorgeotrest and Mosoblgeotrest. To carry out geological surveys in the conditions of preparation (pre-project) of future construction, the customer organizes technical specifications. This assignment is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.13 of SNiP 11-02, as well as a topographic plan of the territory allocated for construction with marked underground communications and the outline of the planned building. If these documents are available, a Geological Survey Program is formed. And the complex study of the territory for the construction of a new facility is carried out on the basis of this program.

We provide services in the following areas of the Moscow region

The start of construction, installation and any excavation work is preceded by a study of the conditions on the ground. There are no absolutely identical areas. Each site has its own characteristics and individual characteristics. Today, most often areas that are subject to development are areas where certain buildings have already been located. Full information about the terrain, the location of various objects and communications is provided by engineering geodetic surveys. Without detailed information obtained in the process of studying a land plot, territory planning and development of a construction project are impossible. The specialists of GeoGIS LLC, having many years of positive experience, carry out geodetic surveys for the construction of industrial and residential buildings in full compliance with the requirements of SNiP and current legislation. The necessary permits and licenses, accreditation were obtained by our company in government agencies RF.

To learn more!

IMPORTANT! By concluding a contract with the GeoGIS company you receive:

  • guarantee of high quality performance;
  • compliance with agreed deadlines;
  • reliable partnership with the best specialists in the field of geodesy;
  • qualified professional assistance and advice.

Our price for geodetic surveys is one of the most attractive in the region.

What are engineering and geodetic surveys?

Geodetic surveys are a set of topographic and geodetic works, the results of which our employees use to create detailed graphic materials (maps, diagrams) and accompanying explanatory note. A detailed site plan is obtained by our company's surveyors as a result of measuring distances and rotation angles of objects, as well as ground and underground communications.

In short, geodetic surveys are the creation of a detailed map of a certain area through precise measurements. All buildings and objects that may affect the design decisions and plans of the developer are applied to it in the form of symbols.

Having received the terms of reference and entered into a contract for engineering geodetic surveys for construction, our company’s professionals perform the following types of specialized research:

  • Study of available information about the site, previously conducted topographic and geodetic surveys, aerial photography and cartography.
  • Approval of the research program and obtaining the necessary permits from the supervisory authorities to conduct them.
  • Carrying out engineering geodetic surveys on the ground - reconnaissance;
  • Marking of geodetic networks, breakdown of building axes.
  • Topographic survey of the landscape, above-ground and underground objects, their connection to geodetic networks.
  • Preliminary calculations at the field stage in order to check the accuracy and completeness of the measurements taken.
  • Study and analytical processing of collected information (office stage) and topographic survey results;
  • Drawing up graphic documentation - topographic maps, situational diagrams;
  • Comparison of communications (power lines, communication lines, main water pipelines and gas pipelines) shown on departmental maps with their actual location;
  • Formation of all received information into the technical report “Engineering geodetic surveys” land plot", graphic works, drawing up explanatory notes for drawings and diagrams.

In what cases are geodetic surveys needed?

They order engineering and geodetic surveys in Moscow at various stages of design work and construction. The areas in which our company’s surveyors work include:

  • geodetic surveys for construction at the pre-investment stage, which allows the landowner to make a preliminary calculation of investments in a construction project, estimate the volume of land and preparatory work, and make the right choice of site (route);
  • geodetic surveys for design, the purpose of which is to provide the designer with the most accurate and reliable information about the landscape and features of the territory (presence of pipelines, electrical networks, communication lines, permanent buildings, green spaces);
  • carrying out engineering geodetic surveys during the construction of housing construction, during its reconstruction (transferring the project to nature, marking center lines);
  • during the liquidation of a structure to assess the technogenic impact on the area;
  • engineering geodetic surveys during the construction of wells for various purposes (water-bearing, geothermal, drilling) - in order to verify compliance with the plan-elevation drawings;
  • Conducting geodetic surveys to monitor soil movement and dangerous natural processes;

Geodetic surveys for the construction of a house and support of the project until the end of construction make it possible to check compliance with the drawings of the actual location of the object on the territory, monitor subsidence of structures and deformations of walls and ceilings.

The staff of our company have professional skills and extensive experience in geodetic work on sites of various categories of complexity. To order geodetic surveys, the developer (or landowner) draws up a Terms of Reference with a detailed description of the land plot and structure. This allows our company’s specialists to draw up an individual program of activities and set the cost for engineering geodetic surveys at the time of concluding a contract.

IMPORTANT! In addition to data about the landowner, the site and the object being built, the technical specifications must contain requirements for surveys: scale, coordinate and elevation systems, frequency of terrain sections. It is also necessary to indicate the design (construction) stage.

Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction. Developing a situational plan

Filming of the situation is carried out by our employees, first of all, to develop a research program. And not only geodetic ones. Topographic survey is carried out preferably in a favorable season. The regulations allow for surveying of areas with low snow cover, and the drawings are subject to subsequent updating.

The survey and subsequent display of objects and utilities on a topographical diagram is carried out in accordance with the Terms of Reference for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction:

  • for small plots of land on a large scale (usually 1:500);
  • for planning housing neighborhoods, cities and towns - with a smaller scale.

Geodetic surveys for construction in Moscow during the preparatory work and after vertical planning make it possible to update existing topographic plans. For a site where changes account for more than a third, a new plan is drawn up.

Geodetic surveys - price and cost calculation

The price for geodetic surveys is based on the volume and complexity of the work. Accordingly, important factors affecting the cost are:

  • size of the area to be surveyed;
  • characteristics of the structure (dimensions and configuration);
  • documentation requirements (accuracy, scale);
  • terrain conditions (accessibility of the site, saturation of the territory with objects, presence of a previously created geodetic network);
  • distance of the study site from the company’s base (transportation costs).

The listed parameters directly affect the cost of engineering geodetic surveys per 1 hectare. Largest financial expenses go to field work, including: marking a geodetic network, installing benchmarks and marks, transferring design points to nature.

The company's arsenal includes modern certified devices (including lasers) and the latest equipment that meet the best international standards. If necessary, engineering and geodetic surveys of the area are carried out using aerial photography and space images, which guarantees high quality drawings and calculations.

All works are classified based on their purposes. Thus, according to the focus and specificity of activity, there are 3 main groups:

  • Geodetic activities. Mandatory work before the construction of a property, which includes preparing a topographic picture of the area. After collecting data, they are transferred to paper - a drawing is made, general planning is done. The creation of drawings is carried out by a surveyor who studies the terrain. Research for the design of this type allows for vertical planning and landscape design. Topographical surveys recreate a picture of the area near the object.
  • Geological activity. Engineering-geological surveys are a set of actions on initial stage construction, which are aimed at assessing its feasibility. A specialist studies the condition of the soil so that the appropriate type of foundation, features of fasteners and the structure itself can be determined.
  • Environmental activities. A specialist studies the ecological climate of the area. When risk factors are detected, they are eliminated and optimal conditions for construction are selected. The examination result is included in permitting documentation. Indications must be taken into account when drawing up projects.

The organization of engineering surveys in construction ends with a document - the commission’s permission to construct the facility. As a result, the developer receives all the data to create a safe, environmentally friendly facility available for living. If at least one type of survey has not been completed, a construction permit will not be issued.

Composition of engineering activities

Engineering activities include several studies. The territory is analyzed from an economic, technical and environmental point of view. The analysis is carried out to collect a complete amount of data about the area.

Surveys in construction are mandatory procedures for the construction of the following types of objects:

  • civilian;
  • industrial;
  • residential;
  • road, transport junctions and others.

What is included in engineering surveys is determined by the following factors:

  • how accessible and studied the object is;
  • what is the scale of the planned work;
  • what the building is intended for;
  • How will the construction proceed?

Types of engineering surveys are combined into a single large-scale work of specialists. They carry out calculations that allow you to see the real characteristics of the terrain on paper. All received data is recorded and has legal force. Information about the territory serves as the basis for construction planning.

In addition to the above, there are other types of research that can confirm, refute or clarify previously obtained data. For example, they additionally study the external environment, soil conditions, groundwater, and groundwater. The developer can receive detailed results of laboratory analysis of all samples and specimens.

Goals and objectives of engineering surveys

The surveys are carried out in accordance with the requirements of construction rules and regulations SNiP 11.01-1995 for the following purposes:

  • obtain complete information about the site;
  • make forecasts about possible changes in the future;
  • create a three-dimensional layout based on accurate data;
  • eliminate possible negative factors in construction;
  • get an idea of ​​the natural potential of the site;
  • take into account all the details when designing;
  • create documentation of the object indicating all the exact measurement data;
  • establish the scope of interaction between real estate and the external environment;
  • make the facility as safe and comfortable as possible;
  • increase the reliability, stability and operational properties of objects.

Engineering surveys also make it possible to monitor the relationship between the structure of an object and the general natural environment.

Thus, surveys in construction are a set of mandatory procedures that are aimed at studying all the characteristics of the construction site. The survey results are legally consolidated and form the basis of construction documents.

Additional services

In addition to the main types of work, engineers also offer so-called additional services, which are needed in controversial situations. They often appear during the construction of large projects.

Secondary research includes:

  • geotechnical diagnostics of the territory;
  • the project in fact with the initially obtained data - soil samples,
  • water analysis results;
  • identification of potential risks from man-made and natural disasters;
  • creation of convenient engineering protection of the facility from negative environmental factors;
  • full inspection during the entire construction period.

Additional services and examinations are provided throughout construction. The approach includes an analysis of the quality of construction, building materials. The results of the analysis are also recorded on paper. You can turn to it later if controversial situations arise or the case goes to court.

Types of surveys

The following types of research are distinguished:

  • geotechnical engineering - study of the earth, soil composition;
  • engineering-hydrological - analysis of the natural environment and characteristics of the territory;
  • engineering and hydrometeorological - weather conditions of the area;
  • engineering-ecological - environmental situation;
  • engineering-geological - the natural environment from the point of view of geological activity;
  • engineering and geodetic - surveying the area from different angles;
  • engineering topographical - topographic survey of the site of future development and the adjacent territory.

Engineering-economic and engineering-construction factors are also taken into account.

The final result of engineering surveys

Construction always begins with the creation of a project and the study of documentation that surveying engineers receive as a result of a prolonged analysis of the site. The results of their work include:

  • topographic survey reflecting the terrain, communications, and engineering structures;
  • geological report, including the specifics of the area and laboratory soil analysis;
  • hydrological information about weather conditions;
  • environmental assessment of water and air quality.

Planning and implementation of engineering activities

The work during which a detailed report is compiled consists of several stages.

  1. Preparatory stage: request from the developer or owner of the territory, collection of primary information and access to archival data. Planning the scope and duration of work.
  2. Field activities: carrying out all types of work, from geological to engineering surveys.
  3. Desk stage: analysis of the received data, systematization of information, preparation of documentation.

The procedure for conducting engineering surveys

All types of work that need to be carried out before the start of construction can only begin with written permission to do so. Permission is needed as legal entities, and to individuals.

All preparatory work is carried out with the aim of:

  • obtain data on the natural habitat of the site and man-made factors;
  • take into account possible changes in the environmental side and develop a construction option with maximum preservation of nature;
  • obtain information for documentary reporting.

Before starting work, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • urban planning of the territory, documentary permission for the targeted development of land;
  • an extract from the unified register about the cadastral number of the allotment;
  • technical characteristics of the object.

The urban planning plan is issued within a month after the request. After this, engineering surveys are carried out, a construction project is drawn up, and a three-dimensional model is made. The project is being developed on the basis of the norms of the Town Planning Code and other regulations.

Then the long process of planning the construction or reconstruction of the facility begins. All design options are submitted to the commission, which agrees on the final result.

If design takes too much time, permission to connect engineering and technical networks loses legal force. In this case, the owner or developer applies to the municipal authorities for a new permit.

To avoid delays, you must provide the following information when applying:

  • level of permissible load when connecting;
  • period for connecting real estate.

The validity period of the technical specifications is 2 years from the date of issue of the permit.

Technical characteristics are also indicated in the documentation, all nuances are described in the contract. After choosing an organization that will provide engineering and technical services, negotiations are held with the company that will make the connection. Information about the terms and methods of payment and connection must be provided within 2 weeks.